Sunday, 3 February 2008

Architects of Deception Part III


A French-Jewish nobleman, Hugues de Payens, together with eight other crusaders of Jewish origin, including Andre de Montbard, Geoffroi Bisol and Geoffroi de Saint-Omer officially founded the Order of the Knights Templar in 1118.

There is, however, certain information that the order was actually founded four years earlier (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, "The Temple and the Lodge", Lon- don, 1998, p. 72). In 1114, the bishop of Chartres mentioned "la Milice du Christ" in a letter, the name by which the order was originally known. The bishop could hardly have got the year wrong, since he died the following year.

Hugues de Payens became the first grand master of the order. The Freemasons Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas claim that there were originally eleven Knights Templar, who attempted to secure safe passage between the port of Jaffa and Jerusalem (Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, "The Second Messiah: Templars, The Turin Shroud & The Great Secret of Freemasonry", London, 1998, p. 111). They called themselves the Poor Knights of Solomon's Temple, where they were first based. Jerusalem was liberated from Muslim rule 19 years earlier (1099), but the Christian armies who occupied the city and the surrounding area were under constant threat from enemy Arabs. For this reason the Church was grateful for the services of de Payens and his knights.

A secret Jewish order was behind these men, the Order of Zion (l'Ordre de Sion), founded in the monastery of Notre-Dame du Mont de Sion, on mount Zion, just south of Jerusalem, in June 1099 by the 39 year-old Godfroi de Bouillon, duke of Lorraine - a descendant of Guillem de Gellone, who was of the seed and tribe of David. The first grand master of the order was Hugues de Payens, who later founded the Knights Templar. Another member was Andre de Montbard. The original name was Chevaliers de l'Ordre de Notre-Dame de Sion. There is information that suggests that the Order of Zion may have been founded already in 1090 (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", p 111). The elite of the Order of Zion has consisted of 13 leaders. The order's main goal was always to reinstate the Merovingian dynasty (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, "The Messianic Legacy", London, 1987, p 381).

When Jerusalem was conquered during the Crusades in 1100, a Merovingian, Baldwin I - the younger brother of Godfrey of Bouillon, was the first king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
This secret movement also founded the Knights Templar and constituted its ruling core. The Order of Zion was the invisible head organization and the Knights Templar its military and administrative branch. Up to 1188, these two orders had the same grand master. The Knights Templar saluted each other with: "Hail, Zion!" or "Zion be praised!"

Bertrand de Blanchefort, a grand master of the Knights Templar between 1156-69, was also grand master of the Order of Zion (1153- 1188). He is said to have been a Cathar. Originally, all grand masters were Cathars. The castle of Blanchefort is situated in the area of the Mediterranean coast west of the Rhone which was then called Septimania and which was principally populated by Jews. Septimania was also known as Gothia (Gotie). As early as A. D. 391, the area was inhabited by the Goths, who founded a kingdom in southern Gaul around A. D. 418, the capital of which was Toulouse.

Many Jewish Merovingians were later counted as Visigoths. For this reason they were often called 'Goths'. Intermarriage had been common.

In 768, a Jewish kingdom was founded in Septimania. The kingdom was practically independent and Mosaic law was enforced. Toulouse and Narbonne were the most important centres for the Jews. Many Jews had Christian slaves.

One of the kings was Guillem de Gellone, who was nick-named Hook-Nose. He was also the duke of Toulouse. The town of Gellone became a centre for Jewish studies and had a Jewish academy. Guillem died in 812. The Jewish kingdom of Septimania ceased to exist in the year 900.
The Khazar Jews by the Volga planned a coup in France around 970 together with their Gothic tribal brothers and Berber mercenaries. In this way they sought to take control of the whole country, but according to the Russian archaeologist and historian Lev Gumilev, the Prince of Kiev crushed the Jewish reign of terror by the Volga in 965 (Gumilev, "The Ethnosphere", Moscow, 1993, p. 423).

There was an inner struggle between the Order of Zion and the Knights Templar, at the same time as these organizations worked towards a common goal - control of Catholic Europe. When the Knights Templar lost Jerusalem to the Saracens in 1188, the Order of Zion and the Knights Templar went their separate ways. The last bastion fell into the hands of the Saracens on 18 May 1291.

In 1188, the Order of Zion gained a new name the Prieure de Sion and their own Grand Master - Jean de Gisors. At the same time a second name Ormus was taken, which was used until 1306. According to the freemasons, Ormus was an Egyptian magician. The order had another subtitle in reserve, which could be used at need - L'Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas (Order of the True Rosy Cross), according to Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln.

In 1616, the Order of Zion and the Knights Templar were founded anew in the town of Gisors in northern France. In conjunction with this, the red cross of the Knights Templar also became the symbol of the Prieure de Sion. This cross has arms with split points and is known as a Maltese cross.

In 1619, the Prieure de Sion became virtually invisible. In 1627, another secret organization, Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement, began to act on behalf of the Prieure de Sion.
The author Jean Delaude wrote the following in a document be- longing to the Prieure de Sion in 1977: "Since the separation of the two institutions (the Knights Templar and the Order of Zion) in 1188, the Prieure de Sion has counted twenty-seven grand masters to the present day." The most recent were:
Charles Nordier (1801-1844), the famous author Victor Hugo (1844- 1885), who was succeeded by the composer Claude Debussy (1885- 1918), after whom came Jean Cocteau (1918-1963).
Other famous grand masters of the Prieure de Sion were: Nicolas Flamel (1398-1418), Leonardo da Vinci (1510-1519), Robert Fludd (1595-1637), Johann Valentin Andreae (1637-1654), Isaac Newton (1691-1727), Charles Radclyffe (1727-1746) and Charles de Lorraine (1746-1780), according to Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln ("Holy Blood, Holy Grail" (New York, 1983, p. 131).

As early as 1614, the mystic Robert Fludd (grand master of the Order of Zion) started the secret Rosicrucian movement in England. After him came Thomas Vaughan and Elias Ashmole. The Rosicrucians intended to take over the lodges of the freemasons. The Prieure de Sion was the secret organization that created the Scottish Rite within freemasonry in the 1700s.
Johann Valentin Andreae wrote the original manifesto of the Rosicrucians under the name of Christian Rosenkreutz (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, "The Temple and the Lodge", London, 1998, p. 201).

Charles Nordier was grand master of the Prieure de Sion between 1801 and 1844. The Prieure de Sion also conspired against Napoleon at this time. According to a Prieure de Sion document, the number of members was 1093, divided into a hierarchy with nine degrees, as well as eight or nine thousand novices.

Charles Nordier later wrote: "There are a great many secret societies in operation. But there is one that takes precedence over all others. This supreme secret society is called the Philadelphes." He wrote of "the oath, which binds me to the Philalephes and which forbids me to make them known under their social name this society by its true name" (Charles Nordier, "A History of Secret Societies in the Army under Napoleon", p. 105).

The name Prieure de Sion did not appear in the public conscious- ness until on 25 June 1956. The order was then registered with the French police. According to organization's declaration, their purpose is "studies and mutual aid to members". In 1956, the Prieure de Sion had 9841 members. The head office was located in Annemasse, Haute Savoie, France. The order once more became secret in 1984.

Today the Prieure de Sion co-operates with the Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina in Lausanne (founded in 1844, with 3700 members in 75 smaller lodges), and the Grand Orient of France. The Prieure de Sion, the right hand of the Illuminati, stand behind the modern and infiltrated Rosicrucians and all of the more powerful masonic lodges.

The Temple of Solomon was destroyed and plundered by the Baby- lonian King Nebuchadnezzar II about 586 B. C. It was later rebuilt by Herod the Great and once more razed by Roman troops in A. D. 70 during the revolt in Judea (Flavius Josephus, "Historie der Joden", Amsterdam, 1895). The freemasons intend to rebuild the temple a third time. The temple of Solomon plays a central role in the Mosaic religion.

The Knights Templar moved into the remaining parts of the temple and allowed no-one else to enter. During nearly ten years, nine to eleven Knights Templar (the only existing members) were busy with secret activities. Officially, they were guarding the pilgrim routes, but there is no evidence of this. And how could just eleven knights protect the routes, which covered hundreds of miles, where more and more pilgrims sought passage? They were called the Militia of Christ (Militiae Christi).

It is possible that these knights found part of the treasure which neither Nebuchadnezzar II nor the Romans managed to unearth. In the Dead Sea scrolls, it is mentioned that the treasure in the Temple of Solomon consisted of 65 tons of silver and 26 tons of gold.

Some sources, including the contemporary historian Flavius Josephus, also claim that certain Jewish relics (including the ark of the covenant) were hidden in the secret passages beneath the temple.

The Origin of the Knights Templar

Several of the nine (actually eleven) original Knights Templar be- longed to a family that could be traced to the Merovingian King Dagobert II, who was murdered on 23 December 679. Catholic histo- rians up to the middle of the 17th century denied the existence of Dagobert II.
Another member of this family was the man who travelled to the "Holy Land" together with the Knights Templar and became the first king of Jerusalem after the reconquest - Baldwin I (younger brother of Godfroi de Bouillon, the first grand master of the Order of Zion). During Easter 1118, his cousin Baldwin II took over power and created a base for the Knights Templar in his palace.

Some of the riches of Jerusalem (including the Holy Grail) as well as secret documents were probably transported to southern France in A. D. 410, when Rome was plundered by the Visigoths.

At the end of the fifth century, the Merovingians conquered large parts of what is today France and united it into one nation. The Merovingians became the first royal dynasty of France, and despite all claims to the contrary, the dynasty continued. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln wrote about this in their book "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" (New York, 1983). They assume that the Knights Templar already had detailed knowledge of the Temple of Solomon, when they first travelled to Jerusalem.

There is a connection between the Merovingians and the Jewish tribe of Benjamin. Southern France became the residence of many Jewish tribes. Jews principally populated an area from the Pyrenees to the estuary of the Rhone, especially the area around Narbonne. This area was earlier controlled by the Arabs.

In 1128, the first group of temple brothers returned home, where they met Pope Honorius II and Bernard of Clairvaux, the leader of a then impoverished order. He was related to at least one of the nine temple brothers. The Knights Templar were recognized by religious leaders, who held council in Troyes in France the same year, despite that they knew the knights were godless villains, heinous plunderers, murderers, perjurers and adulterers.

Bernard became their guardian and in time, he became a very rich man. He built and paid for 90 monasteries and 80 cathedrals. He was very enthusiastic about the Knights Templar and wrote a handbook for the order in 1135.

In 1134, work on the largest Gothic cathedral in the world was begun in Chartres on Bernard's orders. Gothic architecture seemed to appear from nowhere and took the world by surprise. It was sus- pected that the original Knights Templar had found documents concerning the architecture upon which the temple of Solomon was based. The freemasons are constantly referring to the building of the temple and the mythical architect Hiram Abiff.

The Church had earlier excommunicated many of those who were recruited. The grand master called the Knights Templar the legal executors of Christ and the Church gave them the right to bear arms. The pope exempted the temple brothers from the sin of killing. The order punished a member very severely if he broke even the smallest of the temple rules.

The emblem of the Knights Templar was a horse with two riders on its back, a symbol of poverty and brotherhood. But one of the sym- bols of the Knights Templar was a skull and crossbones. Was this really a testimony to their harmlessness?

The Knights Templar worshipped the cult of Mitras and attempted to take power in Europe. Secret signs were used as a part of their conspiracy.

The Vast Influence of the Knights Templar

In 1139, Pope Innocent II made the Knights Templar completely independent of all kings, princes and prelates. They answered to the pope alone. Bernard de Tromelai became the order's fourth grand master in 1149.

The Order of the Knights Templar expanded massively and became very powerful in southern Europe. The organization owned land in France, England, Scotland (16 properties), Spain, Portugal, Italy, Flanders, Hungary, and elsewhere. They could do as they pleased. They were experts in medicine and the use of herbs. They invented banking and were the first to use cheques. The Knights Templar were effective usurers. They became extremely proficient bankers for large parts of Europe. The Knights Templar lent huge sums to poor monarchs against high interest and organized the transfer of money to travelling salesmen through their connections around Europe. The kings of many countries owed them enormous sums of money. All this paved the way for capitalism and the banking system. They had also taken care of the French King Philip IV's business interests. He became king in 1285 when he was 17 years old, and immediately understood that he could not pay interest to the Knights Templar for the loans his father and grandfather had taken.

The poor knights became extremely wealthy. They were also exempt from taxes, built a mighty fleet and were permitted to build their own churches, which were wonders of geometric design, for example Iglesia de la Vera Cruz in Segovia, which was built in 1208. The interiors of the prevalent octagonal structure of the Templars' buildings, were based upon a six-pointed star (the seal of Solomon or the Star of David), and a pyramid.

The Star of David is a cabbalistic symbol. Professor Gershom Scholem proves in his book "The Messianic Idea in Judaism" that hexagrams (the six-pointed star) were used by those Jews who were involved with black magic.

As early as the 13th century, there were seven thousand knights, squires, servants and priests in nearly all the countries of Europe (Malcolm Barber, "The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple", Cambridge University Press, 1994). In the 13 th and 14th centuries, the order built 870 castles and chapter houses.

A grand master headed this order with strict hierarchy. Beneath him, there was a grand prior. Ordinary mercenaries wore a brown or black mantle. The knights of the order wore a white mantle embroi- dered with a red cross. Their white-and-black chequered banner is called a beaseant, which was also their battle cry. Knights became the "servants and slaves" of the temple.

The American masonic leader Albert Pike (1809-1891) wrote the following about the Knights Templar in his book "Morals and Dogma" (Charleston, 1871): "Like all secret societies, the Knights Templar had two different doctrines, one secret and exclusively for the leaders, the other public."

In 1252, the Grand Master Raynard de Vichiers challenged King Henry III of England (1216-1272) by claiming that the Order of the Knights Templar had acquired the power to dethrone certain undesirable kings.

In Lyon in 1296, a suggestion was made that the Order of the Knights Templar and the Order of St. John should be united. The Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, opposed this suggestion.

Philip IV Strikes Back

The Knights Templar, who were arrogant and had a military force superior to his own, irritated Philip IV, also known as Philip the Fair (1285-1304). Neither the pope nor he himself had any control over them. Philip owed them a lot of money. He also wanted to be admitted as a member of the order but was rejected. After this, he wished to dispose of the Knights Templar. His predecessor Louis VII (1137-1180) had, however, been a member of the order.

In 1303, Philip arranged for Pope Boniface VIII to be kidnapped and killed. After this, Pope Benedict XI was poisoned. In 1305, Philip managed to arrange the election of his own candidate, Bernard de Goth, Archbishop of Bordeaux, to the papal seat. The new pope took the name Clement V. He moved from Rome to Avignon and thereby caused a schism in the Catholic Church for the next 68 years.

In 1306, Philip the Fair had the Jews in France arrested, their assets confiscated and they were banished "forever". The reason behind this action was to cut off the Knights Templar's secret money transfers. He also wished to clamp down on the Jewish money- lenders in the Lombardy. The banishment was revoked in the year following his death (1315), but the royal family was to bitterly regret this action. The creditors once more made themselves an impossible nuisance with their usury and a few years later they were expelled again.

There followed a history of unpleasant experiences. In 1187, the twenty-two year old Philip August (1180-1223), who had assumed power in 1180, when he was just 15 years old, decided to banish the Jews from France, confiscate part of their wealth and cancel the debts of their loan-takers. But a few decades later, there were once again Jews all over the country.

During the summer of 1307, a group of leading Knights Templar were on an important mission in southern France near Rennes-le- Chateau by the old pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela. They avoided the local populace, which was very unusual. The Knights Templar had an important stronghold in Bezu, not far from Rennes- le-Chateau, and two castles situated on top of two mountains. The castle at Gisors was the headquarters of the Knights Templar in France. The headquarters of the Prieure de Sion was later, in the 17 th century, situated in Rennes-le-Chateau.

During the spring of 1307, a prisoner who was condemned to death wished to give the king some crucial information, which he had come across when he had shared a cell with a Knight Templar. The condemned man sought a pardon in exchange for the information. He was permitted to see the king. The king considered the prisoner's information about the atrocities committed by the Knights Templar so serious that the man was pardoned. The king had been told of how a figurine representing him had been stabbed repeatedly during the black magic rites of the Knights Templar. Sexual perversion had also been in evident. The Knights Templar had sacrificed children an taught women how to perform abortions (M. Raynouard, "Proces et condemnation des Templiers d'apres les pieces originales et les manu- scripts du temps, servant d'introduction a la tragedie des Templiers" / "The Trial and Judgement of the Knights Templar According to the Contemporary Original Records and Manuscripts, Serving as an Introduction to the Tragedy of the Knights Templar", Paris, 1805).

Two former Knights Templar, Squin Flexian and Noffo Dei, who were arrested for different crimes in 1307 in France, confirmed these facts. In order to save themselves, they gave the king a considerable amount of information about the activities of the Knights Templar. Squin Flexian had been a prior at Montfaucon. Philip IV of France was also given this information. The rest of the investigation confirmed the truth of these testimonies.

The new pope was entirely dependent on Philip the Fair. The energetic king had his spies infiltrate the order. He immediately understood that the Knights Templar had managed to become far too powerful by making extensive plans for conspiracy. The king under- stood that his life was in danger. He was expecting a visit from the grand master of Cyprus and made preparations for a counter- operation. On 22 September 1307, he gave orders to arrest the Knights Templar. The orders were given in sealed envelopes to all governors and officials of the crown around the country. The envelopes were not to be opened until the evening of 13 October 1307. This order was also sent to foreign rulers.

The order was carried out at dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307, but only 620 of 3200 Knights Templar were arrested (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, "The Temple and the Lodge", London, 1998, p 101). In Paris alone, 140 Knights Templar were arrested, including the Grand Master of the order Jacques Bernard de Molay. In the document collection of the powerful masonic lodge the Grand Orient, there is a manuscript, No. 631, ("Reception au sublime grade de Kadosh"), which states that Jacques de Molay's real name was Bourguignon.

Shortly before the king's action, the Knights Templar and the Prieure de Sion had been reunited. The property of the Knights Templar was confiscated - nine thousand castles (including their palace in Paris) and estates. The king took control of Cyprus.

This was the official end of the most powerful secret society in history. But Philip the Fair made a serious mistake. He failed to destroy the heart of the Knights Templar, the Prieure de Sion. And so the conspiracy continued.

The Knights Templar in Bezu were left in peace, however, since they enjoyed special immunity in their headquarters. The people of Lorraine refused to obey the pope. The Knights Templar were also left alone in Germany and in England. Edward II initially ignored the papal bull, but on 6 October 1309, he ordered all Knights Templar in England and Scotland to be arrested. Only two were actually arrested, one of these was the Master of Scotland, Walter de Clifton. They were released later, however.

The official history claims that the Knights Templar became the victims of Philip the Fair's greed, since he wanted to take control of their possessions. But the property of the Knights Templar was transferred to the Brothers of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem or the Hospitallers, not the French crown, according to the papal bull Ad providam on 2 May 1312.
But not all the extensive property of the Knights Templar was found, since they had managed to transfer a large portion of their wealth abroad. Only smaller assets were found.

The Knights Templar were also accused of taking part in homo- sexual orgies and blasphemous activities. Among other things, they were believed to have spat on a black raven. A brother in service admitted to having had a homosexual relationship with Jacques de Molay (Malcolm Barber, "The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple", Cambridge University Press, 1994). They worshipped the evil being Baphomet, an androgynous and lustful idol. The Dead Sea scrolls indicate that, according to Jewish code, the word Baphomet means Sophia (wisdom) in Greek (Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, "The Second Messiah: Templars, The Turin Shroud & The Great Secret of Freemasonry", London, 1998, p. 117). Baphomet needed new blood sacrifices. This was the reason why the Knights Templar had sacrificed children. The more human blood that was sacrificed, the more powerful the order of the Knights Templar would become. Blood is an extremely magic substance, which contains ether energies. Bernard E. Jones stated in his book "Freemasons' Guide and Compendium" (London, 1950, p 547) that it was common in Madras, India, to dip one's hands in the blood of a slaughtered goat and mark the door-frame when a pair of newlyweds moved into their own house. According to Islamic tradition, blood is a very dangerous substance. It must not be ingested and it attracts evil spirits (William Rowles, "The Heathens", London, 1948). To the Knights Templar, Baphomet of Mendes (Asmodeus) was the guardian of Solomon's treasure. In the holy book of the Jews, the Talmud, Asmodeus is regarded as the chief of demons.

The ancient Israelites symbolically sacrificed the billy goat Azazel, symbolized by the pentagram, which conceals the name 'head of the goat'.

On 13 August 1308, two trials against the Knights Templar began begun. The prosecution heard about a hundred charges. During these trials against the Knights Templar, mention was made of Baphomet, which was identified with spiritual baptism.

The same being, but with a different name, has also been found in Egypt, where it marked the 15 th column in the holy temple at Helio- polis and symbolized deceit and injustice.
One Knight Templar described Jacques de Molay as "uncommonly evil". Another claimed that the grand master had acted deceitfully and manipulated the election in order to become grand master.

According to the indictment, the Knights Templar used a jewel- studded cranium mounted upon a wooden phallus. It is clear from Riidiger Siinners documentary "Schwarze Sonne" (1997) that the Knights Templar also tried to crossbreed different races and even animals with humans.
It was suspected that many leading Knights Templar were actually concealed Muslims, others concealed Jews, since Hebrew was used as a working language within the Knights Templar. There had been some co-operation with the Assassins. There was yet another Muslim connection: The English Knight Templar Robert of St. Albans had publicly converted to Islam and led a Muslim army.

According to modern historians, all accusations against the Knights Templar were fabricated and the Knights were totally inno- cent.

Within a couple of days of the arrests, 36 knights had died as a result of torture. The Knights Templar's lawyers delayed the course of justice. Three years later, in 1310, the first 54 Knights Templar were burned at the stake. Pope Clement V dissolved the Poor Knights of the Temple in the bull Vox in excelso on 22 March 1312. Some of the Knights Templar escaped to Scotland, where the bull was not valid and others to Portugal. Those who fled to Scotland began an attempt to infiltrate the lodges of the freemasons. In Portugal, the name of the order was changed to the Order of Christ and King Dinis II gave them asylum in 1319.

Philip IV's fear was well-founded. He discovered that the Knights Templar had conspired against the monarchs of Europe and the Church (William T. Still, "New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies", Lafayette, Louisiana, 1990, p 113).

When the headquarters of the Knights Templar was moved from Jerusalem to Kolossi Castle, 14 km west of Limassol on the south coast of Cyprys, in 1291, the Grand Master Thibault Gaudin began a conspiracy directed against Henry, king of Cyprus. Jacques de Molay helped the king's younger brother Amaury into power (Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, "The Second Messiah", London, 1998, p 178). The Knights Templar had conquered Cyprus in 1191 and founded the Kingdom of Cyprus.

According to the historian Mattheus Paris' investigations, the Knights Templar had attempted to undermine the policies of the Germano-Roman Emperor Frederic II (1220-1250). In 1293, Jacques de Molay was elected grand master. In 1306, he began to visit France frequently and lived there during extended periods.

The Knights Templar utilized the energy lines (ley lines) in the basement of their headquarters in Kolossi Castle. They used this grid to spread and stabilize their secret influence throughout the world. This phenomenon, which affects the entire world, had the same negative frequency as the latter symbol of the Illuminati, the pyra- mid and the all-seeing eye.

The historian Harry L. Haywood wrote the following about the Knights Templar: "The Knights Templar dreamed of a world state where they themselves would play a leading role..." Only an extremely evil secret society can dream of such a goal.

The leaders of the Knights Templar made a joint resolution: "Europe must be transformed into a single state. Europe will become the kind of state where all the nations with their kings and leaders will be included as member states, like a union of states." (Pekka Ervast, "Temppeliherrain unelma" / "The Dream of the Knights Templar", Helsinki, 1927, p. 16) Ordinary Knights Templar had no idea about the vile plans that their psychopathic masters made.

Philip the Fair immediately understood this threat and made a crucial decision.
One of the goals of the Knights Templars was to unite Europe under a centralised power. Step by step, they managed to strengthen their financial power during a period of 200 years. They sought to gain complete control over financial transactions and banking, the- reby making the nations dependent on the extensive power of the Knights Templar. With the aid of an international bank, the Knights Templar endeavoured to become financially more powerful than the national governments.

The primary goal of the Knights Templar was to create a power base. For this reason, the Order of the Knights Templar made plans to found an independent state for the order in a Jewish area in Languedoc, in southern France at the end of the 13th century.

But strong national governments with considerable public support appeared everywhere in Europe and this medieval attempt at "globalisation" ended up on the scrap-heap of history.


Architects of Deception Part IV

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Architects of Deception Part I

Architects of Deception Part II

Architects of Deception Part IV

Architects of Deception Part V

Architects of Deception Part VI

Architects of Deception Part VII

Architects of Deception Part VIII

Architects of Deception Part IX

Architects of Deception Part X

Architects of Deception Part XI

Architects of Deception Part XII"

Architects of Deception Part XIII

Architects of Deception Part XIV

Architects of Deception Part XV

Architects of Deception Part XVI

Architects of Deception Part XVII

Architects of Deception Part XVIII

Architects of Deception Part XIX

Architects of Deception Part XX

Architects of Deception Part XXI

Architects of Deception Part XXII

Architects of Deception Part XXIII

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