From Chapter 6 of 'The Zionists' by George Armstrong
Palestine and Theodor Herzl
In 1896 Austrian journalist and playwright Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) who founded the Zionist movement was the first person to write of "the Jewish Question" when he wrote, "The Jewish State. A modern attempt to solve the JEWISH QUESTION!" All these years the NSDAP has been unjustly blamed for talking about "A final solution to the Jewish Question" when the suggestion was Herzl's.
His Majesty's government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." - Balfour Declaration.
Mineral Wealth of Dead Sea
The value of the minerals of the Dead Sea is estimated at five trillion dollars. This estimate appears to be optimistic but it is supported in part by the report of the Crown Agents of the British Colonies entitled "Production of Minerals From the Waters of the Dead Sea" (page 2). It is alleged that all copies of this booklet containing this report have been destroyed except those in the British Museum, Colonial office, and House of Commons. This official report estimates the minerals, except oil, in 1925 as follows: Magnesium Chloride, 22,000 tons, value 600 billion dollars; Potassium Chloride, 20,000 tons, value 75 billion dollars; other minerals valued at 1,200 billion dollars; or a total of about three trillion dollars, exclusive of oil (The Palestine Mystery, pages 12 and 13).
This enormous value staggers the imagination. I am unable to appraise the effect on the human race if the Zionists gain undisputed title to it, or if it should be devoted to public use.
This huge concession was first granted by the British Colonial Secretary to the Russian Zionist Moise Novemeysky in 1923 and finally granted on January 1, 1930, by the British House of Lords to "Palestine Potash Limited", a joint stock company. This company, so far as known, is composed wholly of American, British, and Russian Zionist Jews. Mr. H.H. Klein, a patriotic Jew, states that there are 1500 American stockholders and that they organized themselves into a corporation known as "Palestine Associates Inc.," with a capital of $400,000,000 and that this group owns 581,000 shares of the parent company. He states that Moise Novemeysky owns 30,000 shares; that Casenove Nominees Ltd., owns 221,075 shares; that Palestine Economic Corporation, dominated by the Warburgs, owns 45,111 shares, and that the Anglo Palestine Bank Nominees owns 42,935 shares. He says also that Palestine Potash Ltd. has three American directors, viz: Benjamin Brodie, Julius Simons, and Robert Szold, whose brother is a member of the banking firm of Lehman Bros.
Mr. H. H. Klein says of the British concession and the protocols:
"The aim of Zionist leaders was to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Why?
'Was it in order to fulfill the plan outlined in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, for world conquest; or was it to protect the concession from the exploitation of all the chemical wealth in the Dead Sea in Palestine, estimated at five thousand billion (five trillion) dollars?
"If it is for the purpose of world conquest, then Jews have been fatally deceived, because Zionist leaders and their financier backers maintain that the Protocols are a forgery. If it is for the purpose of extracting chemical wealth from the Dead Sea, then Jews have been shamefully imposed upon because that purpose has never been mentioned by Zionist leaders.
"If the Protocols are a 'forgery' whatever that may mean, it is the most remarkable 'forgery' ever perpetrated because every step outlined in that amazing document of over 30.000 words, is an accomplished fact. This so-called forgery was published fifty years ago. At that time, the value of the chemicals of the Dead Sea was known to the financial backers of Theodor Herzl who is known as the 'father of Zionism'."
The financial backers of Theodor Herzl were M. A. Rothschild & Son of Paris and N. M. Rothschild & Son of London. Mr. Klein confirms the opinion expressed by Henry Ford in The International Jew, viz: That the protocols explain current history. There can be no reasonable question about the authenticity of the protocols and the fact that they were adopted by World Zionist Jewry and that they represent the plan of the Zionist Jews for creating a World Empire. The first and second World Wars were for that purpose and so, likewise, was the Jewish invasion of Palestine. That was also the purpose of the League of Nations and is the purpose of the United Nations - all Zionist enterprises. Mr. Klein says further that the "American Group," owners of 51,000 shares of Palestine Potash, Ltd., incorporated in 1930 under the name of "Palestine Associates, Inc.," and that "at least seven of the directors of this corporation are members of the American Jewish Committee." He says that ex-Governor of New York Herbert H. Lehman has been honorary head of Palestine Economic Corporation for many years and that this corporation "owns banks, water companies, land holding companies, hotels, and agricultural corporations in Palestine." He says that these facts have been concealed from the Jews and that they have been used as tools by their Zionist leaders. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. is now at the head of this corporation.
The "Balfour Declaration" was made in a letter from Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. This same Lord Rothschild was a member of the Zionist International Conference at Bazle, Switzerland in 1897 that adopted the Protocols. This same Lord Rothschild was also a member of the British House of Lords that gave this huge wealth to Palestine Potash Ltd. The Rothschild interests are at the head of political Zionism and they promoted the invasion of Palestine. Their position in our government and financial system is such that they can bring about deflation and a third world war.
A Gigantic Steal
If Palestine has one fourth of its estimated mineral value it will enable the Zionists to control the destiny of the peoples of the world. The Zionist invasion of Palestine is a gigantic steal and an infamous outrage against Christian civilization. Under present circumstances it means a third world war and that the new state of Israeli will line up with the Bolsheviks. The only way to avoid it and to assure permanent peace is to destroy the Rothschild agencies, - alias Zionist Wall Street. It is indeed the best way to restore the solvency of our country and of the world, and to restore constitutional government.
The "Balfour Declaration" to Lord Rothschild and the gift of this fabulous wealth to him and his fellow Zionists is evidence that he and his fellow Zionists then controlled the British Empire. If the British Government were authorized to give it to the Zionists they had the power to keep it or to give it to us as security for our donations, or to give it to the United Nations for the preservation of world peace. They gave it to the war-promoting Zionists for the obvious purpose of promoting Zionism
Theodor Herzl
Theodor Herzl, of Austria, was the founder of Political Zionism. It was established at a secret convention of Zionist leaders August 29th to 31st, 1897, in Bazle, Switzerland. It was at this convention that the "Bazle Programme" - the Protocols were adopted. Herzl presided at the conference and it was due to his untiring energy and zeal that the conference was called. The object of the Bazle Programme was to unite the scattered Jews of the world into a separate and independent nation and a World Empire. The "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" represent their method of accomplishing this end, and evidently Herzl was one of the authors.
The Zionists revere Herzl as their messiah. They transferred his remains from Austria by airplane and reburied them with pomp and ceremony in Jerusalem. They published a very laudatory "Memorial" of him under the auspices of "The New Palestine," official organ of the Zionist Organization of America edited by Meyer W. Weisgal, and copyrighted in 1929 by "The New Palestine." This Memorial contains many laudatory contributions by prominent Jews. It contains also Theodor Herzl's diary, admitting that it was censored and expurgated by the editors. This diary is an interesting history of Herzl's effort to arouse the Jews to the importance of nationalization, and of his financial difficulties and sacrifices in doing so.
Palestine was not the ancestral home of the Khazar and Ashkenazim Jews. That is only a pretense for obtaining its mineral wealth and the creation of a Zionist Empire. The Jews have always had good homes in America and all other countries in which they have lived. They are the usurers of the work and have always been. They were designated the aristocrats of Europe by the Zionist leader Samuel Untermeyer. They are not farmers. I have never known or heard of a Jew farmer an, I have lived a long time and farmed in three states, viz: Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma. Some of them OWN farms, but they do not work them. There may be some "displaced" Jews but we support them. If given the best farms in America or Palestine they would not work them. They don't know how to farm and farming in Palestine or America is not their purpose. They farm the Christians, not the land.
The ancestors of the small Sephardic tribe once lived in Asia. but their descendants constitute only about 5% of the present Jewish population. The present day Jews, including the Rothschilds, are either of the Ashkenazi or Khazar tribes. These Jews are and always have been nomadic predatory people. It was a company of these Jews that bought and sold Joseph. They have always been traders and the dealers in slavery and narcotics and usury. The Roosevelt fortune was founded by a Jewish opium smuggler.
A few days after the adjournment of the first Bazle convention, to-wit, on September 3, 1897, Herzl said of it in his dairy
"If I were to subsume the Bazle Congress in one word which I shall not do openly - it would be this: at Bazle I founded the Jewish State" (Diaries of Theodor Herzl, page 149).
They appointed an "inner action committee" at this first Congress and founded the "Jewish Colonial Bank." He says, (page 151):
"The Bazle Congress represents the creation of the Society of Jews for the Jewish State . . . The work of the next few years will be the creation of the Jewish Company, temporarily called the Jewish Colonial Bank."
The protocols obviously represent the programme of their secret "Inner Action Committee."
Kaiser Wilhelm Interested
Herzl first sought the aid of Kaiser Wilhelm. He says of the Kaiser in his diary, October 19, 1898:
"The Kaiser, in the dark uniform of a Hussar, came toward me. I stood still and made a deep bow. He came up to me, almost to the door, and offered me his hand. I believe he said that he was glad to see me, or something like that. I said: 'Your Imperial Majesty, I am happy to be the recipient of this distinction.' . . .
"He soon took over the lead and explained why he considered the Zionist movement of worth. Unfortunately I was an embarrassed listener, and I had to exert all my strength in preparing the replies, so that I have not been able to retain all the details. He never mentioned the Jews except as my 'Landsleute' - and not in an exactly friendly tone. He had no doubt that we had sufficient money and manpower at our disposal to carry out the colonization of Palestine. Here my attention failed a little, for I was observing my own impression that my three years of work have made of the world 'Zionism,' a terme recu, which the Kaiser used freely in speaking with me.
"'There are,' he said, 'among your Landsleute certain elements which it would be well to have immigrate into Palestine. I am thinking, for instance, of those cases where there are a number of usurers among the country people. If these were to take their wealth and settle in the colonies, they would make themselves more useful.' These were his words, more or less.
"The Kaiser observed that he believed the Jews would set about the colonization of Palestine if they knew that he would keep them under his protection, and that they really would not be leaving Germany.
"I said: 'Your Excellency, that is purely a matter of money. As a writer I regret to have to say it.'
"I felt my arguments growing stronger and stronger under the encouragement of the Kaiser's approval" (Pages 154-5).
Herzl later met the Kaiser in Palestine, to-wit, on October 28, 1898. He said of this meeting:
"He laughed, and flashed with his kingly eyes: "'How are you?'
"'I thank Your Majesty. I am seeing the country. How has your Majesty's journey been so far?'"His eyes flashed.
"'Very hot. But the land has a future.'
"'At present it is still sick,' I said . . .
"'It needs water, much water,' he said, speaking downward at me.
"'Yes, Your Majesty. Colonization on a grand scale.'
"He repeated: 'It is a land of the future.'
"The spectators of Mikveh Israel were utterly dazed. A few of them asked who that had been. The Rothschild administrators looked timid and irritated . . .
"'The settlements which I have seen, the German as well as those of your Landsleute, may serve as a model of what can be done in this country. The land has room for all. Only provide water and shade. For the native population, too, the colonies can serve as models to be imitated. Your movement, with which I am well acquainted, contains a healthy idea.'. .
"'Well, you certainly don't lack the money," exclaimed the Kaiser jovially, and slapped his whip against his boots. 'You have more money than all the rest of us.'"
The Kaiser was willing to sponsor the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine as a colony of the German Empire, but that did not fit in with Herzl's plans. It would have meant that the German government would acquire the mineral wealth of Palestine and Herzl wanted it for the Rothschilds and Zionists and their independent state.
Negotiates with Sultan of Turkey
Failing to make a satisfactory deal with the Kaiser, Herzl sought to acquire Palestine from the Sultan of Turkey, first with the Kaiser's support and later by direct negotiation with the Sultan's minister, N. Bey. He first offered Bey 1,000 francs to arrange for an interview with the Sultan. Seeing that was not enough, he offered 20,000 francs. He said of N. Bey in his diary, August 22, 1899:
"At first he was dry, unfriendly, as if he did not know why I had come. Soon I got the truth out - the twenty thousand francs were not enough. He said: 'Considering your position in the Zionist movement, an audience means a great deal to you. Besides, any banker would offer me twice as much as you did for an audience with the Sultan.'
'We won't haggle about this,' I said. 'You will get forty thousand.'. .
'You ought to give this man ten or fifteen thousand francs, to make Stimmung for you.'
"I saw where this was leading to. Money talks. I said to him, almost harshly: 'I shall give you ten thousand francs in advance, and thirty thousand on the day of the audience. How you use that money is your business. I won't ask you what you have done with it.'
"He became as soft as butter and said: 'Done! I'll have to add some money of my own to it, but the speculation is worth it. I believe I can earn a couple of million on this: and that's worth a risk" (Pages 164-5; 158-9).
"Herzl said of his interview with the Sultan (page 170-1):
"But this is not enough for me. I told him (the Sultan) through Ibrahim that I was devoted to him because he was good to the Jews. The Jews all over the world were grateful to him. I in particular was ready to serve him in every way possible, naturally not on a small scale - I left that to others - but on a large scale . . .
"Then the Sultan said: 'I always have been and still am a friend of the Jews. I rely chiefly on Mussulmans and Jews. I haven't as much faith in my other subjects as in them' . . .
'The Public Debt I consider to be the thorn. If this could be removed then Turkey could once more blossom in her strength, in which I believe'. . .
'Well then,' I said, 'I believe I can. But the first and principal condition, a condition of precedent, is absolute secrecy.'
"The ruler lifted his eyes to heaven, placed his hand on his bosom and murmured: 'Secret, secret!'
"I said, - as from now on I kept the reins of the conversation in my hand - that I could carry through this operation through my friends on all the Exchanges of Europe, if I had the help of His Majesty. But this help had to consist, at the right time, of a mass measure in favor of the Jews, made public in the proper way.
"Ibrahim sucked in with astounded looks the words of his master and translated them with joy. 'His Majesty has a court jeweler, who is a Jew. He could give anything of a friendly nature to him, to publish in the papers. He also has a Chief Rabbi for the Jews, the Chasham Bashi. He could also tell him.'
"My impression of the Sultan is that he is a weak, cowardly, but thoroughly well-meaning person. I think he is neither treacherous nor cruel, but a deeply unhappy prisoner, in whose name a thieving, infamous and dishonest camarillia commit the most shameful acts . . .
"The dishonesty and bribery which began at the door of the palace and wind up only at the foot of the throne are probably not the worst. Everything is business, and every official is a thief. At least, I hear this on every side, and from what I know of the way things are done, I do not believe this to be a calumny . . .
"I still see him before me, this Sultan of the dying robber kingdom. Small, shabby, with his badly dyed beard - which is probably dyed only once in a week, for the Selamlik. The hook-nose of a clown, the long yellow teeth and the big gap in the upper jaw to the right. The fez drawn down deep over his head, which is probably bald - the protruding ears. The strengthless hands in the big white gloves, and the ill-fitting, big, multicolored cuffs. The bleating voice, the limitation in every word. And that rules! As a matter of fact he rules only in appearance and in name."
Herzl proposed to lend the Sultan 1,500,000 pounds (about five million dollars) if the Sultan would grant a charter giving the Zionists Palestine. The Sultan, Herzl says, did not know anything about its vast mineral wealth. It was only known to Herzl and the Rothschilds. The editor of the Memorial says in a footnote:
"Herzl will not budge before he has the charter. The Sultan apparently will not budge before he gets money - if then" (Diaries, page 173).
"However, the impasse was partially broken. The Sultan would open his empire to all Jews who wish to become Turkish subjects, but the regions to be settled were to be decided from instances to instances, and Palestine was not to be included. The Company could colonize in Mesopotamia, Syria, Anatolia, but not in Palestine. A Charter without Palestine I refused at once" (Diaries, page 174).
It was obviously the plan of Herzl to found a Zionist Empire; That probably was also the purpose of the Rothschilds and oil rich Jews, and it was the only basis on which Herzl could interest them in his Zionist Empire scheme. This plan was clearly revealed in his diary memo of September 4, 1899, as follows:
"Yesterday, after the opera, I had supper in the Hotel Bristol, with Martin Furth. He told me that the day before he had met N. Bey at the races. The latter had spoken to him very favorably of Zionism. It was not impossible, he said, to win the Sultan over to the idea, as the latter was a friend of the Jews. BUT THE NEWSPAPERS OUGHT NOT TO WRITE THAT WE WANT TO FOUND A JEWISH EMPIRE. N. Bey, said Furth, has been very serious about it. He asked me if I knew him. "Very faintly," I said" (Diaries, page 165).
Herzl interviews Chamberlain and Rothschild
Herzl approached the British through Lord Rothschild and the British Prime Minister Chamberlain, to-wit: on October 23, 1902. He said in his diary of that date:
"I laid the entire Jewish question before the immobile mask which is Joe Chamberlain. My relations to Turkey,
'I am in negotiation with the Sultan,' I said in English.
'But you know what Turkish negotiations are. If you want to buy a carpet, first you must drink a half dozen cups of coffee and smoke a hundred cigarettes. Then you discuss family stories, and from time to time you speak a few words again about the carpet. Now I have time to negotiate, but my people have not. They are starving in the Pale. I must bring them immediate help.' And so on. The mask smiled at the carpet story. I then passed on to the subject of the territory which I wanted from England."
Herzl also said:
"I set my hopes on Chamberlain, whom I shall see next week. He stands at a distance from the whole business, sees it from a higher point - AND DOES NOT KNOW THE VALUE OF THE BIG STRETCH OF LAND FOR WHICH I AM ASKING" (Diaries, page 178).
But the Rothschilds knew the value of the "big stretch of land" for which he was asking. When he and the Kaiser visited Palestine they found the Rothschild agents there (see supra). Lord Walter Rothschild to whom the Balfour Declaration was made, was not at first very friendly to his colonization scheme. Herzl (p. 176) says of his interview with him:
"In England, said Rothschild, there will never be any anti-Semitism, etc. In France, too, it was something else, etc. He does not believe in Zionism. We should never get Palestine, etc. He is an Englishman and wants to remain one. He 'desires' me to say this and that to the Alien Commission, and not to say this and the other.
At this point the business became too stupid for me. I had interrupted him a couple of times. But now I began to overshout him in such a way that he was dazed and kept his mouth shut. . .
'I shall tell the Commission what I think proper and the truth as I see it. That is my habit, and I shall cling to it now, too.'
It was false, I said, that the powers were against our going to Palestine. I have influenced Germany and Russia in our favor. England, I thought, would have nothing against it. I was PERSONA GRATIA with the Sultan.
'Yes,' he threw in, 'The Sultan is naturally friendly to you because you are Dr. Herzl of the Neue Freie Presse.'
'It would be stupid and arrogant of me,' I said, 'to read the Commission a lecture on the characteristics of the real Englishman. I shall simply say what terrible misery there is in the East, and that these people must either get away or perish. The need in Rumania has been known to us since 1897; the Congress petition received no attention. In Galicia it is perhaps even worse. There are seven hundred thousand people there in misery. They also begin to move.
My Lord said: 'I hope you are not going to say that to the Commission. Or else we shall have restrictions.'
At this point I became massive: 'Certainly I shall say it. You can count on that.'
Whereupon his jaw dropped, he rang, and called his brother Leopold.
To him he repeated what had been said, and added that in my opinion Jewish charity had merely become a machine for the suppression of the cry of misery . . .
At the same time I shall make a semi-official attempt to get in touch with Lord R. He is in a furious rage against me - perhaps this is the psychological moment for the conclusion of peace. When he was asked in the Commission why he was opposed to calling me, he said that I was demagogue, a windbag."
But he sold Rothschild on his plan as being the practical to obtain what both of them wanted. He said (Diaries, page 177):
"We went into the dining room, where I met Lord Roseberry's son and later Alfred, the third Rothschild, a true spiritual child of his father.
"Later, in my Lord's study, Alfred told me of his very high Austrian and Russian orders. 'Great, what? Kronenoden, first class.' The same Alfred asked me what I wanted to do for the Jews. Colonization? Good. But why in Palestine? It sounded so Jewish.
"After the coffee I went over to the writing desk and asked him:
'Would you like to hear my scheme now?'
"I shoved my chair closer to his better ear and said:
'I want to get a Charter for Colonization from the English Government.'
'Don't say Charter. The word doesn't sound so good now.'
'Call it what you like. I want to found a Jewish colony in British territory.'
'Take Uganda.'
'No, I can use only this.. .' And as there were several others in the room I wrote on a piece of paper: Sinai Peninsula, Egyptian Palestine. Cyprus. And I added: 'Are you for it?'
"He reflected, grinning, and answered: 'Very much.'
That was victory; I then added on the piece of paper: STOP THE SULTAN FROM GETTING MONEY.
"He answered: 'I prevented Rumania from getting money. But here I can do nothing, as the great powers want it. They want to have the railway built.'
"I said: 'The Sultan offered me Mesopotamia.'
He, astounded: 'And you refused?'
Baron Rothschild of Paris was Original Zionist Promoter
Baron Edmond Rothschild of Paris, the managing partner of the original M. A. Rothschild & Son banking firm was the main support of the Zionist political movement in the beginning. Herzl says in his diary (page 196):
"For three extraordinarily difficult years they struggled against overwhelming odds, and would surely have been defeated had not a miracle saved them. . .
"The miracle was this: When one of the colonists of Rishon le Zion went to Paris and there saw Baron Edmond Rothschild and told him of the work of the Jewish settlements, the Baron grew so enthusiastic about the colonists that he immediately sent his representative to Palestine to study conditions and to help the settlers with money and advice. From that day on Baron Rothschild's interest in Jewish colonization has never waned; indeed, this work came to fill his entire life. He is known, and quite properly, as the father of Jewish colonization in Palestine. There is no doubt that it would have been impossible to preserve the early Jewish settlements and to establish new ones had not the Baron generously assisted the colonists at the beginning. He it was who, when the colonists did not know what branch of agriculture to choose, directed them toward wine-growing, by sending them expert instructors and good French vines, and by building large wine-vaults for them. In the first years, moreover, the Baron bought their grapes at a fixed price, thus assuring them of a definite income."
There can be no doubt about the fact that the principal purpose of Herzl was to nationalize the Zionists and to create a Zionist Empire. The Rothschilds wanted the minerals of Palestine. They knew about the fabulous mineral wealth of the Dead Sea and they wanted it and had taken steps to acquire it before meeting Herzl. Herzl's "Inner Action Committee" and Jewish Colonial Bank did not supply him with sufficient money for his campaign and he became very much discouraged in the early stages of it.
Herzl's Difficulties
In April 1899 he says (Diaries, page 162-3):
"While these gentlemen direct affairs, the worries of getting money for the preliminary work devolve on me. The guarantee fund is exhausted; I believe the money is being badly managed. Now H. writes me that he needs another six hundred to one thousand pounds."
"Never was a greater task undertaken with less adequate means.
"Tomorrow I must again ask pardon of my 'chiefs' for the leave of absence I have taken without their permission. Who knows how long they will let me carry on in this way?
"The movement demands my constant travel; and there is no doubt about it that the Neue Freie Presse can dismiss me for neglect of duty, 'with all the respect in the world for difference of opinion'. This pitiful clash of duties wearies me, unnerves me and wears me out more than anything else."
He says on August 23, 1899 (Diaries, page 163-4):
"Je La Connais Aussi. My work will look much more marvelous when people will get to know with what money worries I had to struggle as a result of my efforts of Zionism.
"I miss at every turn the fifty thousand kronen which I have sunk in the movement: the lack of the money makes me less free than ever in my relations to the Neue Freie Presse."
He appears to have been disillusioned by November 9, 1899. He says (Diaries, page 166):
"This is a good lesson for me. I suppose it would be even worse if I were completely ruined.
'Put not your trust in Princes -
They are an eternal delusion'
is something I might well say about the 'help' of the German Kaiser.
"But when I think of my followers, so easily prone to rebellion, I can add the end of the verse;
'He that cries Hosannah for you today
Tomorrow will cry: Crucify!'
"And, indeed, I put my trust neither in Princes, nor in the people, but in myself."
And on May 1, 1900, he says (Diaries, page 167):
"I have a first class epitaph for myself:
'He had too high an opinion of the Jews.'"
Herzl's Success
But after obtaining the support of the Rothschilds his spirits were revived. He records on June 13, 1901 (Diaries, page 172):
"Society is interested in me. I am a social curiosity, a dish; people come to meet Dr. Herzl.
"Yesterday Sir Francis Montefiore was here with several ladies and gentlemen. There were Princess Lowenstein, Lady Jane Taylor, and others whose names I have forgotten. Also Gilbert Farquhar, lord and actor.
"I shall use Princess Lowenstein, in order to reach the King. For they all invited me. Lady Jane was present as spectator at the last Congress and said her daughters envied her because she was lunching with me."
It appears from Herzl's diary that the Rothschilds had agents on the ground in Palestine when he met the Kaiser there on October 29, 1898 for he records the fact that "The Rothschild administrators looked taunt and irritated." They no doubt had other plans for obtaining the mineral wealth of the Dead Sea and feared that the presence of Herzl and the Kaiser would interfere with them. It was necessary for Herzl to sell Lord Rothschild on his colonization scheme as being the surest and best method to reach their goal.
When Herzl sold his plan of conquest to Lord Walter Rothschild, managing partner of N. M. Rothschild & Son and managing director of their Bank of England, his financial troubles were over. There was no longer any need for his colonial bank. N. M. Rothschild & Son took over the financing and management of Herzl's World Empire scheme and Herzl became their lieutenant. Herzl is now dead but the perpetual Rothschild partnership never dies. The two enormousy rich partnerships of M. A. Rothschild & Son of Paris and N. M. Rothschild & Son of London then and now control the gold and press of the world with minor exceptions, and the economy of the people of the world. It was to Lord Rothschild that Lord Balfour wrote his note promising Palestine. It was the agents of the Rothschilds that wrote our Federal Reserve Act. It was the agents of the Rothschilds that inveigled us into two wars and established the Zionist United Nations. The Rothschilds control the economy of the people of the world and seek to enslave them.
The Protocols represent the program of the Zionist "Inner Action Committee" then and now. They are the program of the Rothschilds. As bigoted and cruel and satanic as they are, they are not any more so than the Talmud and the Zionist Politburos of Moscow and Wall Street. They are rounded upon the Talmud and breathe its spirit. They were obviously written, at least in part, by Theodor Herzl himself. He was a very adroit and cunning man, a facile writer and a master of intrigue and deception as revealed by his diaries and other writings. But there is no mention of them in his dairy. The Zionists have sought to suppress them. If Herzl had actually referred to them, his Zionist editors would have omitted the reference.
The rich Zionists do not want Palestine as a "home" but for it mineral wealth, estimated at five trillion dollars. It is reported that they have a few collective farms patterned after the Soviet system and that they live in the cities and employ the Arabs to do the work. Their ancestral home propaganda is only camouflage, a smoke screen, to hide their real purpose. The majority of the are contented to live in the countries in which they reside, as their refugees to remain in idleness at our expense in German homes (given them by President Truman's order) until they can migrate to America.
Wealth of Palestine does not belong to Zionists
This enormous mineral wealth belongs to the Allies of World War I by right of conquest. It did not belong to the British - who were only its custodians by virtue of a mandate. The Zionists stole these minerals by the newly created and recognized state of Israeli. Theft is an ugly word but it forcibly expresses the truth. Lord Balfour knew nothing about these minerals when made his conditional promise. He did not promise a state and the minerals of Palestine, but, based on his restricted promise, the Zionists have created a state which includes the minerals within its boundaries. But Herzl and the Rothschilds knew about these minerals when they sought the "home," and as early as 1897.
We need these minerals for our national defense and we must repudiate this concession and recover them for the use and benefit of ourselves and our Allies of World War I. Moreover, their enormous wealth is sufficient to restore the solvency of the British and ourselves and our other Allies. The recovery of these minerals together with the destruction of Zionist Wall Street will establish the peace of the world and it will probably be a permanent peace. There is no other way. The Rothschilds must be banished and their ill-gotten wealth confiscated and devoted to the public good.
The Rothschilds Page
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