by crescentandcross
In mid September, news stories from mainstream media sources featuring Israel as both creator and propagator of a new doomsday computer virus named Stuxnet swept the globe. Unlike the ordinary, run-of-the-mill colds afflicting today’s computers on a regular basis, this new super-bug was unlike anything seen before, literally a weapon of mass destruction given its capabilities of doing apocalyptic damage to the “critical infrastructure”–meaning electricity, water, sewage, oil refineries, telecommunications, national defense, food production, etc–of all industrialized nations.
The reasons for Israel being fingered as the lone gunman in this crime were several. First, the bug in question–while making its way to other parts of the world, nevertheless was disproportionally concentrated in Iran, and–more importantly–targeted the nuclear facility at Natanz whose destruction is numero uno on Israel’s wish list. Next were two “fingerprints” left on the would-be murder weapon, one of them being a reference to the biblical heroine Esther whose reputed actions (celebrated yearly in the Jewish religious festival known as Purim) saved the Jews of Persia (today’s Iran) from yet another in a seemingly-endless parade of persecution of God’s chosen people.
The other was a date left hidden in the code–May 9, 1979, the day that an Iranian Jew named Habib Elghanian was executed by the newly-formed government following the overthrow of the Shah (effectively marking the end of Zionist control over that country) and leading to the flight of tens of thousands of Iranian Jews.
Those experts who were asked to give their diagnoses concerning the who, what, where, when, why and how of this super-flu were near-unanimous in their assertion that the one culprit most likely to have cooked up this technological biological weapon was Israel. Furthermore, they were also in agreement that the virus in question–although concentrated in Iran, nevertheless, was something that directly threatened the fragile systems of the entire world, in that the Stuxnet worm gave hackers command-and-control ability of all critical infrastructure mechanisms of ALL industrialized nations. All the “big heavies” in terms of mainstream news outlets carrying info on this new-and-improved electronic plague have described it as nothing short of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, the scope and scale of which are eerily-reminiscent of the entire Y2K hysteria of over a decade ago. The picture they paint is one where every facet of modern life could be exploited in such a way as to bring about cardiac arrest and subsequent organ failure to the body-politic, where in just a few days’ time otherwise-peaceful/productive metropolises are turned into war zones.
In effect, any outside party with access to such systems is tantamount to someone holding a gun to the head of a nation while making demands.
In other words, according to the news stories as written and presented to the world at large, a Jewish plot to undermine the existing world order not only passed the Censor Judaica, but were allowed to profligate–AND WITH ABSOLTELY NO PROTESTS FROM ORGANIZED JEWISH GROUPS. Remember, this in a day and age when anyone mentioning the particulars concerning who owns the lion’s share of media, banking, and financial interests in the West results in an organized campaign of screeching and howling that leaves ears ringing for months on end. All the world need remember is the manner by which the banshees were set loose in full-force in a well-coordinated “HOW DARE YOU” crusade to shout down any intelligent, reasonable discussion concerning undeniable massacres such as Operation Cast Lead and the murder of 9 civilians aboard the Mavi Marmara.
And yet, news stories theorizing that Israel was the main culprit in the development and deployment of a computer virus (for all intents and purposes just as devastating as a nuclear weapon for all the mayhem it could directly bring to industrialized countries) and not a peep of protest from the Jewish state or her supporters…“Silent as death,” as the old saying goes, as people worldwide adopt the notion that a “Jewish conspiracy” is afoot threatening total meltdown of the world as we know it with just a computer keystroke…
Which can mean only one thing, which is that it is obviously in Israel’s interest for the world to believe she was/is responsible for releasing this Angel-of Death computer virus upon mankind’s fragile systems necessary for survival…
The reasons for Jewish interests allowing such “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories” to not only receive the light of day but flourish without the typical theatrics all are accustomed to seeing and hearing range from typical run-of-the-mill hypocrisy to deeper, darker motives. In the first case, Israel loves the mystique and the mystery that such theories do for her image, as hers is a culture rooted in the kind of lore where an angry, vengeful god named Yahweh brings destruction upon entire peoples who deal with his chosen people in a manner displeasing and unacceptable.
The other reason is much more troubling in its implications, which is that Israel released the virus not in the interests of destroying Iran’s nuclear program, but rather in conveying the threat to the entire world–”Give us what we want, or else”…
What people watching all these modern-day political dramas must understand first and foremost is that the language spoken between the various players in this political version of The Sopranos is of a completely different dialect from that used by the average peaceable citizen. It is laden with symbolism and subtlety, no different than the coded messages mafia thugs use in communicating certain ideas to both associates and rivals. When Mob bosses such as Netanyahu, who involved in a turf war with rival families and wanting troops from Western countries out on the streets as the “button men” rather than made-members of his own family use language depicting the “danger” the world faces from a nuclear-armed Iran, what he and his associates really mean is that Israel will destroy these Western nations if they don’t “go to the mattresses” in fighting Israel’s wars for her. Whether it is the implied threat of “going nuclear“, destroying the economies of the West through Zionist control of banking and finance or employing the Sampson Option of bringing the entire house down through the use of a computer virus where Israel is given back-door control of the various functions of all Western nations’ critical infrastructure, the impossible-to-avoid message here to the West is simple–“You can pay now, or pay later”.
The fact that the flurry of news stories detailing the existence of this virus took place a mere 3 days after Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejhad spoke on the floor of the UN General Assembly and brandished one of the biggest guns in his arsenal–meaning the likelihood that the governments of Israel and America colluded with each other in bringing about 9/11–cannot be counted as mere coincidence. His mentioning the unmentionable while literally speaking to the entire planet must have resulted in apoplexy amongst the various criminal elements responsible for bringing this about. What Iran did in effect was to say to the criminal elements in Israel, America and the West conspiring against the Islamic world–
“You wanna play rough? Fine, let’s play rough. Today we’ll talk about your role in 9/11, the Mossad agents arrested that day, the van loaded with explosives headed towards the George Washington bridge and all that…Tomorrow, maybe we’ll talk about the USS LIBERTY and how Israel deliberately murdered 34 American servicemen in the interests of getting America involved in fighting her wars for her in the Middle East…The day after that? Who knows? How about Israel’s role in the assassination of JFK? The list just goes on and on, and before you know it, people in America will start believing things today that they wouldn’t yesterday and then you’ll find yourself in a world of hurt…”
And therefore, in her state of absolute apoplexy, Israel–through her control of Western media–allows the entire world (and most importantly, the governments of the West) know that “time is just about up” and if a recalcitrant Obama does not get busy with his presidential pen in signing the necessary interest-bearing contracts sending American missiles, bombers and troops to Iran, that Israel will wipe America and the West off the map through a meltdown of critical infrastructure.
“Timing is everything”, so the old saying goes, and with that in mind, the explosion across the world-wide media of both the “Stuxnet” computer worm AND the idea that its authors were Jewish and all of this taking place a mere few days after Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejhad’s speech at the U.N. indicates panic and desperation on the part of Israel and her mad dreamers. Indeed, they know their hour is late and therefore are resorting to desperate measures in dealing with desperate times. The fact that a very-visible flight on the part of Obama’s most important Jewish advisors–Emmanuel, Axelrod and Summers–is taking place indicates that indeed the impending chaos planned for America and the West is the torpedo that the rats see approaching the ill-fated ship of state and that this explains their sudden “flight from Egypt”.
But don’t just take our word for it. Instead, let’s consider the dire tone of one Melissa Hathaway, former United States National Cybersecurity Coordinator in speaking of the Stuxnet worm and its potential for devastation–“No country is prepared to deal with it. All of these guys are scared to death. We have about 90 days to fix this before some hacker begins using it…”
More ominous however are the words of war criminal and former Israeli Prime minister Ariel Sharon whose incautious words indicate the real systemic madness afflicting the entire Zionist endeavor–
“Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild and start World War Three just like that, or might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East. Personally, I don’t want to be any better than Harry Truman who snuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs.”
© 2010 Mark Glenn
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