Rationale for israeli collective punishment of palestinians
Hoffman explains to the uninitiated the "insider language" used by certain Judaics to label their enemies as worthy of assassination.
You will be shocked at what you hear as it becomes clear that these ancient teachings are alive and well in the 21st century.
The concept of "Amalek" goes a long way to explaining the cruel collective punishments handed out to the Palestinians and the well known habit of Israeli thugs to assassinate opponents of the criminal Zionist State of Israel.
At the back of her mind: "I make up my mind before I have the facts. I see a blonde, I decide she is stupid. I see a Black, I decide he's shiftless [sic] and lazy. I see an Italian, I decide he is Mafioso. I see a Jew, I decide they [sic] are evil, greedy, conniving, etc." -- Deborah Lipstadt on prejudice
Lipstadt's March 2005 attempt to silence C-Span (dossier)
Answering the Lipstadt Liars: Free Download of David Irving's own Diary of his three-month 2000 Legal Action against Deborah Lipstadt - originally posted in 2000, but repeated here for new readers
- A fair and revealing illustrated interview of Prof Lipstadt by Robert Birnbaum
- Mar 15, 2005: Deborah Lipstadt cuts off nose, spites face: Richard Cohen's fury in Washington Post that C-SPAN grants equal air time: to silence David Irving, Lipstadt cancels her consent | The Irving-CSpan correspondence, with a prediction | The self-important David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies cackles its approval | Our complete dossier on Lipstadt's C-Span fiasco
- Still dining out on the Holocaust Mar 10, 2005: Deborah Lipstadt visits Berlin (but can't speak German): defends WW2 massacre at Dresden; is asked why she never took the stand during the Lipstadt Libel Trial
- In 2002 Lipstadt published in Nova Law Review a revealing survey of the months before the Lipstadt trial. With full commentary by David Irving, and hyperlinks
- Feb 25, 2005 reviews of Lipstadt's new book: Emory University ("The British press was nasty, seeing it as a battle of class -- an English gentleman against an American Jewish woman upstart") | Jewish Journal of Los Angeles
- Jan 27, 2008 Still dining out on the Holocaust: Deborah Lipstadt writes on The future of Holocaust denial in that obejctive daily, The Jerusalem Post, and worries about the Arabs who have taken up the cry |and sells the same article to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- Jan 27, 2005: Kirkus reviews Lipstadt's turgid new book on the trial ("it has dry patches" - like the Sahara): and, abandoning My Struggle, she has stolen Don Guttenplan's title, History on Trial
- Jan 26, 2005: Still dining out on the Holocaust: Lipstadt reminisces in the International Herald Tribune about her famous victory in the London High Court (she took the Fifth) and mentions her new book - it was going to be called My Struggle (no kiddin').
- Index to Legal Situation caused by Lipstadt's illegal postings of documents on her university website
- Ward Churchill pours scorn on Lipstadt in No.33 of Socialism and Democracy: An American Holocaust? The Structure of Denial
- Lipstadt's praise for Binjamin Wilkomirski, the (ASSHOL) fraudster and liar:
"Deborah Lipstadt has assigned Fragments in her Emory University class on Holocaust memoirs. When confronted with evidence that it is a fraud, she commented that the new revelations 'might complicate matters somewhat, but [the work] is still powerful.' Daniel Ganzfried reports that Jews have complained to him that even if Fragments is a fraud, his exposé is dangerously aiding 'those who deny the Holocaust.'" - Lipstadt hits Oregon trail again: speaks at Portland | The racist record of Deborah Lipstadt
- Tom Stoneburner asks for material to refute the orchestrated attacks on Mr Irving
- Lipstadt latest: had surgery October 2002 | invitation to meet her
- Lipstadt latest: receives Eternal Light award from Catholic-Jews in Florida
- Lipstadt "heralds personal victory over Holocaust revisionists"
- Twelve questions on Auschwitz to put to Prof. Lipstadt the next time you see her...
- Controversy April 2001 over Emory's choice of Deborah Lipstadt as graduation speaker; won't get honorary degree
- Update on Lipstadt's Book About the Trial: Irving v. Lipstadt
- Great debating opportunity: Lipstadt lectures Sept 10, 2003 at US Holocaust Museum, Washington
- Atyn Boersma, writes from the Netherlands with questions about the basis of the Lipstadt trial
- Reviews of Lipstadt's latest book on the Amazon website. Newspaper reviewers are, like the publishing industry, preponderantly Jewish, and therefore partisan. What do non-partisan readers think of Lipstadt's book on her trial for libel?
- Blake Eskin's book on the Benjamin Wilkormiski scandal reveals Deborah Lipstadt's hypocrisy and mendacity
- Lipstadt to rub shoulders with the great and powerful
- Lipstadt's new AJC-funded website at Emory | our comments
- A reader pleads: don't knock Emory because of one poor scholar | Mr Irving responds: views about Emory remain unchanged
- The Courses which Prof. Lipstadt teaches at Emory University, Atlanta
- Deborah Lipstadt's website at Emory University
- Distinguished Chair Holders
- Chicago professor's new book on Americans and the Holocaust heaps criticism on Deborah Lipstadt: Making "shoah-business" argument, he cites Lipstadt as example of the santification of the Holocaust [and See Novick Index]
- The foul contagion spreads: Lipstadt's book is required reading at universities in USA
- How certain people tried to suppress free speech in Atlanta USA when David Irving came, Nov 4, 1993 ...
- Deborah Lipstadt's essay for Australia, The Holocaust and the Denial of Reason (A.I.J.A. Briefing, February 1994)
- Lipstadt in Australia on a speaking tour: report in The Australian, July 25, 1994
- Deborah Lipstadt reviews Peter Novick's book in The Boston Globe, Jun 13, 1999: The Holocaust in the Western mind
- Letter to The Australian, July 26, 1994, protesting about libels by Deborah Lipstadt during her Australia tour
- Letter to an Australian informant commenting on Lipstadt's lies, July 21, 1994.
- Action Report summary: "Lipstadt in Australia"
- For the other side of the story: An interview with Deborah Lipstadt [link]
- David Irving's diary, November 11, 1994: he confronts Lipstadt at Question Time in Atlanta.
- Apr 3, 1996: Prof Lipstadt badmouths David Irving and his Goebbels book in Washington Post; publisher abandons book publication
- Deborah Lipstadt curriculum vitae
- Witness Statement Of Deborah E. Lipstadt
- Newsletter of the Institute of Jewish Studies at Emory University: Prof Lipstadt's Trial
- Richard Rampton's Flying Circus tours North America, speaking on trial, Oct 2000
- Dec 15, 1998: High Court in London orders Deborah Lipstadt to verify her document-discovery on oath
- Prof. Deborah Lipstadt's application for an Injunction to suppress publication on this Website of her witnesses' statements and their documents | David Irving's affidavit of Jan 26, 1999 | Order made by Mr Justice Moses
- Apr 16, 1999: Mr Irving issues summons against Lipstadt alleging concealment of Video Evidence | Mr Irving's affidavit supporting the summons
- Deborah Lipstadt on Wolfgang Benz: vaguely uneasy that a German Historian should examine the Holocaust
- Prof Deborah Lipstadt's witness statement in DJC Irving vs Penguin Ltd and Lipstadt
- Fulton County Daily Report: Giant Effort Helps Emory Prof Overcome Holocaust Denier
- Lipstadt (right) tells Asian Times: "This was an exercise in pest control"
- The Advocate: Lipstadt tells Synagogue I slew Dragon, singlehanded
- Jerusalem Post on a gloatfest in LA: Lipstadt recounts battle with "Amalek" (Uh? She spake not a word in the trial)
- L A Jewish Journal: Vindication has lit a fire under Deborah Lipstadt
- Premature Forward (NY) ad honours Lipstadt victory
- Jewish Telegraph Agency: Lipstadt: "Ordeal with Holocaust denier showed 'I was wrong to laugh"
- Jerusalem Post: Lipstadt: Libel trial strengthened me
- Jewish Journal of Los Angeles: Lipstadt to lecture
- Jewish Telegraph Agency: Friend of Deborah exits trial believing Irving is one to 'beware'
- Australian Jews force Newspaper to Suppress Lipstadt--Trial Poll Results | Australian Jewish News on role of Lipstadt in suppressing Goebbels biography
- Who is Funding Professor Lipstadt's Defence? - No Surprises
- Dr Andrew E. Mathis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, comes to the defence of Prof. Lipstadt
- Controversy over Emory history professor Michael A. Bellesiles, accused of faking evidence on statistics on early American firearms
- Arthur Blank gives $5 million to Emory's Institute for Jewish Studies
- Analysis of the Lipstadt trial from the Yale Law Journal, Jun 2001, by Wendie Ellen Schneider
- Dec 24, 2003: Lipstadt demands all Mr Irving's possessions turned over to her
Lipstadt's violation of a Court Order on Discovery and its consequences
- David Irving: A Radical's Diary
- The "implied undertaking" and Discovery (Disclosure) of documents in UK Law
Deborah Lipstadt: a request for information | |
- Prof. Lipstadt - why were you afraid to go into the witness box and expose yourself even to the questioning of an amateur like Mr. Irving? You effectively pleaded the Fifth Amendment, which is the traditional route of those with something to hide. (Mr. Irving subjected himself voluntarily to three weeks' cross examination by one of the world's leading trial lawyers, and he voluntarily made available to you his entire private and public papers.)
- are you aware that one of your main researchers, Dr. David Cesarani, said that Mr. Irving gave the defence some scary moments, particularly when their chief expert witness on the architecture of Auschwitz, Prof. Van Pelt, proved unable to explain what had happened to the bodies (i.e. the logistics of disposing, for example, of 450,000 Hungarian Jews' bodies in three weeks - around 50,000 tons of corpses, by a small Sonderkommando in one crematory building) [Internet link: see http://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/trial3/DieZeit120400e.html]
- why did you not accept David Irving's challenge, made three times publicly in the courtroom, that he would halt the case in mid-trial if you could find any evidence of the holes in the roof slab of Crematorium II at Auschwitz - which still exists - through which "eye witnesses" in the pay of war-crimes prosecution teams claimed to have seen SS officers tipping the Zyklon B granules? Your own chief witness Van Pelt said there are no such holes in the slab, so somebody lied, right?
- why are you afraid of free debate? You have said there is no debate, but when push came to shove your highly paid Queen's Counsel felt it necessary to fill the courtroom every day for three months with over thirty lawyers, counsel, barristers, assistants, historians, and researchers, just to stand up against Mr. Irving, who appeared in court alone. Was your case really that weak?
- why have you and your friends done all you can to muzzle Mr. Irving - by putting pressure on publishers, broadcasters, television companies, and governments not to allow him to speak or to publish his widely acknowledged books? What are you scared of?
- in a trial which was about a very serious matter, why did you instruct your counsel to resort to smear tactics, branding Mr. Irving as an anti-Semite and a racist (although he, unlike your Counsel, frequently employs ethnic minorities as his personal staff), and although neither allegation was made in your book or pleaded in your initial Defence? Were you frightened of fighting the case on the facts of history?
- how much money have you made out of this trial (articles, speaking fees, etc.) already? That's what it's about, isn't it - money?
- do you think it right that your lawyers paid some of your so called "neutral" expert witnesses a quarter of a million dollars in inducements to testify in your favour? Those six million dollars put up by Steven Spielberg - you are a religious scholar: Have you never heard the Bible say, "Good wine needs no bush"? If your case is rock solid why was so much money swilling around that London courtroom? [Internet link: http://www.fpp.co.uk/Legal/Penguin/experts/payments.html]
- a new Zealand academic tribunal has just found that Prof. Richard Evans, your chief witness, was guilty of grossly distorting, misquoting, exaggerating, and polemicizing in his similar "expert report" on Dr. Joel Hayward, and totally lacking in the objectivity that is expected by a court of an expert witness. How do you feel about Evans now? [Internet link: http://www.fpp.co.uk/Legal/Penguin/experts/Evans/NZReportExtract.html]
- have you read Norman Finkelstein's book, The Holocaust Industry. Is he a racist and anti-Semite too?
- you have argued in your books and articles that Jews should never stoop to marrying outside their religion and race. Is that not racism in its purest and most evil form?
- who paid your own multi-million dollar legal expenses, and why did the British High Court, unusually, not allow you to reclaim them?
- Judge Gray found in his Judgment that three of the statements you made in your book against Mr Irving are in fact serious lies just as he claimed (the Stockholm terrorist conference, the Hitler painting "above his desk", the stealing or damaging of the Goebbels diaries from the Moscow archives. Have you removed them from the book's latest editions?) (Answer: You have not).
IN 1992 Prof. Deborah Lipstadt (Professor at Emory University, Atlanta, and like the majority of her students there a Jew) published a book, Denying the Holocaust. The book had been commissioned by the Vidal Sassoon Center of Anti-Semitism, at the Yad Vashem Institution, in Israel. It contained a number of falsehoods, exaggerations, and distortions, about which many writers have commented. David ![]()
A Deborah Lipstadt moment: NEVER FORGET: "Deborah Lipstadt, author of the anti-revisionist polemic Denying the Holocaust, has assigned [Binjamin Wilkormiski's book] Fragments in her Emory University class on Holocaust memoirs. 1: Deborah Lipstadt (right, with Penguin boss Forbes- Watson) announces that she is to speak June 9, 2002 in Portland, Oregon about David Irving. An Oregon media source speculates on whether the same kind of reception will greet her that her hirelings arranged for Mr Irving in May. Hearty souls wanting to exercise their First Amendment right to tell her what they think should contact B. [Some questions to ask her] 2: Coming to Atlanta, June 16, 2002: David Irving v. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt: Holocaust Denial on Trial at the American Library Association's annual conference, Sun. June 16, 1:30-3:30pm. Lipstadt will be a dignitary at this ALA event. [Some questions to ask her] See page 14 of the ALA publication for a brief report on Lipstadt's presentation at this 2002 ALA conference 3: Great debating opportunity: Lipstadt lectures Sept 10, 2003 at US Holocaust Museum, Washington
Prof Deborah Lipstadt received an ecstatic welcome when she spoke in Feb 2005 at Brandeis University, and signed six million copies of her latest book (equally true).
Next time you see her ask her the following questions . . . here are just a few: |
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