By Adil E. Shamoo
In his first term, President
Barack Obama’s vision for the Middle East failed to materialize. Because he
failed to deliver on his promise to redefine America’s relationship with the
Islamic world, he alienated Arabs and Muslims. Because he proved unable or
unwilling to press the case for peace in Israel-Palestine against a right-wing
Israeli prime minister, he alienated Israelis and pro-Israel Americans alike.
The only bright spot for America is that the troops have left Iraq—though this
is as much despite Obama’s efforts as because of them.
If Obama wants to make a lasting mark during his second term,
he must ensure that U.S. policy in the Middle East is no longer dictated by
energy sources, friendly dictators, and Israel.
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict represents the core of Arab
and Muslim anger toward the United States, which many Middle Easterners perceive
to be indifferent towards the plight of Arab Palestinians. The Palestinians have
been starved, imprisoned, tortured, and slaughtered by the thousands, without
hope for any resolution of their conditions. Israel’s propaganda campaign to
paint the Palestinians as terrorists has largely failed in the court of global
opinion—except in the United States. But even Israeli and American pundits known
for their strong support of Israel now agree that periods of relative peace
between the antagonists have passed without any move by Israel toward a peaceful
settlement. Despite its lip service to the contrary, the current Israeli
government has no interest in a two-state solution and is embarked on project to
settle ever more Palestinian land.
Even General David Petraeus, when he was still Commander of
CENTCOM, warned that the conflict was adversely affecting U.S. interests in the
Middle East. In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, ignoring Palestinian misery
cannot continue without serious repercussions for the United States. Without a
peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israelis, the Middle East will
remain a hotbed of conflict, war, and anti-American sentiment. But while no
settlement should diminish the U.S. commitment to Israel’s survival, Obama’s
approach to resolving the conflict should not be dictated by Israel. Working for
peace is not mutually exclusive with ensuring Israel’s security—indeed, the
contrary may well be true.
A New Commitment to Democracy
In the broader Middle East, Obama needs to summon the
conviction expressed in his 2009 Cairo speech. Obama must set the course for a
policy that is non-interventionist, transparent, and cooperative—and one that
respects the region’s Islamist leanings and each country’s right to determine
its own future.
Each country in the region requires a policy unique to its own
circumstances. Egypt, Turkey, and Iran remain the most vital countries in the
region—the U.S. relationship with each of these will determine much about the
shape of the new Middle East.
The Obama administration should develop an economic assistance
program to Egypt worthy of a long and healthy relationship. The United States
can assist Egypt in agriculture, science, technology, medicine, and, yes,
building democracy. The United States should stay out of Egyptian electoral
politics, but it can provide technical assistance for the electoral process and
lobby against laws that target minorities. The Obama administration should also
offer assistance in building up Egypt’s industrial infrastructure.
The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty was signed by a corrupt
dictator under duress from both the United States and Israel. Yet the treaty
could survive and gain new relevance if it is signed by a legitimate
representative of the Egyptian people, effectively making it a new partnership
of equals.
Obama’s engagement with Iran in the last four years has not
yet born fruit. But now that Obama has won a second term, it may be possible to
reach a new accommodation. The spoiler in this conflict is Israel’s influence on
U.S. policy toward Iran. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s bellicose and
anti-Semitic rhetoric doesn’t help, but Israel’s hypocritical policy toward
nuclear weapons in the region is astounding. What is even more astounding is
that Israel’s contorted logic is accepted in the halls of Congress.
Nevertheless, with a divisive election behind him, the time is ripe for Obama to
pursue meaningful bilateral negotiations with the Iranians.
The U.S.-Israeli standoff with Iran has also hampered the U.S.
relationship with Turkey, a rising regional power often touted as a highly
successful model for Islamic democracy (although Turkey’s repression of its
large Kurdish minority casts a long shadow over this reputation). Although
Turkey is a longstanding U.S. ally and NATO member, its leadership is
increasingly reluctant to take U.S. cues on regional politics—especially since
its falling out with Israel over the Mavi Marmara massacre in 2009. If the Obama
administration wishes to rekindle its partnership with Turkey, it must allow the
Turks more flexibility to conduct their own regional diplomacy.
Finally, the United States should continue to resist the
impulse to escalate Syria’s civil war and instead lend its assistance to
brokering a diplomatic solution—a process that must include all of the relevant
regional actors, including Iran. This effort would include fighting back against
the Saudi-led effort to stoke sectarian violence throughout the region, a
dangerous campaign about which the Obama administration has so far said nothing.
The stakes in Middle East are too high and too dangerous to be
left to the old paradigm. During the next decade, the United States must move
definitively away from its old policy of backing despots and petro-monarchs. A
new U.S. policy in the Middle should instead emphasize mutual interests and
respect. It should put corrupt client states on notice that the U.S. umbrella
won’t cover them forever.
Obama can stem the decline of U.S. influence in the Middle
East, but only if he gives the people of the region a reason to want it.