September 11: Inside Job or Mossad Job?
The dancing Israelis
- The eBook by Hicham Hamza, "Israel and September 11: The Great Taboo" (2013) brings together the case against Israel, with impeccable precision and all easily accessible sources.
The information disclosed by The Record, confirmed by the police report, was taken on by investigative sites such as the Wayne Madsen Report (September 14, 2005) and Counterpunch (February 7, 2007). It was also reported in some main media as well but in a way that minimized its scope: the New York Times (November 21, 2001) failed to mention the nationality of the individuals, just like Fox News and the Associated Press. The Washington Post (November 23, 2001) said they were Israelis, but passed over in silence their apparent foreknowledge of the event. However, The Forward (March 15, 2002), a magazine of the New York Jewish community, revealed that, according to an anonymous U.S. intelligence source, Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad undercover unit (which did not prevent it from receiving a federal loan of 498,750 dollars, as shown by the tax records)] [9].
The FBI conducted an investigation contained in a 579 page report, partially declassified in 2005 (it will be completely declassified in 2035). Freelance journalist Hisham Hamza analyzed this in detail in his book Israel and September 11: The Great Taboo. It shows a number of damning elements. First, the photos taken by these young Israelis actually show them in attitudes of celebration before the North Tower on fire: "They smiled, they hugged and they gave each other high fives." To explain this, stakeholders said they were simply delighted "that the United States should now take steps to stop terrorism in the world" (although, at this point, a majority of people thought the crashes were an accident rather than an actd of terrorism). Moreover, at least one witness saw them positioned at 8:00, before an aircraft struck the first tower, while others certify that they were already taking pictures five minutes later, which is confirmed by their photos. A former employee confirmed to the FBI, the fanatically pro-Israeli and anti-American atmosphere that reigned in the company, even attributing to its director, Dominik Otto Suter, these words: "Give us twenty years and we will seize and destroy your media and your country." The five arrested Israelis were in contact with another moving company called Classic International Movers, four employees of which were interviewed separately for their links with the nineteen suspected hijackers. One of them had called "an individual in South America with genuine links to Islamic militants in the Middle East." Finally, "a sniffer dog gave a positive result for the presence of traces of explosives in the vehicle [10]."
As Hamza notes, the report’s conclusion is thought provoking: the FBI informs the local police detaining the suspects that, "the FBI has no further interest in investigating the prisoners and ’appropriate immigration procedures should be initiated [11]." A letter from the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service in fact shows that the FBI management recommended the termination of the investigation on September 24, 2001. However, the five Israelis spent 71 days in prison in Brooklyn, during which they refused, then failed several lie detector tests. They were subsequently repatriated under the simple charges of visa violations.
Omer Marmari, Oded Ellner and Yaron Shmuel, three of the five "dancing Israelis" are invited to report in an Israeli TV programe upon their return in November 2001. Denying being members of Mossad, one of them said candidly: "Our goal was to record the event."
- Ehud Barak, former head of Israeli military intelligence (Sayeret Matkal), was Prime Minister from July 1999 to March 2001. Replaced by Ariel Sharon, he moved to the United States as a consultant for Electronic Data Systems and SCP Partners, a Mossad screen company specializing in security issues which, with its partners Metallurg Holdings and Advanced Metallurgical, had the ability to produce nano-thermite. SCP Partners had an office within ten kilometers of Urban Moving Systems. An hour after the disintegration of the towers, Ehud Barak is on the set of BBC World to describe bin Laden as the prime suspect (Bollyn, Solving 9-11, p. 278-280).
200 explosives expert spies
Michael Chertoff, an Israeli citizen, the son of an Orthodox rabbi and a pioneer of the Mossad, headed the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice in 2001, and as such was responsible for the retention and destruction of all evidence regarding the 11th of September – from Pentagon cameras to World Trade Center beams. It is to him also that the "dancing Israelis" owe their discreet repatriation. In 2003, he was appointed to head the new Department of Homeland Security in charge of counter-terrorism on U.S. territory, which allows him to control dissent while continuing to restrict access to the file of Sept. 11 through the law of Sensitive Security Information.
Why does Pujadas (propelled to France 2 television news just a week before September 11) mention Afghanistan, which has nothing to do with the information being introduced? The slip can only be deliberate and illustrates "the great taboo" which Hicham Hamza alludes to: never mention September 11 and Israel in the same sentence.
The New York Network
Lucky Larry! Every morning, without exception, Larry Silverstein took his breakfast at Windows on the World atop the north tower of the WTC. Until the morning of September 11, when he had an appointment with a dermatologist.
Paul Bremer appeared on September 11, 2001 on the set of NBC, calm and relaxed, while 400 employees of his company are missing (in the end, 295 employees and more than 60 of the group’s associates were to be officially counted among the victims).
It’s the oil, stupid!
As I have shown elsewhere, a more appropriate term for the "neo-conservatives" would be "machiavelo-Zionists." Michael Ledeen gives proof of this in an article in the Jewish World Review (June 7, 1999) where he defends the thesis that Machiavelli was "secretly Jewish" as at the time were thousands of families nominally converted to Catholicism under threat of expulsion (mainly Marranos from the Iberian Peninsula). "Listen to his political philosophy and you will hear Jewish music ". By definition, Machiavellianism advances masked by virtuous speech (ie the human-rightist), but a growing number of Zionists overtly espouse it: Another example is the book by Obadiah Shoher, "Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict."
- "I personally believe that there is a deep connection between the events of September 11 and peak oil, but it’s not something I can prove," states Richard Heinberg, expert on energy depletion, in the documentary “Oil, Smoke and Mirrors”. Might as well say that the thesis arises from irrational faith.

The Israeli culture of false flag terror
- The transatlantic liner RMS Lusitania was torpedoed May 7, 1915 by the Germans, while operating in a war zone. Remember the Lusitania is the slogan that President Woodrow Wilson used in mobilizing public opinion in favor of U.S. entry into the war. The fact that only one torpedo was enough to sink the ship in fifteen minutes raises questions. In his paper, Mendel Edward House, Wilson’s adviser, reports a conversation he had shortly before with the British Foreign Minister Edward Grey (later in 1919 ambassador to the United States). "What would the Americans do if the Germans sank a transatlantic liner with American passengers on board?" Grey asked. House replied: "I think a fire of indignation would sweep the United States and that would be enough to get us into war."
The strategem was repeated in Egypt during the summer of 1954, with Operation Susannah, whose aim was to thwart the British withdrawal from the Suez Canal required by Gamal Abdul Nasser with support from President Eisenhower. This also went stale and is known as the "Lavon Affair", named after the Israeli prime minister who was held responsible. The most famous and most calamitous of the Israeli false flag attacks was that on the American NSA ship USS Liberty, June 8, 1967 off the coast of Egypt, two days before the end of the Six Day War; we see already a deep collaboration between Israel and the U.S. The Johnson administration had covered up and perhaps even encouraged this crime against its own engineers and soldiers. I evoked these two cases in a previous article and will not go over them again here [27]
In 1986, the Mossad tried to make believe that a series of terrorist orders were transmitted from Libya to various Libyan embassies around the world. According to former agent Victor Ostrovsky (By Way of Deception, 1990), the Mossad used a special communication system, labeled "Trojan Horse," established by commandos inside enemy territory. The system acts as a relay station for false transmissions sent from an Israeli ship and immediately reissued on a frequency used by the Libyan state. As the Mossad had hoped, the NSA caught and deciphered the transmissions, which were interpreted as evidence that the Libyans supported terrorism, reports that Mossad came opportunely to confirm. Israel relied on Reagan’s promise of retaliation against any country caught in the act of supporting terrorism. The Americans fell into the trap and dragged with them the British and the Germans: April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty U.S. aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya, targeting mainly airports and military bases. Among the civilian casualties on the Libyan side was Gaddafi’s adopted daughter, aged four. The strike torpedoed a deal for the release of US hostages held in Lebanon, allowing Hezbollah to continue as public enemy number one in the eyes of the West.

- Isser Harel, founder of the Israeli secret service, would have predicted to the Christian Zionist Michael Evans in 1980 that Islamic terrorism would eventually hit the USA. "In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest phallic symbol is New York City and its tallest building will be the phallic symbol they will hit. "In reporting this exchange in a 2004 interview, Evans, author of "The American Prophecies, Terrorism and Mid-East Conflict Reveal a Nation’s Destiny", hopes to elevate Harel to prophet. Rational minds will see the indication rather that September 11 matured for 30 years in the deep state of Israel.
In January 1987, the Palestinian Ismail Sowan, a Mossad mole who infiltrated the PLO in London, is given two suitcases packed with weapons and explosives by an unknown person supposedly sent by his PLO chief. Ismail reveals this to his Mossad contacts, who send him on a trip to Tel Aviv, then denounce him to Scotland Yard as a suspect in an Islamist attack in London. Ismail is picked up on his return to Heathrow Airport and charged on the basis of weapons found at his home. Result: the Mossad gains the favors of the Thatcher government [29]. After the February 26, 1993, attack against the WTC, the FBI arrested the Palestinian Ahmed Ajaj and identified him as a terrorist linked to Hamas, but the Israeli newspaper Kol Ha’ir showed that qu’Ajaj had never been involved with Hamas or the PLO. According to journalist Robert Friedman, author of an article in The Village Voice, August 3, 1993, Ajaj was actually a petty crook arrested in 1988 for forging dollars, sentenced to two and a half years in prison and released after a year following a deal with the Mossad, for whom he had infiltrated Palestinian groups. Upon his release, Ajaj undergoes a classic sheep-dipping by being briefly imprisoned again, this time for trying to smuggle weapons for Fatah in the West Bank. We have therefore, with the bombing of the WTC in 1993 a prototype for September 11, in which are demonstrated Israel’s responsibility for terrorism and its willingness to have Palestinians accused.

- The attack against the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992, which caused 29 dead and 242 wounded, was instantly blamed on Hezbollah suicide bombers who used a truck bomb. But the judge in charge of the investigation revealed pressures from the US and Israeli delegates and manipulation of evidence and false testimony to lean the investigation toward the theory of a truck bomb, while facts indicated that the explosion came from inside the building. When the Argentine Supreme Court upheld this argument, the spokesman of the Israeli embassy accused the judges of anti-Semitism.
On 12 January 12, 2000, according to the Indian newspaper The Week, Indian intelligence officers arrested eleven Islamist preachers who were preparing to board a flight to Bangladesh at Calcutta airport. They were suspected of belonging to Al-Qaeda and wanting to hijack the plane. They presented themselves as Afghans who had stayed in Iran before spending two months in India to preach Islam. But it was found that they all had Israeli passports. The Indian intelligence officer told The Week that Tel Aviv "exerted considerable pressure" on Delhi to secure their release.
On 12 October 12, 2000, in the final weeks of Clinton’s term of office, the USS Cole, en route to the Persian Gulf, was ordered by its homeport of Norfolk to refuel in the port of Aden in Yemen, an unusual procedure since these destroyers are generally supplied by a Navy tanker at sea. The captain of the ship expressed his surprise and concern: the USS Cole had recently filled up at the entrance of the Suez Canal, and Yemen is a hostile area. The USS Cole was executing docking maneuvers when she was approached by a dinghy apparently for the removal of garbage, which exploded against the hull, killing 17 sailors and wounding 50. The two "suicide bombers" driving the boat also perished in this "suicide". The attack was immediately attributed to Al-Qaeda, although bin Laden denied responsibility and the Taliban denied that their "host" could have been involved. The accusation gave the United States a pretext to force the Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to cooperate in the fight against anti-imperialist Islamism, closing for starters three paramilitary camps on its territory. On top of that, a few weeks before the elections, the attack was the October Surprise that brought Bush to power.
John O’Neill was in charge of the investigation. A twenty year veteran of the FBI, and experienced specialist in counter-terrorism, he had investigated the bombing at the WTC in 1993. His team came to suspect that Israel had fired a missile from a submarine: the hole was indeed indicative of a penetrating charge and inexplicable by the explosion of one dinghy. The suspicions were shared by President Saleh, who spoke in an interview with Newsweek, of the possibility that the attack was due to Israel, "trying to spoil the US-Yemeni relationship [31]." O’Neill and his team suffered the hostility of U.S. Ambassador Barbara Bodine. They were kept from diving in order to inspect the damage. Finally, taking advantage of their return to New York for Thanksgiving, Bodine refused them re-entry to Yemen. The crew of the Cole were put under a gag order forbidding then to talk about the attack to anyone other than the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). In July 2001, O’Neill resigned from the FBI. He was soon after offered a position as head of security at the WTC starting on September 11, 2001. His body was found in the rubble of the WTC after he had disappeared for two days. As for Barbara Bodine, in 2003 she joined the corrupt team of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Baghdad.

- Where does the list of Zionist-designed fake Islamic terrorism end? The "New York Times" and other newspapers reported that on September 19, 2005, two agents of the British Special Forces (SAS) were arrested after forcing a road block in a car filled with weapons, ammunition, explosives and detonators which they drove disguised as Arabs. It is suspected that they were planning to commit violent attacks in the center of Basra during a religious event, to stir up conflict between Shiites and Sunnis. The same evening, a SAS unit freed the two agents by destroying the prison with a dozen tanks assisted by helicopters. Captain Masters, charged with the investigation of this embarrassing affair, died in Basra on October 15.
Roger Lagassé
[2] “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act” (Rowan Scarborough, "U.S. troops would enforce peace Under Army study," The Washington Times, 10 September 2001.)
[3] In addition to the book by Hicham Hamza and Christopher Bollyn, more on this issue from: Justin Raimondo, The Terror Enigma: 9/11 and the Israeli Connection, iUniversal, 2003 as well as an article by Christopher Ketcham, "What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?", CounterPunch, 2007, vol. 14, p. 1-10).
[4] "Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with ’Urban Moving Systems’ sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion" (Raimondo, The Terror Enigma, p. xi).
[5] "We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." (Hicham Hamza, Le Grand Tabou, ch. 2).
[6] "There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted. It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park" (Raimondo, The Terror Enigma, p. xi).
[7] "I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me"(Raimondo, The Terror Enigma, p. 19 ); Hamza, Le Grand Tabou, ch. 2.
[8] "They smiled, they hugged each other and they appeared to ‘high five’ one another"; "the United States will take steps to stop terrorism in the world"; "Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country"; "an individual in South America with authentic ties to Islamic militants in the middle east"; "The vehicule was also searched by a trained bomb-sniffing dog which yielded a positive result for the presence of explosive traces" (Hamza, Le Grand Tabou, ch. 2).
[9] "... that the FBI no longer has any investigative interests in the detainees and they should proceed with the appropriate immigration proceedings" (Hamza, Le Grand Tabou, ch. 2).
[10] See Youtube “Dancing Israelis, our purpose was to document the event.”
[11] "Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like Palestinians and going around a building. […] I see the guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniforms. […] He’s dressed like an Arab" (Bollyn, Solving 9-11, p. 278-80).
[12] "Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like Palestinians and going around a building. […] I see the guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniforms. […] He’s dressed like an Arab" (Bollyn, Solving 9-11, p. 278-80).
[13] "In the past six weeks, employees in federal office buildings located throughout the United States have reported suspicious activities connected with individuals representing themselves as foreign students selling or delivering artwork.” “These individuals have also gone to the private residences of senior federal officials under the guise of selling art." Drug Enforcement Administration Report.
[14] “The nature of the individuals’ conducts […] leads us to believe the incidents may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity” (Raimondo, The Terror Enigma, p. x).
[15] “acknowledged he could blow up buildings, bridges, cars, and anything else that he needed to” (Bollyn, Solving 9/11, p. 159).
[16] "The Hollywood, Florida, area seems to be a central point for these individuals” (Raimondo, The Terror Enigma, p. 3).
[17] David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Contradictions, Arris Books, 2008, p. 142-156, citing the Daily Mail, the Boston Herald, the San Francisco Chronicle and The Wall Street Journal.
[18] "The aircraft cut a gash that was over half the width of the building and extended from the 93rd floor to the 99th floor. All but the lowest of these floors were occupied by Marsh & McLennan, a worldwide insurance company, which also occupied the 100th floor." (p. 20). These elements have been analyzed by Lalo Vespera in La parenthèse enchantée, ch. 10
[19] "Like an act of God, we moved," (USA Today, 17 septembre 2001).
[20] “Evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States” (Raimondo, The Terror Enigma, p. 64).
[21] "The threat of civil unrest against the monarchy, led by al Qaeda" ("Saudi Arabia : Friend or Foe?," The Daily Beast, 11 July 2011).
[22] The Keys to the Kingdom, Vanguard Press, 2011
[23] Summary from
[24] “Contrary to Chomsky’s theories, the United States has no interest to support Israel”, by Jeffrey Blankfort, Voltaire Network, 28 September 2006.
[25] “Of course it was Iraq’s energy resources. It’s not even a question”(Stephen Sniegoski, The Transparent Cabal : The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel, Enigma Edition, 2008, p. 333).
[26] "‘Big Oil’ not only did not promote the invasion, but has failed to secure a single oil field, despite the presence of 160,000 US troops, 127,000 Pentagon/State Department paid mercenaries and a corrupt puppet régime" (James Petras, Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power, Clarity Press, 2008, p. 18).
[27] “Kennedy, the Lobby and the Bomb”, by Laurent Guyénot, Translation Gaia Edwards, Voltaire Network, 2 May 2013.
[28] Gordon Thomas, Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad, Griffin; New Ed edition (23 Feb 2007).
[29] Gordon Thomas, op.cit.
[30] “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine Americans’ fundamental sense of security within their own borders in a manner akin to the 1949 Soviet atomic bomb test, or perhaps even worse. […] Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force” (Griffin, 9/11 Contradictions, p. 295-6).
[31] "We Are Still Searching" (The Daily Beast, December 17, 2007.
if the braindeadgoy {jew worshippers} didn't have so much emotional capital invested in being stupid !!! NO MATTER WHAT !!!
the so-called "ISRAELI'S" couldn't do what they well.
curiously the "Jewish" narrative is one big fat LIE right after another
but you are not supposed to KNOW would be anti-Semitic. . .
as if Khazar "PROSELYTES" to Talmudic Judaism are actually "Semitic"..!
A group of American business [Jewish Economic TERRORISTS] and political leaders are building a pro-Israel media "war room" in Washington, D.C. The group will be called "Emet"—which in Hebrew means "truth."
Emet will try to address biased media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and also make the case that the conflict, while serious and important, pales in comparison to the larger geo-strategic threat posed to the United States and the West by Iran and Iraq, both of whom are trying to build and/or acquire weapons of mass destruction.
Funding Emet is Leonard Abramson; he sold U.S. Healthcare to Aetna in the mid-1990s for $8.9 billion. Abramson has recruited a powerful board of directors, including Bernie Marcus, founder of Home Depot;
Les Wexner, founder of The Limited; Edgar Bronfman Sr., who once owned Seagram's; and Lou Ranieri, a major Wall Street player who now co-owns one of Israel's largest banks.
Also joining the board are Jeane Kirkpatrick,
former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, and Jack Kemp.
see the tattoo'd braindeadgoy....proud to be STOOOOOOPID !!!
The whole 9/11 incident was a scam, perpetrated through the essential element of media fakery. Watch the documentary "September Clues" and its addendums on YouTube. There were really no planes (the videos are fake), and all the three buildings collapsed because of a controlled demolition. There were also a lot of..."vicsims"... Visit for more enlightening details.
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Quán cafe hiện nay không đơn giản chỉ là địa điểm để mọi người tới thưởng thức cafe hay các loại đồ uống khác, mà còn là nơi để gặp gỡ, trò chuyện cũng như thư giãn. Chính vì vậy trang trí quán cafe thế nào để tạo nên sức hấp dẫn chính là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng giúp bạn thu hút khách hàng đến với quán . Bài viết sau đây sẽ giúp bạn trang trí quáncafe làm sao để vạn người mê, cùng tham khảo bạn nhé!
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Trước khi triển khai cách thiết kế quán cafe, bạn cần đảm bảo các yếu tố cần thiết và xem xét thật cẩn thận . Bạn cần trang trí cửa hàng đi đúng với phong cách bạn đang hướng tới, bởi không gian quán sẽ mang lại đặc trưng dễ nhớ khi khách hàng đến với quán.
Khi bạn cần mua đồ nội thất để trang trí quán cafe, bạn phải có sự chuẩn bị trước, vẽ ra ý tưởng từng món đồ bạn mua xem đặt vị trí ở đâu cho phù hợp . Bạn nên tạo không gian thoải mái nhất với một chiếc đệm ngồi hoặc chiếc ghế nhỏ. Nội thất có lẽ là 1 trong những yếu tố rất quan trọng, lời khuyên cho bạn là: Cần chọn nội thất phù hợp với diện tích không gian quán. đồ nội thất chất lượng sẽ có hiệu quả về chi phí trong thời gian dài. Hãy cân nhắc lựa chọn bàn ghế làm từ chất liệu gỗ bền hoặc kim loại. Ngoài ra, việc kiểm tra độ bền thường xuyên của đồ nội thất là điều cần thiết, hãy đảm bảo các cột trụ luôn chắc chắn để đảm bảo an toàn cho khách hàng của bạn.
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Với đội ngũ công nhân có chuyên môn cao và đội ngũ nhân viên chăm sóc khách hàng tận tình. AN THỊNH VƯỢNG luôn mang đến cho khách hàng những sản phẩm đẹp và chất lượng tốt nhất
Sự tin tưởng và đồng hành của khách hàng sẽ giúp cho AN THỊNH VƯỢNG ngày một phát triển và tạo ra những sản phẩm chất lượng để phục vụ khách hàng tốt hơn nữa. An Thịnh Vượng đã có kinh nghiệm xuất khẩu thị trường Nhật Bản được 10 năm. Vui lòng đến xưởng để kiểm tra qui trình sản xuất của chúng tôi.
AN THỊNH VƯỢNG luôn cho ra những sản phẩm mới nhất trong tháng nhằm phục vụ nhu cầu tiêu dùng của khách hàng, để đạt được điều đó chúng tôi luôn đầu tư trang thiết bị sản xuất hiện đại, đội ngũ nhân viên kinh doanh và quản lý được đào tạo sâu về chuyên môn, đáp ứng những yêu cầu khắt khe từ khách hàng.
Một số sản phẩm hiện chúng tôi đang cung cấp và sản xuất
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Túi dây rút đựng sản phẩm
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Chúng tôi là nhà sản xuất các mặt hàng như ly giấy , hộp giấy, túi giấy ,hộp giấy đựng thức ăn ,bao bì giấy, bao bì tự phân hủy . Tất cả sản phẩm của chúng tôi sản xuất là sản phẩm thân thiện môi trường
Với sự đầu tư đồng bộ từ nhà máy, sản phẩm, thiết kế. Chúng tôi tự tin đáp ứng được tất cả những đơn hàng lớn của các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước
Sản phẩm của chúng tôi đã xuất đi nhiều thị trường Châu Âu, Bắc Mỹ, Nhật Bản, Hàn Quốc.
Tiêu chí của chúng tôi là luôn học hỏi những kỹ thuật mới, những công nghệ mới trong ngành bao bì và tận dụng khả năng tài chính phù hợp đầu tư vào trang thiết bị máy móc để có một quy trình chuyên nghiệp và đồng bộ.
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