Friday, 16 January 2009

How Will the World Respond to Israeli Crimes in 2009?


The Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip is strikingly similar to the Nazi attack on the Warsaw ghetto in 1943. The ghetto was densely populated and deprived of food, forcing people to smuggle food in order to survive. In 1943 there was an uprising that led to the destruction by fire of the ghetto. The Israelis are using white phosphorus incendiary bombs to destroy Gaza.

The Nazis built a wall around the Warsaw ghetto in the same way Israel has built walls around the Gaza Strip and West Bank. The Israeli military prevents the people of the Gaza Strip from leaving.

The Israeli wall of separation is like the Nazi wall of the Warsaw ghetto. The Zionists of the Irgun and the Nazis were allies in World War II and share the same tactics -- and racist belief that Jews cannot live with other people.


"The Israeli military may be using legal weapons, but it is using the weapons in an illegal manner."
Marc Garlasco, Human Rights Watch military analyst, to the BBC News.
"UN accuses Israel over phosphorus,"
BBC News, January 15, 2009

January 15 - Israel bombed the United Nations (UNRWA) compound in Gaza this morning with at least 5 missiles, three of which were white phosphorus, according to BBC World News reports. This is clear evidence of a war crime. A warehouse containing tons of relief supplies was ablaze after the compound was hit by what UNRWA spokesman, Chris Gunness, said appeared to be three white phosphorous shells.

John Ging, the head of UN operations in Gaza, said the Israeli military had fired white phosphorus shells at the UNRWA compound.

In spite of discussions with the Israeli liaison, "three rounds that emitted phosphorus" hit the UN facility, Ging said. "This is going to burn down the entire warehouse," he said, "...thousands and thousands of tons of food, medical supplies and other emergency assistance is there." Destroying food and medical supplies is another war crime.

Workers fight a fire at the UNRWA compound in Gaza City, which was hit by several white phosphorus shells fired by Israeli forces. The Israeli military knows the exact coordinates of every UN facility in Gaza; the incendiary attack was clearly not a mistake.
Photo: Mohammed Saber/European Pressphoto Agency

Ging said the phosphorus fires were impossible to extinguish "because if you put water on it, it will just generate toxic fumes and do nothing to stop the burning". Phosphorous munitions are banned under international law.

UN staff inspect a lump of burning matter at their bombed compound which Human Rights Watch says appears to be white phosphorus, although Israel has denied using it in built-up areas.

Asked by the BBC about the shelling of the compound as it burned, Mark Regev, Israeli government spokesman, denied that Israel had struck the UN compound with white phosphorus. Israel, however, has clearly been using white phosphorus illegally since the beginning of its aerial bombing campaign of the defenseless civilian population of Gaza. With more than 1,100 Palestinians killed and 4,000 injured, Regev claims that Israel has done nothing wrong.
The UNRWA compound, the main U.N. aid compound in the city of Gaza, where some 700 Palestinians were being sheltered, was hit twice by fire and white phosphorus shells. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak apologized to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the afternoon saying it was a "grave mistake."
Apologies, however, do not erase the fact that Israel has committed egregious war crimes in their aggression against the civilian population of Gaza. Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and his commanders should all be arrested and taken to The Hague. They are not above international law.


Israeli War Crime Suspects: Foreign Minister Tzipora Livni (a.k.a. "Tzipi"), Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and Defence Minister Ehud Barak; for planning and waging war(s) of aggression, war crimes, and false-flag terrorism (9-11) attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. on Sept. 11, 2001.

Israeli War Crime Suspects: Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi (L), Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, and Yoav Galant, head of the Southern Command, at an army base in southern Israel, January 8, 2009. Their military assault on the Gaza Strip is every bit as criminal as the Nazi destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto.

U.S. Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice votes to abstain after Ehud Olmert, the terrorist leader of Israel, ordered the U.S. president not to support the Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Rice had been instrumental in writing the resolution which was voted on January 8, a full 13 days after the U.S.-supplied Israeli air force began attacking the defenseless civilian population. 75 percent of the population of Gaza Strip is refugees who lost their homes and land when their families were subjected to "ethnically cleansing" by Zionist forces in 1948. Rice and Bush have long followed Zionist dictates and are largely responsible for the disaster that has befallen the Palestinians -- particularly those of the Gaza Strip.

Bush and Rice caused the Palestinian civil war of 2007 with a covert policy designed to destroy Hamas, the Islamic party that won the majority in the Palestinian parliament in the free and fair election of January 2006. The Bush-Rice policy fiasco led to the intra-Palestinian conflict, a three-year illegal siege, and wide-scale destruction of life and property in Gaza.

In January 2006, when Hamas, formally known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, won the elections for Palestinian parliament the Israeli government and Bush administration tried to overthrow the results of the democratic process they claimed to support.

When Hamas swept the elections, co-founder Mahmoud Zahhar explained to BBC World TV the organization's refusal to renounce violence:

We are not playing terrorism or violence. We are under occupation. The Israelis are continuing their aggression against our people, killing, detention, demolition and in order to stop these processes, we run effective self defence by all means, including using guns.


David Rose of Vanity Fair wrote an investigative article in April 2008, entitled "The Gaza Bombshell," in which he revealed State Dept. documents that revealed "a covert initiative, approved by Bush and implemented by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams, to provoke a Palestinian civil war."

"After failing to anticipate Hamas’ victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs," Rose wrote.

A State Dept. document found in a Fatah office of Gaza revealed the U.S. policy to overthrow the elected Hamas-led Palestinian parliament and install an Abbas-led dictatorship. So much for U.S. support for governments chosen through democratic elections in the Middle East. (Second page of document is here.)

Condoleezza Rice and George Bush pushed the disastrous plan, which resulted in the intra-Palestinian conflict between Hamas and Fatah supporters in June 2007. There is no question that this policy was approved by the Israeli government, although Rose does not discuss this in his article. Bush and Rice would not dare take a single step in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict without the approval of their Zionist masters.

"It is impossible to say for sure whether the outcome in Gaza would have been any better—for the Palestinian people, for the Israelis, and for America’s allies in Fatah—if the Bush administration had pursued a different policy," Rose concluded. "One thing, however, seems certain: it could not be any worse."

Much of the blame for the current crisis in Gaza is due to the corrupt and spineless diplomacy of the Bush administration -- particularly that of Condoleezza Rice. The Zionist policies pursued by George W. Bush and his administration have created an unmitigated disaster for the people across the Middle East and around the world -- that is an historical fact.

The Guardian (U.K.) published this photo of a young girl found in the rubble of her destroyed house following an Israeli air strike in Zeitoun.
Photograph: Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images

How do we respond to genocide? Boycott Israeli products? Obama is talking about the economy but completely tight-lipped about the Israeli aggression against the civilian population of Gaza. As president, will Obama demand an investigation of the Israeli massacres and war crimes in Gaza?
"The Israeli army is cowardly attacking worn-out, innocent people, while they claim that they are defending their people. I call on the people of Israel to stand up against that government, to demand, to put a hand on their hearts and look at their children, and I call on the world to stop this madness."
- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
as he banished the Israeli embassy

President Hugo Chavez shows the headline about the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador from Venezuela.

How Will the World Respond to Israeli War Crimes in 2009?

By Christopher Bollyn

Israel has used white phosphorus bombs on the civilian population since the beginning of their aggression against Gaza. This is a war crime, one which has been witnessed by millions of people watching television coverage from Gaza since December 27. Oddly, CNN's military expert, Brig. Gen. David Grange (ret.), failed to mention Israel's use of white phosphorus although CNN has repeatedly played video clips of the banned weapon exploding over Gaza. White phosphorus burns flesh - without stopping - as long as oxygen is present. Grange admitted that he had worked closely with the Israeli military.

As Israeli planes, tanks, and artillery bombarded the homes, schools, mosques, and medical clinics of the Palestinian refugees of Gaza, the Venezuelan government took a stand against the Zionist aggression. On January 6, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry sent a telegram to the Israeli mission in Caracas informing Ambassador Shlomo Cohen that he was persona non grata in the Bolivarian republic. Shlomo and his cohort of six at the Israeli mission were banished and given 72 hours to leave Venezuela.

Venezuela issued a statement calling Israel's operation in the Gaza Strip a "flagrant violation of international law" and "state terrorism."

"For the reasons mentioned above, the government of Venezuela has decided to expel the ambassador of Israel and part of the personnel of the Embassy of Israel," the statement read.

The expulsion of the Israeli mission is the result of Israel's brutal aggression in the Gaza Strip, which President Hugo Chavez characterized as "genocide."

The extreme suffering of the Palestinians of Gaza is generally not understood in the West due to the censorship and distortion of the Zionist-controlled media. The Palestinians of Gaza have been victims of Israeli war crimes since 1947-48 when they were expelled from their homes and villages, which were stolen by Israeli forces. Refugees from Zionist ethnic cleansing comprise more than 75 percent of the population of Gaza Strip. Due to an illegal three-year blockade, which became complete closure in mid-2007, imposed by Israel, the population of Gaza has suffered at near starvation level for several years.

"The holocaust -- that is what is happening right now in Gaza," Chavez said in televised comments on January 6. "The president of Israel at this moment should be taken to the International Criminal Court together with the President of the United States." The president of Israel is Shimon Peres, who has a long history of weapons smuggling and false-flag terrorism (at least as far back as the Lavon Affair in the early 1950s). Peres is also the chief architect of Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal.


Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the man behind the war of aggression and state terrorism being carried out against the people of Gaza, took credit for the U.S. abstention in the Security Council vote for a ceasefire, saying he had "demanded" from President George W. Bush that the U.S. to abstain from voting for the ceasefire it had helped negotiate.

"I said: 'Get me President Bush on the phone,'" Olmert said in a speech on January 12 in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon. "They said he was in the middle of giving a speech in Philadelphia." I said, 'I don't care. I have to talk to him now,'" Olmert said, describing Bush, who leaves office on Jan. 20, as "an unparalleled friend" of Israel.


"They got him off the podium, brought him to another room and I spoke to him. I told him, 'You can't vote in favour of this resolution.' He [Bush] said, 'Listen, I don't know about it, I didn't see it, I'm not familiar with the phrasing.'" Olmert said he then told Bush: "'I'm familiar with it. You can't vote in favour.'

"He gave an order to the secretary of state and she did not vote in favour of it -- a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organised and manoeuvred for. She was left pretty shamed and abstained on a resolution she arranged," Olmert said.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said he was surprised by the U.S. abstention. "We were told that the Americans were going to vote in favor," he said on January 9, the day after the vote.

When Rice came in to the Security Council chamber, she unexpectedly informed the Saudi foreign minister, with an apology, that she would have to abstain but would clarify later that the U.S. supported the resolution nonetheless, according to Malki.

"What happened in the last 10 or 15 minutes, what kind of pressure she received, from whom, this is really something that maybe we will know about later," he said.

Now we know what happened. Ehud Olmert, the Israeli leader who is behind the criminal aggression and terror attacks against Gaza and Lebanon -- and the Israeli deputy prime minister who made a secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001 -- demanded from George W. Bush that the U.S. abstain.

To understand the basics about Ehud Olmert's connection to 9-11 and the razing of Gaza, read my article, "Olmert, the Israeli Fascist Behind 9-11, Plans to Raze Parts of Biblical Gaza."

Ehud Olmert

What political power does Ehud Olmert have to order the U.S. president around? This relationship illustrates the real reason George W. Bush's life is in danger as he leaves the White House -- he knows too much about the Zionist crimes of 9-11 and the illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East. Bush is likely to reveal the names and details about how Zionist pressure forced him to make the unpopular and disastrous decisions that he will be forced to defend. The Zionist architects of 9-11 are certainly afraid of what Bush, Cheney, and Rice might divulge when they leave office.

Sources: Landler, Mark, "Olmert Says He Made Rice Change Vote," New York Times, January 12, 2009

Keyser, Jason, "Israel's Olmert: Rice embarrassed over UN vote," Associated Press, January 12, 2009

Kessler, Glenn, "Rice, Eager to Depart, Heartily Defends Record," Washington Post, January 13, 2009


Reports of another Israeli war crime, an intentional mass killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip, surfaced on January 9. The BBC is reporting that eyewitnesses have reported a mass murder on January 4, of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza neighborhood of Zeitoun.

Allegra Pacheco, who received some of the reports, is an Israeli-American lawyer who works with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Pacheco called it "one of the gravest incidents" since the beginning of the Israeli criminal aggression.

On Sunday, January 4, Israel forces rounded up between 110 and 125 Palestinians in the village of Zeitoun and forced them into the single family home of the Samouni family and ordered them to stay in the house. The next day, Israeli forces then repeatedly shelled the house.

Pacheco, a human rights lawyer, was born in the United States to an Orthodox Jewish family from Long Island, New York. After working with the famous Israeli human rights lawyer Lea Tsemel in 1988 during the Intifada, Pacheco completed her law studies, emigrated to Israel in 1994 and began a legal practice.

On January 9, Pacheco told the BBC World News (TV) that the eyewitness reports had come directly from adult survivors who had carried wounded children to the hospital. A five-month old child died on arrival at the hospital. The Israeli army prevents any international reporters from entering the Gaza Strip.

"According to several testimonies, on 4 January Israeli foot soldiers evacuated approximately 110 Palestinians into a single-residence house in Zeitoun (half of whom were children) warning them to stay indoors," the OCHA report said.

"Twenty-four hours later, Israeli forces shelled the home repeatedly, killing approximately 30."

At least nine of those killed in the house were from the Samouni family, including his mother. A picture of three of the family's children in blood-stained clothing laid on a morgue floor and in front of their grieving father was shown in The Guardian. The father, Wael Samouni, said dozens of people had been sheltering in the house after Israeli troops ordered them and neighbors to stay inside.

Wael Samouni grieves over his three children that he carried to the hospital. Nine members of the Samouni family were killed when Israeli forces shelled his house, where they had ordered some 110 people to stay.

The UN said there had been extensive destruction in Zeitoun. For three days, from 3-7 January, the Israeli Defence Force prevented Red Cross medical teams from entering the area to evacuate the wounded. Yesterday the Red Cross vented its fury at Israel after the strike, saying it had found four starving children at the house clinging to the corpses of their dead mothers.

'Those who survived and were able walked two kilometres to Salah Ed Din road before being transported to hospital in civilian vehicles. Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital,' OCHA was quoted as saying in a report on the situation in the battered Gaza Strip.

'This is a shocking incident,' Pierre Wettach, Red Cross head for Israel and the Palestinian territories, said. 'The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded.'

The accusation came as a 'credible' report from Gaza claimed one third of the 760 reported killed in the conflict have been children.

The UN said those who survived had walked 2 km (1.25 miles) to the main north-south road and were taken to hospital in civilian vehicles, the BBC reported.

"Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital," the report said.

"In Gaza, there is a severe protection of civilians crisis. There is no safe haven, no safe space, for all the civilians, particularly children," Ms Pacheco told the BBC.

"Since the ground operation, the number of children killed has risen by 250 percent." As of January 8, 257 children were among the approximately 760 reported dead in Gaza. There were another 1,080 children among the 3,100 injured in the conflict, according to statistics from Gaza's health ministry.


The Venezuelan response is correct and proper. The criminal aggression against the defenseless population of Gaza demands a strong response from the leaders of the world. On an individual level, we should boycott Israeli produce and abstain from anything affiliated with the state of Israel. Why support an outlaw, racist, and terrorist regime with our hard-earned dollars? Check your produce before you buy it and make sure it comes from a nation that respects human rights.

The Israeli government headed by Ehud Olmert and Shimon Peres has amply demonstrated its utter disregard for international law and world opinion. There should be more national leaders like Chavez expelling Israeli missions. What does the global campaign against terrorism mean if Western nations coddle a terrorist regime like that of Ehud Olmert?

Obama with Olmert in July 2008
Will President Obama investigate Olmert's secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001?

There is certainly more than enough evidence for Western nations to call for Ehud Olmert and his cronies to be arrested for war crimes, as has been done with the former warlords of Serbia and Croatia. Israel belongs to many European organizations and should be treated like any other state. When Serbian forces attacked civilian populations, Serbia was attacked by NATO. Serbian tanks were struck and Belgrade was bombed. Why is Israel treated differently? Why isn't Israel forced to comply with international norms and law, as every other nation is? The Zionist state's egregious criminal acts cannot be allowed to pass without punishment.

Having studied the history of the Zionist movement in Palestine for more than three decades, I have seen Israel commit many criminal atrocities like the current aggression in Gaza Strip and have read about many other crimes, including genocide, going back to the 1940s. Anyone born before 1970 has been able to witness similar Israeli war crimes on television, such as the aggression against Lebanon in 1982 and the massacres in Sabra and Shatila camps, the Israeli massacres at Qana (Cana) in 1996, and again in 2006, and the flattening of the Jenin refugee camp in April 2002. Like the current Israeli onslaught against the defenseless population of Gaza, these events clearly involved serious war crimes in which senior Israeli politicians and military officers were culpable. In some of these cases the same people, such as Olmert and Peres, have been involved more than once; they are, in fact, repeat offenders of the most serious war crimes -- but have never been held accountable.

No Israeli, in fact, has ever been held accountable for war crimes in an international court. While special international tribunals have been established to investigate and prosecute war crimes in Nazi Germany, the former Yugoslavia, and Africa, there has never been an international tribunal dedicated to prosecute Israeli war criminals. If there had, we probably would have avoided 9-11 and certainly would have prevented the carnage in Gaza today. Proper and non-selective enforcement of international law is essential for world peace. It would have checked Israeli ambitions and protected Israel and the world from the war criminals that control the Zionist state today.

How will the United States and the world respond to Israeli war crimes in 2009? The United States is Israel's essential ally and supporter. President George W. Bush has been a devoted Zionist and has never honestly addressed the Palestinian plight. President-elect Barack Obama was elected on a shallow one-word platform - "change." Does "change" under Obama mean the U.S. government will call for an international investigation of the Israeli war crimes being committed in Gaza? That would be a real change.

Obama has been very tight-lipped on the crisis in the Middle East. He commented for the first time on the Israeli offensive in Washington on January 6, saying that "the loss of civilian life in Gaza and in Israel is a source of deep concern to me, and after January 20th I'll have plenty to say about the issue." The question is how many more lives will be lost in the meantime.

Thousands of Palestinian children have been injured due to the Israeli bombings of the Gaza Strip. This girl was wounded on December 27, 2008. Why is Obama silent in the face of such incredible suffering? Where is his concern and compassion? Why does he not speak out as a human being concerned about his fellow man?

As Obama was holding his tongue on January 6, Israelis shelled a U.N.-run school where Palestinians had sought refuge from the fighting, killing at least 42 civilians and injuring 55 others. The Israeli military said its soldiers had fired in "self-defense" after Hamas fighters had launched mortar shells from the school. This appears to be another Israeli government lie.

The United Nations has opened 23 of its schools as emergency shelters for the 1.5 million residents of Gaza, who are prevented from leaving the territory. The Gaza Strip is often called the largest open-air prison in the world. By the night of January 6, the number of displaced Palestinians flooding into the schools had reached 15,000.

The people of Gaza are treated like prisoners and are not allowed to leave the territory although there are check points to Israel and Egypt. How can this be accepted in the 21st Century? Why are the people of the Holy Land forced to suffer so?

This is certainly not the first time Israeli forces have intentionally massacred refugees seeking shelter in U.N. camps and facilities. On 18 April 1996, for example, an Israeli artillery assault on the U.N. camp in Qana (Cana), Lebanon, killed 106 Lebanese civilians and left at least 116 injured.

John Ging, the head of the U.N. agency that runs the schools, UNRWA, told BBC World television on January 7 that the Israeli military's claim that it had been fired on from the school was "categorically untrue." The school, Ging said, had been under UNRWA control the entire time. Ging and the U.N. agency is demanding an investigation to find those accountable for the 97 Palestinians who were killed and injured in the attack on the school.

"I am appealing to political leaders here and in the region and the world to get their act together and stop this," Ging said, speaking at Gaza's largest hospital. "They are responsible for these deaths."

Dr. Bassam Abu Warda, director of Kamal Radwan Hospital, spoke about the injuries of the civilians from the U.N. school: "The wounded arrived with multiple fractures, ripped stomachs, amputated limbs," he said. "The bodies were ripped apart."

"I saw a lot of women and children wheeled in," said Fares Ghanem, a hospital official. "A lot of the wounded were missing limbs and a lot of the dead were in pieces."

Majed Hamdan, an AP photographer, rushed to the scene shortly after the attacks. He said many children were among the dead:

I saw women and men — parents — slapping their faces in grief, screaming, some of them collapsed to the floor. They knew their children were dead. In the morgue, most of the killed appeared to be children. In the hospital, there wasn't enough space for the wounded.

He said there were marks of five separate explosions, all in the same area outside the school. At the time of the attack, people were standing in a crowd outside the gate of the school, where hundreds of families had sought shelter.

The Israeli attack on the U.N. school came only hours after an Israeli missile struck a residential area in al-Bureij refugee camp, injuring seven U.N. workers in a nearby medical clinic. The day before, January 5, an Israeli airstrike on a U.N. school in Gaza City had killed three members of a family. CNN reported on January 7 that at least 5 ambulances had been shelled, a war crime Israeli forces have committed since at least 1982.

"There's nowhere safe in Gaza. Everyone here is terrorized and traumatized," Ging, the top U.N. official in Gaza, said after the first strike on the U.N. school that killed three people.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the attacks on the schools "totally unacceptable." This should mean that these heinous war crimes will be investigated and the guilty brought to justice. This should mean that Israel's illegal 18-month blockade of the Gaza Strip, an act of aggression, and its flagrant use of white phosphorus bombs on the civilian population will also be investigated and punished. Finally, this should mean, after 6 decades of egregious Zionist crimes going unpunished, that an international tribunal for Israeli war crimes will be established.

With the Zionist-controlled governments of Britain and the United States having veto power on the Security Council, the chances of a U.N. special tribunal being seated to investigate Israeli war crimes are very slim, a situation which allows Israel to commit war crimes with impunity. But the times -- and attitudes toward Israel -- are clearly changing.

Evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 and the global economic crisis has seriously eroded support for the Zionist state around the world. People around the world are starting to feel like Palestinians. As the protests against the Israeli assault reveal, the world is being split between the people who demand peace and justice and the Zionists, who demand security for their belligerent and rapacious tribe.

The Zionist enterprise has clearly failed. Without constant stealing, begging, and bribing, Israel would be nothing but a failed state. Born in the sin of genocide and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Israel has completely failed, after 6 decades, to make peace with its neighbors. Israelis live in stolen homes and sell the stolen fruit from the orchards of stolen land. The rightful owners of Palestine are the people of Gaza, the West Bank, and the Palestinian refugee camps across the Middle East. This is the simple truth. Without justice for the Palestinians there will be no peace in the Middle East. The Israelis have to learn to live with the Palestinians -- not instead of them -- in Palestine. The Palestinians are very kind and civilized people. The Israelis could benefit from living with them and learning from them. The Palestinians are, after all, the people of the Holy Land.

The Israeli "Separation Wall" in Bethlehem -- The Zionist ideology prevents Israelis from living in peace with the Palestinians -- the people of the Holy Land. How long will the apartheid regime of Israel last? Its days are clearly numbered. History has shown that such artificial and criminal regimes cannot last long. How can any enlightened human being support a racist ideology like Zionism?

The days of the Israeli apartheid state are numbered and it will pass, just like the other monstrosity created by the communist Jews of Russia, the Soviet Union. One of the signs in a recent protest said, "Cleanse the world of Zionism." This sign does not reflect radical thinking but a logical and rational understanding of the real problem in the Middle East. The answer to the Palestinian problem has never been a two-state solution. The solution is one state in which all men are equal. How could an American president, especially a black man, support anything else?

Joseph Adam Ereli (center), the key State Dept. official directing U.S. policy in Iraq and the Persian Gulf, is a citizen of Israel due to the fact that his father is an Israeli from Tel Aviv -- who also happened to be a Hagana terrorist. Ereli has served in all the crucial Middle Eastern states prior to and during the Zionist fraud known as the "War on Terror." How can it be that the sons of Zionist terrorists from the Hagana, Irgun, and Stern Gang, are directing U.S. policy in the Middle East? What does this say about who actually controls the U.S. government? Don't the Arab leaders know -- or don't they care who they do business with? Ereli's father was, after all, a member of the terrorist gang that ethnically cleansed Palestine in 1948. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Keep researching and writing. Eventually,
even the sheeple will have to take notice."
- Note from a supporter, Nov. 16, 2008

How Zionist Pirates Hijacked America

I watched the latest James Bond film, Quantum of Solace, to see what realities of modern foreign intelligence operations would be exposed to the world. I didn't have to wait long. After the opening car chase along Italy's Lake Como, Bond arrives in Siena with Mr. White in the trunk of his car. "M", Bond's MI6 chief, interrogates Bond's captive beneath Siena's Piazza del Campo, as the traditional horse race known as il Palio is being run. White mocks British intelligence bragging that his organization has operatives infiltrated everywhere while MI6 doesn't even know it exists. At that point, one of his infiltrators, a senior MI6 agent, shoots the guards allowing White to escape.

Later, "M" asks how British intelligence can fight an organization they don't even know about. The unknown organization, known as Quantum, turns out to be exploiting "climate change" threats to acquire monopoly control over natural resources, such as the water of Bolivia. Quantum controls governments from the left and the right and is able to arrange a coup d’état in a matter of weeks.

Quantum's villian Dominic Greene is played by Mathieu Almaric.

Quantum's chief villain is played by the French actor Mathieu Amalric, whose mother is a Polish-born Jew. During production, Almaric said that he had modeled his character on Britain's Tony Blair and the French president Nicolas Sarkozy: "I've been taking details, the smile of Tony Blair, the craziness of Sarkozy. He's the worst villain we've ever had. He's really dangerous. In fact he walks around thinking he's in a Bond film."

"He's the worst villain we've ever had."
Take your pick: Nicolas Sarkozy and Tony Blair

Almaric's comments are a refreshing example of free speech. If an American actor were to express such thoughts about George W. Bush and the "War on Terror" he would probably find himself blacklisted and out of work. We saw how the Dixie Chicks were punished, in "the land of the free and the home of the brave," for meekly protesting the illegal aggression against Iraq by saying they were "ashamed" that Bush was from their home state of Texas. It should be remembered that the previous French administration, whose foreign minister is now being dragged into court by Sarkozy, was the only government who supported the principles of international law and reminded the world that the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in 2003 was illegal, something that does not change with the passage of time. Win or lose, a war of aggression remains a war of aggression.

M's predicament and Almaric's comments articulate the political reality we are living in. We live in criminal times in which our governments, whether in France, Britain, the United States, or elsewhere, are controlled by a foreign intelligence organization that most of us are completely unaware of. This reality hit home when I was attacked by a squad of undercover tactical police at my house outside Chicago in August 2006. Despite the fact that three heavily-armed men wearing body armor, lacking uniforms or badges, assaulted me and TASERed me while I was pinned down in handcuffs, I was prosecuted for assaulting them and resisting arrest by allegedly doing three push-ups with two men on my back! Had I stayed in Chicago I would have probably been sent to the notorious Cook County Jail for a year, where I might have been "suicided" by the Zionists that run Chicago.

In my case, the chief prosecutor, the judge, and the court clerk were all Zionist Jews. I felt like a Palestinian in an Israeli military tribunal. It was clear from the beginning that I was being prosecuted because of my journalism. Betrayed by lawyers who play by the rules of the corrupt system they are part of, I discovered that the police had conspired to attack me, a serious federal offense. I even obtained evidence showing that the undercover tactical unit, supposedly responding to my 9-11 call to identify themselves, had planned to use violence against me.

My articles about electronic vote fraud in Chicago and Israeli connections to 9-11 had made me a special target in my home town, Zionist-controlled Chicago. The powers in Chicago that targeted and prosecuted me will soon be the rulers of the United States when Barack Obama becomes president.

Today, the United States government is like the Sirius Star, a huge ship that has been hijacked by a small band of Somali pirates. Like the Sirius Star, effective control of the U.S. and our foreign policy is in the hands of a dedicated band of Zionist and Israeli pirates who have hijacked the American ship of state to suit their agenda.

The Sirius Star, with 2 million barrels of Saudi crude, was hijacked by a small band of Somali pirates.

The difference is that the passengers and crew of U.S.S. America don't even realize that the ship has been taken over by a gang of pirates. They might notice that the ship seems to be on a precarious and illogical course -- but they assume, and are constantly assured, that it is still under the control of their chosen leaders. The controlled mass media is like the public address system on the ship assuring the passengers that all is well -- as the vessel is sinking.


As I have written about for 7 years, the evidence indicates that the false-flag terror attack of 9-11 was the long-planned opening gambit designed to draw the United States into the Zionist grand strategy known as the "War on Terror," in which U.S. forces are deployed to wage war against the foes of Israel. The Zionist strategic plan was to have the U.S. military provide for Israel's defense. This meant that the American people and government had to be turned against Islam, Arabs, and the people and nations of the Middle East that resist Israeli occupation and hegemony. Zionist-controlled Hollywood supplied hundreds of racist films to fuel the hatred with not a single word of protest about the blatant racism they promoted. They were simply setting the stage for the long-planned "War on Terror."

The bizarre idea that the United States should wage a "war against terror" was first articulated and promoted in the United States in the 1980s by Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, the American-educated son of the former executive secretary of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the founder of the Irgun terrorist organization. Netanyahu, the current head of Israel's extreme right-wing Likud party, is expected to become Israel's next prime minister. If Netanyahu is elected, both the United States and Israel will be ruled by the sons of Zionist terrorists.

Fellow sons of the Irgun, Ehud Olmert and Bibi Netanyahu are very close partners in crime. Netanyahu has long promoted the "War on Terrror" and Olmert made a secret visit to New York City on September 10, 2001. I discovered the fact that Olmert had made a secret visit on the eve of 9-11 yet not a single mainstream media outlet has even addressed this fact. (Photo: BBC, June 1998)

As the United States invaded Iraq in October 2003, Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad told the leaders of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference: "Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them."

State Department spokesman at the time, Joseph Adam Ereli called Mahatir's remarks offensive and inflammatory. "We view them with the contempt and derision they deserve," he said. Ereli is an Israeli-American dual national whose father, Eliezer, served in the Hagana, the largest Zionist terrorist organization that ordered the blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 and carried out many other terror atrocities against the native Palestinians, British soldiers and officials, and others. The U.S. government and Zionist-controlled media have never revealed that their key man in the Middle East is actually a citizen of the state of Israel. Is that how a "free press" should operate in a modern state?

With the lives of millions of Iraqis destroyed, with hundreds of thousands of Americans killed or maimed and untold billions of dollars wasted, the Obama White House will be the third administration to manage the fraudulent "War on Terror" since it began in 2001. Obama is clearly reading from the Zionist script when he calls for more troops to be sent to Afghanistan; the wars must go on.

9-11 was evidently planned at least two decades in advance, as the comments made by former Israeli intelligence chief Isser Harel in 1980 clearly indicate. In order for the Zionists to achieve the desired results from their spectacular false-flag terror attack it was necessary to have dedicated Israeli agents in key positions within the U.S. government before 9-11. I have exposed several high-level U.S. officials involved in the "War on Terror" who are actually Israeli nationals. These officials are the sons of Russian Jewish Zionists from the Hagana or Irgun terrorist organizations of the 1940s who were placed in key positions of power in the 1990s.

It is not a coincidence that the key U.S. officials controlling the 9-11 investigation or the subsequent wars are Israeli nationals whose fathers or mothers were Zionist terrorists or Mossad agents. It needs to be understood that these individuals were raised and trained to serve Israel as Zionist agents within the U.S. government. Israeli military intelligence is the real-life Quantum, the secret organization that has infiltrated the U.S. government, that has agents everywhere and controls both sides of the aisle, governments from the right and the left, and the mass media.

Fidel Castro, a Sephardic Jew, is the minder behind Hugo Chavez. Rafi Eitan, the Israeli cabinet member and spymaster who ran the Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, is Castro's business partner and the largest land-owner (of stolen land) in Cuba. So who is really behind Chavez and Castro? The Venezuelans running Sequoia Voting Systems are using enterprise software from the Antonio Mugica Sesma's company Bizta, but where did he get it from? The 65-year-old Spanish Jew didn't write it himself, that's for sure. It certainly looks a lot like the Israeli enterprise software being peddled by Mossad agents around the world.

Michael Chertoff, Rahm Emanuel, and Dan Senor, are three Israeli nationals who I have written about who fit this profile. They have all played crucial roles in the past two decades to advance the Zionist agenda.

Michael Chertoff is an Israeli
and the son of Mossad agent Livia Eisen.

Michael Chertoff, an Israeli national and the son of a Mossad agent, played the most important role in creating the "War on Terror" by destroying the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11. As Asst. Attorney General in charge of the criminal division of the U.S. Dept. of Justice in 2001, Chertoff oversaw the non-investigation and egregious criminal destruction of evidence by having the steel from the World Trade Center sent to Asia to be recycled without a proper examination. Previously, as U.S. Attorney in New Jersey, Chertoff managed the prosecution of "the blind sheikh" and other government-run "terrorists" from the first bombing of the WTC. Chertoff remains in his control position as head of the Dept. of Homeland Security. He even has control over all information given to the lawyers for the victims of 9-11.

Rahm Emanuel (left) is the son of a member of the Stern Gang, the most radical Zionist terrorist group. He is actually named after a terrorist from the gang that killed UN envoy Count Folke Bernadotte and British Lord Moyne. Note the Israeli flag in the center.

Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli and son of an LEHI (Stern Gang) terrorist, is the power behind Barack Obama. Emanuel was behind the financing of the campaigns of Bill Clinton and Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago. Emanuel, "thug-in-chief" of the Democratic party has dominated the party's agenda in Congress. Small wonder there has been no impeachment of President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Emanuel will be Obama's chief of staff, the central person controlling the White House and the president.

Dan Senor, the Israeli who ran the information center at CENTCOM HQ in Doha, with U.S. Gen. Mark Kimmett.

Daniel S. Senor, is an Israeli-Canadian who was Director of the Coalition Information Center at CENTCOM HQ in Qatar during the initial phase of the Iraq war. He later served as Senior Advisor to L. Paul Bremer III, proconsul of occupied Iraq and administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), whom he advised on a variety of policy and communications issues. Senor, one of Israel's most highly placed agents during the war, went to Baghdad in mid-April 2003 where he remained as a high-level CPA authority through June 2004, when Bremer secretly fled the country.

Senor lived and studied in Israel and has family there. His father, James, was national director of the Canadian Society for the Weizmann Institute of Science and worked at the Jewish Agency in Israel, the central organ of the global Zionist network. Previously, Dan worked at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Israeli lobby in Washington. His sister, Wendy Senor Singer, heads AIPAC's office in Jerusalem, and his brother-in-law, Saul Singer, is a right-wing editor of the Jerusalem Post. Dan was a director of the US-Israel Business Exchange and clearly a well positioned Zionist agent prepared to manage the occupation and the hostile takeover of assets of Iraq, but he wasn't alone.


When the Iraqi cabinet approved a pact with the United States that will allow American forces to stay in Iraq for three years there was only one American response reported in the press, the words of Joseph Adam Ereli, the Israeli:

The Israeli, Joseph Adam Ereli before his makeover

"This is an important and positive step," said U.S. Embassy spokesman Adam Ereli.

Our Israeli spokesman, Adam Ereli, seems to be running the show in Iraq and Bahrain, where he is the U.S. Ambassador. His State Dept. bio shows that he has held similar positions all over the Middle East and speaks French and Arabic. They obviously chose to leave out Hebrew because it probably wouldn't look good on his resume. With an Israeli father who served in the Hagana, it is most unlikely that Ereli does not speak Ivreet, the Slavic-based language with Hebrew words spoken by the Russian Jews that occupy Palestine.

Joseph Ereli, an Israeli and son of the Hagana, has served in all the crucial points in the Middle East prior to and during the Zionist "War on Terror." He is Israel's point man in the U.S. State Dept. His tie is Israeli blue, of course.

In April 2007, Joseph A. Ereli was nominated by President Bush to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the State of Bahrain. This guy really thinks he is in a Bond film.

Ereli (right) thinks he is in a kosher Bond film,
seen here with American and Bahraini admirals.

Here is what Ereli's official bio says:
Ambassador Adam J. Ereli arrived in Baghdad 31 May 2008 to serve as the Public Affairs Counselor at the United States Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq from 2008 to 2009.

From 2007 to 2008 he has served as Ambassador to Bahrain. He will return to the post when his tour in Iraq is completed in 2009.

Prior to his appointment as Ambassador to Bahrain, Ereli was Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy for Overseas Communications, based in London. There he oversaw regional communications hubs in Brussels and Dubai, and the Arab Media Outreach Center in London.

Prior to serving in London, Mr. Ereli was Deputy Spokesman of the Department of State from 2003 to 2006. As Deputy Spokesman, he oversaw the Office of Press Relations, Office of Regional Media Outreach, Office of Broadcast Services, the website, the Foreign Press Centers, and the Press Office at USAID. Mr. Ereli served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Doha, Qatar, from 2000 to 2003.

He joined the Foreign Service in 1989 and has served abroad as a Junior Officer in Cairo, Egypt, Program Officer in Damascus, Syria, Cultural Affairs Officer in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Public Affairs Officer in Sanaa, Yemen. In Washington, Mr. Ereli served as Director of the Office of Press and Public Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs and as Director of the Office of Press Relations in the Bureau of Public Affairs.

Mr. Ereli earned a B.A. in History from Yale University in 1982 and an M.A. in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in 1989. Before entering the Foreign Service, he worked as a journalist and human rights activist in Paris, France. He speaks French and Arabic.

Joseph Ereli's biographies do not provide the names of his parents, Eliezer and Ruth Roberta (born White of Chestnut Hill, Mass.) Ereli. His Israeli father, who confirmed to me that he was born in Tel Aviv, came to the United States in October 1949 and again in March 1956. When he flew from Paris to New York in 1949 the diligent purser noted that his name had been Eliezer Kaplan before he became Mr. Ereli.

I spoke with Eliezer at his home in Houston on November 18 and asked him if his name had been Kaplan previously. He confirmed this but said he did not remember when his name had been changed. I asked him if he was related to Eliezer Kaplan, one of the founders of the state of Israel who had raised the necessary funds for the Zionist state. Ereli said he had never heard of Eliezer Kaplan, which is hard to believe. He is probably related.

I asked if he was born in Tel Aviv, which he confirmed, and asked if he had served in the Hagana or the Irgun. He said he had served in the Hagana. When I asked if he was related to Eliezer Kaplan he decided to cut the conversation off.

By Christopher Bollyn


  1. what is the actual problem between israil and palestine . these countries use to fight time and again . why it is so ..?

  2. Short answer: Israelis are supremacist terrorists.

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