Yes, there is a place for you if you are either a "moderate Muslim" or an "Islamist" Do you fear a Holocaust against Muslims similar to what happened to the Jews?
Aziz Duwaik, professor of urban planning at the Najah University of Nablus: Why not? The Holocaust was committed by human beings, not by citizens of another planet, and Germany, where Nazism thrived, was probably the most culturally advanced European country in the 1930s and 1940s. But Europe is now democratic, unlike Nazi Germany?
Aziz Duwaik: Yes, but who told you those democracies don’t commit genocide? America is a democracy, but we saw recently how this democracy invaded and destroyed two small and weak countries based on lies, while most Americans were duped into believing that Bush was doing the right thing.[1]
The problem with the United States becoming irrelevant is that before that can actually happen, Muslims will go through the same fate, may be in different ways, that Jews have faced before them. Muslims have become the Jews of the twenty-first century in terms of the treatment they are receiving. The difference is that Jews were discriminated against and treated in horrible ways locally, whereas Muslims are facing the same treatment on a global scale. The Muslim holocaust is in the making, and it will occur before the United States loses its position as the world’s ruling state.
There was a time when Muslims from the northern part of Pakistan used to introduce themselves as Afghan in the West simply to be adored with comments like, “Oh, you are a mujahid? Wow! Strong people!!” Today, most Americans and other Westerners avoid having a second look at Muslims in their midst with their traditional beards, dress, or head scarves. The reason is that the media has turned the “strong” people to the most scorned people on the Earth.
Keeping the role of mainstream media during this transition in mind, one can assess that it would not take long for people to turn these small gestures of avoiding and ignoring Muslims into more extreme actions, such as the decision by many shops and restaurants to stop serving Muslims, and by airline companies to deny them the right to travel by air.
Placards saying, “Jews not admitted” and “Jews enter this place at their own risk” began to appear all over civilized Germany in less than five years from their wholesale persecution. In some parts of the country, Jews were banned from public parks, swimming pools, and public transportation. Evidence suggests that history is on the way to repeating itself—this time for Muslims.
In the other extreme, there are some Muslims, who do not hesitate to swearing on the Holy Qur’an only to support their lies for securing their stay in the West as refugees. Fifty per cent of the top twenty refugee-producing countries for Canada, for example, are Muslim or Muslim majority. These statistics are but just a single sign of the deep malady and misdirection forcing Muslims to sacrifice almost anything for living in the West.
Unfortunately, many Muslims still do not realize that time has considerably changed for those who dream of living as equal citizens of the West, where they can now be locked up without any charge, without any trial, and without having seen the evidence against them. The five Muslim men held in Canada under security certificates without any charges against them for the past four years are evidence of what is coming next. There is no plan to charge them and take them through a fair, due process of law. Instead, a special cell has been constructed at Kingston penitentiary. It matters little to those who choose to accept all insults so that they may live as second class citizens. They will definitely earn a few thousand dollars more in the West than they would at home, but they will not get the respect they deserve as human beings.
Non-Muslim immigrants may still have the opportunity for equal treatment. For Muslims, however, the time is up. Even citizenship cannot guarantee their equality, safety, and security any more. Racial profiling has become a norm. The different treatment of Muslim travelers, even if they have American or Canadian passports, shows that all that matters is Islam, the color of one’s skin, or one’s prominent features. The case of U.S. authorities detaining and deporting the Syrian born Canadian Mahr Arar to Syria is an example of indiscriminate treatment, one of many occurring in different forms, and should be an eye-opener. The coming horrors are writing on the wall. Most Western countries have a previous record of treating “others” inhumanly.
Canada and the United States treated citizens of Japanese origin inhumanely during the Second World War. It matters little if we argue that the government and police have protected Muslims in the December 2005 anti-Muslim, race riots in Australia. The reason is that even Western analysts, such as Terry Cook and Tania Kent are blaming Liberal Party federal backbencher Dana Vale, a former minister for veteran affairs in the Howard government, and Prime Minister Howard himself for launched into an anti-Moslem diatribe reminiscent of the cries of “populate or perish” that underpinned the White Australia policy last century.[2] Damage due to perception is as much serious as damage due to reality. Elected leaders and media pundits play an equal role in developing a perception that presents Muslims as uncivilized barbarians. When the horror spread, the governments will take anti-Muslim actions based on public perception.
Canadian officials were fully aware of Arar’s illegal arrest and deportation. When he returned after spending 10 months in some penurious prison in Syria, the Canadian government denied its involvement in the crime. When Juliet O’Neill, a Canadian journalist, exposed the reality, Canadian police raided her house and offices to find out any clue about the source that leaked information about collusion between Canadian and U.S. authorities.
There are numerous cases of U.S. authorities detaining and returning well-respected Canadian citizens back to Canada. Their crime is their religion and their religious get-up. Muslims who keep a beard in the traditional Islamic way are considered fundamentalists, unfit for integration into Western society. Young, clean-shaven Muslims, on the other hand, could be potential terrorists, trying to deceive the authorities.
Muslim organizations are advising Muslims to avoid traveling to the United States. They are advised not even to take Hajj flights via the United States. There are cases of Muslims being taken off the planes for interrogation in New York, even if they were only on the way to Canada. The precautionary calls are understandable, but for how long? The conditions are changing for the worse on both sides of the border in North America and throughout Europe.
In the near future, the U.S. Supreme Court’s approval for detention on mere suspicion and new mandatory ID Cards may become tools for putting into effect “the final solution” just as were the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, which identified Jews according to the religion practiced by an individual’s grandparents. Consequently, the Nazis classified as Jews thousands of people who had converted from Judaism to another religion, among them even Roman Catholic priests and nuns and Protestant ministers whose grandparents were Jewish.
In another development, Canada customs officers have joined their U.S. counterparts in the coding of international passengers arriving at airports for security checks. Customs agents will soon be assigning passengers numbers from one to 10 based on the security threat they pose. There is no doubt as to who will end up at number 10. An indoctrinated mind may think that because there are Muslim people who intend to carry out acts of terrorism, this practice is reasonable. It would argue that there is no question people exist who have a lot of sympathy for the people of Iraq, people who are angry and could easily be persuaded to strike back. Such views became further ingrained when the horrible crime of 9/11 was not properly investigated and accusations were made that angry Muslims carried out this attack without any inside support and without the motivation of any other actor at all.
That is why from now on, Islam is both an identity and a crime. It makes a person’s citizenship and his rights totally irrelevant. Eighty percent of the Jews in Germany held German citizenship. The so-called racial profiling in the United States is nothing but a refined term for pure racism. The U.S. Supreme Court has legalized the detention of thousands of Muslims based on mere suspicion.
Similarly, in Canada, the draconian Security Certificate means that just one minister can authorize locking up someone indefinitely without any evidence of his involvement in any crime. So far, Muslims are the main victims of security certificates. Besides Canada, small countries such as Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, and Norway are leading the pack in the war on Muslims at home, and may be on the road to encouraging a new holocaust against humanity. The release of anti-Islam cartoons, movies, and books, and the governments’ backing of these campaigns of hatred are exposing the myth that the Netherlands, Denmark, and Belgium are among the most tolerant and egalitarian countries. Even the New York Times asked: “There seems to be some surprise that the Danish people and their government are standing behind the Jyllands-Posten newspaper and its decision to publish drawings of the Prophet Muhammad last fall. Aren’t Danes supposed to be unusually tolerant and respectful of others?”[3] In other developments, an Italian minister put Mohammad (pbuh) cartoon on T-shirts.[4] The Vatican warned against marrying Muslims.[5] Germany told Muslims that they “must take homophobia test in the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg when applying for citizenship. This test seeks an applicant’s views on homosexuality, bigamy and women’s rights. Holland is considering a similar test for Muslim immigrants. A proposal was put before parliament there almost a year ago, but no law has yet been passed. Other German states have also indicated their interest in implementing a similar test.[6]
While these countries are part of the U.S.-led coalition that is responsible for the mass murder of Iraqis, they have also introduced discriminating and draconian immigration laws and standards for assimilation that are specifically directed against Muslims fleeing war and economic hardship. The pretexts are always the phantom of the “War on Terror.” According to an INN World Report (March 13, 2006), in Amsterdam, Holland, two men kissing in a park and a topless female bather are featured in a film that will be shown to would-be immigrants to the Netherlands. The reactions of applicants will be examined to see whether they are able to accept the country’s “liberal attitudes.” Elsewhere, the negative image of Muslims and Islam in the media results in news reports such as “Bias Against Muslims Up by 70%,”[7] “U.S. Muslims’ Harassment Complaints Up,”[8] “Anti-Muslim Incidents Rise, Study Finds,”[9] and “75% of Muslims fear terrorist label: survey (June 21, 2004).”[10] How about reports elsewhere like “Muslims report increased abuse in Australia after September 11,”[11] “Italian Muslims Lament Marginalization, Oppression,”[12] and “Muslim names harm job chances”[13]?
Following the 9/11 attacks, Western Europe joined the United States in its anti-Muslim crusade:
“We are all Americans now,”[14] united against Muslims. Although 9/11 is still a mystery, it is used to legitimize a new form of Western-Christian fascism. Media pundits such as Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Pipes, who support the anti-Muslim ideology, are springing up like mushrooms all over the Western world. Using the cliché of free speech, they fuel a vicious and violent war against Muslims around the world. The recent blasphemous images of Prophet Mohammed are nothing more than a campaign that promotes racism and violence.
The more than 3000 Pakistanis seeking refuge status in Canada each year has forced Steve Gallagher, Professor at Concordia University, to conclude in a message to this author: “If these people are in reality refugees, then the world is absolutely full of persecution. Logically this would grant western countries the right to take over such countries to deal with the persecution.”
Interestingly, Steve Gallagheris not alone in holding such views, nor is such feeling limited toward people seeking refugee status in Western countries. People from other parts of the world do not wear distinctive marks to differentiate refugees from legal immigrants. To most Westerners holding such views, everyone with a different skin tone and features is an unwelcome visitor. Being Muslim allows the bonus of gathering extra hate.
Muslims are on the chopping block. It is not only in the United States and Canada. If we scan the horizon, we find that the Danish Far Right Party (Dansk Folkeparti) is the country’s third biggest party and underpins a hard-line centre-right coalition government claiming that Muslims are secretly planning to takeover Denmark. Although Muslims make up about 2 per cent of the Danish population, one in four Danes have been brainwashed by their opportunist monarchs, politicians, and the media to seriously believe that there will one day be more Muslims in Denmark than non-Muslims.
The 2005 report of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) on “Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims in the EU” found that attacks on Muslims have markedly increased recently. Muslims in Sweden, Denmark, and Austria are encountering difficult barriers. In Sweden, Muslims are advised to change their names to Swedish-sounding ones to increase their chance of employment. According to the report, 64 percent of Muslims interviewed in Britain said that they were “unfairly targeted by counter-terrorism policies.”[15] The report reveals that in Denmark and Austria, Muslim women wearing headscarves are less likely to find work or pursue education. In Sweden, right wing parties warn of a Muslim invasion. Other European countries, such as Belgium, Holland, France, Italy, and Spain, are also contaminated with far right groups and anti-Muslims parties. Of course, they have opponents as well. That is the way of government in these countries. However, this fact does not undermine the fact that Islamophobia is getting mainstream and this phenomenon exacerbates with each passing day.
In the “liberal-minded” Netherlands, famous for its brutal and violent colonial history, racism is becoming part of Dutch values. Muslims have become targets of religiously motivated attacks. The Netherlands erupted in anti-Muslim racism after a Dutch Muslim of African origin allegedly killed Theo van Gogh, who had made an obscene film about Islam. The death of a Muslim-hater is used to justify much uglier crimes. Islamic schools and Mosques were bombed and set on fire. Muslim women were attacked throughout Holland. The right-wing Dutch government is embarking on anti-Muslim legislation to crack down on immigration and close down mosques suspected for “terrorist” activities, as well as to give police the power to arrest people of Muslim faith. Although Muslims make up about one million (6 percent) of the Dutch population, former EU Commissioner Frits Bolkestein said recently, “The most common first name registered at birth these days in Amsterdam is Mohammed. This, they say, is the Europe-to-be.”
In France, the situation is not much different. The French can be proud of their well-known anti-Muslim and anti-Arab hatred. President Jacques Chirac has adopted Jean Marie Le Pen’s extremist and anti-Muslim policy, which has increased violence against Muslims and denied Muslim women the right to education and employment. According to the International Helsinki Federation (IHF) report, the French Front National (an offshoot of fascism) stated publicly that France’s Muslims “share an allegiance to a wider community of believers that threatens national sovereignty.” Even French-born Muslims have no standing in spite of the ideals of “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite,” and the plague is spreading to neighboring countries.
The new German Chancellor Angela Merkel compared Islam with the rise of fascism. The on-line Dhimi Watch posted an article, title: Why Europe is starting to lose faith in Islam” (December 4, 2004). This article quotes Angela Merkel as saying: “The notion of multiculturalism has fallen apart. Anyone coming here must respect our constitution and tolerate our Western and Christian roots.” Italy’s traditional tolerance towards immigrants has been eroded by fear of Islamism. An Ipsos poll in September showed that 48 per cent of Italians believed that a “clash of civilizations” between Islam and the West was under way and that Islam was “a religion more fanatical than any other”.
The East German politician who was selected to solve Germany’s unemployment and other social ills seems to find the war on Muslims a much easier issue.
Thousands of Muslims have been arrested and screened by German police only because “their profiles have matched basic criteria, including an affiliation with Islam,” reveals the IHF report. The German state of Baden-Wurttemberg has enacted what is called the “Muslim test”, in which Muslim applicants for citizenship are asked about their views on 9/11, gay relationships, and whether their teenage daughters should be allowed to attend swimming classes. Can you imagine all Germans (in Baden-Wurttemberg) having exactly the same opinion on all three?
Ziauddin Sardar reports for New Statesman magazine from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. In December 5, 2005 issues of the magazine he wrote an informative article, titled: “The Next holocaust.” According to Ziauddin, Islamophobia is not a uniquely British disease: across Europe, liberals openly express prejudice against Muslims. He poses the question: Do new pogroms beckon? Ziauddin quotes Wolfram Richter, professor of economics at the University of Dortmund of saying: “I am afraid we have not learned from our history. My main fear is that what we did to Jews we may now do to Muslims. The next holocaust would be against Muslims.”[16]
Finally, in Australia, the draconian “anti-terror” laws have been designed specifically to victimize Muslims. They also become an attack against the ordinary citizen, because they affect other people as well. Indeed, young Muslim men have been thrown in Guantanamo-like prisons not because they committed crimes, but because they were Muslims. Some companies have refused employment to Muslim Australians and migrants from Muslim backgrounds.[17]
In addition, the army of commentators in the Australian media—one of the most controlled in the world[18]—is accusing the police of treating Australians of the Middle Eastern background too softly. Based on two recent studies, Australian authors Peter Manning and Iain Lygo argue that views of Arab and Muslim people in Australia have been significantly distorted in recent coverage. The media has—by both what is reported and by what is not—portrayed them as different and a danger to the rest of the community.[19] There are also some cases in which the Commonwealth government acts in a fascist manner and the media comes to expose the harsh treatment of refugees. This deliberate falsehood is designed not only to discredit the Police, but also to increase injustice and violence against Muslims with negative portrayal.
The IHF report’s director Aaron Rhodes warned, “These developments [of equal significance in Europe, Australia, and elsewhere] threaten to undermine positive efforts at integration and further increase the vulnerability of Muslims to human rights violations and marginalization.”[20] Hence, the IHF report recommends that all EU governments “enhance efforts to prosecute and punish discriminatory and violent acts.”[21] However, the warning may fall on deaf ears. As Sardar writes: “Even among individuals with more relaxed attitudes to interracial relationships, racism is unashamed and upfront.”[22] The governments may be pouring fuel on the fire.
Muslims have become the Jews of the twenty-first century. A look at Musharraf and Mubarak at the top, Manji and other kufr-justifying moderates in the middle, and the money-maniacs lying and swearing on the Holy Qur’an at the bottom is enough to conclude that Muslims are not just victims. They are responsible for what they are facing today.
Jews were lucky to face the Holocaust mainly in Germany and outside at the hands of Nazis. Imagine Muslims for whom the whole West turns into a Nazi bloc. There are complaints that Muslim immigrants are more inclined to hold onto the culture they left behind than to adopt and adapt to the one they find in the West.
Anti-Semitic propaganda redolent of the Nazi era has taken a nasty anti-Muslim turn and has become ubiquitous in the Western world. David Pryce-Jones concludes that Muslims bring a culture and identity with them; however, instead of assimilation, their “self-proclaimed local leaders …proclaim that assimilation is a threat to Islam…If allowed to pass unchallenged, these rival extremisms have the capacity to undermine democracy in host countries.”[23]
Gradually hate speech or act against Muslims and Islam is becoming a norm. An editorial in the Washington Times (May 15, 2004) in response to Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)’s report on hate crimes against Muslims, claims the report is “unashamedly” exaggerated. The report mentioned that there was a 70 percent increase in anti-Muslim incidents and a 121 percent increase in hate crimes during 2003. According to the Washington Times,the following are not hate crimes:
· Contrary to the teachings of Islam, college students spreading the concept in “a campus publication that ‘a true Muslim is taught to slay infidels.’”
· “A man flung a Mr. Potato Head at a Muslim woman shopping in Brooklyn.”
· “Reports of anti-Muslim rhetoric that claims Islam promotes killing,” etc.[24]
Expressing concern about the failure of Muslims to integrate, Suzanne Fields writes in the Washington Times (January 29, 2004) that Muslim “assimilation may be the longer running dilemma” in the United States. Comparing the United States with Europe, she writes: “Muslim minorities similarly threaten swift assimilation in Europe. ‘While the French government is publicly supportive of Arab causes, it and other European governments are privately worried about future trends,’ writes Francis Fukuyama in the Wall Street Journal. ‘September 11 revealed that assimilation is working very poorly in much of Europe: terrorist ringleaders like Mohammed Atta were radicalized not in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, but in Western Europe.’”[25]
Suzanne Fields further shows how Europeans are concerned with the 15 million strong population of Muslims with a birth-rate three times that of Christians, Jews, and others. The solution and certificate for Muslims to live in the West is becoming secularized.
The Muslim problem in Europe has led Europeans to “heavy-handed attempts to secularize immigrants who often don’t want to be secularized, such as Jacques Chirac’s decree to ban the traditional head scarves for Muslim schoolgirls and skullcaps for orthodox Jewish schoolboys while allowing crosses of reasonable size, ‘reasonable’ left undefined.”[26]
What if the Muslim resistance to watering down their identity continues? What if a Chirac-like resolve for assimilation strengthens among other secular Allies? The situation will get worse, for there is no dearth of Manjis and Rushdies among Muslims who do not hesitate to make fun of the Prophet of Islam and the teachings of the Quran. They are not exceptions. Suzanne Fields, like others, quote persons, such as founding members of the American Islamic Congress, to support her argument. But this is no different from what some leading rabbis were doing in Germany.
Six months after Hitler seized power in 1933, several leading Berlin rabbis wrote to him pledging loyalty to Germany. The rabbis argued that they, the orthodox, shared the Nazis’ moral values and were opposed to decadent Bolshevism and libertinism, as well as to the left-wing Jews who made up much of the avant garde. The rabbis promised Hitler that they would do their best to persuade Jews around the world to end a boycott on German products. In retrospect that seems like it was a terrible mistake.[27] When the going gets tough, the tide does not differentiate between the pro-tyrant moderates and the resisters.
The majority of the so-called scholars of Islam in the West have adopted the same kind of attitude that was typical of Yekkim [folkloristic nickname for Jews originating in Germany] who excessively denied the reality with slogans like “Yihye Tov” [all will be well] and made assertions without any basis that things would work out.
For Muslims the situation is going from bad to worse. The Jewish Holocaust is a clear example of “civilized” Europe’s previous and unexpected brutality. Differences between Jews and other European citizens were manufactured and used as pretexts to justify crimes against Jews. Jews were accused of “taking over” the world, just as Muslims are accused of planning to take over America and erecting an Islamic empire.
It was not only Hitler who engineered the Holocaust. Anti-Semitism (anti-Jewish and anti-Arabic hatred) was widespread in Christian Europe for centuries prior to Nazi Germany. However, modern anti-Semitism was initiated in 1879 by William Marr, the German who founded the “League for Anti-Semitism.” Marr’s racist views (Europe’s biological racism) were that Jews constituted a distinct racial group that was both physically and morally inferior, and therefore, must be exterminated. The justifications for possible internment of Muslims in the United States today are similar to Marr’s racist views in that they serve to develop a mindset in favor of a holocaust. With the rise of European racism against minorities in the nineteenth century, European Jews were targeted as Muslims are targeted today.
Adolf Hitler’s election on January 30, 1930, was based on his ideology of “one people [‘master race’ or Ubermenschen], one empire, and one leader.” Hitler’s election paved the way for one of the greatest criminal acts in human history, for which the groundwork was laid over a long period of time. The theories of a “war within Islam” and the “war of ideas” are making exactly the same impact that Marr’s European biological racism continued to make during the rule of Nazism and which became the vehicle for genocide. Jews, Gypsies, Czechs, Poles, the mentally and physically handicapped, homosexuals, and others not belonging to the “master race” were targeted for extermination. Jews were specifically targeted. Bombings of synagogues, blasphemous cartoons depicting Jews, and anti-Jewish posters were widespread all over Europe.
The publication of Prophet Mohammed’s (pbuh) caricatures and their reproduction in many Western countries is a sign that an anti-Muslim mindset has already taken root among the masses. This mindset is going to play a vital role in the coming holocaust of Muslims in the twenty-first century. As the past shows, this type of mindset is not something new. During the occupation of Europe by the Wehrmacht (German forces) in France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway etc., the locals were rounding up Jews, Gypsies, and other folk much faster than the Nazis could handle them. And if this wasn’t enough, the so-called neutral countries, such as Switzerland, were sending fleeing refugees back to the Nazis—as they do now with Muslims—and looking after Third Reich money in their own banks like they looked after communist money during the Cold War and criminal money as usual.
Muslims are openly told to apostatize or leave.[28] Australia is a prominent example. Calling on Muslims to embrace western values or, in this case, Australian values is merely coded speech calling on Muslims to leave their faith. If one looks deeply into the sickness of what passes for the values and way of life being imposed, one can see why Muslims choose Allah over human made systems of morality and conduct.[29]
On the other hand, Peter Costello, a senior government minister in Australia, told Muslims, in February 2006, who wanted to live under Islamic law that they had no place in Australia and insisted all immigrants must embrace Australian values.[30] Friday Times reported on February 24, 2006 that the Treasurer’s comments came just days after Prime Minister John Howard said some segments of the Islamic community were antagonistic to Australian society and expressed concern about Muslim attitudes towards women.[31]
[1] Khalid Amayreh, “Cartoons reflect Europe’s Islamophobia,” Al-Jazeera, February 05, 2006, 7:34 GMT. URL:
[2] Terry Cook and Tania Kent, “Australia: former minister fans anti-Muslim prejudice and racism,” WSWS, February 22, 2006. URL:
[3] Martin Burcharth, “Denmark’s problem with Muslims,” The New York Times, February 12, 2006.
[4] Crispian Balmer, “Italian minister puts Mohammad cartoon on T-shirts,” Reuters, February 14, 2006. URL:
[5] UPI Report, December 26, 2005. URL:
[6] “Muslims Must Take Homophobia Test,”, January 5, 2006. URL:
[7] Mary Beth Sheridan, “Bias Against Muslims Up 70%,” The Washington Post, May 3, 2004.
[8] CBC Report: Report: Muslim Harassment Up. and
[9] Anti-Muslim Incidents Rise, Study Finds, 2003. and,1,1762658.story.
[10] CBC News report, “75% of Muslims fear terrorist label: survey,” Jun 18 2004 11:35 AM EDT.
[11] Muslims report increased abuse in Australia after September 11. URL:
[12] Italian Muslims Lament Marginalization, Oppression
[13] Hugh Muir, “Muslim names harm job chances,” Guardian, July 12, 2004. URL:,11374,1259075,00.html.
[14] Jean-Marie Colombani, Le Monde (liberal), Paris, France, Sept. 12, 2001. Also see: Europe stands by America,” The Economist, September 13, 2001.
[15] The IHF report, Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims in the EU – Developments since September 11 can be found at the IHF website: The report was presented at a press conference in Vienna, in the presence of Ambassador Ömür Orhun, Personal Representative of the Chairman in Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims.
[16] Ziauddin Sardar, “The next holocaust,” New Statesman, December 5, 2005. URL:
[17] See Islamic Human Rights Commission’s “Briefing: Landmark Religious Vilification Case in Australia,” December 22, 2003. URL: Also see Nahid Afrose Kabir (Brisbane Institute), “ Muslims in Australia: the new disadvantaged? November 112003.
[18] Martin Lehmann, “Australian media a threat to democracy,” Australian News Commentary, February 1, 2001. URL: Also see: Peter Boyle, “Stranglehold on the print media,” Green Left Weekly. URL:
[19] Martin Lehmann, “Australian media a threat to democracy,” Australian News Commentary, February 1, 2001. Also see: Peter Boyle, “Stranglehold on the print media,” Green Left Weekly. URL:
[20] Ibid. The IHF report, Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims in the EU – Developments since September 11. also see URL:
[21] Ibid. The IHF report.
[22] Ibid. Ziauddin Sardar.
[23] David Pryce-Jones, “The Strategic Threat of Islam,” chapter “Muslim Immigration and the West,” Ariel Center for Policy Research – ACPR, 2002.
[24] Editorial, “CAIR Defends Itself,” The Washington Times, March 31, 2006.
[25] Suzanne Fields, “Multiculturalism fear and loathing,” The Washington Times, January 29, 2004.
[26] Suzanne Fields, “Multicultural fear and loathing,” the Washington Times, January 29, 2003.
[27] Spengler, “When rabbis liked Hitler: A tale for the Mideast,” Asia Times, December 09, 2003.
[28] Friday Times, “Muslims who want to live under Islamic law have no place in Australia,” February 24, 2006. URL: URL:
[29] According to the Holy Qur’an: “O you who believe, obey Allah and obey His Messenger, and the people in authority among you. And if you dispute over anything, refer it to Allah and His Messenger if you really believe in Allah and the Last Day, that is best in terms of consequences” (4:59). “And he who does not rule by what Allah sent down, it is they who are the disbelievers” (5:44). “And he who does not rule by what Allah sent down, it is they who are the wrongdoers” (5:45). “And he who does not rule by what Allah sent down, it is they who are the rebellious” (5:47).
[30] Ibid. Friday Times report.
[31] Ibid. Friday Times report.
Charles Firth asks the people of the U.S. their opinion.
From the horse's mouth: Confirming the fears of upcoming holocaust
Apostacize or leave Australia says government minister
Note: Calling on Muslim to embrace western values, or in this case Australian values, is merely coded speech calling on us to leave our faith. For believing Muslims our set of values are based on the Quran and the noble example of the prophet Muhammad. If we look deeply into the sickness of what passes for "western values" one can see why we choose Allah over human made systems of morality and conduct.
Allah unambigously says in the Holy Quran:
"O you who believe, obey Allaah and obey His Messenger, and the people in authority among you. And if you dispute over anything, refer it to Allaah and His Messenger if you really believe in Allaah and the Last Day, that is best in terms of consequences." (4:59)
"And he who does not rule by what Allaah sent down, it is they who are the disbelievers." (5:44)
"And he who does not rule by what Allaah sent down, it is they who are the wrongdoers." (5:45)
"And he who does not rule by what Allaah sent down, it is they who are the rebellious." (5:47)
‘Muslims who want to live under Islamic law have no place in Australia’
Friday, February 24, 2006 (AP)
SYDNEY: A senior government minister said Thursday that Muslims who wanted to live under Islamic law had no place in Australia and insisted all immigrants must embrace Australian values.
Treasurer Peter Costello’s comments came just days after Prime Minister John Howard said some segments of the Islamic community were antagonistic to Australian society and expressed concern about Muslim attitudes towards women.
“Before entering a mosque visitors are asked to take off their shoes. This is a sign of respect. If you have a strong objection to walking in your socks, don’t enter the mosque,” said Costello, in a speech to the conservative think-tank The Sydney Institute.
“Before becoming an Australian you will be asked to subscribe to certain values. If you have strong objections to those values, don’t come to Australia,” he added.
His comments prompted an angry response from at least one Islamic group, which accused him of playing populist politics and stirring up Islamophobia.
“He has no reason to raise the issue of Islam,” Keysar Trad, founder of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, told The Associated Press. “Why drag Islam into it other than for the reason of taking a cheap shot at a beleaguered community.”
Costello, who has long held ambitions to become prime minister, criticised the violent protests in parts of the Muslim world over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
“Muslims do not like representations of the prophet, they do not think newspapers should print them,” he said. “But so too they must recognise this does not justify violence against newspapers, or countries that allow newspapers to publish them.” AP
Apostacize or leave Australia says government minister
Allah unambigously says in the Holy Quran:
"And he who does not rule by what Allaah sent down, it is they who are the wrongdoers." (5:45)
"And he who does not rule by what Allaah sent down, it is they who are the rebellious." (5:47)
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