Nazism and Freemasonry
Communist as well as national socialist ideology came out of the secret Illuminati movement. The ideologies are like two aspects of the same social doctrine. When Hitler came to power, he ordered the celebration of the First of May (the Illuminati order had been founded on 1 May 1776). Fascism was of the same Illuministic branch three. The purpose was to totally shatter our traditional world, which was built on spiritual values, replacing it with materialistic quasi- values.
Alfred Rosenberg was ordered to use masonic values in Nazi ideology (Helmut Neuberger, "Freimaurerei und National-Sozialismus" / "Freemasonry and National Socialism", Hamburg, 1980, pp. 62-63).
The masonic lodges were enormously influential in Austrian society, Vienna in particular, at the end of the 19th century. But Hitler makes no mention of this in "Mein Kampf". The book reveals nothing about freemasonry. The reader has the impression that Hitler obeyed the masonic code of silence. On the whole, the book is reminiscent of the dull Soviet party literature.
In the spring of 1933, the German Ministry of the Interior sent an important letter (document No. 8540 in the Special Archives) to the Illuminati, claiming that there was no longer any need for secret contacts in Germany to protect Illuminati interests. When the Nazis assumed power, the aims of the Illuminati had been adopted by the state itself. Therefore they had no reason to continue their activities in Germany. The letter proved the Nazis and the Illuminati to have the same aim: to destroy the Old World and "to build" a new and better one. This is not what happened, however (Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow 1999, pp. 586-5 88).
In June 1933, the Illuminati leadership issued a circular to its lodges. The document reported that the Illuminati Order had been dissolved as a result of the Nazi seizure of power. At the same time the Illuminati headquarters sent a message to the police headquarters that the order was being reorganized to become the Illuminati World League. The reorganization had begun as early as in 1926.
Lists of all Illuminati members were handed over to the German authorities. In 1932, large numbers of new members had been recruited (document No. 8543). Himmler was active in several organizations connected to the Illuminati.
A new masonic lodge was founded in Konigsberg in 1934. Others had been renamed in order to emphasize the "Christian foundation".
An overall demand to dissolve the masonic lodges came in 1935. This was a reaction to the masonic declaration of war on Germany on 5 January 1935. On this day, the B'nai B'rith president Alfred Cohen had declared war on Germany in the name of all Jews, freemasons and Christians. The war against the German people went on even after the Wehrmacht surrender in May 1945.
This declaration of war was in fact a stronger and more demanding than the previous one presented by extremist Jews and freemasons on 24 March 1933 in the British newspaper Daily Express and other major newspapers worldwide. The aim was to put pressure on the German government to force the Jews to emigrate to Palestine. German products were therefore subject to a boycott in connection with the declaration of war.
The Jewish Chronicle demanded, on 14 December 1938, that the boycott on Germany should continue until all lodges were reopened and their assets returned.
At the same time, the German government was contacted by Zionist representatives of the Yeshiva in Palestine, offering to end the boycott on condition that Jewish emigration from Germany to Palestine would be hastened. The negotiations were completed in May 1933 with the signing of the Ha-Avara Agreement (the Transfer Agreement). This agreement subsequently became an important factor in the birth of the state of Israel. The Zionists gave Germany more than 20 million dollars between 1933 and 1939, according to the agreement.
The Ha-Avara agreement allowed every German Jew to emigrate, taking with him all his property and all assets, provided he would settle in Palestine. The agreement was effective until the end of 1941, when the United States joined the war.
Any Jews refusing to emigrate were sent to concentration camps. The first Zionist declaration of war came as early as 1932, before the Nazis came to power. The Masonic powers wanted war. Declarations of war were repeatedly issued in 1939 and 1942.
In Germany, freemasonry was strongly opposed. In 1937, Joseph Goebbels arranged an anti-masonic exhibition in Munich. According to documents available today, the freemasons carried on as usual, as
proved by their internal correspondence. The Nazi leadership demanded that party members leave the lodges. As early as June 1934, the Nazi member Fritz Werner had left the Illuminati lodge. He even demanded a written confirmation that he was no longer a member.
Adolf Eichmann belonged to the masonic lodge Schlaraffia (Schlaraffenland was the German dreamland). Ernst Kaltenbrunner, later head of the Reichsicherheitshauptamt (national security authority), explained to Eichmann the necessity of leaving his lodge, since as a Nazi he could not be a freemason (Hannah Arendt, "Eichmann in Jerusalem", 1963).
As Prime Minister of Prussia, Hermann Goring, said in 1933: "National socialist Germany has no room for freemasonry." He also admitted that it was Jewish money that kept the Nazis going.
In the early 1930s Germany had ten grand lodges, 690 sub-lodges and a total of 70 000 freemasons. Before the war the German Masonic movement was the second largest in the world.
In 1934, the Gestapo would sometimes strike, for example when the Hohle lodge had its assets confiscated in Tilsit. The Andrea Strenua lodge, on the other hand, was allowed to legally carry on its activities in Tilsit even in 1939. The Montana lodge was dissolved in 1939 and the Irene lodge in 1940. Zur Einigkeit in Frankfurt am Main was not closed until 1941, as were a number of other lodges in Marienburg and other cities.
In 1926-1935, the Grand Lodge of Germany encouraged members of the Zur Edlen Aussicht lodge in Freiburg to become members of the Nazi Party (Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow, 1999, pp. 586-5 88). It was their duty as freemasons.
In 1933, George Frommholz had left his lodge to become a member of the Nazi Party. He advanced to the rank of Truppenfuhrer in the SS, according to remaining files. In the SS, he led the Skull Brigade. In 1949, he became a freemason again. He was a master of the Zum Totenkopf und Phonix lodge. In 1974, Frommholz was made grand master of the United Grand Lodges of Germany (Martin Short, "Inside the Brotherhood", London, 1997, pp. 28-29).
In 1935, the Nazis gradually began to confiscate the archives of the masonic lodges, which were handed over to the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and were used for various purposes. According to official information, the masonic lodges were banned together with other shady societies in 1937. In actual fact only certain of the lodges were persecuted by the Nazis, as shown by documents of the Soviet Special Archives.
The Nazi leadership wrote polite letters to various Masonic lodges asking them for assistance. The lodges were required to distribute Nazi leaflets among their members. All letters ended: "Heil Hitler!"
All theosophical and esoteric societies, as well as the Germanenorder and the Thule Society were banned on 20 July 1937. The same year, the New Templar Order NTO (founded in 1907) was banned. Bookshops selling occult literature were forced to close. The Thule Society exists today, under the alias Knights of Poseidon (Robert Charroux, "Legacy of the Gods", London 1979, p. 178). Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the leader of the Thule Society, was deported in the summer of 1934.
Although Benito Mussolini expelled all Masonic lodges from Italy, they continued their activities abroad. The freemasons were very disappointed as they had taken part in the famous march to Rome, and had assisted the fascists in other ways as well (Paul A. Fisher, "Behind the Lodge Door", Rockford, Illinois 1994, p. 223).
In a 1938 speech, Hitler condemned international freemasonry. This, however, was only a facade, which is demonstrated by masonic documents.
Nazi Plans for a European Confederacy
In 1987, the German historian Hans Werner Neulen published his book "Europe and the Third Reich: a Project of Unifying German Power Structures 1939-45" ("Europa und das Dritte Reich: Einigungsbestrebungen im deutschen Machtbereich 1939-1945"). According to SS documents presented in this book, it is obvious that the Nazis wished to carry out the Pan-European programme conceived by the freemason Coudenhove-Kalergi, which found support in all masonic lodges in the 1920s.
Count Coudenhove-Kalergi believed that the peoples of Europe would stop fighting each other and save billions, if they were united in a tradeand defence union without customs barriers. This would once and for all end all social inequalities through radical measures (socialism). All roads would lead to Pan-Europe, which was not only the best, but also the only possible solution. Coudenhove-Kalergi saw no other way out. In 1923, his first book on Pan-Europe was printed. He thought it was everyone's wish to put an end to the wars and the social evils. According to the freemasons, the European federation was the only cure for the greatest dangers threatening Europe. The federation would enable the creation of a mixed race. His book "Practical Idealism" (1925) contains the following words: "The future man will be a mongrel. As for a Pan-Europe, I wish to see a EurasianNegroid mixture with great variation in personality types... The Jews shall take the leading positions, since Providence has given Europe a spiritually superior race of nobility called the Jews." (Pp. 22 and 50.)
Further Masonic plans concerning the restructuring of Europe were published in the periodical Wiener Freimaurerzeitung in September 1925 and October 1926.
Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote in his autobiography: "At the beginning of 1924, we received a telephone call from Louis Baron de Rothschild. A friend of his, Max Warburg of Hamburg, had read my book and wished to make our acquaintance. To my great surprise Warburg spontaneously offered us 60 000 gold marks, to finance the movement for its first three years... He remained seriously interested in the PanEurope movement to the end of his life.
In 1925, Max Warburg arranged for his brothers in the United States, Felix and Paul, to invite me for an American tour, in order to introduce me to Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch. In America, the count discussed European unity with Hoover, Kellogg, Young and Lippmann, but also found out that American support for the unity of Europe rested on mutually incompatible foundations."
In 1966, Coudenhove-Kalergi published the book "Pan-Europe: 1922 to 1966", in Vienna, where he states (p. 95) that the young generation will live in the United States of Europe. On page 103 he reveals plans to extend the European United States as far as Vladivistok.
As early as 1930, the American weekly magazine Saturday Evening Post published an article by Winston Churchill under the title "The United States of Europe". In 1942, Churchill, then the prime minister of Britain, stated: "I am looking forward to a United States of Europe." Again in September 1946, he said: "We have to build some kind of United States of Europe." In Paris, in 1948, he stressed that his aim was to establish the United States of Europe, which would be governed by one government, one parliament, one court of justice and one economic council.
In May 1948, the Movement for a United Europe held their European congress. Its leading advocate was once again Winston Churchill. One of seven resolutions of the congress read: "The creation of a united Europe has to be regarded as a crucial step towards the creation of a united world." By this, they meant a world government.
The freemason Jean Monnet was the main advocate of a united Europe. He led the committee for the United States of Europe. Monnet was the son of a French wine merchant. He had travelled to Canada when he was 20 to work for the Jewish bank Lazard Freres. After the First World War, he took part in the Versailles peace negotiations. In 1919, he was appointed deputy secretary general of the League of Nations. Behind the European movement was also Joseph Retinger, a freemason of the 33rd degree. The freemasons used the threat of communism to get their way.
The Nazis wanted to establish a European confederacy, modelled on the Soviet economic system. The plan was made public in 1942. They wanted a regionalised Europe. Finance minister Walter Funk published the book "The European Community" where he presented Goring's ideas of a "need to extensively unify Europe after the war". Goebbels proclaimed: "In 50 years' time, Europe will be united and the words "native country" will no longer be used."
A secret plan existed to socialize the entire German economy, and build it on a communist (that is Illuminati) foundation. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the director of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, was against it. He considered it too dangerous to approach the communist system in this way.
The intention was to reduce Hitler's power in the new system making him president of the German Reich, and to extend the role of Reichsfiihrer Heinrich Himmler, who would become leader of the European confederacy. One of the architects behind this project was Hitlerjugend Reichsleiter Baldur von Schirach (until 1940).
SS troops also assisted in agricultural work, according to documents and photographs found in Nazi archives. The intention was to show the SS in the service of the people.
The Nazis claimed to want a flexible form of socialism, a fair system that would guarantee the rights of small nations. The confederacy would unite the European nations economically and politically. It was to be a friendly socialist society, a Volks-Gemeinschaft, ruled by libertarian socialism with civil rights for all and a common European passport. There would be no interest rates, banks and major enterprises would be nationalized, it would no longer be possible to make vast amounts of money on others, and the police authorities were to be subject to legal control. German hegemony over the other member nations would be completely relinquished. The original national socialist programme was to be adhered to. The expressed wish was to create the United States of Europe, where all nations would be equal (Hans Werner Neulen, "Europa und das Dritte Reich: Einigungsbestrebungen im deutschen Machtbereich 1939-1945").
On 15 February 1945, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels issued a directive strictly prohibiting discrimination of other European peoples, in particular those of Slavic origin a conversion in the shadow of the gallows.
The Nazis in other words wanted to implement a programme that would create the United States of Europe and which the Illuminati leader Giuseppe Mazzini had advocated as early as March 1848. The SS Charter included the concept of the United States of Europe. It was the Merovingian Empire under a new name.
Otto Ohlendorf, head of SD-Inland (interior security), was appointed by Himmler as Graalshuter der Idee (Grail Ideologue). He came up with several ideas before the war, such as legal control of internment in concentration camps, and minority status for the Jews, which would lead to respect for the full rights of a people.
This confederacy project would make it morally impossible to start a new war of brotherly destruction in Europe. In his book "The Tainted Source: The Undemocratic Origins of the European Idea" (London, 1997), the British journalist John Laughland emphasized that Joachim von Ribbentrop and Joseph Goebbels viewed the future through the principle of the new order. Goebbels wanted to abolish all borders between the nations. Europe's future would be ensured through mutually dependent technological progress. A new monetary regime was needed to protect Europe from the competition of the rest of the world.
As early as 1942, the national socialists were planning the introduction of a common European currency. The plan was eventually launched by the freemasons in 1970, under the leadership of Luxemburg's Prime Minister Pierre Werner.
Leading Nazis really believed in this great plan. They called it the European Economic Community (Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft), which meant a common labour market, communications and industrial policy.
The Nazis wished to make peace with the Soviet Union. The Belgian Nazi leader Leon Degrelle once asked Hitler what he would do if Stalin came to him. Hitler replied: "I would order that this person be given access to the most beautiful castle in Europe."
Since the Nazi confederacy project departed from the original masonic plans for a United States of Europe (interest free economy and non-mixed nations), the United States of America wrecked all attempts to realize the ideas.
Using more refined and more peaceful methods, the freemasons within the European Union try to design the Nazi-Illuminati programme without these digressions. To claim that the European Union is at all reminiscent of the Nazi plans for a similar reorganization of Europe, is usually considered completely politically incorrect.
The German Foreign Minister Joschka (Joseph Martin) Fischer (a former left wing terrorist) at the Humboldt University in Berlin on 12 May 2000, told the European Parliament that it was high time to introduce a European federation. He spoke of a transition from the EU to full parliamentarism within a European federation, as the freemason Robert Schuman had demanded 50 years earlier. This means a European parliament and a European government respectively exercising the legislative and executive powers of the federation. The freemasons happily greeted Fischer's suggestion.
The EC declaration of 9 May 1950 declared that the concrete foundation for the future federation had been laid.
The French Minister for Europe Pierre Moscovitch stated in the spring of 2002: "We have to proceed towards the United States of Europe. I say united states, as we are talking about the European federation. Many people think that the idea of a united states is a logical sequel to the introduction of a common currency the euro." The intention, apparently, is to establish the United States of Europe, with all members nations turned into federal states with little power.
Sinister Plans behind the Scenes
As early as 1938, President Roosevelt increased production of military aircraft from 10 000 to 20 000, and to 50 000 in May 1940. The United States was not at war, but it was preparing for war.
Admiral James O. Richardson had in an analysis reached the conclusion that it would be better for the United States, if Hitler attacked Stalin first. It was decided in San Diego in May 1941 that Hitler should attack Stalin and not vice-versa. This would be more beneficial to the interests of the masonic elite. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 133).
Britain had plans to occupy Norway and Denmark in April 1940. Hitler made a countermove, and occupied the countries on 9 April 1940. The British occupation forces were already under way. Hitler had opposed the invasion, but his naval chief Erich Raeder showed that England had advanced plans to ignore Norwegian neutrality and mine Norwegian waters. This is well told in the book "Den nionde april" ("The Ninth of April"), by Michael Tamelander and Niklas Zetterling, published in 2000.
At the beginning of the Second World War, Winston Churchill had advanced plans to occupy northern Sweden in order to prevent Swedish iron ore from reaching the Germans. In a secret report dated 20 December 1939 it is claimed that "Swedish iron would be a decisive factor in the war, and victory would go to the side that would eventually control these vital mines". Churchill intended to build a British naval base in Stockholm. The rest of the cabinet and the military hesitated, and the attack on Sweden was postponed several times. Hitler, however, intended to get there first, as he did with both Norway and Denmark.
On 30 April 1945, Churchill wished at the least to prepare for Swedish military support in Norway in case the German occupation troops refused to surrender, when the rest of the Nazi troops laid down their arms (Dagens Nyheter, 25 May 1987). The allied had safe air corridors through Sweden throughout the war.
Stalin had planned an attack on Hitler's territory (Operation Thunder), even though he had purged the best leaders from the Red Army. The attack was to have taken place on 6 July 1941. Four days later, on 10 July, the attack was to have ended. The High Command of the Red Army had already on 21 June (the day before Hitler's attack), received orders to attack Romania on 6 July 1941. The commander of this operation was to have been Marshal Semyon Timoshenko. He was supposed to have gone to Minsk on 22 June to prepare the attack, in which 4.4 million men were to have been used. But the Germans attacked first.
Stalin intended to force his way through the capitalist countries like an icebreaker and occupy the territories held by Hitler, later to turn all of Europe over to communism, according to the books "The Icebreaker" (Moscow, 1992), "M Day" (Moscow, 1994) and "The Last Republic" (Moscow, 1996), all written by the defected GRU agent Viktor Suvorov (actually Vladimir Rezun).
At the side of Lenin's coffin, Stalin had promised to extend the borders of the Soviet Union (Pravda, 30 January 1924). On 19 August 1939, Stalin had already made the final decision on the coming attack on Europe (Viktor Suvorov, "M Day", Tallinn, 1998, p. 23). Sweden also was targeted to be occupied and sovietized.
Hitler's spies had warned Berlin against Stalin's attack, and on 18 December 1940 Hitler issued order No. 18, to prepare a plan for a first strike against the Soviet Union on 16 May 1941, the Operation Barbarossa.
On 11 March, the Soviet Union decided to carry out the attack on 12 June 1941 (Mikhail Meltiukhov, "Stalin's Lost Opportunity", Moscow, 2000, p. 283). On 30 April 1941, Hitler changed of the date of the attack to 22 June. On 9 May, Moscow ignored rumours of troop concentrations on its western borders.
On 17 May, Soviet authorities banned all foreign journalists and diplomats to visit the western borders of the union. After Hess' flight to Scotland, Stalin postponed the plans for an attack. On 24 May, the Soviet military command decided on a new date for the attack, 6 July 1941. On 10 June orders were given for the Wehrmacht to begin the attack on the Soviet Union on 22 June.
Britain tried to calm the Soviet Union, promising to come to their aid against Germany. Stalin received information straight from London about the planned German attack. But he did not believe the reports to be true (Mikhail Meltiukhov, "Stalin's Lost Opportunity", Moscow, 2000).
Through this attack Hitler ironically enough saved Europe from certain destruction. Some Estonian schoolbooks already claim that Nazi Germany by attacking the Soviet Union, prevented a Soviet attack on Germany (M. Laar, M. Tilk and E. Hergauk, "History for the 5th Grade", Tallinn, 1997, p. 190). The historian M. Laar is identical with the former Estonian Prime Minister Mart Laar. In the West, the old communist propaganda lies are still being repeated.
Despite the reports from his spies, Stalin was totally taken by surprise. He could not understand Hitler's foolhardiness, waging war on two fronts simultaneously. Stalin even found it difficult to believe the reports of war. He regarded it as a provocation, just as he the previous day had disbelieved the tales by German deserters about the imminent attack. It was not until the evening of 22 June that he gave orders to resist.
A common myth claims that Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. In fact Germany declared war on the Soviet Union early in the morning, when Ribbentrop delivered a note to the Soviet ambassador. The note said that Germany was forced to attack in order to prevent a planned Soviet attack. Therefore, the freemasons kept quiet about it. One reason why Ribbentrop was hanged after the Nuremberg trials, was the false accusation that Germany never had declared war on the Soviet Union. Even Soviet historians later admitted that the note had been delivered ("History of the Second World War", Moscow 1973-82, Vol. 4, p. 31). Thus, it was the Soviet Union that violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement, not Germany. In the West, the Stalinist lies are still accepted as truth.
The so-called Black Divisions were formed from Russian detention camp prisoners, who were trained very thoroughly in Sochi on the Black Sea and sent to fight the Germans behind the lines in JulyAugust 1941. Stalin had more than a million such paratroops at his disposal for attack purposes, more than all the Western armies together had for the same purpose.
Stalin had a total of 15 000 tanks, five times more than Hitler. He also had special A-tanks (Avtostradnye tanki), which could run on German motorways. Most of the 15 000 tanks were amphibian. The Germans lacked heavy tanks.
Germany had no more than six tank divisions. Berlin lost a third of its tanks. Hitler had a total of 3410 tanks, 210 of which lacked cannons. Not one of them was amphibian (Viktor Suvorov, "Suicide", Moscow, 2000, p. 192, p. 299). With an army so poorly equipped, it is hardly possible to extend one's Lebensraum, evidence that this was a war of prevention.
Wilhelm Canaris, head of military intelligence, never informed Hitler about the huge military capacity of the Soviet Union, or Hitler would never have dared to prelude the Soviet attack. According to Professor William Carroll Quigley (1910-1977), Admiral Canaris was working for the world elite in betrayal of Hitler (Carroll Quigley, "The Secret Society that Started World War II"). Canaris had been recruited by the British intelligence service before the Nazis came to power. Hitler dared to attack mainly because of the Soviet setbacks during the war against Finland (1939-1940).
Suvorov quotes Marshals Georgi Zhukov, Alexander Vasilevsky, Vasili Sokolovsky, Nikolai Vatutin, Ivan Bagramyan and others, who all confirmed that Stalin was preparing an attack and not defence as was later claimed. This was the reason why Moscow's losses were so enormous 600 000 men in the first three weeks, 7615 tanks, 6233 fighter planes (of which 1200 were lost on the first day), and 4423 artillery pieces.
A large number of Russian soldiers let themselves be taken prisoner. By the end of the first year, 3.8 million had gone over to the Germans. The Red Army simply refused to fight for communism. Most of the remaining 1.2 million were killed in action. Joseph Stalin was shocked. With the help of obstruction troops, the commissars began to kill all Soviet soldiers reluctant to go forward.
The financiers of Wall Street panicked and began sending all kinds of equipment to the Soviet Union as quickly as they could. In August 1941, the United States began to confer with Moscow on how Hitler's troops could most effectively be repulsed. Hitler was unable to plan
his operations, since he was ill at the time, "courtesy" of Dr Morrell. The United States meanwhile continued to give the Nazis military and economic aid, but on a smaller scale.
Aid Continued During the War
The financial elite in the United States kept supporting Germany even during the war, which they themselves had caused, and then provided a "solution" the division of Europe into two ideological blocks. They intended for this disaster to go on for as long as possible.
The Senator and high-ranking freemason Harry S. Truman, who became vice-president and later president of the United States, explained the situation after Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union on 24 June 1941, in The New York Times: "If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany. And that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances. Neither of them think anything of their pledged word."
At the time, Truman (1884-1972) was not only a freemason of the 32nd degree, he was also grand master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri (1940-41). This information is available at the masonic temple in Alexandria, Virginia.
Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939, but it became a very strange, passive and one-sided war. The freemasons were hoping that the German Chancellor would annul his decision not to value the German currency in gold. According to Hitler the basis for the value of money should be work. The Wall Street bankers disapproved. They also detested Hitler's plans to lower the interest rates and eventually to abolish them (Bruno H. Schubert, "Free-Economy Association, Inc, USA", Huntington 1972).
Hitler tried to persuade the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to act against the conspirators and sign a peace agreement with Germany. Chamberlain accepted. The press then initiated a violent campaign against him, forcing him to resign as prime minister in May 1940, to be replaced by Winston Churchill. Neville Chamberlain left the government finally in October 1940.
On 1 August 1940, Gustavus V of Sweden turned to the British monarch George VI offering to act as mediator. But Prime Minister Churchill opposed all further negotiations. London would have nothing to do with a peace treaty, unless Germany returns to the old economic system.
The negotiations with Hitler broke down. The bankers threatened to go to war unless the situation was returned to normal. Not until 6 June 1944, the United States and Great Britain opened up a second front by the invasion of Normandy.
Meanwhile, various capitalists carried on their business with Hitler. In 1941 alone, the Ford factories in France made a profit of 58 million francs on the products they managed to sell to the Germans. The White House was aware of this but did everything to hide it from the public.
In March 1942, Royal Air Force bombed the Ford plant at Poissy, France. A subsequent letter from Edsel Ford to Ford General Manager Sorenson about this RAF raid commented: "Photographs of the plant on fire were published in American newspapers but fortunately no reference was made to the Ford Motor Company."
In any event, the Vichy government paid Ford Motor Company 38 million francs in compensation for damages to the Poissy plant. This was not reported in the American press, since the general public would not have appreciated such news (Josiah E. DuBois, Jr, "Generals in Grey Suits", London, 1953, p. 251).
DuBois asserts that these private messages from Ford in Europe were passed to Edsel Ford by the Assistant Secretary of State Breckenridge Long.
Throughout the war, Rockefeller's oil tankers supplied fuel for Hitler's submarines, enabling them to successfully sink American ships. The submarines were refuelling usually in the immediate vicinity of the Canary Islands (Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy", New York, 1984, p. 61).
The Jewish historian Ladislas Farago, at the time working for the American intelligence, agreed: "Hitler's submarine war against British-American shipping during the winter 1942-1943 was a success thanks to the help he received from Rockefeller." ("The Silent War", Stockholm, 1956, p. 77).
In 1940, Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon) had six tankers under Panamanian registry, manned by Nazi officers to carry fuel oil from Standard Oil refineries to the Canary Islands, a refuelling base of Nazi submarines (Antony Sutton, "How the Order Creates War and Revolution", Bullsbrook, 1985, p. 64). A report from Intelligence at Fifth Corps in Columbus, Ohio, on 15 July 1941 stated that the Nazis had sunk no Standard Oil ships.
German submarines sank 3000 American ships. Standard Oil also supplied fuel for the Luftwaffe. According to a FBI report from 1942, 20 per cent of Standard Oil's energy production went to Germany during the war. Standard Oil owned and extracted oil in Germanoccupied Romania. The chairman of the Harriman-Bush Company, Karl Lindemann, had permission to underwrite Standard Oil cheques for the benefit of the head of the SS Heinrich Himmler.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt had officially allowed trading with the enemy on 13 December 1941, when the "General License under Section 3(a) of the Trading with the Enemy Act" was signed. The document was also signed by the Jewish freemason and Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, and Solicitor General Francis Biddle. Morgenthau acted in the Nuremberg trials to safeguard American interests.
On 14 March 1985, the Swedish daily Aftonbladet showed that the bankers Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg also had worked closely with the Nazi regime by lending large amounts of money to IG Farben. Two Dutch historians, Gerard Aalders and Cees Wiebes, spent six years searching for evidence of this. A contract was signed between the Nazis and Wallenberg in 1939, effective until 1944. During this period, Jacob Wallenberg visited Germany on repeated occasions to negotiate with Hitler's government. IG Farben shaped Hitler's foreign policy, as confirmed by Georg von Schnitzler, an IG Farben board member: "IG Farben is basically responsible for Hitler's policies."
In the United States, Wallenberg acted as a front for several companies owned by the German industrialist Robert Bosch. After the war, when the agreements were discovered, the Americans confiscated the companies but the money was mysteriously returned to Wallenberg. Gerard Aalders told Aftonbladet: "How they got their money back from the United States remains a secret."
The Stockholms Enskilda Bank acted as a front for Bosch, Krupp, IG Farben and other major enterprises in Germany during the Second World War. The Wallenberg bank helped them, among other things, by pretending to buy their foreign subsidiary companies (Gerard Aalders and Cees Wiebes, "Affarer till varje pris" / "Business at Any Price", Stockholm, 1989).
The Wallenberg family also collaborated with the Soviet leadership. This was disclosed by the former chief spy in Scandinavia, Yelisei Sinitsyn, in his book "The Resident Witness" (Moscow; 1996, p. 260). He related how the Wallenbergs, during the Second World War, made sure that the Soviet Union regularly received high quality ball bearings and military supplies. Without this addition the Soviet Air Force would have been in serious trouble. Almost every night, Soviet planes landed at Swedish airfields with the permission of the Swedish government to transported reinforcements to the Soviet aircraft factories.
The Swedish government also delegated to Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest the task of looking after Soviet interests. But because Raoul Wallenberg also co-operated with the German and American intelligence services, and protected other interests (among them those of Italian fascists and useless entrepreneurs) he was arrested, brought to the Soviet Union and executed by poison injection.
After the Yalta conference Churchill declared: "We know now that we have a friend (Stalin) whom we could trust." This was said to mislead the western opinion. The freemasons were well aware that Stalin was no more trustworthy than Hitler.
These powers knew exactly what would happen to the Easter Europeans before Stalin gained access to the new territories in Eastern Europe. It has been claimed that Winston Churchill coined the expression 'the Iron Curtain' on 5 March 1946 at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri. This is not the case. In fact, it was the Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, who in the newspaper Das Reich of 25 February 1945, used the expression for the first time. In the article "The Year 2000" (pp. 1-2) he described the European situation after a possible German defeat. His assumption was that if Germany were to lay down arms, all of Eastern Europe would be occupied by the Soviet Union in accordance with the Yalta Agreement. He wrote: "An iron curtain falls across a vast territory controlled by the Soviet Union. Behind it, the different peoples will be butchered. The Jewish press in London and New York will probably still applaud it." Goebbels assumed that Germany would be divided according to the Yalta plan, one part becoming communist. He stressed that the victors would create all kinds of myths about the war. Eventually, in the year 2000 Europe would be united in one single union.
The forces that helped Adolf Hitler to power are still pulling the strings behind the scenes. This is why all the embarrassing facts about the American financiers have not surfaced until now. The United States has the ultimate responsibility for the appearance of communism as well as national socialism on the political arena.
After the Second World War, 226 931 Germans were put on trial charged with crimes against humanity. Originally, 3 596 000 persons were to be tried, but for practical reasons this was not done. Very few communist murderers have been tried in the former communist world. The communists after all did not let their overlords, the financial elite, down.
The Polish communists initiated the largest operation of ethnic cleansing in history the expulsion of more than twelve million German nationals from the German eastern provinces.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill said as early as 1944 in a House of Commons debate: "In our opinion, the most satisfactory and lasting method is expulsion. It will get rid of racial mixing which leads to endless conflicts... it will be clean."
Thus the intention of today's mixing of peoples is not an expression of solidarity (a masonic term) but the creation of endless conflicts, which can then be used by the masonic leaders to further their criminal interests.
We are obviously living in a very barbaric world. The situation has emerged because of our lack of judgement. But eventually it will prove impossible to carry on with the lies, evil acts and injustices. Sooner or later this system will also break down.
Holocaust Hysteria
In March 1916, The Daily Telegraph reported that Austrians and Bulgarians had gassed 700 000 Serbs. After the war, no one believed this story anymore. It was admitted to be just war propaganda.
The American Hebrew on 31 October 1919 published a propaganda article under the headline "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!" In the article, it was claimed that during the world war because of epidemics, starvation and "holocaust", six million Jews might have succumbed. Later everything turned out to be war propaganda. This information was being spread during and just after the First World War.
According to Ben Weintraub, the figure six million has a great cabbalistic significance, which is why it is important to maintain it whether it is correct or not ("The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order", Toronto, 1995, p. 12).
In 1933, there were 5.6 million Jews in those areas later to be controlled by Germany (The New York Times, 11 January 1945).
Orthodox Jews in their holy book the Talmud have grossly slandered the Romans by claiming that Emperor Vespasian "in the town of Bethar killed four hundred thousand myriads innocent Jews". A quite impossible figure since a myriad supposedly was ten thousand! In another place in the Talmud (Gittin 58a, p. 269), it is stated: "Sixteen million Israelite school children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Roman soldiers in Bethar."
Almost everyone has accepted the official version of what happened during the reign of national socialism. As the reader realizes, great many of such stories have proved to be myths. High-ranking masonic politicians have made credible gross forgeries, especially that of the attempt to systematically exterminate all European Jews. One of the purposes of this myth was to make all criticism of the Jews impossible in the future. There were to be automatic compassion with the Jewish people, so as to facilitate for Jewish extremists to commit all the crimes they wished.
The Israeli magazine News from Within (No. 5, May 1995) stated that the Zionists have used the suffering of the Jewish people to attain certain political goals. Therefore the facts have been manipulated and they have refused to help their own people. Michael Warschawski said the following in the magazine: "The feeling of being the eternal victim has made it possible to a large degree to suppress all feelings of empathy for the suffering of others and all feelings of guilt for the victims of the injustices committed by the state of Israel." Moshe Zuckerman revealed in the same magazine that Israel is using the holocaust to brainwash the new generation.
School children in Holland have become so effectively indoctrinated by the holocaust propaganda that they are convinced that there no longer are any Jews in the world. This was told by a spokesman for the Jewish Museum in Amsterdam in June 2000.
The political editor of the Swedish Daily Dagens Nyheter, Svante Nycander, wrote the following on 18 April 1992: "How then can a reasonably knowledgeable person be sure that the Holocaust really took place? ...If only one version of a historic event is allowed, people have no strong reason to believe in its truth. A claim requiring the protection of the law, one would suspect being a myth."
The holocaust during the Second World War is still "a proven fact", even though the absurd witness accounts contradict natural laws and human logic.
There are, however, those that question the official version. The first proponent of Holocaust doubter was Alexander Radcliffe, a Scottish politician who claimed in late 1945 in his magazine Vanguard, that the holocaust was a Jewish invention. This statement was taken from The Truth About the Jews, a pamphlet Radcliffe had published earlier in which he also speculated that the British government was actually controlled by the Jews.
In 1947, the French writer Maurice Bardeche claimed in his second book, "Nuremberg or the Promised Land" that at least part of the evidence surrounding the concentration camps had been falsified and that the deaths of those interred there were mainly due to starvation and disease. Bardeche was also the first to contend that no Jews were gassed, since the so-called gas chambers were used for disinfections.
The Swiss Paul Rassinier was the next important dissident to arise. Rassinier was himself a concentration camp survivor. He was arrested by the Gestapo in 1943 for his activities with the resistance (which included smuggling Jews into Switzerland) and spent the remainder of the war in Buchenwald and Dora. In 1948, Rassinier published "Crossing the Line", which was the first in a series of books intending to show that the claims of most concentration camp survivors were exaggerated, and that the inmates entrusted with running the camps were the real culprits of the camp horrors, not the SS. In his book "The Drama of European Jewry" (1964), Rassinier argued that the claim that gas chambers were used to kill Jews was nothing more than an invention created to serve the Zionist government of Israel. Though Rassinier died in 1967, his work was later collected and published posthumously in 1976 under the title "Debunking the Genocide Myth", bringing this French concentration camp survivor's theories to a new generation of doubters.
In May 1945, Austin J. App, a professor of English literature at the University of Scranton and LaSalle College in Missouri, claimed that the atrocities that took place in the concentration camps were legally justified in accordance with the rules of warfare.
In 1946, App used statistics to show that six million Jewish deaths at the hands of the nazis were quite impossible. By 1949, in a letter to Time Magazine, App had calculated the number of Jewish deaths at 1.5 million. In 1973, App published "The Six Million Swindle: Black-mailing the German People for Hard Marks with Fabricated Corpses", where he laid out his eight "incontrovertible assertions" that demon-strate that the figure of six million Jewish deaths is a gross exaggeration.
The German judge Wilhelm Staglich revealed the bluff in his book "The Auschwitz Myth" / "Der Auschwitz-Mythos" (Indiana, 1984). As a result he had his pension reduced and lost his doctoral degree. The authorities referred to a law of repealing academic titles from 1939 a law signed by Adolf Hitler himself!
"Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Memory'" (Capshaw, Alabama, 2000), edited by the chemical engineer Ernst Gauss, contains the results of chemical analyses making it perfectly clear that all claims of gas chambers for the mass killing of people in concentration camps is total nonsense. The book is banned in Germany.
Norman C. Finkelstein, professor at City University of New York and the son of two Jewish survivors from the Warsaw ghetto and concentration camps, has written "The Holocaust Industry" (London, 2000), where he claims that all this commotion leads to antiSemitism and benefits neo-nazis and revisionists.
The American Jew David Cole exposed the holocaust hoax in Auschwitz, which he visited in September 1992. Cole talked to the head of the museum Dr Francizek Piper and reached the conclusion that it was all fiction. His documentaries are very thought provoking. Cole felt that lies only harm the liars. Extremist Jews started to threaten him and he disappeared without trace.
The French Jew Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit in 1991 expressed his doubts in an essay about the gas chamber stories. He was immediately the subject of slander. Ian J. Kagedan, spokesman for the Canadian B'nai B'rith lodge, wrote in The Toronto Star on 26 November 1991: "The Holocaust is to be the Keystone, or fundamental principle, of the New World Order."
The 66-year old French civil engineer Henri Roques in May 1986 received the highest grade on his doctoral thesis at the University of Nantes in Brittany. He claimed that gas chambers did not occur in the German concentration camps. According to him, the gas chambers is a myth.
Roques had worked on the thesis for 20 years and read practically everything written about Hitler's concentration camps. After interference from Jewish organizations, Roques subsequently lost his degree.
The Polish Professor of History, Dariusz Ratajczak, in 1999 wrote in his book "Dangerous Topics" that the official number of Jewish victims in the Nazi concentration camps is grossly exaggerated. He maintained that the eyewitness accounts lack credibility and that gassing of Jews never took place. Ratajczak said that the "gas chambers" shown to the public were never used as such. He was sacked from his post at the University of Opole and banned from teaching anywhere in Poland for three years.
President Eisenhower admitted that the Nazi concentration camps were "prisons for political prisoners".
When the Jewish organizations in the United States, Great Britain and other countries in 1933 started a boycott that inflicted enormous economic damage on Germany, Hitler began to make anti-Jewish laws. The Jews were considered a security risk. The Zionists wished to provoke Hitler to impose harsher anti-Jewish measures in order to hasten Jewish emigration to Palestine. Since 1933 the Jews were intensively persecuted and driven into exile.
Those that in 1941 and later on were still living in the German sphere of interest, were mostly sent to work camps, put together in ghettos and deported to Russia, whereby they lost their possessions and many families were split up. During the military campaign in the east, German troops, so-called Einsatzgruppen, murdered many Jews.
But it is not true that there was a plan to physically annihilate all Jews and that there were gas chambers for killing people in several concentration camps. Also the number of victims has been exaggerated.
The war offered the nazis an opportunity to force trough "the final solution of the Jewish question". Hermann Goring on 31 July 1941 wrote to Reinhard Heydrich about his intentions: "As a supplement to the task, which was entrusted to you in the decree dated 24 January 1939, to solve the Jewish question by emigration and evacuation in the most favourable way possible, given present conditions, I herewith commission you to carry out all necessary preparations with regard to organizational, substantive, and financial viewpoints for a total solution of the Jewish question in the German sphere of influence in Europe... Further I commission you to promptly present a draught concerning the practical preparations for the final solution of the Jewish question." (Raul Hilberg, "The Extermination of the European Jews" / "Die Vernichtung der europaischen Juden", Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1990, p. 420)
The Wannsee Conference in Berlin on 20 January 1942 that according to the myth, decided to exterminate the Jews was actually about relocating them, which also is clearly evident from the proceedings of the meeting.
We have all got so used to these lies in connection with the holocaust hysteria that we have trouble accepting the facts of the real circumstances.
We ought to ask ourselves how anyone can be so cruel as to lie about the holocaust. Apparently this has been the case. A large amount of hard facts will easily strike down the lies behind he holocaust myth.
During the war there were 14 large and several smaller concentration camps. In addition to that there were 500 so-called labour camps each having from a few hundred to more than 1000 prisoners. The Austrian camp Mauthausen was notorious for its inhumanity.
There were strict rules for SS officials in charge. Karl Koch, commandant in Buchenwald, was shot for corruption and murder. Hermann Florstedt, the ill-reputed commandant in Majdanek, was hanged before the assembled prisoners.
On 4 June 1937, SS Gruppenfiihrer Theodor Eicke reported in an internal memorandum that SS Oberscharfiihrer Zeidler had sadistically assaulted an inmate at the concentration camp Sachsenhausen. As a warning to other camp guards, he was degraded, discharged from the SS and turned over to the authorities. Eicke pointed out that assaulting inmates was not tolerated.
Between 1 July 1942 and 30 June 1943, 110 812 concentration camps inmates died, which is showed by statistics collected by Waffen-SS General Oswald Pohl for Heinrich Himmler. In August 1943, the total amount of camp prisoners was 224 000, and one year later there were 524 000.
The Swiss educator Jurgen Graf was struck by the many absurdities in the official version of "the holocaust". Therefore he compiled all available material into a book, "The Holocaust on Trial: Eyewitness Accounts versus Natural Laws" ("Der Holocaust auf dem Priifstand: Augenzeugenberichte versus Naturgesetze"). The book is very convincing in its factuality.
He states: «Apart from the last chaotic months of the war, the worst period in the camps was the summer and autumn of 1942. During these few months more than 300 people died in Auschwitz everyday in typhoid fever. The disease also claimed its victims among the SS guards. Within the Auschwitz complexes most deaths occurred in Birkenau, three kilometres to the west of the main camp, which had became a hospital camp. During certain periods more people died in Birkenau than in all other camps together. This "death camp" where probably 60 000 to 80 000 prisoners succumbed, mostly to disease (there were also executions and murder!), later became the legendary "extermination camp", where according to "historians" between one and four million people were murdered.
To burn the corpses of victims of disease, there had to be crematoria, and to store the bodies before cremation there had to be morgues and specially constructed cellars, which legend later turned into "gas chambers". Even the shower rooms became, at least partly, "gas chambers". And the division of the prisoners into able-bodied and non able-bodied became "the selection for the gas chambers". Thus was born the most fateful lie of our century, the Auschwitz lie.»
There are historical parallels concerning the death rate at similar detention camps. At the Union prison camps Douglas and Rock Island during the American Civil War, the monthly death toll was 2-4 per cent, and in the Confederate prison camp at Andersonville 13 000 of 52 000 captured Union soldiers died. During the Boer War the British incarcerated roughly 120 000 civilian Boers as well as tens of thousands native Africans, out of which every sixth died. Neither the prisoners of war in the American Civil War nor the ones of the Boer War were deliberately killed; almost all died of epidemics. The death toll can be compared to that of Dachau (84 % survived) and Buchenwald (86 % survived).
How can anyone trust the Zionists, when they already during the First World War lied about this matter? The Zionist propaganda after the First World War claimed that six million Jews had died as a result of famine, epidemics and holocaust.
Then shortly after the Second World War there appeared different versions of the holocaust. Which of these is one supposed to believe?
Stefan Szende (Ph. D.), a Swedish Jew of Hungarian descent, wrote in his book "The Promise Hitler Kept" (New York, 1945), about Belzec concentration camp:
"The trains coming into Belzec loaded with Jews were driven into a tunnel in the underground premises of the execution building. There the Jews descended and had to leave their belongings... Every day trains full of Jews arrived from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Holland, France, and the Balkans... They were brought into huge halls capable of holding several thousand people. These rooms had no windows, were completely made of metal and had floors that could be lowered.
The floors of these halls, with thousands of Jews, sank into a water basin, which lay beneath but only far enough so that the people were not entirely under water. When all the Jews on the metal plate were in the water to over their hips, electrical current was sent through the water. After a few moments, all the Jews, thousands at once, were dead.
Then the metal plate was raised out of the water. On it lay the corpses of the murdered victims. Another shock of electrical current was sent through, and the metal plate became a crematorium oven, white hot, until all the bodies were burnt to ashes.
Huge cranes again lifted the floor and emptied the ashes. The smoke was led out through large factory chimneys.
That was the whole procedure. As soon as it was completed, it could start up again. New batches of Jews were constantly being driven into the tunnels. The individual trains brought between 3000 and 5000 Jews at a time, and there were days on which the Belzec line saw between twenty and thirty such trains arrive.
Modern technology triumphed in the Nazi system. The problem of how to exterminate millions of people was solved."
Szende's book was recalled and destroyed, when later the gas chamber version was chosen. Facts about extermination of the Jews was published as early as 1942 in the Zionist-controlled newspaper like The New York Times. The main purpose of this horror propaganda was to emphasize the necessity of establishing a Jewish homeland.
The American historian Arthur R. Butz examines in his book "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century " (Ladbroke, 1976) how the fraud of the century originated. His conclusion: "The gas chambers are postwar fantasies."
In The New York Times various extermination methods, besides the gas chambers, were described. On 7 February 1942, there were tales about "blood poisoning stations" in occupied Poland, and on 30 June 1942 about "a shooting house", where thousands of Jews were shot every day. These versions were abandoned already before the end of the war. Then came the steam death chambers that even turned up at the Nuremberg trials.
Here are a few more examples: The Jews were killed in electric ovens... The Jews were murdered with heavy current in electric showers and then turned into soap. This version is from Simon Wiesenthal... The Jews were killed with quick lime and diesel fumes...
At the Belzec trial in 1965 a German court settled for the version where the Jews were killed with Zyklon B, which through a pipe system was brought into the shower rooms. The court thought that after a few weeks one switched to diesel fumes. Apparently it took the stupid SS men a couple of weeks to realize that it was impossible to get the zyklon grains into the pipes. Besides, the SS did the reverse in other camps and went from diesel fuels to Zyklon B, all according to the holocaust hysterics...
There is, however, no proof for the murder of 600 000 Jews in Belzec not a single German document. No mass graves have been found, nor the ashes after 600 000 murdered and burned to ashes. The gas chambers are nowhere to be found.
In January 1995, the French newsmagazine L'Express reported that Auschwitz staff now admitted that the gas chamber known as Krema I had been erected in 1948 by the Polish communist government for benefit of the foreign tourists. Fred Leuchter had already revealed the deception in 1988.
There is evidence that all the gas chambers were built after the Second World War by Soviet and American soldiers as well. On the aerial photographs taken by American reconnaissance planes during the war, no such buildings can be seen. Also in Poland it has been admitted that the gas chambers were built after the war.
The allied troops found in Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, and Dachau in addition to piles of dead bodies and walking skeletons, tens of thousands of seemingly healthy and well-nourished prisoners, of which hardly ever any pictures have been shown. On the other hand, there are plenty of forged photographs, among those paintings presented as photographs.
At the University of Lund, Sweden, 564 eye-witness accounts have been collected from survivors from the Nazi concentration camps. A
Polish student, who was born in 1924, describes the heavy labour and maltreatment from April 1945, when he spent ten days in BergenBelsen. The student stated: "What first befell upon us was the piles of dead bodies lying everywhere. They were victims of a typhoid epidemic. It was horrible to drag the bodies to huge dikes used as mass graves." (Goteborgs-Posten, 30 July 2000)
There was not a word of any gas chambers or any holocaust. These original testimonies are therefore of utmost importance.
In 1990, the Soviet Union made the Auschwitz death lists available to the International Red Cross. They cover the period from August 1941 to December 1943 and contain 66 000 names. The number of victims of typhoid epidemics, measles, old age, and shootings during the years 1935-45 in Auschwitz amounted to 73 137. Of these 38 031 were Jews. The death rate was at its peak in 1942 and 1943.
From 1935 to 1945, a total of 403 713 people died in the Nazi concentration camps {The New York Times, 3 March 1991).
Less than half were Jews, since these in many camps only constituted a small minority (in Auschwitz the Jewish part of the prisoners was towards the end almost 80 per cent).
West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer stated in 1953 that during the Second World War 170 000 Jews succumbed. This information was given by the West German government's Press and Information Bureau (Presseund Informationsamt aer Bundesregierung).
It is true that commissars, that is communist political propaganda officers, often were liquidated immediately after their capture. Most of these commissars were Jews. The Jews were also heavily represented in the partisan movement, which is evident from Soviet sources. Several Jews were shot that were neither commissars, partisans nor hostages. They were shot "just to be sure". For these mass murders there is no excuse but it does not justify all the lies of mass extermination in gas chambers.
The Allies wished to prevent the inhumanity of the Jewish commissars in the Soviet concentration camps and the Allies own crimes against civilian Germans, being brought up at Nuremberg. After the war 12 to 14 million Germans were deliberately killed. Many of them died in various camps after the war. The Soviet Union in 1939 took back the territory taken by Poland 20 years earlier. After the Second World War, the Soviet Union allowed the Poles to cut off a fifth of original German territory, totally 100 000 square kilometres. 16 million Germans were to be exterminated or banished. Two million Germans were murdered in pogroms and concentration camps or died of cold and deprivation during the banishment. Soviet troops even killed the prisoners in the German camps, according to the French historian Jacques de Launay ("Le Grand Debacle", Paris, 1985).
The Soviet soldiers did not differentiate between Germans and Czechs at the "liberation" of Czechoslovakia. At the same time the red Czechs took the opportunity to kill almost 40 000 civilian Germans in actions of revenge between 8 and 25 may 1945. The mob also took part in the slaughter.
The Americans and the French deliberately let over a million German prisoners of war die of starvation and diseases. Many were executed without due process. Hundreds of thousands of Germans were killed by communist mobs shortly after the war. At least one hundred thousand nationalist French were killed by communists after the war. No one has condemned this mass murder. During the years 1945-1950 as many as nine million Germans died because of the Morgenthau Plan, which prescribed a systematic reduction of German industrial production capacity. It was a planned mass death. Two high-ranking freemasons, Truman and Morgenthau, bear the responsibility. This was a high price for the Germans to pay, because Jewish Nazi leaders let 170 000 other Jews die during the war in order to frighten the rest to emigrate to Palestine.
This plan was approved by Roosevelt and Churchill at their meeting in Quebec, Canada, in August 1943. The Masonic leaders counted on that the implementation of the Morgenthau Plan would have meant that between 20 and 30 million Germans died.
In the 1255 communist concentration camps in Poland, Jewish commissars ravaged like hysterical baboons: they tortured and murdered 80 000 ordinary Germans without remorse. The Jewish journalist John Sack described this in his book "An Eye for an Eye" (New York, 1993). Some of these Jewish criminals were: Lola Potok, Itzak Klein, Moshe Grossman, Shlomo Singer, David Feuerstein, Aaron Lehrman, Efraim Lewin, Mordechai Kac, Nachum Solowitz, Schmuel Kleinhaut, and Schlomo Morel. Woe unto the vanquished! The Allies knew what was going on but did not wish to interfere. Schlomo Morel alone during seven month tortured 2500 people to death, including old people and children. After the fall of communism, he managed to escape Polish justice and flee to Israel.
As a counterweight the victorious powers invented a crime unique in the history of mankind "the holocaust", the systematic extermination of a whole people from infants to old grandmothers in gas chambers.
But this is physically impossible. No sane person would install a crematorium in the same building as a chamber, where people should be killed with an explosive gas. Zyklon B is not highly explosive, but because of the latent explosion risk from the zyklon-satiated bodies, such a procedure would have been suicidal insanity. The gas chamber would have been blown up and the whole camp gassed, including the SS personnel.
In addition, the doors to all "gas chambers" open inwards, making it quite impossible for the special command units to enter these chambers full of dead bodies. According to witnesses they also smoked cigarettes in the midst of an explosive gas.
In Auschwitz-Birkenau the crematoria were on the floor above the alleged gas chambers. The only connection between floors was a single elevator. The elevator could take at most four bodies plus the conductor, who thus had to run five hundred times up and down between the gas chambers and the crematorium and without pause handle zyklon-infested bodies in an environment heavily dosed with Zyklon B gas. It is claimed that about 2000 people were gassed at a time.
Zyklon (hydrogen cyanide) is a very poisonous gas that kills even in small amounts when inhaled but also at skin contact. It is claimed that special command units worked without gas mask or protective overalls. If so they would have died within a few minutes.
The cremation of a body takes in most modern crematoria one and a half hours and it was no faster in 1944. In six hours 15 ovens could burn only 60 bodies, 1940 out of 2000 would have been left over. Modern crematoria can burn as many as 23 bodies per day and per oven. In the coke-fuelled ovens in Birkenau the maximum daily capacity was according to experts (like Ivan Lagace, head of the crematorium in Calgary, Canada) five bodies per oven. If the crematoria in Birkenau always functioned faultlessly (and we know from documents that that was not the case), it would have been possible to burn no more than 150 000 bodies. Where then were the other 850 000 bodies burned? Because of the oxygen shortage that will appear it is quite impossible to burn bodies in pits and in Birkenau especially difficult on account of the high groundwater level.
The holocaust hysterics do not want to know about the evacuations of Soviet Jews that took place after the German invasion and that is proved through Soviet files, and they deny the flight of the majority of Polish Jews to the Soviet Union.
All Jews that the Germans relocated to Russia and that remained there are counted as murdered. The victims of the holocaust also include those Jews that died during Stalin's deportations and those in Soviet labour camps, as well as Jewish Allied soldiers who died in battle or during the emigration to Palestine.
In January 1945, Auschwitz prisoner Elie Wiesel was afflicted by a bad foot and was unable to work. He received medial treatment while the Red Army quickly advanced. The healthy prisoners were evacuated together with the retreating Germans, the sick could stay if they wished. Even though Elie Wiesel and his father were sick, they voluntarily joined the Germans, who according to Wiesel even threw babies and pushed adult Jews into large fire pits.
Each and every one of the "survivors" claims that he made it through because of a miracle. They are, on the other hand, living proof that there never was any holocaust.
The German Federal Republic has paid out more than 120 billion DM to Israel and the Zionist organizations and to individual Jews. Most of the money has been paid as fines for freely invented gas chambers to a state that at the time of the alleged genocide did not even exist. In "Das jiidische Paradox" (Frankfurt, 1988, p. 180) Nahum Goldmann writes: «l am going to tell you about two episodes that belong to the chapter "How to make millions by telling fairytales."...»
The international news agencies reported on 19 May 1997 that the Zionists in 1995 claimed that Jewish holocaust victims had 7 billion Swiss francs in accounts in various Swiss banks, which they now wanted compensation for. A thorough investigation showed, however, that this was an insolent bluff. In 1996, it was concluded that only eleven Jews that had perished in German camps had an account in Switzerland. In total they had managed to save 11 000 Swiss francs. This is a typical example of chutzpah, Jewish impudence.
The Swedish economic historian Gunnar Adler-Karlsson wrote in his book "The Clash of the Super Brains" ("Superhjarnornas kamp", Stockholm, 1998, p. IV): "I am well aware that every criticism of the behaviour of Jewish organizations immediately leads to condemnation as an anti-Semite... Despite this risk, my fears are still deepened that Jewish demands for compensation of various kinds for that happened under Hitler will have the most horrible consequences for the Jews themselves and not least for the existence of the State of Israel."
Jiirgen Graf wondered in his book: "What kind of democracy is it, where a hoax of this magnitude is kept alive for decades through primitive police state methods?"
This "photographical evidence" is a photograph of a painting (1960).
What kind of historical facts need to be defended by the law? Repressive measures in several European countries (Germany, Austria, Poland, Switzerland and France) and media censorship can merely postpone the revisionist victory but not stop it. More and more people are beginning to doubt the hysterical holocaust propaganda. The gas chamber lies sooner or later are going to end up on the garbage dump of history.
There is no punishment for those doubting the number of victims of the Inquisition, or that the Americans landed on the moon.
If someone during the Middle Ages did not believe the Church lies of a flat Earth and later that the Sun was in orbit around the Earth, such a person was prosecuted and risked being burnt at the stake.
Historians no longer believe there were gas chambers at Dachau and Buchenwald. Soon they will not believe in the gas chambers in Auschwitz and Treblinka either. How is it possible then that of the alleged murder of millions of people in gas chambers there is no proof except witness testimonies and admissions under torture by presumed perpetrators not a single document, no bodies, no murder weapons, nothing?
According to the 1939 census, there were over 3 millions Jews in the Soviet Union. On 1 July 1990, The New York Post referring to Israeli experts noted that then, long after the beginning of the mass exodus, there still were over 5 million Jews in the Soviet Union. Russia had as remembered taken in a great deal of the Polish Jews. At the same time 600 000 Jews survived "the holocaust". How could 600 000 Jews survive German camps, where all the Jews without exception were to be exterminated?
The Jewish-Australian Professor W. D. Rubenstein wrote in September 1979: "If the Holocaust can be shown to be a 'Zionist myth', the strongest of all weapons in Israel's propaganda armoury collapses." ("The Holocaust: Let's Hear Both Sides", The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, Los Angeles, 1979)
In 1946, the Rockefeller Foundation funded the spreading of the faked version of the Second World War with 139 000 dollars.
Professor Harold Lasky of the London School of Economics was on the other hand quite frank when he in The New Statesman and Nation on 11 January 1942 admitted: "This war is in essence a gigantic revolution, whose earlier phases were the war of 1914, the Russian Revolution and other revolutions."
The Second World War was not the end of all wars far from it. After the war, between 1945 and 1985 there were 152 wars. The Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. claims that at least 370 armed conflicts were fought between the years 1945 to 1976. In these wars an estimated 86 million people perished, far more than during the entire Second World War. The largest conflict was the Vietnam War. In 1999, there were 25 major wars going on and in 2000, 68 armed conflicts were registered. In 2002, there were 27 large wars. 50 000 people are now killed in a single year, ten times as many (half a million) civilians perish in massacres, are blown up by mines or starve to death because of war. What a wonderful world the freemasons have built for us!
You might be interested on the "Sins of the fathers" in the Bush family. Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker were running the slave coal mines that needed Jewish and other camp laborers in Poland. Bush continued his business transactions with Fritz "I Paid Hitler -author" Thyssen even after US had been in war with the Nazi Germany already for a year.
I think GW Bush was repenting over the sins of his fathers during his era. But "Thou Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless whosoever uses His name in vain", said the decalog, Ten Commandments to the hypocrite fake believers. Not to your own ends. I pray for the Republican quasi-royal families, I wish them all good. An analogous process of blood money laundring was going on in the richest family of the "impartial" Sweden, the Wallenberg's. They funded the Nazi's during the hyperinflation at the 1920's, when money from abroad determined who's gonna get the power. SA was a private and PAID army with its 350,000 x2 arms. They were no boy scouts but demanded money. Four times larger private army than the Wehrmacht field army of Germany!
A longer version in English with Scientific backround of Western race hygiene in general (first a scanned text from a classic volume of professor Daniel Gasman, then my own 50 page research with 100 references):
Recovering from hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of the brain,, evolutionary critic
Helsinki, Finland
Biochemist, drop-out (MSci-Master of Sciing)