Monday, 8 March 2004

THE WORLD ORDER : Brookings and Carnegie Foundations

Chapter 7.1: Rockefeller Foundation

Origins of the foundation system, the Rockefeller Foundation

  • Syndicates of Control

  • Origins of the Foundation System

  • The Rockefeller Foundation

Foundations as Syndicates of Control

The World Order controls the citizens of the United States through the tax exempt foundations. These foundations create and implement government policy through their staff members in key positions in the executive, legislative and judiciary departments. The foundations create educational policy through their staff members in key positions at every level of the educational system. The foundations control religious doctrine through their staff members in key positions in the leading religious denominations.

"Foundation" is a misleading term; Webster calls it an endowment, but a foundation is really a trust, which Roget states is a "syndicate". If, instead of Rockefeller Foundation, we were to say Rockefeller Syndicate, we would be much closer to the truth. Alpheus T. Mason, in his biography of justice Brandeis, quotes Brandeis as pointing out that "Socialism has been developed largely by the power of individual trusts." What we have then, are criminal syndicates masquerading as philanthropic enterprises while they inflict Socialist world slavery on nations and peoples for the benefit of the World Order.

Norman Dodd, director of research for the Reece Committee in its attempt to investigate tax exempt foundations, was asked by Congressman B. Carroll Reece in January, 1954, "Do you accept the premise that the United States is the victim of a conspiracy?". "Yes," said Dodd. "Then," said Congressman Reece, "you must conduct the investigation on that basis." B.E. Hutchinson, chairman of Chrysler Corp., although approving the goals of the investigation, warned Dodd, "If you proceed as you have outlined, you will be killed."

Dodd stated:

"The foundation world is a coordinated, well-directed system, the purpose of which is to ensure that the wealth of our country shall be used to divorce it from the ideas which brought it into being. The foundations are the biggest single influence in collectivism."

The 1975 Report of the Rockefeller Foundation showed a $100,000 grant to the Institute for World Order, operated by Prof. Saul Mendlovitz, who states in the Institute publication Transition, Oct. 1974:

"I am arguing for a new governance or alternative institutions to those now responsible for global concert; people will be demanding a central guidance system; it means a governance is about to come into being in which the policy elites in various nation states who have the authority and capacity to make decisions -- will no longer have that as their prerogative. There will be a governance that will say -- you can't build an army anymore. You must give a certain amount of your economic income to other areas of the world."

In short, a World Order -- no national armies; no private incomes; no individual freedom. Ironically, all this is being financed by those who created wealth by the exercise of individual freedom in the United States. Mendlovitz does not use the word "government", which might imply a government by the consent of the people, as in the United States. He uses "governance", the imperial form, meaning a dictatorial decree.

Every act of the foundation-syndicates, and of their masters in the World Order, is intended to implement a ruthless type of Oriental despotism. As is traditional in this type of despotism, the most efficient palace servants are eunuchs. Eunuchs work for little or no pay, because they do not have the expense of rearing families. In the foundation world, we find the eunuch as the predominant type of official. The eunuchs move in and out of the foundations into prominent posts in government, education and religion. Although they may marry and have children, pyschologically they remain eunuchs, those who have forsworn their manhood to become palace servants of the World Order. Columnist Jeffrey Hart recently commented on this type, referring to Mondale's selection of Geraldine Ferraro as his vice presidential nominee, "Mondale should have chosen a man, in order to balance the ticket."

We well may ask, if the World Order is in control, why do we need an "Institute for World Order"? Why do we need the foundations as Gauleiters of the Order's control? The answer is that the World Order rules because it conceals its power; it denies that it exists. Although its power is obvious everywhere, in the government, in education, in the religious orders, in the wars and revolutions and famines which are so meticulously planned and executed, the World Order, like the Mafia, refuses to acknowledge its own existence. Its subsidiaries come and go, but the Order remains constant. When too many people discover the Council on Foreign Relations, power is moved into the Bilderbergers, or the Trilateral Commission. The Order's control remains constant.

The New York Times noted April 29, 1984 that 1400 officials were attending the annual meeting of the Council on Foundations. There were 21,697 foundations in the U.S., which in 1983 distributed $3.4 billion in grants. These grants are dispensed only to those who implement the program of the World Order, and whose goal is world slavery.

The international banking families, whose origins go back to the Middle Ages, set up the principal American foundations to protect the wealth they had amassed in their dealings in slaves, drugs and gold, and to perpetuate that wealth through means which can only be described as "imperial decrees", government charters, in order to neutralize all potential rivals or opposition by controlling them and directing or misdirecting their opposition.

None of the charters of the foundations indicate their real purpose. They are replete with such phrases as "the well-being of mankind", "the elimination of poverty", the "elimination of disease, "the promotion of world brotherhood". Compassion, caring, charity, these are the watchwords of the foundations. There is no hint to the unwary of the despotic instincts which drive these "caring" people to promote world wars and world slavery, nor is there any warning to the menials of the foundations that if they falter at any time in their dedication to the goals of the World Order, the penalty is sudden death.

Many eunuchs who became a liability to the World Order have been eliminated without mercy. When Hiss, White and others faced Congressional investigation, many of their acquaintances became casualties. A lawyer named Marvin Smith, a close friend of Hiss, fell out of a window. Laurence Duggan, an intimate of both Hiss and White, was slated to testify when he fell out of a twelfth story window. Duggan was an official of the Institute of International Education, of which his father was founder and president, but these family ties offered him no protection. In his haste to get to the window, he tore off one shoe, and left his office in a shambles as he fought his way across it. The verdict was "suicide". The Canadian diplomat, Herbert Norman, and the Harvard Professor F.O. Matthiesen, also went out the window before they could be made to testify about their associations. The phenomena became so common that it gave rise to a new term "defenestration", meaning the avoidance of testimony, and a suitable warning to others who might think of talking.

Origins of the Foundation System

We have read ad nauseam about men of great wealth who, after careers of astounding ruthlessness while amassing their fortunes, suddenly underwent a profound conversion, like Paul, and became men of goodwill. It is true that the "benefactions" of the Carnegies and the Rockefellers are the most potent influences in American life today.

They collect ever higher taxes, increase the control of government over every aspect of human life, and plan more wars and revolutions to further their goals. From the outset, American foundations have exhibited a twofold image -- in front is the tireless do-gooder who balks at nothing if it serves a good cause. Behind him are the evil conspirators who are intent on preserving and increasing their wealth and power.

The foundation in its present form, originated in the concept of a Boston family, the Peabodys. Henry James in his novel "The Bostonians", ridiculed a family friend, Elizabeth Peabody, for her fifty years of relentless humanitarian zeal, portraying her as the legendary Miss Birdseye. George Peabody, after slave trading operations in Washington and Baltimore, moved to London, where he was set up as a front by the Rothschild family. He amassed a fortune by buying up depressed stock in American panics, and chose a Boston trader, Junius Morgan, to carry on his business.

In 1865, Peabody set up the first large-scale American foundation, the Peabody Educational Fund, endowing it with $1 million in government bonds. By 1867, this had grown to $2 million; by 1869, $3.6 million. Ostensibly set up to educate Southern Negroes after the Civil War, it was a key operation in the carpetbagger strategy to gain control of Southern lands and to control their state governments. These states had to borrow heavily from Wall Street bankers to rebuild their services, and they remained deeply in debt for the next century.

Because of its international connections, the Peabody Fund attracted a stellar board of directors. Gen. Ulysses Grant served on its board for eighteen years; Grover Cleveland served fourteen years; McKinley two years; Theodore Roosevelt thirteen years. J.P. Morgan served on the board for 28 vears and never missed a meeting. His partner, Anthony Drexel, served 12 years. A fund with similar goals was the John F. Slater Fund for the Education of Freedmen, established by John F. Slater (1815-1884) a wealthy Northern textile manufacturer. Set up with $1 million, by 1882, it had grown to $4 million. The three original trustees were President Rutherford B. Haves, Daniel Coit Gilman, and Morris K. Jesup, treasurer.

When John D. Rockefeller discovered that the foundations offered the road to world power, the Peabody Fund proved to be his model. He and his "Director of Charity", Fredrick T. Gates, set up the Southern Educational Board, which merged with the Peabody and Slater Funds. They later set up the General Education Board which absorbed its three predecessors. Its charter stated that its purpose was "the promotion of education within the USA without distinctions of race, creed or sex" [and] its goals were racial amalgamation and the abolition of distinctions between the sexes. Its incorporators included its first president, William H. Baldwin Jr., pres. Long Island Railroad, formerly with Union Pacific, the Harriman-Schiff operation; Frederick T. Gates, Rockefeller's righthand man; Daniel Coit Gilman, vice pres. Peabody Fund and the Slater Fund, president Univ. of California 1872-75, president John Hopkins Univ. 1875-1901, and first president of the Carnegie Institute.

Gilman was an original incorporator of the Russell Sage Foundation and the Carnegie Institute. The fact that one man was an incorporator of the three most influential foundations in America shows how centralized the control of these supposedly autonomous foundations has always been by a few ruthless individuals. Gilman is usually listed as a charter member of the World Order, because he, together with Andrew Dickson White and Timothy Dwight, set up the Russell Trust at Yale in 1856, to finance the Skull and Bones organization, whose members are the leading front men in America. W. Averell Harriman, Vice President George Bush, and propagandist William Buckley of the National Review are typical members. Norman Dodd, also a Yale man, said: "It was well-known on campus that if you were tapped for Bones you would never have to worry about success in later life."

Of the three founders of this Order, Dwight became president of Yale. White, son of a railroad millionaire, was said by the New York Times to have inherited enough money to make him free from care for life. He became the first president of Cornell University, and gave the institution $300,000 to set up its School of Government; he became the first president of the American Historical Association, and was U.S. Ambassador to Russia 1892-94, and Ambassador to Germany 1897-1902. His final legacy was to advise Herbert Hoover to set up the Hoover Institution.

However, it is with the third founder, Daniel Coit Gilman, with whom we are most concerned. Gilman trained John Dewey in collectivist theories of education at Johns Hopkins University. Dewey went on to head the University of Chicago School of Education, and later Teachers College at Columbia University, two of the leading Fabian Socialist schools in the world. Gilman, through his protege, Dewey, has dominated American education throughout the twentieth century. Gilman also trained Richard Ely at the Johns Hopkins Dept. of Economics. Ely later taught Woodrow Wilson, whom he describes as "unusual, brilliant". Thus Gilman's influence extended through Ely to Woodrow Wilson, who gave us the Federal Reserve System, the income tax, and the First World War.

Although American, the three founders of this order were educated at the University of Berlin, where they were indoctrinated in the Hegelian philosophy of determinism. This philosophy of education and government teaches that everyone can be controlled and must be controlled in order to achieve predetermined goals. It is the philosophy of Oriental despotism transferred to Europe and adapted to the greater individuality of the European peoples, from whom most Americans are descended. As founder Frederick T. Gates wrote in the General Education Board Occasional Paper No. 1:

"In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our moulding hands. The present educational conventions fade from our minds, and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk."

The members of the World Order regard everyone as a peasant; they have only contempt for those who are too naive to see that they are being robbed, tricked and enslaved.

Other original directors of General Education Board included:

  • Morris K. Jesup, a banker who had been treasurer of the Peabody and Slater Funds. He was a director of Western Union, a Kuhn Loeb controlled company, Metropolitan Trust, and Atlantic Mutual Insurance

  • Robert C. Ogden of John Wanamker Co., who served as president of Southern Educational Board, Tuskegee Institute, Union Theological Seminary, and Hampton Institute

  • Walter Hines Page, who as Ambassador to Britain helped involve us in World War I

  • Sir Roderick Jones, chief of Reuters News Agency at its historic address, 24 Old Jewry, London.

Jones relates a bit of history in his autobiography, "A Life in Reuters" -- a [March, 1917] luncheon given by him for Gen. Smuts, Sir Starr Jameson, and Dr. Walter Hines Page (all three of whom had Rothschild connections):

"We dined in a private room at the Windham Club, the one in which twenty years later the terms of the abdication of King Edward VII were settled. We drifted on to the question of the U.S. entering the war, for which Britain and France so patiently waited. Dr. Page then revealed to us, under seal of secrecy, that he had received from the President that afternoon, a personal communication upon the strength of which he could affirm that, at last, the die was cast.

Consequently, it was not without emotion that he found himself able to assure us that the U.S. would be at war with the Central Powers inside a week from that date. The Ambassador's assurance was correct to the day. We dined on Friday, March 30. On April 2 President Wilson asked Congress to declare a State of War with Germany. On April 6 the U.S. was at war."

Can anyone fail to make a connection between the director of a "charity" designed to control the education of every citizen of the U.S., and its director who conspired to involve us in a world war ?

Another incorporator of General Education Board was George Foster Peabody, a member of the family which had set up the Peabody Fund. He married Katrina Trask, relict of Spencer Trask, a wealthy stockbroker who specialized in railroad issues. Their estate, Yaddo, a magnificent upstate mansion, was left as a foundation to provide writers and artists a place to work. The grantees, one need not add, have been unanimously and relentlessly "liberal" in their philosophy and work, although they have regrettably failed to produce any significant contributions to American art or literature.

Spencer Trask had been killed when someone shunted a freight train onto the line carrying his sumptuous private car. George Foster Peabody promptly moved into Yaddo with Katrina, and lived ten years with her before marrying her in 1921. She died shortly thereafter, and Peabody "adopted" a lissome young divorcee, Marjorie White, when he was informed the church would not allow him to marry her. He then appointed her sister, Elizabeth Ames, director of Yaddo, where she remained as virtual dictator for many years. The music room at Yaddo displays a large bronze plaque which reads, "George Foster Peabody, Lover of Men".

Peabody was appointed the first director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914, serving during the crucial years of World War I, until 1921. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and later became a director of FDR's Warm Springs Foundation, and the Hampton Institute. Louise Ware writes in her biography of Peabody, "He (Peabody) added that the national crisis (World War I), when every man was needed, should insure the Negro opportunity." Peabody was chairman of Combustion Engineering Corp., president of Broadway Realtors, director of Mexican Lead Co., Mexican Coal & Coke, Mexican National Railways, Tezuitlan Copper Refining and Smelting, and served as treasurer of the Democratic National Party. Despite his "capitalist" background, Peabody was always an avowed Socialist. Ware notes that he wrote to Norman Thomas:

"I have always been most sympathetic to individual Socialist aspirations. I have particularly observed the Fabian System of England with hopeful anticipations."

This admirer of Fabian Socialism is the man who helped install the General Education Board as the guiding force behind all educational developments in the U.S. since 1910.

The Springfield Republican noted, Oct. 1866:

"For all who know anything of the subject know very well that Peabody and his partners in London gave us no faith and no help in our struggle for national existence. They participated to the full in the common English distrust of our cause and our success, and talked and acted for the South rather than for our nation. No individual contributed so much to flooding our money markets with the evidences of our debt in Europe, and breaking down their prices and weakening financial confidence in our nationality than George Peabody & Co. and none made more money by the operation. All the money that Mr. Peabody is giving away so lavishly among our institutions of learning was gained by the speculations of his house in our misfortunes."

This editorial was also reprinted in the New York Times Oct. 31, 1866. The writer did not know that Peabody was a front for the Rothschilds, or that the establishment of the Peabody Fund was intended to give them political and financial control of the impoverished South, or that it would inaugurate the "Era of the Foundations" as the controlling factor in American life.

The Rockefeller Foundation

John D. Rockefeller used General Education Board funds through Standard Oil representatives in Russia to provoke the Russian Revolution in 1905. No wonder the Soviet masses cheer when a Rockefeller arrives to visit them. To date, the Rockefellers have "given" more than $5 billion from stock income, meaning that Americans have had to ante up billions of dollars in taxes which would otherwise have been revenue on this income.

Congressman Wright Patman, chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, proved in 1967 Hearings that 14 Rockefeller foundations held assets of more than $1 billion in Standard Oil stock. Not only did they pay no tax on this stock, but it gave them permanent control over the family owned firm. Rival financiers could not buy control of Standard Oil because its stock was insulated by foundation ownership. As Patman pointed out, the fact that the Rockefellers escaped paying huge sums in taxes gave them an unsurpassed market advantage over other firms which had to pay normal rates of taxation. The agitation for increased "corporate taxation" adds to Rockefeller's advantage. Patman said, "The Foundations are the best investments the Rockefeller family could have made."

A family member, Senator Nelson Aldrich, shepherded the General Education Board charter through Congress. The Rockefeller Foundation charter proved more difficult. It was a flagrant effort to evade government decrees against the Standard Oil monopoly, but was finally pushed through in 1913 by Sen. Robert F. Wagner of N.Y., setting aside $50 million in Standard Oil of New Jersey stock for "charitable work". The Rockefeller Foundation charter was signed on May 22, 1913. Its incorporators were:

  • John D. Rockefeller

  • John D.Rockefeller Jr.

  • Henry Pratt Judson, of the Lyman and Pratt families, president of University of Chicago

  • Simon Flexner, educated at Universitv of Berlin and Univ. of Strasbourg, had served with Rockefeller Institute since 1903 as prof. of medicine

  • Starr Jameson, "personal counsel to John D. Rockefeller in his benevolences"

  • Jerome D. Greene, secretary of Harvard Corp. 1910-11, banker with Lee Higginson of London, 1912-18, sec. Reparations commission at Paris Peace Conference

  • Wickliffe Rose, prof. Peabody College, secretary Peabody Educational Fund, trustee of Slater Fund and General Education Board

  • Charles W. Eliot, also of the Lyman family, married Ellen Peabody, educated in Germany, president emeritus of Harvard.

An offshoot, the China Medical Board, secured Standard Oil the market for "oil for the lamps of China", and gave the family entree into the highly profitable Asiatic drug trade. The breakthrough was obtained after they financed the rise to power of the Soong family, who created modern China.

The list of officers of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1913-63 reveals a great deal about this organization. The four chairmen of the board have been John D. Rockefeller. Jr. 1917-39; Walter D. Stewart, 1939-50; John Foster Dulles, 1950-52; and John D. Rockefeller 3rd, 1952-63.

Walter D. Stewart served with Bernard Baruch on the War Industries Board in 1918, was with the Federal Reserve Board from 1922-25, and then joined the law firm of Case, Pomery, a Rockefeller firm. He was economic adviser to the Bank of England 1928-30, Special Adviser to Bank for International Settlements 1931, Presidential Council of Economic Advisors for Eisenhower 1953-56, and later president of the Institute for Advanced Study. In this list of legal and financial posts, one is struck by the conspicuous absence of any "charitable" endeavours.

John Foster Dulles, as senior partner of the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, carried on the firm's traditional involvement in promoting wars and revolutions. Few Americans know that Sullivan & Cromwell's intrigues made the Panama Canal possible.

A 736 page volume, "The Story of Panama, the U.S. House Hearings on Panama in 1913," offers hundreds of pages of documentation proving that William Nelson Cromwell, founder of the firm, and Dulles' mentor, instigated and promoted the Panamanian Revolution for J.P. Morgan and J. & W. Seligman. Morgan subsequently received $40 million in gold from the U.S. Treasury, the largest check it had ever drawn to that time. $35 million of this sum was clear profit.

President Theodore Roosevelt sued the New York World for libel for printing some of the facts about himself and Cromwell. The case was unanimously thrown out of court by the Supreme Court. We find in "The Roosevelt Panama Libel Case Against the N.Y. World" the following :

"On Oct. 3, 1908, the Democratic National Committee was considering the advisability of making public a statement that William Nelson Cromwell in connection with M. Bunau-Varilla, A French speculator, had formed a syndicate at the time when it was quite evident that the U.S. would take over the rights of French bondholders in the DeLesseps Canal, and that this syndicate included among others Charles P. Taft, brother of William Howard Taft, and Douglas Robinson, brother-in-law of President Theodore Roosevelt. These financiers invested their money because of a full knowledge of the intention of the U.S. Government to acquire the French property at a price of about $40 million and thus -- because of the alleged information from Government sources -- were enabled to reap a rich profit."

On Aug. 29, 1908, the Democratic National Committee issued a statement from its headquarters in Chicago identifying Cromwell as:

"William Nelson Cromwell of New York, the great Wall Street lawyer, attorney for the Panama Canal combine, Kuhn Loeb Co., the Harriman interests, the sugar trust, the Standard Oil trust et al."

Thus the Democratic leaders identified Cromwell as the lawyer for the seven men who controlled America for the Rothschilds. The Democrats continued :

"In Sept. 1904, during the absences of Secretary Taft from Washington, Mr. Cromwell, a private citizen practically ran the War Dept. John F. Wallace, Chief Engineer of the Panama Canal, testified before the Senate Committee on Feb. 5, 1905, 'Cromwell appeared to me to be a dangerous man'."

The House Hearings devoted many pages to Cromwell's activities, well worth anyone's reading, including damning testimony from Congressman Rainey:

"The revolutionists were in the pay of the Panama Railroad & Steamship Co., a New Jersey corporation. The representative of that corporation was William Nelson Cromwell. He was the revolutionist who promoted and made possible the revolution on the Isthmus of Panama. At that time he was a shareholder in the railroad and its general counsel in the United States. William Nelson Cromwell -- the most dangerous man this country has produced since the days of Aaron Burr -- is a professional revolutionist."

John Foster Dulles, chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, inherited the mantle of Cromwell as the most dangerous man in America. A member of the Rockefeller family through his marriage to Janet Pomeroy Avery, he was secretary to his uncle, Secretary of State Robert Lansing, at the Paris Peace Conference. Thomas Lamont, partner of J.P. Morgan, wrote of Dulles at that time, "All of us placed great reliance upon John Foster Dulles."

Dulles later turned up in Germany with Baron Kurt von Schroder to guarantee Hitler the funds to take over Germany. U.S. Ambassador to Germany William Dodd writes in his Diary, Dec. 4, 1933:

"John Foster Dulles, legal Counsel for associated American banks, called this afternoon to give an account of claims being urged on behalf of bondholders against German cities and corporations, more than a billion dollars. He seemed very clever and resolute."

Ron Pruessen, in his biography of Dulles, mentions Dulles' "secret discussions with the German Cabinet Dec. 1933 and Jan. 1934 in Berlin." Pruessen lists Dulles' banking clients during the 1920s: "J.P. Morgan, the national City Co., Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Dillon Read, Guaranty Trust, Lee Higginson, and Brown Bros Harriman." Dulles had a legal monopoly on Wall Street.

John Foster Dulles never lost his penchant for starting wars. How many Americans know that it was John Foster Dulles who sent a telegram from Tokyo to President Truman's advisers, "If it appears that the South Koreans cannot repulse the attack, then we believe that U.S. force should be used." Although Dulles never revealed who "we" included, this telegram set off our involvement in the Korean War.

Among the [officers] of the Rockefeller Foundation, we find:


  • George E. Vincent, who was president of the Chautauqua Institution. He served with Herbert Hoover on the Commission for Relief in Belgium

  • Max Mason, president of the University of Chicago, to which the Rockefellers gave some $400 million

  • Raymond Blaine Fosdick, who served as secretary to the League of Nations, 1919-20, later was official biographer of John D. Rockefeller

  • his brother Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was pastor of Rockefeller's church

  • Chester I. Barnard, president of AT&T, director of the U.S. Telephone Agency during World War I

  • Dean Rusk, who served two presidents as Secretary of State

  • J. George Harrar, who was Andrew D. White professor at Cornell.


  • Jerome D. Greene, who was secretary to the president of Harvard 1901-05 and on the board of Harvard Overseers 1911-1950, secretary of the Reparations Commission under Bernard Baruch at the Paris Peace Conference 1919, general manager of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research 191-1939, director of Brookings Institution, 1928-1945, and chairman of the notorious Rockefeller-financed Institute of Pacific Relations, of which Laurence Rockefeller was secretary, and which had close relations with the Soviet spy Richard Sorge in Japan

  • Edwin R. Embree, who set up the Julius Rosenwald Foundation in 1917 "for the wellbeing of mankind", seven of whose trustees were identified as members of Communist front organizations.

Vice Presidents:

  • Roger S. Greene, the organizer of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, whose purpose was to involve us in World War II and who served with the Dept. of State from 1940-44;

  • Alan Gregg, who served with the British Expeditionary Force 1917-19.

All of these officers also are listed as directors of the Rockefeller Foundation. Other directors include:

  • Lord Franks, British Ambassador to the U.S. 1948-52, a key member of the London Connection which operates the United States as a colony of the British Empire. He is a director of the Rhodes Trust, the Schroder Bank, visiting professor at the University of Chicago, chairman of Lloyd's Bank, and presently chancellor of East Anglia University

  • Charles Evans Hughes, governor of New York, presidential candidate who is believed to have actually defeated Woodrow Wilson in 1916, later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, appointed to that post by his good friend Herbert Hoover

  • James R. Angell, chmn National Research Council. 1919-20, president of the Carnegie Corp., president of Yale (his daughter is Mrs. William Rockefeller), he was a director of New York Life and NBC

  • Trevor Arnett, president of the International Board of Education

  • Harry Pratt Judson, president Univ. of Minnesota, president American University in China, director of Rockefeller's China Medical Board

  • Vernon Kellogg, Herbert Hoover's assistant in the U.S. Food Administration, during World War I and the American Relief Administration 1919-21, later secretary National Research Council and trustee of Brookings Institution

  • Starr Murphy, who lists himself in Who's Who as "the personal counsel and representative of John D. Rockefeller in his bevenolences"

  • Wickliffe Rose, director of public health, Rockefeller Foundation 1913-23, president Peabody College 1892-02, agent Peabody Education Fund 1907-15, Rockefeller Sanitary Commission and Southern Educational Board 1909-15, International Health Board 1913-28, president General Education Board 1913-28, International Education Board 1923-28, director Red Cross and Atlantic Council

  • A. Barton Hepburn, Supt. Banks N.Y. State 1880-83, chief bank examiner N.Y. 1888-92, Comptroller U.S. Army 1892-93, vice pres. National City Bank 1897-99, president Chase Natl Bank 1899-1922, member Federal Advisory Council, Federal Reserve System, 1918, director N.Y. Life, Sears, Woolworth, Studebaker, Texas Co.

  • Julius Rosenwald, set up Rosenwald Foundation to carry on Peabody fund agitation in the South, "total involvement", he also gave $700,000 to Rockefeller's University of Chicago, was trustee Baron de Hirsch Fund, Zionist settlement program

  • Martin A. Ryerson, president board of trustees University of Chicago, trustee Carnegie Institution

  • Karl T. Compton, assigned to American Embassy Paris 1918, he was chmn U.S. Radar Mission to USSR 1943, spec. rep. Secretary of War 1943-44, spec. advisor atomic development 1945, achieved immortality as the man who told Pres. Truman to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, the first use of this horror weapon, also director of Ford Foundation, Sloan Kettering Institute, Royal Society of London

  • John W. Davis, lawyer for Morgan and Rockefeller, Ambassador to Britain 1918-21, Democratic candidate for president 1924

  • John Sloan Dickey, with Dept. State 1940-45, president Dartmouth, served on President's Commission on Civil Rights

  • Harold W. Dodds, president Princeton, was Herbert Hoover's executive secretary U.S. Food Administration 1917-19, trustee Brookings Institution and Carnegie Foundation, director Prudential Insurance

  • Lewis W. Douglas, grad. Oxford, married Peggy Zinsser, Director of Budget 1933-34, president American Cynamid, Ambassador to Great Britain 1947, chairman of board Metropolitan Life, director General Motors, Homestake Mining Co.

  • Orvil Dryfoos, who married Marion Sulzberger and became chairman of New York Times, trustee Baron de Hirsch Fund

  • Lee A. DuBridge, president California Institute of Technology, trustee Rand Corp. member U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, awarded the King's Medal for service to Great Britain 1943

  • David Leon Edsall, dean Harvard Medical School 1918-35

  • Charles William Eliot, who married Ellen Peabody, studied European educational methods, president of Harvard for many years, promoted Hegelian school of determinism

  • Simon Flexner who studied at Univ. of Berlin, Univ. of Strasburg, set up Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, member Royal Society of London, many medical societies

  • Douglas Freeman, editor Richmond News Leader, director Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Equitable Life

  • Herbert S. Gasser, organized Chemical Warfare Service 1918, fellow Royal Society, London and Edinburgh

  • Frederick T. Gates, lists himself as "business and benevolent representative John D. Rockefeller 1893-1912

  • Walter S. Gifford, organized U.S. Council Natl Defense 1916-18 formed to involve us in World War I, invited bv Col. House to serve on U.S. Inter Allied Council 1918, president AT&T, chairman of board of Carnegie Institution

  • Robert F. Goheen, president Princeton 1957-72, Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution, Institute of International Education, Dreyfus Fund, board of overseers Harvard Univ. Carnegie Foundation

  • Herbert Spencer Hadley, as atty gen. of Missouri prosecuted Standard Oil, they then backed him for Governor, he served from 1909-13

  • Wallace K. Harrison, architect Rockefeller Center and UN Building

  • Theodore Hesburgh, president Notre Dame Univ., Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Bros Fund, Hoover Commission

  • Ernest M. Hopkins, asst. to Sec. of War 1918, Office of Procurement & Management 1941, president Darthmouth 1916-45

  • Arthur A. Houghton, chain Corning Glass, office of Price Management 1941-42, adv. com. on arts Federal Reserve System, director New York Life, U.S. Trust, J.P. Morgan Library

  • Clark Kerr, pres. Univ. of California 1952-73

  • Robert A. Lovett, married Adele Brown, of Brown Bros, he was partner Brown Bros Harriman 1926-61, spec. asst Sec. of War 1940-41, Sec. War for Air 1941-45, Under, Sec. State 1947-49, replaced James A. Forrestal as Secretary of Defense when Forrestal fell from window at Naval Hospital, served as Sec. Defense 195-52, director Royal Globe Insurance of London, N.Y. Life, Freeport Sulphur, chairman Union Pacific, director Carnegie Instn; his father, judge Robert S. Lovett was attorney for UP, advised Harriman and Kahn not to answer, questions about their stock dealings, all records burned in 1911

  • Benjamin McKelway, editor Washington Star

  • Henry Allen Moe, Rhodes Scholar, ran Guggenheim Foundation for many years, barrister of Inner Temple, London, chmn Museum of Modern Art set up by Rockefeller family, also Natl Endowment for the Humanities

  • William Myers, director Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y., pres. Committee on Foreign Aid 1947, director Carnegie Foundation, Arco, Smith Corona, Continental Can, Grand Union, Mutual Life

  • Thomas I. Parkinson, adj Gen. U.S. Army 1918-19, chairman Equitable Life, Chase Natl Bank, ATT, Borden

  • Thomas Parran, Surgeon General U.S. 1936-48

  • Alfred N. Richards, staff British Medical Research 1917-18, organized U.S, Chemical Warfare Service 1918

  • Dean Rusk, Rhodes Scholar, joined Dept. State 1946, important role with John Foster Dulles in involving U.S. in Korean War, asst. Sec. War 1946-47, UN Affairs Dept. State 1947-49, president Rockefeller Foundation 1950-60, Secretary of State 1961-69

  • Geoffrey S. Smith, married into Coolidge family, counsel Natl Refugee Commission 1940, OPM 1941, War Production Board 1942, pres. Girard Trust, director Bell Telephone

  • Robert G. Sproull, pres. Univ. of Calif. his brother Allan was president Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. for many years, Robert was director Institute of International Education, Carnegie Foundation, American Group on Allied Reparations 1945,Citizens Committee for the Marshall Plan, Institute of Pacific Relations

  • Frank Stanton, OWI 1942-45, president of CBS for many years

  • Robert T. Stevens, chairman of family firm J.T. Stevens, giant textile firm, director Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y., J.P. Morgan, General Electric, General Foods, New York Telephone, Secretary Army 1953-55, involved in McCarthy Hearings

  • George D. Woods, chairman First Boston, Kaiser Steel, General Staff U.S. Army 1942-95, director New York Times

  • Arthur M. Woods, asst. Sec. War World War I, director of Rockefeller firm Colorado Fuel & Iron, scene of massacre of workers, Ludlow massacre

  • Owen D. Young, chairman General Electric, director RCA, American Foreign Power, General Motors, NBC, RKO, Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y., agent gen. for reparations payments 1919-24, chosen by Bernard Baruch

  • Winthrop Aldrich, Rockefeller family member, chairman Chase National Bank, director AT&T, International Paper, Metropolitan Life, Westinghouse, Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y., Rockefeller Center, served as Ambassador Great Britain 1953-57

  • Barry Bingham, editor Louisville Courier-Journal, served in Europe 1942-45, special mission to France for ECA 1949-50

  • Chester Bowles, founded ad agency Benton & Bowles, served with OPA, WPB WWII, ambassador to India 1951-53, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, partner Sen. William Benton

  • Lloyd D. Brace, pres. First Natl Bank, director ATT, Gillette, John Hancock, Stone & Webster, U.S. Smelting

  • Richard Bradfield, educated at Univ. of Berlin, married into Stillman family Guggenheim fellow, carried out Far Eastern policy for Rockefeller Foundation as head division of agriculture 1955-57

  • Dieter Bronk, pres. Rockefeller Institute Medical Research, Sloan Kettering Institute, received Order of British Empire

  • William H. Claflin, treas. Harvard

  • Ralph Bunche, educated at Harvard and London School of Economics, with British section OSS 1941-44, Dept. State 1944-47, Dumbarton Oaks 1944, UN at San Francisco with Alger Hiss 1945, UN London 1945, Und. Sec UN 1947-71, Palestine Mediator 1948-after Count Bernadotte was assassinated by Begin

  • C. Douglas Dillon born Switzerland 1909, director U.S. & Foreign Securities 1937-63, chairman Dillon Read 1946-53, Ambassador to France 1953-57, under Sec. State 1958-60, helped Bechtel obtain Arabian contracts (Bechtel later bought out his family firm, Dillon Read), Secretary of Treasury 1960-65, is trustee Brookings Instn, Hoover Institution, Heritage Foundation, his daughter is Princess Joan of Luxembourg, married into family which is direct descendant of William of Orange who chartered the Bank of England

  • Edward Robinson, was with Peabody Co., Spencer Trask Co. treasurer Rockefeller Foundation & General Education Board 1938-62

  • Kenneth Wernimont, joined Institute of International Education 1937, Dept. of Agriculture 1938-46 in Latin America, Mexican missions for Rockefellers

  • Charles W. Cole, pres. Amherst, Ambassador to Chile 1961-64, director Charles E. Merrill Trust Thomas B. Applegate Jr. exec. secretary to John D. Rockefeller Jr., 1926-28, Rockefeller Foundation 1929-49

  • Charles B. Fahs, OSS 1942-46, chief Far East Division of Dept. of State

  • Edmund E. Day, dean Wharton School of Finance U. Pa 1912-29, Guggenheim fellow, president 1933-39 Natl Bureau of Economic Research set up by Rockefellers.

The 1981 list of Rockefeller Foundation trustees also includes James C. Fletcher, whose "charitable" background is listed in Who's Who as "Naval ordinance 1940", and forty years of subsequent experience in guided missiles and strategic weapons, with Hughes Aircraft 1948-54, guided missiles with Ramo-Wooldridge 1954-58, Aerojet General 1960-71, chmn Minuteman 1961, military aircraft board 1964-67, strategic weapons board 1959-61, chmn Naval Warfare panel 1967-73, and board of American Ordinance Assn. Another 1981 trustee is James D. Wolfensohn, who serves as president J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp. N.Y., and its parent company, Schroders Ltd. of London.

Examining the dominant members of the Rockefeller Foundation, we find men whose lives have been devoted to war and revolution, chemical warfare, international intrigue, and mass murder. We find the chairman of the board was John Foster Dulles, who inherited the title of "most dangerous man in America" from his mentor, William Nelson Cromwell; Dulles obtained crucial financing for Hitler, and sent the key telegram involving the U.S. in the Korean War, while his brother (Allen), a director of Schroder Bank, set up the CIA. We find Karl T. Compton, who gave the word to drop the atomic bomb on Japan in 1945 and unleashed the horror of atomic warfare on the entire world (he was also trustee of Ford Foundation). We find Lord Franks, key member of the Rhodes Trust [and] the Schroder Bank.

What we do not find is anyone who has ever engaged in any charitable endeavor. The Rockefeller directors of what is properly the "Rockefeller Syndicate" interlock with the nation's major banks, corporations, universities and government departments. This is the network which illegally rules America, which, by its tax evasion, places a tremendous tax burden on all American taxpayers, and which makes our elections a farce because these men determine all policies which are implemented in the United States.

Through the Sealantic Fund, the Rockefellers control American schools of theology and the religious institutions of America; through the Rockefeller Bros. Fund they control government policy. In 1958, the Rockefeller Bros Fund convened American leaders to urge greater military spending; the group included:

  • Gen. Lucius Clay of Lehman Bros., former chief of U.S. forces in Europe

  • Gordon Dean of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

  • Deverux C. Josephs of J.P. Morgan Co.

  • Henry Luce of Time Magazine

  • Thomas B. McCabe, chairman Federal Reserve Board of Governors

  • Anna M. Rosenberg, secretary to Bernard Baruch. and Asst. Sec. Defense (she married Julius Rosenberg), was on Social Security Board 1936-43, charter member of New Deal Administration, War Manpower Commission 1942-45, trustee of Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation, later married Paul Hoffman, head of ECA

  • Dean Rusk of the Rockefeller Foundation

  • David Sarnoff, founder of RCA

  • Henry Kissinger

  • Roswell Gilpatrick, under Secretary Air Force 1951-53, partner of the Kuhn, Loeb law firm of Cravath de Gersdorff Swaine and Wood 1931-61, Yale Corp. Woodrow Wilson Foundation. His brother Chadbourne was a Rhodes Scholar, OSS Europe World War II, and CIA 1947 to present. Another brother, Donald, was on the staff of Natl City Bank, Board of Economic Warfare 1943-43, economic advisor Allied Headquarters during World War II, U.S. Member UNRRA, dir. ECA 1948, now director of Olin Matheson and Winchester Arms.

Every American worker is regularly reminded of one Rockefeller Foundation "boon to mankind" when he receives his mutilated pay check with the "withholding tax" ripped from it. In 1943, at the height of World War II, Congress passed an "emergency" wartime tax bill, the Current Tax Payment act of 1943. Enacted on June 9, 1943, the bill became known as the Withholding Tax. The "emergency" ended some forty years ago, and in the intervening decades the bill has been and it is illegal. It is illegal because it is not "withholding" and because it is not a tax. Since it is not what it claims to be, it cannot be enforced, as it has no legal standing.

In legal terms, the withholding tax is a garnishee. Webster defines a garnishee as a legal notice served with a writ of attachment to attach the wages of a debtor on behalf of a creditor. However, the withholding tax is not a legal notice served with a writ of attachment, nor is it issued by any court, and is not collectible under U.S. law. Second, the "debt", or tax, can only be established on the annual return at then end of the taxable year, as provided by law. IRS claims that the withholding tax establishes "the liability at the source". However, no debt has been established at the time of collection.

The withholding tax is also illegal because it was enacted into law as the result of a conspiracy by persons who concealed their motives and their allegiances. Beardsley Ruml, who foisted the plan on Congress, told a New Yorker reporter that the withholding tax plan originated at a luncheon of "intellectuals" at the luxurious Plaza Hotel. He refused to identify any of the other conspirators. Fortune said of him:

"Beardsley Rural of pay-as-you-go fame (characterized by Congressman Wright Patman as protecting the first crop of war millionaires), is beyond a doubt one of the most mentally agile and popular men in American history. Like many other interesting personalities, the treasurer of Macy's, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and eminent fiscal planner is a far from simple character.

The former Dean of social sciences at the Univ. of Chicago later worked for the Carnegie Corp. In 1922 the Rockefellers made the 28-year old Ruml director of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial ($80 million). The Memorial had been founded for charitable aid to women, but Mr. Ruml, arguing that the welfare of the individual depends on the welfare of the whole society, threw the organization and $25 million of the funds behind the social sciences."

Ruml's idea of the withholding tax is suggested in his book. "Government Business and Values", p. 179:

"It is evident that the progress of science, technology and education will force important changes in our personal, social and economic relationships. To meet these changes, government must change and modify the laws, rules and regulations under which we live."

Note that Ruml says "force" changes, by "government" decree. This is the entire foundation program, to impose by force their will on the American electorate, in a criminal syndicalist conspiracy against the wellbeing of every American.

The 1971 list of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation shows it continues to be the ruling hierarchy of the U.S. It includes:

  • W. Michael Blumenthal and C. Douglas Dillon, both of whom served as Secretaries of the Treasury

  • Robert F. Goheen, president of Princeton

  • Vernon Jordan, the token black

  • Robert V. Roosa

  • Cyrus Vance, Secretary of State under Carter.

Roosa is a founding member and secretary of the Trilateral Commission. While he was on the staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y., Roosa trained a group known as the "Roosa Bloc", his chief protege being Paul Volcker, who, as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, unleashed a ruinous recession in the U.S. with 20% interest rates and 25% inflation.

Of course the banks profited handsomely while driving millions of Americans into bankruptcy. The New York Times reported that David Rockefeller and Roosa "suggested" to Carter that he appoint Volcker as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Roosa is a partner of Brown Bros. Harriman, director of Texaco, American Express, Owen Corning Fiberglass, director National Bureau of Economic Research, trustee Sloan Kettering Institute, and chairman of Brookings Institution.

Next Chapter 7.2: Brookings and Carnegie Foundations

Brookings Institution, Russell Sage Foundation, Carnegie Corp, German Marshall Fund

  • The Brookings Institution

  • The Russell Sage Foundation

  • The Carnegie Foundations

  • The German Marshall Fund

  • Gatekeepers and Think Tanks

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