Monday, 4 February 2008

Architects of Deception Part IV

Part IV

The Curse of the Grand Master

The last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was born into a family of converted Jewish minor nobles in 1244. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, both freemasons of the 4th degree, claim that de Molay had blood-ties that could be traced back to Jesus Christ. He became a Knight Templar at the age of 21. He was 49 years old when he was elected as the 23rd grand master of the Knights Templar.

Jacques de Molay was sentenced to life imprisonment following his confession, but he claimed that his order was innocent. Because of this he was burned at the stake on Ile St. Louis in the Seine near Notre Dame on the evening of 18 March 1314. As the flames surrounded him, he cursed both the pope and the king. The pope would die within 40 days, the king within a year. Both died within the period de Molay had predicted. The pope died on 20 April 1314 after a painful stomach disease. Philip was officially killed by a wild boar while hunting on 29 November 1314. These events laid the foundation of the myth.

It was actually a case of murder. It was an agent of the Knights Templar, Angerand de Maringi, who organized the murder of the king during the hunt. In April 1313, the king's Chancellor (Prime Minister) Guillaume de Nogaret, a professor of law who had begun the trial against the Knights Templar, was also murdered.

This was proved during the trial of Maringi in 1315. The conspi- rator was sentenced to death and hanged (Grigori Bostunich, "Free- masonry and the French Revolution", Moscow, 1995, p. 34). Assis- tance was needed for the "curse" to come true. Also those who informed the authorities about the Knights Templar were killed.

Louis XVI was forced to lie down under the guillotine on 20 January 1794. He was brought there from the same tower, where Jacques de Molay had been tortured.
The fact that both Pope Clement V and Philip the Fair were mur- dered is revealed to freemasons who have obtained the 30th degree.

The memorandum of the Masonic Grand Council states: "This revenge implicitly affects those in power." ("Cette vengeance implicitement s'exerce sur eux qui ont le droit.") Jacques de Molay also cursed France upon his heretic's pyre. In 1315, France and most of Europe were stricken by the first of a series of years of bad harvests. It rained constantly during the years 1315-1318.
Anyone could see that something was not right. The Black Death was waiting around the corner. And then came the wars.

From 1346 to 1352, the Black Death ravaged the whole of Europe. The bubonic plague claimed an estimated 24 million lives, a third of Europe's population. Rats and the fleas on the rats spread the disease. Beforehand, certain powers in the Church had made sure that cats were diabolised and persecuted. The cats were therefore unable to limit the number of rats. Robbers and plunderers were everywhere. A rumour claimed that the Jews were behind this unparalleled catastrophe and thousands of Jews were killed.

The Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Beaujeu, a predecessor of Jacques de Molay, visited de Molay during his imprisonment. At de Molay's request, he was to open the grave of de Molay's uncle and bring out a chest containing the documents of the Knights Templar. These were transported to Scotland (Lennings, "Encyklopaedie der Freimaurerei", Leipzig, 1863). The Swedish freemasons still keep some property left behind by the Knights Templar (Henning Melan- der, "Frimurarnas hemlighet" / "The Secret of the Freemasons", Stockholm, 1916, p. 20).

On 24 June 1314, the Scots won the battle against the English at Bannockburn near Stirling due to the unexpected intervention of the Knights Templar (who were regarded as "unknown warriors"). Scot- land subsequently became independent and remained so for 289 years. Among the warriors was Sir William St. Clair (later Sinclair) of Roslyn.

The American masonic leader Albert Pike wrote in his book "Morals and Dogma": "The Order lived on, under different names and headed by unknown masters, and revealed its existence only to those who, by passing through a series of degrees, had proved themselves worthy of being entrusted with the dangerous secret."

It was for this reason that the infiltrators from the Knights Temp- lar wished to found the Grand Lodge of Europe for the freemasons on 24 June 1717. This date marked the victory of the Knights Templar and would bring luck in the freemasons' secret and magic war against traditional civilization. The day of the Hunter, 24 June, is a holy day for the freemasons. It was also an important day for the Knights Templar.

After Jacques de Molay, the leadership passed on to Jean-Marc Larmenius, who was initiated into the secrets of the order by de Molay while the grand master was in prison. Larmenius, who came from "the Holy Land", saved himself by leaving France. In 1324, Thomas Theobald was chosen as the new underground grand master. The last grand master known to us was Bernard Raymond Fabre- Palaprat (1804-1838), who was also a freemason of the Scottish Rite. All this is according to a secret document, "Larmenius Charta", which became available in 1804 (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, "The Temple and the Lodge", London, 1998, p 114). In this year, Napoleon legalized the Order of the Knights Templar.

The freemasons themselves have actually admitted that de Molay had time to pass on his secrets to his successor before he was burned and that the successor managed to found secret lodges in Paris and Stockholm (Peter Partner, "The Murdered Magicians: The Templars and their Myth", Oxford, 1982, pp. 110-114).

The Discovery at Rennes-le-Chateau

In 1891, the priest Berenger Sauniere found four hand-written parch- ments in a hollow altar-column in his 13 th century church in Rennes- le-Chateau, in southwestern France. The parchments were hidden in a wooden tube. Two of them contained a genealogical table from 1244, the same year as the last stronghold of the Cathars in Monsegur, a few miles from Rennes-le-Chateau, fell into the hands of the Inquisition. The other documents were maps and partially coded texts in French and Latin. Some of the codes were simple: some letters were a little larger than others, and by reading the larger letters, the following message was revealed: A DAGOBERT II ROI ET A SION EST CE TRESOR ET IL EST LA MORT. (To Dagobert II King and to Zion belongs this treasure and he is there dead.) Another coded concept was REX MUNDI, which means 'king of the world' in Latin.

The village priest was summoned to Paris to present the parch- ments to the leaders of the Church. Saunicre soon became incredibly rich. The Vatican supported him despite the fact that he neglected his responsibilities as a priest and the congregation wanted him replaced. Until his death in 1917, he spent millions of francs on paintings, antiques and fine porcelain. He built a castle and a tower, Tour Magdala, as well as a large luxury home. He decorated the entrance to his church with the remarkable text: TERRIBILIS EST LOCUS ISTE. (This place is terrible.) He had a statue of Baphomet placed by the entrance of his church.

He spent a lot of time in Paris and associated with, among others, the composer Claude Debussy, who was then the grand master of the Prieure de Sion.

The primary aim of modern freemasonry is to build the New World Order, a spiritual Temple of Solomon where non-members are nothing but slaves. These slaves are referred to the periphery and are treated according to the crudest racism of ancient ways of thinking. The new temple would also become a slaughterhouse where even human beings would be sacrificed to Yahweh. There is an instruction in the Talmud, the cruelty of which reminds us of the ancient worshippers of Moloch: "He who sheds the blood of a goy, offers a sacrifice to the Lord." (Yalkut Simeoni, ad Pentat., fol. 245, col. 3. Midderach Bamidbar rabba, p. 21)

According to the French historian Gerard de Sede, the Jewish astrologer Michel de Nostradame, called Nostradamus (1503-1566), was an agent for an international network of emissaries. He worked for Francois de Guise, Duke of Lorraine, and Charles de Guise, Cardinal of Lorraine, who began acting on behalf of the Prieure de Sion in 1557 (Gerard de Sede, "Signe: Rose + Croix", Paris, 1977). As court astrologer, Nostradamus was initiated into all kinds of secrets, which he used to their full advantage. Many of his prophecies were not prophecies at all but cryptic messages, codes, plans, timetables, instructions and concepts for actions within the secret society.

Nostradamus hinted that future rulers would originate from Languedoc (from the Order of the Knights Templar). He happened to see a book on magic in a monastery in Orval, in present-day Belgium. Godfroi de Bouillons stepmother had donated the book. It was in Orval, where the Priory of Sion had begun their activities. It was also in Orval that Nostradamus' books were published during the masonic coup in 1789 and under Napoleon.

According to the Italian historian Pier Carpi, Nostradamus was an active member of the Priory of Sion. But he was much more than that.

Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair (Merovingian) was elected grand master in Blois in the Loire valley on 17 January 1981. Two days later, he met Licio Gelli, the grand master of P2, at Cafe La Tipia on rue de Rome in Paris. Plantard was a friend of Charles de Gaulle (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", New York, 1983, p. 222). In a letter, de Gaulle thanked Plan- tard for his services by means of which he was elected president. During the Second World War, the Gestapo had imprisoned Plantard from October 1943 up to the end of 1944.

In 1983, Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair, grand master of the Prieure de Sion during the years 1981-1984, published an article, where he wrote the following: "It was in Turin, in 1556, that Nostradamus was initiated into the great secret of the future... But it was not until 1557, when he became the grand master of the Order that he was allowed to partake of the great secret... Here is the message of the wise poet from Salon-de-Provence, who in his writings has made the secrets of the hermetics immortal through the centuries up to our time."

It can now be shown that the Prieure de Sion, with the aid of various masonic lodges, has organized many destructive events in European history. The basis of their actions has been "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", which was originally composed by this elite order, according to Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln ("Holy Blood, Holy Grail", New York, 1983, pp. 191-195).


The art of geomantic architecture was highly developed in medieval Europe. Geomancy is an ancient magic concept. Buildings should be placed in accordance with the energy flow of the universe and nature in order to guarantee the well-being of their inhabitants. Through knowledge of geomancy, such a building becomes a soundingboard, which amplifies the positive energies of nature. Being inside a geomantically constructed building should be a positive experience. Those architects who followed the laws of geomancy were able to come into contact with nature's underlying magic order.

By utilising knowledge of geomancy it was possible to attain har- mony. By creating a magically correct architecture, the freemasons could put those who frequented these buildings under the influence of the impulses of nature. At that period architecture was a magically charged form of art, a case of interplay with nature since the con- ditions in these geometric structures reflected the laws of nature.

How shapes are placed in relation to each other is important, even crucial, in geomantic architecture. Magic geometry is used to balance buildings in accordance with earth radiation from energy lines (Nigel Pennick, "Sacred Geometry", San Francisco, 1980). Calculations were used together with the geometry in order to create magical building methods. Heraclitus from Efesos in Asia Minor discovered a molecular structural code in nature. Today it is possible to perceive these molecular structures with the aid of a microscope. But the ancient Greeks nonetheless had knowledge of these perfect forms. Geomantic principles are built into our genetic code, the DNA double helix, as well as the solar system and the spiral galaxy.
The freemasons knew about the ancient Greeks' ability to heighten the level of human consciousness by the use of perfect forms. They believed that all buildings should be built to stimulate spirituality. The key to the successful and aesthetic system of the operative free- masons included the golden section. Even today, the arch of the golden section is used for masonic lodges.

There is an independent, natural form of aesthetics, a form that is based on beauty and inner harmony. Everything that expresses the proportions of the golden mean becomes timeless whether it is a question of architecture, art, music, literature, or film.

In music, the golden section is created by the balance between a beautiful melody and its harmonious construction. An intensively elevating and uplifting high-frequency musical tonality is thus created. Such harmonious and beautiful music has the power to ennoble the soul. The Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci (known as Leonardo of Pisa, circa 1170-1240), demonstrated that there was a scientific explanation for the golden section.

The golden mean promotes our spiritual development, dis- harmonious art blocks it and damages us and even makes us ill. Even mentioning the golden section is avoided today. Whether it applies to buildings, clothes, music, or the appearance of everyday articles - most things have become uglier and less harmonious. Today we seldom see balanced items of clothing, such as were worn in medieval times, when clothes were balanced with the aid of the golden mean and colours - for example with one blue trouser leg and one green. This combination balanced the energies, affecting various organs in the body positively with light of different harmonious wavelengths or frequencies. It also made the clothes beautiful. Colour is a flow of light, which affects the mind in an inexplicable way. The more pure the colours, or the more balanced the combination of different shades, the more positive their effect upon us.

Experiments in Russia have shown that infrared light increases muscular tension and that ultraviolet light decreases it, despite the fact that both of these frequencies are invisible to the human eye.

The Puritans introduced dark clothes and abolished popular traditions. This became very obvious in Estonia in 1583, when the country was divided between the Catholics in the south and the Protestants in the north. In the Swedish, Protestant, part of Estonia, traditional costumes were burned. (They were regarded as too colour- ful.) Musical instruments, beautiful paintings and books were destroyed. In the southern. Catholic part of Estonia, the people kept their harmonious colour-scale. Today it is more apparent than ever that forms are constantly deteriorating and becoming destabilised.

The golden mean affects us in a very positive way since it is aesthetically attractive and spiritually uplifting, which explains why the splendid beauty of buildings such as the Parthenon makes a great impression upon us. The golden section is a fixed numerical relations, where a is to b what b is to a + b. The quotient is usually denoted (phi), which is approximately 1:1.618, an irrational number, like pi. It has peculiar properties. This number has been discovered in the proportions of the human body and also in crop circles.

This means that the golden section is magically charged. If we draw two circles from the same point, one 1.618 times larger than the other, and draw lines between the two, we can create magic forms of the golden mean (Nigel Pennick, "Sacred Geometry: Symbo- lism and Purpose in Religious Structures", San Francisco, 1980, pp. 27-28).

The golden section is a mathematical ratio usually discerned by the painter as the larger side of a rectangle how relates to the shorter. Derived by the ancient Greeks it can be constructed geometrically or expressed as a simple ratio. Even the ancient Egyptians used the golden mean, when they designed their buildings and monuments.

The Ainu people of northern Japan use the double helix as a sacred symbol of the link between life and the material world. It is a logarithmic helix with the proportions of the golden mean.
Scientists at Johns Hopkins University discovered that a favou- rable environment, good design and beautiful paintings may give us better health. A good design (close to the golden mean) can lead to a quicker recovery from illness. It is not only good for the soul, it even lowers blood-pressure. This was shown with scientific methods in the spring of 2000, according to Roger S. Ulrich, professor of architecture at Texas A & M University.

Modern architects under the control of the political freemasons are seldom permitted to use mentally enhancing geomancy. They design buildings which have a destructive effect upon the human psyche, i.e. the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, the new Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao or the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. These buildings for instance proportions are far from the golden mean.

Modern political freemasonry has grown out of medieval guilds of craftsmen, who moved from place to place as they built palaces, castles and churches. These guilds worked in the manner of local trade unions and brotherhoods for stone masons. Initiated builders also wished to make their hard lives a little easier and to spread their secret geomantic knowledge. Other craftsmen were usually statio- nary.

At the building sites, the workers had a lodge, where tools were kept and where they could rest and eat. It was in these lodges that apprentices and journeymen were initiated into the secrets of the craft, which were not disclosed to outsiders; for example how to calculate strength and vault pressure as well as secret knowledge about the significance of energy lines. They were also taught valuable rules of life. The purpose of the guilds was to maintain a monopoly of a particular craft especially against outsiders.

In 5th century Spain, an association of masons was mentioned for the first time, the so-called comancini. Their leader was appointed by the king.

Masons joined their local guild, the lodge, chiefly for the purposes of protection, education and training.

The freemasons founded their first lodge in York in northern England as early as A. D. 926, with the Roman collegia fabrorum as prototype. In the lodges of the freemasons, journeymen were instructed in the complicated secrets of geomantic architecture. In 1375, a document, which was later found in the London City Archives described the freemasons as craftsmen, whose movements were not restricted by the feudal lords. Instead they were free to travel around the country and even around the continent. In contrast to other craftsmen, smiths or tanners, the masons joined together in large groups to work on vast and magnificent structures. The associations had so-called letters of proposal, which granted them many privileges from popes, princes, cities, and monasteries. Thus they were allowed to leave finished palaces and cathedrals and travel to other areas or even other countries in order to plan and build their next project, and to seek work through other lodges in different parts of Europe. One of these exceptional guilds was the Company of Freemasons, founded in 1376. Freemasons with permanent residence were only permitted to seek work within a limited area.

These builders belonged to the guild of masons, which was divided into three stages: apprentice, journeyman and master. Novices were required to undergo a seven-year period of training and instruction before they were recognized as full members (journeymen). The master mason, who was the most respected, had a deep knowledge of the secrets of nature, knew how to use the positive and avoid the negative energy-lines of the earth's field of radiation. He also knew how to design a town so that the inhabitants were protected from the wind. The streets of modern cities create a constant draught; the wind blows freely and affects the inhabitants negatively.
These natural methods are still used in China. In the 1980s, some knowledgeable Swedish visitors to an area near Shanghai used a set- square and a compass to examine if the houses were built with their walls aligned along the Curry-lines. The ground beneath every bed was to be free from damaging ley-lines. The houses in question were built in 1958, not during the Middle Ages. Earth radiation is still an important matter in the building of hotels and banks in Hong Kong and Singapore. This system, which works in accordance with the rules of nature, is called feng-shui and was violently opposed by the Communist regime in China. A Chinese encyclopaedia states that the architectural principles of feng-shui are: "To create well-being, happiness and wealth for the people living in the house."

The master mason was responsible for the building project. The masons had their own laws, regulations and ceremonies. These asso- ciations (called 'Bauhiitten' in German) acted under the leadership of 'a master of the chair', an expression, which much later was taken over by political freemasons (Field Marshal Jean Baptiste Bernadotte was a French master of the chair whom the Swedish government chose in 1810 as successor to Charles XIII, the head of the free- masons). The grand master instructed the journeymen and these, in turn instructed the apprentices in the art of geomantic architecture. The grand masters also divided up the work and paid out the wages.

The master of the chair was chosen for a year at a time. Meetings were held each month. These dealt with matters of the guild - con- flicts were settled, new members were accepted, and apprentices were promoted to journeymen. Everything took place, according to ordained ceremonies. Fines were levied if laws were broken.

In England, all freemasons were regarded as craftsmen. In Ger- many, they had a much higher status. After the devastating wars of the 16th and 17th centuries, the activities of the freemasons de- creased in Germany, but remained vital in England.

Masonic lodges kept constant international contact in order to make it easier for the masons to find work. The Grand Lodge of Strassburg was at the head of all lodges in Europe. It had introduced secret greeting signs, handshakes and passwords, so members of different lodges might recognize each other. This was a necessary precaution since the freemasons guarded the secrets and standards of their order jealously. They made sure that everyone who claimed to master the art of building had received proper instruction. These precautions were justified, since the itinerant masons often found themselves among strangers who sometimes falsely claimed to be members of the guild in order to extract secrets from the real mem- bers. The masons invented a steadily increasing number of pass- words and phrases, signs of recognition and special handshakes in order to ward off these impostors. They asked questions in a parti- cular manner. The right answer confirmed that the newcomer was qualified to take part in the work. Much of this was later taken over and expanded upon by speculative or "passive" political freemasons.

The only sign that is common to all current grades and lodges is the sign of distress. In Swedish freemasonry, this sign is learned upon admission to the third degree. In an emergency, the freemason in need makes an equilateral triangle by placing his joined hands upon his forehead with the palms facing forward and shouts: "A moi, a l'enfant de la veuve de Naphtali!" ("Help me, help the child of Naphtali's widow!")

Upon seeing this sign, all brothers must immediately come to the rescue of the freemason in need - even if it is contrary to common law and the interests of the nation. They must lend aid, whatever the need. They must ignore their allegiance to the laws of the country. Many freemasons saved their skins in this manner during the First and Second World Wars.
The American officer John McKinstry was captured by Mohawk Indians, which were on the side of the British during the Revo- lutionary War between 1775 and 1781. McKinstry was tied to a tree and was about to be burned to death, when he made the masonic sign of distress. To his surprise, one of the Indians stepped forward and halted the execution.

His saviour was Joseph Brant, a Mohawk chief who had been educated in Europe and had been initiated into the fraternity in London. Brant had returned to his tribe, but remained partly loyal to the organization. He handed McKinstry over to British freemasons, who in turn escorted him to one of the revolutionary out-posts. This example proves that loyalty within freemasonry is stronger than the bond to one's own country or tribe.

The freemasons were principally stonecutters, masons and pain- ters, which we may compare to modern-day architects, engineers and sculptors. Thus they were highly skilled. Many of the finest buildings of the Middle Ages (the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, built between 1163 and 1320, and St. Paul's Cathedral in London, which was com- pleted in 1663) were built by the freemasons. They built incredible palaces, monumental fortresses, beautiful town halls, churches and many other buildings. Their knowledge was regarded as a royal art form. The expression 'frozen music', denoting architecture, began to be used. The buildings were certainly harmonious and pleasant to behold, and they were not built on arbitrary sites. With the aid of the divining rod, sites were found where the earth radiation would be most beneficial for the inhabitants' mental well-being.

After the breakdown of society due to the Black Death, the guilds once again tried to assert their rights. The English parliament banned the activities of the guilds in 1425. In 1534, Henry VIII of England broke with the Catholic Church in Rome, confiscated its property and closed its monasteries (officially for the reason that the pope had denied him the right to divorce, but according to unofficial infor- mation, he had a secret pact with Venetian bankers). Henry VIII stopped all building projects and many masons became unemployed. Later, he confiscated the rest of the guilds' assets. Henry VIII wanted war and the Jewish bankers in Venice gave him this opportunity.

Most guilds ceased to exist. Their archives were lost and thereby their true history. The few weakened lodges that remained, despite the royal plundering in southern England, attempted to recover by welcoming non-masons as members and charging them high entrance fees to enter the lodges. This was exactly the opportunity that cer- tain shady and wealthy forces had been waiting for. They needed a functioning political network with secret codes in order to implement their plan to gain control over the "structuring of society".


Architects of Deception Part V

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Architects of Deception Part I

Architects of Deception Part II

Architects of Deception Part III

Architects of Deception Part IV

Architects of Deception Part VI

Architects of Deception Part VII

Architects of Deception Part VIII

Architects of Deception Part IX

Architects of Deception Part X

Architects of Deception Part XI

Architects of Deception Part XII"

Architects of Deception Part XIII

Architects of Deception Part XIV

Architects of Deception Part XV

Architects of Deception Part XVI

Architects of Deception Part XVII

Architects of Deception Part XVIII

Architects of Deception Part XIX

Architects of Deception Part XX

Architects of Deception Part XXI

Architects of Deception Part XXII

Architects of Deception Part XXIII

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