Saturday, 2 August 2008

Diplomacy By Deception 10

10 - Anatomy of Assassinations

Assassination has long been a favorite method of getting rid of a political rival or leader whose policies are an anathema to another power, or where a leader appointed by a secret body does not continue to obey their orders, as in the case of President John F. Kennedy.

Assassinations are also carried out to bring about political, economic or religious changes deemed desirable by parties in opposition to a government, ruling body or religious precept. History is filled with examples.

Very often conspiracies surround assassinations which are never uncovered, such as in the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. In these three cases, the alleged murderer was silenced, Oswald before he could get his day in court; Ray by being sidetracked by an unscrupulous lawyer; Sirhan Sirhan committed to prison. This has given rise to the belief very strongly held by millions of Americans that neither Ray, Oswald nor Sirhan Sirhan were the ones who pulled the triggers.

Immediately following the King murder, the Memphis police had a golden opportunity to lift fingerprints from the rooming house where Ray was supposed to have stayed. The rooming house was on South Main Street, in a black neighborhood in Memphis; Ray arrived there at 3pm on April 4, 1968. Witnesses said they saw three men coming out or the building, one of whom was Ray. It would be interesting to know why no effort was ever made to locate the other two men seen with Ray.

There was no positive identification of Ray's fingerprints at the rooming house. According to Major Barney Ragsdale, of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Missouri State Penitentiary where Ray had been incarcerated sent the FBI a wrong set of fingerprints. For some reason, as yet unexplained, it took the FBI two weeks to announce that Ray was the killer.

This confounded the FBI's long-held claim that it can identify a person by print comparison within 10 minutes. The fingerprint comparison check was taken from Los Angeles records, a departure from normal procedure. Atlanta would have been the logical place to check records. The Los Angeles fingerprints were those of Eric Starvo Galt. A photograph accompanied the prints. Did the delay have anything to do with Eric Starvo Galt? Was "Galt" Ray?

When the Memphis police were shouldered out of the way by the FBI, AP reporter Don McKee wrote:

"Federal agents have scoured the city showing sketches of a man's face and asking about the name Eric Starvo Galt, the mysterious object of a hunt linked to the probe of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassin. What the agents have learned or what they want with Galt is a tightly kept secret".

Gaylord Shaw, also an AP reporter sent a dispatch which stated:

"the FBI is withholding nationwide distribution of a composite drawing of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassin. When the white Mustang, which Ray was said to have used to make his getaway after the shooting, was found in Atlanta, it was traced to Eric Starvo Galt.

The FBI issued a bulletin for the arrest of Galt for 'conspiring with another man he alleged was his brother to injure, oppress, threaten, intimidate Dr. King."

The bulletin was at first withdrawn, and then reinstated. Among other things, it stated that Galt had taken dancing lessons in New Orleans in 1964 and 1965. James Earl Ray was in the Missouri State Penitentiary at the time.

Two weeks after King's murder, J.Edgar Hoover announced that Galt was in fact James Earl Ray. Hoover did not say what became of Galt's brother. Why was no investigation conducted into the whereabouts of Galt's "brother ?"

The mysterious removal of Detective Redditt of the Memphis Police Department from the area of the Lorraine Motel has yet to be explained. After Redditt was escorted home, Lieutenant Arkin of the Memphis Police Department received a message from the Secret Service said that "a mistake had been made" concerning the "contract" Redditt was actually accompanied on his surveillance detail by W.B. Richmond, a fellow detective.

Richmond testified that he was not on surveillance duty at the time that King was shot, but that he was at the Memphis Police Department headquarters and knew nothing of the actual murder. Later, Richmond did a complete about-face and admitted that he was at a fire station directly across the street from the Lorraine Motel at the exact time King was shot Why the contradiction? Did Richmond testify to this fact under oath to the Justice Department and if so, why was he never indicted for perjury?

When Scotland Yard arrested Ray at London's Heathrow Airport, he told the officers that his name was "Ramon George Sneyd." Once again, the FBI did something strange; the Los Angeles fingerprints of Galt were sent to Scotland Yard, rather than the ones in FBI records in Washington.

The now-famous photograph of King lying dead on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel shows Jesse Jackson and Andrew Young pointing not at the window of the rooming house, but to the knoll where witnesses said they saw a man covered with a towel hiding behind some bushes. The directional track of the wound in King's body indicates beyond a reasonable doubt that this was most likely the area from where the shot was fired, rather than from the bathroom window of the rooming house.

That Ray's trial was a mockery of justice cannot be doubted. Ray was not allowed to mention the word "conspiracy" which appeared in his original pleas a number of times. The judge also refused to let Ray discuss his conspiracy statement and his lawyer Percy Foreman, agreed with the judge. On Foreman's advice, Ray pleaded guilty, which doomed his chances of obtaining a full and fair trial.

In October of 1974, Ray was granted a retrial hearing in Memphis Federal District Court but after eight days of hearings, his plea was dismissed. Ray continued to proclaim his innocence and told his family he was determined to have the truth come out. Perhaps that is why in 1977, while in the Brushy Mountain State Prison, an attempt to murder him was made. Although he suffered serious stab wounds, Ray survived. There are just too many loose ends lying around for a convincing case to be made that Kay fired the shot that killed King.

The Committee of 300 is constantly striving to control all natural resources in all countries. Their position has been stated and restated by H.G. Wells and Lord Bertrand Russell. Nowhere was this position more strongly enforced than in the Congo and South Africa.

Known as the Belgian Congo, this huge country, the second largest in Africa, was for decades ruthlessly stripped of its natural resources: copper, zinc, tin, rubber, ivory and agricultural products such as cacao, coffee and palm oil. Belgian King Leopold II often said that everything of value in the Congo belonged to him. This was certainly true, as the Belgian government ran the country's railroads, mines, smelters, cacao and palm oil plantations, factories, hotels through front corporations. The corporations answered to King Leopold II, in essence, to the Committee of 300. It was Committee of 300 policy at its best.

Congolese workers received little pay, and what they did get was largely in the form of free housing, medical benefits and clothing. All that was threatened by an aspiring political leader by the name of Patrice Lumumba who, in 1959, announced the formation of a national political party to oppose Belgian rule of the country. The Belgian authorities tagged Lumumba a "communist" and a danger to the welfare of the country. He was arrested and then released. Lumumba was in fact not concerned with communism, but directed his efforts at bettering the life for the Congolese people.

In 1960, great unrest occurred as Lumumba called for independence from Belgium. Lumumba asked for help from the United Nations and the United States, but was refused. He was dubbed a "man who plays with Marxist verbiage" by the State Department which, by the way, did not offer proof of its contention. Lumumba's amazing gift of In August of 1960, two CIA officers, both with criminal records, were ordered by Allen Dulles to murder Lumumba within 3 months.

Lumumba's gift of oratory was noted by CIA reports from the Congo and also described Lumumba's alleged communist connections. The following month, the CIA ordered Joseph Schneider, a bacteriological scientist, to the Congo with a diplomatic bag containing a vial of a lethal virus to be used to kill Lumumba. Dulles ordered the elimination of Lumumba after consulting with Eisenhower, but the virus carried by Schneider could not be administered because Lumumba was constantly on the move.

The Senate Committee overseeing intelligence operations chaired by Frank Church, reported that the CIA was in touch with elements in the Congo who wanted Lumumba killed. The implication of the Church report was that these were Belgian government officials. Fearing for his life, Lumumba sought protection from the United Nations, but was turned away. Instead, the United Nations placed him under house arrest, but he managed to escape in a car provided by his brother, and with his wife and one of his children, Lumumba fled to Stanleyville, where he enjoyed strong support.

CIA reports in 1960 tell of how the agency helped to recapture Lumumba by showing the Congolese military how and where to setup roadblocks. The puppet leader appointed by the Committee of 300, one Joseph Mobutu, oversaw the search. When Lumumba was caught by Mobutu's men on Dec. 1, 1960, he was held prisoner until Jan. 17, 1961.

On Feb. 12, 1961, Mobutu announced that Lumumba had escaped from a house in a remote area where he was being held and that he had been killed by hostile tribesmen. But the CIA's John Syckwell said that a CIA agent drove the body of Lumumba around in the trunk of his car while deciding what should be done with it. It was never disclosed as to exactly what was done with it. However, the United Nations reported that two Belgian mercenaries, Col. Huyghe, and Capt. Gat, were the killers. The Justice Department ended its inquiries by concluding that there was no evidence to support any CIA involvement in Lumumba's murder.

The murder of Pope John Paul I can also be classified as a political assassination if we take into account that the Vatican is a state and that its titular head, the pope, can and does wield enormous power which has changed the course of history. From the documents I studied, it is certain that four popes have been murdered, all of them by the administering of poison.

The recorded history of Pope Clement XIII (Carlo Rezzonico) is well documented, if not proven. At the urging of royalty in Europe, Clement decided to put an end to Jesuit subversion inside the Catholic Church hierarchy. After months of delay, Clement's proclamation suppressing the Jesuit Order was ready. But he never got a chance to read it into canon law. After a night of terrible convulsions and vomiting, Clements died on Feb. 12, 1769. Clement's proclamation vanished, never to be found again, and the Jesuits grew stronger than ever.

Pope Clement XIV (Lorenzo Gananelli) took up where Pope Clement XIII was forced (by death) to leave off. On Aug. 16 1773, Clement issued the Bull, "Dominus ac Redemptor" which declared the Jesuits as enemies of the Church. Immediate action followed with the arrest and imprisonment of the Jesuit general and his hierarchy, seizure of Jesuit property and the closure of its learning institutions. It was the greatest blow ever struck against the Jesuits. Immediately thereafter, sinister whisperings against Clements began to circulate in the Vatican.

On Oct 2, 1774, Pope Clement XIV became violently ill, and, after hours of horrible suffering, he passed away. A potent poison, administered by persons unknown, ended his life. So potent was the poison that it caused an immediate collapse of his internal organs, followed by an amazingly swift decomposition of his entire body. His face was completely unrecognizable and his body could not lie in state. The message was clear, leave Freemasonry and the Jesuits alone, or suffer death.

When Albini Luciani reluctantly accepted the papal crown and became Pope John Paul I, he immediately realized the extent of the Freemason/Jesuit influence in the highest councils of the Vatican. An excellent scholar with a remarkably quick mind, he was completely misread by his enemies; his meek humility mistaken for servility. It was perhaps, for this reason, that among the 99 cardinals who voted for him, were prominent supporters of Freemasonry and the Jesuits.

But Pope John Paul's demeanor hid an iron will and determination of a man who, once his mind was made up, could not be dissuaded from carrying out what he believed he should do. The liberal cardinals who voted for him in the mistaken belief that Pope John could be easily manipulated where shocked to hear that he intended exposing the Freemasons in the Vatican hierarchy, and intended to terminate the big business inside the Church.

Pablo Panerai, editor of "Il Mondo," a leading newspaper in Rome had specifically attacked what he called "Vatican Inc." Panerai named Menini and Paul Marcinkus and criticized their links with Sindona's and the Continental Illinois Bank of Chicago. Panerai shocked the Vatican by sharply attacking Bishop Marcinkus for sitting on the board of the Cisalpine Overseas Bank of Nassau, Bahamas.

This was enough for Pope John Paul I to take action. On August 27, 1978, he invited his Secretary of State, Cardinal Villot, to have supper with him in his private apartment. There is one loose end here that is bothersome: Pope John knew that Villot's name appeared on Gelli's P2 list of more than 100 Catholic Freemasons in the Vatican. This list was seized when the Italian police raided Gelli's villa. Why then, did the pope forewarn Villot of what he was about to do?

That evening over supper, Pope John Paul I ordered Villot to prepare a list of the Freemasons in high places in the Vatican. He told Villot that it was beyond the pale for Catholics to belong to a secret organization which, he said, was dedicated to the destruction of Christianity, as recorded by three previous popes and confirmed by Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati.

He then ordered that once Villot completed his task, there was to be a spectacular reshuffling of the Freemasons; they were to be scattered abroad where they could do less harm to the Church. According to my Vatican intelligence sources, Villot was at first angry, then stunned arguing that such sweeping changes would only bring chaos. But like so many others, Villot underestimated the iron-willed determination of his Pope. Luciani remained adamant; his order stood. Villot was to have the list ready without delay.

Those who had the most to lose were Marcinkus, Calvi, Sindona, Cody, De Stroebel and Menini in "Vatican Inc.," while leading Jesuits stood to lose all power and influence if their names appeared on the Villot list Villot himself had a lot to lose as a member of the exclusive financial club in the Vatican, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See. He would lose his position as its head, as well as his position as Vatican Secretary of State. For Villot, perhaps even more than the others, it was absolutely necessary to prevent Luciani's order from being carried out.

One month later, on Sept 28,1978, Villot was again invited to supper at the Pope's private apartment Luciani sought to calm Villot's fears, speaking in French, one of the many languages in which he was fluent. According to Cardinal Benelli, who was present, it had no impact on Villot's icy demeanor. In a firm voice, Luciani demanded that his orders for the list of Freemasons be carried out forthwith. The pope said he was disturbed by reports from Cardinal Bennelli that Instituto per la Opera di Religione (OPR, the Vatican bank) was involved in improper business dealings. He wanted Monsignor de Bomnis, Marckinkus, De Stroebel and Ortolani dismissed, and OPR's links with Sindona and Calvi severed immediately.

Luciani had unleashed a chain of events that would lead to his undoing. Others, who imagined that their power was enough to override the power of Freemasonry, failed to realize how flawed their beliefs were. Pope Clement XIV may have been aware of his fate when he whispered, "I am undone," as he signed the Bull to break up the Jesuits.

The details of what Luciani proposed to do were given to Cardinal Benelli, and the Pope called his close friend, Cardinal Colombo, in Milan and confided the details in him. This was confirmed by Father Diego Lorenzi, who made the call for Pope John and heard what passed between them. But for this, there would have been no record of what Pope John Paul I demanded of Villot; the papal document containing instructions to Villot to deliver the names of the Freemasons was never found.

Shortly after his meeting with Villot, on the evening of Sept. 28,1978, Pope John Paul retired to his study. Curiously, that night there was no medical doctor on duty in the Vatican, and even more curious, no guard was posted outside Pope John's apartment Between the hours of 9:30 p.m., that evening and 4:30 a.m., the next morning, Pope John Paul I was murdered. A reading lamp that burned the whole night was seen by a Swiss Guard, yet nothing was done by Vatican security to check upon the unusual circumstance. Pope John Paul I was the first pope to die unattended, but not the first to die at the hands of poisoners.

Villot featured prominently in the cover up of the death of Luciani. When called by Sister Vicenza, who attended to Luciani's simple needs, and was the first to discover the Pope's body on September 29., Villot slipped a bottle of Efortil, a medication prescribed for Pope John that was on the nightstand, into his pocket. He then removed Luciani's glasses and slippers. Next, Villot went to Pope John's desk and removed the last will and testament of his Pope. He then walked out of the apartment without saying a word to Sister Vicenza, who was present. Sister Vicenza described Villof s peculiar behavior to Cardinal Belleni. When queried about his actions by Belleni, Villot denied Sister Vicenza's report. He also lied about the circumstances in which Luciano's body was found.

Others who perished at the hands of a poisoners were President Zachary Taylor, who paid with his life for refusing to carry out orders of Freemasonry. The orders were issued by Mazzini's representative De Leon, founder of Young America, a Freemasonic movement. On the evening of July 4,1850, Taylor took ill and began vomiting up a thick black substance. He died a slow and painful death, which doctors put down to "drinking too much cold milk and eating too many cherries." But this did not explain the thick, black substance.

Vomiting of such a severe nature would indicate the presence of a deadly poison. As in the case of Pope John Paul I, no autopsy was performed on Taylor, and the manner of his death was most casually described by doctors who could not possibly have known its exact cause. In this regard, the death of Pope John Paul I was similarly handled in a most cavalier fashion by the Vatican physician, Dr. Buzzonnetti, who should have had the utmost suspicion of foul play.

The murder of Congressman Louis T. McFadden came as a result of his frontal assault on the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, the most sacred cow of many sacred cows of the secret government of America. McFadden was chairman of the House Banking Committee in 1920. He openly attacked the governors of the Federal Reserve Board and accused them of causing the 1929 Wall Street Crash.

McFadden's war on the Federal Reserve reverberated throughout Washington. George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club, said that McFadden's charges against the governors were incredible and that the community could not believe what McFadden was saying. But when McFadden was accused of being mad, it was Stimpson who said he didn't believe it for a minute.

McFadden waged a tireless war against the Federal Reserve for more than 10 years, exposing some of the most vile crimes of the 20th Century. One of McFadden's most stinging charges was that the Federal Reserve system treasonably conspired to destroy the constitutional government of the United States. He also attacked President Roosevelt and the international bankers.

On Friday, June 10,1932, speaking before the House, McFadden made the following statement

"Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a government board, has cheated the United States and its people out of enough money to pay the national debt...

This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself and has practically bankrupted our government It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.."

In a fiery and impassioned speech before the House on May 23,1933, McFadden said as follows:

"Mr. Chairman, there is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this country has fallen into the hands of the international money changers, and there are few Members here who do not regret it. Mr. Chairman, we are on Concord Bridge today. Our enemy, the same treacherous enemy, is advancing upon us. Mr. Chairman, I will die in my tracks before I yield him a square inch of American soil or so much as one dollar of his war debt to us.

"Mr. Chairman, I demand that the gold stock of the United States be taken from the Federal Reserve banks and placed in the U.S. Treasury. I demand an audit of the United States government financial affairs from the top to the bottom. I demand a resumption of specie payment based on full gold and silver values..."

This denouncement, followed by McFadden's exposure of the Reparation Bonds and Foreign Securities in $100 million worth of German commercialized reparation bonds, so shook the secret upper-level parallel government, that conspiracy watchers believe it was at this juncture that the order was given to permanently silence McFadden.

In all, there were three attempts on McFadden's life.

  1. The first one happened when he attended a dinner function and suddenly became violently ill. A medical doctor who sat close to him was able to pull him back from the jaws of death.

  2. The second attempt happened when McFadden was alighting from a taxi near the Capitol. Two shots were fired at him, but both missed.

  3. The third, attempt which was successful, occurred in New York City, where McFadden was attending another dinner function. Again, he was seized by a violent fit of retching and died before help could reach him.

The poisoner succeeded in ridding the international bankers and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors of the one man who might have gone on to fully expose their activities and turn the nation against them, thereby forcing an end to their control over our money system.

Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd was the father of "apartheid" in South Africa. A native of Holland, Dr. Verwoerd strode across the South African political landscape like a colossus. Fearless and scornful of the Oppenheimer machine and the liberal politicians it controlled, Dr. Verwoerd lost no time in attacking the international bankers and their lackeys in South Africa.

Dr. Verwoerd despised the United Nations and sharply criticized its interference in South Africa's internal affairs, particularly its invitation for India to discuss discrimination against Indians in South Africa. The Indians were descendants of indentured laborers brought to South Africa by Cecil John Rhodes. As a class, they had achieved tremendous prosperity, mostly at the expense of the native Bantu, this being attributed to the Jan. 13,1949 riots between the Zulus and the Indians in Durban, which left 100 dead and more than 1,000 injured. The majority of victims were Indians.

Dr. Verwoerd would not have anything to do with the Indians, claiming that their leaders were all communists. In later years, after his murder, his claim appears to have been substantiated by the fact that legal representation for Indians and blacks accused of political crimes had fallen into the hands of Indian lawyers, all of whom belonged to the Indian Congress, an organization with ties to Communism.

On April 27,1950, the Group Areas Bill was introduced, the primary purpose of which was to separate the races into different areas. Following rioting in April of 1953, new anti-terrorist legislation was introduced and put into effect At this point, the Committee of 300 found a stooge in one Alan Paton, an whose book "Cry the Beloved Country" was artificially made into an internationally recognized piece of literature. Paton was a favorite of the liberals, who made something of a hero out of what was a thoroughly disagreeable man. Paton founded the Liberal Party which favored the vote for "all civilized people." In this he had the backing of the mighty Oppenheimer machine. Evidence of these accusations can be found in the files of the "Sunday Times," an Oppenheimer-owned Johannesburg newspaper.

Dr. Verwoerd was elected as prime minister on Sept, 3, 1958. On Oct. 5, 1960, a referendum approved a proposal to establish a republican form of government and end membership in the British Commonwealth. On May 31, 1961, Dr. Verwoerd was accorded a hero's welcome upon his return from London, where he delivered his bombshell withdrawal statement to the British Parliament. The United Nations immediately asked its member-states to ban the sale of military equipment to the Republic of South Africa.

The political lines were drawn as the third Anglo-Boer War got under way. On April 20, 1964, a so-called panel of U.N. experts issued a report calling for a non-racial democracy in South Africa, totally ignoring the caste system which had been in force for hundreds of years in India. The caste system, a strict segregation of social classes, far more severe than anything seen in South Africa, remains in force. Still to this day, the United Nations remains silent on "apartheid" in India.

Dr. Verwoerd ruled the country in an orderly manner and tolerating no black or Indian anti-government groups. On June 12,1964, Nelson Mandela and seven blacks were caught red-handed manufacturing bombs and in possession of banned Communist literature. Mandela's mentors — the instigators of these crimes — Abrams and Wolpe, fled the country, but Mandela and his followers were sentenced to life imprisonment for acts of sabotage, theft, violent crimes and attempts to subvert the government

The trial was scrupulously fairly conducted under South Africa's independent judicial system. Mandela was jailed for common criminal activities, and not for political reason. Records of the case which I studied in the Rand Supreme Court, clearly state the nature of the civil criminal acts of which Mandela was found guilty. It is the Western press that has obscured this truth, and made out that Mandela was jailed for political reasons. There was never any attempt by the United States and Britain to be objective about Mandela.

On Sept 6,1966, Dr. Verwoerd was stabbed to death by a messenger while Parliament was in session in Cape Town. The messenger was well known as he had worked in that capacity for years, and was a familiar figure as he moved freely around the floor delivering papers and documents to various members. The obvious conclusion that foreign elements were involved in the assassination were suggested by the police. Already, the dark forces were at work to destroy the Republic of South Africa.

The assassin was described as "mentally deranged", but intelligence agents around the world believed that he was programmed to commit the murder, knowing what we know today about intelligence agencies use of hypnotism. The assassin had never previously shown any signs of mental disorder before his attack on Dr. Verwoerd. The question is, "who gave the order to murder Verwoerd and who did the programming?" Only two intelligence agencies had the power at that time to carry out missions involving mind control; the CIA and the KGB. Nothing could be proved, but the consensus of opinion is that the murder was the work of the CIA.

In 1966, secret experiments carried out by the CIA using gigahertz mind-altering rays was not in the public domain and remained secret up until John Markus, in 1977, and Gordon Thomas, in 1990, fully exposed the conduct of the CIA in this field. There are experts today who firmly believe that Dr. Verwoerd was one of the first victims of these CIA experiments.

Like many others, I wrote a substantive work on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Many of the claims I made could not be substantiated at the time, but now, other independent sources are coming forward to confirm what I said. Thus far, none of perpetrators of these heinous crimes has been caught and it is unlikely that any of them will ever be apprehended. The threat of assassination by whatever method still hangs over all national leaders, especially in the United States, where if someone takes it upon himself to let the truth be known, the possibility of coming to harm cannot be discounted.

One such source is Robert Morrow, a former contract employee of the CIA. Morrow confirms that Kennedy had to die because he was not liked by the CIA and because he had given notice that he would get rid of both Hoover and Lyndon Johnson. Morrow confirmed what I said about Tippit; that he was sent to kill Oswald to stop him from talking, but that Oswald, recognizing him, shot him first.

Morrow also confirmed what I said about Oswald going to a movie house after the shooting for a rendezvous with Jack Ruby. Morrow further confirmed that Oswald never shot Kennedy, and that at the time of the shooting, Oswald was on the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository, drinking a Coke and eating a sandwich.

Morrow also believes that Kennedy was killed by a shot from the front which came from a grassy knoll situated in front of the motorcade. He also confirmed my account of the President's limousine being hustled away from the scene and shipped away for dismantling before anyone could do any full-scale forensic work on it.

Morrow makes some interesting allegations; one in particular has it that George Bush was given the job of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) for the sole purpose of preventing the Church Senate committee from getting all of the facts about the Kennedy assassination, which he did.

Morrow also claims that Bush knows everything there is to know about Kennedy's assassination.

Part 1 : The Threat Of The United Nations

Part 2 : The Brutal, Illegal Gulf War

Part 3 : Grand Larceny - United States Oil Policies Abroad

Part 4 : Rockefeller - The Evil Genie

Part 5 : Israel In Focus

Part 6 : Tavistock And "Operation Research'' - Undeclared War

Part 7 : Covert Operations

Part 8 : Panama - The Naked Truth
Part 9 : Yugoslavia in Focus

Part 10 : Anatomy of Assassinations

Part 11 :Apartheid And India's Caste System

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