150 000 Jews in Hitler's Army
This bit of history was hidden from us |
"Half-Jew" Horst Geitner was awarded both the Iron Cross Second Class and the Silver Wound Badge. | This photo of "half-Jew" Werner Goldberg, who was blond and blue-eyed, was used by a Nazi propaganda newspaper for its title page. Its caption: "The Ideal German Soldier." |
"Half-Jew" Commander Paul Ascher, Admiral Lütjens's first staff officer on the battleship Bismarck; Ascher received Hitler's Deutschblütigkeitserklärung. (Military awards: EKI, EKII, and War Service Cross Second Class.) | "Quarter-Jew" Admiral Bernhard Rogge wearing the Ritterkreuz; he received Hitler's Deutschblütigkeitserklärung. (Military awards: oak leaves to Ritterkreuz, Ritterkreuz, samurai sword from the emperor of Japan, EKI, and EKII.) |
"Half-Jew" Johannes Zukertort (last rank general) received Hitler's Deutschblütigkeitserklärung. | "Half-Jew" Colonel Walter H. Hollaender, decorated with the Ritterkreuz and German-Cross in Gold; he received Hitler's Deutschblütigkeitserklärung. (Military awards: Ritterkreuz, German-Cross in Gold, EKI, EKII, and Close Combat Badge.) |
As Rigg fully documents for the first time, a great many of these men did not even consider themselves Jewish and had embraced the military as a way of life and as devoted patriots eager to serve a revived German nation. In turn, they had been embraced by the Wehrmacht, which prior to Hitler had given little thought to the "race" of these men but which was now forced to look deeply into the ancestry of its soldiers.
The process of investigation and removal, however, was marred by a highly inconsistent application of Nazi law. Numerous "exemptions" were made in order to allow a soldier to stay within the ranks or to spare a soldier's parent, spouse, or other relative from incarceration or far worse. (Hitler's own signature can be found on many of these "exemption" orders.) But as the war dragged on, Nazi politics came to trump military logic, even in the face of the Wehrmacht's growing manpower needs, closing legal loopholes and making it virtually impossible for these soldiers to escape the fate of millions of other victims of the Third Reich.
Based on a deep and wide-ranging research in archival and secondary sources, as well as extensive interviews with more than four hundred Mischlinge and their relatives, Rigg's study breaks truly new ground in a crowded field and shows from yet another angle the extremely flawed, dishonest, demeaning, and tragic essence of Hitler's rule.
Side and front photographs of "half-Jew" Anton Mayer, similar to those that often accompanied a Mischling's application for exemption.
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers
Clip of one-hour documentary and Israel TV interview with the director Larry Price. Full video available at Amazon.com
As featured on NBC-TV's Dateline
(first aired Sunday, June 9, 2002)
William E. Colby Military Writers Symposium
As Many As 150,000 Jews
Served In Hitler's Military
Bryan Mark Rigg, history professor at the American Military University in Virginia, told Reuters on Thursday that the issue of soldiers of partial Jewish descent was long a somewhat taboo subject, overlooked by most academics as it threw up thorny questions.
"Not everybody who wore a uniform was a Nazi and not every person of Jewish descent was persecuted," he said. "Where do they belong? They served in the military but lost mum at Auschwitz."
According to the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, Jews or those of partial Jewish descent were unfit for military service, but Rigg tracked down and interviewed more than 400 former soldiers of partial Jewish descent -- labelled "Mischlinge" ("half-caste") by the Nazis.
He estimates there were about 60,000 soldiers with one Jewish parent and 90,000 with a Jewish grandparent in the Wehrmacht, the regular army as distinct from the Nazi SS.
"They thought 'if I serve well they're not going to hurt me and not going to hurt my family'," he said.
However, on returning home from the campaign in Poland at the start of the war to find persecution of their families worsening, many soldiers classified as half-Jewish started to complain, prompting Hitler to order their dismissal in 1940.
But many of these so-called half-Jewish soldiers continued to serve, sometimes due to delays in the discharge order reaching the front, because they concealed their background or because they applied and won clemency for good service.
Many senior officers with Jewish ancestry won special permission to serve from Hitler himself.
"History is not so black and white. History about Mischlinge shows how bankrupt the Nazi racial laws were," said Rigg.
While Germany has long been aware of men serving as soldiers who Nazi race laws should have classified as Jewish, most notably former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and Luftwaffe Field Marshal Erhard Milch, Rigg's large estimate has surprised many.
Die Welt daily called Rigg's book "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" "one of the most important Holocaust studies of recent years". The author was in Berlin to launch the German language version.
"The Mischlinge suffered the same fate in academic life as they did in real life. There was nobody to speak for them," Rigg said. "People thought it could be misinterpreted, it would be like saying: 'look they did it to themselves'."
Rigg, who has served in the U.S. Marines and as a volunteer in the Israeli army, was moved to research the subject after he discovered his own Jewish ancestry while probing his family tree and after a chance meeting with a Jewish Wehrmacht veteran.
Many of his subjects were telling their story for the first time and in some cases their families knew nothing of their Jewish heritage. "They would talk their hearts out, telling me all about this schizophrenic story they went through," he said.
He is convinced that most of the soldiers of Jewish decent were not aware of the Nazis' systematic murder of Jews, noting that most half-Jews reported to deportation stations in 1944.
"Most say they do not feel guilty about serving in the military, they feel guilty about what they didn't do to save their relatives," he said.
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
"Half-Jew" and field-marshal Erhard Milch, left, stands with Gen. Wolfam von Richthofen. Hitler declared Milch an Aryan. Photo courtesy of University of Kansas |
Since his German wasn't so good, he asked an elderly man sitting next to him to translate the film, which tells the story of Shlomo Perel, a Jew who survived the Holocaust by falsifying his identity - and who served in the German army for part of World War II.
After the movie, the man told Rigg that his story was similar to Perel's. Over a drink, the man told Rigg about his experiences as a "quarter-Jew" who had served for Germany on the Russian front.
The conversation fascinated Rigg and spurred him to investigate whether there were more soldiers of Jewish descent in the Nazi army.
He began checking - and sure enough, there were.
What's more, little scholarly work had been done on these mischlinge, as the Nazis called Germans with Jewish roots.
"They suffered the same fate in academic life that they did in the Third Reich. Nobody wanted them. Nobody claimed them. So nobody knows about them," Rigg, 31, told JTA recently.
The encounter launched a 10-year odyssey for Rigg that culminated in "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers," which is making waves in both the media and academia.
The Chronicle of Higher Education printed a lengthy article on Rigg and his book, and he appeared on a segment on NBC's "Dateline" last month, titled "Hiding in Plain Sight."
In the book, Rigg tells the strange-but-true story of these wartime German soldiers with Jewish roots.
Based on interviews with more than 400 of these former soldiers, along with some statistical extrapolation, Rigg concluded that more than 100,000 such soldiers - who were considered Jewish, according to Nazi racial laws - served in the German military.
Many researchers consider this number an exaggeration and dismiss Rigg, who teaches at the online American Military University, as publicity-hungry.
"This is not a bombshell," Raul Hilberg, one of the deans of Holocaust scholarship, recently told The Chronicle of Higher Education. "We have known that there were thousands" of men with Jewish roots "in the German army."
Some also have taken aim at the book's title. After all, Rigg himself says that only 60 percent of the "half-Jews" and only 30 percent of the "quarter-Jews" who served as soldiers were Jewish according to Jewish law.
Many didn't even know they were Jewish because their families had assimilated.
But many scholars support Rigg in his contention that his book, based on his doctoral dissertation at Cambridge University in England, casts new light on Nazi policy and the Holocaust.
Rigg's "diligent" and "sustained" research calls into question some previous assumptions about Nazi policy during the Holocaust, Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum told JTA. Rigg's book "shows that there was a greater degree of flexibility in the anti-Jewish policy than previously realized," says Berenbaum, author of "The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust."
Berenbaum highlights the importance of Rigg's evidence showing that, as late as 1943, Hitler was spending his time pondering the fate of individual soldiers with Jewish roots.
While the German war machine was focused on battling allied forces, Hitler was "deciding whether this guy's face is Jewish. It's unbelievable," Berenbaum says.
Rigg admits that it's a bit unbelievable that he became a Holocaust scholar.
"Ten years ago, if you had asked me that this was going to happen, that we'd be sitting here talking about this, I'd be like, 'No way.' "
Tall, fit and square-jawed - and prone to use the words "honored" and "gentlemanly" in conversation - Rigg looks more like a former football player and Marine from Texas - which, in fact, he is.
As a teen-ager, Rigg attended the Fort Worth Christian Academy and spent time on Protestant missions.
While researching his family history that summer in 1992, Rigg found some records indicating that many of his mother's ancestors were Jewish.
"I have some ancestors who were running around in skirts in Northern Scotland hacking up each other. That's part of my tradition as well. I also have some tradition going to the Temple Mount," he says.
But it wasn't just his Christian upbringing that made him an unlikely candidate for research into the Holocaust. Throughout his research, he spoke to many scholars who dissuaded him from his work.
He was told that the subject matter was either too tangential or would cause problems for Jews, Rigg recalls, but he turned the criticism into a challenge.
It wasn't his first academic obstacle: As a young child, he failed first grade twice. Only when he was placed into a university-affiliated school did he begin to flourish.
After high school, he was rejected from the Ivy League schools he had dreamed of attending. So he spent a fifth year of high school studying and playing football at an East Coast private school, and then was accepted at Yale.
Even today, Rigg appears to be motivated by the discouragement he says he received from some scholars.
At a lecture last month at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, Rigg says some scholars "exuded an air of academic arrogance that irritated me." In an interview with JTA, he discussed his time spent in "the bowels of the academic establishment."
Armed with this motivation, as well as some encouragement from his family and from scholars such as Jonathan Steinberg, his doctoral adviser at Cambridge, Rigg persevered.
After spending time with some of the soldiers, Rigg felt he owed something to them - and to what he calls truth, which he uses without an ounce of irony.
Rigg himself contributed to "personal truth" - "outing" some of these soldiers' Jewish roots to their own families.
Some of the soldiers Rigg learned about became interested in their Judaism after the war, but others died without telling anyone - and Rigg was the one to inform their families.
Even if many of his subjects didn't consider themselves Jewish, their experiences during the war highlight a gray spot in the world of the Holocaust, Rigg says.
"Are they perpetrators or are they victims? Do they share the guilt or do they share the victimhood?" he asks. "They're between two stools all the time."
So is Rigg, in many ways. Raised a fundamentalist Protestant, he studied at the Ohr Sameach Yeshiva in Jerusalem while conducting his research, and says he now professes that he believes in no specific religion beyond general "tolerance."
His time at a yeshiva was just one of the turns Rigg's life has taken during the last decade. He also spent time in a program the Israeli Army runs for volunteers from abroad, and even did a stint in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1999 to 2001.
But, he says, he made a commitment to his subjects to tell their story. He has done that both through his book and through an archive in the German city of Freiburg that he has filled with the fruits of his research.
"Now I've honored that commitment and I can walk away after all this is done, and be happy,'' he says.
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers - Perhaps 150,000 Jews Fought Valiantly
The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military
By Bryan Mark Rigg
May 2002 496 pages,
95 photographs,
6 x 9 Modern War Studies Cloth ISBN 0-7006-1178-9, $29.95
To be featured on NBC-TV's Dateline in June 2002
On the murderous road to "racial purity" Hitler encountered unexpected detours, largely due to his own crazed views and inconsistent policies regarding Jewish identity. After centuries of Jewish assimilation and intermarriage in German society, he discovered that eliminating Jews from the rest of the population was more difficult than he'd anticipated. As Bryan Mark Rigg shows in this provocative new study, nowhere was that heinous process more fraught with contradiction and confusion than in the German military. Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought--perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.
As Rigg fully documents for the first time, a great many of these men did not even consider themselves Jewish and had embraced the military as a way of life and as devoted patriots eager to serve a revived German nation. In turn, they had been embraced by the Wehrmacht, which prior to Hitler had given little thought to the "race" of these men but which was now forced to look deeply into the ancestry of its soldiers. The process of investigation and removal, however, was marred by a highly inconsistent application of Nazi law. Numerous "exemptions" were made in order to allow a soldier to stay within the ranks or to spare a soldier's parent, spouse, or other relative from incarceration or far worse. (Hitler's own signature can be found on many of these "exemption" orders.) But as the war dragged on, Nazi politics came to trump military logic, even in the face of the Wehrmacht's growing manpower needs, closing legal loopholes and making it virtually impossible for these soldiers to escape the fate of millions of other victims of the Third Reich. Based on a deep and wide-ranging research in archival and secondary sources, as well as extensive interviews with more than four hundred Mischlinge and their relatives, Rigg's study breaks truly new ground in a crowded field and shows from yet another angle the extremely flawed, dishonest, demeaning, and tragic essence of Hitler's rule.
Side and front photographs of "half-Jew" Anton Mayer, similar to those that often accompanied a Mischling's application for exemption. To see more photographs from the book, click here "Through videotaped interviews, painstaking attention to personnel files, and banal documents not normally consulted by historians, and spurred by a keen sense of personal mission, Rigg has turned up an unexplored and confounding chapter in the history of the Holocaust.
The extent of his findings has surprised scholars."--Warren Hoge, New York Times "The revelation that Germans of Jewish blood, knowing the Nazi regime for what it was, served Hitler as uniformed members of his armed forces must come as a profound shock. It will surprise even professional historians of the Nazi years." --John Keegan, author of The Face of Battle and The Second World War "Startling and unexpected, Rigg's study conclusively demonstrates the degree of flexibility in German policy toward the Mischlinge, the extent of Hitler's involvement, and, most importantly, that not all who served in the armed forces were anti-Semitic, even as their service aided the killing process."--Michael Berenbaum, author of The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust "Rigg's extensive knowledge and the preliminary conclusions drawn from his research impressed me greatly. I firmly believe that his in-depth treatment of the subject of German soldiers of Jewish descent in the Wehrmacht will lead to new perspectives on this portion of 20th century German military history."--Helmut Schmidt, Former Chancellor of Germany "An impressively researched work with important implications for hotly debated questions. Rigg tells some exquisitely poignant stories of individual human experiences that complicate our picture of state and society in the Third Reich."--Nathan A. Stoltzfus, Florida State University, author of Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany "An impressive work filled with interesting stories. . . .
By helping us better understand Nazi racial policy at the margins--i.e., its impact on certain members of the German military--Rigg's study clarifies the central problems of Nazi Jewish policies overall."--Norman Naimark, Stanford University, author of Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe "An illuminating and provocative study that merits a wide readership and is sure to be much discussed."--Dennis E. Showalter, Colorado College, author of Tannenberg: Clash of Empires "An outstanding job of research and analysis. Rigg's book will add a great deal to our understanding of the German military, of the place of Jews and people of Jewish descent in the Nazi state, and of the Holocaust. It forces us to deal with the full, complex range of possible actions and reactions by individuals caught up in the Nazi system."--Geoffrey P. Megargee, author of Inside Hitler's High Command "With the skill of a master detective, Bryan Rigg reveals the surprising and largely unknown story of Germans of Jewish origins in the Nazi military. His work contributes to our understanding of the complexity of faith and identity in the Third Reich."--Paula E. Hyman, Yale University, author of Gender and Assimilation in Modern Jewish History and The Jews of Modern France "A major piece of scholarship which traces the peculiar twists and turns of Nazi racial policy toward men in the Wehrmacht, often in the highest ranks, who had partly Jewish backgrounds. Rigg has uncovered personal stories and private archives which literally nobody knew existed.
His book will be an important contribution to German history."--Jonathan Steinberg, University of Pennsylvania, author of All or Nothing: The Axis and the Holocaust 1941-1943 "An original, groundbreaking, and significant contribution to the history of the Wehrmacht and Nazi Germany."--James S. Corum, School of Advanced Air Power Studies, author of The Roots of Blitzkrieg and The Luftwaffe "Rigg's work has discovered new academic territory."--Manfred Messerschmidt, Freiburg University, author of Die Wehrmacht im NS-Staat (The Wehrmacht in the Nazi State) BRYAN MARK RIGG received his B.A. with honors in history from Yale University in 1996. Yale awarded him the Henry Fellowship for graduate study at Cambridge University, where he received his M.A. in 1997 and Ph.D. in 2002. Currently Professor of History at American Military University, he has served as a volunteer in the Israeli Army and as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. His research for this book has been featured in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and London Daily Telegraph. The thousands of pages of documents and oral testimonies (8mm and VHS video) the author collected for this study have been purchased by the National Military Archive of Germany. The Bryan Mark Rigg Collection is housed in the Bundesarchiv-Militrarchiv in Freiburg, Germany. Click here to learn more about the author and his research experiences.
From Haaretz:
ורנר גולדברג, חייל "יהודי למחצה" |
החיילים היהודים של היטלר, מאת בריאן מארק ריג, תירגם מאנגלית עמית יריב, הוצאת מטר, 2005, 455 עמודים
ייאמר מיד: כותרת הספר מטעה. אין מדובר בספר ביהודים אלא בבני תערובת, או כפי שהוגדרו על ידי הנאצים וחוקי נירנברג "מישלינג", כלומר: יהודים למחצה, יהודים לרביע ולשמינית וכיוצא בזה. רוב החיילים ממוצא יהודי בדרגה כלשהי ששירתו בוורמאכט לא היו שייכים לקהילה היהודית, לא ראו עצמם יהודים, על פי רוב לא היו יהודים מצד ההלכה היהודית ואפילו היו חברי מפלגה ואנטישמים. אלא שזרם בעורקיהם, במידה רבה יותר או פחות, דם יהודי.
זאת ועוד, מדובר בספר הזה בהיסטוריה המתבססת בעיקר על ראיונות. המחבר, בריאן מארק ריג, שגילה כי אחת מסבותיו היתה יהודייה ובעקבות הגילוי בא ללמוד בישיבת "אור שמח", ריאיין כ-400 איש לצורך כתיבת ספרו. הספר היה במקורו עבודת דוקטור, אבל לדעת חוקרים, המספרים שהוא מביא מפוקפקים. ריג טוען כי בוורמאכט שירתו כ-150 אלף חיילים שבעורקיהם זרם דם יהודי. אכן, מדהים להיווכח כי פלדמרשל בחיל האוויר, ארהרד מילך, היה יהודי למחצה, כמו גם הלמוט וילברג, אבי שיטת ה"בליץ קריג".
אבל רוב בני התערובת, וביניהם רבים שקיבלו מן הפיהרר תעודות על היותם "ארים", שוחררו מן הצבא למגינת לבם בשלב זה או אחר של המלחמה. כזה הוא המקרה המעניין של הקולונל עטור אותות ההצטיינות, ארנסט בלוך, יהודי-למחצה, שבפקודתו ובשירותו של האדמירל קנריס, קצין המודיעין הראשי (ריג כתב על הפרשה המוזרה הזאת את ספרו החדש, שעדיין לא תורגם לעברית), מילט את הרבי מלובביץ', הרב יוסף שניאורסון, מוורשה הכבושה, הביאו ללטוויה, ושם העלה אותו על ספינה לשטוקהולם, שממנה הפליג לאמריקה. לטענת ריג נעשה הדבר באמצעות לחץ אמריקאי על קנריס, שהיה פטריוט גדול, אבל את היטלר לא חיבב. ובכן, ארנסט בלוך זה שוחרר מן הצבא ב-27 באוקטובר 1944, אף שתואר כ"נציונל סוציאליסט חיובי". "בלוך היה המום, משום שידע כי היטלר עצמו הכריז עליו בעל דם גרמני" (עמ' 263).
החיילים בעלי דם יהודי שגורשו מן הצבא ראו בכך עלבון והשפלה. במקרים מסוימים בכו מפקדיהם בלכתם, מספר ריג. אבל גם אלה שלא גורשו היו די מבולבלים. על כך כתב לווטנט אייק שווייצר, יהודי למחצה שקיבל את הפטור מחוקי הגזע בינואר 1942, לדודתו: "אני רואה שהוניתי את עצמי. במקום להבהיר את הדברים, להפוך אותם פשוטים יותר, חוויותי רק מסבכות את המצב... מצבי בלתי אפשרי כל כך ותלוי כל הזמן באוויר, עד שתיאוריו יישמעו הזויים. מעמדי כחייל הוא פרדוקס של ממש, ואינו מאפשר שום הסבר הגיוני... זה מצב נורא... איני חושש מן האמת, אבל ברגע שאתחיל, איאלץ לספר הכל. הפכתי אדם בודד. רבים מחברי הטובים מתו. הלוואי שהכל ייגמר בקרוב". משפחתו של שווייצר נרדפה ואביו כבר היגר לארצות הברית. הוא עצמו נהרג בקרב ב-1945.
מכתבו של שווייצר נותן ביטוי מסוים למה שחשתי בקריאת ספרו של ריג. קראתי אותו כמו שקוראים ספר מתח ולא מחקר היסטורי, ותוך כדי הקריאה חשתי כמו בבית משוגעים. התחושה היתה שאין היגיון בדבר: היטלר נותן פטור לזה ולאחר לא, ולא מובן מדוע הוא חותם על תעודה הבאה להעיד על דם ארי, ובסופו של דבר היא אינה מספקת. הסיפור שריג מספר הוא סיפור מעניין ומטורף, אך אין בו כדי לשפוך אור על ההיסטוריה של הרייך השלישי. אם הכל כה מטורף, הרי זה פוטר את האנשים מלשאת באחריות, ועל כן הספר מעורר זעם. שאלתי את עצמי מדוע נכתב. מה כל כך משך את ריג לעשות את המחקר שעשה ומה תורם המחקר הזה ולמי.
אם אפשר ללמוד משהו מהספר, הרי זה שרוב בני האדם הם מוגי לב, ושיצר החיים רב עוצמה מכל יצר אחר ומכריע כל דילמה מוסרית, אפילו כשמביאים בחשבון שחלק מן החיילים שמדובר בהם חשבו שיוכלו להציל את משפחותיהם אם ישרתו את המדינה. אבל גם כאן לא היתה שום חוקיות. היו שהצליחו בכך ואחרים נכשלו לרוב.
מה שמעורר את הרושם של הטירוף הוא תיאור ההתעסקות האינסופית של היטלר בבעיית המישלינג. כל שאלה בדבר כשרותו של חייל היתה צריכה להיות מוכרעת על ידיו. הוא דרש לעיין באופן אישי בכל מקרה כזה ולתת את ההוראה בדבר תעודת הכשרות ולחתום עליה. התיאור של ריג מעלה כמובן שאלות שונות. אחת מהן היא השאלה אם תיאור זה מהימן. "עיסוקו של היטלר בגזע... נגע לא רק ל'מישלינג', אלא גם למי שהיו נשואים ל'מישלינג'" (עמ' 190). כמו, למשל, במקרה של גנרל גוטהרד היינריצי, שאשתו היתה יהודייה למחצה ולפיכך נזקקו ילדיו לתעודות על דם גרמני. "שלושתם (האשה ושני הילדים) צולמו מכל זווית אפשרית כדי להוכיח שהם לא נראים יהודים". היינריצי היה חריג למדי, כי סיים את המלחמה בדרגת מפקד צבא היבשה וניהל את הקרב האחרון על האודר ואת הגנת ברלין.
רק בינואר 1945 פירסם הוורמאכט פקודה שיש להימנע מהעסקת קצינים "מישלינג יהודים", גם כאלה שקיבלו אישורים מיוחדים, בתפקידי מפתח ומקידומם לדרגת קולונל. מתברר ששחרורם מן הצבא של חיילים בעמדות מפתח כמו גנרלים, למשל, השפיע לרעה על המוראל, ועל כן יצאה הפקודה הנ"ל כה מאוחר.
השאלה המעניינת היא, אם חצאי יהודים או יהודים לרביע לקחו חלק בהשמדת היהודים, או האם ידעו על מעשי הזוועה ועל מחנות ההשמדה. לטענת ריג הם ידעו על הרדיפות, כמובן, אך לא ידעו על ההשמדה ההמונית. הטענה הזאת אינה משכנעת באמת. עוד פגם בולט בספר הוא הניסיון לטפול את העסקתם (הזמנית) של מישלינג בוורמאכט ואת התעסקותו האינסופית של היטלר בענייניהם, על מוצאו היהודי כביכול של היטלר, במקום לשקול שמא נעשה הדבר כדי למנוע אי-נחת ואי-שקט בשורות הצבא, כפי שמוכיח מקרה הנשים הגרמניות מברלין, שיצאו להפגנה מדי יום ביומו מול בית הסוהר שאליו נלקחו בעליהן היהודים והצליחו בסופו של דבר להביא לשחרורם, מכיוון שהשלטונות חששו ממרי אזרחי.
הסיפור על מוצאו היהודי של היטלר הוא פיקנטי, ומעלה על הדעת את הסיפור על מקור האנטישמיות של היטלר במפגשו עם ויטגנשטיין, הנער בן העשירים והמצליח, בבית הספר. אבל ריג מאמין בסיפור הזה כמעט ללא שום ספקות, ומביא עדויות על כך מכמה כיוונים. עם זה, אי אפשר להתעלם מן העניין שיש בסיפורים הפרטיים של האנשים עצמם. ככל סיפור אנושי וככל סיפור על חיים במצבי גבול, יש עניין רב בדרמה האישית של הסתרה, בושה וניסיונות אינסופיים לקבל תעודת הכשר.
Part of the documentary "The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler" by Jim Condit
The similarities between Hitler and Bush in points of genealogy and actions should strike anyone with half a brain left as a big red WARNING SIGN.
The ignorant are bound to repeat their misery. Ignorance is curse, evil, and blessing at ones; curse because, as said before, the ignorant are bound to repeat their misery, evil because ignorance is the cause of most evil, blessing because the ignorant are mostly unaware of what they are doing and thus free from feeling guilt or remorse - a trait Sociopaths share.
As long as people don't learn from history, we are collectively bound to repeat the misery.
The truth is waiting outside of the kosher-box!
Meet the Real Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler Founder of Israel
Adolf Eichmann Was a Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi
Nazis were Zionists
Hitler's secret Jewish girlfriend
Hitler's Jewish solicitor
Jewish works found in Hitler's personal record collection
Nazis in Israel
Jews in the Nazi Military
Thousands of Hitler's soldiers were of Jewish Descent
See also
Labels: 150 000 Jews in Hitler's Army
This is complete and utter nonsense.
I wish to were complete hodge-podge. Apparently there is a truth in this.
Here is a link to an Austrian TV documentary by Bryan Mark Rigg:
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It's a fascinating story, and in some ways a horrifying one. But I'm not sure why some people are shocked. Many German Jews considered themselves completely assimilated. And men in the Wermacht were often the least likely to know about the Final Solution.
But it's got to be a hard thing to live with. I'm saddened to see that some joined the Israeli Defense Forces, perhaps to continue their military careers in some cases, or to work off a certain moral unease or outright guilt.
As in so many cases, the Palestinians are nominated to be the handy victims of European-ancestry folks with unresolved emotional conflicts. Thus does the cycle of violence regenerate itself.
I hope a few of the Wermacht "michlinge" (terrible word) men were able to use their experience to see through the various forms of nationalism they bought into and begin to realize that nationalism itself is the scourge of our time...and religious nationalism, whether Christian, Jewish or Muslims, is as dangerous to us today as secular nationialism was to Europe back in the 1930s.
Pilgrim Soul
Most of them weren't Jews as Jews accept Judaism. All of them saw themselves as Germans, they were Germans and act as Germans. There is nothing connecting them to Judaism according to Jewish law.
But let me assure you that lot of Europeans have Jewish blood in their vessels for many generations. That doesn't make them Jewish either because Judaism is not define be blood, race of color but buy belief, practicing Judaism and nation.
Only padoes insult I.
Anway they were stil anti semitic. Look at the number of english people with scottish names who hate scottish people anc vice versa.
The Scriptures the Jews believe in do not teach nazi ideology...that they are a superior race. In fact it says alot of very negative things about them which may explain why their is this culture of extreme Jewish self criticism and until recently, subservience.
None of the reasons why the Jews were chosen are supremacist, not racially, culturally perhaps at the time. The Bible gives the impression it was just by chance cause they were smaller and weaker at the time than surrounding nations. Not cause they were some sort of master race. In fact the Bible spends alot of time putting them down and humbling them. You need not worry about it...I can assure you they are nothing like nazism or nazis.
The Zionist organisations worked with the British against Germany and the stories of their acts (often in the Special Operations Executive) are legendary, e.g. Hannah Senesh. This is the real history of Zionism against Nazism.
Zionism gives the Jewish people the same fundamental safeguard that every other nation has - the human right of self determination and self defense. Not only for the Jews but for all forms of life.
The story of Zionism challenges the imagination. A tiny, impoverished group of intellectuals and dreamers took it upon themselves to transform the ancient prophetic vision of the restoration of Israel into flesh and blood reality. Zionism faced the opposition of other Jews and the indifference or hatred of most of the world. Zionism took on the Turkish Empire and the British Empire and defeated both. From a people stigmatized as the cowards of the earth, Zionism fashioned a mighty military machine that defeated huge armies. From a tiny strip of desert sunk in the decay of the dying Turkish empire, Zionism created a world class economy and a thriving democracy.
Zionism remade the image and the reality of the Jewish people. The psychological transformation preceded the reality and made the reality possible. A people almost dead willed itself back to life at what could have been the last moments in its history.
Zionism transformed the intellectuals and merchants of the ghettos of Europe into workers and engineers who built great industries and made deserts bloom. The scurrying frightened figures of ghetto lore gave way to bronzed workers and proud soldiers. In those who hate Jews, contempt was transformed into fear. The lying stereotype of the Jew who could not fight gave way to the equally pernicious lie of the Zionist warmonger. Better to be feared than despised.
Zionism declared that it would redeem the land. Land that had lain fallow for 2,000 years was made to feed a nation of seven million people. Zionism revived the ancient language of the Bible. Hebrew became the language of a modern nation: a language for rock singers and stevedores, comics, poets, pilots, engineers scientists and young lovers.
The story of Zionism is a human story. In its long road, the Zionist movement had many surprising successes, many failures, and many mistakes and tragic disappointments. The story is not yet finished yet.
History of Zionism
I knew that americans not allow to read any books the truth about what jews done the are the worst criminals and terrorist
Does crime pay? Actually it does, sometimes with jail time or other punishments.
Honest hard working Americans don't support crime and criminals.
Criminals support themselves thro' a variety of different means like money laundrying, illegal drug running, prostitution, etc. Anything which is not done within the laws of a state or country is considered criminal.
Yes!!! We have had many a gangsters in this nation. When caught by the authorities, have met with some horrible fate. Either sent to prison or gunned down by the authorities. Some of the gangsters as much as turned on each other and gunned each other down.
The term "terrorism" comes from a French word terrorisme, which is based on the Latin word terrere meaning to cause to tremble. Which was related to the so-called "Reign of Terror" during the French Revolution.
Some early examples of terrorism. The Bibical story of the plagues of Egypt could be considered an example of terrorism. That a political aim...acts of terror where carried out against the population of civilian, including poisoning the water supply and murdering children.
A History of Terrorism in Israel
The first arab sponsored terrorist attack upon Jews occurred in 1920, long before the establishment of Israel and long before there were any so-called palestinians. In 1929 arab mobs massacred over 100 Jews, 67 of them in 1929 Hebron massacre alone, an ancient community where Jews lived among arabs peacefully for centuries. Many of the corpses were mutilated by arabs.
Eighty years later, the death toll from arab terrorism in Israel continues to grow.
Tell them all to Rabbi Yisroel Weiss :)
This is the most terror of terrorisms:
Quoted from:
The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today. The Plot Agains Christianity
The Babylonian Talmud is the law for so-called Judaism. However, its pornographic, anti-Gentile and anti-Christian doctrines have often caused hostility against it. …
The Bible under Talmudic Judaism is considered to be a collection of simple tales fit only for fools, women and children. The Talmud "sages" thus must find new meanings in it by letter and number tricks which reverse the plain meaning and create out of it the permission to do otherwise forbidden crimes and misdeeds. The words of the Bible are continually misused and misquoted for purposes of blasphemy and reversal.
Stealing for themselves the title of "Israelites," the Talmud "sages" teach that "God made a covenant with Israel only for the sake of that which was transmitted orally." (See Exhibit 60) And the Biblical "basis" of this is given as Exodus 34:27. But that verse states, instead: "And the Lord said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel" — the opposite! (Talmud, Gittin 60b, See Exhibit 204) The Talmudic reversal of Moses' written words are said to have been transmitted "orally," and through Moses himself — believe it or not!
I as an Aryan was shocked to see that some jews served in Nazi army.Can't be ,it must be a propaganda . But sometimes i feel true that seeing this photos that my Fuhrer had his jewish army.I think so that there is a mystery around this news.
We are in fact all ONE family...
Lighten up people. Don't point fingers. Don't focus on the past. Live for now. x
This is a great conspiracy. I hear that Hitler want to export Jews to Palestine. usenemies
Sorry Magoo but you are a fool and there will be no peace untill we remove zionists from our governments.
Wasn't the main goal of Zionism to save Jews from the Holocaust?
"In 1938 a thirty-one nation conference was held in Evian, France, on resettlement of the victims of Nazism. The World Zionist Organization refused to participate, fearing that resettlement of Jews in other states would reduce the number available for Palestine." John Quigley, "Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice."
Shamir proposes an alliance with the Nazis
"As late as 1941, the Zionist group LEHI, one of whose leaders, Yitzhak Shamir, was later to become a prime minister of Israel, approached the Nazis, using the name of its parent
organization, the Irgun(NMO)..[The proposal stated:] 'The establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis and bound by a treaty with the German Reich would be in the interests of strengthening the future German position of power in the Near East....The NMO ioffers to take an active part in the war on Germany's side'...The Nazis rejected this proposal for an alliance because, it is reported, they considered LEHI's military power 'negligible.' "
Allan Brownfield in "The Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs",
July/August 1998.
I guess they all were afraid...so they did it
Pure nonsense - The same zionist powers financed and executed the Bolshevik murder of 50 million white christians in Russia. They already had the Balfour agreement. Why didn't they just take over Palestine then????
I still keep hearing about the "Final Solution"! WHAT FINAL SOLUTION ? The REAL "FINAL SOLUTION"
was the questionable issue of the settlement in Israel. It was known as the "Transfer Agreement", that is by illegally occupying another peoples land.
There were 650,000 Jews in Germany. About 250,00 German men joined up "to serve their country". They all were given a choice, leave Germany before the war begins or remain here with the country and people you love.
About 150,000 Jewish soldiers died during the War.
The Jews were the first to declare war of Germany. That was all the way back in 1933! The Jews seemed determined to get a War going for the rest of the World War to figure what the hell was going on! The International Bankers had to get rid of Germany. Germany wasn't going to play by Jewish Bankers plans.
I just was watching a documentry on Hitler's Jewish soliders. Kark Heinz Lube is my hero a "full-Jew" who joined the Waffen SS. You gotta admire a man with the chuzpa to do that.
Jews are always the same!
Also in last days of Ottoman Empire the Crypto-Jews (Young Turks and ittihad-terakki) have caused a armenian holocaust and jewish World media lied that Turks have made it! but any day they will end in their lies !!!
Plenty to read about the Zionists and the British here:
Anyone who has lived in Germany even for a relatively short time knows the truth about WW2 and the lies and deceit the Zionists employ to capitalize on their so-called devastating "experiences" occasioned from WW2.
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All I want to say to the pamphlet by a jew called Bryan Mark Rigg is this.
Jews whether practicing their so called religion which is a fraud because judaism is a talmudic rassist political predator ideology which believes that they are superior to nonjews and all land of the earth is theirs and gentiles only live to serve the jews. So what does it mean if a group of jews assimilate in a country of the world meaning jewish emancipating in a country? It means first of all they have zero(!) loyalty to the native inhabitants and they arel constantly working to overtake and enslave the country. They are parasites and all major problems that happen today show exactly this.
They are traitors by definition as john Kaminski[1] said in his short video series called the destabilization template.
Jews have been accepted by the good Christian Germans since the middle of the 19th century. But the greedy jews never have enough until the whole country was bleeding and economy down to zero and after that the jews illegitimately usurping all assets owned by the people of the foreign country until they have everything in their hand.
That’s what the communist jews are. Criminal parasite usurpers and they do not care whether the people are suffering, starving or dying. On the contrary they seek and still do to kill as much Germans they can to finish up the transformation process of all hard-earned properties of the ethnic Germans.
Watch up true Christian America what happen to Christian Germany is coming to you and your neighborhood also as long as you server the counterfeit jews and counterfeit israhell.
The Revolution will be won in a day.
The true Revolution, no those payed and funded by the usurping criminal jews.
But first you have to take back the media, revising history and the unique selling point (money creation) usurped by the jews.
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