Monday, 23 November 2009


The man who challenged Al Gore to a debate is furious about the content of the leaked CRU emails — and says why you should be, too.They Are Criminals’:

This is what they did — these climate “scientists” on whose unsupported word the world’s classe politique proposes to set up an unelected global government this December in Copenhagen, with vast and unprecedented powers to control all formerly free markets, to tax wealthy nations and all of their financial transactions, to regulate the economic and environmental affairs of all nations, and to confiscate and extinguish all patent and intellectual property rights.

Still the light of truth as shown in the 'leaked emails' will be too bright for some who will want to return to the safe comfort of their darkness dismissing real facts with their in-built theory of "It's a conspiracy theory" preferring to rely on the Zionist mainstream media whores like the New York Times who do not see it as news fit to print :

'The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won’t be posted here.'

That the authenticity of these e-mail messages is beyond any doubt is confirmed by the statement released by RealClimate, confirming that the e-mail servers at the Rothschild-sponsored University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) in Norwich, England, were 'hacked' and 61 megabytes of confidential emails were made available over the Internet following unsuccessful demands by honest scientists through legal means (Freedom of Information Act) to obtain from totalitarian Police State Britain.

(Malaria in Russia: 10,000,000 MALARIA CASES IN RUSSIA and counting)

Scientific American had this to say about these 'Junk scientists': Climate change cover-up? You better believe it

Whether hacked by an outsider or leaked by a whistleblower on the inside, the cat is out of the bag. This one tightly locked up secret of the Illuminati exposes the entire lying conspiracy of genocide, of the evil planning and cunning of the generational satanic children of the Anti-Christ.

This 'hack' is truly a giant step for mankind and will hopefully be remembered later as a truly patriotic, truly heroic act that hopefully will
save thousands if not millions of people worldwide.

Read how the paid clerks of the satanic elite doctored up stories and manufactured myths in a deliberate conspiracy to mislead the world and impose their agenda of World government.

These are the same
evil Zionist Globalist worshippers of Satan from which the one-eyed Antichrist and False Prophet will come. These are the same masters of terror who - "to rid the world of evil" - are "Collateral Damaging" millions of civilians following the 9/11 false flag which they themselves financed and executed.

Must science declare a holy war on religion?

Rothschild Global Warming

Global Warming Denial = Holocaust Denial

A peek into Robert's master piece on the subject:

“Economics and environmentalism are types of modern religions.”

Nelson in this analysis of the roots of economics and environmentalism and their mutually antagonistic relations in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Questions about the proper relationship between human beings and nature have led to the growth of these public theologies, or secular religions, even while both avoid mentioning their derivation from Western Judeo-Christian sources.

So while environmentalists regard human actions to warm the climate, expand human populations, and increase economic growth as immoral challenges to the natural order, economists seek to put all of nature to maximum use for the production of more goods and services and other human benefits.

Nelson interprets such contemporary struggles as battles between the hidden, competing secularized but religious nature of economics and environmentalism. The outcome will have momentous consequences for us all. This in-depth analysis probes beneath the rhetorical surface of these two movements to uncover their fundamental theological commitments and visions.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Economics and Environmental Religions

Part I: The False God of Economic Salvation
1. What Is “Economic Theology”?
2. Theologies of 9/11
3. How Much Is God Worth?
4. Sustainability, Efficiency, and God
5. All in the Name of Progress

Part II: Environmental Calvinism
6. Unoriginal Sin
7. Calvinism Minus God

Part III: Environmental Creationism
8. Ecological Science as a Creation Story
9. Environmental Creationism and Christian Creationism
10. Re-creating the Creation
11. Environmental Colonialism: “Saving” Africa from Africans

Part IV: Environmentalism and Libertarianism
12. Frank Knight and Economic Calvinism
13. Libertarian Environmentalism

Conclusion: Religious Challenges


Consequences of Economic Theology

Global Propaganda

If these satanists really care so much about us, maybe they would be spending on the poor, the hungry... on health, education... Not on arms, wars...

Belief is is the shadow of objective truth. How can the shadow vie with sunshine?