By Feroze Mithiborwala, (Awami Bharat, National President)
Over the course of the last two days, the matter of the Military & strategic involvement of the Indian forces in Afghanistan is getting all the more clearer. As we have consistently stated, the strategic objective that propelled the Mumbai 26/11 false flag terror attack was to prepare the consensus amongst the Indian people, whereby our pro-US/Israel political elite, would be free to deploy our Military into the war theatre in Afghanistan.
In the last few days, we have been witness to high profile visits from both Richard Holbrooke (Special Envoy, Af-Pak Region) & Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, accompanied by shrill warnings from 'Western Sources' of another terror attack that was imminent.
Consider the following news reports.
1) Holbrooke all praise for India (DNA, 19/01/10).
Apart from welcoming India's deepening role in the US strategic gameplan, he stated that "India is an important participant in search for peace & stability, not only in South Asia but throughout the vast region that stretches from the Mediterranean to the Pacific."
Richard Holbrooke who is the Obama appointee for the 'Af-Pak' region (a miscontrued term, as is the policy), was visiting Delhi. Holbrooke is a Right-wing Democrat, who oversaw the Balkanization of Yugoslavia. Amongst his best friends, he includes John Negroponte, who is the most despised man across all of South America.
2) Forward, Together by Robert Gates (TOI, 19/01/10).
Secretary of Defence, Robert Gates is due to visit New Delhi & prior to that, his article appeared in the Times of India on the editorial page.
He carries along similar lines as Holbrooke & further states that, "At the same time, the security threats & challenges of the 21st century present new opportunities for our nations & militaries to work together in unprecedented ways" (emphasis mine).
"India can be a net provider of security in the Indian Ocean & beyond - making valuable contributions to stability operations across the globe. In many respects, that belief is at the heart of the 2005 Defence Framewok Agreement, which, five years in, has amply demonstrated how much our countries have to gain from a long-term, reliable defence agreement".
"One of the great successes in recent years has been the increase in the number & complexity of joint training exercises between our militaries."
Both Holbrooke & Gates further wax eloquent on the fact that since the Indian military is increasingly using US Military hardware, there is a greater degree of 'interoperability'.
3) US analysts warn of Pak terror attack on India. (Hindustan Times, 19/01/10).
This warning has emanated from none other than the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR), which is the premier US institution that determines US foreign policy. It is also the stronghold of the NeoCons & the Zionists.
The story states that, "A leading American think-tank has warned that as the Al Qaeda comes under pressure in it's havens along the Af-Pak border, it may attempt to counter that by masterminding major terrorist strikes against India.
Do note that General James Jones, who is the National Security Advisor to Obama, has stated in the US Congress that the Al Qaeda are barely a hundred in number. This statement was never reported in the corporate media. Just imagine, a 100,000 US troops to flush out less than a 100 Al Qaeda.
'The Audacity of Lies' is the title of the Presidential biography, I would suggest, after he is booted out by the American People.
The Council for Foreign Relations' Centre for Preventive Action said in it's Contingency Planning Memorandum: "India faces the real prospect of another major terrorist attack by Pakistan-based terrorist organizations in the near future".
The report was prepared by Daniel Markey in his latest paper 'Terrorism and Indo-Pakistani Escalation', & is supposedly an expert on South Asia, though to me he appears to be a hawkish Zionist.
The report also appeared in the Indian Express website & the headline stated, 'India faces threat of another 26/11, likely to act militarily'.
Do recall that, K Subrahmanyam, the leading hawkish US asset & 'strategic expert' has written two articles that appeared after the 26/11 false flag terror attack & the other after Obama's urge to surge. K Subhramanyam appealed for the deployment of Indian troops into the Afghan war. (The articles appeared in the Times of India & the Indian Express).
K Subrahmanyam does mirror the hawkish inclinations of a section of the Indian elite & was one of the main writers that created the consensual manipulation that lead to the finalization of the Indo-US Nuclear Deal, which was less about the energy component & was basically a military-strategic alliance.
We, the People of South Asia have very little time, before our citizens are sacrificed as cannon fodder on the altar of Imperialism & Zionism. The only way is to "expose the politics of terror".
The Mumbai 26/11 false flag terror attack was not only an attack on India, but on all of South Asia.
Another false flag terror attack will be used by the pro-US Indian elite to mobilise hundreds of thousands of youth to go to war in Afghanistan, maybe even Pakistan & Iran. Indian soldiers have been used in the past by the British Colonial power to fight their wars across the world, especially in Middle East & North Africa. Once more the US Empire seeks to use our People.
It is clear that the US, or rather Obama, cannot win the war in Afghanistan, even stabilise the land & thus they are increasingly desperate. The only country that can provide them with the human power in the region is India & thus we have to awaken the Indian & the South Asian People to this Imperial-Zionist strategy of induced false-flag terror attacks, that then lead to further wars that only seek to serve the Empire.
The US war, is not our war. They will seek to make it our war & for that they will stage false-flag terror attacks.
Thus a pan-South Asian struggle against Imperialism & Zionism is the need of the hour. A South Asia free of the US-European & Israeli Imperialists is the need of the hour & is our patriotic calling.
I will sign of with one of the most analytical & forthright replies to the Daniel Markey story (attached) that appeared in the Indian Express on Jan 16, 2010.
"26/11 too was staged by the Israeli Lobby working in India" by Sujit Sehgel, Rted. Army Officer (on 17 Jan 2010)
Doesn't the following says it all:
1) To eliminate any doubt on the Israeli, the Zionist themselves show-cased to be innocent having themselves attacked in Nariman House.
2) A US Spy was killed in 26/11.
3) India's John O'Neill, Hemant Karkare,was cleverly eliminated..
4) -Kasab tells about meeting Headly & the Judge quickly diverts his story (Headly is actually a US double agent. When FBI saw that he will be caught, FBI themselves caught him in USA so that they can silence him before USA's name in the dirty game is exposed)
5)- 26/11 had the signature of western-trained operatives: commandos arrival quietly by dinghy to shore, quickly mobilizing to urban terrain, navigating & communicating with high-tech sys is a specific skill taught by Navy elite to Marines, CIA spec ops(aka SOG).You can even play this as Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six" video game. Hence no doubt Israelis are planning next 26/11 & this time using Military. Aren't they deep into our Military teaching them 'skills' for years.
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