CITIZEN JEWFISH: Talmud & Kabala

Notes on jewish monsters
Part I
Editor’s Note: The essential implication herein is that Americans are citizen Jewfish.
by zaidpub

Modern Jews, the Talmud & Kabala
The conception of the Jews as the Chosen People who must eventually rule the world forms indeed the basis of Rabbinical Judaism… the Jewish religion now takes its stand on the Talmud rather than on the Bible. “The modern Jew,” one of its latest Jewish translators observes, “is the product of the Talmud.” The Talmud itself accords to the Bible only a secondary place. Thus the Talmudic treatise Soferim says: “The Bible is like water, the Mischna is like wine, and the Gemara is like spiced wine.
The Talmud is not a law of righteousness for all mankind, but a meticulous code applying to the Jew alone. No human being outside the Jewish race could possibly go to the Talmud for help or comfort… In the Talmud, Drach points out, “the precepts of justice, of equity, of charity towards one’s neighbor, are not only not applicable with regard to the Christian, but constitute a crime in anyone who would act differently… The Talmud expressly forbids one to save a non-Jew from death… to restore lost goods, etc., to him, to have pity on him.”… [but] even the Jews are not unanimous in supporting the Talmud; indeed, as we have already seen, many Jews have protested against it as a barrier between themselves and the rest of the human race.… It is in the Cabala, still more than in the Talmud, that the Judaic dream of world-domination recurs with the greatest persistence. The Zohar indeed refers to this as a fait accompli.

Theodur Hertzl, 19th Century Propaganda Poster
Note Lady Liberty: Remnant of the Jew-Freemasonic-Illuminati Inspired French Revolution
The hope of world-domination is therefore not an idea attributed to the Jews by "anti-Semites," but a very real and essential part of their traditions. [This is also true of Lamaism. - oz] What then of their attitude to Christianity in the past? We have already seen that hatred of the person and teaching of Christ did not end at Golgotha, but was kept alive by the Rabbis and perpetuated in the Talmud and the Toledot Yeshu. The Cabala also contains passages referring both to Christ and to Mohammed so unspeakably foul that it would be impossible to quote them here:
[Kabalism] has contributed to the formation of modern Judaism, for, without the influence of the Kabala, Judaism today might have been one-sided, lacking in warmth and imagination. Indeed, so deeply has it penetrated into the body of the faith that many ideas and prayers are now immovably rooted in the general body of orthodox doctrine and practice. This element has not only become incorporated, but it has fixed its hold on the affections of the Jews and cannot be eradicated… Assuredly sectarian Freethinkers swarm, who flatter themselves on having borrowed nothing from the synagogue and on hating equally Jehovah and Jesus. But the modern Jewish world is itself also detached from any supernatural belief, and the Messianic tradition, of which it preserves the cult, reduces itself to considering the Jewish race as the veritable Messiah.

“The Cryptocracy of the OTO (Thelemic Magic) is involved in the transformation or ‘alchemical processing’ of mass consciousness by psychological mind manipulation.
With the help of secret societies, tests are set up and responses measured to ‘shape’ world events. The goal is to have the masses live as controlled puppets in the New World Order. Established a century ago, the OTO is the ‘graduate school’ of Freemasonry, and is self-titled the ‘Masonic Academy.’ It contains all the degrees of Masonry and Illuminism and is the highest secret society for elite Freemasons.
An international organization, the OTO is a tax-exempt organized religion in the United States. The writings of its long-time head, British Intelligence agent and Satanist, Aleister Crowley (d. 1947), who called himself the Great Beast 666, reveal the OTO is grounded in Satanism...
All Masonry, says Mr. Heimbichner, is subordinate to Judaism. A ‘key operative’ in the establishment of the OTO was a member of the B'nai B'rith, which is Jewish Freemasonry.[1]
The essence of Freemasonry, Mr. Heimbichner says, can be traced to the Sumerian worship of Satan ["Shaitan" or Saturn] that passed into ancient Egypt and Babylon.
The ancient forms of devil worship were then preserved and passed down through the oral teaching of the Jewish rabbis as the ‘traditions of the ancients or elders,’ [hence we have the “Protocols of the Elders”] strongly condemned by Jesus Christ (Mk. 7:1-13; Mt. 15:1-9). ...
After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D., the oral teaching was gradually written down in what became the Talmud and the Kabala.
The Talmud and Kabala, the latter being completely Gnostic and black-magical, form the basis of Judaism, a religion "utterly distinct" from the Old Testament religion of the Israelites. Judaism is ‘a sect top-heavy with unscriptural, man-made tradition and pagan superstition.’
Mr. Heimbichner cites Jewish authorities on the Kabala and experts on occult symbolism to expose the fact that certain Cabbalist rites correspond to the occult Hindu Tantric yoga techniques of sex magick. ...
The Jewish Encyclopedia admits, says Mr. Heimbichner, that Jewish Gnosticism includes occult magick and it inspired Christian Gnosticism.... transmitted through the Manichaeans, Cathars and other groups, eventually corrupting the twelfth-century Knights Templar, transforming it into an occult Order.... The Templar tradition made its way into Freemasonry, and sex magick ‘lays at the heart of top-level Freemasonry such as exists in the OTO.’
It is the ‘supreme secret’ of Masonry, known only to high Masons. There is sex magick in the eighth and ninth degrees of the OTO and homosexuality in the eleventh, its highest.”

“A party of the People of the Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if it had been something they did not know! They followed what the Satans recited over Solomon’s Kingdom. Solomon did not disbelieve, but Satans disbelieved teaching men magic, and such things as came down at Babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone such things without saying: ‘We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme.” [Qur’an, II: 101-2]
‘What the Satans recited’ has come down to us as the Talmud and most especially the Kabala. And what Harut and Marut taught will also be discussed in some detail in later chapters, as these recitations are the core of Illuminati doctrines, Sexual Magick, Sorcery, and Protocols of the Elders of Zion. - oz
Roots of the Conspiracy and Justification for traditional Anti-Semitism:
“To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all the Jews, for if the goys knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.” Talmud, Book of Libbre David, 37 [Goy means unclean]
“A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill … The son of Noah, who would steal a farthing ought to be put to death, but an Israelite is allowed to do injury to a goy; where it is written, Thou shalt not do injury to thy neighbor, is not said, Thou shalt not do injury to a goy … A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew, but a Jew is not forbidden to do all this to a goy … If a goy killed a goy or a Jew he is responsible, but if a Jew killed a goy he is not responsible ... Every goy who studies Talmud and every Jew who helps him ought to die … The property of the goys is like a thing without a master … The decisions of the Talmud are the words of the Living God. Jehovah himself asks the opinion of earthly rabbis when there are difficult affairs in heaven. Jehovah himself in heaven studies the Talmud, standing: he has such respect for that book … the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, all others are contemptible … all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples … an orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other nations … if it were profitable for himself or for the interest of Jews in general, he ought to act against morality.”
Eliphas Lévi [1] accepts this genealogy, and relates that "the Holy Cabala" was the tradition of the children of Seth carried out of Chaldea by Abraham, who was "the inheritor of the secrets of Enoch and the father of initiation in Israel." - Histoire de la Magie, pp. 46, 105;
Freemason, Dr. Mackey: “there was, besides the divine Cabala of the children of Seth, the magical Cabala of the children of Cain, which descended to the Sabeists, or star-worshippers, of Chaldea, adepts in astrology and necromancy.”- Lexicon of Freemasonry, p. 323
[1] Eliphas Lévi was the pseudonym of the celebrated nineteenth-century occultist the Abbé Constant.]
A Jew, A Jesuit, A Freemason & a Warlock. - oz
All this is more or less known. What is needed, is that people start thinking and talking about a solution to this problem, not one or two persons far in between, but as many people as possible, everywhere, all the time.
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