Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Prince William: The Makings of a Modern Day Nazi


See below 'The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism '

In a recent report published by The Telegraph, disturbing admissions were once again leaked exposing prince William's yearning desire to commit acts of terror and Nazism, in Afghanistan; his deliberate and heartfelt expressions of melancholy and frustration at being prevented from joining his (crusading) brethren abroad, in imposing democracy by the bullet, are ample proof of the need to decry what is undoubtedly, the makings of a modern day Nazi.

Prince William still determined to fight in Afghanistan
The Telegraph Article

Prince William will not allow married life to get in the way of his continued determination to serve in Afghanistan, The Telegraph has learnt.

By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter

Prince William, who has not been allowed on active service in war zones, is expected to put in a fresh request for a tour of duty in Afghanistan when he comes to the end of his spell as an RAF search and rescue pilot.

He has made little secret of his frustration at being forced to stay at home while his younger brother, Prince Harry, served in Helmand Province in 2008 with the Household Cavalry.

With the likelihood of Prince Harry returning to Afghanistan next year, when he is expected to fly Apache helicopters with the Army Air Corps, Prince William’s thoughts will once again turn to his desire to serve in combat.

Last year he said in a television interview that he still had “real determination” to go to Afghanistan and that his “heart was in the Army”. Sources say marriage will not change his mind.

“Nothing has changed since he expressed those views,” said a source close to the Prince. “He is fully aware that he is different to his brother but he would still like to do his duty.
“He is passionate about his military service and unless he publicly comes out and says otherwise, his ambition will remain to serve in Afghanistan.”

Military chiefs have always said that putting the future king in harm’s way was out of the question, but the Prince will argue that he would be in far less danger if he was flying helicopters.

While based at RAF Valley in Anglesey, the Prince is already doing a dangerous job, as it entails flying Sea King helicopters in challenging conditions and close to cliffs and mountains. His tour with 22 Squadron will last for two or three years, meaning he will move on at the end of next year or in 2013.

The Ministry of Defence said: “We would not comment on future deployments of individual personnel.”

Prince William: The Makings of a Modern Day Nazi

With the body count in Afghanistan well into the tens of thousands, it is extraordinary that the association of any individual with military servicemen conscientiously bent on fulfilling Britain's bloody foreign policy, should not be met with extreme rancour and bitterness; subsequently, it is almost bewildering that the British public continue to be lulled into a blissful ignorance regarding prince William's blatant military position.

The indiscriminate airstrikes carried out by the US-UK led alliance, such as this

Afghan survivors tell of wedding bombing

The BBC's Alastair Leithead is the first journalist to reach the scene of a US air raid which Afghan authorities say killed about 50 civilians in the east of the country on 6 July. He reports on what he found:

On a hillside high in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan there are three charred clearings where the American bombs struck.

Scattered around are chunks of twisted metal, blood stains and small fragments of sequinned and brightly decorated clothes - the material Afghan brides wear on their wedding day.

After hours of driving to the village deep in the bandit country of Nangarhar's mountains we heard time and again the terrible account of that awful day.

What began as celebration ended with maybe 52 people dead, most of them women and children, and others badly injured.

The US forces said they targeted insurgents in a strike. But from what I saw with my own eyes and heard from the many mourners, no militants were among the dead.

Bombing children

A big double wedding was taking place between two families, with each exchanging a bride and a groom.

So Lal Zareen's son and daughter were both getting married on the same day.

He gave the account with his son, a 13-year-old groom, sitting at his feet.

"This is all the family I now have left," he said in a disturbingly matter of fact sort of way.

From his story and from those of other survivors, it appears the wedding group was crossing a narrow pass in the mountains which divides the valleys where the two families live.

From nowhere a fast jet flew low and dropped a bomb right on top of the pass near a group of children who had impatiently rushed ahead and were resting, waiting for the women to catch up.

Lal Zareen was waiting expectantly for the guests to arrive when he heard the explosion and began to climb up the steep mountain track to the pass.

Shah Zareen was part of the group up on the path - he had narrowly escaped being caught in the first bomb and told the women to stay where they were as he rushed to help the children.

Second blast

Shah Zareen picked up one of the injured, ran down to the village and on his way was calling his local member of parliament on a mobile phone to say they had been attacked.

But then he heard the second blast - the bomb had been dropped on top of the women and almost all of them had been killed.

Three girls escaped, among them the bride, but as they ran down the hillside a third bomb landed on top of them.

Shah Zareen explained to me how one of the many new graves contained just body parts of two or three people and the graves that had been dug and not filled were for those still missing - once their remains had been found.

The BBC team I was with were the first outsiders to see where the bombs hit - even the Afghan investigators did not climb up the steep mountainside - and there was much evidence to support the story.

The fact we could travel to the area in local cars was proof that Taleban insurgents, al-Qaeda operatives or foreign fighters were not present in the valley.

The local people said they had not seen militants, but admitted there could have been people crossing the high pass as the next ridge along leads to Tora Bora, the notorious insurgent area.

Costly mistakes

The US military says it is investigating the incident and it is understood they may have some aerial footage from hours earlier showing insurgents moving nearby.

But it is obvious a huge mistake was made on 6 July. A US statement about the bombing said "any loss of innocent life is tragic".

"I assure you we do not target civilians and that our forces go to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties," said Lt Nathan Perry.

The US no longer insists the dead were insurgents, as it did for two days after the bombing, but it could be some time before the investigation is complete.

Civilian casualties are not new to Nangarhar province - last year a convoy of US Marines was hit by a bomb attack and in the chaos they opened fire in a bazaar killing 19 people.

They were sent home and their officers charged, but a subsequent ruling cleared them of any responsibility for the deaths.

Mirwais Yasini, a local MP and the deputy speaker of Afghanistan's lower house, made the point that civilian casualties widen the gap between the people and the government, and the international forces.

As another memorial service took place in the mountains, Lal Zareen told me: "I want President Karzai to make sure the people responsible for this face justice."

That will depend on the US findings and how the Afghan government acts.

These mistakes are incredibly costly in a counter-insurgency campaign which relies on winning people over, not forcing them against the authorities.

I wonder how many enemies have been created in Nangarhar as a result of the latest bloodshed?

Relatives mourn their loss

BBC Article

The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism

The Windsors with Hitler in 1937
The Windsors met Hitler in 1937

Prince Phillip Admired Nazis

King Edward VIII was actually forced to abdicate the British throne in 1938, due to his support for Hitler and the Nazis. The House of Windsor through a devious propaganda campaign said that King Edward VIII was an aberration. This was a lie as the British monarchy combined with London bankers helped fund Adolf Hitler and built up the Nazi war machine. The British monarchy wanted to build up Hitler to fight Russia in an effort to consolidate power.

It was also revealed that following his abdication, King Edward VIII had been in close collaboration with the Nazis in Spain and Portugal to create a British revolution, overthrow the Churchill government and regain the throne from his brother King George VI. This was reported in the Washington Post and London Observer in the mid 1990s.

Prince Harry 'Sorry' Over Nazi Outfit

Prince Harry has apologised after being pictured on the front page of The Sun in a Nazi uniform which he wore to a fancy dress party. The newspaper showed the Prince, with a cigarette and drink in hand, wearing a swastika armband.

In a statement released by Buckingham Palace, he added: "It was a poor choice of costume and I apologise."

On Harry's shirt collar was the badge of Wehrmacht - the German defence force.


What was he thinking??????

The incident will heap more embarrassment on the royal family and Harry, third in line to the British throne and due to train at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst this year.

Queen Elizabeth is due to host a reception for survivors of the holocaust on Jan. 27 before representing the nation at the Holocaust Memorial Day National Event.

Secrets of the Royal Wedding Exposed!
Jones breaks the spell surrounding British royalty and Prince William's supposed fairytale wedding. Jewish eugenics pre-dates Hitler's Master Race

Why The Zionist British Royal Family Should Hang
The marriage of a Rothschild-Jewish parasite named Billy Windsor (“Prince” William) to the hideously ugly and unfeminine anorexic child of British upper-class privilege whose sluttish name is one of that called “Kate Middleton”, should stir outrage not only in the hearts of all true patriotic Englishmen and Englishwomen, but incur, for their licentiously ungodly behaviour, the wrath of supreme vengeance upon the house of an unwholesomely decadent family that continues to not only exploit the gullibility of indigenous Britons, but the the fawning celebrity worship of a world that has quite simply lost its collective mind.



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