Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Diplomacy By Deception 7

7 : Covert Operations

Covert operations — the stuff that "James Bond" was made of. As I have often said, James Bond was a fictitious character, but the organization portrayed in the movie series is very real, only it is known as "C" and not "M." Britain's Secret Intelligence Service and Security Service was what "James Bond" portrayed. These are known as and MI5 (internal security) and MI6 (external security). Together they are the oldest of the world's secret intelligence agencies. They also lead the world in the development of techniques and new technologies of spying. Neither service is responsible to the British people through Parliament and both operate in the utmost secrecy behind a wide variety of fronts.

The beginnings of these agencies date back to the time of Queen Elizabeth I, the founder being recognized as Sir Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth's Secretary of State, and have existed since then under different names. It is not the intention to write a history about these super secret espionage agencies, but merely to give a background to the main thrust of this chapter, which is covert action and assassinations for economic and/or political reasons.

The cardinal thing to remember that in almost all cases, covert actions are forbidden by international law. Having said that, I should also point out that it is one thing to have laws against covert actions, but it is another, very difficult thing to enforce such laws, because of the extreme lengths which the parties will go to keep the operation secret America is no exception when it comes to disobeying laws. President Gerald Ford's executive order banning "engaging in, or conspiring to engage in political assassination" is largely ignored by the CIA.

The excuse that Bush didn't know what was going on in the Iran/Contra covert operation cannot be sustained because of the Hughes Ryan Amendment, which was tailor-made to knock the supports out from under such a defense. The amendment was meant to make the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies accountable:

"...unless and until the President finds that each such operation is important to the national security of the United States and reports in a timely fashion to the appropriate committee of the Congress, including the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee," the covert operation would become unlawful.

So if either President Reagan or President Bush knew about the Iran/Contra operation, or, if they did not, then those who engaged in it were acting in an illegal manner.

In the Iran/Contra covert operation, Admiral John Poindexter was the "fall guy" for President Reagan and President Bush, both of whom claimed to have no knowledge of it. This is shocking, because it implies that here are two presidents who had no control over their military and intelligence departments. Had Poindexter not taken the stand to say that he never informed Bush about the specifics of the Iran/Contra operation, impeachment proceedings would have followed, which Bush with all of his powerful protection would not have been able to avoid. In this, Bush was ably assisted by Congressman Lee Hamilton, whose investigation of the covert action was so poorly carried out as to amount to a total whitewash of the guilty parties, including Reagan and Bush.

Apart from "James Bond," perhaps the best known MI6 operatives were Sydney Reilly, Bruce Lockhart and Captain George Hill, who were seconded to Russia to help the Bolsheviks overcome their enemies and at the same time, secure vast raw material and economic concessions for the British Black Nobility, with a slice of the pie going to the Wall Street financiers. Perhaps the least known MI6 agent (but one of its most effective), was Somerset Maugham, the distinguished British author, well known in the literary world by this "sheep-dipped" name.

Like most MI6 officers, Maugham's real name was not disclosed during his service years, and indeed remained undisclosed up until close to his death. Sydney Reilly had 3 secret names, and eight others (he had eleven passports), his real name being Sigmund Georgievich Rosenblum.

Setting aside all the diplomacy by deception of name tags such as Bolshevism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fabianism and Trotskyism, the fact is that the Bolshevik Revolution was a foreign ideology forced upon the Russian people by the Committee of 300 for economic gain and the control of Russia.

It is that simple, and when stripped of all the rhetoric and terminology, makes the whole concept of "Communism" easier to understand. We should never, ever, lose sight of the fact that, as Churchill put it, before he was irretrievably turned and lost, "Russia was seized by the hair of its head," and dragged kicking and screaming into a dictatorship straight out of hell, set up primarily to exploit and control its vast resources, which even today, far exceed those of the United States, not to mention Great Britain, which, apart from coal and some North Sea oil, has none worth mentioning.

Just as in the days of Queen Elizabeth I, when the Cecils, her controllers, set up Sir Francis Walsingham in a spy system to guard her assets in England, and to watch over trade in the far corners of the world, so did the modern kings and queens of England carry on the tradition. One might say that these spy organizations were motivated first by economics, and then by national sovereignty. Nothing much has changed in the intervening centuries.

That was what Sydney Reilly's now legendary mission to Russia was about; it was to secure a lock on Russia's oil and its other huge treasures of minerals for the British Black Nobility, led by Lord Alfred Milner; the City of London's merchant bankers and the American Boston Brahmins, Wall Street financiers and tycoons, among the better-known of whom are the Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan and Kuhn Loeb. Sharing Britain's plunder, gained through diplomacy by deception and backed by military might, became a tradition during the golden era of the vast, unbelievably lucrative opium trade with China.

The oldest American equivalent of "noble" families were up to their eyebrows in this unspeakable trade. Today, one would never know this as they are judged on their outward facade of attending the best schools and colleges, joining the finest private clubs, becoming leading lawyers and bankers, philanthropists, religious leaders, and of course, leading politicians, that this brood is smeared all over with, and mired in the stench and filth of the China opium trade, which brought death and misery to millions while filling the banks they owned with obscenely vast wealth.

The rogues gallery of the China opium trade reads like a page out of the American social register:

  • John Perkins
  • Thomas Nelson Perkins
  • Delano
  • Cabot
  • Lodge
  • Russell
  • Morgan
  • Mellon

Hardly a single one of our "elite" families is not tainted by opium riches.

Lord Alfred Milner sent Sydney Reilly of MI6 to secure the Baku region oilfields for British investment and for Rockefellers. Bruce Lockhart was Lord Milner's personal representative who controlled Lenin and Trotsky. "Hansard" of the time, which is the equivalent of our Congressional Record, is filled with expressions of outrage and frustration as Parliament began to glean a little information about the exploits of Reilly. There were furious exchanges in private between Prime Minister Lloyd George (Earl of Dwyfor) and his cabinet colleagues, and in open debate with members of Parliament on the floor of the House. All demanded that Reilly be brought back and forced to give an account of his doings in Russia.

But to no avail, Reilly remained untouchable and unaccountable. For perhaps the very first time, the British public became dimly aware that some unseen force was above Parliament The British public did not know, and could not know, that Reilly represented MI6, which had a much greater power than that of their elected representatives in Parliament Those who were trying to break down the wall of secrecy got nowhere, so they waited for Reilly's return to England, which came only after it was all over.

Reilly and his close friend, Count Felix Dzerzinsky, (they both came from the same part of Poland) head of the dreaded Bolshevik secret police terror apparat, staged Reilly's death by shooting as he was allegedly trying to escape across the border. The cover story was that Reilly's name was discovered among the papers of a group of Latvian officers who planned to assassinate Lenin. Reilly lived in secret opulence and splendor in Soviet Russia until, to round out the plan, he "escaped" aboard a Dutch freighter. Reilly was recruited by Sir William Wiseman, head of British MI6 in Washington, in 1917. Reilly was described by his superior, Sir Mansfield Smith Cumming as "a sinister man I felt I could never really trust"

Somerset Maugham's mission to Petrograd on behalf of MI6 in 1917 was a classic example of diplomacy by deception. Lockhart was dispatched to Petrograd to back the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky, who was supposed to run the "interim" government opposed to the Bolsheviks. (De Klerk, the South African turncoat leader has quite properly been described as the "Kerensky of the Whites in South Africa, because his task is to form an "interim" government which will allow Mandela and his gang of murderers to take the country.)

What neither the British Parliament nor the public knew was that the government of Kerensky was programmed to fail; its job to make it look as if real opposition to a Bolshevik government was coming from Britain and the United States, when in fact, the opposite was true. In an elaborately stage-managed plot, Maugham, who was also selected by Sir William Wiseman, went to meet Kerensky, traveling via Japan with $150,000 (yes, it was mainly American money) to spend on Kerensky. Maugham left on June 17,1917, and met with Kerensky on October 31,1917.

Kerensky asked Maugham to deliver a note to Prime Minister Lloyd George, which contained a desperate appeal for guns and ammunition. It is interesting that Kerensky completely by-passed the British consul in Petrograd, having sniffed out that something was going on behind his back, fired off angry complaints to Lloyd George, but got no apology or explanation. As Captain Hill himself once said, "those who believe that the Bolshevik Revolution was Zionist-inspired and run, may have had some truth on their side." Wiseman, Maugham, Hill and Reilly were Jews; but Lockhart was pure Anglo-Saxon.

The British Prime Minister's response to Kerensky's note was a very brusque "I cannot do that" Maugham never went back to Russia and Kerensky was overthrown by the Bolsheviks on Nov. 7, 1917. Capt Hill was drafted into MI5 and then to MI6. He was sent to Petrograd to advise Trotsky on how to set up an airforce, although Russia was still technically an ally of the British.

The object lesson in this diplomacy by deception maneuvering was to ensure that Russia remained at war against Germany, which Britain wanted defeated because of its great commercial and financial successes. At the same time, Russia was to be weakened to such an extent, that it would not be able to resist the Bolshevik hordes for long. As we know, the deception worked perfectly. Capt. Hill played a big role in helping to set up the CHEKA, the dreaded Bolshevik secret police apparat and military intelligence, forerunner of the GRU.

One of Hill's exploits was the "transference" of the crown jewels of Rumania. Hill, a weapons and training specialist, was very active in diplomacy by deception in aiding the grand design to make the world believe that Britain and the United States were really fighting the Bolshevik takeover. (Only France, of all the nations, was not deceived.) In documents I read years later, Allen Dulles, head of the OSS, was denounced by De Gaulle, who bluntly reminded him of the great diplomacy by deception successfully pulled off against Czar Nicholas II and the Russian people.

An integral part of the deception was to land a combined British, French and American force at Murmansk on June 23,1918, under the command of American Major General Frederick Poole, ostensibly to help the Russians in their struggle against the Bolsheviks. The French truly believed that they were there to attack the Bolsheviks, when the allied force moved into Archangel on August 2nd, in which there was some fighting.

Actually, the expeditionary force had three objectives:

  • to make it look as if Britain and America were battling the Bolsheviks
  • to protect the large cache of Russian Army weapons and munitions in the region,
  • to help convert a doubtful populace to support Lenin by making it look as if he was the savior of the motherland, struggling to repel a foreign military force.

In reality, the British-American force was actually there to help Lenin, and not fight the Red Army. The allied troops were to see that the munitions dump was turned over to the Bolsheviks, and to prevent it being taken over by the advancing Germans. Years later, Secretary of State George Marshall repeated the trick against China's Marshal Chiang Kai Shek, leaving a huge arsenal for Mao Tse Tung to use in the struggle to turn China into a Communist nation. The third objective was to convert those Russians wavering in their support of Lenin into full-blown supporters. Lenin used the Murmansk landing to tell the Russian people, "look, British and American imperialists are trying to steal Russia from you. Join us in our struggle to defend Mother Russia!"

When White Russian Generals Denekin and Wrangel were having sweeping successes against the Red Army, pushing it out of the Baku region and threatening the work done by Sydney Reilly for British and American oil interests (especially Rockefeller oil interests), the same Lloyd George who in 1917 plotted with Kerensky was joined by a "private American citizen", William Bullit actually an emissary for Rockefeller and the Wall Street bankers. Together, they committed treachery and treason against their respective countries.

In January 1919, Gen. Peter Denekin defeated the Bolsheviks in Georgia, Armenia, Arzebaijan and Turkestan (the oil regions), and later that month drove the Bolsheviks right out of the Caucuses, advancing almost to the gates of Moscow. Thereupon, Bullit and Lloyd George pulled the rug out from under the White Russians, cutting off supplies of arms, munitions and money. Upon a signal from Lloyd George, sent through MI6 in September, the American-British force abandoned Archangel and sailed from Murmansk on October 12,1919.

Please note the perfect timing of the operation. The only thing the expeditionary force had done, apart from slight fighting at Archangel and some other skirmishes against the Bolshevik forces, was march through the streets of Vladivostok in support of Lenin's contention that here were British and American imperialist soldiers bent on taking over mother Russia. By Nov. 14,1920, it was all over as the last White Russian forces embarked for Constantinople.

One of the greatest pieces of diplomacy by deception had been successfully pulled off without the American and British people having the slightest notion of what was going on. A more or less similar procedure is being carried out in Russia today with "ex-Communist" Boris Yeltsin being touted by the West as a sort of a Russian folk hero, trying to "save" Russia from a revival of Communism. As it was in 1917, so it is now: the American public has no inkling of what is really transpiring in Russia.

There is much more to the plot: the attempted assassination of Lenin, when he began kicking over the traces controlled by Bruce Lockhart; Lockharf s arrest and later exchange for Bolshevik Maxim Litvinov, complete with a sentence of death in absentia handed down by a Bolshevik court in Moscow. In this manner, MI6 plays its games in the most masterly of fashions, even as it still does today. Incidentally, Lenin died of syphilis of the brain, and not from wounds received at the hands of Dora Kaplan.

It might be in order to expand upon the doings of Capt Hill. Documents I was able to examine in the archives of Whitehall, London tell a great deal about the activities of Hill, a second generation MI5 officer. Hill's father was apparently very active in Jewish merchant circles with connections to Salonika in the time of Czar Nicholas II.

Hill's son, George, who lived in London, was an MI5 courier for Wall Street and the City of London financiers backing the Bolsheviks; the money was channeled through Maxim Gorky, the darling of the theater set in London. In 1916, he was promoted to MI6 and sent to Salonika by MI6 chief, Sir Mansfield Cumming. From Salonika, Hill reported intelligence information to Cumming on the progress of the Bolsheviks plotting for the coming revolution — already 10 years in the making, On Nov. 17,1917, Cumming ordered Hill to Moscow, where he at once became a personal aid to Leon Trotsky, on the recommendation of Parvus (Alexander Helpland.) Hill drew up a plan for military intelligence which was accepted and became the basis of the GRU, with Hill and Trotsky as its founders.

The CHEKA remained under the control of Dzerzinsky. In later years, according to Whitehall documents, following a request from Jerusalem, Hill was sent to the Middle East where he set about organizing and training the Jewish Irgun and Stem gangs, with the vast majority of officers and rank and file came from Bolshevik Russia. The intelligence service Hill set up for the Irgun was later adopted by the Israeli secret service, which became known as the Mossad.

The British Secret Intelligence Service is the most expert at covert operations. Sir Stewart Menzies, MI6 wartime chief, once described Allen Dulles as lacking the necessary acumen to really understand covert operations. Be that as it may, MI6 formed and trained the OSS, forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA.) Covert operations may be described as perhaps the most sensational part of intelligence work, which generally speaking, includes fairly routine activities like monitoring economic activities all over the world, preparing reports which go to national policy makers who are allegedly that part of government which decides what course of action, if any, should be followed.

MI6 and the CIA are, by law, not allowed to meddle in domestic affairs or spy on their citizens, their duties confined to foreign matters. But in the past three years, these lines have become very blurred, which ought to be cause for serious concern, but, unfortunately, no positive action is being taken to curb this phenomenon. Covert action walks a tight-rope between diplomacy and deception, and sometimes, when the walker slips, the results can be very embarrassing if the covert action is not deniable, as was the case with the Iran/Contra affair.

Covert actions calls for an intelligence agency to draw up a program to achieve a particular foreign objective. This often impinges on foreign policy, which is outside the realm of intelligence. A good case in point is the paranoia expressed by President George Bush in his desire to literally destroy Iraq's President Hussein, covert action taking both economic and military avenues.

A total of $40 million was wasted by Bush in his failed endeavor to kill Hussein, in which every trick was tried, including sending HIV viruses in vials to be secreted into the headquarters of the Revolutionary Command. In the end, Bush, overcome by his hatred of Hussein, unleashed 40 cruise missiles against Baghdad and Basra, under the flimsiest pretext of attacking "nuclear arms plants" and anti aircraft sites, both patently absurd.

One cruise missile was deliberately programmed to hit the Al-Rasheed hotel in downtown Baghdad, where a conference of the heads of Moslem states was in progress. The idea behind the Al-Rasheed attack, (the missile was tracked by Russian satellites from the moment of launching until it hit the target area) was to kill several of the Moslem leaders, thereby turning their countries against Iraq and helping through a backlash against President Hussein to topple the Iraqi leader.

Unfortunately for Bush, the missile fell 20-30 feet short of the actual building, shattering doors and windows up to three stories, killing a female receptionist. None of the Moslem delegates were hurt. The feeble and childish excuse made by the Pentagon and the White House that the missile was "knocked off course by Iraqi anti-aircraft gunners," was so absurd, that DGSE (French intelligence) was highly skeptical about whether the report was genuine or the work of some crackpot private agency.

The Russian military, secure in the data provided by their satellites, told the U.S. government its explanation was false — and that they had the evidence to prove it At $1 million per missile, Bush's paranoid behavior cost the American taxpayers $40 million dollars-on top of the covert price tag of $40 million. It is apparent that some mechanism is urgently needed to curb future presidents who in their last days in office, might seek to follow the shocking example set by Bush.

Covert action can often be taken by a government against its own people. Take the case of Alger Hiss and Rockefellers. As the petroleum companies said, they "owed no special obligation to America." This is true in the context of the arrangements made with the Bolsheviks by David Rockefeller and British oil companies. The United States ended up promoting socialism and communism to reward the Bolsheviks for

In 1936, Alger Hiss was invited by Francis B. Sayre, Woodrow Wilson's son-in-law, to enter the State Department. The RIIA and the CFR decided Hiss was a good man who would do what he was told, regardless of whether it was good for America or not. Actually, Hiss was Rockefeller's first choice, not Sayre's, but Rockefeller stayed in the shadows. At that point in 1936 when Sayre made his approach, Hiss was already deeply involved in espionage for the USSR, and the fact was well known to his law professor at Harvard.

When Hiss was promoted to the position of assistant supervisor on political relations in the State Department, Chambers and a man named Levine blew Hiss's cover reporting that he was active in working for the Soviet Union. The man Chambers went to with his allegation was Marvin McIntyre, who failed to give the information to Roosevelt who was his boss. Instead, he sidetracked Chambers to Adolph A. Berle, who at the time was Assistant Secretary of State in charge of State Department Security. Berle went to Roosevelt with the story, only to be abruptly dismissed by the President.

Undaunted, Berle took his information to Dean Acheson, but exactly nothing happened to Hiss, He was not called on for an explanation; instead he was promoted by Roosevelt, a Rockefeller-CFR puppet, as was Roosevelt's entire staff. In 1944 Hiss received another boost with a promotion to the post of special assistant to the Director of Far Eastern Affairs, where he was well placed to serve Soviet expansionist plans in Asia.

To demonstrate the arrogance of Rockefeller, all the time Hiss was a rising star at State, the FBI had a file on him. He was denounced by Soviet defector Igor Gouzensky, who worked in the office of the GRU (Soviet military intelligence) in Ottawa, Canada. The State Department heads knew all about Hiss and his Soviet connections, as did President Roosevelt, but made no move to oust him.

While Rockefeller was planning the United Nations, he and Stalin agreed on a deal in which the U.N. would not interfere in Russian affairs in exchange for Soviet oil for the Rockefeller oil companies. Nor would the Bolsheviks meddle in Saudi Arabia, and make no further attempts to get into Iran. The man nominated to represent Rockefeller at the U.N. was Alger Hiss. His immediate superior was Nelson Rockefeller, who gave orders to John Foster Dulles. Roosevelt, Dulles, the FBI and Rockefeller all knew that Hiss was working with the Soviet Union.

Following the modem of Standard Oil, the mechanism for controlling the United Nations was taken out of American hands. The Secretary General was given the power to appoint whomever he pleased. For his treason, Hiss received a special staff appointment to the Carnegie Endowment Fund for International Peace at a salary of $20,000 per annum, a very good income for those days. The idea was to place Hiss above the law.

In fact, Hiss was above the law, because he got away with treason and treachery. Hiss was not charged with treason, but with perjury. However, powerful people immediately rushed to his defense. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter gave Hiss a clean bill of health and Rockefeller paid his legal expenses to the tune of $100,000.

At the time he was confronted by Chambers, Hiss was working as a member of the executive committee for the Association of the United Nations, chief executive for the Institute of Pacific Relations, and was a leading member of the CFR as well as president of the Carnegie Foundation. The House of Hiss was built on the petroleum industry, and never was there such a recorded case of abuse of power by the petroleum industry than as with Hiss. The petroleum industry showed no fear of the government when Hiss was brought before the court; indeed, the petroleum industry almost pulled their man out of harm's way, and would have done so, had Hiss not tripped himself up. The Hiss case is a good example of diplomacy by deception by government against its own people.

In Iran, the United States is currently engaging in covert action against the government using local groups inside the country and working with others in exile. The United States has become alarmed at the increasing arms buildup by the Iranian government and has placed a special watch on arms shipments destined for the country.

In addition, there remains a large reservoir of ill will between the two countries over the activities of Hezbollah, and Iran's willingness to give sanctuary to groups regarded as hostile to Israel. Therefore, a danger to the stability of the Middle East has arisen. Iran is becoming increasingly hostile toward the U.S. and its Middle East allies, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel. That there is trouble brewing for these countries is a foregone conclusion, which may be why Israeli intelligence is claiming that Iran will be a nuclear power at a much earlier date than was predicted by the CIA. The Iranians, for their part say this is just another ploy by Israel to get what calls "its big brother to attack us like they did with Hussein."

The Iranian government now has a network of agents all across Western Europe, and is particularly strong in Germany. These agents are also active in Saudi Arabia, where the royal family is regarded with the utmost contempt by Teheran. The Iranian government is the principal financier and logistical backer of ten Islamic fundamentalist camps in Sudan, about which Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak complained to the U.S. State Department in December of 1992. The complaint has not been made public.

The ten training camps in the Sudan are as follows:

  • Iklim-al-Aswat.
  • This is the most important of the ten camps, run by Colonel Suleiman Mahomet Suleiman, a member of the Command Council of the Revolution. Fundamentalists from Kenya, Morocco, Mali and Afghanistan train here.
  • Bilal.
  • Situated at Port Sudan on the Red Sea, the camp is an important training base for Egyptian fundamentalists opposed to Mubarak's regime. At the last count there were 108 men in training, including sixteen Egyptian doctors, under the command of Jihad emir of Tendah.
  • Wad Medani.
  • This camp houses African fundamentalists from Kenya, Mali, Sudan and Somalia under the command of Col. Abdul Munuim Chakka.
  • Donkola.
  • Situated in northern Sudan, it is the main camp for Egyptian fundamentalists from Al Najunmin, a group founded by the late Majdt As Safti, who was obliged to flee Egypt in 1988. Also at the camp are members of Egypt's Shawkiun and 40 Algerians from the Al Afghani group.
  • Jehid al Hak.
  • Here the PLO, Hamas and Jihad train under the command of Lt. Colonel Sadiq al-Fadl.
  • Omduran.
  • At this camp 100 to 200 Egyptian fundamentalists belonging to the Islambuly group train and are considered to be more militant than other groups determined to end the regime of Mubarak.
  • Aburakam.
  • This camp is a training base for up to 100 Afghanis, Pakistanis and Iranians.
  • Khartoum Bahri.
  • This is probably the largest of the 10 camps, housing 300 Tunisian, Algerian and Egyptian fundamentalists ofthe Expiation and Immigration group, who train under the command of Capt. Mahomet Abdul Hafiz, of the Popular Defense Militia.
  • Urn Barbaita.
  • Situated in the south of Sudan, it is the base where the military elite is trained in the use of explosives and arms by Iranian and Sudanese experts.

The camps are coordinated at the offices of the Arab Popular Islamic Congress, very close to the Egyptian embassy in Khartoum. It is a very modern facility with the latest communications equipment that allows the Congress to be in contact with leaders of the Islamic fundamentalist movement in other lands. It is known that GCHQ is monitoring communications of this important office from Cyprus, among them communications to the mufti of the Egyptian Jihad, Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman.

Sheik Rahman was found not guilty of conspiring to murder the late President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and on his release, moved to the United States where he coordinates fundamentalist activities from a storefront mosque in New Jersey. Sheik Rahman is said to have funded several hundred Arabs who were forced out of Pakistan by the United States, which in both overt and covert activities, pressured the Pakistani government to crack down on Islamic fundamentalists in the country.

The covert action against Pakistan took many forms, but bribery was the key element.

One of the wildest covert actions going on is centered in the West Bank, Gaza and Israel. Involved are the CIA, Hamas, Syria and Iran. Hamas is the fundamentalist group making it life difficult for Israel. Teheran has taken up where Riyadh left off. In a well-established covert action using diplomacy, the United States persuaded Saudi Arabia that Islamic fundamentalist zealots could and most probably would threaten them in the future.

Using the techniques taught to the late Ayatollah Khomeini by MI6, the Iranians government has adapted the techniques to suit Hamas, which are proving very effective. Accustomed to being able to penetrate the PLO without very much difficulty, Israeli intelligence found it was up against something different with Hamas. The case of Israeli border guard Nissim Toledano illustrates the point Toledano was murdered on Dec. 14, 1992, and the Shin Beth, Israel's internal security agency still has no clues as to who was responsible.

Then there is yet another unsolved murder, that of Haim Naham, a Shin Beth agent who was killed in his apartment in Jerusalem on Jan. 3,1993. According to Beirut sources, Israeli intelligence is baffled, and is privately admitting that the expulsion of 415 Palestinians suspected of being Hamas leaders has not stopped Hamas from operating at the same level as before the deportations.

The Israelis have found that Hamas is based on the Iranian-MI6 model with widely scattered small. The most likely person at the heart of Hamas is Azzedine al Kassam. According to intelligence sources, there are approximately 100 cells, each with five members. These cells all have autonomy, but a group of seven men, one of whom is Tarek Dalkamuni, may help in coordinating activities. It is believed that Dalkamuni replaced Sheik Ahmed Yassine, who has been in an Israeli prison since 1989.

The rise of Hamas came about through covert action sanctioned by the Iranian government, operating under diplomatic cover in Damascus, Syria. In March of 1987, a meeting was held in the Gaza strip, attended by Iranian and Syrian personnel, at which meeting, the Intifada uprising was born. The Islamic Maijlis as-Choura (consultative council), sent Mohammed Nazzal and Ibrahim Gosche to meet with the Iranian ambassador to Syria, Ali Akharti.

Also in attendance was the head of Syrian intelligence, Gen. Ali Duba. This is a fairly good example of how covert operations are conducted, using diplomatic channels and private parties.

Following a successful meeting on Oct 21,1992, the Majlis delegation traveled to Teheran accompanied by Abu Marzuk, a leading fundamentalist, where they met with other fundamentalists leaders from Ahmed Jabril's PLFP, Lebanese Hezbollah, Al Fatah and Hamas. Discussions were held with representatives of the Iranian government, which ended in an agreement that Iran would provide financial, logistical and military personnel to train fundamentalists in the camps in Sudan.

A 12 man leadership council was established, which included Mahomet Siam (Khartoum), Musa Abu Marzuk (Damascus), Abdul Nimr Darwich, Imad-al-Alami, Abdul Raziz al-Runtissi (Gaza) (one of the 415 Palestinians expelled by Israel), Ibrahim Gosche and Mohamed Nizzam (Amman), Abu Mohamed Mustafa (Beirut). This group was trained in MI6 methods used to bring down the Shah of Iran, and to date, it is proving to be a tough job trying to penetrate Hamas.

Iran stepped up an active phase of opposition to what the Teheran government perceives as United States pro-Israel policies when the agreement reached at the time of the hostage crisis was allegedly broken by Washington. Using Hezbollah in covert actions against the United States, was to pressure public opinion in America and make it turn against Israel. Here Iran used the Tavistock of Human Relations methodology handed down to those who overthrew the Shah of Iran.

Tavistock founder and brilliant technician, John Rawlings Reese, then adapted "Operation Research" military management techniques so that they could be applied to,

"controlling a society, from an individual unit right through to millions of such units, i.e. people and the society and nation they collectively make up."

In order to accomplish this successfully, rapid data processing was necessary, and it came with the development of linear programming in 1946 following its invention George B. Dantzig. Significantly, 1946 was the year that Tavistock declared war on the American nation. This set the stage for total people control.

The Teheran government of the Ayatollah Khomeini permitted the establishment of a covert action organization known as Hezbollah. Later, using Hezbollah, a number of American and other foreign nationals were kidnapped in Beirut and other areas of the Middle East and held in secret locations. The 5-man cell system worked to perfection. Neither MI6 nor the CIA were able to break Hezbollah codes and the hostages languished for years until the United States was forced to admit defeat and enter into negotiations with Hezbollah.

An agreement was reached which said that shortly after the release of the last hostage held by Hezbollah, the United States would unfreeze Iranian bank accounts and financial instruments amounting to an estimated $12 billion. The United States would also release military equipment ordered and paid for by the Shah, that it had not delivered, believed to be worth $300 million. In addition, Iran would be allowed to join the Gulf Cooperative Council so that it could join in deliberations about Israel. In addition, the U.S. undertook not to engage in covert activities against Iran inside its national boundaries, nor seek to punish Hezbollah kidnapers who were given sanctuary in Teheran.

However, Teheran said that Washington acted in bad faith keeping not a single one of its promises. The bank accounts were not unfrozen, the military equipment paid for by the Shah was not returned to Iran, the CIA actually stepped up covert activities inside the country, and Iran still remains frozen out of the Gulf Cooperative Council. Teheran points in anger to increased terrorist attacks in Teheran, attacks which began in 1992 after the last hostage was handed over.

The commander of the Pasdarans accused the CIA of building a network of royalist around Massoud Rajavi, leader of the Mujahedines, and Babak Khoramdine, and master-minding attacks on Pasdaran barracks, public buildings — including a library —an attack on the funeral cortege of the late Hachemi Rafsanjani and the desecration of tile tomb of Ayatollah Khoemini. These attacks have not been reported by the U.S. news media. Officially, diplomatic relations between the United States and Iran are described as good.

To get back to Hamas. Using diplomatic channels, Iran and Syria tried to influence France to secretly back Hamas. Lebanese millionaire, Roger Edde, who served as a go-between for France and Syria, approached Foreign Minister Roland Dumas. Syria put pressure on Dumas about buying a new radar facility which Damascus said would go to Thomson, the giant French conglomerate. It was indicated that payments of Syria's debts to France might be delayed in the event Islamic fundamentalists causes were not seen in a favorable light by the Elysee Palace. However, the French government officially stayed adamant no support for Hamas. The radar contact was switched to Raytheon, a American company. Debt payments have been held up with great inconvenience to France. Outwardly, diplomatic relations between Syria and France remain cordial.

Iran has an old score to settle with British and American intelligence that dates back to 1941 and 1951, when gross covert actions were carried out against Iraq by MI6 and the CIA to bring about the fall of Dr. Mohamed Mossadegh. Although it properly belongs in this chapter, the account of how Acheson, Rockefeller, Roosevelt and Truman subverted Iran is to be found in the chapter about Rockefellers oil dealings in the Middle East.

The CIA and MI6 had a second go around with Iran when the Shah began to dig his heels in against barefaced robbery by American and British oil companies with concessions in Iran. The petroleum companies then entered into a conspiracy with President Carter, and a carbon-copy of the Mossadegh operation was launched. Sixty CIA and ten MI6 agents were dispatched to Teheran to undermine the Shah and bring about his downfall and subsequent murder.

Covert action does not always mean intelligence operations and terrorist groups with support of their governments. It can, and does, take the form of technological cooperation, especially in the areas of surveillance, and monitoring of communications. Because they are unspectacular as a rule, this type of "snooping" does not arouse a lot of interest, but it is one of the clearest examples of diplomacy by deception.

Two of the biggest and most comprehensive listening posts in the world are located in England and Cuba. Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Cheltenhanm, England, is probably one of the worst offenders when it comes to snooping. Although the U.S. Constitution forbids snooping on its citizens, the National Security Agency (NSA), meshes tightly with GCHQ and deceives the people of both nations in their ongoing overall surveillance operations. The U.S. Congress is either unaware of what is going on (unthinkable), or else, very possibly, too intimidated to put a stop to such illegal acts which occur every day at NSA.

In addition to its Cheltenham facility, the British government eavesdrops on the telephone conversations of its citizens out of its phone tapping facility in Edbury Bridge Road in London. Some agreements were made on a diplomatic level, which did not, however, make them any less of a deception upon the people of the countries who signed. UKUSA is one such agreement. UKUSA is allegedly working only on military intelligence levels, but my source says this is not true. Originally a diplomatic agreement between the United Kingdom and the USA, the pact was broadened to include NATO countries, Canada and Australia.

However, over the last few years it also includes Switzerland and Austria, and now there is evidence that traffic to and from commercial companies is being monitored, even Britain's EEC partners, Japan, South Africa and Iran. MI6 has a separate department for economic intelligence gathering, called the Overseas Economic Intelligence Committee (OEIC). In fact the expansion of this division is what made it necessary for MI6 to move from the Broadway Building, which backed on Queen Anne's Gate, to Century Building, near the North Lambeth underground station in London.

The United States now has a new intelligence gathering agency called the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), which cooperates with its British counterpart concerning industry, trade, and also industrial security. ISOO works with International Computer Aided Acquisitions and Logistic Support Industry Steering Group of the United States. Its business concerns the regulating of commercial technology.

The Committee of 300 controls these organizations and is the powerful unseen force behind the decision to make British and Swiss mobile cellular phones of the next 256 byte algorithm generation comply with "snooping requirements" of the Britain and American security services. It is almost certain that only the ASX5 version, with a 56 byte-easier to listen in on phone, will be allowed. This is one of the methods used by governments to secretly control their people.

In January of 1993, representatives of NSA and GCHQ held a conference at which it was made known that the less complicated AS5X version only would be allowed. No discussions were held with the

U.S. Congress, no open forums, as demanded by the U.S. Constitution. Where A5 hard-to-penetrate phones are already in existence, they are being recalled for "technical adjustments." The technical adjustments consists of replacing the A5 256 byte chip with an A5Z 509 byte chip. By this means this illegal snooping becoming increasingly easier to carry out, the American people hoodwinked through diplomacy by deception at many different, yet interconnected levels.

Even public phones have come under a lot of scrutiny by security agencies. In New York, for example, under the guise of allegedly "fighting crime", the pay phone system was rigged so that phones could not receive incoming calls. The New York police department felt it could stop public pay phones from being used to transact business in dope for instance, or prevent organized crime figures from conversing with each other, in private. It didn't work out too well, but there were also successes.

The latest technology is to give all public call phones a special number. In certain countries in Europe, pay phones end with 98 or 99. This allows a quick "fix" on the location of pay phones when they are used for "secure" conversations; only calling from a pay phone is no longer "secure." In genuine cases, such as where a crime is in progress, or kidnappers call to demand ransom money, this is indeed a very useful tool, but what happens to the privacy of the individual in cases where no crime is involved? Do innocent citizens get their phone conversations snooped on? The answer is a very definite "yes."

The public is unaware of what is going on in America, and Congress appears to have fallen down on the job. None of the potentially damaging surveillance going on over a wide front in this nation is legal, so deception continues unchecked. The Congress seems slow to act when it comes to overseeing spy activities abroad, and is not at all inclined to act against the proliferation of snooping on citizens at home.

This apathy by Congress toward the right to privacy guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, contrasts strangely with concerns whenever external problem areas come up for discussion. CIA director James Woolsey Jr. gave Congress a "threat analysis list", consisting of an evaluation by the CIA of nations who have such items as advanced surface-to-air missiles. Woolsey told Congress that Syria, Libya and Iran have operational cruise missiles capable of detecting "stealth" aircraft and threatening U.S. naval forces in the Gulf.

Pakistan is also known to possess such cruise missiles, and is the most likely to use them against India, if war should break out. The U.S. government has long sought a diplomatic ploy whereby India and Pakistan are played off against each other. The United States fears that Pakistan might use its rocketry to help Syria and Iran against Israel, and this is very likely to happen if a "Jihad" should erupt. The United States is using every diplomatic deception and covert action to persuade Pakistan not to think about joining forces with Iran in a "Jihad" in which Pakistan would use its nuclear weapons.

Covert Action moves intelligence from a passive to an active role, closely related in nature to the use of force, often times under the cover of diplomacy. In either case, it is means action against a foreign government or a group within its borders. The definition of covert activities or special activities set out in Executive Order 12333 is meaningless and valueless for two reasons:

"Special activities means activities conducted in support of national foreign policy objectives abroad which are planned and executed so that the role of the United States is not apparent or acknowledged publicly, and functions in support of such activities, but which are not intended to influence the United States political processes, public opinion, policies or media, and do not include diplomatic activities or collection and production of intelligence or related support actions."

In the first place, executive orders are clearly illegal, as they are proclamations, and proclamations can only be made by kings. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that allows executive orders. In the second place, it is impossible to stay within the guidelines set out above, even if they were legal. Only the very ill-informed would, for instance, believe that the United States was not behind the downfall of the Shah of Iran, or that the CIA played no role in Iran to influence the United Slates political processes. In today's world, the CIA would be out of business if it observed Executive Order 12333.

But there are other secret weapons available to the CIA and MI6, to which we referred earlier, which can get around any written restrictions at whatever level they are proposed. The system developed at Tavistock is the most widely used one, and as indicated earlier it is the best weapon for mass social control and mass genocide, the ultimate objective of people control.

Assassinations area part of covert activities, although no government will ever admit to countenancing murder as a way of solving foreign and domestic policy problems deemed not possible to be solved by any other means. It is not my intention to list all the assassinations that have occurred as a direct result of diplomacy by deception, that would take a book on its own to accomplish. I shall therefore limit my account to recent and well known murders in a diplomatic or political context.

The shots that killed Archduke Ferdinand and his wife at Sarajevo echoed around the world, and are generally accepted as the cause of the First World War, although this is not the case, but a prepared perception for public consumption. Tavistock now does "prepared perception" well. British and Russian intelligence were heavily involved in the shootings. In the case of Great Britain, it was a desire to start a war with Germany that was the motivation, and in so far as it involved Russia, the object was to get Russia into such a war, and thereby weaken it for the coming Bolshevik Revolution.

The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., Negro civil rights leader, is a case worthy of further examination, for it reeks to high heaven of covert activity and diplomacy by deception. The American nation, and more especially, the population, are convinced that James Earl Ray fired the shot that killed King. This is "prepared perception." The trouble with that is no one has yet been able to put Ray in the motel room at the window with the rifle in his hand at 6:01 pm on April 5, 1968.

Ray maintains his innocence, having been set up, he says by Raoul, a mysterious figure whom Ray had met in Memphis to sell guns. On April 5, at about 5:50 pm, Ray says Raoul gave him $200 and told him to go and see a movie, so that he, Raoul, and the arms dealer, when he arrived, could talk more freely than if he (Ray) were present.

In examining Ray's claim that he is the "fall guy", let us note the following, which when taken together would appear to support Ray and weaken the King "prepared perception" case.

  1. Memphis police officers who were keeping a watch on King, stood under the balcony of the Lorraine Motel on which King appeared. One of the officers, Solomon Jones, said he observed a man with his face covered by a white sheet in a clump of bushes opposite, and directly in front of the balcony. The man was also seen by Earl Cald well, a New York Times reporter.

    Caldwell stated:

    • "He was in a stooping position. I did not see a weapon in the man's hands..."

    Neither Jones or Caldwell have ever been questioned by any police agency about what they witnessed.

  2. Willy Green, a mechanic who Ray asked to fix a low tire on his Mustang, clearly recalls talking with Ray a few minutes before King was shot The gas station where the incident took place is four blocks from the apartment house on South Main in Memphis where Ray stayed. Ray could not possibly have been in two different locations at the same time.

  3. The entry angle of the gunshot was consistent with a shot fired from the clump of bushes referred to by Jordan and Caldwell. It is inconsistent with a shot fired from the window of Ray's window.

  4. The alleged rifle used to kill King would have had to have been jammed into the bathroom wall if it was fired from the window. The bathroom was not wide enough otherwise, yet when the FBI examined the bathroom, there weren't any marks on the wall, let alone damage which would have been caused by the rifle butt.

  5. When sheriffs deputies ran to the apartment from where they thought the shot had come, there was nothing outside the entrance doorway. Deputy Vernon Dollohite was at the door in less than two minutes after the shot rang out. He told investigators there was nothing lying by the door. Yet, in the few seconds while Dollohite went into Jim's Grill, right next door to the apartment, someone left a bundle containing a pair of undershorts — the wrong size for Ray — a pair of binoculars and the hunting rifle wiped clean of prints on the sidewalk near the door.

    Ray is supposed to have been able to jump out of the bath in which it is alleged he stood to fire the shot, clean the binoculars and the gun of finger and palm prints, drop them in a bag with some cans of beer (also clean) rush 85 feet down the hall, run down a stairway, get into his Mustang which was parked some distance away-all in the space of the less than the 20 seconds Deputy Dollohite was gone from the apartment door.

  6. Ray was somehow able to travel to Canada and England only on the $200 he says he got from Raoul, yet when apprehended, Ray had $10,000 in cash on him. One of the names assumed by Ray was Eric Starvo Galt, a Canadian citizen who bore an amazing resemblance to Ray whose name came up in a top secret file. Ray said he found Galt in Canada on his own; no one instructed him or gave him money. The other names that Ray used were the names of people also living in Canada; George Raymond Sneyd, and Paul Bridgman.

  7. The register for the rooming house in Memphis vanished and has never been found. The only witness who could connect Ray to the King murder was a drunkard, Charles Q. Stephens, whose wife said her husband was in a drunken state at the time of the shooting and saw nothing whatsoever. At first, Stephens said he saw nothing, then later that evening, he switched to a second version:

    • "I saw who done it was a nigger, I saw him run out of the bathroom..."

    Cab driver James McGraw says Stephens was drunk on the afternoon of April 5. Bessie Brewer heard Stephens change his tune and said "he was so drunk he didn't see anything." A press photographer, Ernest Withers said Stephens told him that he hadn't seen anything.

    No notice was taken of Stephens by any of the investigating agencies, until he suddenly had his memory refreshed after being shown a photograph of Ray by the police. At that point, Stephens said Ray was the man he had seen running from the rooming house. The FBI put Stephens in a hotel at the cost of $31,000 in order to "protect" him, but did not say from whom. However, Grace Walden, the common law wife of Stephens was mysteriously and forcibly taken to a mental institution in Memphis, by an unidentified employee of the Memphis city government Could it be that Walden could have wrecked the testimony of the government's only witness against Ray?

    Walden was held in the institution and her attorney filed a suit against the FBI, the Memphis police and the county prosecutor charging a conspiracy to deprive Walden of her civil rights. Walden has stuck to her story, even under intense pressure to change it; she says Stephens was about to pass out from drinking when the shot rang out She says she saw a white man without any weapon in his hands leave the bathroom in the rooming house soon after she heard the shot

  8. That Ray's trial was a mockery cannot be disputed. His attorney, Percy Foreman, in the opinion of many expert lawyers, and in my opinion, turned Judas and got Ray to plead guilty. Foreman had defended 1500 people charged with murder and won nearly all of these cases. Experts say that had Percy not coerced Ray into pleading guilty, due to the lack of evidence, Ray would have been found not guilty.

    By getting Ray to plead guilty, Forman accomplished the unthinkable, Ray forfeited his right of appeal for a motion for a new trial; appeals to the Tennessee Court of Appeals, appeals to the Tennessee Supreme Court and finally, a review of the case by the Supreme Court No thinking person would disagree with the verdict of Foreman's peers, viz., Foreman did Ray a total disservice.

    The whole truth about who murdered King will probably never be told, and in this, it has powerful similarities to the murder of John F. Kennedy. There is just too much doubt surrounding the death of King, and even the late Jim Garrison, former New Orleans district attorney said he believed there is a connection between the King and Kennedy murders, based on what he learned from Rocco Kimball, who made many phone calls to David Ferrie. Kimball says he flew Ray from the

    U.S. to Montreal. Ray denies this. The other similarity between the Kennedy and King murders is that both were covert operations, most likely sanctioned by very high-level government officials.

  9. Ray says he met Raoul in Montreal, Canada after escaping from the Missouri State Penitentiary. (How the escape was accomplished is also something of a mystery.) Apparently Raoul induced Ray to work for him in a number of areas and then enticed him back to Alabama. While in Montreal, Ray was looking for false identity papers, and was introduced to Raoul who claimed to be able to meet Ray's need,

    After several cross-border trips (one such trip was to Mexico), Ray says Raoul wanted him to go to Alabama. After a long discussion, in which Ray says he expressed grave reservations about going to that state, Ray eventually went to Birmingham. Ray did several jobs; delivering packages of unknown content and phoned Raoul from Birmingham quite frequently to get new assignments.

    According to Ray, Raoul then told him that his last job was coming up, for which he would be paid $12,000. Again, according to Ray, he was instructed to buy a high-powered deer rifle with a telescopic sight

  10. Ray says Raoul accompanied him to buy a hunting rifle at Aeromarine Supply, and Ray says Raoul later returned alone to the store to exchange the rifle for a Remington 30.06.

  11. The Memphis Police mysteriously withdrew King's protection. About 24 hours before he was shot, and the seven-man unit stood down. Memphis Police Director Frank Holloman denies ever having given the order for this, and claimed that he wasn't even aware that such an order had been issued. On the morning of April 5,1968, four of the Memphis Police special units were ordered to stand down. No one in the Memphis Police Department knows where the order came from.

    In one of the most mystifying episodes in this unsolved mystery, Edward Redditt working as a detective in the Memphis Police Department, was lured away from his post by a series of radio messages that subsequently turned out to be false. According to Redditt, he was watching the Lorraine Motel from a vantage point across the street from the Lorraine Motel, where King was staying, when he was contacted on his radio by E.H. Arkin, a lieutenant in the Memphis Police Department Arkin told Redditt to stop his surveillance and return to headquarters.

    On arrival, Secret Service agents ordered Reditt to check in at the However, he was overruled by Memphis Police Chief Frank Holloman, and accompanied by two police officers, Redditt was driven home to collect his clothes and toilet articles. In a most unusual departure from police procedure, the two officers sat in the front room of Redditf s house, instead of in the car outside. Redditt had not been home for more than 10 minutes when a special emergency radio broadcast announced the murder of King.

  12. The Galt wanted poster said that he (Galt) had taken dancing lessons in New Orleans in 1964 and 1965, when in fact Ray was in the Missouri State Penitentiary at the time. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, arriving on the scene after the FBI had pushed all other law enforcement agencies off the case, declared "all the evidence we have is that it is the work of one man." Why the unseemly haste to announce such a far-reaching conclusion, when the investigation was still in its infancy? Readers will agree that there is just too much working against the belief that Ray shot Martin Luther King.

President George Bush also deserves a special mention. Probably Bush is the most accomplished president ever to conduct diplomacy by deception, and there are many case histories to prove the statement. The problem with Americans is that we believe that the United States Government is more honest, moral and open about its dealings than foreign governments. We have been taught this since childhood. George Bush proved this is a one hundred percent wrong perception.

The scenario for the Gulf War was actually drawn up in the 1970s. This was almost blown wide open by several newspaper articles in which James McCartney's reported "A U.S. Secret Agenda."

According to McCartney, the secret government of the United States decided early in 1970 to base its policy for the Middle East on the control of oil in the region being wrested from the Arabs. A pretext had to be found to establish a substantial U.S. military presence in that region — but not in Israel.

Robert Tucker, writing in the Jewish magazine "Commentary" of January 1975, said that the United States must overcome any reticence about armed intervention in other countries, and he specifically mentioned the Persian Gulf region in this context Tucker said what was needed was a preemptive strike to establish control of Middle East oil, and not wait for some crisis to pop up before acting.

Apparently one of the architects of this brazen notion was Bush, who followed the beliefs of James Akins, U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia from October of 1973 to December of 1975. Akins' views formed the basis of the Reagan-Bush administration policies, and it is interesting to note that the script ostensibly written by Akins was followed exactly by George Bush when he engaged America in an illegal war against Iraq.

Subsequent investigations turned up the fact that Akins had merely been reading from a Henry Kissinger script, which Kissinger wrote under the title "Energy Security." Kissinger at first advocated a direct assault on Saudi Arabia, but the plan was modified, and a smaller nation was substituted for Saudi Arabia.

Kissinger reasoned that seizing Middle East oil as a preventative measure would be acceptable to the people of the United States, and an idea that could easily be sold to the Congress. According to my source in Washington, the idea was accepted with alacrity by Bush, who had plenty of experience in deception and his stint at the CIA sharpened his appetite for what some say is his natural bent. The Kissinger "Energy Security" plan was taken up by Bush and applied to Iraq. There is a strong belief that the quarrel between Iraq and Kuwait over the Al Sabah's theft of oil from the Rumalia oilfields, and the sabotaging of Iraq's economy by underselling the stolen oil below the OPEC price, was worked out by the CIA in conjunction with Kissinger Associates.

By pushing Iraq into an open conflict through the treasonous conduct of April Glaspie, Bush saw his plans coming to fulfillment. April Glaspie should have been tried for lying to Congress, but this is unlikely to happen. Just when Bush though he had the game in the bag, King Hussein of Jordan almost threw a spanner in the works. According to my intelligence source, and subsequently confirmed by Pierre Salinger of ABC Television, King Hussein believed that the United States was acting in good faith and would welcome a settlement of the Iraq-Kuwait crisis by peaceful means rather than by armed conflict.

Proceeding on the basis of his belief in the integrity of the Bush administration, Hussein called Baghdad and asked President Hussein to submit the quarrel to the Arab nations for arbitration. King Hussein assured Saddam Hussein that he had the blessing of Washington for such a move. On August 3, the Iraqi military advance toward the Kuwait border was halted so that the proposed arbitration could be given a chance. But Saddam Hussein had one other condition: Egypt's dictator, Hosni Mubarak would have to agree to the arbitration proposal.

King Hussein called Mubarak, who readily gave his assent to the plan. Next, King Hussein called President Bush, who took the call in Air Force 1, while en route to Aspen to meet Margaret Thatcher, who was sent to deliver the Royal Institute for International Affairs ultimatum that U.S, military forces attack Iraq. According to intelligence sources, partly confirmed by Salinger, Bush was enthusiastic about King Hussein's initiative and promised the Jordanian ruler that the U.S. would not to intervene.

But once King Hussein terminated the conversation, Bush called Mubarak and told him not to take part in any inter-Arab arbitration discussions. Bush is reported to have called Thatcher and advised her of his conversation with King Hussein. Like Chamberlain at the time of Munich, King Hussein was going to find out that a peaceful settlement of the Iraq-Kuwait dispute was the last thing that the American and British governments wanted.

After getting approval from Thatcher, Bush reportedly called Mubarak again and ordered him to do everything possible to derail the Arab mediation effort. The payoff, as we now know, came later, when Bush illegally "forgave" Egypt's $7 billion debt to the United States. Bush did not have the constitutional authority to forgive Egypt's debt with Mubarak violently denouncing the mediation proposals. Bush began making threatening noises against Iraq. It was only a few hours after King Hussein told President Hussein that they had both been deceived, that the Iraqi Army crossed the border with Kuwait

The role of the United States and Britain in starting the war against Iraq is classic diplomacy by deception. While talking peace in the Middle East, our government that we so unwisely trust, had been planning for the war against Iraq since the 1970s. The Gulf War was deliberately contrived in accordance with Kissinger's policy. Thus while Kissinger was not a government official, he still exerted great influence over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East

The bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 is another terrible example of covert activity. All the facts are not yet in, and indeed, may never be, but what is known thus far is that the CIA was involved, and that there were at least five top CIA agents on board, carrying $500,000 in traveler's checks.

There are reports that the CIA actually videotaped the loading of the bag containing the bomb, but thus far these reports have not been confirmed by other sources.

Next Panama - The Naked Truth


Part 1 : The Threat Of The United Nations

Part 2 : The Brutal, Illegal Gulf War

Part 3 : Grand Larceny - United States Oil Policies Abroad

Part 4 : Rockefeller - The Evil Genie

Part 5 : Israel In Focus

Part 6 : Tavistock And "Operation Research'' - Undeclared War

Part 7 : Covert Operations

Part 8 : Panama - The Naked Truth
Part 9 : Yugoslavia in Focus

Part 10 : Anatomy of Assassinations

Part 11 :Apartheid And India's Caste System

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