

"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races...and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..." (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)

Monday, 15 July 2013

On Crimes Against Western Muslims


[Special Focus]: Matthew Harwood’s Must Read Article On US Laws & American-Muslims

Source: Le Monde Diplomatique

For a British-focus report see the post below on the rise of ‘domestic terror’ attacks against Muslims [by white-extremists] in persons (check for more posts by typing ‘Woolwich’ on our blog search space) and places of gatherings (mosques, community centres etc: the first bomb attack was also in the West Midalnds).
The study ‘Mapping Muslims’ (see the article below for the link to the study in full is a must read for all Muslims).

The article is truly a must-read for all Muslims.

Political violence and privilege

Why violent right-wing extremism doesn’t scare Americans
by Matthew Harwood
The evangelical Christians of Greenville County, South Carolina, are afraid.

There has been talk of informants and undercover agents luring young, conservative evangelicals across the South into sham terrorist plots. The feds and the area’s police want to eliminate a particularly extreme strain of evangelical Christianity opposed to abortion, homosexuality, and secularism, whose adherents sometimes use violent imagery and speech. They fear such extreme talk could convince lone wolves or small groups of Christian extremists to target abortion clinics, gay bars, or shopping malls for attack. As a result, law enforcement has flooded these communities with informants meant to provide an early warning system for any signs of such “radicalization.”

Converts, so important to the evangelical movement, are now looked upon with suspicion — the more fervent, the more suspicious. In local barbecue joints, diners, and watering holes, the proprietors are careful not to let FOX News linger onscreen too long, fearing political discussions that could be misconstrued. After all, you can never be too sure who’s listening.

Come Sunday, the ministers who once railed against abortion, gay marriage, and Hollywood as sure signs that the U.S. is descending into godlessness will mute their messages. They will peer out at their congregations and fear that some faces aren’t interested in the Gospel, or maybe are a little too interested in every word. The once vibrant political clubs at Bob Jones University have become lifeless as students whisper about informants and fear a few misplaced words could leave them in a government database or worse.

Naturally, none of this is actually happening to evangelical Christians in South Carolina, across the South, or anywhere else. It would never be tolerated. Yet the equivalents of everything cited above did happen in and around the New York metropolitan area — just not to white, conservative, Christian Americans. But replace them with American Muslims in the New York area and you have a perfect fit, as documented by the recent report Mapping Muslims. And New York is hardly alone.

Since 9/11, American law enforcement has taken a disproportionate interest in American Muslims across the country, seeing a whole community as a national security threat, particularly in California and New York City. But here’s the thing: the facts that have been piling up ever since that date don’t support such suspicion. Not at all.

The numbers couldn’t be clearer: right-wing extremists have committed far more acts of political violence since 1990 than American Muslims. That law enforcement across the country hasn’t felt similarly compelled to infiltrate and watch over conservative Christian communities in the hopes of disrupting violent right-wing extremism confirms what American Muslims know in their bones: to be different is to be suspect.

Conducting suspicionless surveillance

In the aftermath of 9/11, law enforcement has infiltrated Muslim American communities and spied on them in ways that would have outraged Americans, had such tactics been used against Christian communities after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, or after any of the other hate crimes or anti-abortion-based acts of violence committed since then by right-wing extremists.

Documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests by the American Civil Liberties Union make clear that FBI agents in California used community outreach programs to gather intelligence at mosques and other local events, recording the opinions and associations of people not suspected of any crime. In 2008, the FBI loosened its internal guidelines further, allowing agents to collect demographic information on ethnically concentrated communities and map them for intelligence and investigative purposes.
There is no question that the most extreme example of such blanket, suspicion-less surveillance has been conducted by the New York City Police Department (NYPD). As revealed by the Associated Press, the NYPD’s Intelligence Division carried out a secret surveillance program on the city’s varied Muslim communities based on the erroneous belief that their religion makes them more susceptible to violent radicalization.

The program, which continues today, looks something like this, according to Mapping Muslims: “rakers,” or undercover officers, are sent into neighborhoods to identify “hot spots” — mosques, schools, restaurants, cafes, halal meat shops, hookah bars — and told to chat up people to “gauge sentiment,” while setting up “listening posts.” “Crawlers,” or informants, are then recruited and sent to infiltrate mosques and religious events. They are ordered to record what imams and congregants say and take note of who attended services and meetings.

These crawlers are encouraged to initiate “create and capture” conversations with their targets, bringing up terrorism or some other controversial topic, recording the response, and then sharing it with the NYPD. The intelligence unit also went mobile, checking out and infiltrating American-Muslim student groups from Connecticut to New Jersey and even as far away as Pennsylvania.

When news of the NYPD’s spying program broke, it shattered trust within the city’s Muslim communities, giving rise to general suspicion and fraying community ties of all sorts. This naturally raises the question: How many terrorism plots were identified and disrupted thanks to this widespread and suspicionless surveillance program? The answer: none.

Worse, the chief of the NYPD Intelligence Division admitted in sworn testimony last summer that the Muslim surveillance program did not even generate a single criminal lead. The incredibly invasive, rights-eroding program was a complete bust, a total waste of the resources of the New York City Police Department.
And that’s without even considering what is surely its most harmful aspect: the likelihood that, at least in the short term, it has caused irreparable damage to the Muslim community’s trust in the police. Surveillance, concludes the Mapping Muslims report, “has stifled constitutionally protected activity and destroyed trust between American Muslim communities and the agencies charged with protecting them.”

When people fear the police, tips dry up, potentially making the community less safe. This is important, especially given that the Muslim-American community has helped prevent, depending on whose figures you use, from 21%-40% of all terrorism plots associated with Muslims since 9/11. That’s grounds for cooperation, not alienation: a lesson that would have been learned by a police department with strong ties to and trust in the community.

Numbers may not lie, but they sure can be ignored

The idea that American law enforcement’s mass surveillance of Muslim communities is a necessary, if unfortunate, counterterrorism tool rests with the empirically false notion that American Muslims are more prone to political violence than other Americans.

This is simply not true.

According to the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), right-wing terrorists perpetrated 145 “ideologically motivated homicide incidents” between 1990 and 2010. In that same period, notes START, “al Qaeda affiliates, al Qaeda-inspired extremists, and secular Arab Nationalists committed 27 homicide incidents in the United States involving 16 perpetrators or groups of perpetrators.”

Last November, West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center published a report on America’s violent far-right extremists. Its numbers were even more startling than START’s. “The consolidated dataset,” writes report author Arie Perliger, “includes information on 4,420 violent incidents that occurred between 1990 and 2012 within U.S. borders, and which caused 670 fatalities and injured 3,053 people.” Perliger also found that the number of far-right attacks had jumped 400% in the first 11 years of the 21st century.

It’s highly probable that the FBI drastically undercounts instances of terrorism perpetrated by right-wing extremists because of cultural double standards. As the New America Foundation’s Peter Bergen has noted, attacks associated with anti-abortion or white supremacist ideologies are rarely, if ever, counted as terrorist attacks. A typical example: the massacre of worshippers at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, in August 2012 by a white supremacist.

Simply put, there is an unhealthy obsession among American law enforcement agencies (and American society at large) with stopping violence perpetrated by American Muslims, one that is wholly out of line with the numbers. There is no doubt that the events of 9/11 play into this — never mind that not one hijacker was American — but there is something much darker at work here as well. It’s the fear of a people, a culture, and a religion that most Americans do not understand and therefore see as alien and dangerous.
The fear of the “other” has wiggled its way into the core of another American generation.

“While vile, all of this speech is protected by the first amendment”

Widespread surveillance and suspicion aren’t the only things American Muslims have to worry about, feel frustrated by, or fear. They can also point to the way fellow American Muslims are treated in the larger criminal justice system.

Since 9/11, the FBI has used tactics that clearly raise the issue of entrapment in arresting hundreds of Muslims inside the U.S. on terrorism-related charges. Investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson, author of The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism, did the hard work of compiling and analyzing all of these cases between September 11, 2001, and August 2011. What he found was alarming.
“Of the 508 defendants, 243 had been targeted through an FBI informant, 158 had been caught in an FBI terrorism sting, and 49 had encountered an agent provocateur. Most of the people who didn’t face off against an informant weren’t directly involved with terrorism at all, but were instead Category II offenders, small-time criminals with distant links to terrorists overseas. Seventy-two of these Category II offenders had been charged with making false statements, while 121 had been prosecuted for immigration violations. Of the 508 cases, I could count on one hand the number of actual terrorists… who posed a direct and immediate threat to the United States.”

Those numbers, however damning, still don’t fully reflect the inequity American Muslims face within the U.S. criminal justice system when it comes to terrorism allegations. An analysis of two separate but similar cases offers a clear sense of how terrorism allegations targeting the American right and American Muslims in the criminal justice system can end with very different results. The common question running through two federal terrorism prosecutions — one against a group of seven anti-government right-wing Christian paranoids, better known as the Hutaree Militia, and the other against a Massachusetts pharmacist and Islamic radical — is what kind of speech is protected by the First Amendment and just who can rest safely under its shield?
In late March 2010, FBI raids led to the arrest of members of the Hutaree Militia across the Midwest. A Christian Patriot militia, Hutaree members believed that the end of the world was near and local, state, and federal law enforcement officers were actually “foot soldiers” in the “New World Order.” According to thefederal indictment, Hutaree leader David Brian Stone, Sr., planned the murder of a local police officer. But that was just to be the bait. When law enforcement from across the nation attended his burial, the Hutaree would attack the funeral procession with improvised explosive devices and other homemade bombs, sparking a revolt against the government.

Seven Hutaree members were charged with at least four felonies, including seditious conspiracy and conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. Like many post-9/11 counterterrorism investigations, the case was built via an undercover FBI agent, primarily by using the violent, antigovernment statements some of the accused made as proof that a terrorist conspiracy existed. The defendants all filed motions for a judgment of acquittal, arguing that the government didn’t have enough evidence to sustain a conviction.
In March 2012, Judge Victoria Roberts agreed with the motions of the defendants, acquitting all seven on the most serious charges. (David Stone, Sr., and his son were convicted of weapons-related offenses and were sentenced to time served.) Read Roberts’s decision and it’s hard to disagree with her ruling, which concludes that the plot was all talk among paranoid people.

Referring to Stone Sr.’s anti-government statements, Roberts writes, “While vile, all of this speech is protected by the First Amendment.” Ultimately, Roberts concluded, the government’s case was far too flimsy. “The plethora of inferences the Government asks this Court to make are in excess of what the law allows,” she wrote. “But the Government crosses the line from inference to pure speculation a number of times in this case. Charges built on speculation cannot be sustained.”

Can anyone doubt, however, that if David Stone, Sr., had an Islamic-sounding name, he, his two sons, and the four other codefendants would likely be spending the rest of their lives in a federal penitentiary?

Does the first amendment have a blind spot for Muslims?

Consider the case of 29-year-old Tarek Mehanna. In April 2012, he was convicted of conspiracy to provide material support to al-Qaeda, providing material support to terrorists, conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country, and lesser charges like lying to the FBI.

According to the federal government’s case, Mehanna and two associates went to a terrorist training camp in Yemen in 2004 with the intention of later making their way to Iraq to resist the U.S. occupation of that country. Mehanna countered that he went to Yemen to study Islam and learn Arabic. Whatever Mehanna intended, we know that, in fact, he never made it to any terrorist training camp.

That, however, wasn’t the alleged “crime” the FBI was most interested in. On his return from Yemen, Mehanna began translating into English and posting jihadist videos and documents on the Internet advocating that Muslims defend their lands against American imperialism. One video was particularly gruesome. It showed the mutilation of the remains of U.S. personnel in Iraq after the reported rape of an Iraqi girl by an American service member. After watching it, an associate asked Mehanna whether there was a way to try the U.S. serviceman suspected of the crime. Mehanna replied, “Who cares? Texas BBQ is the way to go.”
However grotesque or cruel Mehanna’s Internet activity or talk may have been, it all constituted First-Amendment protected activity. The government, however, argued that Mehanna’s online activities materially supported al-Qaeda, even though Mehanna was known to have rejected al-Qaeda’s worldview. He did not, among other things, believe civilians should be targeted in response to the actions of their government abroad. His belief was clear enough: “Those who fight Muslims may be fought, not those who have the same nationality as those who fight.”

The distinction didn’t matter. Mehanna is currently serving a 171/2-year sentence in a federal supermax prison. His thought crime: engaging in the same kind of violent but constitutionally-protected online advocacy regularly engaged in by white supremacists and anti-government militias on the radical Right.
That, to say the least, is the benefit of the doubt American Muslims cannot take for granted in the United States more than a decade after 9/11. White Christians rarely have to worry that an informant or undercover agent has infiltrated their churches, their neighborhoods, or their student groups. They never have to fear someone watching them and taking notes. They never have to question whether the new person who seems so friendly may be just a little too friendly, just a little too provocative. They don’t have to think twice before they say or post online something political, controversial, or even violently angry. None of this is their responsibility, their burden in life, just because some random person within their community lashes out in the name of God. And that’s how it should be, for everyone.



Anonymous Joe Davies said...

Great post, interesting topic. Thanks.

1 September 2013 at 18:24  
Blogger Unknown said...

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- Mặt bằng dự án Goldmark City
- Tiến độ dự án Goldmark City
- Lịch mở bán dự án Goldmark City
- Ngân hàng hỗ trợ vay mua dự án Goldmark City

14 May 2015 at 23:48  
Blogger chungcuhanoi said...

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11 October 2015 at 06:19  
Blogger chungcuhanoi said...


11 October 2015 at 06:20  
Blogger Unknown said...


11 December 2015 at 17:54  
Blogger Unknown said...

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11 December 2015 at 17:55  
Blogger Tran Chan said...

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15 December 2015 at 03:27  
Blogger Tran Chan said...

tan | Thông tin Chung cư 282 Nguyễn Huy Tưởng | Tin tức Vinhomes Garden City| Chung cư Artemis Số 3 Lê Trọng Tấn | Vinhomes Lakeside Park | Hacinco Complex > | Chung cư Aqua Spring buông lơi Hợp đồng của Chung cư The Garden Hill | Hợp đồng của Chung cư Paragon Tower | Hợp đồng Biệt thự Vinhomes Paradise | Vinhomes Gardenia | tòa nhà Hợp đồng Chung cư The Vesta | cho thuê Hợp đồng Dự án Modern Interior | cả Hợp đồng chính thức Chung cư Oriental Plaza | Park Hill Premium | Tiện ích hiện đại Vinhomes Liễu Giai | Chung cư Modern Interior | Chung cư Times Tower | Chung cư 16 Láng Hạ | Chung cư Goldseason | căn hộ Dự án Vinhomes Gardenia | Chung cư Star Tower | Tổng thể Chung cư Horizon Tower | Tổng thể Chung cư Green Pearl | Tổng thể Chung cư Goldmark City | Tổng thể Chung cư Giảng Võ Complex | Tổng thể Chung cư Goldseason | Tổng thể Vinhomes Smart City | Tổng thể Chung cư Ecolife Capitol | Tổng thể Vinhomes Phạm Hùng | Tổng thể Dự án Sunrise City | Tổng thể Chung cư Packexim 2 |

15 December 2015 at 03:31  
Blogger Tran Chan said...

xa xôi quá Tổng thể Vinhomes Gardenia | Tổng thể Chung cư CT15 Việt Hưng | Tổng thể Chung cư CT19 Việt Hưng | Hợp đồng The Manor Central Park | Hợp đồng HD Mon City | Hợp đồng Chung cư Imperial Plaza | Hợp đồng Chung cư Petrowaco | Dự án Chung cư HPC Landmark | Dự án Chung cư The Legend | Dự án Chung cư Hanoi Landmark 51 | Dự án Chung cư Eco Spring | Dự án Chung cư Hacinco Complex | Dự án Chung cư Athena Complex | Dự án Liền kề Green Bay Villa | Dự án Vinhomes Botaniaca | Hợp đồng 60b Nguyễn Huy Tưởng | Bán Vinhomes Botanica | Dự án Chung cư Athena Complex | Hợp đồng Chung cư Athena Complex | Hợp đồng chính Green Bay Village | Hợp đồng chính Chung cư Imperial Plaza | Dự án Vinhomes Gardenia | Hợp đồng Chung cư CT19 Việt Hưng | Hợp đồng Chung cư CT19 Việt Hưng | Vinhomes Phạm Hùng | Chung cư 99 Trần Bình | Chung cư Packexim 2 | Chung cư 60b Nguyễn Huy Tưởng |

15 December 2015 at 03:32  
Blogger Tran Chan said...

vượt qua được | Sunrise City | Chung cư 69b Thụy Khuê | Vinhomes Garden City Cầu Diễn | Chung cư 379 Đội Cấn | Chung cư HaTay Millennium | Hồ Gươm Plaza | Chung cư Paragon Tower | New Hội An City | Chung cư 69 Vũ Trọng Phụng | Chung cư 45 Vũ Tông Phan | Chung cư Viwaseen Tower | Chung cư 317 Trường Chinh | Chung cư 164 Khuất Duy Tiến | Biệt Thự Phú Lương | Park City Hà Nội | Chung cư Golden Millennium | Chung cư 150 Thanh Bình | The Vesta Phú Lãm | Chung cư 199 Hồ Tùng Mậu | Chung cư 296 Lĩnh Nam | Nhà Ở Xã Hội Ecohome 2 | Chung cư 18 Phạm Hùng | Hải Phát Plaza | FLC Garden City | Mễ Trì Plaza |

15 December 2015 at 03:32  
Blogger Tran Chan said...

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25 December 2015 at 17:25  
Blogger Unknown said...

“While vile, all of this speech is protected by the first amendment”

Địa chỉ vẽ tranh tường đẳng cấp hà nội.

30 December 2015 at 02:16  
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6 January 2016 at 09:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12 January 2016 at 22:52  
Blogger Unknown said...

Bạn muốn mua căn hộ sang trọng và những căn chung cư tại đất Hà Nội với view đẹp hãy truy cập vào trang trang web mua bán căn hộ chung cư giá gốc
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21 January 2016 at 19:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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24 January 2016 at 07:27  
Blogger Unknown said...

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26 January 2016 at 19:15  
Blogger Unknown said...

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26 January 2016 at 19:16  
Blogger Unknown said...

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26 January 2016 at 19:17  
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29 February 2016 at 19:02  
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14 March 2016 at 23:13  
Blogger Unknown said...

hộ dân Thông tin Chung cư 360 Giải Phóng. Tổ hợp thương mại Chung cư Quận Ba Đình. Khu thương mại của Chung cư Quận Cầu Giấy. Lựa chọn đúng khi mua Chung cư Hà Nội.của đơn vị chủ đầu tư uy tín.Tầng hầm để xe của Chung cư Quận Đống Đa. Khu nhà ở của cư dân Chung cư Quận Hà Đông . Giới thiệu dự án bất động sản Chung cư Quận Hai Bà Trưng. Căn hộ đẳng cấp tiện nghi Chung cư Quận Hoàn Kiếm . Cuộc sống tiện nghi tại Chung cư Quận Hoàng Mai. Bàn giao căn hộ cho khách hang mua Chung cư Quận Long Biên . Tiến độ xây Phú Mỹ Complex. Theo dõi thong tin Hà Nội Paragonnhanh nhất . Thu thập thông tin Himlam Thạch Bàn nhanh chóng. Kiểm tra The Green Daisy xem còn bao nhiêu căn hộ. Chỉ tiêu Ecolife Tây Hồ cho mỗi tháng. Chi tiết mặt bằng Mặt bằng Vinhomes Dragon Bay . đối với căn diện tích 100m2. nhanh chóng. Tiện ích có tại Lạc Hồng Complex. hiện đại. Chung cư Thương mại tại Hà Nội như Chung cư Quận Tây Hồ . Bất động sản vip Chung cư quận Thanh Xuân. Bao gồm 4 tòa nhà cao 40 tầng Chung cư quận Từ Liêm. Tổng cộng có 440 căn hộ tại Dự án Cao cấp Vinhomes Liễu Giai. VÀ cả khu thấp tầng với 100 căn hộ có Vị trí Vinhomes Mễ Trì

17 March 2016 at 15:50  
Blogger Unknown said...

đặc trưng Vị trí Biệt thự Dương nội. Nơi đây còn có cả nhiều tiện ích cực khủng như trường học Vị trí Green Life City. Chuẩn bị bàn giao nhà những dự án có Vị trí Dự án Cư xá Cienco 5. Ngoài ra chủ đầu tư Nam Cường còn tặng gói nội thất cao cáp trị giá hơn 200 triệu đồng cho khách hang mua dự án Vị trí Chung cư CT36 Định Công. Dòng sản phẩm chung cư - Biệt thự - Liền kề ở phía đường Hồ Tùng Mậu Vị trí Chung cư Goldmark City . Nếu khách hang muốn đầu tư Bất động sản hãy tới Địa điểm Chung cư Goldseason . Nhiều người tìm kiếm cơ hội đầu tư ở Số nhà Chung cư Vinhomes Cầu Giấy đây là bất động sản cao cấp tại Hà nội . Vị trí Chung cư 36 Phạm Hùng được cho là khu vực phát triển nhất hiện nay. Tọa độ Liền kề Vinhomes Gardenia nhu cầu của khách hang sinh sống tại khu vực chung cư cao cấp ngày càng cao do đóĐịa điểm Chung cư cao cấp đang được xây dựng với tốc độ cực kỳ nhanh. Tầng Trung tâm thương mại Thông tin Shophouse Park Hill Times City được bố trí tại tầng 1. Cư dân sống tại Tòa nhà Helios Tower Tam Trinh

17 March 2016 at 15:51  
Blogger Unknown said...

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10 April 2016 at 05:57  
Anonymous chung cư 47 nguyễn tuân said...

Bán Xuất Ngoại Giao Chung cư Sun Square 21 Lê Đức Thọ giá Rẻ chung cư hà nội
Chung cư Sun Square 21 Lê Đức Thọ giá rẻ nhất thị trường chung cư hà nội
Chung cư Lạc Hồng Ngoại Giao Đoàn chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Bán Chung cư Lạc Hồng Ngoại Giao Đoàn Giá Rẻ chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Xuất Ngoại Giao Chung cư Lạc Hồng Ngoại Giao Đoàn chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Chung cư Ngoại Giao Đoàn Horizon Tower NO3 T3 T4 chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Bán Chung cư Ngoại Giao Đoàn Horizon Tower NO3 T3 T4 chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Bán Chung cư Ngoại Giao Đoàn Horizon Tower NO3 T3 T4 Giá Rẻ chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Bán Xuất Ngoại Giao Chung cư Ngoại Giao Đoàn Horizon Tower NO3 T3 T4 chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Chung Cư Goldseason 47 Nguyễn Tuân chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Bán Chung Cư Goldseason 47 Nguyễn Tuân Giá Rẻ chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Bán Chung Cư Goldseason 47 Nguyễn Tuân Xuất Ngoại Giao chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Xuất Ngoại Giao Chung Cư Goldseason 47 Nguyễn Tuân chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Chung Cư The Legend 109 Nguyễn Tuân chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Bán Chung Cư The Legend 109 Nguyễn Tuân Giá Rẻ chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Bán Xuất Ngoại Giao Chung Cư The Legend 109 Nguyễn Tuân chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường
Chung Cư The Legend 109 Nguyễn Tuân Giá Rẻ Nhất Thị Trường chung cư hà nội giá rẻ nhất thị trường

18 April 2016 at 03:11  
Blogger khudothivicam said...

đầu tư vào đâu kinh doanh gì năm 2016chung cư hà nội
nên mua chung cư hay nhà ở ngoại ô chung cư hà nội
Chung cư báo nhân dân xuân phương chung cư hà nội
Chung cư báo nhân dân xuân phương và văn phòng trung ương đảng chung cư hà nội
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Chung cư greenstar 234 phạm văn đông chung cư hà nội
Chung cư greenstar 234 phạm văn đông giá gốc chủ đầu tư chung cư hà nội
Bán Chung cư greenstar 234 phạm văn đông chung cư hà nội
Chung cư Sun Square 21 Lê Đức Thọ chung cư hà nội
Bán Chung cư Sun Square 21 Lê Đức Thọ giá rẻ chung cư hà nội
Xuất Ngoại Giao Chung cư Sun Square 21 Lê Đức Thọ chung cư hà nội
Bán Xuất Ngoại Giao Chung cư Sun Square 21 Lê Đức Thọ giá Rẻ chung cư hà nội
Chung cư Sun Square 21 Lê Đức Thọ giá rẻ nhất thị trường chung cư hà nội

18 April 2016 at 03:12  
Blogger Unknown said...

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23 April 2016 at 05:31  
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23 April 2016 at 05:32  
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11 May 2016 at 23:57  
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13 May 2016 at 04:59  
Blogger Sinh Nguyen said...

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25 May 2016 at 21:07  
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8 June 2016 at 20:28  
Blogger Unknown said...

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12 June 2016 at 20:57  
Blogger Admin said...

Cu phap dk gói 3G Mobifone 3 tháng
Để mang lại lợi ích sử dụng cao hơn cho người dùng hiện nay đã có các gói 3G mobifone chu kỳ 3 tháng. Bàn về các gói 3G Mobifone chu kỳ 3 tháng chắc hẳn điều quan tâm nhiều nhất của khách hàng chính là những ưu đãi nhận được sau khi đăng ký. Vậy thì trong bài viết hôm nay, dichvu3gmobifone.vn sẽ giúp các bạn nắm bắt rõ hơn thông tin về các gói 3G chu kỳ 3 tháng , mời các bạn cùng theo dõi.
Uu dai khi dk 3g Mobifone 3 thang
Cú pháp đăng ký chung:
DKV <Mã gói cước> gửi 9084
1. Gói 3Miu Mobifone
Đây là gói cước mở rộng chu kỳ của gói cước miu
– Cú pháp đăng ký: DKV 3MIU gửi 9084
– Cước phí đăng ký: 210.000 đ.
– Chu kỳ sử dụng: 3 tháng tính từ lúc gói cước được đăng ký thành công.
– Ưu đãi data: Miễn phí 780 MB tốc độ cao truy cập Internet trọn gói mỗi tháng.
– Cước phát sinh: Miễn phí.
Các gói 3G chu kỳ sử dụng 3 tháng của Mobifone
Đăng ký gói 3G 3 tháng Mobifone sẽ giúp quý khách sử dụng 3G dài ngày mà không cần lo lắng về việc gia hạn gói cước
2. Gói 3M70 Mobifone
Đây là gói nới rộng chu kỳ của gói 3g mobifone m70
Cú pháp đăng ký: DKV 3M70 gửi 9084
– Cước phí đăng ký: 210.000 đ.
– Chu kỳ sử dụng: 3 tháng tính từ lúc gói cước được đăng ký thành công.
– Ưu đãi data: Miễn phí 1,8 GB tốc độ cao mỗi tháng (không trọn gói).
– Cước phát sinh: Không tính cước phát sinh, tuy nhiên hệ thống sẽ ngắt kết nối khi hết dung lượng.
Để tiếp tục sử dụng gói 3M70 cho đến hết chu kỳ quý khách có thể chọn và đăng ký gói mua thêm 3G Mobifone.
Thông tin lưu ý về gói 3G Mobifone 3 tháng:
Sau khi đăng ký thành công gói cước, thuê bao của quý khách sẽ được cộng lần lượt dung lượng đã quy định theo từng tháng. Giờ đây, bạn đã không còn phải băn khoăn suy nghĩ về việc gia hạn hàng tháng hoặc vì quên gia hạn mà bị trừ cước khá cao, sẽ gây thiệt hại cho tài khoản của thuê bao nữa nhé. Trong suốt quá trình sử dụng gói cước, hãy thường xuyên soạn tin kiểm tra dung lượng 3G Mobifone theo mẫu KT DATA gửi 999 để kiểm soát mức độ dùng 3G của mình quý khách nhé.
Đối với gói 3M70, khi hết dung lượng mà vẫn muốn tiếp tục sử dụng internet tốc độ cao, quý khách có thể đăng ký mua thêm dung lượng 3G Mobifone để dùng cho đến hết chu kỳ.
Có nhiều khách hàng đang tìm hiểu về cách hủy chương trình đồng hành cùng Euro 2016 của mobifone
Chúc quý khách đăng ký thành công gói cước và có những phút vui chơi, giải trí thoải mái trong mùa hè này nhé.

17 June 2016 at 02:18  
Blogger Phạm Quang Khải said...

Bí mật về tiện ích chung cư Eco City Việt Hưng Long Biên | thông tin về giá bán và tiến độ thanh toán chung cư Eco City Việt Hưng Long Biên | Giới thiệu chung cư Eco City Việt Hưng Long Biên ra mắt thị trường đợt 1|  Tổng quan vị trí chung cư Eco City Việt Hưng Long Biên | mặt bằng căn hộ Eco City Việt Hưng Long Biên cập nhật mới nhất | Tiến độ xây dựng chung cư Eco City Việt Hưng Long Biên tháng 7 | Giới thiệu chung cư Tháp Doanh Nhân Hà Đông Việt Nam | Vị trí chung cư Tháp Doanh Nhân Hà Đông sắp ra hàng đợt 2 | nội dung về tiện ích chung cư Tháp Doanh Nhân Hà Đông | Mặt bằng căn hộ chung cư Tháp Doanh Nhân Hà Đông đẹp nhất | Giá bán và tiến độ thanh toán chung cư Tháp Doanh Nhân Hà Đông tốt nhất | Chủ đầu tư chung cư Tháp Doanh Nhân Hà Đông | Chung cư Vinata Tower ra mắt thị trường

7 July 2016 at 01:50  
Blogger Unknown said...

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Lý lịch tư pháp

9 July 2016 at 08:46  
Blogger Unknown said...

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با خرید بکلینک شما گام بلندی به سمت صفحه اول گوگل بر می دارید.

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30 December 2016 at 04:45  
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3 March 2017 at 08:33  
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card, created by an recognized university student, featured an image of Adolf Hitler, alongside Valentine sentiments. http://lambingan.ph/ The combined group

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valentines within others' bags. Alas, a very unacceptable card was put into a tote without other participants' knowledge."CMU Leader Dr George Ross granted a statement

expressing the college or university was "deeply disappointed". "This isn't who we could as a campus community," Dr Ross composed. "Such hurtful, offensive dialect,

while shielded by the First Amendment [of the united states constitution], is unacceptable and is not regular with our standards and values." He said a gathering had

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they didn't create it themselves," Ms Flynn said. The http://zindagikimehek.net/ campus group for Jewish students, Hillel, had written on Facebook that it was "deeply

worried and disappointed". It promised to utilize the college or university "to ensure all Jewish students feel safe and pleasant on campus, and this incidents such as

this do not happen again". Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis in Hitler's loss of life camps during World Warfare Two. Not individuals were won circular by

Donald Trump when he became the Republican presidential nominee this past year - even participants of his own get together had their questions. We spoke to several

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12 March 2017 at 07:50  
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16 August 2018 at 19:30  
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