Countdown to Iran War and the Promised Zionist WWIII
Following The Great Success of WWI and WWII, Jewish Power Centres Now Announce WWIII
WWI | "Full Responsibility for the First World War, lies squarely on the shoulders of the International Jewish Bankers. They are responsible for Millions of dead and dying." |
| (US. Congress-Record 67th Congress, 4. Sitting, Senate Document nr. 346) |
WWI | "The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia , is going to become Reality for the whole world." |
| (The American Hebrew Magazine, 10. Sept. 1920) |
WWII | "By using the new atheist exile politics they [the Zionists] provoked and increased anti-Semitism in Europe which led to the Second World War ... The worldwide boycott against Germany in 1933 and the later all-out declaration of war against Germany, initiated by the Zionist leaders and the World Jewish Congress ..." |
| (Rabbi Schwartz, New York Times, Sep. 30, 1997) |
Arizona Daily Star, Tucson Saturday, April 27, 2002
WWIII Is Coming 'Whether They Like It Or Not': Top Sharon Aide WWIII Is Coming ´Whether They Like It Or Not´ -Top Sharon Aide RELIGIONS SHALL PERISH, ONCE THEY HAVE FULFILLED THEIR VISION. Religious visions: JUDAISM IS MATERIAL, CHRISTIANITY SPIRITUAL, ISLAM BOTH, UNITY OF SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL. THERE IS ONE GOD AND NONE BUT THE ONE GOD. Did it sink in yet? No? One more time! World war I: "There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. Take the Great War (World War I)...the Jews have made this war!...We (Jews) who have posed as the saviours of the world...we Jews, today, are nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyer's, its incendiaries, its executioners...We have finally succeeded in landing you into a new hell." "Full Responsibility for the First World War, lies squarely on the shoulders of the International Jewish Bankers. They are responsible for Millions of dead and dying." World war II: "World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine."-- (Joseph Burg, an anti-Zionist Jew). "The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia , is going to become Reality for the whole world."--(The American Hebrew Magazine, 10. Sept. 1920) "By using the new atheist exile politics they [the Zionists] provoked and increased anti-Semitism in Europe which led to the Second World War ... The worldwide boycott against Germany in 1933 and the later all-out declaration of war against Germany, initiated by the Zionist leaders and the World Jewish Congress ..."--(Rabbi Schwartz, New York Times, Sep. 30, 1997) World war III: Following The Great Success of WWI and WWII, Jewish Power Centres Now Announce WWIII (Arizona Daily Star, Tucson Saturday, April 27, 2002) WWIII Is Coming 'Whether They Like It Or Not'--Top Sharon Aide
By STEPHANIE INNES TUCSON The terror attacks on Sept. 11 and extreme turmoil in the Middle East point to one thing World War III, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday during a visit to Tucson. "We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether they like it or not. I'm sure,'' Ra'anan Gissin, a senior adviser to Sharon, said in an interview Friday. "Sept. 11 was a watershed event, and things will never be the same. The battle lines have been drawn.'' Gissin, 53, is in Tucson this weekend as part of a 12-day tour of the United States to promote the purchase of Israel Bonds. The bonds are part of a program that began in 1951, in which securities are sold to individuals and corporations to finance economic growth in Israel. "The Israeli government pays them back ... The collateral is the eternity of the Jewish people,'' Gissin said, dismissing an April 1 Newsweek story that questioned the future of his country. "We believe the state of Israel will continue to exist forever. Therefore, it's a sure investment." Gissin called the war a clash between the civilized and uncivilized worlds. "It's a clash between the forces of evil, as (President Bush) so neatly described it, and forces of life." Mohyeddin Abdulaziz, 54, a Tucson resident and Palestinian who grew up near Ramallah, did not attend Gissin's talk. But in an interview Friday night he said the Israeli point of view does not take into account the suffering of Palestinians who live in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza. "This is a war that is being fought against a largely civilian population. It is a one-sided war,'' said Abdulaziz, who still has family living in the West Bank. "The Palestinians do not have one tank, one airplane, one helicopter. These are people who have been under a brutal occupation for 35 years and every nation on this Earth has recognized it as an illegal occupation. "We have generations of Palestinians who know nothing but brutal occupation,'' he said. "The West Bank and Gaza are only 22 percent of the geographic area of Palestine, and it's all the Palestinians are asking for. They want a place to call home." Gissin said he did not believe that the Israeli incursion at the West Bank refugee camp in Jenin earlier this month was a massacre as some Palestinians have said. The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has accused Israel of trying to hide "terrible things" at the camp. Palestinians say hundreds died. The United Nations is sending a fact-finding team there.
Zionist threat to World Peace:
Obama Threatens China and Iran by Shamus Cooke, Global Research, The possibility of yet another U.S. war became more real last week, when the Obama administration sharply confronted both China and Iran. The first aggressive act was performed by Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who “warned” China that it must support serious economic sanctions against Iran (an act of war). Clinton said: “China will be under a lot of pressure to recognize the destabilizing effect that a nuclear-armed Iran would have, from which they receive a significant percentage of their oil supply.” The implication here is that China will be cut off from a major energy source if they do not support U.S. foreign policy — this, too, would equal an act of war. A more direct military provocation occurred later when Obama agreed to honor a Bush-era military pact with Taiwan, a small island that lies off the mainland coast of China, and is claimed by China as its own territory. Taiwan has been a U.S. client state ever since the defeated nationalist forces fled there from China in the aftermath of the 1949 revolution. Taiwan has remained a bastion of U.S. intrigue and anti-China agitation for the past six decades. Obama has recently upped the ante by approving a $6.4 billion arms sale to Taiwan, including: “... 60 Black Hawk helicopters, Patriot interceptor missiles, advanced Harpoon missiles that can be used against land or ship targets and two refurbished minesweepers.” (The New York Times, January 30, 2010). The same article quotes a Chinese government official who responded, accurately, by calling the arms sale “… a gross intervention intoChina’s internal affairs, [and] seriously endanger[ing] China’s national security…” In 1962, When Russia supplied missiles to Cuba, nearFlorida’s coast, the U.S. interpreted this to be an act of war. China responded harshly to the Taiwan arms deals, imposing “an unusually broad series of retaliatory measures… including sanctions against American companies that supply the weapon systems for the arms sales.” These U.S. arms manufacturers are giant corporations who have huge political influence in the Obama administration, and are likely to further push the U.S. government towards an even more aggressive response. Obama’s polices against China have been far more aggressive than Bush’s, making a farce out of his campaign promises of a more peaceful foreign policy. Obama’s same, deceitful approach is used inSouth America, where he promised “non-intervention” and then proceeded to build military bases in Colombia on Venezuela’s border, while giving a green light to the coup in Honduras. Hillary Clinton also threatened China about internet censorship last week, while Obama consciously provoked China by agreeing to talks with the Dalai Lama, who advocates the removal of Chinese influence from Tibet. Still fresh in the memories of both the U.S. and China is the recent trade flair up, when Obama imposed taxes on Chinese imports; and China responded with protectionist measures against U.S. companies, which brings us to the heart of the matter. The attitude of the U.S. government towards China has nothing to do with the Dalai Lama, internet censorship, or human rights. These excuses are used as diplomatic jabs in the framework of a larger, geopolitical brawl. Chinese corporations are expanding rapidly in the wake of the decline of the U.S. business class, and Obama is using a variety of measures to counteract this dynamic, with all roads leading to war. This grand chessboard of corporate and military maneuvering reached a dangerous standoff yesterday, with the U.S. military provoking Iran. The New York Times explains: “The Obama administration is accelerating the deployment of new defenses against possible Iranian missile attacks in the Persian Gulf, placing special ships [war ships] off the Iranian coast and antimissile systems in at least four [surrounding] Arab countries, according to administration and military officials.” (January 30, 2010). The same article mentions that U.S. General Petraeus admitted that “… the United States was now keeping Aegis cruisers on patrol in the Persian Gulf [Iran’s border] at all times. Those cruisers are equipped with advanced radar and antimissile systems designed to intercept medium-range missiles.” Iran knows full well that “antimissile systems” are perfectly capable of going on the offensive — their real purpose. Iran is completely surrounded by countries occupied by the U.S. military, whether it be the mass occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the U.S. puppet states that house U.S. military bases in Arab nations. Contrary to the statements of President Obama, Iran is already well contained militarily. Iran’s government — however repressive it may be — has every right to defend itself in this context. It is possible that these aggressive U.S. actions will eventually force Iran’s government to act out militarily, giving the U.S. military the “defensive” excuse it’s been waiting for, so the tempers of the U.S. population can be cooled. A separate New York Times editorial outlines the basic agreement onIran shared by the Democrats and the Republicans. It says: “It is time for President Obama and other leaders to ratchet up the pressure with tougher sanctions.” And: “If the [UN] Security Council does not act quickly, then the United States and Europe must apply more pressure on their own [Bush's Iraq war strategy]. The Senate on Thursday approved a bill that would punish companies for exporting gasoline to Iran or helping Iran expand its own petroleum refining capability [another act of war]” (January 29, 2010). The U.S. anti-war movement must organize and mobilize to confront the plans of the Obama administration. Obama’s policies not only mirror Bush’s, but have the potential to be far more devastating, with the real possibility of creating a wider, regional war. Iran and China are far more militarily capable than puny Afghanistan or Iraq; the consequences of a war with either will cause countless more deaths. Bring All the Troops Home! U.S. Military Out of the Middle East! Shamus Cooke is a social service worker, trade unionist, and writer for Workers Action ( He can be reached at |
Zionist threat to World Peace:
Putin & The Jewish War On Iran
Real zionist News

Only a few days before Putin’s nationwide address, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, with threats from Israel on Iran’s nuclear sites notwithstanding, announced plans to build 10 new uranium enrichment facilities.
Expanding on his announcement, Ahmadinejad defied the Zionist-controlled West by saying that his plans to build more uranium enrichment facilities were not a “bluff” and that sanctions against his country, “would not work.”
Putin, in his quest for a stronger alliance with Iran, has consistently opposed sanctions targeted against Iran’s nuclear program, warning the West that an attack on Iran would be “dangerous” and “unacceptable.”
In spite of the January 2010 conference of Jewish leaders to push Congress into further action against Iran regardless of provoking a global conflict, Vladimir Putin pledged on January 26, 2010, to “complete Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant on time.”
On the heels of Putin’s pledge, a group of US Senators led by Zionist Jews Chuck Schumer of NY, Dianne Feinstein, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, (why do Jews chair all the Committees?), and Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, signed a letter to Obama demanding “crippling sanctions” against Tehran “as early as this month.”
Former NY Senator and current US State Department head, Hillary Clinton, (she’s owned by the Jews), told Chinese leaders in Paris on January 29, 2010, that they risk “diplomatic isolation” unless they support US-led sanctions against Iran. (Hillary tried it on Russia three months ago and got a resounding “Nyet!” China will surely give Hillary a similar “Bu!”)
In seeking to build further ties with Iran, Putin affirmed last autumn that Russia would continue to develop bilateral and multilateral projects with its southern neighbor and welcomed Iran’s contribution to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization:
“Our relations with Iran are developing in many directions. Our strong political ties, growing trade, which has reached $3.5 billion, and the large number of prospective projects are strengthening Russian-Iranian ties. Iran’s participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has bolstered these ties.” View Entire Story Here.
One of these “multilateral” projects is the Iran-Turkmenistan Pipeline, inaugurated on January 6, 2010. The pipeline will link Russia, Iran and China through Central Asia’s oil rich Caspian region, redrawing Eurasia’s energy map.
In a clear sign of opposition to the Zionist West’s “unipolar” dictates, Iran is turning to Russia and China, not only as defenders of its nuclear energy expansion, but as builders of its economic influence in Eurasia. “Zionist Police Beware!”
SEEKING A GLOBAL SHOWDOWN with Russia and China, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is recognized and feared by Zionist Jews as Obama’s foreign policy adviser, is intent on bringing Iran back into the Western orbit. In Brzezinski’s world view, Iran could be a valuable US asset to be played against Russia and China.
Even with his protege at Defense, Robert Gates, and his reputation as a global strategist, Brzezinski has all but admitted that he simply is not strong enough to withstand the power the Jewish lobby wields over Obama’s decision-making in foreign affairs.
This has recently come to light in Brzezinski’s latest article for the Council of Foreign Relations, “From Hope To Audacity.”
Beginning his treatise with the premise that the US should not be at war with Islam, Brzezinski proceeds to take on the “Second Echelon” in Obama’s administration which includes Zionist Jews Dennis Ross, Special Adviser on Iran, Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff, and Zionist shill Hilary Clinton at State.
Opening himself in his article to further accusations of being an “Anti-Semite,” (Alan Dershowitz initiated the lie), Brzezinski challenges the Zionist status quo and adds insult to injury to his already stated position that Obama should negotiate with Hamas:
“It is not fashionable to say this, but much of the current hostility toward the US in the Middle East has been generated by the bloodshed and suffering produced by the prolonged Israeli-Arab conflict. Israel’s refusal to negotiate with the Palestinians in good faith compounds the problem.” View Entire Story Here.
Moving on in his essay to the “stalemate” in Obama’s policy regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Brzezinski goes toe to toe with the Jewish “insiders” at the White House:
“Obama’s two special advisers, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel, participate in significant decision-making. Both of them sat in on the president’s critical September meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
As a result, Obama’s redefinition of US foreign policy is vulnerable to dilution by these upper-level officials who tend to yield to pressures from domestic interest groups.
This fosters a reluctance to plan for a firm follow-through on bold presidential initiatives should they encounter a foreign rebuff reinforced by powerful domestic lobbies. Netanyahu’s rejection of Obama’s demand that Israel halt the construction of settlements is a case in point.” View Entire Story Here.
In his concluding theme, “Domestic Impediments,” Brzezinski exposes the Jewish Lobby and their total control of Obama’s foreign policy decisions:
“Special interest lobbies have become overly influential in US politics. Thanks to their access to Congress, a variety of lobbies — some financially well endowed, some backed by foreign interests — have been promoting, to an unprecedented degree, legislative intervention in foreign-policy making.
Promoted by lobbies, Congress not only actively opposes foreign policy decisions but even imposes some on the president. The pending legislation on sanctions against Iran is but one example. Such congressional intervention makes it more difficult to ensure that US — not foreign — interests are the point of departure.” View Entire Story Here.
CRYSTALLIZING AN ANTI-WEST AGENDA, on May 12, 2009, Putin signed the Russian National Security Strategy, effective 2010 - 2020. The document reflects the sharp deterioration in relations between Russia and the West over the last decade.
Underlining Russia’s hostility toward NATO expansion and Russia’s claims to attain strategic parity with the US, upon approving the Strategy Paper, Putin embarked on an aggressive alliance with Jewry’s new number one enemy, Iran. (Who will be their next enemy?)
In July 2009, joint Russia-Iran military exercises in the oil-rich Caspian Sea, dubbed, “Regional Collaboration for a Secure and Clean Caspian,” signaled a new trend in Russia-Iran military cooperation. The maneuver, involving some 30 vessels, is seen by some analysts as a way for the two countries to join forces against the US, which pro-Iranian observers refer to as “the intrusive Western superpower.”
Following the new trend, although it has not yet been delivered, Putin knows that the US and its client state, Israel, don’t want their new air defense capability, the S-300 missile system, sold to the Iranians.
The contract between Russia and Iran, signed in 2005, is currently “under review” by Putin, in an obvious episode of political posturing. Russia’s official news agency, Ria Novosti, reported in November 2009, that “Russia will not freeze the contract as a concession to the United States.” Iran’s news agency, Press TV, affirmed that the sale “will take place” and that delays are due only to “technical” issues.
An agreement between GAZPROM and Armenia to build a refinery that would serve both Armenia’s needs as well as export to Iran, is about to be finalized. On the top of world Jewry’s list for the next level of sanctions against Iran is refined petroleum products. The joint effort between Putin and Armenia will nullify these sanctions.
Demonized by the West’s Jewish-occupied press, Vladimir Putin continues to be a thorn in Jewry’s side. Nevertheless, Putin displayed his resolve to dismantle their unipolar world when he called for a “time of enlightenment” at Davos last year. But the Zionist Jews who continue to maintain a “time of darkness,” keep on pushing for WW III…
For More See: Jewry’s Scheme For World Domination Click Here
And: Putin Triumphing Over Zionist-Controlled West Click Here
And: Is Putin A True Christian Leader? Click Here
Zionist threat to World Peace:
Enough Is Enough Jewsweek Why we can no longer remain on the sidelines in the struggle for regime change in Iran. U.S. expanding missile 'defenses' in Gulf The United States has expanded land- and sea-based missile defense systems in and around the Gulf to counter what it sees as Iran's growing missile threat, U.S. officials said. U.S. speeds up arms buildup with Gulf allies The Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid to thwart future military attacks by Iran, according to former and current U.S. and Middle Eastern government officials. Israel threatens Iran with "heavy price"Israeli National Security Advisor Uzi Arada has threatened Iran with 'heavy' measures after reports of US augmentation of forces off Iran's coast. Iran: US military buildup aimed to cause panic As the US moves to strengthen its military foothold in the Persian Gulf, an Iranian lawmaker says Washington is using the 'fear factor' to turn regional countries against Iran. Iran: US military build up in PG, political ploy |
Zionist threat to World Peace:
China warns of 'serious damage' if Barack Obama meets Dalai Lama China has warned of "serious damage" to US-China political relations if US President Barack Obama goes ahead with an anticipated meeting with the Dalai Lama in Washington later this month. Analysis: the worsening relationship between America and China China's leaders detect deliberate provocations from the Obama administration. They believe the Google row could have been limited to a trade issue but the White House chose to maximise its political impact. China dissatisfied with U.S. report on its military build-up China on Tuesday expressed dissatisfaction over statements in a U.S. defense report on its military build-up, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tuesday. |
Countering the Zionist threat to World Peace:
Nuclear arsenal on the EU border will remain – Russia The head of the State Duma committee for international relations Konstantin Kosachev has called the request of Poland and Sweden to withdraw tactical nuclear weapons from Russia’s EU border illogical. Earlier, the foreign ministers of both countries Radoslav Sikorsky and Carl Bildt, published in the New York Times a call on Moscow to remove its nuclear weapons from the Kaliningrad region and the Kola Peninsula. However, Moscow thinks that such an initiative has the right to exist, but doesn’t have grounds for realization until security in Europe will be collective, integrated and indivisible. In an interview to Interfax news agency, Konstantin Kosachev also reminded that Moscow’s initiative to create an international agreement on European security has been ignored by both Poland and Sweden. Read more The head of the Russian State Duma Committee for international relations has also stressed that, for the European Union, NATO remains the main force to ensure security in the region: “Until all the forces of ensuring European Security will be united, only nuclear weapons will be able to sustain the global strategic security balance of the continent. And in this regard, the decision on the quantity and the geographical location of the nuclear arms will remain between the two nuclear powers Russia and the US – whether the third parties like that or not.” Many analysts think, however, that the timing of the Polish-Swedish initiative is not accidental, as it coincides with the new round of US-Russia talks in Geneva concerning a successor to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. However, Vladimir Yevseyev from the Center of International Security in Moscow thinks that neither Sweden nor Poland expected an immediate action on their initiative: “Tactical nuclear arms withdrawal from European territories is not the most topical issue at the moment. As for Sweden, even though it’s not a NATO member, it’s really difficult to imagine that it will ever be attacked by either Russia or the US. Sweden came up with this initiative as it is more worried about the environmental damage that such arms may cause. As for Poland, it just used this moment to distract attention from the expansion of its own arms.” Earlier, Moscow expressed concerns about Poland’s plans to deploy American antiaircraft Patriot missiles close to its border with Russia, just 100 kilometers from the Kaliningrad region. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has asked Warsaw for an explanation, as such an act is seen by the Kremlin as Poland increasing its military arsenal against Russia. Viktor Litovkin, Editor-in-Chief of the “Independent Military Review” thinks, Poland used this initiative as another opportunity to cast another stone towards Russia: “This is very typical of Poland. You know this Russophobia is their historical illness, and there is really no cure for that.” In their letter, the ministers of Poland and Sweden have, however, not only pointed their finger at Russia, but also called on the US to withdraw their arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons from the European territory. Citing a recent report by the International Commission on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, the ministers mentioned that 200 out of 500 US active warheads are stored in Western Europe, whereas the vast majority of Russia’s 2,000 warheads are stored in the western part of the country. However, the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Russia in Global Politics” Fyodor Lukyanov thinks that such initiative has been coordinated with the US. In an interview to Russian radio station Echo Moskvy, he said that the current US-Russia talks are only about strategic nuclear weapons, which are not stored in Europe by Russia. The US however has long wanted to include tactical warheads in the dialogue and this was an indirect way of pointing at this issue. He says that – since Barack Obama is organizing a so-called nuclear summit in April this year, and then in May there will be a conference on nuclear non proliferation – Obama wants (and needs) to come up with some important initiatives in this sphere. ‘Flight plans’ Could Spark New Cuban Missile Crisis An unidentified source in the Russian military says Moscow could be ready to resume strategic bomber flights over the Caribbean. It’s claimed the long-range aircraft could refuel at a Cuban aerodrome. The U.S. military has hinted that such a step would cross its ‘red line’ of defence. |
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