RT Spain
A few days ago Spain’s National Radio interviewed a renowned
expert on Middle Eastern politics and North Africa which stated that
“Libya is in a process of democratic transition with some problems” and
that “the most important thing is that it has one hundred percent
recovered crude supply. “ Hearing these manifestations of
an expert on Spanish public radio, the average Spanish interprets the
“humanitarian war” was a success and that the Libyan people got rid of
their tyrant and has the control of their natural resources. Nothing
is further from reality, because Libya, who enjoyed the Human
Development Index highest in Africa and perhaps was one of the only
countries in the developing world in ways that had full control of their
natural resources, especially oil, gas and gold, today is a failed
state where Islamist militias roam terrorizing the population. Meanwhile,
oil and gas wells have been literally surrounded by two lines of
heavily armed mercenaries say predatory corporations working at full
But the death of Muammar, who so cynically held by Hillary Clinton was off camera in an interview , the worst was yet to come. Part of jihadists and insurgents mercenaries were sent to Turkey, where they would be trained to join the Free Syrian Army ,
while another large contingent of jihadists with sophisticated weaponry
supplied by NATO and also looted the arsenals of Gaddafi, was sent
south to join the Salafists of AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
and Tuareg nationalists, to instruct in the Holy War and initiate the
destabilization of the entire region surrounding the Sahara Desert, so
rich in natural resources. Tuareg tribes who had been
previously trained militarily by a U.S. command, and have integrated a
strange way to nationalism and Salafism be led by international jihadist
and AQIM guerrillas under the command of which have devastated the
country’s north in a few days, imposing Sharia in all the cities under
their control, as happened in Somalia militia Al Chabab years ago .
It’s just another phase of AFRICOM led
by France and commanded and coordinated jointly by the U.S.
intelligence services, English and French, in which the French nation
has acted again as arsonist-fireman, as he did in Libya under Sarkozy’s
right-wing mandate. This time, however, paradoxically, has
been the ‘socialist’ François Hollande in charge of fire and plunge the
region into chaos and anarchy, using Islamist groups as a tactic before
Western military intervention back towards the planned intensification
of plundering West and Central Africa. One more example of the double standards prevailing in international politics. This
new episode of ‘war on terror’ in favor of democracy and human rights
to justify a new international interference hideth blatant profit that
is usually sated in three phases if conflict is created artificially
from the outside. A first selling weapons to both sides, a
second settling and plundering the resources of the “liberated country”,
and a third rebuilding infrastructure will most likely be destroyed
again in a few years. AFRICOM The new phase has just begun, and the strategy has scored two great goals geoeconomic. The first is that the financial crisis plaguing Europe especially to be paid by the poorest of the global world. The
second, and perhaps more important, is to counter the growing economic
power, China’s financial and commercial on the African continent. And to get it, not hesitate to create new conflicts in countries like Algeria, Niger, Chad, Nigeria and others. While
Salafi Islamists are considered terrorists and a great danger to the
international community in Mali, the same in Syria are considered
revolutionary for democracy. Nagham Salman is head of European research and policy analyst specializing in Middle Eastern affairs.
Source RT Spain