Wednesday, 1 May 2013

All Wars are Fought for Usury

This is what Nathaniel Rothschild (1777-1836) really meant:
"He who owns the money supply owns the people."

The human race has been enslaved by sociopathic bankers, who now use bogus terrorism as a pretext to ensure they can collect their bogus debt.   
A Rockefeller admitted that terror is a hoax. (3.21 min)
The Luciferian conspiracy

Using Gentile fronts, Illuminati Jewish bankers succeeded in privatizing the money supply and making it a liability of the State ("the national debt.")  Money is a medium of exchange, like a coupon.  It has no intrinsic value but is essential for economic vitality. The bankers control the corporations that control the politicians and mass media, and ensure humanity is diverted and depleted by bogus wars and depressions while their "world government" apparatus is erected.


Using Gentile fronts, Jewish bankers succeeded in privatizing the money supply and making it a liability of the State. (This is like controlling the oxygen supply.)  Money is just a medium of exchange, like a coupon.  It has no intrinsic value. They have bought everyone and everything worth owning, beginning with politicians and mass media, and ensured that humanity is diverted and depleted by constant wars and depressions. - See more at:
Here, Jyri Lina traces the origins of the Bank of England and its consequences:   
"All great wars have been started and financed by the economic conglomerate emanating from one single banking family--the Rothschilds."

by Jyri Lina

"The Fight Against Usury"
(Excerpt from The Barnes Review, Oct 2004)

In November of 1688 (under the sign of the scorpion) the Catholic king of England James II (Stuart) was overthrown through a well-organized invasion financed by the moneyed Jews of Amsterdam and led by the Prieure de Sion and the Orange Order.

The king was exiled to France and in February of 1689 William of Orange, the prince of Nassau, was put upon the English throne. This became known as the "Glorious Revolution." Even official historians admit that the people did not participate in this coup.

England was in poor condition after 50 years of war with France and the Netherlands. William III asked several powerful bankers for help. They provided the English state with a loan of 1.25 million pounds but only delivered 750,000 pounds. The terms of the loan were as follows; the names of the lenders were not to be revealed, and these were guaranteed the right to found the Bank of England, whose directors were able to issue loans to a value of 10 pounds for each pound of deposited gold in the bank vault. They also were allowed to consolidate the national debt and secure payment for annuity and interest through direct Taxation of the people.

The privately owned Bank of England was established in 1694 with absolute control over the currency (the right to issue bank notes). The lending of money on usury continued at an even larger scale. Thus the English people suffered a huge national debt. Taxes had to be raised and prices doubled. To the Masonic bankers it was necessary to have a monopoly on money issuing. That way they were able to make enormous profits and also control political processes.

The Bank of England was allowed to lend money to an amount 10 times the security the lender put. up. With 5 percent interest it only took two years for the bank to earn back an amount equal to the original security.

By the year 1698, the national debt had risen from one and a quarter million pounds to 16 million. In 1815 it was 885 million pounds and in 1945 it had grown to 22.5 billion pounds. By 1995 the national debt had risen to more than 300 billion pounds, equal to 45 percent of GNP.

Not even the Macmillan Committee, which was appointed in 1929, managed to find out who governed the Bank of England. Only one name has leaked out--that of Rothschild. All great wars have been started and financed by the economic conglomerate emanating from one single banking family--the Rothschilds.


In the Netherlands, secret societies had been able to found a central bank as early as 1609. About 40 of the world's most important central banks were established in a similar way as that of the Bank of England. In that way the Masonic bankers ruled the long-term development in the world with loan interest as a method, the central banks as middlemen, the politicians as dummies and the people as ignorant wage slaves.

The Freemason-controlled banks thus can govern political life by acting without being seen. The English people strengthened the power of these invisible Freemasons through paying taxes during three centuries. Central banks were supposed to keep the economy stable. In reality it works quite differently.

Benjamin Franklin wrote of the British colonies in North America in the 1750s: "Nowhere on Earth does one find a happier and more well-being people." He explained that this was due to that "we in the colonies make our own currency," called "colonial scrip." He further explained: "By issuing our own currency we can control its buying power, and we are not obliged to pay interest to anyone."

In these British colonies in New England, there was a wealth contrasting sharply to the poverty and misery in England. There was enough money, and it was definitely interest free.

When the Masonic bankers in England heard Franklin's speech to the British Parliament, they made sure that Parliament forbade the colonies from using their own financial system. The money supply was reduced in half, and the colonies were forced to borrow money from the Bank of England. The result was steep interest and price increases. Within a year the streets were full of unemployed people.

In American schoolbooks, the reason given for the outbreak of the Revolutionary War was the tea tax. but according to Franklin "the colonies would gladly have borne the little tax" (of 2 percent) on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away their money which created unemployment and dissatisfaction." The result of the influence of the English banks on the British Parliament was horrendous poverty in America. When this situation had been created, it was easy to get people ready for war which the Freemasons did with satisfaction. They wanted a safe base for their future global activities.

Among the men who drew up the Constitution of 1787, many urged protection against the financial drain of the international bankers. Therefore Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution reads: "Congress shall have power ... to coin money, regulate the value thereof..."

Alexander Hamilton, a Freemason and secretary of finance in the government of George Washington, and also the agent of the international financiers, ordered the establishment of a privately owned union bank and the introduction of interest money. His argument was simple; "A limited national debt would he a blessing to a nation " He considered it dangerous for the government to issue its own currency.

Thus the United States got its first central bank in 1791. It was privately owned but had a contract running for only 20 years. It was not renewed when it expired. Andrew Jackson referred to the fact that the Constitution had given Congress the right to issue currency in sufficient quantity but not transfer this right to others.

WAR OF 1812

The Freemason Nathan Rothschild (1777-1836), who partly financed the Napoleonic wars through the Bank of England, subsequently issued an ultimatum--either the contract be renewed or there would be war. Jackson called the Masonic bankers a bunch of thieves and promised to exterminate them. Rothschild gave his own orders: "Teach those insolent Americans a lesson. Force them back to a colonial status."

The British government began to limit the American sea trade and checked the American expansion in Canada. President James Madison let Congress declare war on England. Rothschild's intention was to lay waste the country so that the Americans would be forced to seek financial aid. Great Britain, however, failed to regain the lost colonies, and the United States failed to occupy Canada.

Rothschild did not triumph this time. The renewed central bank contract was again suspended in 1836 during Andrew Jackson's presidency (1829-1837), despite the fact that he was Grand Master of Tennessee. The central bank was temporarily abolished.

Even so European bankers and their American agents managed to exercise an extensive control of the American monetary system. Gustavus Myers admits in his book History of the Great American Fortunes (1910): "Under the surface, the Rothschilds had a direct influence by dictating the American financial laws. The legal records show that they were the ones in control of the old Bank of the United Slates."

In American history books there is nothing about the role of the banks in the first and second American wars of independence (that is 1775-83 and 1812-1814). - See more at:

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