Monday, 15 December 2008


By Peter Duveen

I have often wondered why Google Inc. was interested in scanning all the world's books into its formidable Google Books database in short order. It was only a number of years ago that the company announced its ambitious project, and it has already made great, if uneven, progress in its implementation.

It's a dramatic and democratic gesture, giving the proletariat access to the world's books at the touch of a keyboard. But in light of Google's cozy relationship with elitist organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the company having only a few years ago recruited its vice president for global communications from that organization, its move toward universal access to the wealth of human knowledge almost strikes one as anomalous.

The CFR is not known as a bastion of openness and public participation. It is a tight-knit organization, and in order to become a member, a supplicant must pry recommendations from those already high in the ranks.

Among the heavy hitters on the CFR's board of directors are those who have earned their stripes for ruthlessness. Christine Todd Whitman, as President G.W. Bush's EPA chief, told workers at the very toxic "ground zero" site of the World Trade Center complex soon after 9-11 that the air was safe to breathe.

Colin L. Powell, President Bush's first secretary of state, besides his infamously false testimony before the United Nations regarding Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction, also helped arrange the kidnapping and illegal removal of Haiti's democratically elected leader.

Madeleine K. Albright, secretary of state under Clinton, is known as the "Bomber of Belgrade," for her role in arranging air-raids on that city, while Richard C. Holbrooke was her side-kick at the time.

Robert E. Rubin was Clinton's first treasury secretary; he could have been crowned the bailout king of the 1990s after trying to extract $40 billion of taxpayer money to prop up Mexican peso-denominated securities so his buddies wouldn't get scalped. He was one of the first to recommend the formation of a global bailout fund, a precursor to the seven or eight trillion dollars being thrown at banks in our own time.

The CFR is also known for its invitation-only "roundtable" meetings in which it gathers select groups of people to sound off on particular issues. These roundtables are designed not only to get feedback, but to screen and recruit new members into its network. It also hosts events attended by public officials to which neither the press nor the public at large is invited. It is a secretive organization. And while it asserts that the purpose of this secrecy is to encourage candid discussions among policymakers, one should not take such explanations at face value. There are, indeed, other compelling reasons why one might want to meet behind closed doors with public officials.

This penchant for secrecy, and the involvement of Google in an elitist network populated by the CFR and other similar nonprofits, makes the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) a natural partner for both organizations. And as the blogger Ferdinand pointed out in his latest diary entry at, Editors Will Pick and Choose Search Results ( ), there appears to be a very cozy relationship between Google and our CIA friends. Ferdinand kindly provides us with a link to an article from Daily Tech about an interview conducted by radio personality Alex Jones with a former intelligence operative who insists that Google and the CIA have cut a deal.

You may know that David Rockefeller, surviving heir to the Rockefeller oil and banking fortune, is honorary chairman of the CFR. Among his close relatives is the founder of another interesting nonprofit (read "tax-looting special interest), called the Population Council. Established by John D. Rockefeller III in the 1950s to address population growth issues, the Population Council is still going strong. Young Justin Rockefeller is on the organization's staff.

A brief aside here regarding overpopulation. There is an important theorem in higher mathematics called the least upper bound theorem, but it touches upon everyday practical matters. The theorem basically states that if you say something is too much, you must have a particular number in mind, below which it is not too much and above which it is too much. For example, if I say my glass is too full, I must have a very particular level in mind below which it is not too full, but above which it is. We can say the same with the population control people. When they assert the world is overpopulated, they must have a particular number in mind below which they feel it is acceptable, sustainable, or whatever is on their minds as far as the criteria they are applying to make their judgment. That number is the least upper bound. We don't know what that number is, but some observers put it in the millions, compared to the world's current population of around six billion.

Among the proponents for population paring are household names such as the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros and Bill Gates, to name a few. Population control is a central dogma of the peculiar strain of globalism that is subscribed to by the elite of our age.

Now you slowpokes who think there are too many people in the world and that we are an environmental hazard, just stop for a second and think what this means in practical terms. Put simply, it means that THERE ARE TOO MANY OF YOU! You are probably thinking, "They're not talking about me--it's the guy next to me." That's fine. Just turn the page and go back to sleep. For the others who are still with me, let's continue a bit.

Google, as mentioned above, has embarked on this humongous project to scan all the world's books into a database. And quite a project it is. From the user's point of view, and I must say I have relied heavily on Google Books for research, it is a godsend. To have at one's fingertips books that one could not hope to track down from a library without an inordinate amount of time and legwork, is truly a revolution not far in its implications and importance behind the invention of the printing press. However, there would seem to be a small window of opportunity for its use. You see, it may not be for you at all.

In line with its elitist connections, Google is anxious to complete its work in record time, perhaps because it envisions the day when all the world's books will be destroyed or rendered inaccessible. How? Could be by a nuclear event. Maybe the world's population will be attenuated by a chemical or biological weapons incident.

Now who has the means, motive and opportunity to conduct such an operation? Arabs in caves? Disgruntled religious freaks? Perhaps. But let's not leave out the U.S. government. It has the stockpiles of weapons. It is heavily influenced by elites who have basically taken charge of foreign and domestic policy with little feedback from the electorate, and who have shown a strong affinity for population control. And we know the federal government maintains secret organizations, such as the CIA, the FBI, and more recently, the Department of Homeland Security, to assist it in the implementation of such a program.

This is what is known as "opportunity," a term often used in connection with the commission of a crime. The CIA has access to whatever it pleases. It has misused its clandestine power in the past, both in the United States and abroad. With secrecy as its trademark, only a few are in the know as to what it is up to. It has access to the military's stockpile of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. In fact, for all we know, it may have been instrumental in releasing a biological agent as a test, an anthrax concoction placed in envelopes and mailed out as a friendly reminder of its power only weeks after the events of September 11, 2001.

You say it wasn't the CIA? Well, we, the public, don't know who it was, so we must speculate among candidates who had the means, motive and opportunity. And we do know the anthrax was traced to a government installation, and no credible culprit has been identified by the FBI eight years after the incident.

What is the motive? Glad you asked, since we've settled the other two factors. Well, as I implied above, it has been determined that there are just too many of you. I hate to break the news, but you have not been selected to survive. You don't make the grade. There's room for only a few, and only those deemed among the best and brightest will be chosen. It's part of a eugenics program that has been in the process of implementation for a century now.

Oh! You're sweating a bit! Now, now! That's no way to react. Let me just have a bit more of your time.

You see, there's no reason to loose everything that civilization has built up over the past 100,000 years or so of its existence, just because you won't be there. So Google Books has been very busy trying to scan everything into its computer database before the fateful day when you and most of the billions on this planet will be no more.

Not going to happen? Maybe not. Maybe so. Just trying to put two and two together here. Google must have gotten the funding from somewhere for its incredibly ambitious database project. And it's going gangbusters to complete it. You say they're doing it all for you? Really? Why how nice of them!

Of course I'm just speculating here. But if I were the world's people, even if I didn't know the above scenario was being planned, I'd make damned sure that it couldn't happen. And we're very far from being sure of that--less sure in fact with every day that passes.


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