Who Killed JFK?

1) He would eliminate the CIA,
2) He would issue Treasury greenbacks (which don’t pay interest) in lieu of financing government deficits through the Federal Reserve, and
3) He spoke against empowering the state of Israel with nuclear capability.Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
"...Conspiracy theories abound regarding the Kennedy assassination. However, a new well-written and documented book sites compelling evidence that the Israel’s Mossad and David Ben Gurion were behind the assassination. The reason: Kennedy's disagreement with Ben Gurion's nuclear program...."
"...What the book does say is that: When New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison charged businessman Clay Shaw with participation in the JFK assassination conspiracy Garrison stumbled upon the Israeli Mossad connection to the murder of President Kennedy. Shaw served on the board of a shadowy corporation known as Permindex. A primary shareholder in Permindex was the Banque De Credit International of Geneva, founded by Tibor Rosenbaum, an arms procurer and financier for the Mossad..."
The New World Order
" ...In this century, the degree of control exerted by the Illuminati has advanced to the point that only certain hand-picked individuals, who are groomed and selected by the Illuminati are even eligible to become the prime minister or president of countries like England, Germany, or The United States. It didn't matter whether Bill Clinton or Bob Dole won the Presidency in 1996, the results would have been the same (except maybe for Zipper Gate ). Both men are playing on the same team for the same ball club. Anyone who isn't a team player is taken out: i.e. President Kennedy, Ali Bhutto (Pakistan) and Aldo Moro (Italy). More recently, Admiral Borda, William Colby, and Sonny Bono were also killed because they were either unwilling to go along with the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the Takeover agenda...."
"...In our times this control of the issuance of our currency is in the illegal hands of the Federal Reserve, called the Fed, and the principal owner of the Fed's "Class A" stock is--you guessed it--the Rothschild family. The other president brave enough to oppose the banker barons, whose worth was now in the trillions, was President John F. Kennedy..."
"...President Kennedy pledged himself to what was the best for America and cared not how the greedy bankers of the Fed felt. JFK, like Lincoln in the 1860's. dared to have the U. S. Treasury issue U. S. Dollars, not Federal Reserve notes, and placed them into circulation without paying interest to any bankers, just as spelled out in the U. S. Constitution..."
International Bankers, Credit, and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
Black's Law Dictionary 1990, defines "Money Changers" as: .....business of a banker... today handled by the international departments of banks." Let me think for a moment, what did Christ do to the "Money Changers". Oh, Yes, he severely interfered with their activity. Three days later he was crucified. Lincoln was killed for interfering with the money changers. Kennedy was slaughtered for interfering with the money changers.
Banking Cartel is the Cause of Humanity's Woes
"...Mullins makes a convincing case that every U.S. President since Wilson has been a lackey of the bankers. J.F. Kennedy was assassinated because he started to print his own U.S. government-backed currency. This is also the transgression that led to the murders of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield. Last year alone, the American people paid $360 billion in interest to the bankers. To maintain this massive fraud, the bankers enforce an iron grip on the political and cultural organs of the nation...."
"...It is interesting to note how many assassinations of Presidents of the United States follow their concern with the issuing of public currency; Lincoln with his Greenback, non-interest-bearing notes, and Garfield, making a pronouncement on currency problems just before he was assassinated..."
The Conspirators Hierarchy - The Committee of 300
"...The Club of Rome, after playing a key role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, attempted to sell its "crisis-management" (the forerunner of FEMA) program to President Kennedy. Several Tavistock scientists went to see the President to explain what it meant, but the President rejected the advice they gave. The same year that Kennedy was murdered, Tavistock was back in Washington to talk with NASA. This time the talks were successful. Tavistock was given a contract by NASA to evaluate the effect of its coming space-program on American public-opinion..."
"...The drug-trade has a connection with the murder of President John F. Kennedy, which foul deed stains the national character and will continue to do so until the perpetrators are found and brought to justice..."
"...As I revealed in my series of monographs on the Kennedy assassination, it was Stephenson who master-minded the operation which was run as a hands-on project by Bloomfield. Fronting for the Kennedy assassination was done through another drug-related front, Permanent Industrial Expositions (PERMINDEX), created in 1957 and centered in the World Trade Mart building in downtown New Orleans..."
"...Bloomfield just happened to be the attorney for the Bronfman family. The World Trade Mart was created by Colonel Clay Shaw and FBI Division Five station-chief in New Orleans, Guy Bannister. Shaw and Bannister were close associates of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of shooting Kennedy, who was murdered by CIA contract agent Jack Ruby before he could prove that he was not the assassin who shot President Kennedy. In spite of the Warren Commission and numerous official-reports, it has NEVER been established that Oswald owned the Mannlicher rifle said to be the murder weapon (it was not) nor that he had ever fired it...."
"...The humiliation of Nixon was an object-lesson and a warning to future Presidents of the United States not to imagine they could go against the Committee of 300 and win. Kennedy was brutally murdered in full-view of the American people for the same reason; Nixon was not considered worthy-enough to suffer the same fate as John F. Kennedy..."
"...Yet the Assassination Bureau is absolutely real. It exists in Europe and the United States solely to do the bidding of the Committee of 300 to carry-out high-level assassinations where all other remedies have failed. It was PERMINDEX which ran the Kennedy-assassination under the direction of Sir William Stephenson, for years the Queen of England's number one "pest-control" operative..."
"...Clay Shaw, a contract-agent of the CIA, ran PERMINDEX out of the Trade Mart Center in New Orleans. Former New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison came very close to cracking the Kennedy assassination-plot up to the level of Clay Shaw until Garrison was "dealt with" and Shaw was found not guilty of involvement in the Kennedy assassination-plot. The fact that Shaw was eliminated in the manner of Jack Ruby, another CIA contract agent--both died of induced quick-acting cancer--speaks volumes that Garrison was on the right track. (Jack Ruby died of cancer in prison, in January 1967)..."
"...Based upon an examination of SDECE methods in protecting De Gaulle, especially in motorcades, the FBI, Secret Service and the CIA knew exactly how to strip President Kennedy of his security and make it easy for the three PERMINDEX shooters to murder him in Dealey Plaza in November 1963...."
"...On every occasion that a researcher happens upon this astounding central-control-group, he is either successfully bought-off, or else he undergoes some "specialty-training" at the Tavistock Institute after which he becomes a contributor to more fiction, of the James Bond type, i.e., he is derailed and well-rewarded. If such a person as John F. Kennedy should stumble onto the truth about who directs world-events, and cannot be bought, he is assassinated..."
"...Another strange face we see attaching itself to the Holy Christian Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and I use the word strange as it is used in the original Hebrew of the Old Testament to denote the lineage of an individual, is that of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the man who helped plan the murder of John F. Kennedy. We see photos of this "strange" man wearing with pride the Cross of Malta, the same cross worn on the sleeve of the Knights of the Order of the Garter...."
"...Kennedy rejected Operation Northwoods and senior military officers ordered the documents destroyed. But someone slipped up and the papers were discovered by the Assassination Records Review Board and recently released by the National Archives...."
The Opinions of General Partin and Other Bomb Experts.
"...The Oklahoma City bombing has earned the nickname "Mannlicher-Carcano Bomb," after the cheap Italian-made rifle with a defective scope that was allegedly used to kill President Kennedy. Attorney Jim Garrison joked that the governments nuclear physics laboratory could explain how a single bullet could travel through President Kennedy & Governor Connally five times while making several U-turns, then turns up in pristine condition (an event that no firearms expert in the world has ever been able to duplicate) on a hospital gurney..."
Notice the spy tricks. Right after the political assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the mass media, the newsfakers, were handed from the American CIA, the whole alleged background of the aristorcracy-designated "lone assassin", Lee Harvey Oswald. Similarly, right after 9-11, Black Tuesday, a portion of America's secret political police, the FBI, released supposed pictures and details of the alleged Moslem hi-jackers. In round-the-clock coverage following the events, the press whores carefully ignored undisputed details. Namely, that at least seven of the so-called FBI-fingered plane-grabbers, were alive, according to their next of kin, and that such persons never left their overseas locations. And, that someone apparently duplicated or stole their identities.
The physical assassination and ongoing character assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, is a perfect example of Orwellian reality control and falsification of the past. The truth goes down the memory hole.
The Warren Commission and the mainstream movies, books and documentaries churned out these past 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 years since his death have attempted to persuade people to "deny the evidence of their own senses ...reject the evidence of their own ears."
It is the intent of Orwell Today to direct readers to alternate books, movies, essays, commentary and JFK's own words so they can decide for themselves what is true and what is untrue regarding the life and times of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. ~ Jackie Jura
SourceLabels: Who Killed JFK?
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