Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Architects of Deception Part V

Part V

The Infiltration Begins

After the execution of Grand Master Jacques de Molay on 18 March 1314, many Knights Templar fled to Scotland, where they preserved the secrets of their order and infiltrated the existing guilds.

As early as 1420 the banned Knights Templar founded a lodge in Scotland, where they established their international headquarters. The most important symbols of the Knights Templar were a stone cube and a stone sphere. The Knights Templar bided their moment until it was time to found the so-called Scottish freemasonry.

In 1446, William St. Clair began building Rosslyn Chapel in Roslyn, a village south of Edinburgh, which eventually became a real masonic lodge, named Lodge No. 1 (Mary's Chapel). It was actually the head- quarters of the Knights Templar, also called the Temple of Yahweh. In 1480, the chapel was completed under the direction of Oliver Sinclair (St. Clair). In due time, the Scottish family Sinclair created a masonic system of its own, to which the Hamilton, Stuart, Mac- Gomery clans and others belonged. The Sinclair family, originally from France and called St. Clair, were descendants of the Mero- vingians (Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, "The Second Messiah", London 1998, pp. 131-132). Sir William Sinclair became the first grand master of Scotland in 1736. Sinclair naturally had connections to the secret Order Prieure de Sion.
In 1601, James VI of Scotland, the son of Mary Stuart, became a freemason at the Lodge of Perth and Scoon. He became the supreme patron of freemasonry. James VI had blood ties to the Merovingian family of Guise, since Mary Stuart's maternal grandmother was Marie de Guise (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, "The Temple and the Lodge", London, 1998, p. 200). In 1603, he was named James I of England. Thus the Merovingians came to power in England through the Stuart family. Their coat of arms depicted, among other things, a trowel and a sword, which symbolize freemasonry and the Order of the Knights Templar. He was the first English head of state to be a freemason.

The Knights Templar that remained in France pretending to be Christians. The Knights Hospitaller of St. John (now known as the Knights of Malta) accepted the remnants of the abolished, like- minded and pseudo-Christian Knights Templar in 1312.

Bearing in mind the plans of the Knights Templar to take control of the craft guilds, the members of the Order of Hospitaller St. John impudently enough began to call themselves 'freemasons' in 1440. The Knights of Malta grew out of this section of the Order of the Knights Templar.
On 9 January 1599, some Knights Templar founded the lodge Atkinson Have in Scotland. On July 31 of the same year, another lodge was founded in Edinburgh. The fact, that a large number of Knights Templar fled to Scotland is confirmed by James Steven Curl in his book "The Art and Architecture of Freemasonry" (London, 1991, p. 46). It is also evident (pp. 48-50) that these Templars in 1714 erected obelisks at Mount Stuart, Leven and Tongue, in Suther- land in the northernmost part of Scotland.

The infiltration of the lodges of the operative freemasons thus began relatively early. In the beginning of the 1540s, English craft guilds began for economic reasons to accept "passive" members that lacked a builder's background, such as bankers, merchants, land- owners, magicians and scientists. These people greatly desired to belong to a masonic lodge despite the fact that they lacked a work- man's background. They wished to exploit some of the freemasons' secrets. In this manner, an excellent opportunity presented itself to certain dark political forces that wished to utilise a well-functioning international network. The first documented evidence of this un- natural expansion of the lodges stems from 1598.

At the beginning of the 17th century, when the number and im- portance of the masons grew notably, most of the lodges were already accepting "honorary members" who were not stone masons, in order to collect their membership fees. These newcomers were crafty political speculators and camouflaged Knights Templar who had waited for the chance to infiltrate the perfectly functioning system of freemasonry to hide their true nature. Passive masons were called accepted masons or speculative masons. For this reason, all modern freemasons are accepted masons. The passive members of many guilds were required to pay an exorbitant membership fee, which meant that only very wealthy individuals could afford to be accepted into a masonic lodge. In addition, they were required to pay for the acceptance banquet.

To be accepted into a lodge, two sponsors that were active masons were required. The proposed member had to be a male of inde- pendent means, at least 24 years of age and who had undergone higher education. The son of a master mason could, however, be accepted at 18 years of age. Other exceptions were not uncommon, if money entered the picture.
These regulations were later kept by the political freemasons. Today there are also women freemasons, although there are none in Scandinavia.

One of those who became an accepted freemason was the philo- sopher and politician Francis Bacon (1561-1626). He was a member of the Rosicrucian Order and belonged to a secret society called the Order of the Helmet (Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, "The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud & The Great Secret of Free- masonry", London, 1998, p. 292).
Bacon's fable "The New Atlantis" describes the New World where power is wielded by a secret society called Solomon's House, which consists of a privileged elite and acts as a hidden government. This society decides exactly how much and what the public is to know. Bacon proposed an invisible government, which would also control science. The freemasons seem to appreciate this book.

Francis Bacon was supposedly the illegitimate son of Queen Eliza- beth and her lover Sir Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Francis Bacon who was highly educated, well-read and had travelled a great deal, must also be regarded as the true author of the illiterate William Shakespeare's plays and sonnets. This has been shown through secret codes, which Bacon used in all his works, including, those published under the name of William Shakespeare, as described in the works of the freemason Manly P. Hall.

In 1641, the chemist, mathematician and General Robert Moray be- came a freemason in the Edenroth Lodge in Newcastle. He was the first well-known scholar to be accepted as a member of a craft guild, according to the remaining documentation. The alchemist, astrologer and occultist Elias Ashmole became a freemason in Warrington on 16 October 1646, as did the cabbalist Robert Boyle (1627-1691), who performed research in chemistry and physics. Elias Ashmole belonged to the Association of Astrologers. Many members of this association became freemasons. Robert Boyle was grand master of the secret Prieure de Sion between 1654 and 1691. Sir Christopher Wren (1632- 1723), the astronomer and architect, who designed St. Paul's Cathe- dral and drew the plans for the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire of 1666, was initiated into Lodge Original No. 1 in London on 18 May 1691 (Bernard E. Jones, "Freemasons' Guide and Compendium", London, 1950, p. 111). He became the last grand master from the ranks of active freemasons that actually were builders and craftsmen.

The aforementioned individuals founded The Invisible College on 28 November 1660. The Royal Society of London grew out of this movement in 1662. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was named their "patron saint". Christopher Wren became president of the Royal Society in 1680. Isaac Newton (1642-1727), who was greatly inte- rested in astrology and alchemy, became a freemason in 1672 despite the fact that he was not a builder but was instead regarded as a scientist, and in 1703 was elected president of the Royal Society. The most important reason was that he was grand master of the Prieure de Sion (1691-1727), which did everything in its power to infiltrate the masonic lodges and exploit them for political reasons. Robert Boyle had earlier also been grand master of the Prieure de Sion. Among the founders of this society was John Byrom, who belonged to the Cabbala Club, also known as the Sun Club.

All these masonic gentlemen began to manipulate science. They wanted to create a new, materialistic or "humanist" science that denied the existence of the soul. This masonic tradition is carried on today by so called humanistic organizations. These deny the exis- tence of God, claim that the universe originated by itself and that death constitutes the definitive end of experience.

Isaac Newton's "Philosophiaea naturalis principia mathematica" (1687) was a disgraceful attempt to undermine traditional science. Newton proved himself to be the enemy of science. To him, the universe was dead matter in which substance in the form of solid spheres raced about without aim or significance. A malicious political network stood behind Newton. The true Rosicrucian Gottfried Wil- helm Leibniz (1646-1716). authored a document to counter Newton's "Principia", which he called "A Treatise on the Causes of the Move- ments of the Planets". Leibniz understood that the universe by nature is negentropic (self-developing). This all-embracing tendency forms all physical laws. Leibniz refused to believe that chance could explain the occurrence or the non-occurrence of an event. He proved that space was relative and not absolute. Leibniz claimed that the planetary orbit must follow the dynamics of flow, which prove that whirling motions must occur, since all planets are on the same orbital level and turn in the same direction. If this was not the case, the whole planetary system would collapse.
Robert Hooke corrected Newton's basic errors. Newton had believed that a body falling through the Earth to its centre would describe a whirling motion and not an elliptical trajectory.

Newton's "Principia" was completely re-written by Robert Coats, who was assigned to correct the hundreds of mistakes that filled the first edition. This showed that Newton was completely lost when dealing with science, according to Carol White, editor of the American scientific magazine Fusion. But Newton is still praised as a great scientist. Even his main defender, C. Truesdale, was forced to admit in 1960 that "Newton's flow theories are, however, largely erroneous".

In 1619, the London Mason's Company founded a parallel lodge for accepted masons called The Acception. These were men who had no knowledge of stonemasonry, but were happy to pay double entrance fee in order eventually to take over the organization, which was a perfect cover for their criminal activities and also served well in their efforts to ideologically poison the surroundings.

In 1670, the infiltration had reached the point where only 10 of the 49 members of the Aberdeen lodge were operative (active) ma- sons (Martin Short, "Inside the Brotherhood", London, 1997, p. 49). The accepted masons had effectively forced out the true free- masons. The fateful conversion of the freemasons from a craftsmen's guild to a powerful organization of social conspiracy had begun.

In 1703, the lodges began to officially accept non-masons. As early as 1714, the accepted masons founded their own Grand Lodge of York in England. False Rosicrucians helped to take over the masonic lodges.

Political impostors from the hibernating ranks of the Knights Templar and Jewish occultists managed to infiltrate the freemasons' network to use it for their own shady ends. They began an unpre- cedented reorganization. Scottish lodges were even given the right to possess arms in 1684. The original organization of the freemasons was completely destroyed and converted into an effective conspi- ratorial movement in which the Knights Templar used black magic to gain control of the world.

Secret Societies Take Over the Craftmen's Guilds

Secret societies agitated the Scots to rise against the crown in 1715. The uprising was crushed and the leaders were executed in February 1716. During the summer or autumn of 1716, the freemasons decided to found a Grand Lodge in London (Fred L. Pick and G. Norman Knight, "The Pocket History of Freemasonry", fourth edition, 1963, pp. 68-69). They wanted to have more control over political developments.

In February 1717, the foundations were laid for a global organi- zation and an invisible empire. Several well-dressed gentlemen, among them Jean Theophile Desaguliers, professor of law at Oxford University and James Anderson, a protestant minister and the Prince of Wales' court priest, met in The Apple Tree Tavern to discuss a merger of four lodges into one grand lodge (Karl Milton Hartveit, "De skjulte br0dre" / "The Hidden Brothers", Oslo, 1993, p. 70).

Modern conspiratorial freemasonry began in Westminster in central London on 24 June 1717, when the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) was created by the merger of four smaller lodges. June 24 is the holy day of John the Baptist. This took place at The Goose and Gridiron, in the garden by St. Paul's Cathedral. London thereafter became the headquarters of a secret power, which grew ever faster. Manipulating freemasonry had begun its advance. The Grand Lodge in London became the Mother Lodge of the world.

Many masonic brothers were also members of the Hellfire Club, where Satan was worshipped and rites of black magic and homo- sexuality were performed (for example David's love for Jonathan, see II Samuel 1:26). The brothers sought exclusive erotic experiences. Naturally, freemasonry was affected by this. Sir John Wharton foun- ded the Hellfire Club in 1719. He was chairman of the club, which met in The Greyhound Pub, near St. James' Park in London. In 1721, the authorities closed this infamous club for a short period. John Wharton was later grand master of the Grand Lodge of England from 1722 to 1723. The most famous members of the Hellfire Club were Sir Francis Dashwood, John Dee, and Benjamin Franklin (a member 1724- 1726), before returning to America, where he became grand master of the freemasons in Pennsylvania.

The secret Hellfire Club was reopened at the estate of Medmenham in 1755 under the name the Monks of Medmenham (they met in the ruins of Medmenham Abbey). The motto by Francois Rabelais above the door read in French: "Fay ce que voudras" (Do as you please!)
Ritual orgies and sexual perversions of various kinds upon children and lower-class women who had come into the clutches of the aristo- cratic freemasons were practised within this organization, which existed for over 50 years.

Dashwood, one of the founders of the Hellfire Club, was chancellor of the exchequer and a friend of Franklin's. Franklin was also grand master of the French lodge The Nine Sisters. The Lodges San Juan, The Nine Sisters (the Grand Orient), Amis Reunis and the Illuminati brought about a coup d'etat in France in July 1789. The Illuminati groups the Jacobins and the Frankists were also involved in the French Revolution.

In 1723, there were already 52 lodges in London, and at the end of the 1720s, 115 lodges had been established there. The freemasons claim that the order only had a symbolic content from then on. The geomantic principles were lost. Only the history and symbolism remained from the time of the stone masons. Everything was rep- laced by pseudo-science and philosophies that represent a threat to nature and to humanity. The public was initially misled by the election of the builder Anthony Sayer as grand master.

Fairly soon the builders were excluded entirely. The old guilds ceased to exist. A system of corporate freemasonry was set up in their stead. The next Grand Master was Jean Theophile Desaguliers, who was appointed to the post in 1719. During the next years a new grand master was elected each year.

The new accepted freemasons were not gifted men capable of creating anything lasting. For this reason only one field of activity remained open to them - that of destruction. The freemasons have effectively destroyed everything beautiful and pleasant in their way, including harmonious architecture. They have started revolutions, wars and other calamities. They have prevented the spiritual develop- ment of humanity. And they have also managed to destroy the true history of freemasonry before 24 June 1717, in order to make it a more effective disguise. The freemasons Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas admitted that the masonic leadership keeps many sec- rets even from ordinary freemasons ("The Second Messiah", London, 1998, p. 90).
On 24 June 1945, the Soviet leaders arranged the victory parade of the Red Army in the Red Square in Moscow, precisely 228 years after the founding of the masonic mother lodge in London. This was no coincidence, according to masonic sources.

Thus, in 1717 the secret societies became partially visible. In 1723 a new constitution was adopted, written by the theologian James Anderson and the lawyer Jean Theophile Desaguliers. This consti- tution is largely the basis for all modern freemasonry, which seeks to transform society, especially the most important part of the consti- tution "The Ancient Charges".

Geomantic architecture ceased to be the aim of freemasonry, even officially. The order was then nearly completely infiltrated by de- structive forces, which claimed that freemasonry sought to promote mankind's development of spiritual consciousness. They stated that they wished to develop their spirituality and at the same time build a better world for humanity. The aim of freemasonry became to trans- form the entire world according to the freemasons' magic perspective. It is clear from the history of political freemasonry that they have only managed to make the world a much worse place to live in.

Already during the second half of the 18th century, freemasonry had become an international power that affected the politics and ideology of various countries ("The Estonian Encyclopaedia", Tallinn, 1998, Vol. 10, p. 125).

This revolutionary organization builds its activity upon destructive myths and a hotchpotch of ideas that stem from Egyptian (black) magic, Sufi mysticism, Jewish cabbala and the continued conspiracy and rites of the Knights Templar. The most important prototype for the structure of political freemasonry is a negative version of the system and rites, which the Malamati Sufi Order were based upon (Idries Shah, "Sufis", Moscow, 1999, p. 439).

Malamati means 'those who should be blamed'. Members of this religious movement consciously performed acts, which were generally repudiated by the public. They sought to become outcasts to prove that the opinion of the people had no lasting value. In this manner, negative qualities such as conceit and self-importance were lost through training. A Sufi master could gain knowledge of the past and the future of mankind and could move to the left and right in time, something which we cannot even imagine.

The scheming freemasons distorted the contents of the Sufist Malamati Order's spiritual rites and created an unnatural and per- verted system of their own. 'Pervertus' in Latin means 'turned away'. Freemasons did not have to belong to a certain religion. They could have any religion they wished or preferably none at all. The well- known atheist Voltaire was accepted into a lodge in London in the 1720s. Modern freemasonry propagates a lack of spirituality and its philosophy is soulless materialism (Robert Lomas, "Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science", Glouscester, 2003).

These world-improvers have not achieved any positive results, their efforts are based on cunning and deception. The members must unconditionally obey the orders of the master. This chain of com- mand was taken directly from the original lodges.

Thus political freemasonry was born in 1717 in England. The mother lodge of freemasonry is situated in Covent Garden in London. When I first visited the Freemasons' Hall there on 17 August 1998, I saw the freemasons' Latin motto for their power over the world above the main entrance: "AVDI, VIDE, TACE " / "Hearken, gain insight, be tacit."

This means that the brothers who obey and remain silent about the secret plans of the grand masters gain insight into what is really happening in the world. Another inscription, now in Hebrew, above the main entrance reveals the ideological prototype: "Kadosh le Adonai" ("Holy for Yahweh").

This text was originally written on the mitre of the Chief Rabbi. In the Torah, this mitre is called 'nezer ha-kodesch', which means 'The Holy Crown'. The cabbalist numerological value of this phrase is 666. Nezer (diadem or crown) has the value 257 and ha-kodesch (holy) has the value 409 (257 + 409 = 666).

The word 'cabbala' means 'tradition' in Hebrew. The cabbala is an extremely complicated, secretive and shadowy doctrine depicting how all things are parts of an organized whole. There are connections between all things. According to the cabbala, there are secret laws governing the universe and hidden connections between things that do not seem to belong together; numbers and letters are significant keys to the pattern of the universe.

The Freemasons' Hall on Great Queen Street in Covent Garden in London is the central meeting place for the 8600 masonic lodges in the UK. In- side there are around 20 temples together with the Grand Temple, with mosaic ceiling, stained glass windows and carved doors.
Photo: Juri Lina

The cabbala originated from the fact that the Israelites had no system of numerical positions and no sign for zero. Advanced mathe- matics offered insurmountable difficulties. Addition and subtraction worked fine, but multiplication, division and using fractions became impossible. The Israelites therefore used numbers in magical and religious circumstances, rather than to solve practical problems. They became adept at numerology and gematria. Words were associated with different numbers to simplify prophecy. Worldly science was for- bidden along with certain foods, including pork.

The ancient principle of gematria states that each letter also stands for a number. The numerical value of a word is equivalent to a geometrical measure such a line, a surface, or as space.
The cabbalists on the other hand interpret the number as another word or phrase, which reveals the hidden meaning of the original word. The 13th century cabbalist Abraham Abulaphia was convinced that the cabbala was a very effective magical tool and warned against it.
The freemasons Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas admitted that every grand master is a priest of Yahweh ("The Second Messiah", London, 1998, p. 290).

Today the freemasons claim that freemasonry was founded by King Solomon, who was the first grand master. It is true, however, that the modern masonic lodges are connected to the Order of the Knights Templar. In the year 2000, the Freemasons had a large celebration since, according to their cabbalist conception of things, freemasonry then had its 6000th anniversary. There is no proof of this assumption in the original texts of the Freemasons.

As he rises through the ranks, the freemason is informed of the code word Mac Benac (M. B.), which means, "the flesh has fallen off the bones". This was uttered when the body of the builder Hiram Abiff was dug up. He was also regarded as a son of the widow.

An important legend within freemasonry concerns this Hiram Abiff, the builder of King Solomon's temple. Abiff, called Huram Abiff in II Chronicles, was murdered by his apprentices and cemented into the temple wall. He is still praised and some masonic sources are having a lively discussion about whether Hiram Abiff actually was Jesus Christ. The murder of Hiram is re-enacted at the initiation into the third degree. Apparently murder does not constitute murder to the freemasons, but a shedding of old conceptions of the world and rebirth on a higher level.
Archaeologists have found no evidence of Hiram at their excavation sites and the many versions of the story do not correspond to each other.

The coast was clear for political adventurers whose goal was in- visible power over the world. The most important demand of free masonry eventually became strict observance, because otherwise it would be impossible to bring about a revolution. Above all the French and Italian freemasons began to use the organization as a cover for their political activity. Political messages were concealed by cryptic terminology.

The first lodge (St. Thomas) in France was founded in 1725, in 1726 freemasonry appeared in Austria, 1728 in Spain (Madrid), 1733 in Italy (the first grand lodge was founded in 1750), 1735 in Sweden, 1736 in Switzerland, 1737 in Germany, 1739 in Poland, 1740 in Russia. At the end of the 1730s there were also lodges in Belgium. The first lodge in Denmark was founded in 1745 and the first in Norway in 1749.

Freemasonry reached India in 1730, when the first lodge was founded in Calcutta; China in 1767 and Australia in 1863.

The Knights Templar reappeared in France in 1743 and many new members were accepted. Their activities began to increase in 1754.

Freemasonry spread with incredible speed. Ten years after the first lodge in Paris was founded, there were five lodges in that city, and in 1742 there were 22 registered lodges. In July 1789, just before the masonic coup d'etat in France, there were 100 000 freemasons in the country. Among these were supporters of the king and the political establishment during the coup. The reader can probably imagine what happened to those who did not side with the leader of the French Illuminati, Robespierre. But they had not reached the higher degrees and had no idea about the true nature of the order.

The reality behind the scenes reveals itself to be completely diffe- rent as one rises through the degrees. In Christian countries, free- masonry is portrayed as Christian, but in Islamic countries it wears a Muslim face. In reality, the order worships another being, the Great Architect of the Universe, Jahbulon, whose nature bears a strong resemblance to that of Lucifer. The freemasons are compelled to believe in TGATU (the Great Architect of the Universe). According to the freemasons, Jahbulon is the Creative Being. The Thrice Grand Master Builder, the Nameless Spirit with a Hundred Names.

In 1724, the Old Lodge of York named itself a grand lodge, next year declared to be 'The Grand Lodge of All England held at York'. It became dormant in 1740, was revived in 1761 and disappeared 1792.

The Supreme Council of the British Freemasons was established in 1819. 16 princes were members of the English order between 1737 and 1907. Four of these later became kings.
In the middle of the 18th century, the Scottish Freemasons introduced one or several rounds of golf before the lodge meetings and the lodge banquets, so that they could exercise themselves in magic figures. This was when the magically charged rules of the game were written. The notion of club life came into being and the number of golfers rose from 500 to 5000. Today golf is regarded as the most important game within freemasonry.

The Freemasons have been allowed to spread over the world with hardly any resistance and they have managed to build an ingenious organization. Outsiders have absolutely no clue to what really goes on. Oaths and death rituals bind the members together.

It is an extremely powerful network of decision-makers, moulders of opinion, politicians, businessmen, economists, bishops, famous authors, and others. Its purposes, goals, rituals and beliefs have been concealed from the public, which has been deceived by ostensibly respectable behaviour, polished public ideals, charity and general religiousness.

The masonic movement seemed like an innocuous Christian association from the outside. In reality it remained a subversive conspi- racy movement under Jewish leadership, which kept its goals, cere- monies and the old guilds' secret signs, rituals, blind obedience to authority and a terrifying oath.

In 1780, two completely Jewish lodges were founded in Frankfurt am Main (Friedrich Wichtl, "Weltfreimaurerei, Weltrevolution, Welt- republik", Wobbenbiill, 1981, p. 82). The French masonic periodical Akacia then began to call for: "Not one lodge without Jews!"

The extremist Jews were involved in shaping modern freemasonry in England as early as the beginning of the 18th century (Jacob Katz, "Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723-1939", Cambridge, Mass. 1970). The first reference to a Jewish freemason, Daniel Delvalle, a master of the Cheapside lodge in London, dates from 1732. The same year a Jew, Edward Rose, became a mason in London. The Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, Sir Israel Brodie, was a high-ranking freemason (John Hamill, Robert Gilbert, "Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft", London, 1998, p. 86). Later significant numbers of Jews joined English freemasonry, where they were welcomed.

Many believe that freemasons seek to live in peace with us and that only the preconceptions of others make this impossible for them. But the nature of freemasonry is not human. The freemasons desire to be something different from us. They hate to associate with non-masons. Those Jews that are not members of masonic lodges and do not wish to aid the destructive activities of the masonic Jews, can meet an even worse fate. They are regarded as renegades. The high- ranking freemason destroys everything good and has a surprising amount of sympathy for the lowest forms of humanity and criminals. The cruel and unusual crimes of the communists and socialists often receive the "understanding", if not the outright praise of the media under the control of the freemasons.

The Development of the Masonic System

In the beginning there were only two degrees, apprentices and journeymen, that elected a master of the chair, which later became a third degree. Only in 1725 did the title of "master" come into use within political freemasonry. The Grand Lodge was called the Lodge of St. John in honour of the stonemasons' patron saint, John the Baptist. The founding of freemasonry is celebrated on 24 June each year.

Since 1725 cabbalists have been allowed to join various masonic lodges in England. When the cabbalist extremist Jews gained ad- mittance to the lodges, they soon took over many of the highest positions within freemasonry.

A fourth degree was introduced in Scotland. The few degrees in the lodges of St. John were not enough to be of any use to the forces that wanted to exploit freemasonry politically. It was not possible to make useful tools of the brothers with so few degrees and for this reason a new system with more degrees was introduced in France, the system of St. Andrew. These higher degrees were named after St. Andrew, the first disciple of John the Baptist. The St. Andrew deg- rees were permeated by the heretical doctrines of the Illuminati. The St. John brothers had a lower rank than the brothers of St. Andrew.

Charles Radclyffe founded the French-Scottish system in Paris in 1725 in order to create a more effective political conspiracy. Rad- clyffe became grand master of the lodge of St. Thomas and one year later he was the leader of all freemasonry in France. In 1727 he was chosen grand master of the Prieure de Sion.

In 1754, the descendants of the Merovingians, who through the leadership of Charles de Lorraine controlled freemasonry in France, laid the foundation for the Scottish system of degrees. This system had 25 degrees, and soon gained eight more. The French-Scottish system thereby contains 33 degrees divided into seven classes. There supposedly was a staircase with 33 steps in the Temple of Solomon. This is the reason why the masonic pyramid on the American one-dollar bill is built of 33 stones. This is the most widely spread system in the world today.
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of France was the poet Michael Andrew Ramsay, who came from Scotland. Ramsay admitted the following to newly initiated freemasons in Paris on 21 March 1737: "The whole world is nothing but a great republic, of which each nation forms a family and each individual a child. The Masonic Order is an association of those who have understood this truth and seek to make it real." (Harry Lenhammar, "Med murslev och svard" / "With Trowel and Sword", Delsbo, 1985, pp. 45-46)

Ramsay claimed that the Knights Templar had been guided by the same ideals and had joined forces to realize it. He believed that the Scottish system descended from the Order of the Knights Templar. That is why he re-created the same system where the secret password came from the passwords of the watch guard in military camps. This system became known as the Scottish Rite with 33 degrees. He explained all this in his book "Oration" (1737).

The aforementioned lecture became as crucial to freemasonry as Anderson's Constitution. Ramsay's alias within freemasonry was Chevalier. He was a close friend of Isaac Newton and Jean Theophile Desaguliers. Maximilien Robespierre's father belonged to the lodge Ramsey founded. Ramsay was executed in Great Britain in 1746 for taking part in a rebellion in the interest of the masonic Stuart family.

The system was further developed primarily by the Jewish leaders, among them Estienne (Stephen) Morin. He became the leader of all the orders and in 1761 was given the assignment of spreading freemasonry throughout America, where he made public appearances as a Huguenot. Morin was a freemason of the highest degree. He introduced his new system of freemasonry into the American colonies on 27 August 1761.

On 31 May 1801, Morin founded the Supreme Council together with John Mitchell, Abraham Alexander, Israel Mitchell, Emmanuel de la Motta and other high-ranking masonic Jews within the Scottish Rite in Charleston, South Carolina (Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, "The Second Messiah", London, 1998, p. 85). The Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree became the magic headquarters of the Freemasons. Charleston is located on the 33rd parallel, a matter of great im- portance to the freemasons, and this council is considered to be the mother Supreme Council of all masonic lodges in the world.

In 1875, the Supreme Council moved to closer to the centre of power, Washington, D.C. It has thereafter been regarded as the Supreme Council of World Freemasonry and has affected every important political event since.

The high-ranking Scottish freemason John Robison stated that in the step, called the Chevalier du Soleil (Knight of the Sun), it is Reason that has been destroyed and entombed, and the master of this degree, the Sublime Philosophe, occasions the discovery of the place where the body is hidden (John Robison, "Proofs of a Conspi- racy", Belmont, 1967, p. 88). Freemasons learn that lower degrees, which concern morals and the Christian religion, are mere clouds that have now been dissipated by the light of reason. This particular degree in the French freemasonry is the first step of the freemason forwards «enlightenment». Robison became a Freemason in May 1770.

Freemasonry became a Jewish-Cabbalist conspiracy, the aim of which was to subjugate the civilised Jewry and to enslave the rest of humanity. In 1869, a Jew was grand master of the Scottish Rite in Paris (Henry W. Coil, "Coil's Masonic Encyclopaedia", Macoy Pub- lishing, Richmond, Virginia, 1996, p. 260). The Grand Orient admitted Jews without restrictions.
Morin's mission was to make all gentile freemasons function as extremist Jews or as their henchmen. In any case, they serve in the interest of Zionism.

The masonic leaders appear to follow the doctrine of the Talmud, which states that if there were no Jews, the earth would not be any blessing, neither sunshine nor rain nor humanity would exist (Jebammoth, fol. 98 a). Pretence is therefore common within free- masonry since this is also condoned by the Talmud. In the same collection of teachings, rabbi Bechai states: "Pretence is permitted as long as the Jew shows politeness to the unclean gentile, that he shows the gentile respect and says to him: I love you." But rabbi Bechai explains that this rule applies, only if the Jew needs the gentile or if there is reason to believe that the gentile could harm him. In all other cases, this (showing respect for a gentile) becomes a sin (Gittin, fol. 61 a).

British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli spoke in 1852 to the House of Commons, referring to the events of 1848: "The natural equality of men and the abolition of property are proclaimed by the secret societies, which form the provisional governments; and men of the Jewish race are at the head of each of them."

The rabbi Isaac Wise (1819-1900), chairman of B'nai B'rith's sub- organization in Cincinnati, Ohio, explained that "freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end" (Israelite of America, 3 August 1866).

He also stated: "Freemasonry is the executive political organ of the Jewish financial elite." He meant that freemasonry is the political action group of the extremist Jews.
The Jewish Tribune (New York) wrote on 28 October 1927: "Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?"

The Jewish Guardian admitted openly on 12 April 1922: "Free- masonry is born out of Israel."
The following could be read in the French masonic magazine Le Symbolisme (July 1928): "The most important duty of freemasonry must be to glorify the Jews, which has preserved the unchanged divine stan- dard of wisdom."

The high-ranking freemason Dr Rudolph Klein stated: "Our rite is Jewish from beginning to end, the public should conclude from this that we have actual connections with Jewry." (Latomia, No. 7-8, 1928)

A speech at the B'nai B'rith convention in Paris, published shortly afterwards in The Catholic Gazette (London) in February 1936 and in Le reveil du peuple (Paris) a little later, stated: "We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our or- ders and our direction. We have made it an honour, a great honour, for the Gentiles to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot, should never know that those associations are of our creation, and that they serve our purpose...

One of the many triumphs of our freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of the Jews; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World..."

The honorary president of the B'nai B'rith Lodge, the rabbi Dr Leo Baeck, at the inauguration of the district Grand Lodge Kontinental Europa XIX in Basel on 14 September 1955, said: "The mission of the lodges in Europe is to be the conscience of the Jews and to make sure that the conscience of the Jews does not wither away in the various countries." (Judische Allgemeine Zeitung, 27 January 1956)

The Zionist leader Theodor Herzl wrote in his "Tagebucher" (p. 92): "In the present nations, freemasonry is only of benefit to the Jews, but it shall be abolished later."

"Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish Temple; each Master of the Chair, a representative of the Jewish king; and every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman." ("An Encyclopaedia of European Freemasonry", Philadelphia, 1906)

The rabbi Georg Salomon in Hamburg asked the following illumi- nating question in his booklet "Voices from the East": "Why is there no trace of the Christian Church in the entire ritual of freemasonry? Why is the name of Christ not mentioned once, either in the oath or in the prayer, which is uttered at the opening of a new lodge or at the district lodge? Why do the freemasons not count time from the birth of Christ, but instead, like the Jews, from the Creation?" (pp. 106-107).

This is also the reason why cabbalist names are used in the degrees of the various systems of freemasonry: Commander of the Lighting Triangle, Doctor of the Holy Fire, Prince of Jerusalem (16th degree), Knight of Rose Croix (18th), Grand Pontiff (19th), Knight Commander of the Temple (27th), Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew (29th), Grand Knight Elect of Kadosh (30th).
The latter degree is also called Knights of the Black and White Eagle. The members of this degree must aim dagger thrusts at a royal crown. They shall ceaselessly avenge the death of Grand Master Jacques de Molay on 18 March 1314 in Paris. Remember this date! This is why freemasons of the 30th degree are called The Avengers. Thirteen candles are used upon initiation into this degree. At the initiation ceremony, the following colours are used: black, white, blue and red.

Albert Pike believed that the 30th degree was the most important, since this is when the active struggle against other beliefs and other religions begins. At this point the members are taught the cabbala, which is supposedly the key to the temple. This is also when the members begin to work actively with the magic of Osiris.

Every year, freemasons of the highest degrees "kill" a doll that wears 14th century clothes and symbolizes Philip the Fair. Either the head is cut off (red wine runs down to symbolize his blood) or the whole doll is burned. Pope Clement V is also "killed" each year. The Knights of Kadosh must then trample on the royal crown and the pope's tiara.

This form of magic was practised already in ancient Egypt. The Harris papyrus describes how Hui, the pharaoh's cattle handler crea- ted wax effigies, which were later smuggled into the palace. The dolls symbolized the pharaoh and his family and were to be placed near a fire, so that they melted slowly while the pharaoh suffered and died. The plot was discovered, however, and Hui and the other conspi- rators were sentenced to commit suicide, one of Egypt's harshest penalties (Lewis Spence, "Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt", London, 1915, p. 263).
The names of certain degrees vary in different countries. The 22nd degree is called the Knight Royal Axe in England, while it is called Furst von Libanon (Prince of Lebanon) in Germany.
These 33 degrees are divided into seven categories. The fifth cate- gory, for example, contains the Knight degrees (19, 20, 23, 27, 28 and 29), which stem from the Order of Knights Templar.
The fourth category has two subsections. The first contains the Israelite degrees (4th and 8th degrees). The seventh category con- tains only the highest degrees (3 1-33).
Upon achieving the 18th degree, permission is required from the masonic elite in order to advance further.

The few Freemasons who reach the 28th degree are suddenly informed that everything they have learned previously was false. Only then will the truth be told. This is done intentionally to test how reliable these freemasons are. They are not permitted to tell the public about their activities.

In his novel "The Glass Bead Game" (1943), Hermann Hesse de- scribes the nature of man as generous and noble when it follows the path of truth. As soon as truth is betrayed, as soon as human nature ceases to honour truth, as soon as it sells out its ideals, it becomes intensely satanic. This is also the case regarding masonic nature.

Freemasons have performed many acts of vengeance. The Republic or Commune of Mainz was declared on 18 March 1793 in Germany with the aid of French "revolutionary" troops. Thanks to the Prussian Army, this nest of vipers was liquidated four months later on 23 July 1793.
The 18th of March became a special day. It was on this day in 1848 that rebellions were incited in Venice, Milan, and in Stockholm. A revolution took place in Berlin on the same day. The leaders of the revolution in Berlin were all Jewish Freemasons, including Jacob Venedy and Johann Jacoby.

This was also true of the other cities. The actions were even set to happen at the same time on this Saturday in Milan, Berlin and Stockholm.

Acts of vengeance were staged once again precisely 23 years later, on 18 March 1871, when the Paris Commune was declared. In the Soviet Union, 18 March was celebrated as the day of the Red Aid. Freemasons murdered Georgios, the king of Greece, on 18 March 1913.
The actual basis of freemasonry was a ruthless meritocracy, a class of society, which is only achieved with the help of merits and documents. This implies subversiveness in all static societies based on a traditional hierarchy, according to the American historian James H. Billington.

During the early 18th century, lodge meetings were usually held in private chambers in inns or taverns, where the members gathered around a long table.

It became obvious that the new form of freemasonry posed a political threat to traditional order. The lodge meetings in the Netherlands were banned in 1735, since information had come to light that the masonic brothers were secretly involved in political activity. In 1738, Pope Clement XII banned the activities of the Freemasons in all Catholic countries, including France and Poland. It was a heinous crime to belong to the Freemasons, according to the papal bull In Eminenti.
The Empress of Austria, Maria Theresia, closed all the lodges in 1742, including the one her husband Franz I was a member of. But it was already too late, because freemasonry had by then reached a position where it could no longer be controlled. Its members were too many and they were far too influential. Rich extremist Jews who were members of different lodges and supported their activities had access to enormous funds, which the worldly powers could not ignore.

Certain freemasons could not cope with the evil that the rituals bring out and have left the order. An former grand master, also a lea- ding financier in London, gave Martin Short this frightening testi- mony, which is recounted in his book "Inside the Brotherhood: Further Secrets of the Freemasons" (London, 1990, pp. 124-126):

"I became a freemason in 1970, but even as I was through the first degree ritual I had misgivings. It felt odd swearing that horrific oath on the Bible while a sharp compass point was thrust hard against my naked left breast. It felt odder still to be told to seal that oath by kissing the Bible, and then have my face thrust into the compass and square as they lay cradled on its open pages. It was only later that I realized the com- passes and square were arranged in the shape of the vesica piscis and the whole ceremony had sexual overtones.

Despite my unease I passed through the three Craft degrees in just three meetings. During the third degree ritual the Deacons laid me on the floor and wrapped me in a shroud: a black sheet with white skulls and crossbones embroidered on it. They told me to stay as still as if I was dead, until they lifted me to my feet and the Lodge Master applied the Master Mason's grip.
As I lay there I suddenly felt the overpowering presence of evil. I had never consciously thought about evil before, let alone felt it, but now my brain was pounding. I felt a piercing pain in my skull, like the worst headache you can ever imagine. Even so, I went through with the cere- mony and became a Master Mason.

The stabbing headache kept coming back - not only on Lodge nights but every night for more than ten years. I suffered the worst attacks in my bedroom of all places, so I got into the compulsive habit of laying out a pair of socks in the form of a cross on the floor beside my bed before I could get to sleep. I don't know if my wife ever noticed this. I suppose I was trying to repel evil, though I never reasoned it out that way at the time.

I attended my Masonic Lodge for seven years, and then resigned. Later I realized this period coincided exactly with the years when I was suffering constant illness: glandular fever, chronic pharyngitis, spon- taneous haemorrhaging and malignant skin cancer. I might have induced these conditions myself. I suppose, but the skin cancer went far beyond most people's psychosomatic powers. But now I was constantly swal- lowing Valium and sleeping pills. I was also affected with acute trigeminal neuralgia: a facial paralysis, rather like what you feel from a dental injection but it doesni go away. Also a dental injection prevents pain, but this was causing it: so much that sometimes I screamed out in agony.

By 1980 I was near to suicide. One Sunday, when I was very low in- deed, I went to my parish church and felt compelled to take Com- munion. When I got to the rail I begged for forgiveness and asked to be fed with the Bread of Life. I doni remember taking the sacraments, but when I got home my family says my face was shining. Several months later I realized, that was the very same day I suddenly stopped taking all those pills.

It sounds corny, I know, but I had 'found God'. I became a committed Christian and spoke to groups all over the country but I was still in torment, as I realized during a meeting in Peterborough. The Chairman volunteered me to pray for any people present who were in distress. Someone came forward desperate for help, but I had no experience of this kind of work. I tried to extend my arms in support but my elbows were locked rigid. I felt terrible. I got out of the hall as soon as I could. I knew there was something seriously wrong with me, so I prayed for help.

I told a friend who introduced me to a Pentecostal minister. He said he felt I was treasuring some things, which, in the eyes of God, formed a spiritual bondage with an illicit past. He did not identify the objects, but he said the source of the evil was in my bedroom: on top of the wardrobe and in the dressing table. These were the exact places where I kept my Masonic regalia and ritual books. When I got home I took them straight round to my vicar. He said the only thing to do was to destroy them, so we threw them on a bonfire.

That night I stopped arranging my socks in the shape of a cross! I knew at last the oppressive curse had been broken. Thinking back to the Masonic ceremony when I had first sensed over-powering evil, I realize I may have been particularly susceptible to such feelings. Perhaps I'm psychic whereas most other freemasons - good men, I'm sure - simply don't respond to such vibrations. Whatever the explanation, I would not wish on anyone the distress which that Masonic rigmarole caused me for so many years."


Architects of Deception Part VI

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Architects of Deception Part I

Architects of Deception Part II

Architects of Deception Part III

Architects of Deception Part IV

Architects of Deception Part V

Architects of Deception Part VII

Architects of Deception Part VIII

Architects of Deception Part IX

Architects of Deception Part X

Architects of Deception Part XI

Architects of Deception Part XII"

Architects of Deception Part XIII

Architects of Deception Part XIV

Architects of Deception Part XV

Architects of Deception Part XVI

Architects of Deception Part XVII

Architects of Deception Part XVIII

Architects of Deception Part XIX

Architects of Deception Part XX

Architects of Deception Part XXI

Architects of Deception Part XXII

Architects of Deception Part XXIII


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  2. The infiltration of the lodges of the operative freemasons thus began relatively early. In the beginning of the 1540s, English craft guilds began for economic reasons to accept "passive" members that lacked a builder's background, such as bankers, merchants, land- owners, magicians and scientists. These people greatly desired to belong to a masonic lodge despite the fact that they lacked a work- man's background. buy asian clothes online uk , asian attire uk , asian dress uk , asian readymade suits online uk , mens kurta pyjama uk , ready made pakistani dresses uk , pakistani wedding dresses online usa , white chikankari kurta designs , pink chikankari kurta , pure georgette chikankari suits , georgette chikankari kurti They wished to exploit some of the freemasons' secrets. In this manner, an excellent opportunity presented itself to certain dark political forces that wished to utilise a well-functioning international network. The first documented evidence of this un- natural expansion of the lodges stems from 1598.

  3. The infiltration of the lodges of the operative freemasons thus began relatively early. Who invented peanut butter In the beginning of the 1540s, English craft guilds began for economic reasons to accept "passive" members that lacked a builder's background, such as bankers, merchants, land- owners, magicians and scientists. Th
