1983 bombing of US marines in Beirut
242 dead Marines
In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon and President Reagan sent 1800 marines to Beirut to act as peace keepers. Israel resented the interference and used the US presence to commit a False Flag operation that killed 242 marines. The purpose was to align the US with Israel and create animosity toward Arab world. |
The background leading up to Israel's murder of 300 Marines
Beirut was the Paris of the Mideast |
 | June 6, 1982 - Israel attacks Syria ( destroying Syria's air force and defense systems ). Israel now invades Lebanon and massacres 30,000 civilians. The Jews surrounded Beirut and were on the verge of annihilating 75,000 more when a cease fire was reached. Israel shells Beirut and destroys their rail and air transportation systems | |
| |
  | August, 1982 - Reagan steps in and tells Arafat if he withdraws to Tunis the US will protect their families. Reagan sends in 800 U.S. Marines to help evacuate the 14,000 PLO from Lebanon after which the marines leave. Two weeks after the marines leave Ariel Sharon unleashes his fury on the PLO families. |
 | The PLO's families are massacred Israel sends in their Christian Lebanese militia and they kill 5,000 women and children in the Sabra and Shantila refugee camps. |
 | September 1982, a MNF from the US, France and Italy arrive. The U.S. sends in 1800 marines to Beirut and they set up in temporary barracks at the Beirut airport. The marines stop Sharon's bloodshed and the Jews decide to teach America a lesson. |
 | April 18, 1983, the Mossad, through it's Hamas, explode a large car bomb at the US embassy in Beirut, killing 17 US marines. |
 | Reagan shells refugees During Israel's 1982 invasion Beirut's half a million citizens flee to the suburbs. Israel's Washington lobbyist talked President Reagan into joining the slaughter and Reagan has the USS New Jersey fire on the suburbs where the refugees were fleeing. |
Mossad kills 242 marines with massive bomb | |
October 23,1983 -- 241 Marines died when a truck packed with explosives blew up a Marine barracks at Beirut International Airport. At the same moment a similar explosion blew up a French military barracks a few kilometers away, killing 56 French troops. It was confirmed Israel knew of the attacks and suspected they engineered both of them. The marines refused Israel's medical assistance. |
 | Israel's Prime Minister The general Israeli attitude about the Americans was : "Hey, they wanted to stick their nose into this Lebanon thing, let them pay the price."
 | February 1984, New Jersey fired almost 300 shells at Druze and Syrian positions in the Bekka Valley east of Beirut. Some 30 of these massive projectiles rained down on a Syrian command post, killing the general commanding Syrian forces in Lebanon and several other senior officers. This was the heaviest shore bombardment since the Korean War.
 | February 26, 1984 the US Marines leave Lebanon to ships offshore. Israel withdraws on June 1985. |
 | Pentagon Analyst Dr. Beter's November 3, 1982 ...I reported that the Marines had been sent there to become the focus of a major incident. The Mossad is to arrange for a number of our Marines to be killed in an incident that will be blamed on the Arabs! This will be used to inflame American public opinion to help lead us into war, including ultimately nuclear war. |
Labels: Zionist s Killing of US marines in Beirut
ever had a splinter? leave it in long enough & it'll fester and eventually kill ya...
can't heal until foreign body removed.
"February 1984, New Jersey fired almost 300 shells at Druze..."
I remember this very well. I was going to University of Texas at Austin at the time and that day was the first time I notice the university paper had a huge cover story on the shelling. It was the first time they had the front page in full color which was odd and proudly stated something like "heaviest bombardment since the Korean War."
I was really shocked as my understanding was -- what was being sold at the time -- that US was there for peace-keeping. So I went what the hell is going on? Peace-keepers are not supposed to be doing this.
Later after the marine barracks incident people were shocked of course and I did not make any friends mentioning the earlier US aggression that this might be a reaction to. That's what I believed at the time. Of course everyone I mentioned it to refused to believe me. They kept insisting US had done no such thing as shelling. Funny thing is even after showing them the newspaper they said US did no such thing and that the paper was wrong.
I was excited to discover this website.
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I definitely love this site.
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