I hate what America has become
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Warning English Language used

First of all.....when 28% of you brain dead fucking morons give a blithering IDIOT like Sarah Palin positive approval ratings and think she ought to run for president in 2012, it really makes me sick to know I am lumbered with that many mouth-breathing Cro-Magnons I unfortunately have to consider as my fellow countrymen....trust me.....I don't. You motherfuckers are beyond help.
And before you go thinking this is a "liberal" based rant.....that brings me to one more item on an ever-lengthening list.
This "Liberal" versus "Conservative" paradigm that so many of you simple dunces buy into.....as BOTH parties sell you out to the multinational corporations, banks and special interests that actually run Washington D.C.).....you do this STUPID dance every day, blithely detatched from the reality that YOU YOURSELF are helping to DIVIDE AND CONQUER the nation, as you myopically beat your little Hannity/Olberman drum of FUTILE self -righteous indignation. PATHETIC.
THIS is a nation of PUSSIES AND FUCKING COWARDS. If this nation had any BALLS WHATSOEVER, there would be a trail of DEAD MEN SWINGING FROM THE ENDS OF ROPES leading from AIG, thru WALL STREET, the not-so "Federal" reserve, the 9/11 commission, and right through every other set-up con-job you people just buy into like a bunch of CATTLE BEING LED TO SLAUGHTER.
It's not that Americans don't give a fuck.....every misled, misdirected group that goes out and crusades for the "Grand Cause" they think is responsible for the decimation of this ONCE great nation proves that.....the problem IS that the problem ISN'T illegal aliens (i.e. Minutemen) or Democrats in Washington (i.e. Teabaggers) or conservative policies (i.e. Code Pink).......the problem is ...... AMERICANS THEMSELVES.
AMERICANS have sat on THEIR ASSES while Washington and the Pentagon have BANKRUPTED THE TREASURY and sent our sons and daughters into MEAT GRINDERS in Iraq and Afghanistan for WMD's and connections to 9/11 that did NOT EXIST and even AFTER the overwhelming evidence that the intel was "swept all up" (doctored, falsified, unreliable) you STUPID SHEEP keep buying into the BRAIN DEAD notion that somehow, these wars are for the FREEDOM of America.
You're an IDIOT. They're wars for EMPIRE.
Your son's and daughter's BLOOD is being used as OIL to grease an evil, out of control WAR MACHINE....Your money and financial security is being DEVOURED by Wall St. and the Federal Reserve, with collusion from YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES, and your standard of living is slowly eroding into a two-class system as the middle class is being FORCED INTO EXTINCTION......
......and you do NOTHING to stop ANY of it.
You ignorant FOOLS who send shotgun Emails to all your friends warning of "death panels" and other such HEALTH INSURANCE INDUSTRY PROPAGANDA, yes, you friggin' GOMERS actually think the Health Insurance Industry has your best interests in mind, and it's "dat mean ol' gubmint" that wants to penalize you by providing your family health care that isn't profit-based.
MEDICARE only got passed because it effectively REMOVED the highest-risk group to the insurance providers (the elderly) from the 'pool' of prospective insurees, thereby minimizing their financial exposure. It's completely lost on most people that catastrophic illness is the main reason for personal bankruptcy....and that 75% of those who had to file HAD health insurance.
And this is the 'status quo' many of you are defending. You are BEYOND dense.
America has lost it's HONOR, as well as it's collective senses. I don't wish upon America any malice or catastrophe.....trust me, this is happening with assistance and collusion from the top down, not from some Arab in a cave. I just want to leave peacefully and live in a place that doesn't have leaders that hope for a "catastrophic and catalyzing event" to promote a war agenda that takes pride in kicking the shit out of unarmed peasants living in the dirt....then blames them for retaliating. Can't wait to see this dysfunctional madhouse in my rear view mirror.
When you abide by a system of government that you FULLY EXPECT will side AGAINST YOU and WITH corporate lobbyists (MANY of whom represent interests that are not even from the USA) who BRIBE THEM WITH BALES OF CASH....and are working 24/7 to maximize their profits and minimize their potential competition in the marketplace.....all at the expense of you and your family....and don't lift a FINGER to do ANYTHING TO CHANGE IT......you fucking DESERVE WHAT'S COMING. What might that be.....?
Think Germany and the treaty of Versailles.....when a wheelbarrow full of Deutschmarks is what it took to buy a MEAL.
WHEN the dollar collapses.....not IF, WHEN.....THAT'S when you'll really begin to see the true definition of FASCISM. The unity of government and corporations to economically and militarily control it's people. History WILL repeat itself....but if you're like so many of the morons in the USA who think they're so smart but don't know SHIT.....it will all be NEW TO YOU. Good luck.....you'll need it.
This is the most ARROGANT nation in EXISTENCE, second only to ISRAEL....and since ALL of our politicians are falling over backwards to kiss Israel's ASS on a daily basis, fully knowing that exposing any inconvenient TRUTH about them equals political SUICIDE....that and the mass media in America that feeds it's daily ration of BULLSHIT is controlled by individuals biased towards them as well....ANYONE who thinks they know what is going on because they read TIME magazine and watch CNN, FOX news OR MSNBC.....you are DELUSIONAL.
One nation under God....? What a JOKE.
MONEY is God here pal....even people who are reading this who hate the words I typed KNOW this is true. What does it say in your bible about the love of money? The root of all evil, no?
How DARE this nation question human rights abuses of other nations after Abu Ghraib and countless other bombing and torture campaigns, where it was stated it is passable to crush the testicles of young boys in front of their fathers to extract information.
How DARE this nation deign to be the world's nuclear police when WE are the only nation to ever USE NUKES.
MOST of you actually consider Palestinians as TERRORISTS, when it is THEY who have been occupied, imprisoned behind 25 foot high concrete walls and denied basic human decency by APARTHEID ISRAEL. Those of you who get your info from American media REMAIN IGNORANT OF THE TRUTH.
You're probably wondering if I'm some Arab, or other person hostile to "America's Freedoms" lol.... Yeah, you're really free here.......
Free to go BANKRUPT if you get sick, even if you HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE.
Free to vote on DIEBOLD voting machines that can flip elections and leave no paper trail.
Free to watch your life savings DWINDLE AND EVAPORATE into the pockets of the ROBBER BARONS you PATRONIZE.
Free to watch your JOB get shipped to CHINA....and then you fucking FOOLS buy the goods PRODUCED FORM THOSE JOBS at Wal Mart, further REWARDING AND ENCOURAGING businesses to CONTINUE this pattern. I have never bought a fucking THING from Wal-Mart, and if you have.....you are a simple, stupid FUCKSTICK.
You're free to be video monitored, photographed by the millisecond at traffic light traps, electronically surveiled, searched with no warrant, shaken down and partially disrobed at airports, free to be told how much shampoo you are allowed to carry in your luggage, free to buy processed foods that give you cancer, genetically altered vegetables that contain neat things like INSECT DNA, free to pay more than ANY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE PLANET for pharmeceuticals, free to be the pharmaceutical company's guinea pig for drugs that have potentially catastrophic side effects, free to have PUBLIC POLICY DICTATED TO YOU by government 'officials' that have dual citizenship with ISRAEL, free to have ANY MEANINGFUL TRUTH WITHHELD FROM YOU by the mass media......
.....and free to be one of the ONE OUT OF EVERY HUNDRED AMERICANS living in PRISON.
Land of the free, home of the brave??
More like land of the SHEEP and home of the SLAVE.
Calling All Rebels
I could not have said it better my self. I ask, What has become of this once great Republic???
In a nutshell. No balls. - "If this nation had any BALLS WHATSOEVER, there would be a trail of DEAD MEN SWINGING FROM THE ENDS OF ROPES leading from AIG, thru WALL STREET, the not-so "Federal" reserve, the 9/11 commission, and right through every other set-up con-job".
The only patriots left in this country are a football team.
With ya bro 100%. When i tried to bring this issue up on Information Clearing House comments, for example, (and i was far more polite/reserved than you here) ? I got banned from there forever. Partly because I hammered at the unspeakable jewish control over the world/USA. Never mind that all my opinions were documented.
Today a treasonous Israeli Joe Lieberman has intro'ed a bill to detain dissenters like they do in Abu Ghraib. "Inevitably" I yelled for years that this was coming, we must ACT to prevent it...? Mockery and -- banned.
Even the Gospel says "shake the dust from your feet and move on" and that if those who refuse to wake up want to remain as such we are to "let the filthy [ignorant, narcissistic/blind] be filthy still" and vacate proximity to protect ourselves.
At this point my friend? Save yourself the heartburn, get out of Dodge if you possibly can. Leave this American Dead Zone and watch its final burial safely from foreign shores.
Morons here aint gonna change.
Land of the Homo, Free of the Brave
I couldn't agree more;
A bunch of lazy, stupid, self centered FAT fucks Americans have become. And you wonder how can this be? See "The Century of the self" @ youtube.Then get really pissed off! Is only part of the reason but a big part, (Conditioned for hell) LOL
Damn right!
Dude, Israhell ain't done with Amerikkka yet!
um.... one small correction... 'existence'... not ance...
nice rant....well stated.
p.s. i'm not the spelling police.. but i know you'll catch flack for it... as stupid as that sounds.
REVOLUTION is the Solution!
If you ever allow them to take your guns, you are done!
I wish I had even one iota of evidence to prove that America isn't that bad off ... but, sadly, I don't. Been trying for years to get people -- friends on both the left and right -- to see the truth. Where did it get me? Some time in the psych ward and a bunch of pretty pills they want me to take. Fuck that shit. Sometimes I think that complete and utter breakdown of the American economy and way of life might be the only thing that will save us. At least the bloodsucking parasites will jump ship to a new host and we can start again. Might buy us a couple hundred years of honest living before they come back and reinfest us ...
I could easily substitute every mention of the USA for the UK and it would still be correct. Truth is, we are all getting screwed and the dumbed down sheep will just sit and whine about how things are, but will not stand up and say it, preferring to follow the herd to slaughter rather than be seen as a thinking individual.
So you have a big, dirty mouth and no balls. If you had any you would be doing something positive and not just sounding off. Tell us something you have done to correct anything. Not even a suggestion to offer to help straighten things out. You have replaced the cheeks of your face with the cheeks of your ass and spew a mouthful of shit.
Great rant! Now, here's what you do; take all your money out of big banks and put it in a locally own banks. Only buy goods and services from locally owned business or small Internet businesses, do some research to make sure they are not big corporate business units. Use herbal remedies, plant gardens, drive electric/hybrids, commute on a bike (yes a bicycle, you fucking lazy asses) or at least quit giving shit to those who do ride bikes - they are the solution! Get into local politics. Make up bumper stickers, example: War is a Product...and You're Buying it! Slap that sticker on any Hummer, Escalade, Suburban you come across. Oh, you drive a Hummer? Well then paint it camo green, put it in neutral and push in down the hill into your local elementary school, you might as well because your screwing our children just as bad by driving it around. Can fit your stuff in a smaller vehicle? Then quit buying so much stuff you fuck, or put a cargo box on top when you need it like they have been doing for 50 years in Europe. Anyway, just go set yourself on fire in front of city hall and really make something out of you lives, that saves the crematory from having to do it after you've consumed another 40 years of goods.
Wow...that sounded like an intelligence agent's rant...it was good, though...glad to see Our Tax Dollars being used to produce patriotic prose...
Try a few things on your own. First, just say "NO". Do not buy anything that you do not absolutely need. If you have to buy something then buy it from a farmer, a small local store or used from some place like Craiglist. Stop using pharmaceuticals if at all possible. Drink only water that is from a spring or distilled. Prepare all your food yourself and eat no processed food. Do not vote in any election because this serves only to propagate the corrupt establishment no matter what party you pick. Make sure you own a gun and have ammo. Do not borrow anything from a bank or loan company. Do not use a car unless absolutely necessary. Take part in the national walk out April 15th. In other words, stop contributing to the system
Yeah good idea there - take part in the national walk out April 15th - identify yourself as a rabble-rouser, just like Gandhi and MLK did before you. Both of those Paragons of Peace were bought and paid for by the NWO, in case you didn't know it. Gandhi was an ardent supporter of the British Empire, and a first-class agent provocateur. MLK was a puppet for the NWO, like Gandhi. Non-violent resistance is exactly what the elite want. Makes it easier to identify the individuals who are most committed to the cause. Yep, get out there in groups and let the Storm Troopers know who you are. Shout, "No justice, no peace." Then get whisked off to a gulag or shot in the head.
In the old days, stupid people at least had the innate wisdom to STFU.
Nowadays, they all figure their political savants.
Even though this little film deals with Canada around 1940, it's completely applicable as to the utter stupidity of the average voter in this clown kingdom.
America has all ready died! It cannot be brought back to life no matter what anyone does! There are no leaders, there is no army, and there will be no revolution! This stolen government is criminal beyond belief, but lets face the reality --- the war has all ready been lost. The cancer that has spread so rapidly in (Washington D.C.) is now terminal. You are correct in calling Americans "Idiots"; but remember the long process it took in creating these idiots. The school system of lies, the television of "Faux" news and the attacks on any person who dares to question anything that the leaders do, or tell us. I am sick to my stomach of the John McCains, Sarah Palins, and George Bushes. I am also sick to my stomach (perhaps more so) of the Nancy Pelowsys, Barak Obamas, and the Joe Bidens! These a*sholes were supposed to be part of the oversight that monitored any threat of a government take over by another government or from the corporations from within, as Dwight Eisenhower warned us of! Yet they also lied to all of us and lined their pockets with the best of them! Perhaps there is a "LAST HOPE" Americans have in that a strong leader steps up, shows the courage, intelligence and leadership that could change the disgraceful state America has fallen into. Not the back alley con artist in office now, who is currently LYING about change, and everything else he promised! How about a party with a Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich core? And maybe some of those millionaire hollywood scum bags would get a back bone and run for office. They too have an obligation to their country, but seem to also be too worried about their precious careers (perhaps with the exception of Charlie Sheen). But notice how quickly their careers, characters, and names are attacked so ruthlessly by the criminal media! The TRUTH is almost impossible to find these days --- Why did Suzanna Maiolo attack the Pope? They shut her up immediately! No one will ever know what is really happening ever again. Does any one know? Like everyone else, the media does a quick white washing of the truth (She is mentally unstable) is the only thing we are allowed to hear about that incident. The wonderful church of ours is also extremely guilty of lies, cover ups, and misdirection when it comes to the truth being told. Sarah Palin is sane, but Suzanna Maioli is crazy? Who the F**k are you trying to kid??? I am so ashamed of being an American citizen, and YES -- I would be happy to leave, except my family is afraid to because what our leaders have done to the world economy and because we would never be welcomed or accepted by another countries people. Besides (what country would want a scum bag, criminal, spineless American family) living next door to their family? Not too many!!! One day, perhaps several, perhaps scores of years from now; the truth will win out and the politicians, ceos, church leaders, famous people in positions of leadership and power will all be shown to be as what they really are! Scumbags; spineless, criminal, traitors! The History books will one day carry the truth. Their shame will be for eternity, they should think twice about where they stand right now... because the truth may take a while, but it will one day be told. Always remember what Herman Goerhing said about lying to the people to sway them your way of thinking, and If they dont agree with you attack their patriotism (it always works when you have a citizenry who cannot or is afraid to think independently. The government is not there to replace mommy and daddy, it is there to control you and to leach off your labor as much as it can! The government is there to send your children to die in wars to make them wealthier. The government is ther for only one obviose purpose, "themselves". Wake up America!
the comments her are being cencered as to content, not language!
I agree, the best way forward is NOT to organize. Every organized effort will be infiltrated, weakened and eventually either split up or crushed because it's so easy to divide us.
Yet, silent individual resistance too will result in failure. You want to buy local or grow your own? They will slowly eliminate everything local and ban homegrown, through incremental legislation in the name of food safety and your MSG-rat comrades will hear and obey.
When you won't have food, you'd have to exchange your labor for it, and they'll control everything. They'll dictate what you'll drive to where and what you'll receive in return.
Slaves in our own country, without a single shot fired. Seriously, they've just shown that they can be smarter and more evil than we can ever be because they are UNITED and we are so easily divided.
Pretty much summed it up...pefectly.
Lol great republic? People escaping various countries to escape debt, coming to a country, murdering its current occupants, then creating laws to serve themselves?
You are surprised that this very line of thinking: Building an entire country on money lust, lust to abuse others via various weapons of mass destruction,slavery, greed, racism, and sexism-would crash and burn? Really?
I know,I know it was SO sweet when YOU got to have your way-and YOUR stuff. Everybody else? Who cares about them-as long as YOU got YOURS.
Now the very thing that created us is the very thing that is going to(and yes it is going to) destroy us.
So crack open a world history book and watch how civilizations fall. America is done. Thank you for being selfish and caring only when the drama affected you personally.
Now have a drink and watch the fireworks. This collapse will not be stopped. The wheel always turns. Such is life.
What does "freedom" even mean? The next time you hear the word "freedom", remember this.....
1. The word "freedom," which can be interpreted in various ways, is defined by us as follows -
2. Freedom is the right to do what which the law allows. This interpretation of the word will at the proper time be of service to us, because all freedom will thus be in our hands, since the laws will abolish or create only that which is desirable for us according to the aforesaid program....
I don't recall who said, "America's relentless self-love is oppressive and obsessive," but it does sum up what the rest of the world thinks of USrael. Your rant was excellent. The comments also, especially Anonymous "complete and utter breakdown of the American economy and way of life might be the only thing that will save us."
All of humanity will breathe a sigh of relief when "America (the world's #1 terrorist) goes back to being the quiet backwater and cultural swamp it once was."
Under the circumstances, I consider this person's essay remarkably temperate.
Guess it's time for the reasonable people to move to Iceland, the only country that dares stand up to the banksters right now...
This article is way too kind to the American people, but I'm sure history won't be.
I'd actually like to see some media people mixed in with the Politicicans swinging silently in the breeze. Well pretty much all of them really.
go, go! you tell'em!
I liked "YOU YOURSELF are helping to DIVIDE AND CONQUER the nation"
My God
That is Australia to a tee.
Looks like the whole western world has the same disease
If McCain has his way the writer of this fine diatribe will be given the status "Enemy Belligerent" and treated accordingly. America, RIP.
Wonderfully said , in Plain English so even the Americans can understand ...
When runing on the threadmill of mortgages , overworked , with hyper kids at home doped with NutraSweet/AminoSweet , no wonder the Americans don't have time to investigate/write/complain to their politicians .
Add on top the corrupt Zionist "Media" and you got a population of Zombies . Easy work ...
"Wonderfully said , in Plain English so even the Americans can understand ..."
You overestimate the intelligence of Americans.
Alas.....another intellect devoid of the very humanity is claims big brother has stolen. Strange how the author is still alive after such a heinous diatribe about big brother and the war mongers and the flock of sheep they lead.
Intelligence is a terrible thing to waste along with things like good scotch and fine wine.
You may be labeled by some as a 1962 petrus but you time in the sun has spoiled your excellence.
that anonymous loser up top there said you didn't offer any constructive solution? I think hanging all the fucksticks on wall street, etc is a helluva solution-a constructive and positive message all around-its just that the socially engineered morons cannot see it that way-well fuck them anyway-sounds like you've been taking notes from Uncle Jim's "Superstars of Greenwich Meantime" CD-the only album released in the past 50 years that tells it like it is!
Brilliantly stated. I hope we harness this kind of insight, and the energy expressing it, to move forward as individuals and a country. Some think it will take a "revolution" for things to change. I agree, but it will have to be an "inner revolutions" with ourselves. When enough people have their eyes opened then a shift can take place. Violence is never the answer and puts us in the realm of animals.
Thank you for having the courage to put these thoughts out there and,
even behind your outrage, I can see you care deeply about this country and what it could be. Let's all hold the space for change, make sure we are part of the solution and not the problem, and have as much good clean fun as we can have even amidst the madness. Remember, all outrage and no fun makes Jack a dull revolutionary ;) Peace
i dunno...this guy kinda loses me when he directly implies I am one of the sheep that he was referring too. Also he directly states that "you sit there and do nothing about it". If he is implying that by not writing a ranting angry blog that simply regurgitates the same views and opinions that every other pissed at the government that let them down asswipes been crying about since their vacation gas prices went through the roof. Set your standards lower and and the disappointment's of reality will go down a little easier. I wonder what this guy would have been blogging when we greased that war machine with his brothers blood and not his sons back in '91. Didn't hike his gas so he, like every other American, sat back and enjoyed the show as the first televised war unfolded. What I find to be ironic is that this individual was willing to juxtapose our current government with the one newly formed by our founding fathers. I hate to break the patriot spirit but it was money and business then and is today. They cut the Queens throat for a pence on the crate and did it to better the bigwigs with the plumed pen not the proverbial sheep of the day. No taxation without representation=Queen ain't putting the work in next to us she don't get paid...we do, not liberty and justice for all. I never voted. I had no choice in the country of my birth. I don't pay taxes. I don't watch the news. I may not blog impotent anti-government propaganda expecting a bunch of motherfucker's tucked in between the obvious to make it believable but I don't blog pro-fed either. I am an ostrich and when the evil government war machine sneaks up behind me I'll be head in the sand ass in the air allowing for easy access to my wallet which is all the really want. There is no liberty but that which we believe and no freedom except that which we choose to do. I am no sheep and I am no herder. The problem very much lies in the nature of our species not the nature of our government and evils of human nature are simply personified in this country. The government can take my money and spend it on 1000$ toilets and 100$ hammers all they want. They however can't make me care and in that I am free, living out my own agenda. Overgrow don't overthrow because I may need a government at some point, just not today.
Hali-Burton sent empty trucks with civ contractors into no military personel red zones so they could could collect a check. This was an American Government decision all the way. I am not an American as any country or government that could do such a wretched thing is no home for me. This is the greatest injustice I have ever heard of and I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT PALIN OBAMA BUSH GORE CLINTON OR KENNEDY. We have all been lied to in a manner that is unforgivable and I want no part of it.
Carbon Based city state xxxx xxx over and out
To Anonymous above, thanks. Your "menefreghista" attitude is refreshingly realistic and profound.
Nobody, not Bush, not Cheney, no one at Norad, not Israhell, nobody was held accountable for 911. Nutayahoo said, "911 was good for Israel" and he walked away unimpeded.
As for "empty trucks...wretched thing" any country or gov that uses torture is "no home for me." Since 911 was an inside/Mossad job the monsters responsible for it ordered torture knowing full well ... oh, it sickens one to think on it!
Thanks again,
"My God
That is Australia to a tee.
Looks like the whole western world has the same disease"
Yeah and as a doctor I can tell for sure this disease is called Israhell.
Good rant.
I'm not for population reduction, but can I understand why the elite of the world would want these stupid people that are populating the planet to just die off. I'm not saying I agree with them, I think it's a monstrous worldview, but it makes sense to me. If I had a billion dollars in my pocket, I too would support the whole new world order agenda.
America has become a NIGGER FACTORY.
I am telling the truth.
I am basically being forced to join the military against my will.
I dont feel I have a future.
Its been stolen.
I am a real person, being serious.
No amount of wishing is going to keep me from this fate.
believe what one will, best of luck.
anonymous? Yeah right.
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it."
~~Abraham Lincoln
This is a very interesting piece,I mean ironic as you seem to be providing a warning against the nazi like fascist takeover while at the same time blaming america's problems on jews and isreal just like hitler did. Don't get me wrong, it is disgusting to see the military complex flaunt its power so unscrupulously in the name of securirty, but the put the brunt of the blame at the feet of jews shows your ignorance to the fact that much like the roman empire and the british empire, as they slowed production and turned towards service oriented economies people that were/are willing to do the dirty work, ie the US when the british empire began to erode and now china as the US empire is crumbling. Wake up and recognize that once you lazy americans are willing to roll up your sleeves and actually boycott chinese made products much like Washington and the revolutionaries did in boycotting British made manufactured goods, then and only then will you be able to restart your commercial industrial complex instead of propping up the heavily subisdized military industrial complex.
Good luck, you American's are good people individually, its when you gather in groups that you start to cause trouble.
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