Thursday, 21 February 2008

Architects of Deception Part XXI


The freemasons are above all masters of deceit. Shrewd people will, however, be able to unmask their intentions. The freemasons worship evil and its treacherous game of foxes. Political fraud and terror do not mix well with freedom. It can only lead to disaster. The unpolished history is shown by the following account.

Unlimited Evil

From the fruit one knows the tree. Such is also the case with the freemasonry. Its evil has proven to be bottomless.

Freemasonry instigated the civil war in Switzerland in 1847-1848 to guarantee a political power base in the government. The freemasons disregarded the suffering they might cause; they wanted political power against the will of the people. Only spiritually paranoid psychopaths can act so primitively.

President Gabriel Garcia Moreno of Ecuador was overthrown and murdered on 6 august 1875. Behind this evil act was the freemason General Ignacio de Veintimilla. After Garcia Moreno the Masonic liberal Eloy Alfraro took power.

The freemason of the 33rd degree Arnoldo Krumm Heller, who was a physician and a colonel, admitted in his "History of Mexico" that all subversions there and in the rest of Latin America had been caused by the freemasons. The lodge Lautaro (founded by the revolutionary Venezuelan Francisco de Miranda) was the seat of "revolutionary activity" in Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and in other countries in Latin America.

The French Masonic president Marie Francois Sadi Carnot was killed on 24 June 1894 by the Italian Masonic anarchist Sante Caserio, in Lyon, France. At the same time it was a ritual murder committed to celebrate the Masonic holiday 24 June.

The Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary was stabbed to death on 10 September 1898 during a visit to Geneva by the Italian Masonic anarchist Luigi Luccheni. She had at the time a large popular support.

On 29 July 1900, the Italian King Umberto I was murdered by the Masonic anarchist Gaetano Bresci in Monza, despite the fact that he himself was a member of the lodge Savoia Illuminata. The assassin belonged to an American lodge in Paterson, New Jersey. Umberto had earlier poisoned his father Victor Emmanuel II in 1878 (Paul A. Fisher, "Behind the Lodge Door", Rockford, Illinois 1994).

In 1907, several months before the murder of Dom Carlos (Charles I) of Portugal, there appeared libellous leaflets everywhere directed against Queen Amelia. These leaflets were similar to those that were spread against Marie Antoinette before the Masonic coup d'etat in July 1789 in France. In Portugal the freemasons published a book of slander several weeks before the murder of the king. The same book was published in full in the Masonic magazine L'Action on 10 April 1908.

Francois Tourmentin, secretary of the Anti-Masonic Union, wrote on 25 December 1907 in the magazine La franc-maconnerie demasquee in the article "Lusitania's Revolution" the following: "If the King of Portugal had learned anything from history, he would immediately in his kingdom ban the freemasonry and all secret societies. With this measure he could save himself, but we must assume that Dom Carlos in the near future will be deposed, exiled, or executed, which would prove the force of the freemasons."

On 1 February 1908, a bomb was thrown into the royal coach in Lisbon. The Portuguese King Dom Carlos I and Crown Prince Luis Felipe were killed. This was organized by the freemasons. As early as 1907, the Portuguese Grand Master Sebastiao Magalhaes de Limas, gave a speech in Paris to high-ranking French freemasons, predicting the demise of the Royal House of Portugal and the subsequent founding of a republic (Karl Steinhauser, "EG Die Super-USSR von morgen" / "The European Union the Super-USSR of Tomorrow", Vienna, 1992, p. 156).

To get rid of the new King, Manuel II, who was youngest son of Carlos I, the freemasons used deceit they spread false rumours. The freemasons wanted to stop his reforms. King Manuel fled from a ball on 3 October 1910, organized in honour of the state visit of Brazilian President Hermes da Fonseca. Fonseca was himself a freemason. The king believed the false rumours that a revolution had broken out that threatened his life. The trap closed effectively. Manuel fled abroad and died in exile in London in 1932.

The high-ranking freemasons Theophilo Braga and Afonso da Costa proclaimed the Republic of Portugal on 5 October 1910. A provisional Masonic government came to power. Theophilo Braga named himself president. The Carbonaria had 40 000 members across the country.

The Belgian Grand Master Furnemont said in a speech on 12 February 1911 after the overthrow of Manuel II: "After a few hours the throne was toppled. The people cheered and the republic was proclaimed... We recollect a deep sense of pride... It all came so suddenly to the ignorant public. But we, my brothers, we knew it... We know the secret behind this great event."

In 1912, there were only 3000 freemasons in Portugal.

The Masonic General Jose de Matos as minister of war saw to it that Portugal from 1916 took part in the First World War. In neighbouring Spain, the danger to the state that the freemasons constituted had been realized early on. Therefore all persons belonging to various lodges were faced with the death penalty as early as 1814. This was even mentioned in The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia (1938).

The Young Turks coup d'etat in July 1908 was carried out by Turkish freemasons, led by the Grand Orient of France (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 17311996", Moscow, 2000, Volume II, p. 228). The Jewish influenced Grand Orient Ottoman with Grand Master Mahomed Orphi Pasha in the lead took power in Turkey in July 1908. Those Grand Orient lodges (Labor et Lux and Macedonia Risorta) that instigated the upheaval were located in Saloniki. This was confirmed by the French Masonic magazine l 'Acacia of October 1908.

The Sultan realized the danger and had the freemasons under surveillance, who were much shrewder than his police. That the movement really was instigated by the Grande Oriente d'ltalia was confirmed by one of its leaders, Refik Bey, in the French newspaper Paris Temps on 20 August 1908.

At the meeting that took place in the lodge Voltaire in Paris on 16 June 1910, a representative of the Turkish Embassy admitted that "freemasonry supported heavily the Turkish Revolution and that all the intellectuals of the empire now are members of various lodges in Turkey" (L'Eclaire, June 1910). The Grand Orient magazine I'Acacia revealed already in September 1907 that the Sultan Abdul Hamid was to be overthrown. The Jewish Masonic leader Emmanuele Carasso (the Grande Oriente d'ltalia) was one of the conspirators. He was one of those who founded the Young Turks.

The conspiracy against Turkey was organized by the British Masonic agent Buxton. The Masonic journalist Ahmet Riza, who had been expelled from Turkey, became speaker of the new parliament. He was the foremost leader of the Young Turks (the Donmeh Group). After the successful "revolution", the freemasons exhibited their version of humanitarianism they began killing their political enemies. All high-sounding slogans were forgotten.

When the new Masonic government had been established, the representatives of some fifty lodges founded in Istanbul the Grand Orient Ottoman, whose grand master became Mahomed Orphi Pascha. The political situation in Turkey was controlled by the Jewish Masonic leaders Georges Sursock, David Cohen, and Raphaelo Ricci. These three agitated for the murder of over a million Armenians in 1915. The Minister of the Interior Mehmet Talaat Pascha was primarily responsible. He was killed by an Armenian in 1921.

The high-ranking freemasons and members of the government Enver Pascha Bey and Mehmet Talaat Pascha took power in 1913. When the following year they entered Turkey in the war on the side of Germany, against the orders of the Grand Orient, the international Masonic elite was furious (N. Eggis, "Frimureriet" / "Freemasonry", Halsingborg, 1933, pp. 145-146). The disobedient "brother" Enver Pascha was murdered on 4 August 1922 in Baldschuwan.

Under the sign of Scorpio on 12 November 1912 a Masonic anarchist, Manuel Pardinas, killed the liberal Spanish Prime Minister Jose Canalejas Mendez, while he was strolling on Puerta del Sol in Madrid. Thereafter the assassin took his own life.

Carol I of Romania was poisoned on 10 October 1914 by the Romanian freemasons because of his support of Germany. The freemasons were so eager that they announced the murder in St. Petersburg before it actually had happened.

The freemasons thus deposed, murdered, or appointed monarchs, high-ranking officials, prime ministers and presidents at will. Among their victims are Louis XVI, Leopold II of Austria, Gustavus III of Sweden, Dom Miguel and Dom Petro of Portugal, Don Carlos of Spain, Carlo Alberto of Sardinia, France II of Naples, the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, the dukes of Modena and Parma and many more.

There are freemasons that in ecstasy will raise their great knives and shout in Hebrew: "Nekam Adonai!" The Revenge of Jahve! (Sofia Toll, "The Brothers of the Night", Moscow, 2000, p. 343) The slogan of the Scottish Rite was: "Victory or death!"

Masonic magazines the world over (The American Freemason, The American Tyler, and The Freemason) claimed at several occasions in the 1920s that the First World War was the work of the freemasons, which embodied the final battle for the Masonic ideals.

The German freemason Ernst Freymann admitted after the First World War in his book "Auf den Pfaden der internationalen Freimaurerei" (1931): "It is the world freemasonry that for many years has provoked the annihilating war against Germany and Austria. The world freemasonry is responsible for the murder of the pretender in Sarajevo, through which the world war erupted. It was once again the world freemasonry that in a strictly criminal way destroyed every attempt to achieve a peaceful solution."

The Grand Orient de Belgique acted during the First World War in the criminal spirit of the freemasonry, when the lodge board in 1915 urged its American brothers to oppose the Masonic President Wilson's efforts towards a peace based on status quo (N. Eggis, actually Sigfrid Nilsson, "Frimureriet" / "The Freemasonry", Halsingborg, 1933, p. 154).

Leonid Ratayev, who was head of the Russian intelligence abroad in 1912 designed single methods to effectively combat the freemasonry: "An exposed freemason has lost half his influence, since everyone knows who they are dealing with... But the most important is to strike against the freemasons with their own documents and thus expose them to society the way they are and not the way they appear to be." (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The History of the Russian People in the 20th Century", Moscow, 1997, Volume 1, p. 279)

Edouard Quartier la Tente, who was professor of theology and leader of the International Masonic Central in Neufchatel, stated in one of his speeches: "By spreading the ideas of the Grand Orient of France and by the unification of all brothers in the world humankind would be conquered..." (N. Eggis, actually Sigfrid Nilsson, "Frimureriet" / "The Freemasonry", Halsingborg, 1933, pp. 145-155) This Masonic Central united all lodges (even the un-political ones) all over the world in the effort to establish a world republic (the New Temple of Solomon) under Masonic rule. The central tried to get a larger influence, especially in those lodges that did not recognize political freemasonry.

World freemasonry is involved in a secret game of political cunning, shrouded in cabbalistic allegory, illustrated by diffuse symbols that define the indefinable unlimited evil.

The Double-Dealing of the United States

Whenever serious crimes against humanity have been committed, the United States has in one way or another acted as a grey eminence behind the scenes, inciting and pulling the strings. When the United States goes to war, a certain Masonic pattern is followed. The other party is made to shoot first, or is at least accused of doing so. In this way, the American people are won over in support of an unfair war.

On 15 February 1898, President William McKinley's navy committed treason, when it blew up its own ship, The Maine, in Havana harbour to create a pretext for war with Spain. After this conflict the United States was able to dominate the Western Hemisphere and take control of many islands in the Pacific.

During the First World War, President Thomas Woodrow Wilson and his close associate Edward M. House wanted to lure German submarines into bombing the Lusitania, which was officially a passenger ship but carried three thousand tons of ammunition aimed for the British. Transporting ammunition to a country at war under cover of carrying civilian passengers was illegal. The New York Tribune had published the following satire on 19 June 1913: "An official of the Cunard Steamship Line today confirmed to the Tribune's correspondent that the fast ship Lusitania has been equipped with highly efficient naval guns." Lusitania was registered as an auxiliary destroyer by the British Navy. The German government issued warnings in all New York newspapers that anyone crossing the Atlantic on the Lusitania did so at his own risk, since the ship was carrying ammunition.

The British Admiralty, in a secret memorandum of 10 February 1915, gave instructions on how to camouflage a ship carrying ammunition, making it look like a cargo ship.

Commander Joseph Kenworth of the British Navy intelligence admitted: "It was a deliberate move to send The Lusitania, at very low speed and without escort, into an area known to harbour a submarine."

The German submarine U-20 sank the Lusitania with three torpedoes 12 km outside the south-east coast of Ireland near Kinsale on 7 May 1915, at 2.10 p.m. Two torpedoes hit her amidships, and shortly after a third hit her in the bow. The ship sank in 18 minutes. 1198 people on board (124 of them Americans) were killed. 708 people were rescued. The historian Colin Simpson claims in his book "Lusitania" that her cargo lists had been forged.

After the re-election of President Woodrow Wilson had been secured, the Federal Reserve System initiated a propaganda campaign in favour of the "inevitable war". A well directed "documentary" was screened, showing passengers from the Lusitania being rescued. With the help of this faked film, hatred against the Germans was stirred up. President Wilson concealed all the evidence of the Lusitania's secret mission.

Wilson, who was a high-ranking freemason, fully utilized the sinking of the Lusitania, letting Congress declare war on Germany on 6 April 1917. He gained the support of the American people through a brazen lie that this was "the war to end all wars".

In the 1950s, the British government bombed the area where Lusitania had gone down at a depth of 95 metres to destroy all evidence, in case any independent historian might begin to doubt the official information and undertake a search.

President Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921).

The bringing about of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 followed the same pattern. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) headed by Bernard Baruch was contemplating a plan of provocation, which was to lead to a Japanese attack on the United States. Roosevelt's Secretary of Defense, Harry Stimson, wrote in his diary: "We stand before the difficult question of which acts of diplomacy would ensure Japan to take the blame and the first step."

On 25 July 1941, Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States, decided on a trade embargo, refused Japan access to the Panama Canal and assisted China in its war against Japan. This was revealed by George Morgenstern in his book "Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War" (Costa Mesa, 1991). In July 1941, Roosevelt also blocked all oil deliveries to Japan. The American blockade was an outright declaration of war (Eric D. Butler, "The Red Pattern of World Conquest", Melbourne, 1985, p. 52).

The US Secretary of State, the freemason Dean Acheson, was given the mission of inducing the so-called freeze of Japanese trade, which would inevitably have defeated the country. If Japan did not act, war would follow, the blame would be put on Japan and the result would be defeat and a second class status as well.

Admiral Robert A. Theobold wrote in his book "The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor" (Devin Adair, 1954) that one person alone was responsible for this disaster the President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a freemason of the 32 nd degree of the Scottish Rite.

Roosevelt was initiated as a freemason on 11 October 1911 in the Holland Lodge No. 8 in New York (John Hamill, Robert Gilbert, "Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft", London, 1998, p. 241). He had long been a member of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Holy Shrine Lodge as well as the Architect Lodge No. 519. He was further a grand master of the Grand Lodge Georgia in New York and in the lodge Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America (Kurt Fervers, "Die Parolen der Hochgrade: Freimaurerpolitik um die beiden Weltkriege" / "The Passwords of the High Degrees", Berlin, 1942, p. 143). He became an honorary member of the Stansburg Lodge No. 24 in Washington, D.C.

Four days before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States had intercepted and deciphered Japanese messages about the decision to go to war against the United States and Great Britain. Information about Pearl Harbor reached Roosevelt as well, but he did not act. The retired Colonel John W. Carrothers stated in The San Francisco Chronicle on 11 December 1981 that the United States had an excellent spy network in Japan, consisting of Koreans who despised the Japanese. Complete information about the intended attack was available to Roosevelt 48 hours in advance. Even the Soviet government warned the United States against the planned attack by Japan. The US commander in Hawaii was not informed.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was, among other lodges, a member of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Holy Shrine.

That Roosevelt really was aware of the coming attack, and even lured the Japanese into attacking, is confirmed in the book "The Warlords of Washington" by Anthony Hilder. He never warned his own generals. The director of the FBI, the Freemason J. Edgar Hoover (Federal lodge No. 1, Washington), was equally aware of the attack but kept quiet about it. This provided a suitable excuse for taking part in the Second World War. J. Edgar Hoover preferred to employ Freemasons.

Admiral Robert Theobold's book also refers to the secret Japanese messages concerning the planned attack. They were decoded and sent to the White House. President Roosevelt was not concerned that 2237 Americans were killed in connection with the Japanese attack. He received the pretext he wanted to start a war, killing even more people.

In 1942, more than 110 000 American citizens of Japanese origin were placed in ten concentration camps (among them Manzanar in California), where many of them died.

On 15 February 1942, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Winston Churchill spoke on the radio, where he said: "The plan worked to perfection, because public opinion reacted exactly as I had wished" (The New York Times, 16 February 1942).

In order to provoke the Korean War, the Masonic Grand Master Harry S. Truman followed the same pattern. First, the US forces were deliberately moved out of Korea in mid-1949. According to Professor Bruce Cummings, Secretary of State Dean Acheson made a speech on 12 January 1950 before the National Press Club in Washington, where he made it clear that South Korea was no longer a part of the US sphere of interest in Asia. The British historian Paul Johnson did not understand anything, and thought it ill-considered (Paul Johnson, "Modern Times", New York, 1983). Of course, it was a well-considered speech.

Six weeks before the Korean War, Tom Connally, freemason and chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, excluded Korea from the American sphere of interest. The signal given to the communists was even more obvious. The attack from North Korea then followed just at the right moment.

On Sunday 25 June 1950, at 4 a.m., when a third of the small South Korean army was at home on leave, 120 000 communist soldiers armed with 126 Soviet tanks and 1400 howitzers crossed the border. The Korean War had begun, the war which the US political leaders had no intention of winning. Five star General Douglas MacArthur was made supreme commander over US and other units fighting under the UN flag.

The Chinese communist dictator Mao Zedong had sent his troops to the Yalu River. When MacArthur gave the order to bomb the bridges to prevent the Chinese troops getting across, Truman revoked the order (William T. Still, "New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies", Lafayette, Louisiana, 1990, p. 173). The Chinese units stormed across border on 26 November 1950 and managed to occupy Seoul. Soviet aircraft were also used in the fighting.

General MacArthur was far too successful in his eagerness to crush the communists. He was able to throw the communists out of South Korea, and intended also to overthrow the North Korean regime, and to bomb North Korean bases and the Chinese airfields. This did not suit Wall Street. General MacArthur eventually managed to push the communists across the Yalu River back into China.

President Harry Truman ordered the US Navy (Seventh Fleet) to prevent Chiang Kaishek from attacking the Chinese mainland. Prior to this, Truman had denied Chiang Kaishek's request to join with his anti-communist troops in the battle against the North Koreans and the Chinese Red Army.

"That there was some leak of intelligence was evident to everyone. [General Walton] Walker continually complained... that his operations were known to the enemy in advance through sources in Washington... Information must have been relayed to them, assuring that the Yalu bridges would continue to enjoy sanctuary and their bases would be left intact. They knew they could swarm across the Yalu River without having to worry about bombers hitting their Manchurian supply lines." (Robert O'Driscoll. "The New World Order and the Throne of the Antichrist", Toronto, 1993, pp. 374-375).

When MacArthur began to threaten Chinese communism (his aim was to destroy Communist China using nuclear weapons), President Truman ordered him to return the communist territory in North Korea. MacArthur refused to obey this order, which he considered treason, although he was a freemason of the 32 nd degree (Manila Lodge No. 1). He was replaced with General Matthew Ridgway (CFR) on 11 April 1951. Korea remained divided. On his return to the United States, MacArthur received a hero's welcome from the Congress and the people. It was not possible to charge him with refusing to obey orders. Even the Soviet-Estonian encyclopaedia admits that MacArthur was discharged because of his intention of extending the war to the territory of the People's Republic of China.

The Korean War lasted three years. The United States lost 37 000 men killed, and 106 000 wounded. The UN lost 14 000 and South Korea 350 000. China, however, lost one million soldiers and North Korea 1 650 000. One in three American prisoners of war in North Korea died as well. The Korean War gave enormous profits to the US arms industry. Not until 27 June 1953 did the combatants sign a separate peace treaty.

The United States was always able to look after "its" interests, even if the communists disagreed. Stalin was not happy about Iran, when negotiating with Roosevelt in November-December 1943. He was unwilling to remove his troops from northern Iran. Roosevelt then explained to him that the interests of Washington demanded that the Red Army withdraw from Iran six months after the end of the war. Stalin delayed this until the spring of 1946, when President Truman presented him with an ultimatum, threatening to use force if necessary. In April 1946, Stalin agreed. A similar ultimatum could well have been presented to the Kremlin concerning Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, but Wall Street wished otherwise.

If the Masonic interests demanded it, various states were "delivered" to the communists. When the anti-communist General George Patton, against the will of the White House, pushed into Czechoslovakia, Truman was furious and demanded immediate withdrawal of American troops from that country. Patton obeyed the order reluctantly. Large numbers of frightened Czech intellectuals watched the American troops as they withdrew before the onslaught of the Red Army. Patton demanded the use of arms against Moscow. He was subsequently murdered in West Germany by an American special agent (Spotlight, 22 October 1979).

The British Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery also acted against the will of Truman and Eisenhower by saving Denmark from the Red Army in the spring of 1945. The red resistance movement had already seized control of the coastal town of Bogense. With the tacit support of the Danes and Montgomery, the Germans quickly finished off the reds, and then surrendered to the British on 5 May 1945.

On 9 May, the Red Army invaded Bornholm, the large isolated Danish island in the Baltic. The Allies could no longer deliver Denmark to Moscow, however. It would have appeared just too strange in the eyes of the public.

The Germans intended to move some of their troops to Bornholm and to surrender there to the British. They were unwilling to surrender to the Russians. The British neglected to send anyone to receive the surrender. The Red Army took the opportunity to at least sever Bornholm off from Denmark.

In Copenhagen, no one reacted to the distress calls coming from the island. On 7 May 1945, at 12.40 p. m. Soviet planes began bombing Bornholm. The towns were destroyed. In R0nne, 90 % of the houses were damaged. Nex0 suffered up to 95% damages. Many Danish people were killed. Copenhagen was informed but Danish Radio kept silent about the events on the island. Eventually a journalist managed to get to Sweden on board a fishing boat. From Ystad in southern Sweden, he sent a report to the Danish press about the Soviet terror on Bornholm. Only after the publication of this report did Danish Radio wake up.

On 9 May, Soviet troops arrived on Bornholm, where 150 front soldiers immediately began to plunder, rob and steal. They were particularly keen on watches. They then began to rape the women. The Soviet military leadership established a communist dictatorship. Eventually more than 8000 Soviet soldiers were stationed on the island, drinking and committing acts of violence. A few of the worst vandals were executed, however.

The Soviet military, which claimed they had come to defeat the Nazis, had no intention of leaving the island. The local population was concerned, and painted all houses black. The islanders were beginning to hate the Soviet Union.

On 16 March 1946, the first rumours were heard that the Russians might leave the island. On 5 April, the last of the NKVD soldiers left Bornholm. This was the same day that the Soviet troops withdrew from northern Iran. The Masonic elite had second thoughts about Denmark.

It later became known that as early as 23 April 1945, a Soviet people's commissar had demanded that the Red Army be allowed to take Bornholm. On 24 April, orders were given that the Bornholm operation should go ahead, and on 4 May the time had come to act. General Ivan Batov let the Danish major Holger Jorgensen copy certain documents, when after many years, he paid a visit to Bornholm. It was Batov's soldiers who had occupied the island.

When the Indo-Chinese Communist Party seized power in all of Vietnam in August 1945, the financiers of Wall Street were pleased. The conservative French head of government, Charles de Gaulle, who felt a certain responsibility towards Vietnam as a former French colony, intervened, and in September 1945 he tried to overthrow the communists in the southern part of the country. This irritated the United States that demanded that France interrupt its actions to get rid of the communists in January 1946. France was forced to recognize the "democratic" People's Republic of Vietnam.

As the communist terror intensified, the French government ignored Washington and in December 1946 initiated new attempts at overthrowing the communists. The French were so successful that in 1949, the Republic of Vietnam was established in the southern part of the country, ruled by the Emperor Bao Dai. But the French expeditionary units failed to remove the communists from the whole country. The French surrendered in 1954, after the fall of the jungle fortress Dien Bien Phu. In accordance with the Geneva agreement, France was made to withdraw its troops from Vietnam, which was then divided. The freemasons abolished the empire in the south in 1955.

The US Saigon Military Mission moved more than one million North Vietnamese to the south in 1954-55. 957 000 were flown to South Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands were persuaded to walk. They lacked food and money and therefore turned into gangs of bandits who stole what they needed, while being susceptible to the red doctrine, which was created and served to them by the super capitalists together with their poverty. American "political experts" called these bandit gangs "rebellious forces", who should be fought. This transport operation was related by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, former head of special operations, on Radio Free America on 13 April 1955.

Beginning in 1955, the United States was delivering arms to the Republic of Vietnam in order to "stop" the spread of communism in Asia, according to the programme signed by President Truman in 1950. The freemasons wanted to begin to fight against problems they themselves had caused. They wanted war in Vietnam.

In 1961, communist activities intensified. The United States sent 300 military advisers to Vietnam. The year after, they sent 10 000. On 20 December 1960, the communists founded the FLN (the National Liberation Force). Their aim was to take back the territory lost to the French. The Soviet Union gave them all conceivable assistance.

Communist aggression against the Republic of Vietnam began in August 1964. A day or so later, a gigantic fraud was enacted in the Bay of Bac Bo, aimed at giving the United States a reason for entering the war (the Gulf of Tonkin incident). The American destroyer Maddox opened fire on a stormy and empty sea, with no enemy ships in sight. The next day, the plan was to retaliate against North Vietnam, even though the destroyers never suffered an enemy attack. This was told by the fighter pilot Jim Stockdale, who was present at the time.

As early as 7 August 1964, President Lyndon Johnson got the authority from Congress to use American troops against the communist attack. In March 1965, American troops landed in South Vietnam. In the autumn of 1965, the United States involved other countries in the conflict.

In spite of an ever-increasing American presence, the communists kept pressing further south. At the end of 1968, 543 000 American soldiers were fighting in Vietnam. According to the Soviet-Estonian encyclopedia, Soviet support to the communists in the north covered 70 % of the cost of war. In 1973, Moscow announced that this was not due for repayment.

The United States merely intended to extend the conflict, and US played a foul game. Robert McNamara (CFR), Kennedy's secretary of defense at the beginning of the Vietnam War and later head of the World Bank, openly admitted that the United States never really tried to win the war. It was a disaster for millions of people.

When the communists seized Saigon, the Secretary General of the Vietnamese Communist Party, Le Duan, said that the standard of living in South Vietnam must be lowered. He stressed that the people in the south had "achieved a standard of living too high for the country's economy". This would mean the opposite of a happy and civilized life. In January 1977, there were already 200 000 political prisoners in Vietnam (Paul Johnson, "Modern Times", New York, 1983).

On 18 March 1969, pressurized by President Richard Nixon's Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, the United States launched an attack on Cambodia with B-52 bombers from high altitude in order to "demolish the NLF bases" there. Each of the planes dropped some thirty tons of bombs. The intensive bombing went on for fourteen months. More sporadic attacks continued until 15 August 1973, when the US Congress pushed through a stop. In total, 540 000 tons of bombs were dropped on Cambodia.

In his book "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" (2001), the journalist Christopher Hitchens presents evidence that Kissinger is liable to prosecution for the instigation of murder in Santiago (Chile), Nicosia (Cyprus), and Washington D.C., war crimes in Vietnam, the bombing of Cambodia, massacres in Bangladesh in 1971 and as well as genocide in East Timor in 1975. This has not yet been done.

Prince Norodom Sihanouk was no longer able to control the situation in Cambodia, where many areas had become effective bases for the communists. General Lon Nol subsequently carried out a coup d'etat, overthrowing Prince Sihanouk with the help of the CIA on 18 March 1970. In April of that year American and South Vietnamese troops were let into Cambodia to "save the country from communism". In this way, Lon Nol, who had appointed himself "marshal", forced "the Khmer Republic" into the war in Indo-China. Close to two million peasants fled to the capital, which already had one million inhabitants. The Finnish investigating commission estimated that American warfare in Cambodia had cost the lives of at least 600 000 people. In May 1970, American troops entered Laos as well.

The American military equipment for Lon Nol's regime was insured by the national Soviet insurance agency (Gostrakh), according to Chinese sources ("Soviet Foreign Policy: Social Imperialism", Chinese Embassy, Helsinki, 1977, p. 10). The same source states that Czechoslovakia manufactured arms for Lon Nol in a factory inside Cambodia. At the same time, Peking supported the Red Khmer, while Moscow stood behind the Vietnamese red terrorists, who according to Gary Allen, also received arms from the United States.

Soon, many of Lon Nol's supporters realized that they had been shamelessly used, and joined the democratic movement behind Sihanouk. Thus the communist Pol Pot Kmaekroh movement was helped to power on 17 April 1975, indirectly by the United States and directly by China. Pol Pot (actually Saloth Sar) renamed the country Kampuchea (the original name Cambodia was taken back after the fall of the communist regime in 1989). This was the beginning of an unequalled reign of terror. On the Thai border were 6000 men belonging to the khmerserei guerrilla, which represented democracy. They did not receive any aid from the United States. On the other hand, 25 000 Red Khmer terrorists continuously and secretly received Western aid, according to a British documentary, "Cambodia the Year Zero", by the Australian journalist John Pilger. Between 1975 and 1979, some two million people were killed in Kampuchea (of a population of eight million), under the motto of Pol Pot: "Keep them no gain. Exterminate them no loss. We will burn away the old grass, so the new will grow."

The operation had been planned two years before by a group of ideologists belonging to the political lodge Angka Loeu (The Higher Organization). Their aim was to implement all communist Chinese principles at once (in China itself it took 25 years). Everything from the past was to be destroyed and annihilated. Angka Loeu consisted of a score of intellectuals (teachers and bureaucrats). Of the eight leaders (Khieu Samphan, May Mann, Ieng Sary, Nuon Chea, Son Sen, Pol Pot and others), five were teachers, one a university professor, one an economist and one a bureaucrat, according to Paul Johnson. All had studied in France in the early 1950s, and there become members of the French Communist Party and freemasons, learning from the leaders of the Martinist Order that the use of violence was good for society, a "truth" eagerly propagated by the radical leftwing freemasons.

Kenneth Quinn, of the US State Department, had received information about the plans of Angka Loeu, and wrote a report about the planned mass murder, dated 20 February 1974 ("Political Change in Wartime: The Khmer Krahom Revolution in Southern Cambodia 197074", American Science Association, 4 September 1975). The plan stated that "individual members of society must be mentally reconstructed" and that "the traditional foundations, structures and forces, which have shaped and governed the life of an individual must be torn down, using terror and other means". After this, the individual would be "rebuilt in accordance to party doctrine, replacing old values with new ones". This reeks of freemasonry. The American leadership did not intend to interfere with such a plan. One does not to disturb one's Masonic brothers when they follow international instructions.

The carnage in Cambodia began on 17 April 1975, when the Red Khmer, young indoctrinated peasant soldiers entered the capital Pnomh Penh, the home of three million people. The violence began at 7 a. m. with attacks on Chinese shops. The first murders were committed at 8. 45. At 10 a. m., the soldiers opened fire on everyone they saw in the streets, in order to cause panic, so that everyone fled the city.

All hospitals were evacuated. Rockets were fired towards any house showing signs of movement. In the evening, the water was turned off. No officers were in sight. The intellectual freemasons who had planned these evil deeds, to build a society without cities or money, did not appear. The Red Khmer took the women and small children to the killing fields.

All ties of friendship were banned. Only dark clothes were allowed, brightly coloured clothes were regarded as expressions of individualism.

This was typical of the Masonic humanism that spread from France to other parts of the world. The leaders of the Revolution (all freemasons) had declared, in 1793: "We will rather turn all of France into a graveyard than fail." (Guy Lenotre, "The Mass Drownings in Nantes", Stockholm, 1913, p. 157) Compassion with the victims was regarded as criminal (ibid, p. 153). The Masonic leaders wanted to be rid of the royalists and the enemies of the people, whom they regarded as "superfluous mouths". Among the victims were women and children. The mass drownings in the Loire River were called "floods", and were organized by the Common Welfare Committee (13 members, all freemasons).

The Red Khmer had learned much from this "revolutionary" terror imposed on the French by Jewish freemasons.

In April 1976, the leader of Angka Loeu, Khieu Samphan, became head of state and was replaced as chief of government by another fanatic middle class "revolutionary", Pol Pot.

Pol Pot often had his victims buried alive. He gave orders to torture 20 000 women and children to death. In all, 90% of the intellectuals were murdered. The Red Khmer even assaulted villages in the neighbouring countries. On 28 January 1977, the Red Khmer killed the inhabitants of three Thai villages, before burning their houses, according to a Reader's Digest article of January 1979.

Khieu Samphan admitted to an Italian journalist in August 1976, that one million "war criminals" had died, according to Paul Johnson.

In a quick invasion the Vietnamese forces defeated Pol Pot, and occupied Kampuchea on 25 December 1978. On 7 January 1979, a new regime was installed under Heng Samrin, who received Soviet aid (with the help of the United States). On 11 January the People's Republic of Kampuchea was proclaimed.

The Red Khmer continued to receive aid from the West. During the following years, Pol Pot was still supported by the United States and China as well as their allies, among them Thatcher's Great Britain. Although the Red Khmer had ceased to exist in January 1979, its members were still allowed to represent Cambodia in the UN.

In 1981, the high-ranking freemason Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's national security adviser, declared: "I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot." He admitted that the United States "turned a blind eye" to the fact that China sent arms to the Red Khmer via Thailand (John Pilger's article "They Supported a Mass Murderer").

This was the same Brzezinski, who in 1979 had openly admitted that "the world is changing under the influence of forces ungovernable by any government", according to Paul Johnson.

Pol Pot's activities in exile had been secretly financed by the United States since January 1980. The extent of this aid 85 million dollars between 1980 and 1986 was shown by a letter to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. The CIA ensured that humanitarian aid went to the Red Khmer bases. Two American aid workers, Linda Mason and Roger Brown, later reported: "The US government insisted that the Red Khmer should receive food..." (John Pilger)

Following American pressure, the World Food Program sent food valued at 12 million dollars to the Thai army, to be delivered to the Red Khmer. "Between 20 000 and 40 000 of the Red Khmer soldiers received this aid", according to Richard Holbrooke, who was an assistant secretary of state at the time. The food convoys were paid for by the Western governments.

The senior officer of the Red Khmer prison camp was the notorious mass murderer Nam Phann (the right hand of Pol Pot), known to the aid workers as the Butcher.

The former Deputy Director of the CIA, Ray Cline, paid a secret visit to the Red Khmer operative headquarters. Cline was at the time President Ronald Reagan's national security adviser.

Until 1989, Britain's role in Cambodia remained secret. Simon O'Dwyer-Russell, foreign correspondent of The Sunday Telegraph, revealed then that British SAS units trained Pol Pot's units. They were all veterans of the Falklands War, commanded by a captain. Later on, Jane's Defence Weekly reported that this kind of training had been taking place at secret bases in Thailand for more than four years.

Pol Pot was assured by his Masonic masters that he would never have to face charges of crimes against humanity. This promise was officially made in 1990. The UN presented a "peace plan", in which all mention of genocide had been omitted.

The UN Commission on Human Rights voted down a resolution dealing with "atrocities of a genocidal character, committed in particular when the Red Khmer were in power". The prime movers behind this concession were the United States and China. The UN commission decided that its member states no longer would "trace, arrest, deliver or prosecute those responsible for crimes against humanity in Kampuchea". Governments were no longer under obligation to "prevent those responsible for acts of genocide in 197578 to return to power". This is not what they say of the Nazis.

The Peking gangster regime, together with the US and British governments, supported Pol Pot's soldiers and supplied them with modern arms, which enabled them to execute their raids of terror into the country from neighbouring Thailand.

On 25 June 1991, the British government finally admitted that the SAS had secretly trained Pol Pot's "resistance movement" since 1983. The Guardian wrote that "the SAS training was a criminally irresponsible and cynical political act".

When the Red Khmer were welcomed back to Phnom Penh by UN officials, the Australian general John Sanderson, in a filmed interview, refused to condemn the Red Khmer as responsible for the genocide.

A Cambodian lawyer pointed out: "All foreigners who have been involved must be put on trial... Madeleine Albright, Margaret Thatcher, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush." His ambition was to prosecute them and make them explain to the world why they had supported the Red Khmer. But that is not likely to happen.

In 1998, Khieu Samphan asked his countrymen to forget the past to enable the country to look forward. The Western Masonic leaders would also feel better, if Cambodia failed to come to terms with its past.

CIA used the confusion around the Vietnam War as a cover for large-scale drug trafficking wholesale from the so-called golden triangle. This was revealed by Professor Alfred W. McCoy in his thorough investigation, "The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade" (New York, 1991). The drugs were sent to the United States inside the bodies of dead soldiers.

Meanwhile, Wall Street had decided that all of Vietnam should be delivered to the communists. This intention was announced by President Richard Nixon on 22 January 1969. He called it "vietnamization" of the war. In August 1969, the United States began to withdraw its troops, while Wall Street at the same time increased its aid to the communists, who were using Cambodia and Laos as their bases. Laos was in the hands of the communist Pathet Lao.

On 29 March 1973, the US brought its last troops home from Vietnam, and in April 1973 all of Vietnam was communist. A dreadful reign of terror began, which the Western press has kept quiet about.

With the help of Moscow, communist Pathet Lao took all of Laos in June 1975. On 2 December 1975, Laos was declared a people's democratic republic, ruled by "proletarian dictatorship".

Soviet sources (among them the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia) admitted that the Vietnam War was a "collision between two different world systems". This was exactly what Wall Street had in mind. In Vietnam, 58 022 Americans died, while 300 000 were wounded and 2300 went missing. In addition, two million Vietnamese died, and 554 000 boat refugees invaded the neighbouring countries. The cost of the war was at least 150 billion dollars.

Due to its useless economic system, Vietnam began a national programme of growing and selling opium to pay its debts to the American banks. This was revealed by a defected politburo member, Hoang Van Hoan, with the help of classified documents. In 1984, Vietnam's foreign debt ran to 3 billion dollars (Wall Street Journal, 8 March 1984). Mao Zedong also delivered drugs to the Mafia in the United States (Asian Outlook, Taipei, January 1973, p. 13).

On 14 July 1958, the Masonic socialists, headed by General Abdul Karim Kassem, seized power in Iraq. King Faisal II was brutally executed. Iraq became a Masonic republic, even though the lodges were closed.

The Iraqi socialist dictator Saddam Hussein, who had come to power in July 1979 and started to execute freemasons, did not march into Kuwait, a former Iraqi province, on his own initiative in 1990. It was the American Ambassador to Baghdad, April Glaspie, who on 25 July 1990 tricked Saddam Hussein into believing that the Kuwait issue was not vital to America, if he wanted to take the northern part of Kuwait. Saddam Hussein trusted the Americans, since President Ronald Reagan's administration had secretly supplied Iraq with information and arms during the war against Iran. The United States initiated a decisive aid programme to Iraq in 1982, after American intelligence had announced that there was considerable risk that Iraq would be defeated by Iran. Via Egypt, the Iraqis received tanks, helicopters, and equipment for their nuclear energy programme and substances for the production of biological weapons (Newsweek, 23 September 2002).

Eventually, the United States blew up Iran's oilrigs, attacked its patrol boats, and even killed 290 Iranians by shooting down an Iranian passenger plane. A few weeks later, Iran ceased all hostilities. Teheran was afraid of an American attack.

It was Rockefeller who had encouraged Iraq to wage war on Iran. The Iran-Iraq War went on from 1980 to 1988, and cost more than 650 000 lives. Iraq lost 150 000 soldiers, Iran lost 500 000.

On 31 July 1990, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern affairs, John Kelly, testified to Congress: "The United States has no commitment to defend Kuwait and the US has no intention of defending Kuwait, if it is attacked by Iraq."

Eight days after April Glaspie's conversation with Saddam Hussein, on 2 August 1990, Iraqi troops invaded and occupied Kuwait. Transcripts of the meeting was published on 1 October 1990 in Time Magazine. This was followed by the secretary of state's fit of rage against April Glaspie. But it was too late. No one took the State Department denial seriously.

In March 1991, April Glaspie was questioned by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, where she admitted that the conversation with Saddam Hussein had really taken place. The United States used similar tactics to set a trap for the Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic.

The American ambassador, as well as the British and Soviet ambassadors, left Kuwait two days before the attack.

George Bush's plan for Saddam Hussein was to lead him into a trap, where the only way out was by doing the dirty work for the international oil industry, while at the same time limiting his ability to threaten Israel. The aim of the United States was for Saddam Hussein to kill 300 000 Arabs living in the delta marshes of southern Iraq, who were in the way of the oil companies.

The United States tried to involve the UN in a military intervention to liberate the emirate, thereby increasing the pressure on Saddam Hussein, but they were met with initial resistance against Operation Desert Storm. The atmosphere changed, however, in October 1990, when a Kuwaiti nurse and a surgeon from Kuwait City, in tears before a human rights commission, told of how the Iraqi barbarians had gone berserk in the hospitals of the occupied capital. They had crushed the incubators, throwing the newborn babies on the floor and letting them die there. The tale caused indignation all over the world and made a decisive contribution to the cause of those promoting a military intervention against Iraq.

The lies were exposed in March 1992. The story about the incubator killings had been invented by an advertising agency in New York, which had received 20 million dollars from the exiled emir of Kuwait. The man who had testified was not a surgeon, and the "refugee girl" was the daughter of a Kuwaiti diplomat. Both had been made to practise their "eye witness statements" for days, and had received English tuition specifically for that purpose.

Operation Desert Storm cost one billion dollars a day. The allies, led by the United States, killed some 500 000 Iraqi soldiers, according to former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark. He admitted in Stockholm on 5 December 1991, that the allies had annihilated an entire Iraqi division moving north after the ceasefire of 26 February 1991. Thousands of soldiers were buried, alive or dead, in the trenches. According to the rules of war, wounded enemy soldiers must be given medical treatment.

The Jewish-American historian Dr John Coleman revealed that President George Bush gave orders to kill 150 000 Iraqi soldiers, that made up a military convoy marked with white flags, heading out of Kuwait, back to Iraq. 60 000 tons of bombs were dropped on areas that were not meant to be hit and did not constitute "strategic targets". The water supply system was destroyed. Although there were pictures taken of the 150 000 charred bodies of Iraqi soldiers, it was never shown on television.

Civilian casualties were estimated at more than 25 000 during the bombing war, but that number was multiplied later due to the sanctions. 250 000 Iraqi children under five years of age had died by August 1991. By May 2000, half a million Iraqi children had died, according to Hans von Sponeck, senior UN official in Iraq in 2000. His job was to carry out the punishment of millions of innocent people. According to the Australian journalist John Pilger, American and British aircraft have bombed Iraq on an almost daily basis for the period 1997-2001. The press has ignored this, except when President George W. Bush bombed Iraq on 16 February 2001.

During the summer and autumn of 2002, George W. Bush began to prepare a new attack on Iraq, aimed at "overthrowing" Saddam Hussein. His real intention, however, was to destroy OPEC and take over control of oil prices and the main oil fields. George W. Bush has personal interests in oil production. The intention of the United States is to create chaos in the Middle East, according to Mo Mowlan, Tony Blair's former secretary for Northern Ireland, as reported in The Guardian. She claims that the idea of Iraq being a threat to world peace is a fabrication. The ulterior aims are entirely different, pursued under the pretext of the so-called war on terrorism.

On 12 May 1996, Leslie Stahl asked Madeleine Albright, then US ambassador to the UN, in the CBS magazine Sixty Minutes: "We have heard that a half million children have died (as a result of sanctions against Iraq). I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Albright replied: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it."

In this situation, refugees appeared who were to destabilize the Western world under the label 'the multi-cultural society'. This was deliberate. Hans von Sponeck told an audience of 70 0 at Kensington Town Hall, London, on 6 May 2000 that the international community forces every Iraqi man, woman and child to live on 252 dollars per year. British media never mentioned this public meeting. As far as they are concerned, this genocide never took place.

John Pilger's documentary "Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq" (2000) shows Britain bombing Iraqi sheep and children working as shepherds in the summer of 1999. At first, the British Ministry of Defence denied this outrage, but presented with the evidence they claimed that NATO has a right to defend itself. Presumably the children and their sheep constituted a serious threat to NATO and EU. Almost half the victims of the Iraqi bombings have been civilians.

In the war against Iraq, depleted uranium was officially used for the first time in armour-breaking missiles. These caused radiation injuries in the American soldiers as well. A group of specialists, who examined 17 war veterans, were able to show that two thirds of them had uranium in the urine as well as in the bones. 67 per cent of the children born to 251 American veteran families after the Kuwaiti war were deformed in various ways: they lacked eyes or ears, their fingers had grown together, or they had breathing problems.

When a projectile containing uranium explodes, intense heat is emitted, and a large portion of the uranium is pulverised. That is the dust that American and British as well as Iraqi soldiers inhaled. But depleted uranium does not contain U 236. Depleted uranium is a low-grade radioactive heavy metal (2.5 times heavier than steel) obtained as a by-product when enriching uranium 235.

French scientists drew another conclusion these missiles must have contained atomic waste (uranium 238), which is more highly radioactive. A one-day exposure corresponds to a yearly dose. This type of uranium causes a slow death of cancer, incurable kidney damage and immune deficiency diseases. This explains why Pentagon and NATO have issued threats against those scientists who came too close to the truth. The arms were manufactured by Honeywell and Aerojet among others, both controlled by freemasonry. The British Atomic Energy Agency (AEA) has, according to The Independent, warned against radiation risks following the Kuwait war.

The lead contained in the warheads of target-seeking missiles was replaced with uranium 238 to increase their density and thus their mass. Penetrating power is thereby increased when the missile hits a tank. Uranium 238 is a by-product obtained when enriching nuclear fuel.

Eric Hopkins stated in The New York Times on 21 January 1993, that the United States had polluted Iraq and Kuwait with more than 40 tons of uranium. He stressed that the Iraqi troops did not have access to such a substance. Almost half the country is polluted with radioactive dust, and large areas of arable land are destroyed. Pentagon claims that depleted uranium has a very low radiation effect. But when the United States tested this inhumane weapon in New Mexico, the military feared that the groundwater would be polluted.

Not until July 2002 did it become known that the Americans had polluted Iraq with close to 800 tons of depleted uranium (that is atomic waste).

Andres Brahme, professor of medical radiation physics at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, after the war visited hospitals in southern Iraq with children with very severe deformities, such as only one eye in the middle of the forehead. He believed the deformities were caused by substances in the depleted uranium, which had spread as clouds of dust after the explosion.

The Americans and the British also used the devastating FAE (Fuel/Air Explosive) bombs against Iraqi troops. These bombs of 1000 kilos contain an ethylene-oxide aerosol and cause a tremendous overpressure (roughly 70 atm.), destroying virtually everything within an area of 5000 square metres. There are also 7500 kg FAE bombs.

In a documentary, "Saddam Hussein's Genocide" by Michael Wood, British ITV revealed how the political leadership of the United States had instigated the mass murder of the Arabs in the delta. This was confirmed by several witnesses and documents. Prior to this, however, the Kurds in the north, and the Shiite Muslims in the south would pay a high price for their trust in the United States. On 12 January 1991, the US Congress authorized George H. Bush to declare war on Iraq, unless the Iraqi forces left Kuwait within three days. That Iraq could not possible do.

On 13 February 1991, George Bush admonished: "The military and the Iraqi people can take it into their own hands and force Saddam Hussein to resign, so that Iraq can join the peace loving nations. We have no dispute with the Iraqi people..."

This provocation was as false as that which, via The Voice of America, was aimed at Hungary in the autumn of 1956. Then also an oppressed people were given false hope of an American intervention.

President Bush encouraged the Kurds to revolt. The Shiite Muslims believed that Bush's provocation was a serious token of US support and began revolting in southern Iraq. Following this, General Norman Schwartzkopf gave the Iraqi army a free hand to drown the Shiite rebellion in blood. The United States could not allow Saddam Hussein to fall.

The ITV documentary showed an interview with Laurie Mylroie, one of the leading analysts in Washington, who had seen transcripts of the ceasefire negotiations. According to Mylroie, on 26 March the United States made a decision intended as a signal to Saddam Hussein to crush the rebellion. General Schwartzkopf encouraged the Iraqi army to use helicopters. The same day, the United States made clear that Iraqi helicopters would not be shot down, even when flying over allied troops. From Washington it was explained to Schwartzkopf that the helicopters were taking part in an operation aimed at overthrowing Saddam Hussein. Of course, no such thing was to happen. This particular circumstance amazed the world. The US interests were completely different, which was made clear by the ITV documentary.

When, in April 1991, the Kurds began to negotiate with the Iraqis about their autonomy (the United States had no objections against this), the head of Iraq's Kurdish military intelligence service reported that Iraq had killed 300 000 people in the south. The killings continued. In the marshy delta between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, dams were built, and the water in the marshes was poisoned. Livestock was killed. Houses and crops were bombed with napalm and incendiary bombs. Those who survived were forced to leave. Thanks to US encouragement, Saddam Hussein managed to kill seven per cent of the local population. No one condemned this mass murder.

The documentary showed a little girl saying that US and Britain regard those who kill people as murderers. She asked: "Saddam killed my father. Why is he not seen as a criminal?"

It was revealed that the so-called blockade was a fraud, since Iraq rebuilt 80% of its arms industry with foreign aid. Saddam Hussein's position was strengthened by the sanctions. The US State Department refused to answer the reporter Michael Woods about its Iraqi policy.

At the end of the documentary, the real motive behind the mass murder was exposed. The French companies ELF and Total and other international corporations, intended to begin extracting oil in the area after getting rid of the marshland Arabs and draining the area. Any Arabs who tried to remain there were to be killed. The Masonic psychopaths thrive on the suffering of others.

The Kuwaiti government subsequently gave former president George H. Bush and his sons Neil and Marvin "fat" deals. In his book "Two Faces of George Bush" (Dresden, N. Y., 1988), Antony C. Sutton revealed that George Bush also had been involved in drug deals as leader of the Contra cocaine ring.

Scott Ritter, an American Marine and arms inspector who had worked for Unscom since its inception in 1991, claimed in an interview with The New York Post (December 1998) that the round of inspections in Iraq only had one purpose provoking a new war. In other words, Richard Butler's report on Iraq was a bluff. President Bill Clinton wanted an excuse to launch an attack.

The Italian newspaper, La Repubblica, revealed on 3 August 1993, in the article "Looking for Oil in Somalia" that the United States in Somalia really were after the abundant oil wells and the strategically important metals tungsten and uranium. They had entered Somalia as humanitarian aid functionaries. When Operation Restore Hope was begun, the United States sided with General Mohammed Farah Aidid, who was the leader of a gang of robbers called the Habir Ghedir clan. The American oil company Conoco played a decisive role in connection with this. In exchange for military support, Aidid agreed to give Conoco monopoly to the oil prospecting. Later, the Hawale clan leader Ali Mahdi signed a "preliminary agreement" with Conoco that once again was given prospecting rights after the war.

It was then decided to get rid of Aidid, who was presented by the propaganda as the devil incarnate. Conoco belongs to the Masonic family DuPont, who took part in the financing of the Soviet Union as well as Nazi Germany. The assets of Eleuthere and Samuel DuPont increased from 83 million dollars to 308 million dollars during the First World War.

The editor-in-chief of the Italian financial newspaper Il Globo Oro 12, Enzo Garretti, revealed that behind the Somali operation were, except for the oil magnates, also the finance companies Goldman Sachs and Salomon Brothers (the latter has also lent money to the Swedish government). Garretti wrote: "The shadow of Wall Street lies over Somalia."

The same shadow also lies over the European Union. It is at the same time the shadow of freemasonry, since Wall Street has always served the interests of international freemasonry, which among other things dictates a drastic reduction in world population. For this very reason, hundreds of armed conflicts have been stirred up after the Second World War.


Architects of Deception Part XXII


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  2. Hello,
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