Friday, 14 November 2008

Barack Obama is the Black George Bush

The Attacks on Barack Obama by the mainstream right-wing pundits have been nonsensical. They have called him a communist, which is funny because he was so heavily backed by the fascist corporate establishment and elite banking cartel, and they have called him a Muslim terrorist, which is very strange, considering his undying support for the Zionist state of Israel.

In the following article, I will demonstrate that if supporters of the Bush agenda were intellectually honest, they would be ecstatic about the recent election of Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States, as he is nothing less than the Black George Bush.

It appears that many supporters of Obama are almost totally unfamiliar with his own stated policies and political associations, and even less familiar with the nature of the men he has begun to surround himself with. I will go into some detail about these agendas and associations. It also seems that many people are unclear about what I mean when I say “politics are fake”. Rather than go into laborious detail about the nature of the mechanism that runs the world system, a full examination of which would fill endless volumes, I will attempt to demonstrate the superficial nature of the political theatre by analyzing the goals of the “left” in contrast with that of the “right”, and show that they are in fact simply two clawed hands of the same frothing beast, pushing us toward the same seemingly inevitable ends.

The purpose of this article is not to show that “Obama has bad policies”, but rather to show that he is a puppet, a highly paid actor, representing not the interests of the people, or even his own interests, but the interests of the globalist elite who are hell-bent on establishing a world government.

Fixing the Damage Done

When one examines the actual stated views of Obama outside of the framing of his emotive rhetoric, a frightening picture emerges. Let’s go through some of this madness, and see if it aligns with the “Obama as Christ” image that the media has sold us.

To start, what is Obama going to do to address the horror that the Bush administration has wrought on this country? Is he going to prosecute them for war crimes? No. Is he going to repeal the civil liberties destroying Patriot Act of the Bush administration? No. He voted for its extension. He claims it is freedom, citing the campaign by the main

stream media, the forces behind which know that the average American is too dumbed down to even look up the Patriot act, let alone comprehend the language it is written in, which claimed that the new version “restores liberty”. It still allows for American citizens to be secretly arrested, secretly tortured, and secretly executed if they are deemed a “domestic terrorist”, and still defines anyone who breaks any law or endangers human life (even

without breaking any law) as a domestic terrorist. The Patriot Act itself was just the figurehead bill of an entire series of freedom crushing legislation passed by the Bush administration, including the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, none of which Obama has indicated he has any desire in repealing or even discussing.

He also plans to continue Bush’s precedent of monarchical “rule by decree” through what are called “Executive Orders”. I know that you Obama True Believer Obama supporters will say “but he will use these dictatorial powers for good”; but then it isn’t freedom or democracy you want, it is a benevolent dictator. No man should have the powers of a king, no

matter how good his intentions. Needless to say, the evidence shows that there is nothing good about his intentions.


I am aghast at the people who claim to be “anti-war” and are supporting Obama. He has said that he will have American troops home

in 2010. Two years from now. How is this in the least bit acceptable? There is of course no reason to believe he will actually bring the troops home at that point, but even if he did, do the people of this country really want to suffer through another two years of this? I for one do not. I doubt the Iraqis want to spend another two years being slaughtered and raped by the American military, either. The argument that “we need to stay there or there will be chaos” is being employed. This is not actually an argument, simply another groundless slogan borrowed directly from Dick Cheney and the Bush administration. There was no chaos before we invaded. Our presence there can only m

ake things worse. More than half of the citizenry still supports attacks on American troops. We walked right in, we can walk right out. Vietnam fixed itself just fine.

The real reason for the two-year exit plan is that the goal of the peo

ple who planned this war, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and the rest of the boys, is scheduled to be completed in two years. If we pulled out now, the remaining militias could theoretically overthrow the American puppet government and install their own regime, which would probably look a lot like the overwhelmingly popular government of Saddam Hussein. By 2010, the puppet government that the US has set up in Iraq will be solidified to the point where it is capable of oppressing the Iraqi people its

elf, without the aid of a strong American military presence. With the puppet government in charge, Iraq will of course continue to be our ally, and allow us to use their country as a home base from which to operate further wars of conquest throughout the Middle East.

There is no talk of redacting the plan of establishing 14 permanent bases in Iraq. Even if we “bring the troops home”, we will still be occupying the country.


Obama is once more borrowing from the neocon phrasebook when it comes to the discussion of Iran. He is not at all afraid to indulge in radical fear-mongering. He has repeatedly stressed that “a nuclear Iran will not be tolerated”, “we must protect Israel from the Iranian threat”, and so on. He has also stated he “will not rule out force”. I hope this is beginning to sink in.

Iran does not have nuclear weapons. The officia

l U.S. National Intelligence Estimate concluded last December that Iran had halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003. The CIA says if they were developing them, it would take ten years, and even then they wouldn’t have a launching system to send it over here. Supposing they somehow managed to build nuclear weapons, what kind of sense does it make that they would just start nuking countries with militaries that are hundreds of times more substantial than their own? If they nuked the US, the government would respond by nuking every one of their cities, killing at least 80% of their population; they would respond the same way if they nuked Israel.

Obama of course campaigned on the promise of engaging Iran in direct talks, but at this point that is beginning to look less and less likely. I personally don’t believe that it will happen, but even if it does, it is of no consequence. I have already read the plans of the people who fund both the Republicans and the Democrats, and I can promise you that under the Obama government, we will go to war with Iran. Most likely, it will be through his “defend Israel” clause.

This is all nonsense of the highest order, and it is th

e exact same garbage we’ve been hearing from the Bush boys for how many years now. Garbage is garbage, whether fumbling out of the blithering lips of a half-wit white-skinned pretty boy, or eloquently declared by a charismatic brown-skinned demagogue.


Although he campaigned as an opponent of the Iraq war, Obama is a stanch and outspoken supporter of the War in Afghanistan. He borrows yet another line from the Bush boys, claiming that we need to “kill Osama bin Laden”. Really, Barack? I thought he had been dead for years. I also thought that the FBI claims they have no evidence he even had anything to do with 9/11.

So why does Obama desire to continue this war? Because unlike Iraq, Afghanistan has a long way to go before it is subdued and able to be controlled by proxy through the US installed puppet regime. Whereas Iraq was already an industrialized nation, with a centralized control system and an infrastructure that could be commandeered by invasion forces, Afghanistan wasn’t even really a country, but more of a territory, with people living as they did thousands of years ago. It is a wild land, full of wild men, who have no

conception of the Modern/Western view of conflict. “Primitive” tribal people are extremely attached to the ways of their ancestors, and these people will fight until every one of them is dead, or the enemy has been vanquished. Thus the manipulators are strongly pushing “cultural reformation”, with “women’s rights” and “democracy” and modern medicine and all of that, in the hope they can weaken their cultural identity and t

hus make them more pliable as a people and more susceptible to conquest.

Nato’s casualty numbers in Afghanistan have recently begun to outnumber those of American troops in Iraq. The subjugation of Afghanistan is a long way from completed, and Obama is once again pushing the agenda of the international elite when he talks about the need to exercise further dominance over the Afghan people.


Perhaps most bizarre and insane part of all of this is Obama’s rabid desire to bomb Pakistan. Pakistan is presently an ally of the US, and when he began expressing his desire to bomb them, again, to “kill Osama bin Laden”, even the Bush administration was thrown off

guard, seemingly thinking “wow, attacking an allied nation under the premise of hunting a dead, former CIA boogyman? This guy is even more hardcore than we are”. Watch this.

Pakistan is another place where many of the people still retain their religion and values, so even though the US already controls the government of Pakistan, the ISI being basically a branch of the CIA, it is necessary to use a military invasion force to subdue the people

quickly, as the New World Order is already coming into view.

There is not a much else I can say about this, other than that it is extremely frightening that not only does Obama support all of the wars and intended wars of the neocons, but is also planning more.


For many years it was unacceptable to discuss the negative effect that the United States’

relationship with the State of Israel has had of this country. Due to the fact that during the Bush era, the administration had so many ties to Israeli extremists, many of which were actually duel-citizens within his own government, and because of the amount of press that the pressure that Israel was putting on the US to invade more countries got, the beast that is the Israel Lobby manifest itself to such an overwhelming degree that it could no longer be completely ignored. In 2006, professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt released a book on the subject. They detailed the way the way the foreign policy of the United States is largely dictated by what appear to be Israeli interests.

The subject is a complicated one, on which I cannot go into in detail here. It is not totally factual to say that Israel necessarily runs the US, but rather that the interests that control Israel and the United States are using both entities as mechanisms for the development of a global state. Whatever way you look at it, Israel has, since it’s founding, been an extremely hostile and war-based country, and the United States has allied itself closer and closer to this agenda over the years, as we push forward toward the establishment of a single world state, and it has become of more pressing necessary to eliminate the Muslim resistance to this agenda.

The short version of this story is that the entire plan for the invasion and conquest of the Middle East was drawn up by Richard Perle in 1996 for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a paper entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. We then find that the entire body of people pushing this agenda in Israel turn up in the Bush administration under the banner of “neoconservativism”, designing the wars with Afghanistan and Iraq, and planning wars with Iran and Syria. A paper entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses was published by the Project for a New American Century, a think-tank with members including Dick Cheney, I. Lewis Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz,

Eliot Abrams, John Bolton, and of course, Richard Perle. The paper reiterated the Middle East agenda Perle laid out in the original Israeli whitepaper, and added a heap of other madness about world conquest.

Any president who was actually running the show, and cared about the American people, would make severing the United States’ financial, political, and military ties to Israel first priority. Sadly, but not surprisingly, Obama has allied himself completely with AIPAC and the entire Israeli agenda for domination of the Middle Eas

t. He has lined his advisory board with “Israel Firsters”. He has spoken to AIPAC and various other Israeli groups, with audiences tearing up at his devotion to the chosen people. He has pledged his undying loyalty to Israel, and has made it clear that if Israel decides to start a war, they have the full support of the US military.

Who funded Obama?

Let me just state this plainly, for the hard of thinking. Corporations and financiers do not fund the campaigns of various politicians because they have some belief or other about some emotional issue like abortion rights or health care. They don’t even fund a politician’s campaign based on how said politician’s publicly stated policy may benefit their business interests. They fund the campaigns of politicians because when that politician gets elected, they owe their position to their campaign backers, and thus must pay this debt by manipulating government policy to further the interests of said backers. This is the prime

driving force in American politics. A campaign cannot be run unless you have the backing of corporate sponsors. All presidential candidates, and all congressmen, are bought and paid for by big money. Outside of any kind of overwhelming agenda being pushed by an ancient ruling aristocracy, the nature of campaign finance alone dictates that no politician can ever be “for the people”.

This is not the least bit complicated.

Barack Obama’s presidential campaign was the most expensive in history.

He was lying through his teeth when he claimed the “corporate lobbyists” were not funding his campaign. A multitude of evil multinational corporations threw in their hats for Obama, but Wall Street was the biggest backer of his campaign. This really puts the fantasy delusion that he is going to somehow “level the playing field”, and “redistribute the wealth” into perspective. Why would a bunch of psychopathic banking elitists fund into power a man

planning to “redistribute” their wealth?

He of course went against the will of the people, and voted with John McCain for the Bush Wall Street “bailout”, which certainly demonstrates where his allegiances lie. Anyone who would drive the American people into deeper debt and further devalue our currency for the benefit of a bunch of multibillionare bankers is not a friend of the people.

His tax plan is a joke. As I stated above, both parties are placed in power by the same business interests, and thus both parties serve these interests when in power. Obama’s proposal raises the taxes on those who make more than $250,000 a year only a few points, putting it roughly back up where it was in Bill Clinton’s time, and coming nowhere near where it was a couple decades prior. This man is going to do nothing at all to challenge the status quo, as he is the definitive establishment candidate. He will likely expand entitlement programs, though only through the enlargement of the national debt, causing even heavier inflation, which will eventually lead to the total collapse of the dollar. The strain will be on

the middle class, which we can expect to see totally eradicated in the coming years.

The Men Behind the Man

Barrack Obama has chosen to surround himself with warmongers and Israeli nationals. Let’s meet a few of them.

Joseph Biden, Obama’s VP, was a key supporter of the Bosnian War, and voted for the war in Iraq. He is a self-proclaimed Zionist. He has repeatedly called for a New World Order run by the United Nations, and even gave a speech entitled “On the Threshold of the New World Order: A Rebirth for the United Nations” in 1992, where he called for imposing American rule over Russia and China, and criticized the then President George H.W. Bush for not intervening enough in the national affairs of foreign countries.

It is worth noting that a couple weeks before the election, Biden claimed he knew for certain there would be a manufactured crisis less than six months into Obama’s presidency, saying, “Mark my words, mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did JFK. Remember I said standing here in your room if you do not hear anything else I said– watch, we are going to have an international crisis– a GENERATED CRISIS– to test the mettle of this guy and he is going to make some really tough–. I don’t know what the decision is going to be, but I will promise you that it will occur; I guarantee you it’s going to happen!” He went on to say that this crisis would probably have to do with

the Middle East or Russia, likely coupled with some economic disaster, and that the decisions Obama would have to make would be extremely unpopular. These bold statements, so strangely worded, leave one with a very uneasy feeling, wondering if he is making a prediction or a threat.

He recently became outraged when someone claimed he did not want to nuke Iran. Though he smiles a lot more than Dick Cheney, Biden is on the exact same track.

It is worth noting that a couple weeks before the election, Biden claimed he knew for certain there would be a manufactured crisis less than six months into Obama’s presidency, saying, “Mark my words, mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did JFK. Remember I said standing here in your room if you do not hear anything else I said– watch, we are going to have an international crisis– a GENERATED CRISIS– to test the mettle of this guy and he is going to make some really tough–. I don’t

know what the decision is going to be, but I will promise you that it will occur; I guarantee you it’s going to happen!” He went on to say that this crisis would probably have to do with the Middle East or Russia, likely coupled with some economic disaster, and that the decisions Obama would have to make would be extremely unpopular. These bold statements, so strangely worded, leave one with a very uneasy feeling, wondering if he is making a

prediction or a threat.

He recently became outraged when someone claimed he did not want to nuke Iran. Though he smiles a lot more than Dick Cheney, Biden is on the exact same track.

Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s chief-of-staff appointee, is the son of an Israeli terrorist. Benjamin Emanuel, who recently stated that his son will use his influence to push the Israeli agenda, was a member of Irgun, the terrorist group that bombed the King David Hotel and along with the Stern Gang, slaughtered thousands of Palestinian civilians in a fear-based campaign aimed at driving out the native inhabitants of the land to clear the way for the mass immigration of European Jews. They actually have a website proudly displaying

pictures of buildings they bombed.

I am not claiming that a man is somehow to be held responsible for the actions of his father, but Rahm has never renounced these acts, and vehemently supports the Zionist agenda. Though the entire world recognizes Irgun, along with the Stern Gang, as terrorist organizations, they are still held up as heroes within Israel, and in fact, anniversary celebrations have been held commemorating the bombing of the King David Hotel. It is worthy of note that the vast majority of the influential power positions in the Israeli government are held by children of the members of these terrorist groups.

Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s chief-of-staff appointee, is the son of an Israeli terrorist. Benjamin Emanuel, who recently stated that his son will use his influence to push the Israeli agenda, was a member of Irgun, the terrorist group that bombed the King David Hotel and along with the Stern Gang, slaughtered thousands of Palestinian civilians in a fear-based campaign aimed at driving out the native inhabitants of the land to clear the way for the mass immigration of European Jews. They actually have a website proudly displaying pictures of buildings they bombed.

I am not claiming that a man is somehow to be held responsible for the actions of his father, but Rahm has never renounced these acts, and vehemently supports the Zionist agenda. Though the entire world recognizes Irgun, along with the Stern Gang, as terrorist organizations, they are still held up as heroes within Israel, and in fact, anniversary celebrations have been held commemorating the bombing of the King David Hotel. It is

worthy of note that the vast majority of the influential power positions in the Israeli government are held by children of the members of these terrorist groups.

Emanuel declared in the book he co-authored, The Plan: Big Ideas for America, that he would like to implement a compulsory “universal service” program, under which everyone between the ages of 18 and 25, male and female, would be required to undergo military training. He claims that this is somehow related to terrorism, but it amounts to a Soviet-style universal draft. In a 2006 interview with New York Daily News reporter Ben Smith,

Emanuel said, “We’re going to have universal civil defense training, somewhere between the ages of 18 to 25 you will do three months of training….but there can be nothing wrong with all Americans having a joint similar experience of what we call civil defense training or civil service in service of the country, in preparation, which will give people a sense of what it means to be an American.” He then called the program “a circle of love”. Here is a short

video with excerpts from said interview. Though it is often being euphemistically referred to as “community service”, Emanuel assures us in the interview that it will be military in nature, and probably done through the National Guard. This is incredibly frightening, to say the least. After controversy arose over the program last week, Obama’s website was redacted, changing the terminology regarding the mandatory nature of this program.

Obama has chosen a rouge’s gallery of militant policy advisors belonging to elite globalist organizations including the Council on Foreign Relations, the Brookings Institute, and the Trilateral Commission. They include:

Zbigniew Brzezinski - CFR member and protégé of Nelson Rockefeller. He gave away the Panama Canal, trained Osama Bin Laden, and normalized trade relations with China. He co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller.

Madeline Albright - CFR member, presently serving on their board of directors. She was a strong proponent of the brutal sanctions against Iraq imposed throughout the 1990’s, and when CBS’s 60 Minutes asked her: “We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?” She replied: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it.”

Anthony Lake - CFR member, mentored by Henry Kissinger. He played a substantial role in blocking intervention during the Rwandan genocide.

Lawrence Korb - CFR member who served in both the Regan and George H.W. Bush administrations. He is a supporter of spreading democracy and Western morality throughout the Middle East. He is a regular Fox New contributor.

Bruce Reidel - CFR member and member of the Brookings Institute. He is a former CIA agent with extremist views of how to combat the boogieman Muslim terrorists, and is apparently driving the Pakistan agenda.

Dennis Ross - CFR member and member of both George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton’s administrations. He is an outspoken supporter of the Iraq war. He is a founding member of the AIPAC-sponsored Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a neoconservative think-tank.

Ivo H. Daalder - CFR and Brookings Institute member. He was also a member of the Project for a New American Century. He is an unapologetic supporter of neocon interventionalist policy.

Stephen Flynn – CFR member. He is another madman rambling on about Islamic terrorism, and how we must give up all our rights to stop it. He has devoted himself to any and every possible expansion of the police state, and will no doubt play a pivotal role in developing Obama’s planned compulsory “civilian service” program. In an article he wrote for Foreign Affairs, the official magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations, he states, “The United States should roughly replicate (with Homeland Security) the Federal Reserve model by creating a Federal Security Reserve System (FSRS) with a national board of governors, 10 regional Homeland Security Districts, and 92 local branches called Metropolitan Anti-Terrorism Committees.” This guy actually wrote an article about how the government should force boaters to form a “neighborhood watch” system to watch out for terrorists who could be invading the US by sea.

It goes on and on. If Obama was really planning to create 1000 years of peace as his followers keep claiming, it is rather perplexing that he would fill his entire staff with hawkish war-mongerers, all totally on board with the global agenda.

A Real Change

Barack Obama does not represent a single thing that can be construed as positive. There will be “change”, but given the agenda this man has presented, it can only be change for the worse. He is not going to stop the imperialistic wars in the Middle East or the drug war, he is not going to prosecute George Bush or any member of his administration, nor repeal any of the insane legislation passed by that government, he is not going to close Guantanamo, he is not going to reopen the investigation into the events of 9/11, he is not going to stop the warrantless wiretaps, he is not going to reconsider the United States’ “special relationship” with Israel, he is not going to challenge the WTO, NAFTA or the coming North American Union, he is not going to close the FEMA camps, he is not going to question the Federal Reserve debt money system. All we are going to get is more of the same, on an even more extreme scale.

It is shaping up to be a complete nightmare if people don’t snap out of this zombie haze Obama has lulled them into and look at what is right in front of their faces. Don’t fall for the popular propaganda lie that politics are the only way to change anything. We as a nation, and as human beings, are capable of rejecting this nightmare plan that the elite have for us, and the biggest step is for us to be honest with ourselves. Nothing is going to change as long as we worship the people pinned up in front of us as leaders.

A great step would be if people would not be afraid to oppose Obama publicly. A lot of people presently are. I understand that the groupthink mentality can be overwhelming, but resistance is not futile. The more people speak out, the more acceptable it becomes, and the closer we are to bringing about a solution to the problems we face. I know that these zombies are calling anyone opposed to their Christ figure a racist, but just tell them Larry Pinkney, a former Black Panther, as well as many other prominent black rights activists, are vehemently opposed to Obama and his agenda.

As dismal as things may look after reading all that I have relayed here, the fact is the election of Barack Obama presents an incredible opportunity for those of us looking to bring about a real change. All signs point to Obama following the same agenda as George Bush in an even more intense fashion. When this becomes evident, it will be virtually impossible for people to continue to deny that we are living under a totally corrupt system of oppression, the direction of which we have absolutely no say in. Those with any bit of sentience left will be forced to reconsider their belief in the present system of American democracy, and as a nation we will find another outlet for effecting the institutions of power.

Barack Hussein Obama is no more a president of the people than George W. Bush, and we as free humanity deserve a whole lot better than this. We are never going to change the terrifying direction that this world is headed in by simply showing up and voting for another psychopathic puppet dictator. We as human beings are capable of bringing about a real change, but we’re going to have to fight for it.

Stay Free.


1 comment:

  1. Greetings all,

    Obama is going to be left with few choices about whether to support the change he promised or not. Global conditions are about to take the choice out of his hands before Bush-Cheney leave office.

    Here is Wisdom
