Chapter 7.2: Brookings and Carnegie Foundations
Brookings Institution, Russell Sage Foundation, Carnegie Corp, German Marshall Fund
The Brookings Institution
The Russell Sage Foundation
The Carnegie Foundations
The German Marshall Fund
Gatekeepers and Think Tanks
The Brookings Institution
Brookings Institution was incorporated in 1927 by:
Frederic A. Delano
Harold G. Moulton, a Univ. of Chicago economist
Leo S. Rowe, who had been asst. Secretary Treasury 1917-19, working closely with Eugene Meyer and the War Finance Corp., chief of Latin American div. Dept. of State 1919-20, director Pan American Union 1920-36.
The Brookings Institution was founded by Robert S. Brookings, born 1850, unmarried, a St. Louis merchant and head of the Cupples Co. which revolutionized the distribution of goods from railway stations. In World War I, Brookings was Baruch's assistant at the War Industries Board, which had dictatorial powers over American industrialists, and Chairman of the Price Fixing Committee of WIB. An original trustee of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Brookings set up the Brookings Graduate School of Economics, which merged with the Institute of Government Research and the Institute of Economics in 1927 to form the present Brookings Institution.
It is listed as "not a membership organization", whose goal is "to set national priorities", in short, to make government policy, which it does. It rode into power with Roosevelt's New Deal, hardly a surprising development, since its incorporator, Frederic A. Delano, was FDR's uncle. The present chairman, Robert V. Roosa, was preceded in that office by C. Douglas Dillon. It has always been the forum of the world's most powerful financiers.
In 1984, Brookings Institution originated a new program for the government, written by a team of 10 economists headed by Alice Rivlin, former director Congressional Budget Office. Rivlin proposed that the income tax be replaced or augmented by a consumption tax laid upon all consumption, bequests and gifts. In short, the traditionally leftwing Brookings Institution hopes to enact into law the illegal IRS technique of "composite net worth", laying an income tax on citizens by estimating what they spend or consume, a "cash flow" tax as inescapable as the Rockefeller-Ruml withholding tax. Their only goal is to grind the working man into hopeless poverty through ruthless extortion by government agents.
In 1978, corporations gave Brookings $95,000; in 1984, this figure had jumped to $1.6 million. Most of their $13 million budget continues to be paid by the major foundations, Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Milbank Memorial Fund. The foundations work together, not only because of their close interlocking, but because they have a common program. That program was published by Karl Marx in 1848 as "The Communist Manifesto":
Abolition of all property in land.
Application of all rents of land to public purposes.
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Abolition of all right of inheritance.
Confiscation of property of emigrants and rebels.
Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank, with state capital an exclusive monopoly.
Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, bringing into cultivation of waste lands,and improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Equal obligation of all to work.
Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries.
Gradual abolition of distinction between town and country, by more equitable distribution of population over the country.
Free education for all children in public schools.
Combination of education with industrial production.
Abolition of child labour in its present form.
The foundations never oppose or contradict a single plank of the Communist Manifesto. The program has given us "vocational training" instead of education, which is a different form of child labour.
Present directors of Brookings include:
Louis W. Cabot, of Cabot Corp., director of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, R.R. Donnelley, Owen Corning Fiberglass, chmn of board of Harvard Overseers, and Natl Committee for U.S. China Trade. He served with OPA and WPB during World War II, later with ECA and UN Council FAO
Barton M. Biggs, with E.F. Hutton, Morgan Stanley, Rand McNally, now director of Lehrman Institute
Edward W. Carter, chairman Carter Hawley Hale Stores, trustee of the billion dollar James Irvine Foundation in California, Harvard Board of Overseers, Woodrow Wilson Institute, AT&T, Delmonte, Lockheed, Southern Cal Edison, Pacific Mutual Life Ins.
Frank T. Cary, chairman IBM, director J.P. Morgan, ABC, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Merck, Texaco, Rockefeller Univ. Museum of Modern Art
William T. Coleman Jr., former Sec. transportation
John B. Debutts, former chairman ATT
Roger W. Heyns, director Kaiser Steel, Levi Strauss, Times Mirror Corp., Norton Simon Museum, James Irvine Fndtn
Carla A. Hills, former Sec. HUD -- her husband is chairman of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), she is on board of IBM, American Airlines, Trilateral Commission, Woodrow Wilson School, Stanford, & Norton Simon Museum
Lane Kirkland, head of the CIO
Bruce K. McLaury, president of Brookings, was with Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. 1958-69, dep. und. sec. Treasury for monetary affairs 1969-71, president Federal Reserve Bank of Minnesota 1971-77, member Trilateral Commission
Robert S. McNamara, former Secretary of Defense, president of the World Bank
Arjay Miller, also was with Ford Motor, director Washington Post, TWA, Andrew Mellon Foundation
Donald S. Perkins
Eugene R. Black, former president World Bank
Win McMartin Jr., former chairman Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Robert Brookings Smith
Sidney Stein Jr., Chicago banker, Federal Bureau of Budget 1941-45, Presidential Consultant on Budget 1961-67, committee on Foreign Aid
Robert D. Calkins, Stanford Food Research Institute 1925-32. General Education Board 1997-52, president Brookings 1952-67, was with the NRA and agricultural administration 1933-35, director Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. 1943-49, War Labor Board, 1942-45, OPA and War Dept. 1942
Warren M. Shapleigh, pres. Ralston Purina, director J.P. Morgan, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Brown Group First Natl Bank St. Louis
James D. Robinson III, chairman AMAX, Bristol Myers, Coca Cola, Union Pacific, Trust Co. of Ga., was asst to pres. Morgan Guaranty Trust 1961-68, trustee Rockefeller Univ.
The heavy representation of Morgan and Rockefeller directors on the board of Brookings explains the relentless drive of the "big rich" to increase taxes and government control of the average American citizen. The Business section of the New York Times April 15, 1984, long in advance of the election, carried a headline story on the Business page that "Whoever Wins in November, There Will Still be a $100 Billion Increase for U.S. Taxpayers."
The Russell Sage Foundation
Another major U.S. foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, was incorporated in 1907 by Daniel Coit Gilman and Cleveland H. Dodge. A director of National City Bank, Dodge masterminded the Presidential campaign of Woodrow Wilson, after subsidizing his academic career at Princeton with $5000 a year from himself and Moses Pyne, grandson of the founder of National City Bank.
In 1980, the Russell Sage Foundation had assets of $52 million, and expenditures of $2 million. Sage was a Wall Street speculator who made a fortune in railroad stocks. Nicolson's biography of Dwight Morrow notes that:
"It has always been a tradition that the partners of J.P. Morgan should engage in all forms of public and charitable activity. Morrow was a trustee of Russell Sage Foundation, director Natl Bureau of Economic Research, N.Y. Commission of Re-Employment, and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He was a director of General Electric and Bankers Trust."
The present chairman of Russell Sage Foundation is Herma Hill Kaye, leading Women's Rights organizer, trustee of the Rosenberg Foundation; president is Marshall A. Robinson, also is director of Ford Foundation and director of Herbert Hoover's Belgian American Educational Foundation. Directors of Russell Sage are:
Robert McCormick Adams -- he was recently named to replace S. Dillon Ripley as head of the Smithsonian (Ripley was an OSS agent 1942-45, Guggenheim fellow, Fulbright fellow, Natl Science Fndtn fellow), Adams' wife Ruth was principal organizer of Eaton's Pugwash Conferences which were run by the KGB. Adams is moving into a new $485,000 mansion voted him by the Smithsonian board - the "new class" likes to live well
William D. Carey, chairman US-USSR Trade & Economic Council, received a Rockefeller public service award 1964
Earl F. Cheit, dean of School of Business Administration, U.C. at Berkeley -- Cheit is also director of Mitre corp., program officer Ford Foundation and council of Carnegie Institution
Carl Kaysen, economist with Natl Bureau of Economic Research, was with OSS 1942, prof. Harvard 1946-66, Institute for Advanced Study 1966-70, lecturer London School of Economics, spl. asst to President Kennedy for national security, Carnegie Commission, Paley lecturer Hebrew University, and director of Polaroid (financed by James Paul Warburg), trustee German Marshall Fund, Fulbright scholar London School of Economics, Guggenheim fellow, Ford Foundation fellow
Frederick Mosteller, spec. economist War Dept. 1942-43, Guggenheim fellow, Myrdal Prize
John S. Reed, chairman Santa Fe Industries, Kraft, Northern Trust, Dart & Kraft, Atchison Topeka Santa Fe RR
Oscar M. Ruebhausen, atty Lend Lease Administration 1942-44, gen. counsel OSRD Washington 1944-46, partner of law firm of Debevoise Plimpton since 1937, director Equitable Life, International Development Bank, chmn UN Day NY, Hudson Institute.
The directors of the major foundations have been particularly active in wartime positions, even though they seem to have little experience in charitable endeavours. Beardsley Ruml was a trustee of Russell Sage Foundation from 1928-33. For many years the most prominent figure on Sage's board was Frederic A. Delano, who was horn in Hong Kong, where his father, Captain Warren Delano, was engaged in the opium trade. An uncle of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Delano was an original member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in 1914, and was later named by his nephew as Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. He was an original incorporator of Brookings Institution, Carnegie Institution, and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, director of the Smithsonian Museum, Commission for Relief in Belgium, and Belgian American Educational Foundation set up by Herbert Hoover in World War I, chmn Natl Planning Board 1934-43.
Delano's wife's sister married Ed Burling, who founded the Washington law firm of Covington & Burling, whose partners later included Dean Acheson and Donald Hiss, brother of Alger. Frederic A. Delano married Mathilda Peasley of Chicago; Edward Burling married her sister Louise. They were the daughters of a railroad tycoon, James C. Peasley of the Burlington Railroad, also president of the National State Bank. Judge J. Harry Covington and Edward Burling founded the law firm of Covington and Burling in Washington in 1919.
Covington, a Maryland congressman, had been appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Washington, D.C., by Woodrow Wilson as a reward for voting for the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. In 1918, Wilson appointed Covington as United States Railroad Commissioner. Covington was a director of Kennecott Copper and Union Trust. Wilson had also appointed Edward Burling chief counsel of the U.S. Shipping Board. He served in this post from 1917-1919, working closely with Herbert Hoover and Prentiss Gray, later of J. Henry Schroder Co. Delano's sister was Mrs. Price Collier of Tuxedo Park, N.Y.; his son-in-law was James L. Houghtaling, who was special attache at the American Embassy in Petrograd during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 (he later wrote "Diary of the Russian Revolution"), Federal Emergency Administration 1933, Commissioner of Naturalization and Immigration 1937-90, War Finance, Dept of the Treasury 1944-46; chairman Fair Employment Board Civil Service Commission 1949-52 - his mother was a Peabody of Boston.
The first board of directors of Russell Sage Foundation consisted of Daniel Coit Gilman, Helen Gould, Margaret Sage and Dwight Morrow.
The Carnegie Foundations
Although the name of Andrew Carnegie looms large on the roster of American foundations, for many years the five Carnegie foundations have been mere appendages of the Rockefeller Foundation. Carnegie sold his steel interests to J.P. Morgan and the Rothschilds for [?] billion, but was not permitted to walk away with the money. Like Cecil Rhodes, Rockefeller, and others, he was directed to put it into foundations which would carry out the program of the World Order.
The Carnegie Institution of Washington was incorporated in 1909 by:
Cleveland H. Dodge
Frederic A. Delano
Darius Ogden Mills
William E. Morrow
Note that the original incorporators include two of the three incorporators of the Russell Trust, Gilman and White.
In 1921, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) was incorporated by:
Frederic A. Delano
Elihu Root, who became its first president
John W. Davis
Dwight Morrow
James T. Shotwell
Thus we see that the major foundations were all organized by the same small group of people, bankers and lawyers who function as front men for the World Order.
James T. Shotwell ably represented the goals of the World Order for more than sixty years. Born in Canada in 1874, he joined the staff of Columbia University in 1900 as a professor of history. In 1916 he was invited by Col. House to set up a study group, the Inquiry, with Walter Lippmnann, to "study postwar political economic historical and legal developments," although we were not even in the war! This was the core of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace (ACNP) at Versailles which wrote the Peace Treaty.
In 1917, Shotwell became personal adviser to President Woodrow Wilson. He was appointed official historian of the ACNP, and actually wrote the social security clauses of the Versailles Treaty. He wrote a 150-volume history of World War I, published by Columbia. He had become a close friend of Herbert Hoover during the war, and advised him on setting up the Hoover Institution. Shotwell organized the International Labor Conference, and joined the Carnegie Endowment in 1924. In 1941, Shotwell led a Committee which demanded the release of Communist Party leader Earl Browder.
Shotwell joined the State Dept. in 1940, serving until 1944. When Franklin D. Roosevelt asked him to join the State Dept. team of Alger Hiss, Henry Wallace and Sumner Welles to organize the United Nations, Shotwell was already Chairman of the Commission to Study the Organization of the Peace, which he had set up in 1939, before the war started, just as he had done in 1916! Shotwell was Honorary Chairman of the San Francisco Conference to Organize the United Nations with Alger Hiss. When Hiss was arrested, Shotwell succeeded him as President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
The trustees of CEIP in 1948 lists the ruling clique of America:
John W. Davis
Frederic A. Delano
Douglas S. Freeman
Francis P. Gaines (president of Washington & Lee University)
Eliot Wadsworth
A key member, Philip C. Jessup had such a long record of association with Communist front groups that not a single Senator dared to vote for his confirmation as U.S. Representative to the U.N. in Oct. 1951. President Truman stubbornly refused to withdraw his name, but sent him as an "alternate" delegate. Jessup had been assistant to Elihu Root at the Hague Court; he was Herbert Lehman's Asst. Sec. General of UNRRA, whose deputy, Laurence Duggan later fell out of the window. Jessup had represented the U.S. at the Bretton Woods Conference, and was Alger Hiss' assistant in Charge of Judicial Organization at the U.N. San Francisco Conference.
Jessup was Chairman of the Pacific Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), a hotbed of Communist intrigue and espionage. IPR had financed the Soviet spy, Richard Sorge, when he set up his network in Japan. Laurence Rockefeller served as secretary at the IPR meetings. The McCarran Committee reported, "The IPR has been considered by the American Communist Party and by Soviet officials as an instrument of Communist policy, propaganda, and military intelligence."
In June, 1945, the FBI raided the offices of IPR's Amerasia Magazine, confiscated 1800 stolen confidential government documents, and arrested several Communist spies. The following year, the Rockefeller Foundation gave IPR $233,000. Jessup was a member of the wealthy Stotesbury family, partners of J.P. Morgan. His brother John Jessup was a wealthy banker, president Equitable Trust Co., director of Coca Cola and Diamond State Telephone Co.
CEIP has offices in Washington, and in New York at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. It has a $46 million endowment, and annual expenses of $3 million. Its president is Thomas L. Hughes, who presided over the OSS Group at the Dept. of State after it had been disbanded by President Truman. A Rhodes Scholar, he was legislative counsel for Hubert Humphrey 1955-58, adm. asst Chester Bowles, 1959-60, spl. asst to Secretary of State for Intelligence 1961-69, spec. ambassador, chief of mission, rank of ambassador London 1969-70; he had previously served as judge advocate general USAF 1952-54. He is director of German Marshall Fund, USAF Academy, Ditchley Foundation, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown; Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton; Social Sciences Foundation, Hubert Humphrey Institute Public Affairs.
Directors of CEIP are:
Larry Fabian, who directed Bureau of Intelligence State Dept. 1962, resident fellow Brookings Institution 1965-71; Fabian is also director Middle East Institute, Hudson Institute, Institute of Strategic Studies, and Rockefeller Foundation
John Chancellor, vice chmn NBC News, Moscow Correspondent 1960, Voice of America 1966-67
Harding F. Bancroft, a New York attorney who joined OYA 1941, Lend Lease Administration 1943, served as director U.N. Affairs Dept. of State 1945-53, is exec. vice president New York Times from 1953 to present
Thomas W. Braden, nationally syndicated columnist, whose wife Joan has been having an affair with Robert McNamara for three years (the World Order permits a certain degree of intimacy) -- a longtime Rockefeller associate who was given one of the well-publicized Nelson Rockefeller "loans", Braden is executive secretary Museum of Modern Art, served with the King's Royal Rifles of Britian 1941-44
Kingman Brewster, Wall Street lawyer with Winthrop Putnam Simpson & Roberts, was president of Yale 1961-67, Ambassador to England 1977-81, chmn English Speaking Union, National Endowment for Humanities, Kaiser Foundation
Anthony J.A. Bryan, born in Mexico, naturalized 1947, now president of Copperweld, a firm owned by Rothschilds Imetal Corp., and Federal Express, another Rothschild firm - Bryan served with RCAF 1914-5
Richard A. Debs, Fulbright scholar, lawyer for Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. 1960 to present, president Morgan Stanley 1976, FOMC 1973-76, chairman of Carnegie Hall
Hedley Donovan, Rhodes Scholar, director of Ford Foundation, Trilateral Commission, senior advisor to President of the U.S. 1979-80, director Washington Post, Fortune, Time
C. Clyde Ferguson, dean of law school al Harvard, legal adviser NAACP 1962 to present, personal adviser Gov. Rockefeller, 1959-64, Ambassador to Uganda 1970-72
Lane Kirkland, president of CIO, also on board of Brookings, Rockefeller Foundation, CFR
George Cabot Lodge, son of Henry Cabot Lodge
Barbara Warne Newell, president of Wellesley College, ambassador to UNESCO Paris 1979-81 (see note below)
Wesley Posvar, who recently figured in investigation of Air Force grants to his school; he was with Strategic Planning Group USAF Headquarters, 1954-57, is a director of Rand Corp.
Norman Ramsey, physicist, studied at Harvard and Oxford, MIT, was with MIT Radiation Laboratory & Los Alamos laboratory 1942-45 in development of atomic bomb, trustee Brookhaven Lab, physics dept. Harvard, Rockefeller U. NATO
Benno C. Schmidt, managing partner J.H. Whitney Co.
Jean Kennedy Smith
Donald B. Straus, president American Arbitration Assn., Planned Parenthood, Institute of Advanced Study
Leonard Woodcock, UAW, life member NAACP
Charles J. Zwick, director Bureau of Budget 1965-69, director Johns Manville, Southern Bell Telephone, Rand Corp.
Note: Barbara Warne Newell's father was Colston Warne, founder of the consumer movement in the U.S., organized Consumers Union in 1936 on clearly defined Marxist goals (the elimination of private brands replaced by "cooperative" brands, supported by radical journalists, trade unionists and academicians). Consumers Union was organized by Warne, Arthur Kallet, Dewcy Palmer, Frank Palmer, an organizer with the IWW, James Gilman, Julius Hochman, Adelaide Schulkind. Warne wrote his thesis about the "cooperative" movement for Paul Douglas at the University of Chicago. After Consumers Union employees threatend to go on strike "they reluctantly decided to pay salaries 'competitive with capitalist organizations'". Colston Warne was with the Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. 1920-21, economist OPA 1944-96, Council of Economic Advisers to the President 1947-51, ACLU, Peoples Lobby
The Carnegie Corp. of New York has assets of $346 million, expenditures $13 million in 1980. Chairman is Alan Pifer, educated at Groton, Harvard and Cambridge England. He has been a director of American Ditchley Foundation since 1975, and is on the board of overseers of Harvard, chairman Presidential Task Force on Education, Presidential Committee of White House Fellowships, African American Institute, director Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. -- he was secretary U.S. Educational Com. in London 1998-53, director McGraw Hill. Executive vice pres of Carnegie is David Zav Robinson, served with Office of Naval Research London 1959-60, prof. of physics Princeton 1970-76, atomic research.
The Carnegie Corporation was incorporated in 1911 by Andrew Carnegie and Elihu Root, who had been Secretary of War under McKinley and Secretary of Interior under Theodore Roosevelt, [and] lawyer for J.P. Morgan, who took charge of the Carnegie fortune for the program of the World Order.
Directors of Carnegie Corp. include:
Richard H. Sullivan, asst. dean Harvard 1991-42, president Reed College 1956-57, director John & Mary Markle Foundation
John C. Taylor III, chmn Paul Weiss Rifkind
Jack G. Clarke, atty with Sullivan & Cromwell, counsel Standard Oil of New Jersey, Middle East representative SO, sr. vice pres EXXON since 1975, American Ditchley Fndtn., Aspen Institute
Thomas R. Donahue, sec. treas. AFL-CIO, Natl Urban League
David A. Hamburg, psychologist U.S. Army med. serv. since 1950, Natl Institute of Mental Health, head dept. psychiatry Stanford Univ 1961-72, Harvard study on aggression
Helene L. Kaplan, lawyer with Webster & Sheffield, director Brandeis, Barnard College, Mitre Corp., John F. Guggenheim Fndtn, American Arbitration Assn -- her husband Mark Kaplan, president Drexel Burnham & Lambert, controlled by the Belgian Rothschilds, president Engelhard Chemical, now attorney Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom, director Philbro, Elgin, Grey Advertising, DFS Group Ltd. adv com. Center for Natl Policy Review, Unimax Corp., Marcade Group, Hong Kong
Carl F. Mueller, Bankers Trust, Carl Loeb Rhoades, Cabot Corp., Macmillan, John S. Guggenheim Fndtn
John C. Whitehead, banker with Goldman Sachs since 1947, director Pillsbury, Crompton, Household Finance, Equitable Life, Loctite Corp., Dillard Dept. Stores, is on board Georgetown Center for Strategic Studies, and Republican Natl Finance Committee.
As president of the Carnegie Corp., Alan Pifer interlocks with many leading banking institutions, according to a special chart devoted to him in "Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate Influence", an August 1976 staff report of the House Banking and Currency Committee, which shows he interlocks with Rockefeller Center, J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp., J. Henry Schroder Trust Co., J.P. Morgan Co., Equitable Life, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Cabot Corp.
The Carnegie foundations also interlock with the John and Mary Markle Foundation, established 1927 with $50 million. It dispenses largesse to journalists who espouse the goals of the World Order. Markle was the biggest coal operator in the U.S., partners with the Roosevelt and Delano family in Kentania Coal Corp., which obtained millions of acres for a few cents an acre from impoverished residents of Kentucky and Tennessee, and hauled billions of dollars of coal from their holdings. In 1933, Roosevelt called on Markle to help settle the coal strike.
The first president of Markle Foundation was Frank A. Vanderlip, member of the Jekyll Island team which wrote the Federal Reserve Act in 1910. Lloyd N. Morrissette is now president; he has been vice pres. Carnegie Corp. since 1967, formerly chairman the Rand Corp., director American Council on Germany; directors are:
Daniel Pomeroy Davison, son of F. Trubee Davison and Dorothy Peabody--he is president of U.S. Trust, director J.P. Morgan, Morgan Guaranty Trust, and Scovill
Joel L. Fleishman who is also director of Fleishman Foundation, Ford Foundation, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Barbara Hauptfuhrer, wife of Robert P. (Schoenhut) Hauptfuhrer, he is vice pres. of Sun Oil
F. Warren Hellman, has been with Lehman Bros. since 1959, president of Peabody International Co.
Maximilian Kempner, lawyer, born in Berlin, member of the historic von Mendelsohn banking family, is director American Council on Germany
Gertrude Michelson, vice pres of Macy's since 1947, director Chubb, Quaker Oats, Harper & Row, Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y., and Spelman College
Richard M. Stewart, president of Anaconda.
The Carnegie and Markle Foundations also interlock with the American Council on Germany, founded in 1952, which exercises control over the "free" nation of West Germany. Its director is David Klein, who has been in the U.S. Foreign Service since 1947, Russian Specialist at State Dept. since 1950, served in Moscow 1952-54, political officer in Bonn 1957-60, U.S. Minister to Berlin 1971-79. Together with the German Marshall Fund, it maintains tight control over German government, academic life, and communications in this militarily occupied country.
The German Marshall Fund
The $21 million German Marshall Fund, a branch of the CIA, is headquartered in Washington and spends $5 million a year supervising German affairs. Its president is Frank Loy, born in Nuremberg. His father's name was Loewi, which he anglicized to the present spelling. (Loy) came to the U.S. in 1939, studied at Harvard, joined the influential West Coast law firm of O'Melveny & Myers 1954-65, political director and spec. economist AID 1965-70, pres. Pennsylvania Co. 1978-79, vice pres. Pan Am Airways 1970-73, director Arvida Corp. (subsidiary Penn Central), Buckeye Pipeline Co., and Edgewater Oil Co.
Chairman of the trustees of German Marshall Fund is Eugene B. Skolnikoff, Rhodes Scholar, director CEIP, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation 1963-65, chairman Center for International Studies, spec. asst to President of U.S. 1958-63 and 1977-81, president of Federation of Jewish Agencies, Hebrew Union College.
[Other trustees:]
Irving Bluestone
Harvey Brooks, prof. physics Harvard since 1950, director Raytheon
Marion Edleman, head of legal div. NAACP, adv. council Martin Luther King Fndtn, Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, Yale Univ. Corp., received Whitney Young award. Her husband Peter Edleman was law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg
Judge Henry Friendly, spec. legal asst. Robert F. Kennedy 1964-68, would have been named Atty. Gen. in an RFK administration, is director of RFK Memorial, directed Edward Kennedy's presidential campaign, was Ford Foundation fellow
Robert Ellsworth, partner Lazard Freres, asst. to President of the U.S. 1969, Ambassador to NATO, 1969-70, deputy Sec. Defense 1976-77, Institute of Strategic Studies, Atlantic Institute, Atlantic Council
Guido Goldman
Carl Kaplan
John E. Kilgore Jr. banker with J.H. Whitney Co., Paine Webber, now chmn Cambridge Royalty Co. of Houston (whose directors are Frederic A. Bush, H. Haslam, Francis J. Rheinhardt Jr.)
Other directors of German Marshall Fund are:
Joyce Dannen Miller, dir. Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union since 1962, Planned Parenthood, ACLU, A. Philip Randolph Institute, Sidney Hillman Foundation, AFL-CIO, NAACP, Jewish Labor Committee, American Jewish Committee
Steven Muller, born in Hamburg, naturalized 1949, Rhodes Scholar, pres Johns Hopkins Univ., Center for International Studies, CSX Corp., vice chairman Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
John L. Siegenthaler, publisher Nashville Tennessean
Richard C. Steadman, partner J.H. Whitney Co., intelligence analyst U.S. Govt. 1957-59, American Ditchley Foundation, Russell C. Train, judge U.S. Tax Court 1957-65, chief counsel House Ways & Means Committee 1953-54, EPA 1973-77, president World Wildlife Fund, director Union Carbide, Trilateral Commission, U.S. Commission for UNESCO.
These German associated groups had their origin in the Morgenthau Plan, which resolved to lay Germany waste after World War II. They maintain ironclad censorship in Germany, continue to split Germany into two nations, in order to protect the borders of the Soviet Union (a primary concern), with ruthless economic exploitation of the German people at the hands of the World Order, and extort huge reparations payments from the German workers, who have already paid more than $30 billion.
[Note that this was written before the "fall" of the Berlin Wall and the "collapse" of the Soviet Union, orchestrated by these same power brokers during the late 1980s. --ed]
Gatekeepers and Think Tanks
The most tragic victims of the World Order's network of foundations and universities are the nation's youth. Filled with hope and ambition, they attend colleges to prepare for careers, where their chief advisers are the foundation eunuchs. They are carefully scrutinized to see if they can be useful to the World Order, in which case they may be given grants or fellowships, but the cruel fact is that unless they are fortunate enough to be born into a family connection with members of the World Order, or become protege of a eunuch, most doors will forever remain closed to them.
Despite their talents or ability, they will be relegated to joining the hewers of wood and the drawers of water for the rest of their lives. At no time during their education will they be apprised of the fact that they are the victims of a cruel hoax; that success in business, drama, art or literature will be denied them because they do not have the required connection with the World Order.
The art scene is dominated by the New York art dealers, who in turn are dominated by the Museum of Modern Art, founded and controlled by the Rockefeller family. The founders were Nelson Rockefeller, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (wife of John D. Jr.), Blanchette Hooker, wife of John D. 3rd, and Lizzie Bliss. Such is their power that they can declare empty beer cans or piles of rope or rocks to be Great Art, worth many thousands of dollars. They achieve a dual purpose of destroying the creative life of the people while promoting the work of their favorite propagandists. The new treasurer of the Smithsonian Museum, Ann Leven, was formerly treasurer of Museum of Modern Art, also senior vice president of corporate planning at Chase Manhattan Bank.
Nov. 1955 Fortune featured an article by William H. Whyte, "Where the Foundations Fall Down", which pointed out that the foundations only grant funds to "big team" projects in institutions which are under their control. Whyte says 76% of all foundation grants are made to these "team" projects, citing huge sums given to the Russian Research Center at Harvard by Carnegie, and Ford grants to the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Science at Stanford. Foundation grants are rarely given to individuals, and most can be traced to some underlying propaganda drive, such as the $200,000 which the Rockefeller Foundation gave to establish the National Bureau of Economic Research, whose "studies" effectively dominate the world of American business today.
The involvement of the major foundations in military and espionage work is shown by the makeup of two powerful "think tanks", the Rand Corp. and the Mitre Corp. Chairman of the $180 million Mitre corp. is Robert Charpie, president of Cabot Corp., director First Natl of Boston, Champion and Honeywell. President of Mitre is Robert Everett, who serves on the USAF Science Advisory Board, and Northern Energy Corp.; directors are William T. Golden of Altschul's firm, General American Investors, Block Drug, Verde Exploration Ltd. -- he is also secretary of the Carnegie Instn. Washington; William J. McCune Jr. chairman of Polaroid; Teddy F. Walkowicz, chairman Natl Aviation & Technology Corp.; and Robert C. Sprague, vice pres. of his family firm, Sprague Electric, which interlocks with the defense firm GK Technologies, of which former President Ford is director.
The chairman of Rand Corp. ($50 million research budget annually) is Donald Rumsfeld, President Nixon's righthand man in Washington for many years; president is Donald B. Rice, Jr., served in office of Secretary of Defense 1967-70, OMB 1969-72, director of Wells Fargo; directors are:
Harold Brown, former Secretary of Defense, director AMAX, CBS, IBM, Uniroyal, and Trilateral Commission
Frank Carlucci, a State Dept. official since 1950, has served in Office of Economic Opportunity 1969-71, OMB 1971-72, under Sec. HEW 1974-75, Ambassador to Portugal 1975-78, dep. dir CIA 1978-81, dep. Secretary Defense 1981-84, now chairman Sears World Trade Corp.
Carla Hills, former Secretary HUD
Walter J. Humann, exec. vice pres. Hunt Oil Co. since 1976, president Hunt Investment Corp., president White House Fellows Institute
Walter E. Massey, physicist, spec. in atomic weaponry, Argonne Natl Lab, Natl Science Fndtn, Natl Urban League
Newton Minow, Adlai Stevenson's law partner, chmn FCC 1961-63, director Mayo Fndtn, Wm. Benton Fndtn, chairman of board Jewish Theological Seminary, received George F. Peabody award
Paul G. Rogers, Congressman from Florida, now partner the influential Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson
Dennis Stanfill, Rhodes Scholar, chairman 20th century fund, was with Lehman Bros., now treasurer Times Mirror Corp. Los Angeles, served as political officer Chief of Naval Opus 1956-59
Solomon J. Buchsbaum, physicist who came to U.S. 1953, naturalized 1957, pres. Science Advisory Committee, Bell Labs, chmn Energy Research Board naval research MIT, Argonne Lab, IBM fellow
William T. Coleman Jr.
Edwin E. Huddleson Jr. law clerk to Judge Hand, Justice Frank Murphy, and the State Dept.; general counsel Atomic Energy Commission, president Harvard Law Review
Charles F. Knight, chairman Emerson Electric, defense contractor controlled by the Symington family, director Standard Oil of Ohio, McDonnell Douglas
Michael E. May, born in France, physicist at Livermore Nuclear Lab, National Security Council 1974
Lloyd B. Dforrissette, now president Markle Foundation, vice pres. Carnegie Corp., director American Council on Germany
Don W. Seldin, who was chief of medical services at Parkland Hospital Dallas when the body of Kennedy was brought in
George W. Weyerhauser, director SoCal, Boeing, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, member of the lumber family.
Next Chapter 7.3: The Hoover Institution
Herbert Hoover, wartime documents, and the Hoover Institution
The Career of Herbert Hoover
The Hoover Library of Wartime Documents
Hoover Institution and Stanford University
Liberal Fellows of Hoover Institution
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