Christians Demand Bush be Impeached for Worshiping Satan

(MANCHESTER, NH) -- A Christian based group known as the Christian’s Liberation Movement has concluded that George W. Bush is a fake Christian and worships Satan. The group is demanding his impeachment not only for his crimes against humanity but for lying to the American people about his worship of Satan. It is highly doubtful that George W. Bush would have been elected President two times had the American people known about his secretive worship of Satan. Although this claim might seem difficult to believe, when one looks at the secret societies that George W. Bush has been involved with it becomes clear that George W. Bush is anything but a good Christian man.

"There is no question that George W. Bush worships Satan," proclaims Lee Rogers spokesman for the group.
"George W. Bush and any other member of the administration that secretly worships Satan should be removed from office immediately. It is one thing if Bush openly announced that he worshiped Satan and was elected, but the fact that Bush poses as a Christian and secretly worships Satan is deeply offensive to the moral values of Christians," Rogers continues.
Evidence of George W. Bush’s worship of Satan is clear when one considers the secret societies that he is affiliated with. These include Skull and Bones as well as the Bohemian Club. Both organizations are confirmed to be heavily involved with Satan worship.
George W. Bush’s Affiliation with Skull and Bones
George W. Bush, his father George H.W. Bush and his grandfather Prescott Bush all became members of Skull and Bones a secret fraternal society located at Yale University. Founded in 1832, the official legal name of the society is the Russell Trust Association named after one of the founding members of the society. Skull and Bones at one point was actually known as The Brotherhood of Death if that gives any sort of indication as to what this group is all about. Each year, 15 new members are recruited into Skull and Bones and meet in a building known as “The Tomb”. The group’s symbol is a skull and crossbones with the number “322” located underneath the crossbones.
Here is the American Heritage Dictionary's definition of the word crossbones.
crossbones - A representation of two bones placed crosswise, usually under a skull, symbolizing danger or death.
Obviously from the description alone, Skull and Bones is no Christian group. It becomes even more disturbing when one learns of the rituals members of Skull and Bones must participate in so they can be reborn into this satanic order of death. Newly tapped members of Skull and Bones participate in a ritual where they are reborn into the order by laying naked in a coffin. Members must also recount their entire sexual history, pretend to slit a nude woman’s throat and participate in other bizarre satanic rituals.
As if this wasn’t bad enough, George W. Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush along with other Skull and Bones members actually robbed the grave of Apache warrior Geronimo and stole Geronimo’s skull in 1918. A group of Native Americans have actually petitioned Congress to investigate the Skull and Bones group as part of an effort to return the remains of Geronimo for reburial. Geronimo's grandson, Harlan Geronimo, has even asked George W. Bush to return his grandfather’s skull and has volunteered to undergo DNA testing to prove ownership.
It is ridiculous to believe that a good Christian man as Bush claims he is would have anything to do with a group that participates in these things. At the very least Bush should help facilitate the return of Geronimo’s skull and apologize to Harlan Geronimo for the actions of his grandfather.
George W. Bush’s Affiliation with the Bohemian Grove
George W. Bush and his father are also both members of a group called the Bohemian Club. The all male Bohemian Club’s membership which consists of America’s wealthy and political elite, meet every summer in a place known as the Bohemian Grove. The Bohemian Grove is located in the town of Monte Rio in the middle of the redwood forests of northern California. Each year, they conduct a satanic ritual called the “Cremation of Care” where they burn an effigy of a child to an idol of the demon Molech. The ceremony could best be described as a mock human sacrifice and is hardly anything a Christian man would take part in.
This is especially true considering that Molech is actually referenced in the Old Testament. In the book of Leviticus, God denounces the sacrifice of children to Molech as shown here.
Leviticus 18:21
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord.
Leviticus 20:2
Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech: he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
Security at the Bohemian Grove is taken seriously as members of the press are not allowed to film inside the encampment. Members value their privacy and apparently do not want people to know that they participate in a satanic ritual and engage in other bizarre behavior. That all changed in the year 2000 when radio host and documentary film maker Alex Jones along with camera man Mike Hanson snuck into the Bohemian Grove and filmed the entire “Cremation of Care” ritual via a hidden video camera. Jones released the video footage of the ritual in his documentary film Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove. It is clear from the video footage contained in the film that the “Cremation of Care” ceremony is in fact a satanic ritual.
There have also been reports of rampant homosexual prostitution in the Bohemian Grove. The NY Post reported that a gay porn star by the screen name Chad Savage was brought into the Bohemian Grove to service the moguls there. Members of the Bohemian Club are also said to run around naked, dress in drag, engage in drug use as well as urinate openly within the encampment. There are even allegations of snuff films being filmed within the Bohemian Grove during the 1980’s. Details of these allegations can be found in former state senator John Decamp’s book The Franklin Cover-up.
Richard Nixon was even recorded on audio tape referring to the Bohemian Grove as “the most faggy godd**ned thing you could ever imagine.”
Why would a Christian man be associated with an organization that has members who secretly engage in homosexual acts, satanic rituals and other bizarre behavior?
George W. Bush’s Actions Are Immoral and Not Christian
If George W. Bush were really a good Christian man why would he wage an endless war on terror based on lies and propaganda? It has already become clear that the war in Iraq was based off of lies and has thus far resulted in the deaths of nearly one million people. It is also becoming increasingly clear that the attacks of September 11th, 2001 were a government inside job, meaning that the entire war on terror that Bush promotes is also based off of lies and falsehoods.
The United States is spending close to one billion dollars building an embassy in Iraq that is going to be as big if not bigger than Vatican City. How can Bush justify spending this money on an embassy when Baghdad is still in shambles and the Veteran’s Administration in the United States is in complete disarray? It is clear that Bush doesn’t care about U.S. military personnel, or the Iraqi people. Instead, Bush is more concerned with building a new modern day version of Babylon as part of an effort to further the influence of his satanic New World Order masters. Bush and his New World Order masters believe that they themselves are living gods on earth and exempt from divine judgment.
The evidence is overwhelming. George W. Bush’s association with these secret societies coupled with his actions that have caused an untold amount of death and destruction is clear proof that he worships Satan. We are demanding that Bush and any other member of his administration that poses as a fake Christian and worships Satan in secret be removed from office immediately.
The Christian’s Liberation Movement is a Christian based news organization and liberation movement dedicated to exposing government corruption and the New World Order.
CNN: Geronimo's Heir Wants Bush to Return 'Skull and Bones'
Found Letter Indicates Yale Club has Geronimo's Skull
NY Post: Gay Porn Star Services Bohemian Grove Members
Wikipedia: Bohemian Grove Entry
Wikipedia: Skull and Bones Entry
Sean Hannity Afraid to Talk about the Bohemian Grove
Labels: Christians Demand Bush be Impeached for Worshiping Satan
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