Previous Chapters:
Setting the stage for world war II
chapter seven
the communist agenda
the origin of communism
In a previous chapter, we found out how the Illuminati created Communism to be used as an adversary against liberty. An indication of that fact came from a statement by Dr. Bella Dodd, who was a member of the National Committee of the U.S. Communist Party. She indicated that when their Board could not reach a decision, one of their members would go to the Waldorf Towers in New York City to consult with Arthur Goldsmith. Goldsmith’s decision would later be confirmed by Communist officials in Russia. Goldsmith was not a Communist, but was a wealthy ‘capitalist.’ The Communist movement was created out of the roots of Socialism, in fact, President Hoover said: “Socialism is the forerunner of communism.”
Socialistic ideas can be traced back to Plato’s (427-347 BC) Republic, and English Statesman Sir Thomas More’s (1478-1535) Utopia in 1516. Plato envisioned a society where marriage would be eliminated, all women would belong to all men, and all men would belong to all women. Women would be equal to men, working and fighting wars side by side. All children would be raised by the state. There would be a tri-level society consisting of the ruling class, the military class, and the working class. Private property would be eliminated, and the intellectuals would determine what was best for the lower classes.
Indian settlements were communistic. The Pilgrims and Virginia colonists tried them, but failed. Captain John Smith of Virginia said: “When our people were fed out of the common store, and labored jointly together, glad was he who could slip from his labor and sleep over his task...”
The Mennonites, who came to Pennsylvania from Germany, in 1683, established communes. As they moved westward, they left behind a splinter group, called the Amish, who gradually developed a society based on the private ownership of property. Also in 1683 followers of a Frenchman, Jean de Labadie (former Jesuit, turned Protestant) immigrated to Maryland. They held property in common, but broke up within a couple of years.
In 1774, Englishwoman Ann Lee, leading a group called the Shakers (United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing), which was a splinter group of the Quaker movement, established a celibate communal society near Albany, New York, in an area known as Watervliet. Religious persecution had forced them to America, where they practiced celibacy, equality of sexes, common ownership of property, and the public confession of sins. In 1787, two of Lee’s followers, Joseph Meacham and Lucy Wright, established a similar colony in New Lebanon, NY. By 1840, they had 6,000 members in 19 communes, from New York, to Indiana and Kentucky. Their numbers declined after the Civil War, and they finally broke up in the 1940’s.
Francois Emile Babeuf (1760-97), was a member of the Illuminati (his pseudonym was ‘Gracchus’), and as such, his social views reflected those of Weishaupt’s. He formed a Masonic-like association of disciples called Babouvistes, who advocated violence as a means of achieving reform. They met at the dining hall of the Abbey, and sometimes in the crypt. The location of the building, which was near the Pantheon, led to the name of the Order, which was known as the Pantheonistes. The group, at its peak, had about 2,000 members.
Babeuf wrote: “In my system of Common Happiness, I desire that no individual property shall exist. The land is God’s and its fruits belong to all men in general.” One of his disciples, the Marquis de Antonelle, a former member of the Revolutionary Tribunal, wrote: “The state of communism is the only just, the only good one; without this state of things, no peaceful and really happy societies can exist.”
In April, 1796, Babeuf wrote his Manifesto of the Equals, which was published under the title Analysis of the Doctrine of Babeuf. In it he wrote:
“No more private property in land, the land belongs to no one ... the fruits of the earth belong to everyone ... Vanish at last, revolting distinctions of rich and poor, of great and small, of masters and servants, of governors and governed. Let there be no difference between men than that of age and sex. Since all have the same needs and the same faculties, let there be only one education, one kind of food. They content themselves with one sun and air for all; why should not the same portion and the same quality of food suffice for each of them...”
Under his plan, workers wouldn’t be paid in money, since the owning of personal property would be abolished. Instead, payment would be made through the distribution of products. These products, stored in communal warehouses, would be equally handed out. Another notable aspect of his plan was that children would not be allowed to bear the name of their father, unless he was a man of great importance.
Knowing that people would never allow such a communistic system, they never fully revealed their plans. Instead, their propaganda centered on “equality among men” and “justice of the people,” while they criticized the “greed” of the government. The working men didn’t fully understand Babeuf’s doctrines, nevertheless, they praised his ideas.
In August, 1796, Babeuf and 45 leaders of his movement were arrested after the government found out they were making preparations to lead a revolt of the people against them. They were put on trial in a proceeding that lasted from February to May, 1797. The Illuminati was secretly directing the Babouviste movement, and Babeuf testified that he was just an agent of the conspiracy: “I attest they do for me too much honor in decorating me with the title of head of this affair. I declare that I had only a secondary and limited part in it ... The heads and the leaders needed a director of public opinion. I was in the position to enlist this opinion.” On May 28, 1797, Babeuf was hung, and many of his followers were deported.
Those who have studied the Russian Revolution have observed that there is little difference between Babouvism and Bolshevism. The Third Internationale of Moscow in 1919, in its first Manifesto, traced its descent from Babeuf. The Russian Revolution may have been the ultimate goal of Babeuf, who wrote: “The French Revolution is only the forerunner of another revolution, very much greater, very much more solemn, and which will be the last!”
The earliest advocate of the movement, later to be known as Socialism, was the English mill owner Robert Owen (1771-1858). He was a student of spiritualism and published his views in the Rational Quarterly Review. At his Scotland textile factory, he was known as a model employer because of the reforms he instituted, even enacting child labor laws. He felt production could be increased if competition was eliminated. Many of his principles were derived from the writings of Weishaupt. For instance, Weishaupt wrote that the aim of the Illuminati, was “to make the human race, without any distinction of nation, condition or profession, one good and happy family.” Owen said that the “new state of existence upon the earth, which, when understood and applied rationally to practice, will cordially unite all as one good and enlightened family.” Many of Owen’s philosophies were parallel to those of the Illuminati.
Owen’s long term goal was to “cut the world into villages of 300 to 2,000 souls,” in which, “the dwellings for the 200 or 300 families should be placed together in the form of a parallelogram.” According to his philosophy, “individualism was to be disallowed,” and “each was to work for the benefit of all.” A colony established along those lines in Ireland failed, so in 1824, Owen sailed to America, where he bought several thousand acres from George Rapp’s pietistic Harmony Society, in Posey County, Indiana. In 1825, with 1,000 settlers, he started his “New Harmony Community of Equality.” It was a model town of non- profit making stores.
Other settlements like this were started in America and Scotland, and communism was born. However, Owen was a weak leader, had few skilled workmen, and had to put additional duties on the few competent workers that he had, in an attempt to insure success. In 1826, he adopted a Constitution that condemned private property and organized religion.
However, Owen had failed to take into account human nature, something he had fought so hard for in earlier years, when he advocated better housing for workers, better education for children, and the elimination of unhealthy living conditions. Even though he failed in an attempt to merge all the trade unions into a “Great Trades Union,” his reforms completely transformed the town of New Lanark, Scotland. In 1827, Owen resigned as manager, and dissolved the colony, because he was forced to change his thinking. He wrote: “No societies with common property and equality could prosper. In order to succeed it was needful to exclude the intemperate, the idle, the careless, the quarrelsome, the avaricious, the selfish...”
His son, Robert Dale Owen (1801-77), was a leader in the Workingman’s Party in 1829, which evolved down through the years into the U.S. Communist Party.
In 1817, a group of German separatists, led by Joseph M. Bimeler, settled near the Tuscarawas River in Ohio, naming their society after one of the few Biblical plain cities that escaped the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. In 1819, they were incorporated as the Society of Separatists of Zoar. All property was held in common; factories and shops were managed by an elected Board of Trustees. They prospered during the 1850’s, establishing the town of Zoar, having over 10,000 acres, and $1 million worth of assets. After Bimeler’s death in 1853, interest declined, and the town dissolved in 1898.
There were other communistic settlements, such as Harmony, PA (1805); Nashoba, Tennessee (1825); the Cooperative Store at Toad Street (1844); and the Cooperative Society of Oldham (1850), set up by the Rochdale Pioneers, which also failed.
Some groups today can trace their roots to the 19th century communes. In the 1830’s, Joseph Smith, who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (the Mormons), moved his followers from New York, to Ohio, then to Missouri, and finally to Utah, because of religious persecution. He believed that a form of communal Christianity existed during the time of the Apostles.
John Humphrey Noyes (“Father Noyes”), after establishing a colony at Putney, Virginia, in 1846, set up another in Oneida, New York, in 1848, which featured common property ownership and child rearing, selective ‘breeding’ of babies, and a society in which every woman was considered to be the wife of each man, and every man the husband of each woman. By 1874, there were 300 members. Noyes went to Canada in 1879 after threats of prosecution, and the colony discontinued their unusual sexual practices. They reorganized as a joint stock company, which is still operating today.
Christian Metz, head of the 17th century German Protestant sect known as the Community of True Inspiration, settled on a farm near Buffalo, New York, in 1842, where they established a Christian commune where all property was commonly owned. Work and worship was combined. In 1855, they moved to an 18,000 acre area in Iowa, forming the community of Amana. It eventually expanded into seven villages, with farms, stores, sheds and factories. The commune still exists today, with its factories producing various appliances. Its stock was held by about 1400 members.
Comte Henri de Saint-Simon (1776-1825), French nobleman, philosopher and socialist, was the grandson of the author of King Louis XIV’s memoirs. He was considered by some to be mentally unbalanced, because of an infliction inherited from his insane mother. Others believed him to be a genius. His philosophy, known as the “New Christianity,” advocated the placing of all property and people under the State’s control, to insure that the exploitation of the poor would end. He declared that the existing social system was dead and should be done away with. He called for the merging of scientific and technological knowledge towards industrialism, in order to have the elite rule. He said that all men were not created equal. His followers, known as “The Family” instituted a political program, calling for the public control of industrial production, abolition of inheritance, and equal rights for women. They even tried to start a Saint-Simonian Church.
In 1836, one of Simon’s disciples, Philippe Joseph Benjamin Buchez, attempted to combine Socialism with Catholicism, with something called Christian Socialism. This was a continuation of Weishaupt’s efforts to identify Christianity with the Illuminati, in order to draw members. Peaceful revolution was to be carried out through the principles of Christian love and brotherhood, with Jesus being represented as a Socialist. The group published a labor newspaper called L´Atelier (“The Workshop”), which was written and edited by the workers themselves. They warned against the use of violence to obtain social change, and barred the workers from belonging to secret organizations. Small co-op communities were established. They started the Council for Promoting Working Men’s Associations, and in 1854, started the Working Men’s College in London.
As Christian Socialism developed, it was promoted by saying that Socialism was the ultimate goal of Christianity. In America, prominent Protestant clergymen, such as Washington Gladden, Walter Rauschenbush, Lyman Abbott, Josiah Strong, and Charles M. Sheldon, through sermons, books, magazine and newspaper articles, called for better working conditions for women, the elimination of child labor, a six-day work week, and a decent working wage. These principles were later adopted by the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America in 1908. The aforementioned ministers, and economist Richard T. Ely, in 1889, organized the Society of Christian Socialists, which advocated a cooperative society based on the teachings of Christ. Rev. Endicott Peabody, founder of the Grotan School, spoke of such reform to the capitalist system. One of his young students was Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Buchez’ followers soon grew dissatisfied with the equal payment plan, and the organization split into several factions, one professing Christianity (setting up several Christian Socialist organizations), and the other, calling for revolution.
Francois Marie Charles Fourier (1772-1837), a French philosopher, planned out model communities, in which people would live in a pleasurable atmosphere, and work at their own pace, at jobs they like. Everyone would know what to do and when to do it. There would be no need for regulations. In his communities, called ‘phalanxes’ (or ‘phalansteries’), everyone was to live in the same building. Jobs were assigned, and workers received a nominal wage. In 1832, he failed in an attempt to set up such a commune at Versailles. However, his followers founded about 30 communal settlements in the United States, such as the Brook Farm (1841-47).
In 1841, George Ripley, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Charles A. Dana, all advocates of Transcendentalism, established a 192-acre settlement in West Roxbury, Massachusetts. In 1844, they instituted a constitution, making it a co-op based on the scientific division of labor advocated by Fourier. They published a journal, The Harbinger (1845-49), which was edited by Ripley, and featured such writers as James Russell Lowell and John Greenleaf. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Horace Greeley, and Henry David Thoreau, established another Fourier commune at Red Bank, New Jersey in 1843, where members picked their jobs and were paid according to the repulsiveness of their work. The dirtier the job, the more it paid. They had about 1200 members, and operated for about ten years. Fourier disciples, Elizabeth Peabody, Parke Goodwin, and William Henry Channing, also began communes.
Louis Blanc, a Mason, developed a Workingman’s Association, but his was to be under State control. He called for the establishment of labor organizations in the form of national workshops, with the workers electing their management. He despised all religion, and eliminated the idea of Christianity, criticizing Buchez for being too sentimental.
In France, during the 1840’s, Louis-Auguste Blanqui espoused a form of radical socialism that was based on democratic populism. He said that capitalism was unstable and would be replaced by cooperative institutions.
Etienne Cabet, the son of a barrelmaker, went to England in 1834, where he became a convert of Robert Owen. When he returned to France in 1839, he laid out a plan for a communistic settlement, which he established in the Red River region of Texas in 1847. His 69 followers were called “Icarians,” after his 1840 novel Voyage en Icaria, which portrayed a society where all property was held in common, and products of the community were distributed according to need. Later that year, he wrote a book on the French Revolution, and traced the course of communistic theories starting with Plato, Pythagoras (a 6th century BC philosopher), the Essenes of Judea, More, CampaneIla, Locke, Montesquieu, Mably, Rousseau, and other 18th century philosophers. He claimed that the communists were the disciples, the imitators, and continuers of the philosophy of Jesus.
In 1849, he took 280 of his followers to Nauvoo, Illinois, after the Texas commune failed because of poor soil, crooked land agents, and an attack of malaria. This Hancock County area had been a Mormon community of about 15,000 people, who after the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, went to Salt Lake City, Utah, with Brigham Young. By 1855, Nauvoo had farms, a running mill, a distillery, a theater, a printing press, and a school. Soon there were over 500 people in the town.
They eventually grew restless because of Cabet’s autocratic leadership, since they didn’t have a voice in their own affairs. They threw him out in 1856, and he took 200 of his followers with him. As time went on, only a few diehards remained, until the commune finally broke up in 1888. Meanwhile, Cabet started a “true Icaria” in Cheltinham, Missouri (near St. Louis), but soon after, died of apoplexy. The commune lasted until 1864. Some followers of Cabet also started communes at Corning, Iowa (1860-84), and Cloverdale, California (1881-87).
Heinrich Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, 1818-83) was born of wealthy parents (his father was a lawyer), and much of his personal life has never been revealed. Professor M. Mtchedlov, Vice-Director of the Marx Institute, said that there were 100 volumes in his collection, but only thirteen have ever been reprinted for the public. When he was six, his family converted to Christianity, and although he was once a believer in God, after attending the Universities of Bonn and Berlin, Marx wrote that he wanted to avenge himself “against the One who rules above.” He joined the Satanist Church run by Joana Southcott, who was said to be in contact with the demon Shiloh. His early writings mentioned the name “Oulanem,” which was a ritualistic name for Satan. A friend of Marx wrote in 1841, that “Marx calls the Christian religion one of the most immoral of religions.” His published attacks against the German government caused him to be ejected from the country.
He received a Doctorate in Philosophy in 1841, but was turned down for a teaching position, because of his revolutionary activities. In 1843, he studied Economics in Paris, where he learned about French communism. Again he was expelled for revolutionary activities. In 1844, he wrote the book A World Without Jews even though he was Jewish. In 1845, he moved to Brussels, where, with German philosopher, Friedrich Engels (the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer, 1820-95), who he met in Paris in 1844, they reorganized the Communist League.
Engels had joined the ‘Young Germany’ group (which had been established by Giuseppe Mazzini) in Switzerland in 1835. He later became a 32nd degree Mason (as did Marx). In 1842 he was sent to England to manage the family’s mill in Manchester. A journalism student, in 1843 he published a treatise on economics called Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy; and in 1844, wrote a review of Thomas Carlyle’s Past and Present, and also a booklet called The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844. It was Engel’s philosophy that established the basis for the ideas which were developed by Marx.
In 1848, Marx published his Communist Manifesto (which he was working on from 1830-47), from an Engel’s draft (which was an extension of Engel’s Confessions of a Communist), which also borrowed heavily from Clinton Roosevelt’s book, The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law which echoed the philosophies of Weishaupt. It had been commissioned by the Communist League in London. The League, formerly known as the League of the Just (or the League of Just Men), which was an off-shoot of the Parisian Outlaws League (which evolved from the Jacobin movement), was founded by Illuminati members who fled from Germany. The League was made up of rich and powerful men from different countries that were behind much of the turmoil that engulfed Europe in 1848. Many researchers consider them either a finger organization of the Illuminati, or an inner circle. Originally introduced as the Manifesto of the Communist Party in London, on February 1, 1848, the name was changed to the Communist Manifesto, and the name of Karl Marx was added as its author twenty years later, after a series of small revolutions failed.
Marx wrote in 1848: “The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth.” Friedrich Engels, that same year, wrote: “The next world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the earth.”
The Manifesto was described by Marxians as “The Charter of Freedom of the Workers of the World,” and it was the platform of the Communist League. It advocated the abolition of property in land, and the application of all land rent to public purposes; a heavy progressive or graduated income tax; abolition of all rights of inheritance; the confiscation of all the property of immigrants and rebels; centralization of credit in the hands of the State with a national bank; centralization and State control of all communication and transportation; expansion of factories to cultivate waste lands, and create industrial armies, especially for agriculture; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country to have a more equitable distribution of the population over the country; the elimination of child factory labor and free education for all children in public schools.
This revolutionary plan for socialism, which included the abolition of all religion, was reminiscent of the doctrines of Weishaupt. It was basicaIly a program for establishing a ‘perfect’ state, and it called for the workers (proletariat) to revolt and overthrow capitalism (the private ownership of industry), and for the government to own all property. Marx, felt, that by controlling all production, the ruling power could politically control a country. After the communist regime would take over, the dictatorship would gradually “wither away” and the result would be a non-government. The final stage of communism is when the goods are distributed on the basis of need. Leonid Brezhnev, when celebrating the 50th anniversary of the U.S.S.R., said: “Now the Soviet Union is marching onward. The Soviet Union is moving towards communism.”
Meanwhile, Professor Carl Ritter (1779-1859), of the University of Berlin, a co-founder of modern geographical science, was writing a contrasting view, under the direction of another group of Illuminists. The purpose of this was to divide the people of the world into opposing camps with differing ideologies. The work started by Ritter, was finished after he died, by German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), who founded Nietzscheism, which later developed into Fascism, and then into Nazism, which was later used to ferment World War II. Although the Nazis, in quoting from Nietzsche, considered themselves to be the Master Race, Nietzsche did not. Nietzsche tried to stir things up at the top of the social order, while Marx hammered away at the bottom, concentrating on the lower class and working people. Nietzsche wanted to keep the uneducated in a state of slavery, while Marx wanted to neutralize the elite, and pushed for the rights of the people.
Marx worked as a correspondent for the New York Tribune (whose Editor was Horace Greeley, 1852-61), covering the 1848 European revolutions. One source has reported that even these articles were written by Engels. In 1857 and 1858, Marx wrote a few articles for the New American Cyclopedia.
On September 28, 1864, Marx and Engels founded the International Workingmen’s Association at St. Martin’s Hall in London, which consisted of English, French, German, Italian, Swiss, and Polish Socialists, who were dedicated to destroying the “prevailing economic system.” It later became known as the First Socialist International, which eight years later spread to New York and merged with the Socialist Party. The statutes they adopted were similar to Mazzini’s, and in fact, a man named Wolff, the personal secretary of Mazzini, was a member, and pushed Mazzini’s views. Marx wrote to Engels: “I was present, only as a dumb personage on the platform.” James Guillaume, a Swiss member, wrote: “It is not true that the Internationale was the creation of Karl Marx. He remained completely outside the preparatory work that took place from 1862 to 1864...” Again, we find evidence that the Illuminati did in fact control the growing communist movement, but not to deal with the problems of workers and industry, rather it was to instigate riot and revolution. The Marxist doctrine produced by the Association was accepted and advocated by the emerging labor movement, and soon the organization grew to 800,000 dues-paying members.
Even though Marx publicly urged the working class to overthrow the capitalists (the wealthy who profited from the Stock Exchange), in June, 1864, “in a letter to his uncle, Leon Phillips, Marx announced that he had made 400 pounds on the Stock Exchange.” It is obvious that Marx didn’t practice what he preached, and therefore didn’t really believe in the movement he was giving birth to. He was an employee, doing a job for his Illuminati bosses.
Nathan Rothschild had given Marx two checks for several thousand pounds to finance the cause of Socialism. The checks were put on display in the British Museum, after Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a trustee, had willed his museum and library to them.
In 1867, Marx wrote the first volume of Das Kapital, which became known as the “Bible of the Working Class.” Marx felt, that as the workers achieved various reforms, there would be a possibility for the peaceful evolution towards socialism. A little known fact, is that Marx’ beliefs were gleaned from the writings of Weishaupt, Babeuf, Blanc, Cabet, Owen, Ogilvie, Hodgkin, Gray, Robert Thompson, William Carpenter, and Clinton Roosevelt; which he discovered from his hours of research in the Reading Room of the British Museum. The second volume appeared after Marx’ death, edited by Engels from Marx’ notes, in 1885; and volume three appeared in 1894.
When Marx died in March 14, 1883, only six people attended his funeral. He never supported his family, which had produced six children. Three of them died of starvation in infancy and two others committed suicide. Actually, Engels supported Marx with income from his father’s cotton mills in England. Marx was buried in London, at Highgate Cemetery.
The Social Democratic Party in Germany, in 1869, was the first Marxist aligned political Party. They favored an independent working class. It grew rapidly, despite the effort of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to break it up through the enactment of anti-socialist legislation. In 1877, they elected a dozen members to the Reichstag. In 1881, they had 312,000 members; and by 1891, 1,427,000. In 1891, they eliminated their earlier leanings toward State-aid for co-ops, and aligned themselves with the Marxist goal of “the abolition of class rule and of classes themselves.”
Some of the early Socialist Parties were: Danish Social Democratic Party (1870’s), Swedish Socialist Party (1889), Norwegian Labor Party (1887), Austrian Social Democratic Party (1888), Belgian Labor Party (1885), Dutch Socialist-Democratic Workers Party (1894), Spanish Social Labor Party (1879), Italian Socialist Party (1892), and the Social Democratic Federation of Great Britain (1880’s).
In 1889, the Second International was formed, with their headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Their main responsibility was to create some sort of unity within its ranks. It was totally organized along Marxist philosophies.
Nikolai Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, 1870-1924) was a Russian revolutionary and student of Marx, who was out for revenge, after his older brother, Alexander, was hung in 1887, along with four comrades, for conspiring to assassinate Czar Alexander II, the grandfather of Nicholas II.
During his teenage years, he admired Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876), a follower of Weishaupt’s principles, and a Satanist, who was the driving force behind the initial effort to organize Communism. In 1887, Lenin entered Kazan University, and in 1889, he became a Mason, and soon began advocating the philosophies of Marx. He said: “We must combat religion. This is the ABC’s of all materialism and consequently of Marxism.” In 1891, he passed his law exam. In the early 1900’s, he said that socialism could only be achieved by mobilizing workers and peasants through revolution, since trade unions were not able to bring about any change.
In 1903, in London, he initiated a split in the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party, which was completed in 1912, and became known as the All Russian Communist Party in 1918. His left-wing faction became known as the Bolsheviks, or “bolshinstvo,” which meant “majority” (the Menshevicks, or “menshinstvo,” meant “minority”). The movement was slow to catch on, and by 1907, he only had 17 members, but he would soon have over 40,000. He received financial support from the Fabians, including a $15,000 contribution from Joseph Fels, an American soap manufacturer and a Fabian.
George Bernard Shaw, one of the Fabian’s founders, called Lenin, the “greatest Fabian of them all,” and in a speech he made in Moscow in 1931, said: “It is a real comfort to me, an old man, to be able to step into my grave with the knowledge that the civilization of the world will be saved ... it is here in Russia that I have actually been convinced that the new Communist system is capable of leading mankind out of its present crisis, and saving it from complete anarchy and ruin.”
Lenin was an advocate of the Populist doctrine, which had been developed by author Aleksandr Herzen during the 1860’s. He felt that the peasant communes could be the socialist society of the future, and called for Russian Socialism to be based on the ancient peasant tradition. The peasant revolt later developed into all-out revolution. In 1881, they succeeded in assassinating Czar Alexander II, and continued to function as a conspiratorial organization. Many Populists began advocating Marxist doctrine, and in 1883, led by Georgy Plekhanov, established the Marxist “Liberation of Labor Group.”
Lenin wanted to use the Populists to overthrow the government and introduce socialism. He added two Marxist elements to the Populist theory: the notion of a class struggle, and the need for Russia to pass through a stage of capitalism. He led the people to believe that the purpose of his movement was to help the working class. In America during the 1800’s, an alliance of various farming groups produced the Populist Party in 1892, which came to be known as the National People’s Party. With their slogan, “The people against the tycoons,” they fought for an increase in currency circulation, free silver, labor reform, a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads, and the direct election of U.S. Senators. By 1896, they were almost fully integrated into the Democratic Party, while their principles were later embraced by the Progressive Party.
The Progressive Party was a coalition of socialists, labor leaders and farmers, organized by Republican Senator Robert M. LaFollette of Wisconsin in 1911 to oppose the conservatism of the Republican Party, and to fight for an aggressive program of social legislation. They later reunited with the Republican Party until 1924, when a coalition of liberals, farmers, Republican progressives, socialists, and left-wing labor leaders reorganized the Progressive Party, as LaFollette promised to sweep conservatism out of the Federal government. He wanted to “end control of government and industry by private monopoly,” to have public control of natural resources, public ownership of railroads, and a reduction in taxes.
When he died in 1925, the Party broke up, but was revived in 1948 by Communist Party leaders and left-wing labor leaders. Their platform included civil rights legislation, and called for negotiations with the Russians. The Party’s credibility was damaged when it was revealed that their leadership was communist dominated. The Progressive Party was able to wield enough influence to help pass the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Income Tax, and the 17th Constitutional Amendment, which provided for the direct election of U.S. Senators, rather than being appointed by the state legislators. They also provided support for the effort which eventually gave women the right to vote. Many of their goals were achieved during the Administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
In 1905, while Russia was engaged in the Russo-Japanese War, the communists tried to get the farmers to revolt against the Czar, but they refused. After this aborted attempt, the Czar deposited $400,000,000 in the Chase Bank, National City Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, the Hanover Trust Bank, and Manufacturers Trust Bank; and $80,000,000 in the Rothschild Bank in Paris, because he knew who was behind the growing revolutionary movement, and hoped to end it.
In 1917, the revolt began. Grand Duke Nicholas said: “It is on God himself that the Bolshevicks are waging war.” Czar Nicholas II (who succeeded Alexander III, 1881-94) was dethroned in March after a series of riots, and a provincial government was set up by Prince George Lvov, a liberal progressive reformer who wanted to set up a democracy. He made an effort to strengthen the Russian Army to prevent any future revolts, but ended up resigning, which allowed Kerensky, a democratic Socialist, to take over and form a coalition government. He kept the war with Germany going, and issued an amnesty order for the communists who had been exiles after the aborted Red Revolution in 1905. Nearly 250,000 revolutionaries returned to Russia.
The Rothschilds, through Milner, planned the Russian Revolution, and along with Schiff (who gave $20 million), Sir George Buchanan, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, the partners of J. P. Morgan (who gave at least $1 million), Olaf Aschberg (of the Nye Bank of Stockholm, Sweden), the Rhine Westphalian Syndicate, a financier named Jovotovsky (whose daughter later married Leon Trotsky), William Boyce Thompson (a director of Chase National Bank, who contributed $1 million), and Albert H. Wiggin (President of Chase National Bank), helped finance it.
The Rockefellers had given their financial support after the Czar refused to give them access to the Russian oil fields, which was already being pumped by the Royal Dutch Co. (owned by the Rothschilds and the Nobel brothers), who was giving Standard Oil plenty of competition on the international market. Even though John D. Rockefeller possessed $15,000,000 in bonds from the Royal Dutch Co. and Shell, rather than purchase stock to get his foot in the door and indirectly profit, he helped to finance the Revolution so that he would be able to get Standard Oil firmly established in the country of Russia.
As the Congress of Vienna had shown, the Illuminati had never been able to control the affairs of Russia, so they had to get rid of the Czar, so he couldn’t interfere with their plans.
Leon Trotsky (whose real name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein, 1879-1940, the son of wealthy Jewish parents), who was exiled from Russia because of his part in the aborted revolution in 1905, was a reporter for Novy Mir, a communist paper in New York, from 1916-17. He had an expensive apartment and traveled around town in a chauffeur-driven limousine. He sometimes stayed at the Krupp mansion, and had been seen going in and out of Schiff’s New York mansion. Trotsky was given $20 million in Jacob Schiff gold to help finance the revolution, which was deposited in a Warburg bank, then transferred to the Nya Banken in Stockholm, Sweden. According to the Knickerbocker Column in the New York Journal American on February 3, 1949: “Today it is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.”
Trotsky left New York aboard the S. S. Kristianiafjord (S. S. Christiania), which had been chartered by Schiff and Warburg, on March 27, 1917, with communist revolutionaries. At Halifax, Nova Scotia, on April 3rd, the first port they docked at, the Canadians, under orders from the British Admiralty, seized Trotsky, and his men, taking them to the prison at Amherst; and impounded his gold.
Official records, later declassified by the Canadian government, indicate that they knew Trotsky and his small army were “socialists leaving for the purposes of starting revolution against present Russian government...” The Canadians were concerned that if Lenin would take over Russia, he would sign a Peace Treaty and stop the fighting between Russia and Germany, so that the Germany Army could be diverted to possibly mount an offensive against the United States and Canada. The British government (through intelligence officer Sir William Wiseman, who later became a partner with Kuhn, Loeb and Co.) and American government (through Col. House) urged them to let Trotsky go. Wilson said that if they didn’t comply, the U.S. wouldn’t enter the War. Trotsky was released, given an American passport, a British transport visa, and a Russian entry permit. It is obvious that Wilson knew what was going on, because accompanying Trotsky, was Charles Crane of the Westinghouse Company, who was the Chairman of the Democratic Finance Committee. The U.S. entered the war on April 6th. Trotsky arrived in Petrograd on May 17.
Meanwhile, Lenin had been able to infiltrate the Democratic Socialist Republic established by Kerensky. In October, 1917, when the Revolution started, Lenin, who was in Switzerland (also exiled because of the 1905 Bolshevik Revolution), negotiated with the German High Command, with the help of Max Warburg (head of the Rothschild-affiliated Warburg bank in Frankfurt), to allow him, his wife, and 32 other Bolsheviks, to travel across Germany, to Sweden, where he was to pick up the money being held for him in the Swedish bank, then go on to Petrograd. He promised to make peace with Germany, if he was able to overthrow the new Russian government. He was put in a sealed railway car, with over $5 million in gold from the German government, and upon reaching Petrograd, was joined by Stalin and Trotsky. He told the people that he could no longer work within the government to effect change, that they had to strike immediately, in force, to end the war, and end the hunger conditions of the peasants. His war cry was: “All power to the Soviets.”
He led the revolution, and after seizing the reins of power from Kerensky on November 7, 1917, replaced the democratic republic with a communist Soviet state. He kept his word and made peace with Germany in February, 1918, and was able to get out of World War I. While most members of the Provisional Government were killed, Kerensky was allowed to live, possibly because of the general amnesty he extended to the communists exiled in 1905. Kerensky later admitted to receiving private support from American industry, which led some historians to believe that the Kerensky government was a temporary front for the Bolsheviks.
Elections were held on November 25, 1917, with close to 42 million votes being cast, and the Bolshevik Communists only received 24% of the vote. On July 18, 1918, the People’s Congress convened, having a majority of anti-Bolsheviks, which indicated that communism wasn’t the mass movement that Lenin was claiming. The next day he used an armed force to disband the body.
In a speech to the House of Commons on November 5, 1919, Winston Churchill said: “...Lenin was sent into Russia ... in the same way that you might send a vial containing a culture of typhoid or of cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city, and it worked with amazing accuracy. No sooner did Lenin arrive than he began beckoning a finger here and a finger there to obscure persons in sheltered retreats in New York, Glasgow, in Berne, and other countries, and he gathered together the leading spirits of a formidable sect, the most formidable sect in the world ... With these spirits around him he set to work with demoniacal ability to tear to pieces every institution on which the Russian State depended.”
In a February 8, 1920 article for the Illustrated Sunday Herald, Churchill wrote:
“(From) the days of Spartacus Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela-Kuhn, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman, this world-wide conspiracy ... has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the bringing about of the Russian revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews.”
Russian General Arsene DeGoulevitch wrote in Czarism and the Revolution that the “main purveyors of funds for the revolution, however, were neither crackpot Russian millionaires nor armed bandits on Lenin. The ‘real’ money primarily came from certain British and American circles which for a long time past had lent their support to the Russian revolutionary cause...” DeGoulevitch, who received the information from another Russian general, said that the revolution was “engineered by the English, more precisely by Sir George Buchanan and Lord (Alfred) Milner (of the Round Table) ... In private conversations I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Milner in financing the Russian Revolution.”
Frank Vanderlip, President of the Rockefeller-controlled First National Bank, compared Lenin to George Washington. The Rockefeller’s public relations man, Ivy Lee, was used to inform Americans that the Communists were “misunderstood idealists who were actually kind benefactors of mankind.”
Lenin even knew that he wasn’t really in control, and wrote: “The state does not function as we desired. How does it function? The car does not obey. A man is at the wheel and seems to lead it, but the car does not drive in the desired direction. It moves as another force wishes.”
In March, 1918, on orders from Schiff, which were relayed by Col. House, the Bolshevik’s Second Congress adopted the name “Communist Party.” That same year, Lenin organized the Red Army (Red Army-Red Shield-Rothschild?) to control the population, and a secret police to keep track of the communists.
The Third International (or Comintern) had its first Congress in 1919 in Moscow, where they established that Russia would control all of the world’s communist movements. They met again in 1920 to lay the foundation for the new Communist Party. Hopes of world revolution ran high, as they hoped to ‘liberate’ the working class and enable them to break away from the reformist democracy they sprung from. Lenin said that the “victory of the world communist revolution is assured.” But, he added, that the revolutionary activities had to be discontinued so they could develop trade relations with capitalist countries, to strengthen their own. The name of the country was officially changed to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.). Their aims, were to create a single world-wide Communist Party and to overthrow the “international bougeoisie” by force to create “an international Soviet Republic.”
From 1916-21, famine swept through Russia (perhaps due to crop tampering), with close to five million dying, because industry was shut down. On September 21, 1921, American relief services began in Russia, after President Herbert Hoover received a plea from famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky. The United States appropriated $20 million for the country, with $8 million spent for medical supplies. Over 700,000 tons of goods were sent to feed 18,000,000 people. As it turned out, the U.S. was actually supporting the Communist Civil War, which ended in 1922.
American and European industrialists rushed to the aid of the Russians. The International Barnsdale Corporation and Standard Oil got drilling rights; Stuart, James and Cook, Inc. reorganized the coal mines; General Electric sold them electrical equipment; and other major firms like Westinghouse, DuPont and RCA, also aided the Communists. Standard Oil of New Jersey bought 50% of their huge Caucasus oil fields, and in 1927, built a large refinery in Russia. Standard Oil, with their subsidiary, Vacuum Oil Co., made a deal to sell Soviet oil to European countries, and even arranged to get them a $75 million loan. Today, Russia is the world’s largest petroleum producer, and some researchers believe that the Rockefellers still own the oil production facilities in Russia, withdrawing the profits through Switzerland.
Rockefeller’s Chase National Bank (later known as Chase Manhattan Bank) helped establish the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce in 1922, and its first President was Reeve Schley, a Chase Vice-President. In 1925, Chase National and PromBank (a German bank) developed a complete program to finance the Soviets raw material exports to the United States, and imports of U.S. cotton and machinery. Chase National and Equitable Trust Co. were the dominant forces in Soviet credit dealings. In 1928, Chase sold the Bolsheviks bonds in America, and was severely criticized by various patriotic groups who called them “a disgrace to America.”
America sent Russia vast quantities of food and other relief supplies. Lenin had said that the capitalists would do business with anyone, and when Russia was through with them, the Communists would take over the world. That is what the Russian Communists have been led to believe. In reality, the Illuminati was completely financing the entire country of Russia, in order to transform them into a world power with principles completely opposite to that of the United States.
In May, 1922, Lenin suffered the first of a series of strokes. When he died in 1924, supposedly from syphilis, the country’s leadership was taken over by Joseph Stalin (1879-1953, Iosif Visarionovich Dzhugashvili), after a bitter fight with Trotsky. Lenin said on his deathbed: “I committed a great error. My nightmare is to have the feeling that I’m lost in an ocean of blood from the innumerable victims. It is too late to return. To save our country, Russia, we would have needed men like Francis of Assisi. With ten men like him we would have saved Russia.” Trotsky was expelled from the Party in 1927, and then exiled from the country in 1929. He attempted to mobilize other communist groups against Stalin.
In 1924, Stalin wrote The Foundations of Leninism, hoping that Lenin would pass the torch of leadership to him. However, in a December, 1922 letter to the Party Congress, Lenin said of Stalin: “After taking over the position of Secretary-General, Comrade Stalin accumulated in his hands immeasurable power and I am not certain whether he will be always able to use this power with the required care.” Lenin wrote in January, 1923: “Stalin is excessively rude, and this defect, which can be freely tolerated in our midst and in contacts among U.S. communists, becomes a defect which cannot be tolerated in one holding the position of Secretary-General. Because of this, I propose that the comrades consider the method by which Stalin would be removed from this position and by which another man would be selected for it; a man, who above all, would differ from Stalin, in only one quality, namely, greater tolerance, greater loyalty, greater kindness, and more considerate attitude toward the comrades, a less capricious temper, etc.”
Financed by Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Stalin implemented a new economic policy for rapid industrialization, known as the “First Five Year Plan.” Even though the U.S. Government was sending over food, Stalin was using the food as a weapon to finish communizing the country. Those who refused to cooperate with the communist government were starved to death. Between 1932-33, it is estimated that between three and seven million people died as a result of Stalin’s tactics.
Stalin later admitted that two-thirds of Russia’s industrial capability was due to the assistance of the United States.
Just as Lenin said: “Down with religion! Long live atheism!” Stalin said: “God must be out of Russia in five years.” He eventually did away with the “withering away” concept, and developed a fanatical, rigid, and powerful police state. Stalin said that the goals of Communism was to create chaos throughout the world, institute a single world economic system, prod the advanced countries to consistently give aid to underdeveloped countries, and to divide the world into regional groups, which would be a transitional stage to a one-world government. The Communists have not deviated from this blueprint.
In 1933, the Illuminati urged FDR to recognize the country of Russia in order to save them from financial ruin, as a number of European countries had already done. On November 17, 1933, the U.S. granted diplomatic recognition to Russia. In return, Russia promised not to interfere in our internal affairs. A promise they never kept. They became a member of the League of Nations in 1934, but were thrown out in 1939 because of their aggressive actions toward Finland.
Meanwhile, the U.S. continued to send them aid. The Cleveland firm of Arthur G. Mackee provided equipment for a huge steel plant at Magnitogorski; John Clader of Detroit, equipped and installed a tractor plant at Chelyabinski; Henry Ford and the Austin Co. provided equipment for an automobile production center at Gorki; and Col. Hugh Cooper, creator of the Mussel Shoals Dam, planned and built the giant hydroelectric plant at Dniepostrol.
On August 23, 1939, Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin, and together they attacked Poland in a blitzkrieg war, which led to World War II. Because of a treaty with Poland, France and England were forced to declare war on Germany. Hitler had said publicly, that he didn’t want war with England, but now was forced into battle with them. By the end of May, the Netherlands and Belgium had fallen, and France followed in June. In 1940, Russia moved against Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bessarabia (now Moldova), northern Bukovina (NE Romania), and part of Poland. This sort of worried Hitler.
In England, the Illuminati-controlled press attacked Prime Minister Chamberlain, because they felt their war against Germany was too mild. The International Bankers wanted a major war. Chamberlain was pressured into resigning, and Winston Churchill replaced him, and immediately stepped up the war with an air attack on Germany.
A year later, the German High Command, unknown by Hitler, sent Rudolph Hess to England to meet with Lord Hamilton and Churchill to negotiate a Peace Treaty. Hess, next to Hitler, was Germany’s highest ranking officer (credited for writing down and editing Hitler’s dictation for Mein Kampf and also contributing to its content). The German generals offered to eliminate Hitler, so they could join forces to attack Communist Russia. Churchill refused, and had Hess jailed. He was later tried and convicted at the Nuremberg war crime trials, and was given a life sentence, which was served out at the Spandau prison in Spain.
Shortly after their failure, the German High Command convinced Hitler to attack Russia, which he did. After overrunning Europe, 121 German divisions, 19 armored divisions, and three air fleets, invaded Russia on June 22, 1941. American communists urged the world to mount an immediate united effort to help Russia.
The Nazi advance was swift and savage, with the German army barreling deep into the Ukraine with one victory after another. Foreign Policy experts predicted the defeat and collapse of the country. In October, Kiev fell, and Hitler announced there would be a final effort to take Moscow and end the war. On October 24, with his army 37 miles from Moscow, Hitler planned on waiting until the winter was over before he made his final attack. But then, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the U.S. entered the War.
Through a lend-lease agreement, America responded by sending $11 billion in raw materials, machinery, tools, complete industrial plants, spare parts, textiles, clothing, canned meat, sugar, flour, weapons, tanks, trucks, aircraft, and gasoline to aid the Russians, which turned the tide against the Germans. Some of the material which was sent: 6,430 aircraft; 121 merchant ships; 1,285 locomotives; 3,734 tanks; 206,000 trucks, buses, tractors, and cars; 82 torpedo boats and small destroyers; 2 billion tons of steel; 22,400,000 rounds of ammunition; 87,900 tons of explosives; 245,000 telephones; 5,500,000 pairs of boots; 2,500,000 automobile inner tubes; and two million tons of food. In dollars, it broke down this way:
1942 - $1,422,853,332
1943 - $2,955,811,271
1944 - $3,459,274,155
1945 - $1,838,281,501
The Russians were to pay for all supplies, and return all usable equipment after the war. It didn’t happen. For instance, they kept 84 cargo ships, some of which were used to supply North Vietnam with equipment during the Vietnam War. What we sent to the Russians, after the War, became the foundation upon which the Soviet industrial machine was built. Through an agreement negotiated years later by Henry Kissinger, the Russians agreed to pay back $722 million of the $11 billion, which amounted to about 7 cents on the dollar. In 1975, after paying back $32 million, they announced they were not going to pay the remainder of the Lend-Lease debt.
After the War, in 1946, America turned over two-thirds of Germany’s aircraft manufacturing capabilities to Russia, who dismantled the installations, and rebuilt them in their country, forming the initial stage of their jet aircraft industry.
Even though Congress had passed legislation forbidding shipments of non-war materials, various pro-Soviet officials and Communist traitors in key positions openly defied the law and made shipments. In 1944, Harry Hopkins, Henry Morgenthau (Secretary of the Treasury), Averell Harriman (U.S. Ambassador to Russia), and Harry Dexter White (Assistant Secretary of Treasury), supplied the material needed for Russia to print occupation currency. Printing plates, colored inks, varnish, tint blocks, and paper were sent from Great Falls, Montana, in two shipments of five C-47’s each, which had been loaded at the National Airport near Washington, DC.
The Russians then set up a printing facility in a Nazi printing plant in Leipzig and began to print currency which the U.S. couldn’t account for. Russia refused to redeem the currency with rubles, therefore the U.S. Treasury had to back the currency. The Russians were using these newly printed Marks to sap the German economy, and take advantage of the United States, who, by the end of 1946, had lost $250,000,000 because of redeeming, in U.S. dollars, marks which were issued in excess of the total amount of marks issued by the Finance Office, who was officially printing occupation money for the Germans. In addition, the $18,102 charge for the plates and printing material was never paid.
In 1943, a Congressional investigation revealed, that even before the U.S. had built its first atomic bomb, half of all the uranium and technical information needed to construct such a bomb, was secretly sent to Russia. This included chemicals, metals, and minerals instrumental in creating an atomic bomb, and manufacturing a hydrogen bomb. In 1980, James Roosevelt, the son of President Franklin Roosevelt, wrote a novel, A Family Matter, which detailed how his father made “a bold secret decision– to share the results of the Manhattan Project with the Soviet Union,” in 1943 and 1944.
Air Force Major Racey Jordan, was a Land-Lease expediter and liaison officer for the Russians in Great Falls, which was the primary staging area for the massive Lend-Lease supply operation to the Soviet Union. In his diaries, which were published in 1952, he said that the U.S. built the Soviet war machine by shipping all the materials needed to construct an atomic pile, including graphite, cadmium metal, thorium, and uranium. In March, 1943, a number of black leather suitcases wrapped in white window sash cord, and sealed with red wax, said to be of a diplomatic nature, were to be sent to Moscow. One night the Russians had taken them out for dinner, and suspicious of their friendliness, Jordan decided to sneak away, and went back to the base with an armed sentry. He discovered that two Russian couriers from Washington had arrived and had procured a plane bound for Russia, to take about 50 of these cases.
He detained the flight, and discovered that the shipment was being sent to the “Director, Institute of Technical and Economic Information” in Moscow. He opened eighteen of the cases, and discovered a collection of maps that identified the names and locations of all the industrial plants in the U.S., along with classified military sites. One case contained a folder of military documents marked, “from Hiss,” and another case which contained a White House memo from “H.H.” (Harry Hopkins, former Secretary of Commerce and head of the Lend-Lease Program) to Al Mikoyan (Russia’s number three man, after Stalin and Foreign Commissar Molotov), which accompanied a map of Oak Ridge and the Manhattan Engineering District, and a report from Oak Ridge, which contained phrases like: “energy produced by fission,” and “walls five feet thick, of lead and water, to control flying neutrons.”
In short, traitors within the Administration of Roosevelt were giving the Soviets the instructions and the material to build nuclear weapons, even before the United States had fully developed the technology for use by our country. Jordan reported all of this to Air Force Intelligence, but nothing ever happened.
The Russian’s ability to establish their space program was also provided by America. When General Patton was moving eastward through Germany, he captured the towns of Peenemunde and Nordhausen, where German scientists had developed the V-1 and V-2 rockets. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower ordered him to turn the two towns over the Russians, who dismantled the facilities and shipped them to Russia, along with the scientists. One of the German scientists, Dr. Werner von Braun, led a group of 100 other scientists, who surrendered to the Americans. He later became head of the American space program.
Braun was prepared to launch history’s first satellite, long before Russia developed one, but Eisenhower would not authorize it, because it was to be made to appear that Russian technology was superior to ours, when it wasn’t. It would add to the facade being developed that Russia was stronger than we were, and therefore should be feared.
As recently as 1978, it was believed that Russia still had not been able to construct a single-stage rocket capable of placing large payloads in orbit. American researcher, Lloyd Mallan, called the Soviet’s ‘Lunik’ moon landing a hoax, since no tracking station picked up its signals, and that Alexie Leonov’s spacewalk on March 18, 1965 was also staged. Concerning the film of the spacewalk, Mallan said:
“Four months of solid research interviewing experts in the fields of photo-optics, photo-chemistry and electro-optics, all of whom carefully studied the motion picture film and still photographs officially released by the Soviet Government ... (indicate them to be) double-printed. The foreground (Leonov) was superimposed on the background (Earth below). The Russian film showed reflections from the glass plate under which a double plate is made ... Leonov was suspended from wire or cables ... In several episodes of the Russian film, light was reflected from a small portion of wire (or cable) attached to Leonov’s space suit ... One camera angle was impossible of achievement. This showed Leonov crawling out of his hatch into space. It was a head-on shot, so the camera would have had to have been located out in space beyond the space ship.”
The U.S. donated two food production factories ($6,924,000), a petroleum refinery ($29,050,000), a repair plant for precision instruments ($550,000), 17 steam and three hydroelectric plants ($273,289,000).
Later, Dressler Industries built a $146 million plant at Kuibyshov, to produce high quality drill bits for oil exploration. The C. E. Lummus Co. of New Jersey built a $105 million petrochemical plant in the Ukraine ($45 million would be put up by Lummus through financing from Eximbank and other private banks, which was guaranteed by the O.P.I.C.). Allis-Chalmers built a $35 million iron ore pelletizing plant in Russia, which is one of the world’s four largest. The Aluminum Co. of America (ALCOA) built an aluminum plant, which consumed “half the world’s supply of bauxite.” We sent the Russians computer systems, oil drilling equipment, pipes, and other supplies. The ball-bearings used by Russia to improve the guidance systems on their rockets and missiles, such as their SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missies, were purchased in 1972 from the Bryant Grinder Co. in Springfield, Vermont.
All of this financial aid to Russia was advocated by Henry Kissinger and the U.S. Government. The reasoning behind it was to allow Russia to increase their industrial and agricultural output to match ours, because by bringing the two countries closer together, hostilities would be eased. They were not. The Illuminati, through the U.S. Government, had allowed the Soviet Union to have a technology equal to our own. Congressman Otto Passman, who was the Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee, said: “The United States cannot survive as a strong nation if we continue to dissipate our resources and give away our wealth to the world.”
Russia, as early as 1920, was conspiring against China. Shortly after the Bolshevik revolution ended in 1918, the Communists announced: “We are marching to free ... the people of China.” In 1921, a Russian agent was sent to Peking, then to Shanghai, to make plans for the First Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which would become the world’s largest. They began to infiltrate the government in 1922, and by 1924, the Chinese armed forces were reorganized along the same lines as the Soviet army. Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) was the Commandant, and Chou En-lai was in charge of Political Affairs.
With the use of Soviet troops commanded by Gen. Michael Borodin, Chiang attacked Shanghai, robbing the Rothschild-affiliated Soong Bank. President Coolidge refused to send U.S. troops against the Chinese forces, and T.V. Soong negotiated with Chiang, offering him $3 million, his sister May-ling as a wife (even though Chiang had a wife and family), and the presidency of China for life, if he would change sides. He agreed, and began to rule China as a British ally. In December, 1927, he married the sister of Soong. Seeing the Russians as a threat to his country, he had them ejected, and had many communist advisors arrested. Mao Tse-tung fled, and hid out in the northern provinces, where he began training rebels for a future insurrection.
In 1937, Japan attacked Shanghai, and coupled with the growing Communist insurgency, created a two-front war. China needed help, and sent the following telegram to Roosevelt on December 8, 1941: “To our new common battle, we offer all we are and all we have to stand with you until the Pacific and the world are freed from the curse of brute force and endless perfidy.”
China’s plea was brushed off, and they were the last country to get military aid, which came in the form of a $250 million loan in gold to stabilize their economy. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White, the Soviet spy, was in charge of making sure China got the money, and over a period of 3 years, he only sent them $27 million. In 1945, Congress voted a second loan of $500 million, and Dexter made sure they didn’t get any of that, which resulted in the collapse of their economy.
After World War II, special envoys Gen. George C. Marshall (Army Chief of Staff, and CFR member, who served as Secretary of State 1947-49, and Secretary of Defense 1950-51; who had knowledge of the impending attack on Pearl Harbor, but didn’t inform the commanders in the Pacific) and Patrick J. Hurley were sent to China to meet with Chiang Kai-shek. They urged him to give the Communists representation in the Chinese Government, and for the Nationalists (Kuomintang) to have a coalition government, since they felt that the Russians weren’t influencing the Chinese Communists.
However, Chiang would not accept any kind of Communist influence in his government, so Marshall recommended that all American aid be stopped, and an embargo enforced. There was no fuel for Chinese tanks and planes, or ammunition for weapons. Russia gave the Chinese Communists military supplies they had captured from Japan, and also diverted some of the American Lend-Lease material to them. Soon, Mao began making his final preparations to take over the government.
High level State Department officials, such as Harry Dexter White and Owen Lattimore, who were members of the Institute of Pacific Relations, besides planning the destruction of the Chinese economy, also falsified documents to indicate that the Chinese Communists were actually farmers who were pushing for agricultural reform. Thus, from 1943-49, magazines like the Saturday Evening Post (who ran over 60 articles) and Colliers, advocated and promoted the Communist movement. While Mao Tse-tung was made to appear as an “agrarian reformer,” Chiang was blasted for being a corrupt dictator.
In 1945, Lattimore sent President Truman a memorandum suggesting a coalition government between the Communists and the National Government. John Carter Vincent of the IPR elaborated upon that memo, and it became the basis upon which Truman based his China policy, which was announced on December 15, 1945.
It was alleged by some researchers, that Russia sent China a telegram, saying that if they didn’t surrender, they would be destroyed. They were requested to send ten technicians to see the bomb that would be used, and when they went, they saw an atomic bomb with the capability of destroying a large city. As the story goes, Chiang sent a telegram to President Truman, asking for help. Truman refused. In 1948, Congress voted to send China $125 million in military aid, but again the money was held up until Chiang was defeated. In October, 1949, 450 million people were turned over to the Communist movement.
Chiang fled to the island of Taiwan, 110 miles off the east coast of China, where he governed that country under a democracy. Mao Tse-tung, who announced in 1921 that he was a Marxist, after reading the Communist Manifesto, took over as China’s leader, and Peking was established as the new capital. On February 14, 1950, a thirty-year treaty of friendship was signed with Russia.
In March, 1953, Mao proposed to the Soviet Union, a plan for world conquest, in which every country, except the United States, would be communist-controlled by 1973. It was called a “Memorandum on a New Program for World Revolution,” and was taken to Moscow by the Chinese Foreign Minister, Chou En-lai. The first phase was to be completed by 1960, and called for Korea, Formosa, and Indochina to be under Chinese control.
On July 15, 1971, Chairman Mao appealed to the world to, “unite and defeat the U.S. aggressors and all their running dogs.”
While campaigning in 1968, Richard Nixon said: “I would not recognize Red China now, and I would not agree to admitting it to the United Nations.” In his book Six Crises, he said that “admitting Red China to the United Nations would be a mockery of the provision of the Charter which limits its membership to ‘peace-loving nations.’ And what was most disturbing, was that it would give respectability to the Communist regime which would immediately increase its power and prestige in Asia, and probably irreparably weaken the non-Communist governments in that area.”
Yet it was Nixon who opened the dialogue with China, and in 1971, Communist China was seated as a member country of the United Nations, while the Republic of China (Taiwan) was thrown out. With the visits to China by Nixon and Kissinger in 1971, on up to Reagan in 1984, relations between the two countries were almost as good as they were when they were allies in 1937. In 1978, President Carter approved the sending of U.S. technology to China, and the American government recognized the Communists as the official government of China. On January 1, 1979, Carter severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan, saying that “there is but one China, and Taiwan is part of China.”
From 1910, until 1945, Korea was part of the Japanese empire. The victorious World War II allies agreed that Korea should be made an independent country, but until negotiations could take place, the U.S. took charge of the area south of the 38th parallel, while the Soviets occupied the northern half. Plans to establish a unified Korean government failed, and in 1948, rival governments were established: the Communist government of Kim Il Sung in the North, and the pro-Western government under Syngman Rhee in the South.
An officers training school, and a small arms plant was set up by the United States. They gave the country $100,000,000 worth of military hardware to arm the 96,000 soldiers of the South Korean armed forces. On July 17, 1949, Owen Lattimore said: “The thing to do is let South Korea fall, but not to let it look as if we pushed it.” In a memo to the State Department, he wrote: “The United States should disembarrass itself as quickly as possible from its entanglements in South Korea.” In 1949, the American troops were withdrawn from South Korea, and in a January 12, 1950 speech, U.S. Secretary of State, Dean G. Acheson publicly stated that South Korea was “outside of (the U.S.) defense perimeter.”
The North Koreans, heavily equipped by the Russians, considered Acheson’s statement an invitation to attack, in order to unify the country under communism. Gen. Douglas MacArthur had received military intelligence reports from Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, that North Korea was preparing for an invasion, and John Foster Dulles of the State Department went to ‘investigate,’ and covered up the activity he viewed at the 38th parallel.
On June 24, 1950, the North Koreans swarmed across the 38th parallel, and proceeded to overrun the country. Rhee appealed to the United States, and the United Nations for help, as the communists closed in on the South Korean capital of Seoul.
Truman called for an immediate meeting of the United Nations Security Council, who convened the next day, and called the attack a “breach of the peace,” ordering the North Koreans to withdraw to the border. Two days later, the Security Council called upon the UN members to furnish assistance. Immediately the U.S. sent in ground troops and began air strikes. On July 7, the Security Council urged 15 of the countries to put their troops at the disposal of the United States, under the UN command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
With the UN being involved in the war, all U.S. battle plans had to be submitted for approval, in advance, to the Under Secretary for Political and Security Council Affairs. Due to a secret agreement made by Secretary of State Edward Stettinius in 1945, this position was to always be filled by a Communist from an eastern European country. During the war, it was filled by Russia’s General Constantine Zinchenko. It was later revealed, that Russian military advisors were actually directing the North Korean war effort, and one of those advisors, Lt. Gen. Alexandre Vasiliev, actually gave the order to attack.
Vasiliev was the Chairman of the UN Military Staff Committee, who along with the Under Secretary for Political and Security Council Affairs, was responsible for all UN military action. Vasliliev had to take a leave of absence from his position, to command the communist troops. So, what it boiled down to, was that the Communists were controlling both sides of the war, and Russia was able to receive vital information concerning all troop movements within the UN forces in Korea, which was passed on to the North Koreans and Chinese.
General MacArthur realized what was happening and planned one of the most daring military assaults in the history of modern warfare. To execute the engagement he hand-picked a group of trusted and loyal officers so the initial stages would be kept a secret. MacArthur did not submit the strategy to General Zinchenko. The resulting amphibious assault on September 15, 1950, at Inchon Bay, turned the tide of the war by enabling UN forces to recapture Seoul, destroyed large supply dumps, and began to push the North Koreans back across the border. In October, they captured the North Korean capital of Pyongyang, and many communists retreated into Manchuria and Russia.
The Taiwan government was planning to move against China, and Truman warned Chiang Kai-shek not to make an attempt to recapture his homeland. Truman ordered the American Seventh Fleet into the Strait of Formosa to prevent any type of invasion. This freed the Red China army to enter the Korean War. The Chinese, with the excuse that they were protecting the security of their country, stormed across the border on November 26, 1950, and stopped the UN army at the Yalu River. Chiang then offered to send an advance force of 33,000 troops into North Korea, but the State Department refused. They were a member of the UN, yet the United States would not let them fight.
The Korean War, Korean Conflict, or Police Action, as it is sometimes called, developed into a stalemate of broken cease-fire agreements, and MacArthur made plans for a massive retaliation against China. He wanted to bomb the ammunition and fuel dumps, the supply bases, and communication lines to China (bridges across the Yalu River), and to post a blockade around the Chinese coast. However, on December 5, 1950, Truman and other Administration officials decided that this sort of action would bring Russia into the conflict, and possibly initiate World War III. MacArthur was ordered not to proceed with any of his plans. The Joint Chiefs of Staff said:
“We felt the action urged by Gen. MacArthur would hazard this safety (of the U.S.) without promising any certain proportionate gain.”
A letter written to a Congressman, by MacArthur, was read on the floor of the House, giving them the full story of how much the Red Chinese were involved. Still, nothing was done. Gen. Lin Piao, the Red Chinese commander, said later: “I would never have made the attack and risked my men and military reputation if I had not been assured that Washington would restrain General MacArthur from taking adequate retaliatory measures against my lines of supply and communication.”
With MacArthur insisting that there was no substitute for victory and that the war against Communism would be either won or lost in Korea, he was relieved of his command, on April 11, 1951, by Gen. Matthew B. Ridgeway, a member of the CFR.
Air Force Commander, Gen. George Stratemeyer said: “We had sufficient air bombardment, fighters, reconnaissance so that I could have taken out all those supplies, those airdromes on the other side of the Yalu; I could have bombed the devils between there and Mukden, stopped the railroad operating and the people of China that were fighting could not have been supplied ... But we weren’t permitted to do it. As a result, a lot of American blood was spilled over there in Korea.”
Gen. Stratemeyer testified before the Congress: “You get in war to win it. You do not get in war to stand still and lose it and we were required to lose it. We were not permitted to win.” Gen. Matt Clark told them: “I was not allowed to bomb the numerous bridges across the Yalu River over which the enemy constantly poured his trucks, and his munitions, and his killers.”
MacArthur would later write:
“I was ... worried by a series of directives from Washington which were greatly decreasing the potential of my air force. First I was forbidden ‘hot’ pursuit of enemy planes that attacked our own. Manchuria and Siberia were sanctuaries of inviolate protection for all enemy forces and for all enemy purposes, no matter what depredations or assaults might come from there. Then I was denied the right to bomb the hydroelectric plants along the Yalu River. This order was broadened to include every plant in North Korea which was capable of furnishing electric power to Manchuria and Siberia ... Most incomprehensible of all was the refusal to let me bomb the important supply center at Racin, which was not in Manchuria or Siberia, but many miles from the border … (where) the Soviet Union forwarded supplies from Vladivostok for the North Korean Army. I felt that step-by-step my weapons were being taken away from me...”
“That there was some leak in intelligence was evident to everyone. (Brig. Gen. Walton) Walker continually complained to me that operations were known to the enemy in advance through sources in Washington ... information must have been relayed to them assuring that the Yalu River bridges would continue to enjoy sanctuary and that their bases would be left intact. They knew they could swarm down across the Yalu River without having to worry about bombers hitting their Manchurian supply lines ... I realized for the first time that I had actually been denied the use of my full military power to safeguard the lives of my soldiers and the safety of my army.”
Gen. Douglas MacArthur also said: “I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”
Over 33,000 American lives were lost in a war that they were not allowed to win. Instead, a truce was signed on July 27, 1953.
However, the Communists weren’t giving up on Korea. With North Korea being supported by China, Russia and the Eastern Europe communist bloc countries, they built up their military strength, and made enormous economic gains. During the late 1960’s, they began a dialogue for the reunification of Korea, and bilateral talks were held in 1972, which further improved their relations, as the Communists attempted to take over with diplomacy. A nonaggression pact was signed in December, 1991; and in 2000 a summit meeting was held to explore the possibility of a reconciliation.
As information about communist agents occupying high cabinet posts surfaced, the American people took out their frustrations at the polls. Eisenhower’s slogan was: “Let’s clean up the mess in Washington.” He had promised “peace with honor” in Korea, however, the truce allowed 400 soldiers to remain in communist prisons. Even though the 1952 Republican Platform called the Truman Plan “ignominious bartering with our enemies,” in reality, Eisenhower’s plan made even more concessions.
Eisenhower’s tough rhetoric on communism ushered in a renewed patriotism in America. People behind the Iron Curtain were inspired, and in the fall of 1956, Hungarian freedom fighters forced the Russians to leave their homeland, ending Soviet occupation. So what did the United States do? According to the Congressional Record of August 31, 1960, the U.S. State Department sent the Soviet Union a telegram which read: “The Government of the United States does not look with favor upon governments unfriendly to the Soviet Union on the borders of the Soviet Union.” Hours after receiving the telegram on November 4, 1956, Khrushchev sent Russian troops back into Hungary to retake the country.
Soon Eisenhower initiated foreign aid programs to the communist governments in Poland and Yugoslavia, who by 1961 received almost $3 billion in food, industrial machinery, jets, and other military equipment.
In June, 1956, John Foster Dulles said that if the U.S. discontinued their aid to Marshal Tito, Yugoslavia would be driven into the Soviet fold. However, two weeks before, Tito said: “In peace as in war, Yugoslavia must march shoulder to shoulder with the Soviet Union.” On September 17, Tito announced his full support of the Soviet foreign policy. Meanwhile, U.S. aid continued, even after 1961, when Yugoslavia began their own foreign aid programs to spread communism among the world’s underdeveloped nations.
When Eisenhower’s two terms came to an end, the amount of economic and military aid to communist and ‘neutralist’ countries came to $7 billion. In the February 25, 1961 edition of People’s World, and the March 10, 1961 issue of Time, Robert Welch, founder of the anti-communist John Birch Society, charged that the Eisenhower Administration was a tool of the communists.
As the communists moved forward with their plan for world domination, Southeast Asia was to be the next target. In July, 1954, Indo-China fell. William Zane Foster, Chairman of the U.S. Communist Party, said in February, 1956, that they “constitute the beginning of a new socialist world.”
They moved on to Vietnam, where the U.S. was pulled into a conflict, which was to become the longest in U.S. history. American intervention actually began in 1954 with economic and technical assistance, after the Geneva Accords ended the Indo-Chinese War.
Kennedy increased the military budget, and escalated the War just for the purposes of impressing the Russians after being embarrassed and humiliated by the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Later, Kennedy planned to begin scaling back.
Vietnam escalated into a major war by 1964, with casualties peaking in 1969.
In 1964, with a possibility that ultra-conservative Barry Goldwater might win the presidency, a coalition of liberal forces, under the guidance of Illuminati advisors, worked for the election of former Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, who had taken over after Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. Johnson was urged to pursue “peace at any price,” but the Illuminati didn’t want peace, and Johnson further escalated the War. At the height of the war, there were about 543,000 American soldiers in Vietnam.
On July 25, 1965, President Johnson told an American television audience that the military build-up was to administer “death and desolation” to the communists, yet he made agreements to provide the Soviet Union, and her communist satellite countries, with millions of dollars worth of food, computers, industrial plants, oil refinery equipment, jet engines, military rifles, and machine tools for an $800 million automobile production facility. At the same time, our Supreme Court ruled that communists could teach in our schools, and work in our defense plants; and the Senate and State Department allowed them to open diplomatic offices in major American cities, even though FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover warned that their embassies were part of an espionage network.
Johnson’s war policies severely damaged his chances for re-election, and he was forced to drop out of the 1968 Primary race.
In 1966, after Averill Harriman had made a 22-day, 12 nation peace tour for Johnson, he was asked by a television reporter how the Russians felt about the Vietnam War, and Harriman said they were “embarrassed by the war. They don’t like it and they would like to see it stopped.” A brilliant piece of propaganda, considering the fact that the Russians were shipping guns, ammunition, missiles, and MiG fighters to the North Vietnamese.
In 1968, the Congress increased ‘foreign aid’ of war materials to communist bloc countries by over 80% from the previous year, and this ‘aid’ was then redirected by railroad, to North Vietnam, who used it to manufacture military equipment.
A peace treaty was signed on January 23, 1973, by the U.S., North and South Vietnam, and the Vietcong (National Liberation Front, later referred to as the Provisional Revolutionary Government). The treaty specified that the Vietcong was to have equal recognition with the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon. Thieu agreed to sign after Nixon and Kissinger promised that the U.S. would “respond vigorously” to any Communist violations of the agreement.
The cease-fire didn’t hold, and after the American pullout, which left over $5 billion worth of military equipment, the communists were given a free hand in Southeast Asia. On April 30, 1975, the government of South Vietnam fell to the communist regime, and on July 2, 1976, the country of Vietnam was officially unified as a Communist state.
It is estimated that 57,000 Americans died during the Vietnam conflict.
Fulgencio Batista, in 1934, had overthrown the government of Cuba, which hampered the social reform that had been begun by four separate Presidents. In 1952, he established a dictatorship. Fidel Castro, who had become a communist in 1947, during his second year in law school; and Argentinian revolutionary Ernesto Guevara, rebuilt the guerrilla forces that Castro had used in an unsuccessful revolt in 1953 (in which Castro had been captured and arrested, but later paroled).
With financial backing from Russia, Castro bribed many military leaders. He got a substantial amount of support from the intellectual and working class, who knew nothing of his communist intentions.
In April, 1957, Herbert L. Matthews, a correspondent for the New York Times and CFR member, interviewed Castro at his mountain retreat, for three successive front page articles. He compared Castro to Lincoln, and presented him as a “peasant patriot,” “a strong anti-communist,” a “Robin Hood,” and a “defender of the people.” Earlier, in a February 25, 1957 article, Matthews reported: “There is no communism to speak of in Fidel Castro’s movement.”
On CBS-TV, Edward R. Murrow portrayed him as a national hero. President Kennedy in a speech compared him to South American patriot Simon Bolivar. Ed Sullivan interviewed Castro for a film clip, which was seen by about 30 million people, in which he said: “The people of the United States have great admiration for you and your men because you are in the real American spirit of George Washington.” He retracted the statement 18 months later, but it was too late.
In 1958, in an interview with Jules DuBois, Castro said: “I have never been nor am I a Communist...” The American Ambassador to Cuba declared that Batista was no longer supported by the American government, and that he should leave. Roy Rubottom, the Assistant Secretary for Latin American Affairs, said in December, 1958: “There was no evidence of any organized Communist elements within the Castro movement or that Senor Castro himself was under Communist influence.” In April, 1959, Castro visited the U.S., and the State Department welcomed him as a “distinguished leader.”
A member of the Intelligence section of the Cuban army hand-carried Castro’s dossier to Washington in 1957, delivering it to Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, which revealed that Castro was a Communist. Dulles ‘buried’ the file. In July, 1959, Major Pedro Diaz Lanz, of the Cuban Air Force, toured the United States, and revealed that he had first-hand knowledge that Castro was a Communist. This fact, for the most part, was kept out of the media. The truth of the matter, was that the State Department was purposely covering up Castro’s communist connections, the fact that his supporters were trained by Russia, and that he was carrying out a communist revolution.
Arthur Gardner, the American Ambassador to Cuba, referred to Castro as a communist terrorist, and he was replaced by Earl E. T. Smith, who, instead of being briefed by Gardner, was briefed by Herbert Matthews. A Senate Committee investigation of William A. Wieland, who in 1957 became the State Department’s Caribbean representative, said that he “regularly disregarded, sidetracked or denounced FBI, State Department and military intelligence sources which branded Castro as a Communist.” Robert Hill, Ambassador to Mexico, said under oath in a Senate hearing: “Individuals in the State Department, and individuals in the New York Times, put Castro in power.” These individuals included Robert McNamara, Theodore C. Sorenson, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Roy Rubottom, McGeorge Bundy, William J. Fulbright, and Roger Hilsman.
After being asked to abdicate, by Eisenhower, Batista left office on December 31, 1958; and Castro took control of the country in January, 1959. Later that year, he addressed a meeting of the CFR at their New York headquarters.
Soon, Castro revealed his alliance with Russia, nationalized all business and industry. On October 20, 1960, Kennedy said: “We must attempt to strengthen the non-Batista democratic anti-Castro forces in exile, and in Cuba itself who offer eventual hope of overthrowing Castro.” After the U.S. broke diplomatic ties with Cuba on January 3, 1961, an invasion force was organized, financed, and trained in Florida and Guatemala, by the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency, who recruited from the thousands of Cubans who had fled to the U.S. to get away from Castro.
On April 17, 1961, an anti-Castro force of 1,400 landed at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba to begin the invasion. Within striking distance, were two U.S. carriers, five World War II Liberty ships, and other support vessels, whose decks were loaded with planes. About 500 miles away, a group of B-26’s waited. Kennedy had promised air support, but it never came.
Years later, after it was revealed that both John and Bobby Kennedy had sexual relationships with Marilyn Monroe, it was reported that she had threatened to expose them, and referred to her “diary of secrets.”
According to an August 3, 1962 C.I.A. memo that was released under the Freedom of Information Act, information procured from phone taps of conversations with reporter Dorothy Kilgallen and her close friend, Howard Rothberg; as well as with Marilyn Monroe and Attorney General Robert Kennedy, revealed the following:
1) Rothberg discussed the apparent comeback of subject with Kilgallen and the break up with the Kennedys. Rothberg told Kilgallen that she was attending Hollywood parties hosted by the “inner circle” among Hollywood’s elite and was becoming the talk of the town again. Rothberg indicated in so many words, that she had secrets to tell, no doubt arising from her trists with the President and the Attorney General. One such “???” mentions the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space.
Kilgallen replied that she knew what might be the source of the visit. In the mid-fifties Kilgallen learned of secret effort by US and UK governments to identify the origins of crashed spacecraft and dead bodies, from a British government official. Kilgallen believed the story may have come from the ??? in the late forties. Kilgallen said that if the story is true, it could cause terrible embarrassment to Jack and his plans to have NASA put men on the moon.
2) Subject repeatedly called the Attorney General and complained about the way she was being ignored by the President and his brother.
3) Subject threatened to hold a press conference and would tell all.
4) Subject made references to “bases” in Cuba and knew of the President’s plan to kill Castro.
5) Subject made reference to her “diary of secrets” and what the newspapers would do with such disclosures.
After her suicide (or murder, as some researchers believe), Lionel Grandison, the Los Angeles County Coroner sent a driver to Marilyn’s house to get an address book, so that Monroe’s relatives could be contacted. Her housekeeper, Eunice Murray, gave him the address book and a little red diary. Grandison was the last person to examine the diary and said that there were references to the Kennedys, as well as other people, such as Fidel Castro. It was locked in the office safe.
The next day, when the safe was opened, the diary was gone, and never seen again. One of the bits of information that was purported to be in the diary, was that on the day of the Bay of Pigs invasion, President Kennedy was incapacitated because of excruciating pain in his back, and Bobby Kennedy was actually running the country. It was alleged that he made the decision not to provide air support.
The invasion failed, because it was not able to launch the attack at the alternate site which had an airfield nearby and was more suitable for the unloading of troops and supplies, plus, there were nearby mountains to hide in. Besides the fact that the U.S. didn’t provide the needed air support, it wasn’t even a surprise attack, because the New York Times carried an article on January 10, 1961 with this headline: “U.S. Helps Train Anti-Castro Force At Secret Guatemalan Air-Ground Base,” thus, the complete communist domination of Cuba was insured.
Russia, in May of 1962, realizing the potential of Cuba’s location, tried to build missile sites on the island, but the U.S., considering them to be a threat to our national security, threatened Russia with possible military action if they weren’t removed. After a blockade was imposed, the missiles were removed; however, the Soviets were still able to bolster the Cuban military by providing advisors, troops, aircraft, submarines, and military bases.
There are some researchers who believe that there were never any missiles on the island. The objects identified as “missiles” in government photos were no larger than pencil dots, and it was impossible to concretely label them as ballistic missiles. It is believed that the incident was created by the Russians, and that empty crates were removed from Cuba, in exchange for an agreement by the United States to remove missiles from Russia’s borders, and for a guarantee that the U.S. would not support an anti-Castro invasion.
According to The Nuclear Deception: Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis (Spook Books, 2002, an imprint of InteliBooks) by Servando González (who was a political officer in the Cuban Army at the time), the presence of missiles in Cuba was never proven. The CIA maintained that there were never nuclear warheads in Cuba, and American planes flying over “missile sites” and Soviet ships had never detected any radiation.
In a 1996 article called “Fidel Castro: Supermole,” González said that Cuba had turned into an economic embarrassment. He wrote: “Cuba, which was intended to be a showcase of the Soviet model of development in America, was in fact quickly turning into a showcase of Soviet inefficiency, mainly due to the Cuban leader’s inability (and the) propagation of Fidel’s ‘heretical’ ideas.” Because Castro was perceived as being “unpredictable, volatile, undisciplined,” he was being blamed for the Soviet’s failure in Cuba, and Khrushchev decided he had to cut his losses and withdraw from the country. However, leaving voluntarily would give the impression that they were admitting failure, so the scheme was hatched to get rid of Castro “as a result of American aggression.”
Initially, an uprising was planned that would have unseated Castro and replaced him with Anibal Escalante, a trusted Party ally. However, Castro discovered the plan and neutralized it by expelling the ringleader, Soviet ambassador Mikhailovich Kudryavtsev. A frustrated Khrushchev then hit on the idea of provoking Kennedy to invade Cuba. The idea was that Castro would be overthrown, and when no missiles would be found, the American government would be embarrassed. According to González: “Khrushchev’s carefully conceived plans had not counted on the unexpected and apparently irrational behavior of President Kennedy.” González writes:
“…Finally, Soviet developments in Cuba were so blatant and political pressures in the U.S. so strong, that Kennedy was forced to act. But, when he announced the blockade of the island, he unexpectedly stated that the American actions were not directed against Cuba, but against the Soviet Union. Kennedy’s behavior was so surprising that Khrushchev was caught completely off balance and panicked before the possibility of a nuclear confrontation which he had not anticipated and for which he was not prepared … Fortunately for the world, Khrushchev was enough of a political realist to recognize when a gambit had been lost…Khrushchev never understood why Kennedy had acted in such an irrational and foolish way, by not attacking Cuba and, thereby, allowing Castro to stay in power.”
On December 2, 1961, Castro proclaimed: “I have been a Communist since my teens.” On December 11, 1963, the New York Times printed one of President Kennedy’s last interviews, in which he said: “I think we have spawned, constructed, entirely fabricated without knowing it, the Castro movement.” In 1979, the New York Times published a letter from the former U.S. Ambassador to Cuba, Earl E. T. Smith, in which he said:
“Castro could not have seized power in Cuba without the aid of the United States. American government agencies and the United States press played a major role in bringing Castro to power ... The State Department consistently intervened ... to bring about the downfall of Batiste, thereby making it possible for Fidel Castro to take over the government of Cuba.”
At the meeting of the 22nd Party Congress in the fall of 1961, the rivalry between Russia and China came out in the open. It centered around two issues: the place of Stalin in communist history, and relations with the country of Albania. Khrushchev (1894-1971), the Soviet premier from 1958-64, made verbal attacks on Stalin constantly, and even had his body removed from the mausoleum on Red Square.
Mao Tse-tung, and the Chinese Communists went out of their way to proclaim their loyalty to the dead leader. When Enver Hoxha, the Communist ruler of Albania refused to follow Khrushchev’s lead in condemning Stalin, Russia canceled all economic and technical aid, and recalled all Soviet personnel. China then sent in their own advisors, praising Albania for their stand.
China was upset because Russia failed to support them during a recent military action, and was suspicious of Khrushchev’s policy of ‘peaceful coexistence’ with the United States. Since 1961, world communists have split into either pro-Soviet or pro-China factions. China began advocating Maoism, rather than Marxist-Leninism.
Stalin had said: “The object of Soviet Communism is victory of Communism throughout the world ... by peace or war.” Russia boasted that within a generation, the whole world would be communist. Meanwhile, China also insisted that war was inevitable. Chou En-lai, the Chinese premier from 1949-76, said publicly: “The white race constitutes about one-tenth of the world’s population. Let us completely annihilate the White man. Then we shall be free of him once and for all.”
Because China had their own thoughts of world domination, a major rift developed between the two communist giants. China became angry over Russia’s refusal to give them nuclear weapons, so after 14 years, Russia ceased all aid to China.
George Washington, during the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge, had a vision that showed a red light moving towards America, The account was given in 1859 by an old soldier, to writer Wesley Bradshaw, who had it published in the American War Veteran’s paper, the National Tribune, in December, 1880 (reprinted in Stars and Stripes, on December 21, 1950):
“I do not know whether it is owing to the anxiety of my mind, or what, but this afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something in the apartment seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful being. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I had found language to inquire the cause of the visit. A second, a third, and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of the eyes.
By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to speak, but my tongue had become useless, as if paralyzed. A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor.
Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed to fill with sensations, and grew luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor also becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany death. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move. All were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.
Presently I heard a voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn,’ while at the same time my visitor extended an arm eastward. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon a strange scene. Before me lay, spread out in one vast plain, all the countries of the world– Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America the billows of the Atlantic and between Asia and America lay the Pacific. ‘Son of the Republic,’ said the same mysterious voice as before, ‘look and learn.’
At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left he cast some over Europe. Immediately a cloud arose from these countries, and joined in mid-ocean. For awhile it seemed stationary, and then it moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people (the American Revolution, which was in progress).
A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view.
A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ I cast my eyes upon America, and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them. Again, I heard the mysterious voice say, ‘Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn.’
And this time the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward. From Africa I saw an ill-omened specter approach our land. It flitted slowly and heavily over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking I saw a bright angel on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word ‘Union.’ He was bearing the American flag. He placed the flag between the divided nation and said, ‘Remember, ye are brethren (referred to the Civil War).
Instantly, the inhabitants, casting down their weapons, became friends once more and united around the National Standard.
Again I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these continents arose thick black clouds that were soon joined into one. And throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men. These men, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America, which country was enveloped in the volume of the cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities which I had seen spring up.
As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I again heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ When this voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.
Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shown the word ‘Union,’ and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.
Again amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious.
Then once more, I beheld villages, towns, and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: ‘While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.’ And taking from his brow the crown on which blazened the word ‘Union,’ he placed it upon the standard while the people, kneeling down said, ‘Amen.’
The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I, at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappeared, and I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, ‘Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted. Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful for her is the third. But the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union.’ With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown me the birth, the progress, and the destiny of the United States.”
A red light was indeed moving towards America, and it was communism, which at its peak, controlled 14,000,000 square miles of territory, or about 1/4 of the inhabited land in the world; and close to 1,500,000,000 people, or about a third of the world’s population.
The communist menace swept through Russia (1917), Mongolia (1924), Estonia (1940), Latvia (1940), Lithuania (1940), Bessarabia (1940), Bukovina (1940), Albania (1944), Tannu-Tuva (1945), Ukraine (1945), Yugoslavia (1945), Outer Mongolia (1945), Manchuria (1945), Karafuto (1945), Kurile Islands (1945), Bulgaria (1946), Poland (1947), Romania (1947), East Germany (1948), Hungary (1948), North Korea (1948), Czechoslovakia (1948), China (1949), Sinkiang (1950), Tibet (1951), North Vietnam (1954), Guinea (1958), Cuba (1960), Libya (1969), South Yemen (1969), Guyana (1970), Benin (1974), Burma (1974), Laos (1975), South Vietnam (1975), Madagascar (1975), Angola (1976), Somolia (1976), Seychelles (1977), Mozambique (1977), Ethiopia (1977), Cambodia (1979), Grenada (1979), Congo (1979), and Afghanistan (1980).
On January 10, 1963, the Congressional Record published a list of 45 goals of the Communists, which included: 1) for the U.S. to co-exist with communism; 2) further disarmament; 3) to establish the United Nations as a one-world government, with an independent military force; 4) to infiltrate the media; 5) to overthrow all colonial governments before self-rule can be instituted. There were 90 Communist Parties worldwide, recognized by the Comintern, who were working toward those goals.
The communist conquest has claimed well over 145,300,000 lives: Soviet Union (1917-59), 66,700,000; Soviet Union (1959-78), 5,000,000; Red China, 64,000,000; Katyn Massacre, 14,242; expelled Germans (1945-46), 2,923,700; Cambodia (1975-78), 2,500,000; repression in eastern Europe, 500,000; Malaya, Burma, Philippines, Cuba, Black Africa, Latin and Central America, 3,600,000.
Retired Air Force General G. J. Keegan, Jr. said that our government had been covering up the evidence of an imminent Soviet attack on the United States. Keegan, a former Assistant Chief of Staff for the Air Force Intelligence Unit, said that Russia had been going through extensive preparations to mobilize their forces against the free world. He said: “After sixty years of aggression by the Soviets, only 17% of the remaining world population, lives in what could be termed a free society.”
Dimitri Manvilski, a professor at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow, said in 1930: “War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. Today, of course, we are not strong enough to attack. Our time will come in thirty or forty years. To win, we shall need the element of surprise. The western world will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There shall be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate with their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clenched fist.”
Lenin said: “First, we will take eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia, then we will encircle the United States which will be the last bastion of capitalism. We will not have to attack. It will fall into our hands like an overripe fruit.” William C. Bullitt, our first Ambassador to Russia, wrote: “ must be recognized the communists are agents of a foreign power whose aim is not only to destroy the institutions and liberties of our country, but also to kill millions of Americans.”
In 1955, Khrushchev made this statement to the Warsaw Pact countries: “We must realize that we cannot coexist eternally, for a long time. One of us must go to his grave. We do not want to go to the grave. They (America) do not want to go to their grave, either. So what must be done? We must push them to the grave.” In July, 1957, he said: “...I can prophecy that your grandchildren in America will live under socialism. And please do not be afraid of that. Your grandchildren will ... not understand how their grandparents did not understand the progressive nature of a socialist society.”
Khrushchev said, while banging his shoe on a table at the United Nations: “Our firm conviction is that sooner or later Capitalism will give way to Socialism. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.” On July 19, 1962, Khrushchev said: “The United States will eventually fly the Communist red flag ... The American people will hoist it themselves.”
According to the June 26, 1974 edition of the Congressional Record, Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev is quoted as saying: “We Communists have got to string along with the capitalists for awhile. We need their credits, their agriculture, and their technology. But we are going to continue massive military programs and by the middle 1980’s we will be in a position to return to a much more aggressive foreign policy designed to gain the upper hand in our relationship with the West.”
In a 1973 speech to the Warsaw Pact leaders in Prague, Brezhnev said: “Trust us, comrades, for by 1985, as a consequence of what we are now achieving with detente, we will have achieved most of our objectives in Western Europe. We will have consolidated our position. We will have improved our economy. And a decisive shift in the correlation of forces will be such that come 1985, we will be able to exert our will wherever we need to.”
In a 1961 speech by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover: “We are at war with the communists, and the sooner every red-blooded American realizes this, the safer we will be.” He later wrote: “Communists want to control everything: where you live, where you work, what you are paid, what you think ... how your children are educated, what you may not and must read and write ... Remember, always, that ‘it could happen here’ and that there are thousands of people in this country now working in secret to make it happen here.”
U.S. Communist Party members pledged “to defend the Soviet Union ... (and) to remain at all times a vigilant and firm defender of the Leninist line of the Party, the only line that insures the triumph of Soviet power in the U.S.” How loyal are Communist Party members? Gus Hall, a prominent official of the U.S. Communist Party, said at the February, 1961 funeral of Eugene Dennis, National Chairman of the U.S. Communist Party: “I dream of the hour when the last Congressman is strangled to death on the guts of the last preacher– and since Christians love to sing about the blood, why not give them a little of it.”
During the 1980’s, statements coming out of Russia, continued to be of a threatening nature. Janos Kadar, Hungary’s Communist leader, told 5,000 delegates to the Soviet Party Congress: “There is no force on earth that can stop the Soviet Union’s advance and the triumph of Communism.” Anatoly P. Alexandrov, President of the Soviet Union’s Academy of Sciences, and one of Russia’s top scientists, said: “The Soviet Union was never as strong as it is today.” A UPI report stated: “Top ranking party officials declared today that the Soviet Union is mightier than it has ever been and is no longer threatened by force– making the triumph of communism inevitable.”
Russia has been at war with us for years in an effort to destroy us. Former Czech Communist official J. Bernard Hutton wrote in his book The Subverters:
“Today thousands of highly trained Russian and Red China undercover master-subverters live under respectable ‘cover’ occupations and professions in all countries of the western democracies. International security officers estimate that at least thirty thousand undercover subverters, paid by Moscow and Peking, and continually undermining the Western democracies. They are aided by specially trained Communist Party members and fellow travelers. The conservative estimate by Western security experts is that at least half a million men and women are at work all over the world, bringing about the downfall of the profit-making economic system.”
In 1920, Lenin talked about their plans: “The communists in Western Europe and America must ... strive everywhere to awaken the masses, and draw them into the struggle ... It is difficult to do this in Western Europe and America, but it can be done and must be done. Propaganda, agitation and organization inside the armed movements and among the oppressed must be coordinated in a new way.” In 1921, he came up with the idea of spreading communism through trade unions, youth organizations, cooperatives, and other associations.
This idea was taken even further by Otto Kuusinen, a Finland Communist, who at a meeting of the Comintern Executive Committee in March, 1926, advocated the creation of a “whole solar system of organizations and smaller committees around the Communist Party ... actually working under the influence of the Party, but not under its mechanical control.” The organizations were developed by Willi Munzenberg, a German communist. Their aim was to further the cause of Soviet communism, and act as a cover, if communism was illegal, in order to spread propaganda.
Stalin said, during a secret meeting of the Kremlin’s Inner Circle, in March, 1948:
“Comrades, it is imperative that we create an entirely new type of fighting force. It will operate first in the most advanced capitalist countries, and later in other countries. This fighting force will consist of devoted and trained comrades who will have no connection with the Communist Party whatsoever. These comrades will operate undercover, as do our intelligence officers and spies who are working abroad. This special force will control networks of other undercover comrades, who will also have no outward connection with the Communist Party of their country ... The objective of this fighting force is to speed up the development of revolutionary situations and spread awareness of how unrest, public disturbance, disorders and industrial dissatisfaction can bring about a breakdown of the capitalist system. This will lead to the revolutionary overthrow of governments, and the establishment of Soviet states.”
In another secret meeting in April, 1948, Stalin said:
“The way to assure success is for us to create not one, but two undercover subverter networks. They will operate simultaneously in all the countries of the capitalist world. The undercover subverters of the first network will operate quite independently of the second ... In each capitalistic country one undercover subverter network will be composed of tried and trusted communists who are nationals of that country. Their activities will be directed by Comrade Suslov who will be responsible to the Politburo. This network of undercover subverters will comprise of men and women of ability and intelligence, especially selected for these qualities. As soon as they undertake the undercover subverter work, they will sever all contact with the Communist Party– and dedicate themselves to working for the Party by indirect methods.
They will be called upon to join and operate within organizations and societies that are bourgeois and opposed to communism and the Soviet Union. They will engage in undercover subverter activities within these organizations and societies on behalf of the Communist Party. It will be necessary for them to conceal their previous and present connection with the Communist Party.
They will create the impression they are opposed to the ideology of communism ... The second network of undercover subverters will consist of operators of Soviet nationality. These comrades will be under direct orders from our Secret Service Headquarters (KGB). A new department of Secret Service Headquarters will be created forthwith, to be named ‘Special Division for Subversion.’ The directors of this Special Division will select and train recruits of Soviet nationality for this professional undercover master-subverters network, in the same way that they select and train Soviet comrades for work abroad as Secret Service Network Operators...”
Mikhail Suslov’s undercover subverter network was referred to as Institute 631’s Subversive Cadres, and later that year, they sent a coded directive to the world’s Communist Party leaders: “The leaders of all Communist Parties must select completely trustworthy comrades who will take up undercover subverters work outside the Communist Party. Their activity will be revolutionary and subversive. It is essential that these chosen comrades sever all connections with the Party. It is desirable that they become regarded as antagonistic to the Party, and in conflict with its policy.”
Thus, the Red ‘fifth column’ was instituted in order to infiltrate the West, While appearing to be anti-communist, by going to church, getting involved in charities, and voting conservatively; they were secretly attending training centers to learn techniques of sabotage, terrorism and subversion in order to instigate strikes, provoke riots and stage demonstrations.
Inside the Soviet Union, candidates were chosen to attend the Marx-Engels School near Moscow, for what they were told would be training for a career within the Party. The recruits would then be sent to the Lenin Technical School at Verkhovnoye, which is a complex spread out of over seven square miles in a desolate area. During the time they were here, their family, and friends, did not know their whereabouts. The training lasted 12 months, and consisted of military-like training, such as survival techniques, various methods of hand-to-hand combat, handling firearms and heavy combat equipment, how to make and deactivate explosives, methods of electronic surveillance, and the use of poisons.
If the recruit passed, they would be sent on a vacation, during which they would be arrested by the Secret Police as a foreign agent. This final test subjected the candidate to brainwashing, torture and interrogation, to see if they would break under the pressure. If they passed, they would be sent to one of the Soviet Ace Spy Schools, where the training could last for up to ten years.
The Prakhovka Ace Spy School was located near Minsk, within a 220 square mile area along the border of the Latvian Soviet Republic. The northern sector was for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland; the southwestern sector was for the Netherlands; the southern area was for Austria and Switzerland; and the southeastern area was for Germany. At the Stiepnaya Ace Spy School, near Chkalov, along the northern border of the Kazakh Soviet Republic, the northwestern section was for France; the northern area for the Spanish countries; the northeastern section for Italy; and the southern end for Portugal, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. The Vostocznaya Ace Spy School near Khabarovsk, was for Asian and Middle East countries; and the Novaya Ace Spy School, near Tashkent, was for the African countries.
Another Soviet Spy School was located in Gaczyna, in a 425 square mile area along the southern border of the Tarter Autonomous Soviet Republic, and continuing to the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Republic. It was sealed off for a radius of thirty miles by State Security, and the location was so secret, that it was not shown on any map. It was known to only the highest officers of the Secret Service. The School was developed for those selected to work in the English-speaking world, and was divided into three sections: the northern section was for North America and Canada; the northeastern section was for the United Kingdom; and the southern area was for Australia, New Zealand, India, and South Africa. There was no communication between the different areas.
In the United Kingdom section, the candidate would live in actual British-style homes, hotels, and apartments, which were full-size replicas of actual English buildings, on actual streets. There were British banks, restaurants, theaters, and a Post Office, all in a sixty square mile area. Here the recruit ate British food, wore British clothes, rode London buses, and received a weekly salary dispensed in British currency, read English papers and magazines, and watched English television shows. The recruits were given English names, and were ordered to speak only English, which they were given five years to master. They had to learn all necessary British customs.
During the second five years, they memorized unbreakable codes, and were taught how to assemble and dismantle radio receivers and transmitters; and were taught how to use photographic equipment to reduce blueprints, records, and documents into microdots. They were given further instruction in guerrilla warfare.
After this intensive training, the recruit was, in almost every way, British. Each agent was smuggled into the country of their training, which in this case was England. They would never again see their families. They would be given actual identification and ‘cover’ documents from people who were dead or missing, so that a background check couldn’t reveal their true identities. Within their new identity, they became involved in public life, working to undermine the government as a representative of the communist government of the Soviet Union.
China had similar schools, but their training period was only ten months, because spies were recruited mainly for Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist China, and other countries within Asia, where they would fit in. To infiltrate the West, the Chinese recruited people from all over the world, and smuggled them into China to undergo training. The school in the Honan province was for France, Italy, and Spain; the school in the Chekiang province was for West Germany; and the school in the Shantung province was for Austria, Switzerland, and the Arab countries.
At the start of World War II, Roosevelt made Gen. William Donovan the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Donovan didn’t see anything wrong with Communists, and recruited OSS personnel from Communist ranks. When the FBI discovered this, and informed him, he said: “I know they’re Communists. That’s why I hired them.” After the war, the OSS became known as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and in 1952, the head of the CIA, Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, said that he was sure there were Communists working inside the CIA. Three high-level Soviet KGB defectors, Anatoli Golitsin, Yuri Nosenko, and Michael Goleniewski, acknowledged their belief that there were Communist spies in the U.S. intelligence community. Retired Air Force Major General Follette Bradley, wrote a letter, published by the New York Times, on August 31, 1951, that Russian representatives and military personnel came into our country, and were “free to move about without restraint or check, and in order to visit our arsenals, depots, factories, and proving grounds, they had only to make known their desires ... I personally know that scores of Russians were permitted to enter American territory in 1942 without visa.”
A year before Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev visited the United States, he told Communist leaders in the Kremlin: “It is of vital importance to cripple the armaments industry and all other important industries of all capitalist enemies. It is of still greater importance to accomplish this within that cradle of aggression– war hungry America! The Americans are feverishly preparing for war against the peace-loving bloc of the Soviet Union and other People’s Democracies...” Then referring to the orders by the Institute 631, he told the leaders: “Because the United States of America is our Enemy Number One, even more ruthless action is called for in that country.”
When Khrushchev came to America, he referred to Americans as “peace-loving,” and his “true and loved friends,” and after being presented with a gavel made from the wood of one of California’s Redwood trees, said: “I will use it for the first time when I strike it, in triumph, on the table, the day we sign a Pact of Nonaggression and Eternal Love between the Soviet Union and America; and a second time when we sign a Treaty of Disarmament with all the nations of the world. I await with impatience my talks with your President (Eisenhower), hoping that our two hearts will be prompted to reach agreement and establish conditions of peace and friendship.”
The Special Committee of Investigation for the United Mine Workers of America, said in a Report:
“The major points in this revolutionary program of the Communists are:
1) Overthrow and destruction of the Federal, State, and Provincial governments, with the elimination of existing constitutional forms and foundations.
2) Establishment of a Soviet dictatorship, absolute in its exercise of power, owing allegiance to, and conceding the authority only of the Communist, or Third Internationale, at Moscow, as a ‘governmental’ substitute.
3) Destruction of all social, economic, and political institutions as they exist at this time.
4) Seizure of all labor unions through a process of ‘boring from within’ them, and utilizing them as a strategic instrument in fulfillment of their revolutionary designs upon organized and constitutional government.”
In 1960, American subversives received a new directive from Moscow:
“1) Comrades working in telegraph, teleprinter, and telephone services must organize an effective monitoring system to intercept important communications, and enable the Party to learn what is going on inside the U.S. Government, the Security forces, industry, and in all other important establishments.
2) Comrades working in armament factories or in nuclear establishments must memorize all charts, blueprints, production lists, etc. that they come upon through their employment. If it is possible to photograph such documents without the risk of detection, this is preferable.
3) Comrades must make a determined effort to infiltrate all sections of the U.S. Armed Forces ... He should be converted into a determined opponent of war between the United States and the Soviet Union ... Acts of sabotage at nuclear bases are invaluable. If the well publicized launchings of a space rocket results in a failure, this is of tremendous propaganda value.
4) In addition to the above special tasks, everyday life in all parts of the U.S. must be disrupted as often, and as effectively, as possible ... Racial riots are the most easily provoked disorders. If they are brought about in a way which makes it seem that the ruling class has precipitated the riots, this is valuable propaganda ... The class enemy must be discredited, hit often, and where it hurts the most.”
In his book The Conscience of a Conservative, Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater wrote:
“The exchange program in the Soviet eyes, is simply another operation in Communist political warfare. The people that the Kremlin sends over here are, to a man, trained agents of Soviet policy. Some of them are spies, seeking information; all of them are trusted carriers of Communist propaganda. Their mission is not cultural, but political. Their aim is not to inform, but to mislead. Their assignment is not to convey a true image of the Soviet Union, but a false image. The Kremlin’s hope is that they will persuade the American people to forget the ugly aspects of Soviet life, and the danger that the Soviet system poses to American freedom ... But the Kremlin’s aim is not to make American’s approve of Communism, much as they would like that; it is to make us tolerant of Communism ... They know that if Americans regard the Soviet Union as a dangerous implacable enemy, Communism will not be able to conquer the world.”
During the Johnson Administration, 66 Senators voted for the Consulate Treaty, despite the tremendous public criticism of it, which opened up the country to spies and saboteurs, who would be protected with the mantle of diplomatic immunity.
In 1905, Lenin wrote his Instructions to Revolutionaries, which indicated how important it was to concentrate on young people. He wrote:
“Go to the youth. Form fighting squads everywhere at three, ten, and thirty persons. Let them arm themselves at once as best they can, be it with a revolver, a knife, a rag soaked in kerosene to start fires ... Some may undertake to kill a spy or blow up a police station, others to raid a bank ... for insurrection ... let every group learn, if only by beating up a policeman; this will train hundreds of experienced fighters who tomorrow will be leading hundreds of thousands...”
In 1919, a pamphlet called Communist Rules for Revolution was aimed at hooking young people: “Get the youth corrupted, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex ... Destroy their ruggedness … Get control of all publicity ... Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters ... Destroy the people’s faith in their leaders ... Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fact and us ruthlessly as possible ... Encourage government extravagance ... Destroy its credit ... Incite unnecessary strikes and civil disobedience … Cause the registration of firearms on some pretext, with view to confiscate them, leaving the population helpless.”
In the mid-1960’s, Moscow and Peking told their armies of subversives to “concentrate upon the young, the most malleable and most gullible section of the population.” A directive from the Special Division for Subversion, in April, 1968, which was sent to West Germany, said:
“Action must be taken at once to create disruptive situations that will rock the very foundations of the capitalist system. The disturbances must occur on such a large scale that they cause deep concern to the population ... lightning strikes of key workers in important industrial centers must be encouraged. The objective is to bring the maximum of factories to a complete standstill ... Demonstrations must be instigated on every possible occasion. Demonstrations are a symptom of public discontent ... Revolutionary action by students must be stepped up. Every effort must be made now to encourage students to demonstrate, and if possible, to riot on the largest possible scale. Students are susceptible to an idealistic approach. They should be tackled on the lines laid down in our previous directives ... When known Communist Party members are persuading others to take military action, our undercover subverters must oppose this communist inspired action. It is vitally important for them to safeguard their established undercover positions.”
A similar directive was sent to France in 1968:
“The student population must be induced to demonstrate publicly and fight vigorously for their rights. Subtle undercover tactics must be adopted to ensure these demonstrations culminate in rioting and street fighting. The objective is to create a dangerous, revolutionary situation in which law and order is discredited ... Simultaneously our undercover cadres in industry, commerce, the trade unions, religious organizations and political parties, must propagate the idea that the working population should give full support to any students’ strike actions.”
While the Soviets were calling for more “grievance strikes, more wildcat strikes, and more trade union obstruction to smooth working of industry; more racial riots, and more sabotage to industrial plants,” Red China’s agents were instructed to “seize every opportunity to speed drug addiction,” and all sorts of drugs were smuggled into the West. Russia later adopted the same strategy. Chou En-lai told Egyptian President Nassar, in 1966, of his plans to turn our American soldiers into drug addicts: “The more troops they (America) send to Vietnam, the happier we shall be. We shall then have them in our power and can have their blood.”
In addition to the undercover subversion, there are various Communist Parties established in various countries. If the Party is outlawed, they function under the name of the “Worker’s Party” or the “Socialist Party.” Over 80 countries had Parties that were officially recognized by the Comintern in Moscow. The leaders of these Parties were sent to Moscow for training in communist theory and revolutionary tactics, so they could return to spread propaganda in order to recruit members.
Organized communism began in the United States when Socialist Eugene V. Debs ran for the Presidency in 1900, 1904, and 1908. When he ran in 1912, he garnered over 6% of the vote. The U.S. Communist Party was organized in 1919, having sprung from ideas gleaned from books and pamphlets smuggled in from Europe, and nurtured by members of the Illuminati. They joined the Comintern, which is the world Communist organization run by the Soviet Union.
To aid the local parties, there were hundreds of ‘front’ organizations established to defend Soviet policies and attack its opponents. They functioned through the media, local Communist parties, and other small organizations. Among the organizations controlled by Russia: International Institute for Peace (Vienna), World Council of Peace (Prague), International Union of Students (Prague), Women’s International Democratic Federation (E. Berlin), International Association of Democratic Lawyers (Brussels), World Federation of Scientific Workers (London), International Organization of Journalists (Prague), World Federation of Trade Unions (Prague), World Federation of Teachers Unions (Prague), International Radio and Television Organization, and the International Medical Association (formerly known as the World Congress of Doctors).
Some of the groups operating in the United States and Canada: American Friends Service Committee, Arms Control Association, Center for Defense Information, Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy, Council on Economic Priorities, National Lawyers Guild, Citizens Committee for a Sane World, War Register League, Women for Racial and Economic Equality, and the Center for International Policy.
There were also a number of bilateral organizations, known as ‘Friendship Societies’ which also work under Soviet direction, some of these were: British-Soviet Friendship Society, Britain-China Friendship Society, Soviet-India Friendship Society, and the Society for Friendship with the Peoples of Africa.
On top of all of this support, Communism also had its apologists and representatives in our government, such as Sen. J. William Fulbright (a CFR member), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who said in a speech on the floor of the Senate, on June 29, 1961, concerning world Communism: “We can hope to do little more than mitigate our problems as best we can and learn how to live with them.” He believed that once Russia caught up to the United States in technology, relations would improve between the two countries. He advocated increased aid, and compromises to avoid direct confrontation. He felt that the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba did not endanger our national security. When Tito, the Yugoslavia dictator, joined with Russia to provide “all necessary aid to North Vietnam,” Fulbright said that Yugoslavia had “proven itself a reliable and stalwart associate in the advancement of certain interests on which our interests coincide.” Later, the Johnson Administration sent them 700,000 tons of American wheat, 92,000 bales of cotton, and gave them a loan for $175 million to aid their economy and industry.
Jimmy Carter said in 1980: “Being confident of our own future, we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism.” Walter Mondale said in 1981: I’m very worried about U.S.-Soviet relations. I cannot understand– it just baffles me why the Soviets these last few years have behaved as they have. Maybe we have made some mistakes...” Sen. John Glenn, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, said in 1983: “I don’t think you want to involve American troops even if El Salvador was about to fall to communist-backed guerrillas.” Many of our country’s leaders have become soft on communism, because they are no longer perceived as a threat.
In his last book, With No Apologies, Sen. Barry Goldwater wrote: “The Russians are determined to conquer the world. They will employ force, murder, lies, flattery, subversion, bribery, extortion, and treachery. Everything they stand for and believe in is a contradiction of our understandings of the nature of men. Their artful use of propaganda has anesthetized the free world. Our will to resist is being steadily eroded...”
In an effort to appear that they were embracing democracy, Mikhail Gorbachev introduced ‘glasnost’ (‘openness’) and ‘perestroika’ (‘economic restructuring’) in the Soviet Union in 1985, and the Russian people began to experience a degree of freedom never before seen. However, these reforms failed, and communism as a form of government ended when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
The campaign for nuclear disarmament was directly linked to the International Department of Specific Activities in the Kremlin, when after World War II, the “Ban the Bomb” movement was born, because the U.S. was the only country to have nuclear capabilities. The Soviet Union organized and financed the World Peace Council, a well-known ‘freeze’ group, to influence public opinion and government policy in non-Communist countries. Their international headquarters was in Helsinki, Finland, and local chapters had been established in 100 countries. The American branch was called the U.S. Peace Council, and had offices in Washington, DC and New York City, They once sent a KGB colonel to meet with a group of Congressmen in Washington, then boasted about it.
On September 20, 1961, the United States and the Soviet Union announced an agreement for general disarmament that included the disbanding of military forces, dismantling of military bases, ceasing weapon production, and eliminating all weapon stockpiles. However, no treaty was signed, because they could never agree on all points. For instance, Russia wanted the U.S. to dismantle all foreign bases and destroy nuclear weapons, but this would have given Russia an edge in conventional weapons. The Disarmament Committee of the United Nations, composed of 18 members, also failed to come up with an adequate agreement between the two countries.
President John F. Kennedy had promised to close the missile gap in order to reestablish our military strength, but his Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, wanted to allow our defense program to decline until Russia was equal to us. In a speech on September 18, 1967, McNamara said that our inventory of nuclear warheads was “greater than we had originally planned and in fact more than we require.” The move towards unilateral disarmament began when McNamara announced that Russia wouldn’t sign an arms limitation agreement until they caught up to the United States in strategic offensive weapons.
The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) originated from the discussions between President Lyndon B. Johnson and Soviet Prime Minister Aleksei N. Kosygin, in 1967. These conferences developed into the SALT I Agreement, which was signed by President Richard M. Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid I. Brezhnev in 1972. While the number of U.S. strategic missiles had been frozen at the 1967 level, the Soviets had continued to build, matching that amount in 1970. By 1972, Russia had a 3-2 advantage in the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM’s).
SALT I was actually two agreements. The first was a treaty of indefinite duration, restricting defensive anti-ballistic missiles (ABM’s) to 200 on each side (reduced to 100 in a 1974 agreement). It also froze the number of offensive missiles at the 1972 level for five years. With Russia having 2,358 land and sea-based missiles, and the U.S. only 1,710, the Soviets were certainly getting the best part of that deal. Submarine-based missiles were restricted by a complicated formula which gave the Russians a numerical advantage, but was balanced by permitting the U.S. more warheads for its reliable and more accurate missiles.
The second part of the agreement was a five-year pact limiting some offensive strategic weapons, and the number of launchers for ICBM’s carrying nuclear warheads. It limited each side to 2 ABM installations, totaling 200 missile launchers; one at the nation’s capitol, and the other would protect an offensive missile site (Grand Forks, North Dakota). This stipulation was amended in 1974 to only one site in each country.
SALT I was ratified by an 88-2 vote in the Senate, but the Jackson Amendment stipulated that the next agreement was to be more equal. The Agreement was to remain in effect until October 3, 1977.
On November 24, 1974, President Gerald R. Ford and Brezhnev reached an agreement to limit the number of all offensive strategic weapons and delivery systems until December 31, 1985.
SALT II was a treaty that resulted from a second round of talks, and was signed by President Jimmy Carter and Brezhnev on June 18, 1979, and was to remain in effect until 1985. It limited each side to 2,400 ICBM launchers and long range bombers, within six months of ratification (by the end of 1981, a new limit of 2,250 was to take effect). It would allow each country to develop one new missile, and to modernize their existing weaponry, with certain limitations. Each side would be expected to verify the other’s compliance by its own surveillance methods. Regardless of the many stipulations, it still did not meet the requirements of the Jackson Equality Amendment.
The numbers were manipulated to make them appear equal. For example, in the count of U.S. Strategic Weapons, 100 B-52’s (a heavy bomber capable of hitting speeds of 650 mph, altitudes of 50,000 ft., and has air-launched missiles and bombs which can hit several targets hundreds of miles apart) that were mothballed in a graveyard in Arizona, were included, even though it would take more than a year to get them all flying again. However, 150 of the new Russian ‘Backfire’ bombers were not counted.
A prominent general stated: “If SALT II is passed, we are in the final 1000 days of history.”
The Senate never ratified SALT II, because the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan; however, the U.S. adhered to it, but not Russia.
Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Lieutenant General John S. Pustay said that the Russians, for years, have continued to “out-man, out-gun, out-build ... us in most meaningful military categories.” The Soviets had outspent us in a display of armament and mobilization that had not occurred since Hitler’s preparations for World War II. According to 1991 statistics, Russia’s defense spending was 8% (down from 11-13% in the late 1970’s) of their Gross National Product, while ours was only 5.7% (down from 6.1% in the late 1970’s).
If their military escalation wasn’t an indication of their intentions, then the capabilities of their civil defense program should have been. Retired Air Force General G. J. Keegan, Jr. said:
“The Soviets have deployed and developed the most intensive system of nuclear shelter for its military leadership, its civilian leadership, its industrial factory workers, and its civilian population ever deployed or built in history.”
New housing construction included mandatory underground shelters. They have built 1,575 huge underground command posts, each the size of the White House, embedded in the earth up to 400 feet deep, and covered by 75 feet of reinforced concrete. They have protected water, power generators, and communications systems. The Pentagon estimated that each post cost about $500 million. In the event of a nuclear exchange, it is believed that a large part of the Russian population would survive.
Meanwhile, the United States Government has literally abandoned its civil defense program, in lieu of the “Continuity of Government” plan developed by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA). There are said to be as many as 96 underground facilities throughout Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina that will house government officials in case of an impending nuclear incident. The most prolific is a highly classified underground city, with a subterranean lake for drinking water, 40 miles east of Washington, DC, in the Appalachian foothills, known as Mount Weather.
It has streets, sidewalks, offices, houses, and a medical facility. It will house federal government officials, and contain all records on its computers, such as census, Social Security, and IRS information. Civilians will be left to seek out the 235,000 buildings designated as fall-out shelters. In addition, the Defense Department’s Civil Defense Preparedness Agency (DCPA) indicates that there is the potential for sheltering 50 million people in mines. Nevertheless, if a nuclear exchange were to occur today, the best estimates are that 160,000,000 Americans would die, but only 5,000,000 Russians.
The Russians have 100 times as many radar detectors than we have, and on top of that, Air Force experts once said that the U.S. Radar System is so inferior, that Russia could sneak in as many as 50 bombers through its holes, in a surprise attack.
Phyllis Schlafly and Chester Ward wrote in Kissinger on the Couch: “Every single key provision of both SALT agreements originated with Soviet strategic experts and planners in the Kremlin, approved by Leonid Brezhnev and his closest associates in the Politburo, and was passed by Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin to Henry Kissinger, who then provided the rationalization for it and ‘sold’ it to President Nixon.”
In the book, An Analysis of SALT II, compiled by Congress, it states: “In short, the Soviets will soon have a ‘first strike capability’ authorized by SALT. And when that capability is in hand, Soviet leaders may logically presume that the U.S. would not retaliate after a first strike ... Soviet leaders could reason that a U.S. President would not order a retaliation, knowing that his few surviving weapons could not annihilate Soviet society; and that a counterstrike by Soviet second-strike weapons would, in fact, utterly destroy the U.S. as a viable society ... The fact is that after a first strike, the Soviets would have more missiles and bombers in reserve for the second strike that the U.S. had to start with.”
Despite this knowledge, disarmament has continued. Carter canceled plans for the production of the B-1 Strategic bomber, which was to be built by Rockwell International, General Electric, and the Boeing Co. The B-1 was to replace the obsolete B-52, and would have the capability of evading Soviet radar detection because of its ability to fly at high speeds, at low altitudes; and twice the speed of sound at higher altitudes. They would be able to carry a weapons payload twice the amount of the B-52, including 24 SRAM’s (short-range attack missiles) inside its body, and eight on its wings. Internally, it can carry 75,000 pounds of conventional bombs, in addition to 40,000 externally. Its take-off distance is half that of the B-52, giving it access to more areas.
Since 1961, about 1,000 of our B-57 strategic bombers have been phased out, and the supersonic B-58’s were deactivated in 1970.
The Russians, however, produced their delta-wing supersonic ‘Backfire’ bomber, which has a maximum range of over 5,000 miles, and can travel 1,500 mph. This means that they can be launched from bases in the Siberia, can cross the United States to refuel in Cuba, or somewhere else in Latin America. They were not covered by SALT.
Also, not included in SALT, were Russia’s mobilized ICBM’s. They can be hidden, and there is no way to keep track of how many they have, The U.S. had planned to have 200 MX missiles, each armed with ten nuclear warheads, hidden throughout 4,600 shelters in the obscure valleys of Nevada and Utah, which could be moved periodically, so that Russian spy satellites couldn’t pinpoint their exact location. It would have taken two Russian missiles at each site to be sure of neutralizing it, which is more than they have. This would give the U.S. time to retaliate with stationery missile silos. The MX system, with its 2,000 warheads, would have the capability of devastating the Soviet Union. The idea for the MX was opposed, and dropped from consideration.
Soviet fixed silos are designed to refire, ours are not; and they have at least 1,000 extra missiles for refiring. They also have larger missiles, giving them a 6-1 advantage in firepower.
The Soviet’s SS-9 Scarp Rocket can lift five times the load that the U.S.’s LGM-30 G Minuteman missile (which has 3 MIRV warheads) can, and hurl a 35-kiloton multiple warhead close to 6,600 miles, enabling it to destroy a group of U.S. ICBM silos. The SS-18 is so accurate, that at the most, it would miss by only 400 yards. It can carry a 20-megaton warhead, or three smaller warheads, each independently aimed. It can even carry 14 one-megaton warheads, all of which could directed to different locations, delivering enough explosive power to destroy a large city. With a single warhead, the missile can travel 5,700 miles, but only 4,700 with a multiple warhead.
The SS-19, which is smaller, can only carry six warheads. With their increased number of warheads, and improved accuracies, the Pentagon indicated that Russia’s SS-18 and SS-19 missiles could destroy America’s land-based missile force of 1,000 Minuteman and 54 Titans in a single barrage, giving them a first-strike capability. Russia’s biggest missile can carry 30 warheads, while our largest can only carry three 1-megaton warheads. Keep in mind, Russia also has many small missiles, such as the SS-20, a mobile multiple warhead missile, with a range of over 5,000 miles, that would be effective in taking out NATO ports and airfields, and with the addition of a rocket booster, could reach the United States. It was not covered by SALT. The Russians also developed the SS-24, a rail-mobile missile, and the SS-25, a road-mobile missile.
In 1977, Brezhnev called for a joint renunciation of neutron weapons, and in 1978, Carter said they wouldn’t be produced. However, in 1981, President Reagan made the decision to begin production of the Neutron bomb, and Russia’s edge in strategic weapons didn’t seem that important after this addition to our nuclear arsenal. The Lance missile, and eight-inch artillery shells in the U.S. were furnished with a radiation enhanced warhead, which contained a radioactive isotope known as tritium, that produces far more radiation, and far less explosion and heat than conventional nuclear weapons.
The result is that they kill people, without that much damage to surrounding buildings. It was designed to stop Russian tanks in Europe. The Tass News Agency in Russia responded by saying: “It seems that the same cannibalistic instincts prevail now in the White House by which in 1945 the then President Truman was guided when ordering the use of atomic weapons.”
America had an edge with the Navy’s nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed Polaris submarines. While at sea, they can’t be detected, yet they can track Russian subs because of their ultra-sensitive electronic surveillance system. Knowing this, Russia stepped up the development of their long-range missiles. The Polaris subs can fire 16 missiles (each having ten warheads), in eight minutes to hit 160 targets, hundreds of miles apart, from a location almost 3,000 miles away, The Soviets began producing their larger Delta-class submarine, the Typhoon, which at 25,000-30,000 tons, is the world’s largest.
It carries 20 SLBM SS-N-20 intercontinental nuclear missiles, which have a range of 4,800 miles, farther than ours. It is capable of striking any target in the United States from protected Soviet waters. The Typhoon subs, built at Severodvinsk, the world’s largest submarine production yard, are designed to operate under the Arctic Ocean ice cap. They also began producing the Soviet submarines with torpedo-proof titanium hulls.
Even though Russia had more tanks than we did, the NATO force tanks, for example, had about 193,000 anti-tank missiles, which was nine times the number that was in the arsenal of the Warsaw Pact. They are accurate from distances up to two miles away, which is outside the range of Russia’s tanks. However, Russia developed the T-80 tank, which has an armor consisting of a honeycomb process which combines steel, ceramics, and aluminum to create a substance that is three times stronger, yet weighs little more.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Harold Brown, Carter’s Secretary of Defense, said: “The United States is not now inferior to the Soviet Union in overall military strength.” Yet, the figures available during the SALT talks, indicated that Russia was outspending us 3-1 for strategic arms, had a 2-1 advantage over us in manpower, 2-1 advantage over us in offensive strategic weapons, 2-1 in major surface combat ships and subs, 2-1 advantage in helicopter production, a 3-1 advantage in nuclear-powered subs, a 4-1 advantage in tanks and artillery, a 5-1 advantage in naval ships, a 5-1 edge in the production of tanks and combat vehicles, a 6-1 edge in nuclear firepower (megatonage) , a 7-1 advantage in artillery, a 10-1 advantage in fighter bombers, a 47-1 advantage in defensive strategic weapons, and a 100-1 advantage in regular ammunition. Brown did admit, later, in January, 1979, that the Russian military was “potentially very dangerous to us.”
The Soviet nuclear war plan, called the Red Integrated Strategic Operations Plant (RISOP) by the Pentagon, is believed to include over 2,500 targets: 1,000 Minuteman and ICBM silos, 100 ICBM launch control centers, and 50 command and control facilities and nuclear weapons storage depots; 54 nuclear bomber and bomber dispersal bases and 3 naval bases that service missile-firing submarines; 475 naval bases, airfields, ports, terminals, camps, depots and other military installations; 150 industrial production facilities that have Defense Department contracts for $1 million or more a year in military equipment; close to 325 electric power plants that generate nearly 70% of the nation’s electricity; about 150 oil refineries that produce about 70% of the country’s petroleum products; about 200 ‘soft’ targets including economic communications, transportation, chemical, and civilian leadership targets.
The propaganda put out by our government, painted this scenario: After a massive surprise first strike by the Russians, at least 120 bombers, 17 Poseidon submarines, and 700 land-based ICBM’s, totaling some 5,000 nuclear weapons would survive, and have the capability of destroying 80% of Russia’s industrial base and 90% of its military installations, other than missile silos, killing between 20 and 95 million people, depending on their civil defense preparedness. For some reason, the United States government tried to disguise, and hide the fact, that we may no longer be the most powerful nation on Earth. Not only are they hiding it, but continue to make it worse with further plans for disarmament.
On December 8, 1987, Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which was to eliminate all medium and short range nuclear missiles. It was ratified, with conditions, by the Senate, on May 27, 1988.
At the time of SALT, out of 27 Summit Agreements with Russia, they had broken or cheated on all but one, and that includes the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1962, the ABM Treaty of 1972, SALT I, and SALT II. They cheated on the INF Treaty of 1989, and did not fully comply with the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty of 1991. Many wars or confrontations since SALT I, had been started by, or influenced by Russia in one way or another. They have been fought by their proxies, satellite allies, or agents; countries protected by friendship treaties; or they have used their veto power in the United Nations.
George Washington said: “The best way to insure peace is to be prepared for war.” At that time, we were not ready for war. Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, former Navy Chief of Operations, said at the Australian Naval Institute Seminar in February, 1979: “It is the professional judgment of senior officials in the United States that our Navy has only a 35% probability of winning a conventional naval war against the Soviet Union. Our military knows this, and so does theirs. About the only people who do not know it are the general public in the United States and Australia. Nor do they know that a nuclear exchange in 1981 on present trends would result in about 160 million dead in the United States.”
England’s Winston Spencer Churchill (nephew of the former Prime Minister) said in a 1977 speech to a meeting of the National Association of Freedom: “The Soviet build-up is far beyond any requirements of self-defense, indeed the Soviets are building the greatest war machine the world has ever seen. This is more than a challenge to the West– it is the most deadly threat to freedom and to peace any generation has ever known.”
In December, 1979, over 50,000 Soviet soldiers moved into the country of Afghanistan with tanks and helicopters; and by January, there were close to 100,000 Russian troops in positions throughout the country. There were reports that Soviet Army officers were arming and training Baluchi tribesmen in southern Afghanistan, who had long sought their own homeland. They live in the region covering parts of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, along the strategic coasts of the Arabia Sea and the Gulf of Oman. Afghan Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lieutenant Colonel Faiz Mohammed Khan, a member of the pro-Moscow faction of the Afghan Communist Party, said that Russia would take over the Baluchistan section of Iran and Pakistan, which is all that separated them from the Indian Ocean.
It was believed that the intent of the Soviets, was to gain access to the Ocean, where they would be able to control the Strait of Hormuz, in the Arabian Sea, where much of the world’s oil supply is shipped from. Khan hinted, that since more than half of the students that held our hostages in Iran were pro-Soviet Communists, the Russians may have instigated the incident, hoping that it would escalate into a full-blown confrontation, so that the Soviet Union could invoke a 1921 treaty with Iran that would give them a right to send in troops if their southern border was threatened.
During the years when Hitler came to power in Nazi Germany, Russia made the prediction: “We will take Iran. Not by direct intervention, but it will fall into our hands like an overripe piece of fruit.” An issue of World Crisis (published by Kilbrittain Newspapers Ltd. of Dublin, Ireland) reported during the early 1970’s: “...Russia is planning a new offensive in the Middle East. Our precise and categorical information is that Russia plans to have totally taken over Southern Africa, all the Middle East, and Western Europe by January 8-9, 1984.” Alexander Ginzburg, the exiled Russian human rights activist, said that America is threatened by “expansionist Russian ambitions,” but won’t recognize the danger until “it comes to Mexico or Canada.”
Thomas J. Watson, Jr., the American Ambassador to Russia, told President Reagan: “I perceive the world to be more dangerous than it has ever been in its history.” The January, 1981, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said: “We feel impelled to record and emphasize the accelerating drift toward a disaster in almost all realms of social activity, Accordingly, we have decided to move the hands of the Bulletin’s clock-symbol of the world’s approach to nuclear doomsday– from seven to four minutes (each minute represents a year) before midnight (nuclear disaster).”
Next: the illuminati influence on international affairs
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Setting the stage for world war II
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