By Allen L Roland,
The war crimes trial of the century will be the World Court versus George W Bush and Dick Cheney. It will be instigated when the shocking details of the 9/11 conspiracy are finally fully brought to light ~ thus validating countless members of the 9/11 truth movement who always knew the official story was full of holes: Allen L Roland
The day is drawing closer ~the day that George W Bush, Dick Cheney,Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld and Condi Rice take their place in the dock for the War Crimes Trial of the Century. It will be an international trial for it involves the tragic deaths of 2750 innocent people from nations all over the world.
The rest of the world already knows the official 9/11 report is a hoax but America's main stream press stubbornly holds on tothe great lie ~ rightfully afraid of the repercussions once the truth is revealed.
Jeremy R. Hammond, ICH, reports onan editorial in the Washington Post yesterdaywhich slammed Japanese member of parliament Yukihisa Fujita because he "seems to think that America's rendering of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, is a gigantic hoax." His "ideas" about the terrorist attacks "are too bizarre, half-baked and intellectually bogus to merit serious discussion."
The post rant continues~" Among Fujita's "bizarre" views are "that shadowy forces with advance knowledge of the plot played the stock market to profit from it", "the fantastic idea that eight of the 19 hijackers are alive and well", and "that controlled demolition rather than fire or debris may be a more likely explanation for at least the collapse of the building at 7 World Trade Center ".
Hammonds carefully explains that Fujita's so called bizarre views are indeed credible and that it is the Washington Post itself that appears to be 'Fact-Adverse'.
Excerpts:" It happens to be an uncontroversial fact that in the days just prior to the attacks, there was a dramatic increase in trade on put options, and what made this unusual spike even more mysterious was that it was observed only in relation to companies directly affected by the attacks, including United Airlines, American Airlines, and Morgan Stanely Dean Witter & Co. (which occupied 22 floors of 2 World Trade Center)."
"The "fantastic" idea that the identity of the hijackers named by the FBI is in question is an interesting case. At the time, the Washington Post had also subscribed to this "half-baked" notion. On September 20, 2001, under the headline "Some Hijackers' Identities Uncertain", the Post reported,"FBI officials said yesterday that some of the 19 terrorists who carried out last week's assault on New York and Washington may have stolen the identities of other people, and their real names may remain unknown."
(ALR Note: Recent Hamas leader assassination in Dubai supposedly by Israel's Mossad carrying stolen identities )
" The Washington Post was not the only mainstream media outlet to report on the uncertainty over the hijacker's identities. It was widely reported elsewhere, both in the U.S. and international media.The U.K.'s Guardian, for instance, reported on September 21 under the headline "False identities mislead FBI" that "The FBI acknowledged yesterday that some of the terrorists involved in the attacks last week were using false identities", with regard to Al-Hazmi and Al-Omari."
" Yet, despite these facts, neither the Washington Post nor any other mainstream media outlet has ever offered any follow-up reports explaining whether and how this uncertainty was finally resolved. The FBI has never clarified this matter to the public. The 9/11 Commission didn't so much as even address the question, even to attempt to clear up the matter."
Finally, there is the matter of the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings ~ " For starters, the evidence from the crime scene in the form of the remains of the three buildings was removed and immediately destroyed. Destruction of evidence is itself a crime, and yet that is what happened. Other standard procedures were also ignored, such as testing for any kinds of accelerants that may have been responsible for the building failures....
The similarities to videos of building "implosions" under controlled demolition are astonishing. Yet NIST dismisses the possibility that charges could have been used largely on the basis that, if this had been the case, there would have been eyewitness reports of the explosions. The problem with this is that there were in fact a great many eyewitness reports of explosions, both prior to and during the collapse ...
Independent scientific inquiries into the collapse have led to the discovery of "distinctive red/gray chips in all of the samples" that, when studied, all showed "marked similarities" and were "found to be an unreacted thermitic material". These findings were included in a report entitled, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" that was published last year in The Open Chemical Physics Journal... Though this report was widely circulated on the internet and among alternative media sources, the Washington Post never bothered to report these findings published in a peer-reviewedscientificjournal."
Do not fear the path of the truth because of the lack of people walking on it ~ for the truth always goes through three stages; First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed and Finally, it is accepted as self-evident .
It is now increasingly self-evident that the 9/11 cover-up is the big lie which will eventually be exposed and lead to the War Crimes trial of the century.
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website more...)
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