Nazis or Zionists

The connection between Zionism and German Nazism thus already existed from the beginning and would later on be developed further, both ideologically and politically.
Documents found by the German historian Klaus Polkehn, reveal an extensive co-operation between the leading Nazis and Zionist leaders.
This information was published by the Israeli Professor Israel Shahak in the Israeli newspaper Zo Haderekh on 2 September 1981.
The Nazis and the Zionists had a common interest to frighten European Jews to emigrate to Palestine. The leading Zionist organizations in this close co-operation were Lohamei Harut Israel (later infamously known as the Stern Gang) and Irgun Zvai Leumi. Among the leaders were also Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin, who later both became Israeli prime ministers.
Lenni Brenner divulged in 1984 in his book "The Iron Wall" that the Stem Gang in 1940 delivered a memorandum to a German diplomat in Beirut. It was suggested that the Jews in Poland should receive military training to fight against the British in Palestine.
After the victory, a Jewish State - "a Hebraium" (Hebrew national home) - should be set up, which then should enter into a treaty with Nazi-Germany and be ruled according to the same totalitarian principles. Many Jewish extremist politicians, for example the members of the Revisionist Party in Palestine, were dressed in brown shirts in the 1930s (Donald Day, "Forward, Christian Soldier!" / "Framat, Kristi stridsman!", Helsinki, 1944, pp. 139-140).
The Zionist terror organization Betar was organized like the SS. That is why today's Israel is using Nazi methods.
Heinrich Himmler's emissary Leopold von Mildenstein together with Zionist functionaries visited Palestine in 1933 and 1934.
Thereafter articles were published in Goebbels' newspaper Der Angriff that in the most excitable words hailed the Jewish struggle to build new settlements in Palestine.
The majority of the Jews who left or were forced to leave other European countries, preferred to move to Germany (Ingrid Weckert,"Feuerzeichen: Die Reichskristallnacht" / "The Kristallnacht: A Beacon , Tubingen, 1981).
On 23 December 1935, an interview with the German Zionist leader Georg Kareski was published in Der Angriff. He was satisfied with the new Nuremberg laws that strongly prohibited all sexual contacts between Jews and Aryans. In words of gratitude he hailed these laws as a fulfillment of the wishes of Zionism.
In connection with this, it became permissible to raise the Zionist blue-and-white flag together with the swastika.
The Nazis wanted to do everything to accommodate the Zionists demand for as many Jews as possible to settle in Palestine.
In 1933, the Hitler administration and the Zionist Central Organization signed an agreement for the Jewish emigration to Palestine. There were so many new settlers that many Arabs suspected Hitler of being Jewish and a crypto-Zionist.
In 1934 alone, 120 000 German Jews emigrated to Palestine. Until September 1940, 500 000 Jews from Germany and from occupied Poland had emigrated to Palestine.
In 1950, it was claimed from official Jewish sources that the total amount of Jews in Palestine from various European countries only amounted to 80 000. As many as 420 000 of those present were listed as gassed in the camps. Even though they were alive and well in Israel, the Zionists considered them victims of the holocaust and demanded retribution for them (Weckert, "Feuerzeichen: Die Reichskristallnacht" / "The Kristallnacht: A Beacon", Tubingen, 1981).
At the end of February 1937, Feiwel Polkes, a representative of the Zionist Haganah movement, met the SS officials Herbert Hagen and Jew Adolf Eichmann at Restaurant Traube in Berlin for amicable discussions of suitable ways to outwit the British authorities, who were considered too strict in their limitations of the immigration to Palestine. Polkes also wanted the Germans to prevent Jews from moving to other countries. It was a well-known fact that the German Jews were not partial to Palestine, but would rather settle in other countries. In return, Polkes would supply the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the SS security service, with "all possible secret information and at the same time further Germany's interests in the entire Near East" (Andreas Bliss, "Der Stopp der Endlosung" / "The End of the Final Solution", Stuttgart, 1966).
In October 1937, Adolf Eichmann went to Cairo, and paid a visit to Palestine on the way.
The negotiations broke down, since most of the Jews were not willing to move to Palestine. On 15 May 1935, the SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps reported:
"The days when Palestine will warmly welcome her lost sons are not far distant. We wish them luck, and the goodwill of the German nation be with you!"
When the Jewish emigration from Poland and Germany began, a number of countries began to complain. In a few years, Romania had received 500 000 Jews from the East, many of whom were a threat to the nation because of their communist revolutionary activities.
In the first few months of 1937, Sweden granted 15 222 applications for work and residence permits, most of them to Jewish immigrants who were designated "German", "Russian" or "Polish".
The Zionists have done everything in their power to suppress information of their co-operation with the Nazis in the years before the Second World War.
The co-operation forced a Zionist provocation without precedence - the Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), which took place under the sign of Scorpio. The real target was the German people. Ingrid Weckert found archive information other than the usual anti-Nazi propaganda, and in 1981 published this information in her book "Feuerzeichen: Die Reichskristallnacht" ("The Kristallnacht: A Beacon", Tubingen, 1981).
The official explanation was that a seventeen year-old Polish Jew, Herschel Feibel Grynszpan, shot the secretary of the German Embassy in Paris, Ernst von Rath, in protest against the deportation of his family. Although Grynszpan lacked valid identification papers and money, he was able on the morning of 7 November 1938 to buy a gun for 250 francs and go to the embassy an hour later. In revenge, fanatic Nazis were supposed to have burnt and destroyed Jewish property.
While investigating the Kristallnacht events, unknown persons appeared, claiming to be representatives of the top party leadership. On several occasions, the gauleiter (district leader) received anonymous phone calls from men claiming to represent the party leaders.
The party leadership had never given any orders for the destruction of Jewish property, however. These anonymous agents were the first to throw rocks against the windows of Jewish shops. They led the attack on Jewish residences. All the rioting was led by a centrally placed group of well-trained agents.
The provocateurs took advantage of the fact that on 8-9 November 1938, all decision making within the Nazi Party had been delegated to men of lower rank and less experience, as the Nazi leaders were busy celebrating the anniversary of the Munich coup 1923.
As the first reports of the disturbances came, the SA commander Viktor Lutze ordered that Jewish property must not be damaged. In case there were still anti-Jewish demonstrations, the SA would intervene to stop them. Following this order from Lutze, SA members began to guard Jewish shops whose windows had been broken. The SS and the police were given similar directives to restore law and order. In spite of this, at least three of the 28 SA units refused to obey orders, and sent their men out to destroy synagogues and other Jewish property.

No more than 180 synagogues were destroyed, not 1400 as was claimed by the propaganda. 7500 windows were broken, not 100 000. In many cases, the assailers were fought by Jews and SA members
Heinrich Himmler ordered Reinhard Heydrich to put a stop to all demonstrations and to protect the Jews from the demonstrators. The telegrams giving the orders are still available in the archives. When Hitler was informed at 1 a.m. of the riots in Munich, and that a synagogue had been burned, he was furious and ordered the Munich chief of police to report to him immediately. He ordered the fire put out at once and all demonstrations and riots in Munich to be stopped. He made sure that a telex was sent to all gauleiter at 3 a. m. The order demanded: "From the highest authority: Arson or assault on Jewish shops or other Jewish property must not occur under any circumstances."
In the morning of 9 November, Goebbels spoke on the radio prohibiting all actions against Jews. Anyone found violating this proclamation would be severely punished.
It turned out that it was the Jewish masonic lodge B'nai B'rith, in co-operation with the Zionist organization, LICA (Ligue International contre l'Antisemitisme) in Paris that was behind the so called Kristallnacht on 9 November 1938. The aim of the LICA provocation was to encourage the emigration of German Jews (Weckert, op. cit., pp. 254-256).
B'nai B'rith had infiltrated the Nazi movement's vital parts: the SS, the SA and the party. These freemasons had managed to infiltrate the telephone operators in the gauleiter offices. When they received the orders from Lutze, it was altered to its opposite.
The Nazi leadership took no legal action against B'nai B'rith, which was allowed to continue its subversive activities. B'nai B'rith had 12 000 members in 80 lodges in Germany, three of them in Berlin. B'nai B'rith was the only Jewish organization allowed by Hitler to remain active and open during the Nazi regime after 1933 (Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow, 1999), although propaganda claims that it was dissolved in Germany in 1937 (Lexikon des Judentums"). But Hitler actually first in 1939 closed B'nai B'rith's operations in Germany.
It was not until the war had begun, in November 1939, that the B'nai B'rith had their documents confiscated. The Jewish VOBB lodge had its library confiscated in April 1938.
In 1952, Nahum Goldman, president of the World Jewish Congress, demanded 500 million dollars from the German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer as compensation for the damages suffered by the Jews during the Kristallnacht. When Adenauer questioned the justification of this outrageous claim, Goldman replied: "You may justify as much as you like, I want the money!" And it was given to him. This is called chutzpah, Jewish insolence! Adenauer's wife, by the way, was Jewish.
In the 1930s, Cyrus Adler, president of the American Jewish Committee, co-ordinated the activities of the B'nai B'rith and The New York Times in order to block any American political measures against
The American freemasons had no interest whatever in fighting nazism, but were merely looking for a suitable opportunity to satisfy their thirst for blood. President Roosevelt was firmly set against supporting any anti-Nazi groups, since he wished to kill as many Germans as possible (Colonel John Beaty, "The Iron Curtain over America", p. 74). General Mark Clark, a freemason and Commander-of the US Fifth Army, told the soldiers of the US Fifth Army: "There is no limit to the number of Germans you can kill." (The New York Times, 13 February 1944)
The SA members who had taken part in the disturbances were tried in court. The party had its own courts of law with Walter Busch in charge. All documents are still available.
Herschel Grynszpan survived the war, even though he had been brought to Germany. After the war he returned to Paris, where he should have been tried for murder. Instead, he received a new name and new identity papers. His family also survived the war, and managed to emigrate to Palestine. Someone had paid 4000 pounds to give them the opportunity, as the family had no money of their own. As a consequence of the Kristallnacht, the National Centre for Jewish Emigration was formed.
The Zionist collaboration with Hitler went so far that some of them were declared Aryans, among them the banker Oppenheimer and the aircraft manufacturer Ernst Heinrich Heinckel.
In his book "Bevor Hitler kam" ("Before Hitler", Geneva, 1975), the Jewish Professor of History Dietrich Bronder showed, which Jews financed Adolf Hitler, thus helping him to power. This explains why a large number of Jews were given Aryan documents. He also proves that most of the Nazi leaders were Jews or half-Jews, or were married to Jewish women. Bronder's book is banned in Germany.
In 1943, American intelligence compiled a file on Hitler. The material was classified and was not released until 1972. The psychiatrist Walter C. Langer, who during the war had analysed all secret information about Hitler for the White House, published the delicate material in his book "The Mind of Adolf Hitler" (New York,
1972). He had access to facts similar to those made available to Dietrich Bronder.
The Nazi leadership also included Jews with "the right documents", among them the head of the SS Heinrich Himmler (shown to be Jewish by the Jewish writer Willi Frischauer in his book "Himmler: Evil Genius of the Third Reich", London, 1953). Himmler's homosexual activities were recorded on film by the Nazi photographer Walter Frenz. Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the Abwehr, was a Greek Jew. Other Jews were Alfred Rosenberg, who developed the national socialist ideology using as models the Talmud and Bulwer-Lytton's "The Coming Race" (1871), and Joseph Goebbels, whose first girlfriend was Jewish and who only appreciated Jewish professors (Grigori Klimov, "The Protocols of the Soviet Elders", Krasnodar, 1995, pp. 328-329). Goebbels' Jewish ancestry has also been demonstrated by the historian David Irving. His family came from Holland; he was nicknamed "rabbi" in school. His wife was the adopted daughter of a Jewish family called Friedlander. His motherin-law was once insulted by SA members in a Jewish cafe, whereupon
she replied that she would complain to her son-in-law Dr Goebbels (Konrad Heiden, "Adolf Hitler", Zurich, 1936, p. 350).
The deputy Chancellor of the Reich, Rudolf Hess, was bom in Egypt by a Jewish mother. In the homosexual circles in Munich, he was known as "Fraulein Anna" (Bronder, op. cit.). It is less commonly known that in the 1920s, Hitler sexually abused Richard Wagner's grandson Wieland Wagner (Time Magazine, 15 August 1994, p. 56). This information is well documented.,981248,00.html
Julius Streicher, editor of Der Sturmer, was another Jewish homosexual. His real name, Abraham Goldberg, was publicized on his hanging on 16 October 1947, after the Nuremberg trials (Bronder, op.cit.).
During the Nuremberg trials, Streicher admitted: "Our model was the Jewish law" (Nikolai Ostrovsky, "The Temple of the Beast", Moscow 2001, p. 120).
Both SS officer Adolf Eichmann and Labour Minister Robert Ley were Jews, as were the SS generals Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski (1899-1972) and Odilo Globocnik (1904-1945). After the war, Bach-Zelewski was kept under house arrest for ten years. In 1958, he was taken to court again and sentenced to life imprisonment (Bronder,op. cit.). Goring's right hand, Field Marshal Erhard Milch was half Jewish, according to Time Magazine (7 February 1972), but his mother was Jewish. Goring declared him to be Aryan, although his father was also Jewish. According to Bronder, Goring himself was Jewish, as was his second wife.,905753,00.html
In 1961, the British writer Charles Wighton published his book "The Story of Reinhard Heydrich", which is based on Nazi sources. He showed that the head of the SD Reinhard Heydrich was Jewish on his mother's side. His father (Bruno Ziiss) was also Jewish, and Heydrich himself was a homosexual. Hitler had a good impression of Heydrich, and believed that his non-Aryan roots would guarantee his obedience.
General Karl Haushofer, a university professor and director of the Munich Institute of Geopolitics, was married to a Jewess. His Jewish son Albrecht Haushofer, later had no problems working for Nazi Germany's Foreign Ministry. He was a scientist as well as a politician (David Korn, "Wer ist wer im Judentum" / "Who is Who in Judaism: Encyclopaedia of Prominent Jews", Vol. 2, FZ Verlag, Munich, 1999, pp. 124-125). In 1940, Albrecht Haushofer became a professor in Berlin. He took part in planning Hess' flight to Scotland in 1941, and was later executed suspected of complicity in the attempt to murder Hitler in July 1944. On 10 March 1946, Karl Haushofer murdered his wife ritually and then before a black Buddhist altar opened his own belly using a Japanese short sword, Samurai style (harakiri).
According to Henneke Kardel's book "Adolf Hitler: Begriinder Israels" / "Adolf Hitler: Creator of Israel" (Geneva, 1974), Hitler's lawyer Hans Frank was half-Jewish, because his father was a Jewish lawyer from Bamberg. The book was banned in Germany, and in accordance with a court decision, all copies found there were sunk in a Hamburg harbour basin in 1974.
On Hitler's appointment as chancellor, Frank was made minister of justice in Bavaria. In 1934, he was appointed minister without portfolio. When Poland was occupied in the autumn of 1939, Frank was
appointed governor general.
A well-kept secret was that Hitler's father Alois married a Jewish woman, and thus, Hitler's half-siblings were Jews. His half-sister Angela was employed by Hitler as a housekeeper in Obersalzburg,
while his half-brother lived in Berlin.
Eva Braun was half Jewish, and had been introduced to Hitler by the half-Jewish photographer Heinrich Hoffman. Many leading officers in the Wehrmacht were Jewish: at least two field marshals, ten generals, commanding more than 100 000 soldiers, fourteen colonels and thirty majors.
In some twenty cases, soldiers of Jewish descent were decorated with the Ritterkreuz, one of the highest awards of merit in the German army. This information was verified in greater detail by the American historian Bryan Rigg, himself of Jewish origin (William D. Montalbano, "Judiska soldater slogs for Hitler" / "Jewish soldiers fought for Hitler", Dagens Nyheter, 5 January 1997).
Thousands of men of Jewish descent, and hundreds of those designated as Jews by the Nazis, served in the military with Hitler's knowledge. A dozen lists of exception bearing his signature are still in existence. More than 1 200 cases are well documented. In one document, personally signed by Hitler, he used his right to make exceptions for the 77 top officers on the list, according to the Nazi laws of 1935, which prohibited anyone who had a Jewish grandfather from becoming an officer. The list also contained names of top managers within the civilian administration that co-operated with the military.
The blond and blue-eyed half-Jew Werner Goldberg was used by Nazi propaganda as the ideal German soldier. Commander Paul Ascher and General Johannes Zukertort were both Jewish. The half-Jew
Colonel Walter H. Hollaender was decorated with the Ritterkreuz and German Cross of Gold. Hitler declared the half-Jew and later Luftwaffe General Helmut Wilberg to be Aryan in 1935 (military awards:
Hohenzollern Knights Cross with Swords).
One of 150 000 Jews in Hitler's Army
At least one German officer in uniform is reported to have visited his father in the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen. A religious Jew had adopted a non-Jewish identity and became an army captain, married a Jewish woman from his hometown and managed to remain an orthodox Jew while in the army throughout the war. Helmut Schmidt, German Chancellor (1974-1982), was an Air Force (Luftwaffe) officer, even though his paternal grandfather was Jewish.
In 1921-1937, the Jew Ernst Hanfstaengl was a close friend of Adolf Hitler, and later was friendly with Franklin Roosevelt. He was warned by the Austrian writer Rudolf Kommoss: "Should there arise a party led by anti-Semite Jews or half-Jews, we will have to watch out!" (Ernst Hanfstaengl, "Hitler: The Missing Years", London, 1957).
430 000 Soviet Jews fought German Jews in the Second World War (Aron Abramovich, "In the Decisive War", St. Petersburg, 1990, p. 25). The Red Army high command included many Jews, among them the generals Solomon Raikin, Isaak Revzis, Simon Reizin, Josef Rubin, Mikhail Belkin, Zelik Yoffe, and Grigori Preizman.
Nazis were Zionists
Labels: Nazis or Zionists
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Where did you get expert information that Ernst Putzi Hanfstaengl
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Gaydolf Hitlers dad was a Sabbastean Jew and his mom was his fathers second cousin!The Sabbatean Jews keeping it in the family!The Nazi leadership were filled with Sabbateans,Zionist,and Homosexual parasites that murdered millions!
I fully match with whatever thing you have written.
Nice article
There is no such thing as the Jewish people in the sense of same genetic ancestry. The diaspora never happened, dna analysis supports this. There is only a Jewish religion, which was the target of the freemasons. Jewish race was a bogus invention of the nazi's and this evil nazi idea still lives on in the minds of most Christians.
Nazism and zonism were founded by the Masons in order to get rid of the Jewish religion which doesn't acknowledge the secular governmental instututions and was a big obstruction to their idea of global dominance.
The Jewish religion is also directly opposite to the Masonic religion of luciferian illlumination.
The so called Old World Order versus The so called New World Order..
Zionism is a tool to keep the real Jewish people (Jewish religious) in control. Ben Goerion explained also that the real enemy of the state of Israel were not the arabs but the orthodox jews. Zionism and Nazism succesfully worked together to diminish the Jewish religion.
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