

"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races...and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..." (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)

Sunday 26 March 2006

Was Stalin a Rothschild?

It's well known that the former Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin, was such a good communist that he once worked for the Rothschilds, the banking and wine family. But now I stumble on a more sensational theory, which suggests the relationship was far more intimate.

In a lengthy piece on a personal website, one Clifford Shack argues that Stalin was fathered not by Vissarion Dzhugashvili but by Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who, he argues, could have met the tyrant's mother while visiting Georgia on a wine trip.

It's all a bit sketchy and at times the argument seems a trifle far fetched but it's easily settled via a DNA test (Stalin's daughter's still alive). Could I possibly impose and pluck a strand of chairman Baron David de Rothschild's hair, I ask an NM Rothschild spokesman?

"I'll get back to you," he sighs.

Mind you do.

THE consortium looking to gazump Barclays and buy ABN Amro had announced that it would be making a statement on the deal tomorrow, only to shove out a press release yesterday saying that it would now speak on Tuesday.

So what's changed? Has the consortium leader and Royal Bank of Scotland boss, Sir Fred Goodwin, got something better to do on Sunday? I hear he's racing off to Monaco to watch the RBS-sponsored Williams team in the Grand Prix.

"Our statement clearly says that it's been moved because of a bank holiday," blocks a spokesman.

Hasn't there always been a bank holiday?

"Our statement's pretty clear," he sniffs.

I only asked.

WHAT adverts will the Post Office be showing on the telly this weekend? I ask because over the last bank holiday weekend, Sky Three broadcast a riveting programme called the Secrets of the Dead: Bombing Nazi Dams at 4am and during an ad break the Post Office took the opportunity to plug its winter sports insurance.

It's not an obvious show, time of day or season to be trying to flog that kind of product but I'm sure it was money well spent. Especially with a Post Office closure programme under way.

Not all doctors are struggling to get jobs. I hear that Holly Branson, Sir Richard's girl and number 10 in Forbes' Hottest Heiress list, has just landed a new gig at Chelsea & Westminster hospital. Isn't life grand?

It's all a bit sketchy and at times the argument seems a trifle far fetched but it's easily settled via a DNA test (Stalin's daughter's still alive). Could I possibly impose and pluck a strand of chairman Baron David de Rothschild's hair, I ask an NM Rothschild spokesman?

"I'll get back to you," he sighs.

Mind you do.

THE consortium looking to gazump Barclays and buy ABN Amro had announced that it would be making a statement on the deal tomorrow, only to shove out a press release yesterday saying that it would now speak on Tuesday.

So what's changed? Has the consortium leader and Royal Bank of Scotland boss, Sir Fred Goodwin, got something better to do on Sunday? I hear he's racing off to Monaco to watch the RBS-sponsored Williams team in the Grand Prix.

"Our statement clearly says that it's been moved because of a bank holiday," blocks a spokesman.

Hasn't there always been a bank holiday?

"Our statement's pretty clear," he sniffs.

I only asked.

WHAT adverts will the Post Office be showing on the telly this weekend? I ask because over the last bank holiday weekend, Sky Three broadcast a riveting programme called the Secrets of the Dead: Bombing Nazi Dams at 4am and during an ad break the Post Office took the opportunity to plug its winter sports insurance.

It's not an obvious show, time of day or season to be trying to flog that kind of product but I'm sure it was money well spent. Especially with a Post Office closure programme under way.

Not all doctors are struggling to get jobs. I hear that Holly Branson, Sir Richard's girl and number 10 in Forbes' Hottest Heiress list, has just landed a new gig at Chelsea & Westminster hospital. Isn't life grand?




Was Hitler a "British" Agent ?

Greg Hallett's book "Hitler Was A British Agent" depicts war as a ghoulish illusion conjured by occult magicians in order to degrade and eventually enslave humanity in world government.

Hallett's claim that Hitler was a "British" agent is based on the testimony of a shadowy network of retired intelligence agents. While he fails to provide documentary proof, Hallett does offer persuasive circumstantial evidence.

For example, Adolph Hitler was in England in 1912-1913, a fact supported by his sister-in-law's book: "The Memoirs of Bridget Hitler"(1979). Many historians including Hitler biographer John Toland have ignored this startling information. (If Hallett is right, historians like Toland are guilty of sanitizing Hitler and actually making him more credible than he was.)

Hallett says Hitler spent February to November 1912 being brainwashed and trained at the British Military Psych-Ops War School at Tavistock in Devon and in Ireland. "War machines need war and [that means they need] funded, trained and supported double agents to be their patsies, their puppets and their puppet enemies," Hallett writes (38).

His sister-in-law describes Hitler as completely wasted when he arrived at her Liverpool home baggageless. "I had an idea he was ill, his colour was so bad and his eyes looked so peculiar," she wrote. "He was always reading, not books, little pamphlets printed in German. I don't know what was in them nor exactly where they came from." (pp. 29,35) Hallett says these were Tavistock training manuals.

"Hitler was a British Agent" is useful as an alternative paradigm. (Usually we cannot recognize truth because we have the wrong paradigm, i.e. our "education.") When Hallett says "British", he means Illuminati, the Masonic cult of super rich bankers who control an interlocking network of megacartels. This cult is based in the City of London but uses England and most nations and ideologies, as sock puppets in a the Punch and Judy show called modern history.

Hallett's claim would clarify many improbable events in the Second World War. For example, why did Hitler let 335,000 Allied soldiers escape at Dunkirk? This quixotic gesture was explained as a peace overture, but surely England would have been more attentive if its army were in Nazi POW camps.

The Nazi triumph in May 1940 was like a knock-out in the first round. The Illuminati did not intend for the match to end so soon, nor for the Nazis to win.

In the summer of 1940, when the Nazis were triumphant and Britain prostrate, Nazi Military Intelligence Chief (Abwehr) Admiral Wilhelm Canaris told Romanian Foreign Minister Prince Michael Sturdza to stay neutral because England would win the war. He also gave this message to Spanish dictator Franco.

Hallett's theory also explains why Hitler, supposedly the arch enemy of Jewish bankers, acted like he didn't know the Rothschilds controlled England (and America) when this was practically common knowledge. If Hitler were for real, he wouldn't have tried to accommodate these countries. England would have been invaded and conquered before Russia was attacked.

Hallett's hypothesis explains

1)Why Hitler was able to expand into the Rhineland etc. without fear of retaliation.

2) Why the Nazi war machine was financed and built by the Bank of England and a Who's Who of Anglo American corporations controlled by the Illuminati.

3) Why Hitler never sealed the Mediterranean at Gibraltar; and why the Spanish dictator Franco remained neutral, despite the huge debt he owed the Nazis from the Civil War.

4) Why I.G. Farben headquarters in Frankfurt was never bombed. This became CIA headquarters. 5) Why the Bank of England rewarded Hitler for taking Prague by giving him the Czech gold reserves held in London.

It would explain why Hitler gave his ridiculous racial policies priority over actually winning the war. He could have enlisted millions of Slavs (and even many Jews) in overcoming Communist Russia. Instead, he made them implacable enemies willing to fight to the death.

We could question why Japan attacked the U.S. instead of Russia; why the Nazis never figured out that their communications were compromised; why Hitler didn't conquer the oil fields of Russia and the Middle East when he had the chance etc. but you get the picture. The fix was in.


The biggest improbability of all is that an Austrian tramp, street cleaner and gay prostitute could become the Chancellor of Germany. Hitler joins a long list of obscure blackmailable figures who have been catapulted to world prominence with the aid of an unseen hand.

Hallett writes that Hitler's grandfather was Nathan Meyer Rothschild. Maria Schickelgruber, Hitler's grandmother, was a maid in the Rothschild's Vienna mansion when his father, Alois was conceived "in fear" in a satanic ritual rape. The Rothschilds could only marry within their extended family so they had illegitimate children who functioned as anonymous agents.

(Apparently this is a pattern with the Illuminati. Bill Clinton is rumored to be a Rockefeller.)

His grandmother received child support from a Jewish businessman who was probably an intermediary for his grandfather. Bridget Hitler quotes Hitler's sister Paula: "Since [Adolf] started the race laws we have no grandfather, Adolf and I. Certainly anyone who wished could make a good deal out of that." (Memoirs, p. 175)

Rothschild's son, Alois Hitler's third marriage was to his niece, Klara, who became Hitler's mother. His father was abusive and his mother over- compensated. Hitler became destitute at age 18 when his mother died, and he lived in a Vienna men's hostel that was a haunt for homosexuals.

According to Lothar Machtan's "The Hidden Hitler"(2001), there is no question Hitler was a practising homosexual with a long police record both in Munich and Vienna. These records reached both Russia and England but were never used for propaganda, more evidence that the war may have been a charade. (Machtan also says Hitler tried to join the Communist Party after the war but was rejected for demanding too much, evidence he may have been a "gun for hire.")

In 1912, Hitler traveled to England for training as an Illuminati agent which took place in German. This "training" ranged from imbibing a sense of his role in Germany's destiny to learning how to mesmerize audiences.

It also included trauma brainwashing. The "alter's" consciousness is shattered by witnessing savage atrocities and suffering sexual abuse, all of which is filmed. Then the various fragments of consciousness are programmed and can be accessed with special code words. (Read Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler for a detailed description of Illuminati mind control techniques. )

Hitler returned to Germany in May 1913 and enlisted in the German army. During World War One, he served as a runner and was captured twice by the English. On both occasions, he was spared execution by an "angel" in British intelligence.

According to Hallett, Hitler enjoyed having women defecate on him. He also had undersized genitals and only one testicle. (Many women whom he courted committed suicide. The love of his life was his 17-year-old half-niece Geli whom he murdered in 1931 when she got pregnant by his chauffeur. Machtan argues that Hitlers real affections were for the chauffeur.)

(For more on Nazi Homosexuality, see "The Pink Swastika" online.


History is unfolding according to the Illuminati's long-term plan. Wars are plotted decades in advance and orchestrated to achieve the destruction of nations and natural elites, depopulation, demoralization, and of course power and profit.

The super rich have organized themselves into a satanic cult to prey on mankind and to establish their permanent hegemony. Put yourself in the central bankers' shoes. The nations of the world owe you trillions based on money you printed for the cost of paper and ink. The only way to protect this "investment" is to establish a thinly disguised dictatorship, using sophisticated methods of social and mind control. This is the true meaning of the "War on Terror." It's not directed at "Muslim terrorists." It's directed at you and me.

According to Hallett, Joseph Stalin was another Illuminati "agent of war" who attended the Tavistock Psyche Ops training school in 1907. Clifford Shack has suggested that Stalin was also an illegitimate offspring of a Rothschild.

Hallett says Hitler's death was faked (a double was killed) and Hitler escaped to Barcelona where he lived until 1950, when he died of stomach cancer.

Greg Hallett is a maverick and his rambling book is full of repetition and digressions. I wouldn't swear by any of Hallett's claims as yet. But he deserves our thanks for advancing an alternative view of history that while far- fetched is more plausible than what supposedly transpired. We should be able to entertain speculative views without feeling compelled to accept or reject them.

World War Two achieved all of the Illuminati's goals. Germany and Japan were turned into a wasteland. Sixty million people were slaughtered. The Jewish holocaust motivated Jews to establish the Rothschild's world government headquarters in Israel. Idealists and natural leaders on both sides were slaughtered. Nations were laden with debt. The United Nations rose like a phoenix from the ashes. Hiroshima cast a pall of terror over the world. The USSR was a superpower and controlled Eastern Europe. The stage was set for the next act...the Cold War.

Given the bleak outlook for humanity, there is a tendency to actually idealize Hitler as an opponent of central banker hegemony. I fell into this trap myself. Hallett's book is an important reminder that like Stalin and Mao, Hitler was a monster; and the Illuminati sponsor "enemies" in order to foment conflict, and keep humanity in its thrall.

By Henry Makow Ph.D

Source: http://www.savethemales.ca/001399.html


"The Hitler Project"

"Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"

"Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent?"

The Hitler Project - Astonishing Revelations

Adolf Hitler Founder of Israel



Tuesday 21 March 2006

4000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent. Why?

With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take advantage of the incident and started mourning 4,000 Israelis who work at the two towers.

Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later it became clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day the [four passenger aircraft hijacking and crashing] incident [at the World
Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania] took place [on Tuesday, September 11, 2001].

No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded in the attacks. Arab
diplomatic sources revealed to the Jordanian al-Watan newspaper that those
Israelis remained absent that day [Tuesday, September 11, 2001] based on
hints from the Israeli General Security Apparatus, the Shabak, the fact which
evoked unannounced suspicions on American officials who wanted to know how
the Israeli government learned about the incident before it occurred, and the
reasons why it refrained from informing the U.S. authorities of the
information it had.

Suspicions had increased further after Israeli newspaper Yadiot Ahranot
revealed that the Shabak prevented Israeli premier Ariel Sharon from
traveling to New York and particularly to the city's eastern coast to
participate in a festival organized by the Zionist organizations in support
of the "Israel". Aharon Bernie, the commentator at the newspaper, brought up
the issue and came up with a negative conclusion, saying "no answer". He then
asked about the clue behind the Shabak's position in preventing Sharon's
participation, and again without giving an answer.

Bernie added that Sharon, who was delighted for having his speech on top of
the festival agenda, asked the head of the organization to mediate and
convince the Shabak to change its position, but his attempts were in vein.
The next day after Sharon's secretary officially announced that Sharon would
not participate the incident [at the World Trade Center] took place.

For its part, the Israeli Ha'aretz newspaper revealed that the FBI arrested
five Israelis four hours after the attack on the [World Trade Center] Twin
Towers while filming the smoking skyline from the roof of their company's
building. The FBI had arrested the five for "puzzling behavior". They are
said to have been caught videotaping the disaster in what was interpreted as
cries of joy and mockery.


Friday 10 March 2006

Einstein Was a Communist


You most likely remember the big hoopla over Time magazine's pick as Person of the Century. The online poll was a battle royale all containing choices of the strange to the outlandish. The real battle though was clearly whether Adolf Hitler would win the poll. And he almost did. But at the last moment a dark horse appeared and, like any good democracy, the polls were stretched and turned end over end to where a satisfactory result appeared that would please the Jewish owners of the magazine. Albert Einstein won the poll and why not? He is Jewish and his alleged abilities have been slavishly celebrated in the media for years. Other than a Martin Luther King anything is better than a "dead white guy" being proclaimed as the most important person of the century.

The "Reverend" Martin Luther King (Communist, plagiarizer, and sexual pervert) certainly met all the requirements for top kosher pick except one; he wasn't Jewish. And that is what sets Einstein apart from the rest. The mass media can point at Einstein and say "there is a man that defined all that we know about our universe and revolutionized the world of science." He was also according to the media a "militant pacifist" and "hater of war." We at the National Militant know that this type of propaganda is a load of BS and within a reasonable amount of space we will make our case against this "genius" and "humanitarian."

E= Einstein's Plagiarism

Uneducated, without imagination, or skill as a third rate worker at a patent office at the age of 26 Einstein claimed that he received a number of revelations in his dreams that would shock the world of science to it's extreme depths. The "great mathematician" as he would later be hailed had previously failed an entrance exam to an engineering school in Zurich, which consisted of relatively simple mathematics. Without an education, any sort of laboratory, or the help of any educated scientists Einstein wrote four "groundbreaking essays" in 1905 which would create his myth as a genius and the most celebrated scientist of the 20th century.

His four widely acclaimed essays were brilliant works of plagiarism, which simply repeated already established concepts contributed to the world of physics by other scientists. It is curious that even after his essays were published he still had trouble being hired on in any academic institution for years. It was only until the Jewish media announced him as a genius that anyone took notice of this incompetent patent office worker. Thanks to the propaganda of the world press his fame would later eclipse the numerous successes of German geniuses such as Max Planck and Erwin Schrödinger, for the sole reason that they continued to work in Germany and were loyal to the National Socialist government. Their work was considered secondary to plagiarizers by guilt of association.

Aside from the numerous scientists whose work was plagiarized, which still has yet to be addressed, one glaring example of Einstein's plagiarism has not escaped the notice of the world press because of the severity of it. Albert Einstein published his paper on the theory of relativity with the equation E=mc2 which arguably more than anything else gained him notoriety as Person of the Century and the century's most famous scientist. The equation is the most widely known even among people who do not even understand anything about physics at all. It has become somewhat of a cultural icon of science. The mere mention of it has been conditioned in people to immediately think of genius at work.

But unknown to much of the academic world until recently, an Italian scientist, Olinto de Pretto, published the same equation in the Italian magazine Atte in 1903, two years prior to Einstein's paper on relativity. Olinto de Pretto's research was republished again in 1904. Albert Einstein, who was well-read concerning the scientific works of Italians, never mentioned the name of Olinto de Pretto and wrote his paper as if it was he who discovered the equation.

From the Dec. 2, 1999 issue of the Italian magazine Gente:

"There can be no doubts, the proofs are incontestable Olinto De Pretto put into writing the most famous formula of our century in 1903, in a work entitled Ipotese sell'etere nella vita dell'universo, which was officially presented on November 29 of that year to the Royal Scientific Institute of Veneto. The news did not pass unobserved, and aroused the interest of the great astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli. The paper of Olinto De Pretto was included in a small volume on February 2 of the next year, 1904, with a preface by Schiaparelli, that was published by the Royal Institute..."

"More Communist Affiliations than Stalin"

Over 1,400 pages of investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, released recently under the Freedom of Information Act, into the background of Einstein revealed that he was was a member, sponsor, or affiliated with 34 communist fronts and served as honorary chairman for three communist organizations. The report has the baffling conclusion that Albert Einstein had more Communist affiliations than the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin!

The Marxist leader V.I. Lenin described a solar system of organizations, with no direct connections with the Communist Party, through which sympathizers could be made who would not normally support the Communist cause, but would not know they were working for the Communist Party. Einstein while not working publicly with any Communist party enlisted in numerous Communist inspired and funded organizations using his media inflated public image to draw in more "useful idiots" to Bolshevik causes. Here is a large sampling of Einstein's affiliations:

  1. The World Congress Against Imperialist War - The Communist International (Comintern) organized this congress which was attended by over 800 Communist delegates from around Europe with Albert Einstein serving on the "International Organizing Committee."
  2. The Worker's International Relief - Einstein was a great admirer and supporter of this creation of the Comintern.
  3. The War Resisters International - Affiliated with Anarchist and Communist groups, this group considered Einstein an imminent member and spokesperson.
  4. World Congress of the Anti-Imperialist League - Einstein served as a leader of this Comintern affiliate.
  5. The War Resisters League - American sister-organization of the War Resisters International, Einstein was chosen to be "Honorary Chairman."
  6. American League Against War and Fascism - Einstein is on record of endorsing their convention in Pittsburgh, November of 1937, called the "People's Congress for Democracy and Peace." Earl Browder, vice president of the League and General Secretary of the Communist Party, addressed this convention.
  7. North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy - Anarcho-Communist organization, Einstein served on the Advisory Committee.
  8. Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade - An organization dedicated to bring back members from Spain of the "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" which recruited American volunteers into a Anarcho-Communist partisan army to fight in the Spanish Civil War. Einstein was a member of the National Campaign Committee of this organization.
  9. International Labor Defense* - Used at times as a legal defense organization, was directly connected to the Communist Party. Einstein affiliated.
  10. League of American Writers - Communist culture front for Marxist writers. Einstein affiliated.
  11. Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee - Used to rescue Communist operatives from unsympathetic lands and obtain grateful manpower as "useful idiots." Einstein affiliated.
  12. Committee for Peace through World Cooperation - The name speaks for itself. One world government Comintern front group. Einstein affiliated.
  13. National Committee for American-Soviet Friendship - Originally founded in 1920 as the "Friends of the Soviet Union." Einstein affiliated.
  14. American Friends of the Chinese People - Front group for aid of Chinese Communists. Einstein affiliated.
  15. American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born - Comintern front group. Einstein affiliated.
  16. National Federation for Constitutional Liberties* - Einstein was a supporter of this Communist front formed to protect Communists from questioning by government agencies and to abolish the Un-American Committee which was unearthing Communists in entertainment and government positions.
  17. Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign - Front to assist Communist agents who were kicked out of the country by Spanish Nationalists. Einstein affiliated.

*In 1945 the International Labor Defense and the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties merged with the Marxist inspired National Negro Congress to form the Civil Rights Congress (CRC). The CRC was led by an open black Communist lawyer by the name of William L. Patterson who defended minority hoodlums and left wing radicals.

Einstein the Hypocrite

Though a public pacifist and a tireless campaigner for years against all types of wars Einstein helped to rally up support for America to enter into war with Germany. In 1939 and 1940 with the killing in full swing Einstein wrote two letters imploring President Franklin Roosevelt to develop a program to develop an atomic bomb which he insists must be used on Germany. The very fact that he insists in the creation of an atomic bomb, the most destructive weapon of war known to man at that time, is proof enough that what he had in mind was not ending war but in the death of hundreds of thousands of people; almost all old men, women and children.

Einstein and the Soviet Spy Ring

At the request of Albert Einstein, Dr. Albert Fuchs was brought to the United States to work on the Manhattan Project*; a think-tank of scientists to create the world's first atomic weapon. From 1942 to 1945 Dr. Fuchs was privy to top secret atomic secrets and was part of a large Soviet spy ring to supply the U.S.S.R. with top secret information concerning the Project. Following the arrest of Fuchs for espionage, interrogation by government officials unearthed nine others in the conspiracy, 8 of them Jews:

  • Harry Gold: arrested in 1950 and charged with espionage, sentenced to 30 years.
  • Abraham Brothman: supplied Gold with secret information on aviation gasoline, turbo aircraft engines, and synthetic rubber. Convicted of conspiracy.
  • Miriam Moscowitz: an associate of Brothman, was convicted of obstructing justice.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: the most famous of all the conspirators, delivered top secret equipment and atomic information directly to the Soviet government. They were convicted of espionage and executed on June 19,1953.
  • David Greenglass: and his wife supplied atomic secrets to the Rosenbergs. Released from prison in 1960.
  • Morten Sobell: passed secret radar information to Rosenbergs. He was convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage and sentenced to thirty years.
  • Dr. William Perl: of the Physics Department at Columbia University was arrested on four counts of perjury in connection with the spy ring.

*It is very important to note that although Einstein was supportive of an atomic weapon to be used on German women and children (the men were off fighting on the front) and it was supposedly his work that made the a-bomb largely possible Einstein had no scientific or technical input in the Manhattan Project at all. If his work was genuine would he not take part in what he had implored President Roosevelt for?

Pravda Calls Einstein "Friend"

In 1947, Pravda, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the USSR hailed a number of entertainers, politicians, and scientists who they felt were truly friends of the USSR and guided by the principles of international Communism. All of these "intellectuals" honored were rightly so because all were either open Communists are affiliated with numerous Communist front groups.

Albert Einstein was included in this "honor roll" for his work with numerous Marxist front groups. Pravda went on to say that; "foreign democratic intellectuals have become more and more convinced that only by following the principles of the USSR is defending in the field of international relations can the leaders of science and culture be set free from the fate of the servants of imperialism."


Thursday 9 March 2006

Madrid bombing probe finds no al-Qaida link

A two-year probe into the Madrid train bombings concludes the Islamic terrorists who carried out the blasts were homegrown radicals acting on their own rather than at the behest of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida network, two senior intelligence officials said.

Spain still remains home to a web of radical Algerian, Moroccan and Syrian groups bent on carrying out attacks — and aiding the insurgency against U.S. troops in Iraq — a Spanish intelligence chief and a Western official intimately involved in counterterrorism measures in Spain told The Associated Press.

The intelligence chief said there were no phone calls between the Madrid bombers and al-Qaida and no money transfers. The Western official said the plotters had links to other Islamic radicals in Western Europe, but the plan was hatched and organized in Spain. “This was not an al-Qaida operation,” he said. “It was homegrown.”

Both men spoke on condition of anonymity, the first because Spanish security officials are not allowed to discuss details of an ongoing investigation, the second due to the sensitive nature of his job.

The attack has been frequently described as al-Qaida-linked since a man who identified himself as Abu Dujan al-Afghani and said he was al-Qaida’s “European military spokesman,” claimed responsibility in a video released two days later.

Calls for more progress
Ahead of Saturday’s anniversary of the March 11, 2004 blasts — which killed 191 people and wounded 1,500 — victims’ groups have been clamoring for more progress in the investigation.

Gabriel Moris, whose 30-year-old son died in the bombings, said: “These past two years have done nothing to clear up what happened. My questions are simple: Who ordered the massacre? Who killed my son and the other innocent victims?”

The intelligence official said authorities know more than they have revealed, including the suspected ideological and operational masterminds of the attack.

“We haven’t explained it well enough to the victims because we can’t reveal judicial secrets,” he said, adding the investigation is nearly complete.

Laying responsibility
Authorities believe the ideological mastermind was Serhan Ben Abdelmajid Fakhet, a Tunisian who blew himself up along with six other suspects when police surrounded their apartment three weeks after the bombings, and that Jamal Ahmidan, a Moroccan who also died that day, was the “military planner.”

Law enforcement had focused on another man, Allekema Lamari, as the head of the group. But the official said evidence, particularly from wiretapped phone conversations, indicated it was Ahmidan who gave the military orders. Lamari also died in the apartment blast in a Madrid suburb as authorities closed in.

Some 116 people have been arrested in the bombings, and 24 remain jailed. At least three others — Said Berraj, Mohammed Belhadj and Daoud Ouhane — are sought by authorities, though all are believed to have fled Spain long ago. The intelligence official said the top planners are all either dead or in jail.

While the plotters of the Madrid attack were likely motivated by bin Laden’s October 2003 call for attacks on European countries that supported the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, there is no evidence they were in contact with the al-Qaida leader’s inner circle, the intelligence official said.

Most of the plotters were Moroccan and Syrian immigrants, many with criminal records in Spain for drug trafficking and other crimes. They paid for explosives used in the attack with hashish.

That is a far cry from the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States — allegedly planned by al-Qaida leaders like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh, and funded directly by the terror network through international wire transfers and Islamic banking schemes.

Paul Wilkinson, chairman of the Center for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, said the model used in Madrid, and likely for the July 7 London transport bombings fits in well with al-Qaida’s business plan.

“Al-Qaida is not and never was a topdown organization that did everything in terms of attacks around the world. They have a key role in ideological terms ... but they rely on local cells and those that are inspired to carry out these attacks,” he said.

After the fact, bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahri are happy to claim responsibility because they recognize the carnage as inspired by their movement.

Still, Wilkinson cautioned that just because no direct link has been established between the Madrid plotters and al-Qaida, it doesn’t mean none exists. “If security officials knew everything that was going on, we would have caught Osama bin Laden by now,” he said.

‘A lot of moving parts’
Both the Spanish intelligence chief and the Western official said there is reason for concern despite the lack of a direct al-Qaida connection.

“There were a lot of moving parts to the March 11 plot, but we were still not able to detect it, and that is scary because a similar thing could happen again,” said the Western counterterrorism official. “Since March 11, there have been plans for other significant attacks that the Spanish have disrupted.”

Those plans include a scheme in late 2004 to bomb buildings in Barcelona, including the 1992 Olympic village and office towers known as the city’s World Trade Center complex. Police also thwarted a 2004 plot by Moroccan and Algerian militants to level Madrid’s National Court — a hub for anti-terrorism investigations — with a 1,100-pound truck bomb.

And agents specializing in Islamic terrorism have arrested dozens of suspects — all allegedly working to recruit potential suicide bombers for the Iraq insurgency.

At least two Spanish citizens — including March 11 suspect Mohammed Afalah — are believed to have blown themselves up in Iraq, and an investigation by the respected El Pais daily revealed some 80 others have traveled to the country in recent months intending to do the same.

The intelligence official said the March 11 attacks were a wakeup call, and authorities are much better prepared now to stop Islamic terrorism. But he said the bombings show how easy it is for those bent on terrorism to carry out attacks.

Online education

He said authorities believe the Madrid bombers learned how to construct the bombs — all connected to Mitsubishi Trium T110 mobile phones — from Internet sites linked to radical Islamic groups. The devices were similar to ones used in the 2002 Bali bombing, he said, evidence that militants in both countries got information on the same radical Web sites.

Spanish authorities were monitoring several of the bombers in the months before the attack — and actually stopped Ahmidan’s car on a highway in late February, unaware he was leading a caravan of other terrorists transporting the explosives used in the blasts.

The intelligence official said authorities had never imagined a group of petty drug traffickers were capable of planning such a massive attack.

“Had we been told a day before (the bombing) that this is what was going on, we would have dismissed it,” he said.



Monday 6 March 2006

The Five Dancing Israelis

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)"

The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11

A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.

The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards. (1)

Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming "middle-eastern" men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (2)

"They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me" said a witness. (3)

[T]hey were seen by New Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the World Trade Center ruins and going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage. (4)

Witnesses saw them jumping for joy in Liberty State Park after the initial impact (5). Later on, other witnesses saw them celebrating on a roof in Weehawken, and still more witnesses later saw them celebrating with high fives in a Jersey City parking lot. (6)

One anonymous phone call to the authorities actually led them to close down all of New York's bridges and tunnels. The mystery caller told the 9-1-1 dispatcher that a group of Palestinians were mixing a bomb inside of a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel. Here's the transcript from NBC News:

Dispatcher: Jersey City police.
Caller: Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like Palestinians and going around a building.
Caller: There's a minivan heading toward the Holland tunnel, I see the guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniform.
Dispatcher: He has what?
Caller: He's dressed like an Arab. (8)

(*Writer's note: Why would this mystery caller specifically say that these "Arabs" were Palestinians? How would he know that? Palestinians usually dress in western style clothes, not "sheikh uniforms")

Based on that phone call, police then issued a "Be-on-the-Lookout" alert for a white mini-van heading for the city's bridges and tunnels from New Jersey.

White, 2000 Chevrolet van with 'Urban Moving Systems' sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals. (9)
When a van fitting that exact description was stopped just before crossing into New York, the suspicious "middle-easterners" were apprehended. Imagine the surprise of the police officers when these terror suspects turned out to be Israelis!

According to ABC’s 20/20, when the van belonging to the cheering Israelis was stopped by the police, the driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers:

"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." (10)

Why did he feel that Palestinians were a problem for the NYPD?

The police and FBI field agents became very suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. (11)

The FBI seized and developed their photos, one of which shows Sivan Kurzberg flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smouldering ruins in an apparently celebratory gesture. (12)

The Jerusalem Post later reported that a white van with a bomb was stopped as it approached the George Washington Bridge, but the ethnicity of the suspects was not revealed. Here's what the Jerusalem Post reported on September 12, 2001:

American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported. (13)

It was reported that three men were arrested and the van contained tonnes of explosives (14).

What's really intriguing is that ABC's 20/20 (15), the New York Post (16), and the New Jersey Bergen Record (17) all clearly and unambiguously reported that a white van with Israelis was intercepted on a ramp near Route 3, which leads directly to the Lincoln Tunnel.

But the Jerusalem Post, Israeli National News (Arutz Sheva) (18), and Yediot America, (19) all reported, just as clearly and unambiguously, that a white van with Israelis was stopped on a ramp leading to the George Washington Bridge, which is several miles north of the Lincoln Tunnel.

It appears as if there may actually have been two white vans involved, one stopped on each crossing. This would not only explain the conflicting reports as to the actual location of the arrests, but would also explain how so many credible eye-witnesses all saw celebrating "middle-easterners" in a white van in so many different locations. It also explains why the New York Post and Steve Gordon (lawyer for the 5 Israelis) originally described how three Israelis were arrested but later increased the total to five.

Perhaps one van was meant to drop off a bomb while the other was meant to pick up the first set of drivers while re-crossing back into New Jersey? If a van was to be used as a parked time-bomb on the GW Bridge, then certainly the drivers would need to have a "get-away van" to pick them up and escape. And notice how the van (or vans) stayed away from the third major crossing -the Holland Tunnel- which was where the police had originally been directed to by that anti-Palestinian 9-1-1 "mystery caller". A classic misdirection play.

From there, the story gets becomes even more suspicious. The Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems. An American employee of Urban Moving Systems told the The Record of New Jersey that a majority of his co-workers were Israelis and they were joking about the attacks.

The employee, who declined to give his name said: "I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me." These guys were like, "Now America knows what we go through." (20)

A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country for Israel. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System's customers were left with their furniture stranded in storage facilities (21).

Suter's departure was abrupt, leaving behind coffee cups, sandwiches, cell phones and computers strewn on office tables and thousands of dollars of goods in storage. Suter was later placed on the same FBI suspect list as 9/11 lead hijacker Mohammed Atta and other hijackers and suspected al-Qaeda sympathizers, suggesting that U.S. authorities felt Suter may have known something about the attacks. (22)

The Jewish weekly The Forward reported that the FBI finally concluded that at least two of the detained Israelis were agents working for the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, and that Urban Moving Systems, the ostensible employer of the five Israelis, was a front operation. This was confirmed by two former CIA officers, and they noted that movers' vans are a common intelligence cover. (23). The Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released. (24)

"There was no question but that [the order to close down the investigation] came from the White House. It was immediately assumed at CIA headquarters that this basically was going to be a cover-up so that the Israelis would not be implicated in any way in 9/11." (25)
Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home. Said one of the men, denying that they were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11, "The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event." (26)

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How did they know there would be an event to document on 9/11?

It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots of the dancing Israeli Mossad agents - here's the most logical scenario:

1. The Israeli "movers" cheered the 9-11 attacks to celebrate the successful accomplishment of the greatest spy operation ever pulled off in history.

2. One of them, or an accomplice, then calls a 9-1-1 police dispatcher to report Palestinian bomb-makers in a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel.

3. Having thus pre-framed the Palestinians with this phone call, the Israeli bombers then head for the George Washington Bridge instead, where they will drop off their time-bomb van and escape with Urban Moving accomplices.

4. But the police react very wisely and proactively by closing off ALL bridges and tunnels instead of just the Holland Tunnel. This move inadvertently foils the Israelis' misdirection play and leads to their own capture and 40 day torture.

5. To cover up this story, the U.S. Justice Department rounds up over 1000 Arabs for minor immigration violations and places them in New York area jails. The Israelis therefore become less conspicuous as the government and media can now claim that the Israelis were just immigration violators caught in the same dragnet as many other Arabs.

6. After several months, FBI and Justice Department "higher-ups" are able to gradually push aside the local FBI agents and free the Israelis quietly.

Osama bin Laden was immediately blamed for the 9/11 attacks even though he had no previous record of doing anything on this scale. Immediately after the Flight 11 hit World Trade Center 1
CIA Director George Tenet said "You know, this has bin Laden's fingerprints all over it." (27)

The compliant mainstream media completely ignored the Israeli connection. Immediately following the 9-11 attacks the media was filled with stories linking the attacks to bin Laden. TV talking-heads, "experts", and scribblers of every stripe spoon-fed a gullible American public a steady diet of the most outrageous propaganda imaginable.

We were told that the reason bin Laden attacked the USA was because he hates our "freedom" and "democracy". The Muslims were "medieval" and they wanted to destroy us because they envied our wealth, were still bitter about the Crusades, and were offended by Britney Spears shaking her tits and ass all over the place!

But bin Laden strongly denied any role in the attacks and suggested that Zionists orchestrated the
9-11 attacks. The BBC published bin Laden's statement of denial in which he said:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States." (28)

You never heard that quote on your nightly newscast did you?

[A] number of intelligence officials have raised questions about Osama bin Laden's capabilities. "This guy sits in a cave in Afghanistan and he's running this operation?" one C.I.A. official asked. "It's so huge. He couldn't have done it alone." A senior military officer told me that because of the visas and other documentation needed to infiltrate team members into the United States a major foreign intelligence service might also have been involved. (29)

Bin Laden is not named as the perpetrator of 9/11 by the FBI:

When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page (30), [Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI] said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” (31)

To date, the only shred of “evidence” to be uncovered against bin Laden is a barely audible fuzzy amateur video that the Pentagon just happened to find "lying around" in Afghanistan. How very convenient, and how very fake. (32)

There is no evidence, be it hard or circumstantial, to link the Al Qaeda "terrorist network" to these acts of terror, but there is a mountain of evidence, both hard and circumstantial, which suggests that Zionists have been very busy framing Arabs for terror plots against America.

"I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing -- although that was part of it -- by a sovereign foreign government ... It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now" - Senator Bob Graham. (33)

If the sovereign foreign government mentioned by Senator Graham was an enemy of the United States the "compelling evidence" would not be kept secret for 20+ years.

One final point; at 09:40 on 9-11 it was reported that the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attacks (31). This claim was immediately denied by the DFLP leader Qais abu Leila who said it had always opposed "terror attacks on civilian targets, especially outside the occupied territories." (34)

Why would a Palestinian organisation comprising of less than 500 people (35) make the suicidal move of immediately claiming responsibility for the attacks?

Sharon and the other Israeli leaders aspire to fulfil what the goals of the political Zionist movement have been since its origin a century ago: to turn all of historic Palestine into an exclusively Jewish state. A central tenet of the Zionist ideology is expressed in the racist slogan, "A land without people for a people without a land." (36)

The implication of Palestinians in the 9/11 attacks would have handed Zionists a golden opportunity to achieve the above because all Palestinians would have been labelled terrorists.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring.

Source: Whatreallyhappened.com

