Thursday, 8 October 2009

Barack Obama: America’s First Jewish President?

By Victor Thorn

ON DEC. 12, 2008, Judge Abner Mikva, a Jewish former counsel in the Clinton White House, quipped, “Barack Obama will go down in history as America’s first Jewish president.” The Wall Street Journal ran an article on April 21 that included a quote from Judson Miner, a Jewish lawyer, who gave Obama his first job in Chicago.

“‘I used to tease Barack that he had Jewish blood,” said Miner. The connections to Judaism run even closer to home: Michelle Obama’s second cousin converted to Judaism, was ordained a rabbi, and runs a Chicago congregation made up largely of black converts to Judaism.

Similarly, on April 16, 2008, the Los Angeles Times ran a headline, “Barack Obama Claims Jewish Kinship” after he told an audience, “My links to the Jewish community are not political. They preceded my entry into politics.”

Obama’s closest confidante, Valerie Jarrett, is the protege of Marilyn Katz, a Jewish security provider for the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). According to scholar Arthur Liebman, 46 percent of all SDS delegates in the 1960s were Jewish, with five of nine presidents being Jewish.

Katz introduced Jarrett to Daniel Levin (Jewish) who gave her a real estate job, whereupon she worked with Obama’s bagman, convicted felon Tony Rezko. Katz also founded the New American Movement (which included the Communist Party USA) with Rabbi Michael Lerner.

In regard to the president, one of Katz’s clients, Project Vote (an ACORN affiliate), brought Obama to Chicago. She also introduced Obama at his first nationwide anti-war speech on Oct. 2, 2002; then served on his finance committee and as a bundler during the 2008 presidential race.

Further, Katz has known Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers (a disciple of the SDS) for over 40 years. Ayers is married to fellow Weather Underground member Bernadine Dohrn (Jewish), and served with Obama on the Woods Fund (which provided a major expansion in funding to ACORN). Ayers also arranged for Walter and Leonore Annenberg (Jewish) to name Obama to be the first chairman of the prestigious Annenberg Foundation in 1995.

Similarly, Valerie Jarrett’s mother ran the Erickson Institute, where one of the board members was Tom Ayers, father of Bill Ayers. Bernadine Dohrn also served on this board.

Fellow Weather Underground founder Jeff Jones is married to Eleanor Stein (Jewish), and was credited by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for writing most of the recent “stimulus bill” via the Apollo Alliance. Jones also served with Van Jones, a self-avowed Communist, in this same organization.

Then, none other than Valerie Jarrett brought Van Jones into the Obama cabinet. She boasted at the Daily Kos conference on Aug. 15, “We have been watching Van Jones for some years and are so delighted to recruit him into the White House.”

In addition, Jarrett hired Michelle Robinson (Obama—the couple married in 1992) in 1991 to work in Mayor Richard Daley’s office; then opened doors for the couple to enter Chicago’s most liberal social circles.

Another influential member of Obama’s Cabinet with close ties to Jarrett is senior adviser David Axelrod (Jewish). Jarrett first hired him at the Urban Health Institute, and then longtime Democratic insider Betty Lu Saltzman (Jewish) introducedAxelrod to Obama in 1992. Axelrod’s two mentors were journalist/activists Don Rose and David S. Canter, both Jewish. Rose held membership in a Communist Party organization labeled the Alliance to End Repression, while their president and directors were Richard Criley, Abe Feinglass, Jack Spiegel and Norman Roth, all Jewish. Rose also knew Marilyn Katz quite well through the SDS, and the newspaper he owned pushed Marxist causes while also promoting Abner Mikva, one of Obama’s early Jewish mentors. Not to be outdone, his partner’s father, Harry J. Canter, acted as secretary of Boston’s Communist Party.

The extent of this collaboration between various questionable factions in Chicago is reflected in the comments of Rabbi Arnold Wolf (who died in 2008), a Democratic Socialist. “We had a party for [Obama] at our house when he was just starting back in the 1990s. I said right away: ‘[H]ere’s a guy who could sell our product, and sell it with splendor.’”

From the research done on Barack Obama during the past few years, it’s clear that his rise to power can be unequivocally mapped as follows. At the top exist extremely wealthy Jewish financiers such as the Rothschilds and George Soros, who’ve set his course in motion. To carry out this plan are mid-level Jewish operatives (Rahm Emanuel, Axelrod, Summers, Katz etc), along with hard-line Marxist sympathizers.

Lastly, at the street level are a host of black nationalists such as Van Jones and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose rhetoric is aggressively anti-white. Toss in a very pro-Obama unabashedly Jewish-controlled media, and it’s ultimately clear how he reached the Oval Office.

Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and the author of many books on 9-11 and the New World Order. These include 9-11 Evil: The Israeli Role in 9-11 and Phantom Flight 93.

Selected Article on Obama:

OBAMA the first Jewish president?

Barack Obama: “America’s First Jewish President” by James Petras

President of War not “Change”

Who Is Behind Barack Obama’s Rise to Stardom?

Rothschild's Choice

Barack Obama is the Black George Bush

Obama, Brzezinski, and the Neolib-Neocon Family Feud

Obama's "War on Terror"

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version:

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people....

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