Sunday, 23 September 2012

Russian Freemasonry from Catherine II the Great to Present


Directly from the horse's mouth series to show Russia is part and parcel of the Jew World Order, in other words, a system of interlink with an overlay of deceptive design which is in itself irrelevant to its structure, it is the control system that enslaves the 'modern' 'thinking' man.


Freemasonry in Russia has a really rich history. It is the heritage of Russia, and world Masonry, as well.

Since the start of the Russian Masonry during the reign of Peter the Great and up to now, Russian Masons have made valuable contributions to Russian and world culture, the spiritual evolution of mankind, the perception of  a Human's place on the Earth under the God, the growth and development, the maturing of the society. The spiritual ideals of Noble and Ethical society,  Freedom, Brotherhood, Equality, Faith, — have always been the ideals of our Brethren. Russian Masonry has always been trying to "take a good man and make him better", to make  Masons -  the men possessing a strong belief in God, of high moral values.

And all the history of Russian Masonry, the list of Russian Masons prove, that it has succeeded in this. The names of I. Yelagin, A. Suvorov, N. Novikov, A. Pushkin, M. Garder, and others, are the best proof. During the times of Catherine II the Great, Paul I, Alexander I, Nikolas I, Alexander II, Alexander III, Nikolas II, our Brethren used to be the basis of Russian elite and had introduced a lot necessary changes into the Russian Society, propagated the ideals of humanitarianism, contributed to developing new Laws, and so on.

Continuously, during all its history, Russian Masonry has evolved  as a part of the Whole — the Freemasonry. Deep and friendly relations with our Brethren from Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, and other countries have always been characteristic of Russian Masons. Visiting our meetings, exchanging new ideas and literature, helping in the organization of new Lodges,  foreign Brethren took part in the activities of  the Russian Masonry. Of course, Russian Brethren have visited the meetings of European and American Lodges, took part in Masonic activities since the Willhelmsbad Convention up to the present time. And now, our foreign Brethren take part in the meetings of our Lodges, when staying in Russia. We are always delighted to see them.

After the more than 70-years' recess, or "sleeping" period that was due to the laws of our not long ago closed society, prohibiting the very existence of any group, the aims of which were not precisely the same as the aims of governing party, the Russian Fremasonry has been revived. Actually, our history has not interrupted, and all this time, Russian Masonry has been keeping and developing its ideas, its principles and traditions, in other countries. Feeling deep gratitude towards our Brthren like Mikhail Vassilyevitch Garder, reading the history and the records of the meeting of Russian Lodges in France, we without a shadow of doubt say, that the Russian Masonry of today is the genuine offsping and descendant of the Russian Masonry of the times of A. Pushkin and A. Suvorov. The Fraternity not only has revived here, but it constantly grows and develops.

The Grand Lodge of Russia was constituted  by  the Grand Loge Nationale Francaise  on June, 24, 1995. We have been recognized now by 70 Grand Lodges, including:

  • The United Grand Lodge of England
  • The Grand Mother Lodge of Scotland
  • The Grand Lodge of Ireland
  • The United Grand Lodge of Germany
  • The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary
  • The National Grand Lodge of France 
  • The Grand Lodge of New York 
  • The Grand Lodge of Alyaska
  • The Grand Lodge of Austria
  • The Grand East of the Netherlands
  • The Grand Lodge of New York State
  • The Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal



Yo can always leave us some feedback about russian freemasonry and our site at our guestbook []


Dear Brethren
we have an honor to announce, that there are English-speaking Lodges in Russia, particularly, in Moscow, and that we would be delighted  to see you at their meetings. If you wish to go on with your Masonic work and participate in Lodge meetings while visiting Russia, our Lodges are always open for you.

Please, contact us by email: grandlodge@freemasonry.r
GLOR officials
Grand Master M:. W:. Andrey BogdanovDeputy Grand Master M:. W:. Victor B.
Assistant Grand Master M:. W:. V. S.
Assistant Grand Master M:. W:. Yakov K.
Senior Grand Warden R:. W:. Alexey S.
Junior Grand Warden R:. W:. D. Z.
Grand Chaplain R:. W:. S.P.
Grand Secretary R:. W:. Vladimir Nikitin, PGSW, contacts:

Our mail address is: 101000 Moscow, P.O. Box. 2053

Concerning our English-not-speaking Brethren, we think, that language difficulties cannot be an unsurpassable obstacle for our work, and we would be very glad if you anyway contact us.
We are always very glad to see you, Brethren!


As you know, Masonry in Russia used to be very strongly oppressed during the Soviet period, and due to this and the fact that public oppression still goes on, there the Web certainly lacks objective and publicly available information concerning Russian Masonry.



Why would a Freemason run for Rusian president? 

The current President, Vladimir Putin, isn't allowed by the country's constitution to seek a third consecutive term in the office. Four candidates were approved by the Central Election Commission on the 27th of January. Andrey Bogdanov, a Russian politician, Mason, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Russia, is one of them. He began his political career in 1990, when he joined the Democratic Party of Russia. Bogdanov is known as a fierce advocate of Russia's integration into Europe. His party failed to make it into the State Duma in the December 2 parliamentary election, gaining only 0.1% of the vote. And yet he somehow managed to collect the two million signatures needed to register as an independent candidate for the presidential election.