Monday, 2 July 2012




By Al Cronkrite

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." That was James Paul Warburg speaking before the United States Senate on February 17, 1950, a couple of generations ago. James Warburg was the son of Paul Montz Warburg nephew of Felix Warburg and Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Company. Max Warburg, James’s brother, was Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and through his German Bank poured money into the Russian Revolution.

“The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7

The Talmudic elite that control our world become wealthier and more powerful by several techniques with debt as the fouindational mechanism. The great depression of the 1930s allowed the moneychangers to buy solid assets at pennies on the dollar; market crashes that follow the easy money bubbles result in massive transfers of wealth. In our time, the real estate bubble has put tangible assets on the market at fractions of their real value. Social programs force governments into debt and result in interest payments on money created from nothing. The International Monetary Fund loans money to nations and is often repaid with tangible assets. It is almost impossible for nations to wage war without borrowing money. War is expensive and the moneychangers play no favorites; they finance both sides of the conflict. Trillions of dollars are now being pilfered through bank debt that is backed by tax-paying citizens.

As our society has deteriorated the meaning of words has changed. Originally “usury” meant charging interest for the use of money. Historically, the Catholic Church did not charge interest and ultimately forbade its members as well. The shunning of usury left an opening for Jewish bankers to lend money at a profit. As this close knit, shunned group developed contacts and financial expertise wealthy Gentiles began to hire them to oversee their finances. In the early Seventeenth Century these wealthy Gentiles were called Nobles and their castles Noble Houses. The Jews who worked for them were known as Court Jews. The Court Jews collected taxes, negotiated loans, issued debentures, developed new taxes, financed the armed guards, and provided money for personal extravagances.

It was in this era that the word usury began to lose its original meaning and the Christian tenet of avoiding usury waned. Charging interest for the use of money is now commonly accepted and usury is now defined as the charging of “excess” interest.

Even though the Court Jews were highly valued and often obtained nobility status they were still preyed upon and regularly robbed of their wealth. In the Eighteenth Century the German Jewish Rothschild family saw banking as a multi-national opportunity and skillfully used their financial acumen to set up an impregnable empire of wealth. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812) had five sons which were sent to separate cities: Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773-1655) Frankfurt, Germany; Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774-1855) Vienna, Austria; Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) London, England; Calmann Mayer Rothschild (1788-1855) Naples, Italy; Jakob Mayer Rothschild (1792-1868) Paris, France.

Born in a Frankfurt, German ghetto Mayer Amschel Rothschild, like most of his fellows, harbored a hatred for the Gentile Christian population. Hidden under a deceptive mask this loathing is still common in powerful Jewry.

Respected historian Paul Johnson writes “The Rothschilds are elusive. There is no book about them that is both revealing and accurate. Libraries of nonsense have been written about them... unlike the court Jews of earlier centuries, who had financed and managed European noble houses, but often lost their wealth through violence or expropriation, the new kind of international bank created by the Rothschilds was impervious to local attacks.” Johnson claims that a major part of the Rothschild fortune was accumulated by Nathan Rothschild in London. Other historians claim the family wealth was more diverse.

Famous Rothschild quotes are widely believed but tough to corroborate. Mayer Rothschild is supposed to have claimed “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws.“ The following statement is attributed to Nathan Rothschild "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, the man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." While it is true that control of the money supply equates to control of the nation it is doubtful that the secretive Rothschilds would have made such a statement.

In one way, Vladimir Putin might be compared to American President Andrew Jackson. For a time, President Jackson kept the moneychangers out of the United States and Putin has partially blocked the same element from sacking Russia.

In recent times the Rothschild name has been in the news on at least a couple of occasions. When Putin arrested Mikhail Khodorkovsky, one of Russia’s original Jewish oligarchs, his substantial share of Russian oil giant Yukos was ceded to Lord Jacob Rothschild in London

Under the aegis of Privatization Khodokovsky acquired Yukos for $309 million. The company was valued at $40 billion when Khodokovsky was arrested and 40 percent of its shares (controlling interest) were transferred to Lord Jacob Rockefeller. The relationship between Khodokovsky and Lord Jacob Rothschild was not described. It was unusual that the Rothschild name was mentioned at all.

There were six other Oligarchs in Russia. Putin went after all of them but they have either escaped or evaded prosecution. The Rothschild name was not mentioned but one wonders if involvement in the case of one oligarch means the others were involved as well. The potential profits from privatization are enormous.

Now, there is another side to the Russian Oligarch story. The June 14th issue of the “New American Magazine” contains an article on the new crop of Russian oligarchs who “have not earned their sudden wealth through entrepreneurial skill and free enterprise” but instead through Communist Party Connections. “ Russia’s super-wealthy oligarchs profiled by Forbes — Alisher Usmanov (steel, telecom, investments), Vladimir Lisin (steel and transport), Alexei Mordashov (steel), Vladimir Potanin (metals, media), Vagit Alekperov (oil), Mikhail Fridman (banking, oil, telecom), Mikhail Prokhorov (metals, energy, investments), Roman Abramovich (steel, investments), et al. — are all tied in to Vladimir Putin’s KGB-run Kremlin power structure.” Putin chased out the previous vultures but more weeds have sprung up.

In another rather strange event, Evelyn De Rothschild, part of the English family, has reportedly sold his banking business and is providing interviews. In a curious public display Evelyn De Rothschild is publically expressing his opinions. See interviews here and here.

Rothschild assets have been impenetrable since the dynasty began over two hundred years ago. Their wealth is never mentioned. When Forbes Magazine lists the world’s wealthiest people the Rothschild family is never included. Neither does one see the Rothschild name associated with power conclaves like Bilderberger, the Committee of 300, or the Club of Rome. Estimates of 500 trillion dollars or more are guesses since the figure cannot be established. The practice of using scores of men like J. P. Morgan, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and institutions like J. P. Morgan Chase & Company, and Goldman Sachs, as surrogates provides control and obscures ownership.

The Rothschild Empire functions above the governments of the world. The power structure we see and the names we know are subordinate to a name that is never seen nor mentioned. Using surrogates whose careers they have created and whose lives they own and institutions over which they exert hidden control the Rothschild name never appears on public documents. The relationship is symbiotic. One source claims that at his death the J. P. Morgan estate had only $19 million in securities, the bulk of the estate was actually owned by the Rothschilds. Their invisible tentacles can grasp the public and private domain whenever and wherever they like and the source of the venture can only be guessed at. Wealth and power accompany association with the Rothschild Empire. Their surrogates are carefully selected; they are smart, ambitious, ruthless, and devoted.

The profit margin on the Yukos venture, $309 million to $40 billion, is somewhat comparable to the profit margin on gasoline, $5.00 bbl. to produce, $90.00 a bbl. to purchase. Monopoly control of essential commodities is very profitable and laden with power over the public domain. The Rothschilds are actively urging privatization.

It isn’t the military/industrial complex that requires confrontation, it is the surreptitious power that controls the military/industrial complex.

History is replete with tyrants and despots who enslaved nations and built empires. Today we are faced with tyrants that seek to control the entire world. The British Empire broke up but the power to control still emanates from that small island. Wealthy control freaks have sought world hegemony for centuries. Today it is feasible and quickly progressing.

"Published originally at

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