What’s the Big Deal about the Holocaust?
WARNING: Reading this blog article and thinking about the issues covered may force you to completely reevaluate the real deal going on America’s head today. You may not want to take the red pill, Neo!
All over the place nowadays, people are asking questions about the Holocaust and wondering why this subject is still so controversial after all this time. What is it now, 64 years? People are too scared to voice any doubts, since they’ve been programmed to think that anyone who does so must be evil and anti-Semitic. But when you think about it, sentiments like that should be quite separate from historical facts and never, ever subject to legal efforts.
Bishop Richard Williamson
So, why is the Holocaust such a big deal? Because it’s a major leg propping up the New World Order and the people behind the curtain — no doubt about it. They know that if you start asking questions about any of this, soon it will lead to a whole helluva lot more. And it’s so easy to see all the reasons (below), that they’ve pushed this version of history on America and the White countries of the West — all the while knowing how much outrage the public would have for being lied to.
Recently, a Catholic Bishop in Argentina came out during a interview and said it was 200,000 to 300,000 Jews who died in the camps and none in a gas chamber. Bishop Richard Williamson ignited a bit of firestorm over his statements and was even briefly mentioned on the mainstream news.
Jew Thought Police, like the ADL’s Abe Foxman went haywire about it, demanded and had the spineless Vatican denounce his comments and remove him from the pulpit. World Jewish leaders then told the Vatican that “Holocaust denial is not an opinion, but a crime.” Jews ordered them to declare Holocaust denial as “heresy” and undergo Holocaust education.
Such is the arrogance of International Jewry and Big Zionism today. The Jews have always had it in for the Catholic church. They completely demonized and demoralized the church with non-stop press coverage of the Gay pedophile priests, still going strong today. Funny, how the press never breathes a word about all the rabbis who have been caught doing this kind of thing.
Another thing you won’t hear about in the mainstream media is that the Jews in Europe now want the Bishop literally arrested and thrown in the slammer. That’s right: By questioning anything about the sacred Holocaust can earn you a prison term in 11 countries in Europe and Canada. This should be completely unacceptable to any free thinking White person!
People like Ernst Zündel now sit in prison over what they’ve said in public (letters of support have even been kept from reaching him); Dr. Fredrik Töban from Australia came close to going to jail in Germany, simply for making an airport connection in Britain where Bobbies arrested him for the Germans, but brave free speech advocates soon came to his rescue and the government finally released him. Simon Shepard and Stephen Whittle, who created the fascinating site The Heretical Press, are now in jail by the British thought crime police after trying to flee to America for their political beliefs.
David Irving, once a highly respected WWII historian (he blew wide open the Hitler Diary forgery), had spent a decade in the German archives researching the war and then ended up spending 3 years in a Austrian Jail for what he dared say in print about the Holocaust evidence.
Let’s keep one thing perfectly clear about the topic: Holocaust “revisionism” does NOT say the Nazis didn’t kill Jews or anyone else for that matter. How many? Probably a lot. But so did the Soviets kill a lot of Whites (below). And the US and Britain killed over 600,000 White civilians in horrific bombing campaigns against the German cities. 3 Million Germans starved to death after the war, many of them POW’s penned up in American General Dwight Eisenhower’s open-air camps, exposed to the elements and fed almost nothing until they died.
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What they don’t want you to know: Millions of Whites were starved to death (1) and executed by Commies in the “Holmador” under the direction of Jews like Lazar Kaganovich (2). Far, far more White Gentiles suffered at the hands of Commie Jews than whatever the Nazis ever did. (3) Stalin’s chief propagandist, the Jew Ilya Ehrenburg exhorted Soviet troops to rape and murder the women and children of Germany (4). His deviously imaginative anti-Nazi propaganda and genocide lies were later regurgitated by Globalist Zionists and regular Jewry on the naïve White countries of the West. |
This guy lived through it. Will you or your children?
The Bolsheviks and later, the Soviet Communists, killed millions of White Gentiles. In 1957, the Soviets admitted that 15 to 25 million were executed or starved to death since the Red revolution. But Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (right), in his book “The Gulag Archipelago,” using the research of I. A. Kurganov who had access to a secret government file, estimated it was 66 million who were killed. Jews were predominate in the secret police, like the NKVD and Cheka; in fact, the 6 leading administrators of Stalin’s death apparatus, Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda and Naftaly Frenkel were all Jews.
And many of the massacres in Eastern Europe during WWII were not done by Nazis either, but local populations (Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Poles and Hungarians) who went nutso trying to get some long-due payback for the evil Communist treatment or economic parasitism they received at the hands of Jewish tax collectors, commissars, secret police and judges. No lie.
So, let’s get over the bit about who is evil and all. We all know that people of any sort can have hearts of stone-cold evil. White Germans are NOT the only ones. But, of course, you know all this when you think about global history.
The Red Cross once reported 271,000 dead in the camps.
No, the question before us is this: Did the German Nazis operate a secret network of industrial murder utilizing gassing chambers? Not whether they shot, hung and worked people to death. People sometimes tell themselves, “well, if they did that, so they must have been capable of much worse.” No, the issue is historical truth and the reasons for lying about it to the Western world for so long.
All kinds of ridiculous lies have been promoted about the Germans to this day. When you read some of them, you might pause and consider how could anyone ever do such a thing? Most people foolishly accept it all at face value just because they read it in some book.
But stories of individual Jews are now being exposed left and right. All kinds of crazy things have been shown to be lies in the past. Lampshades made from human skin, soap from the ashes of dead Jews, bone furniture for the evil SS to sit on. Trenches dug, filled with living Jews and acid poured in over them. Electrified floors killed rooms full of Jews. Pedal-operated hammers to bash in the skulls of Jews riding along on conveyor belts. Believe it or not, much of this was considered true not so long ago. Some of it still is, to this very day, by the Jews.
The issue of the industrial gassing of the Jews is what is at stake. Auschwitz and the Operation Reinhard camps: Treblinka and 4 others — none of which was on German soil. The details of these camps are too long for a mere blog post but, suffice to say, huge problems exist with the official narrative.
Auschwitz had 4 crematoria (only 2 of which had high capacity — one was just a small building) built at the satellite camp Birkenau, to handle the dead from 100,000 labor slaves and Soviet POWs. The “gas chambers” were merely built-in morgues for body storage and only designed to handle a few hundred corpses maximum, not the many thousands of Jews said to have been gassed per day. And to fuel the cremations would have literally required small mountains of coke (coal) outside the crematoria and this is not seen in any overhead photos of the camps by American planes.
The number of dead for Auschwitz was lowered by 3 million, yet the 6 million figure still remains. |
Many talk of the photos of Jews being selected by the evil Dr. Mengele (who must have worked non-stop) when they arrived by train, but all that was merely the Germans separating out those who could work hard in factories. Why do so many survivor accounts of young children occur if they were supposedly fated for gassing? And the infamous Zyklon-B (above) was just a disinfectant used to kill off lice in clothing and empty barracks, just like in all the other camps the Germans had.
Treblinka is where they say over 700,000 Jews were gassed by a Soviet tank engine or submarine diesel engine. The idea of the Germans hauling a submarine engine the size of a room 250 miles from the Baltic is ridiculous, and unsubstantiated. Plus, using diesel engines to generate carbon monoxide would be ineffective time-wise, when a simple arrangement of wood burning stoves would be have generated far more carbon monoxide and cheaper on fuel as well. Those Nazis were not that dumb.
Also, the Germans buried all these thousands of corpses mere feet away from their only water source for drinking water (see video below). Later, they were said to have dug them up to be burned on steel girders to hide the evidence. Modern-day ground penetrating radar and test cores have conclusively shown that no such giant pits existed (they would have needed over 21 Olympic-sized swimming pools dug 50 feet down for all the bodies — see his video #11).
But let’s leave all the pertinent questions aside for right now. If you really care to learn (and you should), then just go to the following site and watch a few short videos. The guy who did them, ”Denierbud,” doesn’t want to be found out and for good reason, too. He breaks down the math on the sheer impossibilities behind Treblinka and why the Holocaust lies are such a crying shame for America.
Denierbud’s episode 2 video on the water well problem at Treblinka. This video and possibly my account may not last long on Youtube since I uploaded this. So watch it please, for my efforts. It’s not long (3:06).
The laid-back Denierbud is so persuasive in his arguments that the Jews went overboard to get him removed from Youtube (but lets his debunkers ride free and clear). So he set up a website with streaming video (broken down into small parts) to get his message out. You really need to spend a little time there to see all this and it will not take long. Watch at least #1, #2 (above), #11 and the last one (conclusion). It will not take a half hour, but watch all of them, if you can (4 hours, 15 minutes). Go to Holocaust Denial Videos and look to the left for a image of a football field and click on that.
Now why is all of this so important? Well, Denierbud makes it perfectly clear about the giant hypocrisies foisted on us Gentiles, so as to ignore the evils being perpetrated by the Zionists in the Mideast. They want Americans to think of the Jews as being “victimized” so much that they deserve their own homeland, so they can continue victimizing Palestinians for real. And it’s used to blackmail White countries (Germany has given them over 65 billion) and to keep up the money flow from the US taxpayers (trillions). Let’s also not forget that our Mideast foreign policies in favor of Israel has turned much of the world to hate us. Using lies of such magnitude and their own dead for all this is unbelievably despicable.
Here’s an excellent blog article on the Holocaust brainwashing:
“It took me until a couple of years ago to realize that our conditioning is so deep that when the programmed individual is asked to consider what evidence exists for gas chambers, what the programmed individual hears is, “No Jews were killed by the Nazis.” That’s exactly how the programming is supposed to work. It makes possible the use of the term ‘Holocaust denier’ to keep the unconditioned sheep out of the fold.
In High American Culture of the 21st Century, there’s few greater curses thrown than that of “Holocaust Denier.” It’s gotten people deported and jailed in foreign countries while multi-billion ripoff artists are sentenced to their mansions.
This conditioning is often protected through an emotional reaction. Many people get downright angry when gas chambers and evidence are brought up in the same sentence. We see this same reaction in people that have an overarching attachment to religious or political systems also. It’s not a rational, reasoned reaction to a rational, reasonable request. For others, the reaction is one of apathy. Apathy protects the conditioning by ensuring that the source of the conditioning won’t be examined and thus, the conditioning remains.” Read the rest here
Why all of this leads us to the New World Order should now be plain to see. These people do not want the Holocaust questioned and any legitimate historical reexamination to take place. Like 9/11 truth, even regular Jews instinctively understand the predicament they’ll be in should such thinking be common place among us sheep.
Three major conclusions must be hidden behind all of the Holocaust business:
One: The forces behind all the Holocaust propaganda are the very same as those behind the creation of the Zionist state of Israel; these are the wealthest people on the planet – CFR and Trilateral Jews in control of International Banking and the Federal Reserve, like the Rothschilds, Rockefellars and Warburgs. The rapidly growing Bank octopus, Goldman Sachs, was revealed here to have connections to the war mongering Neocon group JINSA, right along with the financing of Obama and God knows what else.
Two: These Jews did not arbitrarily pick the number 6 million out of thin air. This number figures predominately in the Jewish Kaballah, a Talmudic book that says 6 million Jew must die as a burnt offering so as to enable the recreation of the State of Israel. So this shows us clearly that the NWO/Banking class must be influenced a great deal by Jewish Talmudism.
In fact, they’ve been working the 6 million figure long before WWII. The American Hebrew (right), Oct. 31, 1919, pp. 582-.: “From across the sea, six million men and women call to us for help. …six million human beings… Six million men and women are dying. …in the threatened holocaust of human life. …six million famished men and women. Six million men and women are dying…” The Birdman on the Origins of the Six Million
Three: The power to push all this requires the complicity of the mainstream media, following the intentions of the NWO masters — the International Jews of the CFR, Trilaterals and global Banking — showing how much they can subtly control things behind the curtain. Oh, yeah it does.
Why do you think all the business with Zionists connected to 9/11, the private money monopoly called the Federal Reserve, the stealth efforts to create a socialistic North American Union and all the lies of Iraq and Afghanistan — are never, ever deeply investigated by the supposed “dogged truthseekers” in mainstream US media?
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Robert Faurisson after being beaten by 3 Jew thugs in 1989 |
That’s the Matrix, Neo.
The FCC laws that enabled the massive monopolization of the mainstream media by international corporate entities took the final steps during the Clinton administration (a puppet just like Bush and now Obama), although most of the parts were owned by Jewry long before. The Politically Correct Jews and White liberal traitors in media editorial positions are the first line of defense for all these giant lies, 9/11 included. Well-funded Jew Thought Police, like the ADL (Anti Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith) and even the government of Israel are ready to spring into action. Organized Jewry, below the radar, will go to war against any outspoken Gentiles using a wide variety of political and economic thuggery — even occasional physical violence to intimidate any Whites who dare to speak out.
Legal entanglements now exist in many formerly White nations like Germany and Canada, ready to pounce and haul people off to court, where they can face serious prison time and fines that can bankrupt them for life. They are working to install this very thing in the USA, just as soon as they can find a way around our First Amendment rights — by subversively hiding behind any Hate Crime laws, Gay Rights or possibly even milking parental fears of Internet pedophiles.
ADL even works to make sure revisionist texts are not in public libraries and in education that might be seen by young eyes doing homework. New programs in Britain for teaching the approved Holocaust narrative are now being created to drive home the message to the young. Classes in the Holocaust are, of course, now a part of required multicultural and sexuality indoctrination. Get ‘em while they are young, as they say (watch the conclusion Denierbud video).
Why do you think patriotic Americans like David Duke get treated like the reincarnation of evil by the media? Because he was once in the KKK? Please. It’s what the guy talks about that they don’t want you to think on. And if calling someone a “Hater” or “White supremacist” doesn’t work, ridiculing them as wearing a ”tin-foil hat” is the next best thing.
All of the lies and travesties going on in today’s world actually revolves around the greatest propaganda hoax ever perpetrated: The organized, industrial gassing of the Jews by the Nazis. Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
But this Holocaust hoax is now in danger of rapidly unraveling, chiefly due to the Internet and the unbelievable fortitude of people over the decades dedicated to finding out the real truths. We can surely expect they will soon enact censorship and “hate crimes” laws to shut this down. They have way too much invested to come out and say “uh, excuse us, we made a little mistake…”
It’s all been the devious agenda of the Globalist Jews behind the curtain, the bald-faced lies and imaginations of older Jews, combined with the militant victimhood mentality of regular Jewry. This whole lying mess will soon destroy the very country that once liberated them from Hitler and killed millions of fellow Whites. Are we going to let these crazy bastards tell us what to think and say anymore?
Sorry about how deep the rabbit hole goes, Neo.
– Phillip Marlowe
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