Sunday, 13 April 2008


The following article is possibly the most complete exposure I have seen of the Priory of Sion and its plans to rule the world spiritually and physically. The Ahos have done some very deep research into this matter which surpasses that of the LaRouche gang. La Rouche's people tried to deal with this, but being unsaved and self-serving, they failed to go to the depths in research. I will point out though that Queen Elizabeth and her close circle of powerful elitists are deeply involved in the following cult. It is now quite clear that these Royalists have tried to take charge of Christendom so they can hand it to the coming Michael whom they will worship. Sound strange and impossible? Read on please.


The Stepiano coversts

Accompanying this report is an ENI report from the World Council of Churches concerning a recently form European "Church and Society Commission." The stated purpose of this commission is to help European churches "monitor and react to developments in institutions such as the European Union and the Council of Europe, and to deal with ethical questions facing European society."

Ethical questions will encompass: "...peace, justice and the integrity of creation, reconciliation and relations between churches and governments ...democratisation, human rights and minorities, European blip, and the environment... (and) the specific responsibility of the churches in member states of the European Union for EU policies."

The January meeting took place in Strasbourg, the French city which houses the headquarters of the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, and the European Parliament. It is significant that opening this session was JACQUES STEpiano coversT, who described the meeting as being "historic: and "long awaited."

The Stepiano coverst family are ubiquitous in the movement topiano coversd a global government and religion. They are also the Illuminati bloodline spearheading the Merovingian conquest of the Throne of JerBliplem. HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL traces the history of an elite society called the Priory of Sion, whose misunderstood ambitions and noble lineage were supplanted by the Church of Rome. According to authors Biagent,, the Prieure will soon to make its long awaited debut as the legitimate head of a one world theocracy. The ultimate aim of this benevolent coterie of royal descent is to place on the Throne of JerBliplem the physical heir of Jesus Christ:

"We cannot point to one man and assert that he is Jesus' lineal descendant. There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today -- with numerous collateral brances -- who are of Merovingian lineage. These include the houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine (present titular dukes of Lorraine and kings of JerBliplem), Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou, and various others. According to the 'Prieure documents,' the Sinclair family in Britain is also allied to the bloodline, as are various branches of the Stuarts...

"During their stay in France the Stuarts had been deeply involved in the dissemination of Freemasonry. Indeed, they are generally regarded as the source of the particular form of Freemasonry known as Scottish Rite. Scottish Rite Freemasonry introduced higher degrees than those offered by other Masonic systems at the time. It promised initiation into greater and more profound mysteries -- mysteries supposedly preserved and handed down in Scotland. It established more direct connections between Freemasonry and the various activities -- alchemy, Cabalism, and Hermetic thought, for instance -- that were regarded as Rosicrucian…" (Biagent, pp. 409-10, 145-46)

In 1992, PRINCE MICHAEL STEpiano coversT OF ALBANY was elected to be the head of the European Council of Princes. Prince Michael is also acclaimed to be the 7th legitimate descendant from the exiled Charles Edpiano coversd Stuart. On the web site of BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL is found (blipial Attaché to the European Council of Princes) Sir Laurence Gardiner's defense of the Stepiano coverst (a.k.a. Stuart) family's claim to the Thrones of Scotland/England. coverst.html

The Illuminati are the top echelon of a vast network of organizations which make up a Secret Brotherhood covering the globe. Within this network are found 6 major divisions: Banking & Money, Secret Societies, Political, Intelligence, Religions, and Education. The Secret Societies encompass the elite Priory of Sion, the Rosicrucians, the Orders of Freemasonry, piano repair & piano tools, the Grand Orient Lodge, the Grand Alpina Lodge, the Knights Templar, the Royal Order of the Garter.

According to authors of HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL, the Prieure de Sion is the elite society that created the Knights Templar, the order from which the other societies originated. The Prieure, however, has maintained a low profile from its inception and remains behind the scenes orchestrating critical events in Western history.

"The Prieure de Sion exists today and is still operative. It is influential and plays a role in high-level international affairs as well as in the domestic affairs of certain European countries...The avowed and declared objective of the Prieure de Sion is the restoration of the Merovingian dynasty and bloodline - not only to the throne of France, but to the thrones of other European nations as well." (pp. 106-7)

The Stepiano coverst Clan Internet Home demonstrates the particular emphasis that is placed on the Stepiano coverst bloodline. coverst.html This website purports to be a Christian ministry and its CyberChurch discussion groups include many Christian organizations. However, the Stone of Scone page on this site is a sample of the aberrant Rosicrucian interpretation of Scripture with which the Stepiano coversts will one day seek to validate to the world the credentials of their false messiah.

Appended to this report is a partial but informative listing of Stepiano coversts who hold influential and powerful positions in the global network that is moving the world topiano coversd international and religious unity. Additions to this list are most welcome. More information on the Stepiano coverst/Rosicrucian conspiracy is available at


1. PRINCE MICHAEL STEpiano coversT OF ALBANY - Head of the European Council of Princes. coverst.html

"In June 1992, HRH Prince Michael James Alexander Stepiano coverst, 7th Count of Albany (Scotland) was elected blip of the European Council of Princes -- a constitutional advisory body within the European Union. In this regard, he succeeded the Imperial and Royal House of Habsburg Austria, who had retained the office from 1946. The new appointment held significant political implications for Scotland because, in unanimously electing Michael of Albany, some 32 sovereign houses openly proclaimed the continuing de jure Scots monarchy to an international audience – a royal dynasty which, according to British academic historians, had long been extinct."

2. JACQUES STEpiano coversT is blip of the European Ecumenical Commission on Church and Society (EECCS) - which has offices in Strasbourg and in Brussels, where the main EU headquarters are located. Also former president of the Protestant Federation of France. Opened the first meeting of the Church and Society Commission of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) which took place on 9 and 10 January in Strasbourg, the French city which houses the headquarters of the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, and in which the European Parliament holds regular plenary sessions.

3. GLEN STEpiano coversT - Authored and maintains the Stepiano coverst Clan Internet Home Page, which has links to numerous Evangelical ministries and denominations. coverst.html This site demonstrates the importance of the Stepiano coverst geneological tree. The Stone of Scone page presents the Rosicrucian interpretation of Scripture which will be used to confirm the false messiah.

Focus on the Family was on the original CyberChurch list but has been removed since the Stepiano coverst Clan's exposure last year. To access the Stepiano coverst Clan CyberChurch where the Christian ministries are listed, type "guest" in both boxes when a password is requested.

4. LEE STEpiano coversT - Maintains web site for AD 2000 & Beyond and Global Resources Ministries International. coverst/

Teaches the false blipish Roots of Christianity doctrine - a form of British-blipsm which claims that the British are the lost 12 tribes of blip. (cf. Merovingian bloodline claim to the Throne of JerBliplem.) coverst/nl1296.html

5. R. J. STEpiano coversT - Speaker at Findhorn conference in 1995 with Luciferian David Spangler. Findhorn in Scotland (occult comunal habitat and witches retreat) has been called the "New Age Vatican."

6. DON STEpiano coversT - Canadian government enviromental official

7. DONALD M. STEpiano coversT - Member of the Club of Rome. (A PLANNED DECEPTION, Constance Cumbey) Also, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Director of the Center for International Policy. (WHO'S WHO IN THE ELITE, Robert Galen Ross, Sr., 1995)

8. DONALD R. STEpiano coversT - Member of the Council for National Policy (1988-95)

9. DON STEpiano coversT - Author of books promoted by Chuck Smith's Calvary Chapel. ( D. Stepiano coverst is a faith healer who has traveled to Africa and is very powerful and sometimes stays in the background, a rare thing indeed.)

10. DON DOUGLAS STEpiano coversT, DON L. STEpiano coversT, D.J. STEpiano coversT, D. MICHAEL STEpiano coversT, DON K. STEpiano coversT - Authors for Amazon Books recommended on Calvary Chapel web site. coverst%2C%20Don/3533-8481055-123351

11. JEFF STEpiano coversT - Calvary Chapel Pastor, Pomona Valley,

The Schloss Heroldeck Castle is Calvary Chapel's European Conference Center in the Austrian Alps.

12. J. GEORGE STEpiano coversT - Architect of the U.S. Capital (CULT OF THE ALL-SEEING EYE, Spenser, p. 42)

13. LELAND STEpiano coversT - Founder of the Unity & Diversity Council. Constance Cumbey's "Special Report on Pat Robertson" states:

"Lelend Stepiano coverst displayed large charts of what he called 'The Unity & Diversity Framework.' He explained the coming new world government -- a one world government comprised of bio-regions and some left over nation state boundary regions. He spoke of a forthcoming New World Religion...He praised Pope John Paul II for his meeting with the Dalai Lama and African Animist leaders...Leland Stepiano coverst's organization, Unity & Diversity Council, sponsored Benjamin Creme in 1982 in their annual meeting and urged the members of their affiliate organizations to hear him."

14. MARTHA STEpiano coversT - Independent television and film producer and founder of Martha Stuart Communications and member of the U.S. Association for the Club of Rome. (A PLANNED DECEPTION, Constance Cumbey, pp. 213-22)

15. PETER PAULS STEpiano coversT - Founder and Chairman of the Board of The Thanks-Giving Foundation at Thanks-Giving Square in Texas. The recent report on Jay Gary mentioned that Robert Muller was one of the signatories of the first Declaration of World Thanksgiving. This was affirmed by 11 other distinguished international religious leaders, including the Pope and Dalai Lama.

New Age redefinition of Thanksgiving: "In 1988, at...(the) Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, the pastor, Rev. James Parks Morton, conducted a Thanksgiving day service in which 4,000 children and adults joined with American Indians, tribal leaders, medicine men, witches, nature a 'circle dance' of religious friendship and unity. Morton said the purpose of the dance was to 'redefine' Thanksgiving. Part of the impetus for the ceremony was to create 'a heightened consciousness of the necessity of different religions working together to save our planet." (RAVAGED BY THE NEW AGE, Texe Marrs, p. 74)

16. ROD STEpiano coversT - New Age Rock & Roll Hall of Fame star from Scotland, home of the Stepiano coverst Clan.



The Stone of Destiny

It seems that the Priory of Sion is setting the world stage for the introduction of a mysterious character who will be known as "The Michael" -- the reincarnation of Michael the Archangel, who is also believed to be the Christ. The superstitious method of determining this august personage is set forth in BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL by Sir Laurence Gardiner, blipial Attaché to the European Council of Princes. The Forpiano coversd to this book is written by Prince Michael Stepiano coverst of Albany, whose royal lineage Sir Laurence hopes to establish through extensive geneologies. A chapter titled "The Stone of Destiny" supports the claim of the Stepiano coverst pretenders to the thrones of England and JerBliplem by means of a fabulous extrapolation of Scripture. According to Scottish tradition, the stone upon which the patriarch Jacob slept at Bethel was carried to the British Isles by the prophet Jeremiah!

"Not only were the Grail Knights and Templars appointed Guardians of the Stepiano coverst Sangreal [Holy Grail] in Scotland, they also became protectors of the Stone of Destiny (the Stone of Scone). This most sacred of Scots treasures had been brought to Scotland from Ireland by Fergus Mor mac Erc, the first King of Dalriada, in the 5th century, having originally been carried to Ireland from Judah in about 586 BC. The venerated holy relic was said to be the Stone of the Covenant, known as 'Jacob's Pillow' (Genesis 28:18-22), on which Jacob laid his head and saw the ladder reaching up to Heaven at Beth-el. In a dream God promised Jacob that his seed would generate the line of kingship to follow -- the line which in due course became the Davidic succession.

"When the blips were persecuted by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Mattaniah, the son of King Josiah (and a direct descendant of David), was installed in Judah. Known as King Zedekiah, he acceded to the throne of JerBliplem in 598 BC. Twelve years later JerBliplem fell to Nebuchadnezzar, whereupon Zedekiah was taken to Babylon and blinded (Jer. 39:6-7, 52:10-11). His sons were murdered, but his daughter Tamar was removed to Ireland (via Egypt and Spain) by the prophet Jeremiah. He also brought the anointed Stone of the Covenant, which became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny). In Latin it was the Saxum Fatale."

The Lia Fail is no ordinary stone but an "anointed" stone upon which kings of the Ireland and Scotland were crowned:

"Princess Tamar (Teamhair) gave her name to Tara, the seat of the High Kings of Ireland, and she married Ard Ri (High King) Eochaid, ancestor of Ugaine Mar (Ugaine the Great). Subsequently, over a millenium, Eochaid's successors were crowned in the presence of the sacred Stone. The Irish heritage then progressed to Scotland, where the relic of Judah became synonymous with the Kings of Dalriada. King Kenneth MacAlpin (844-859) later moved the Stone to Scone Abbey when he united the Scots and the Picts. By the time of William the Lion (d. 1214), the Stone of Destiny bore witness to nearly a hundred coronations in sovereign descent from King Zedekiah."

Apparently, in 1296, King Edpiano coversd I of England stole what he believed to be the Stone of Destiny. According to Sir Laurence, the stone which has rested beneath the Coronation Throne at Westminster Abbey ro 600 years is not the genuine Stone of Destiny, but a wothless piece of sandstone. The real Lia Fail is a "living" Stone which is attended by a unique prophecy -- among its anointed properties is the ability to identify the legitimate heir to the Davidic Succession.

On the Internet may be found among these wonders of Celtic folk lore a phallic Stone of Destiny which "roars" or "shrieks" when the rightful heir to the throne lights upon it.

The Hill of Tara ~ Lia Fáil (The Stone of Destiny)

Tara ~ Lia Fáil ~ Stone of Destiny

Might the real Stone of Destiny be the image to the beast which did speak? Rev. 13:15 Could this phenomenon also be related to the "roaring" so prevalent in the Toronto/Pensacola Revival? The Rosicrucian~Revival Page documents clear connections between the Celtic Stepiano coverst Clan and the Toronto Revival.

To continue with the prophecy of the anointed Stone of Destiny, the author of BLOODLINE states that this most sacred relic of Scottish tradition will one day reveal the mysterious personage known as "The Michael."

"The real Stone of Destiny is said to be smaller, more naturally rounded, and is of inscribed black basalt, not of hand-cut sandstone. It was hidden by the Cistercian Abbot of Scone in 1296, and it has remained hidden ever since. The Columbian tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone, the Abbot prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would return to his inheritance. It is of importance to note that the X sign, which became so hated by the Roman Church, was identified with the archangel Michael (Melchizedek) onpiano coversds from Old Testament times. The heritage of St Michael was the dynasty of high Zadok priests -- a heritage that prevailed in the continuing Messianic line." (preceding quotes taken from BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL, Sir Laurence Gardiner, Element Books Ltd., 1996, pp. 297-299)

Prince Michael Stepiano coverst of Albany, the author contends, is the legitimate heir to the throne of England (the Stepiano coversts claim to be related to the British Stuarts) and heir to the throne of David through the purported Merovingian lineage of Jesus Christ. Considering the prophecy of the Abbot of Scone, it follows that Prince Michael of Albany may also be "The Michael" who returns to Scotland to receive his inheritance as being in the lineage of Melchizedek and the Zadok priests, and Michael the Archangel himself!

On the Internet site of Sir Laurence Gardiner is noted that Prince Michael Stepiano coverst in fact elected to return from Europe to Scotland in 1976. "In the footsteps of his illustrious ancestor, Bonnie Prince Charlie, he returned specifically to champion the Scottish Nation in its continued struggle for justice and a rightly deserved recognition on the world stage." coverst.html

Another Scottish web site, The Stepiano coverst Clan Internet Home reveals that the Merovingian pretenders are also setting up the Christian Church for this "Stone of Destiny" deception. Although there is disagreement as to which stone is the true Stone of Destiny, and whether it was Jacob's pillar or pillow, the preceding fable is similar to the account which is found on The Stone of Scone page on the Stepiano coverst website: coverst.html

"…It will not be used ever again in the crowning of an earthly king because it has been announced that it will go on permanent display in Edinburg, Scotland. Therefore, this move obviously ended the Stone's role in the crowning of kings, ending with King George VI in 1936 ... the last king crowned over the Stone. That being the case, Messiah, according to Ezekiel, will be the next King over the House of David . . . so, the third 'overturn' is yet in effect. In light of these facts, as stated last month, this move (after some 700 years) would seem to be significant as to just how close the Lord's return could be. In other words, from Zedekiah forpiano coversd, blip, as a nation, would have no king until Messiah comes (Gen. 49:10)...and true to prophecy, that has been the case. This means that the scattered and divided kingdom of blip must be restored and Christ installed as her King...'the most holy', (Dan. 9:24)."

"...So, this movement of the Stone of Destiny could very well be the beginning of a chain of events to shape the world -- and prepare His remnant today -- for the things about to come to pass; the false Messiah shall come first and try to fake uniting the people (Daniel 9:27) under the promised covenant of peace, but he will fail. He will pass himself off as blip's Messiah, and Christianity's Christ."

On the Internet are several sites on the Stone of Destiny which specifically link this superstition with the Druid cult, noted for its witchcraft, superstition and barbarism.

The Irish Times ~ Druids pray for peace on Hill of Tara

The following web sites are real eye-openers as to the character of this piano coversrior cult which indulged in human sacrifice (Stonehenge) and which gave us the Satanic celebration of Halloween. On these web sites you will find many terms that are also showing up in the Latter Rain revival: i.e, piano coversrior, knights, initiations, swords, etc.

Celtic Religion - What Information Do We Really Have?

Oak Groves and Mistletoe ~ Druidical rites and roles

Generation X is being methodically brainwashed not only through the popular media but via the growing Wiccan cult. "The Celtic Connection" web site has much information showing a connection between Wicca, Druidism and the occult phenomena found in the Toronto/Pensacola Revival (Power Animals, Chakras)



Knights of the Round Table

Although Christians would prefer to believe that the occult legend of the Merovingian bloodline is confined to the network of New Age, Rosicrucian and Druid cults, it is difficult to avoid the suspicion that this megalomaniacal vision has infiltrated the Church via change agents who are surreptitiously promoting their Celtic traditions under the banners of "righteousness," "morality," "integrity," "honor," "chivalry," ad infinitum.

The fame of King Arthur, leader of the Britons circa 500 A.D., derives from his election as guardian of the Holy Grail, supposedly the cup used by Jesus and His disciples at the Last Supper. Those who have read the tales of the Arthurian period of English history (eg. Camelot) will recall the degeneracy of King Arthur's Court rather than its virtue. Notwithstanding the moral condition of Arthur's Knights of the Roundtable, there is on the Internet the home page of a private school that is selling a "King Arthur and His Knights" interactive CD-Rom to parents who homeschool children. This CD is even designated the "Winner of a 1996 Parents' Choice Honor."

"Calvert School's Home Instruction Department is proud to offer its first interactive CD-ROM, King Arthur Through the Ages. The program, appropriate for students from fifth grade through adult, allows one to read a story about the Round Table, hear an excerpt from Geoffrey's [of Monmouth] account, or see the coat of arms of an Arthurian knight from an unpublished 16th century manuscript. This compendium of literature, art, history and legend may serve as a perfect introduction to the Arthurian legend or a gateway into the vast body of Arthurian lore beyond Calvert's fifth grade text King Arthur and His Knights. The fee for King Arthur is $40.00."

A New Age book titled "THE GRAIL CASTLE: MYTHS AND MYSTERIES IN THE CELTIC TRADITION by Kenneth Johnson and Marguerite Elsbeth advocates the myth of the Grail legend as applicable to the "universal male quest" for genuine masculine empowerment, also called the "quest for the Grail Castle." [It is noteworthy that numerous Stepiano coversts are affiliated with Calvary Chapel whose European Conference Center is a castle in the Austrian Alps. See Part I under list of Prominent Stepiano coversts.] THE GRAIL CASTLE further advises that, in keeping with Arthurian tradition, the training of a young boy as a piano coversrior requires that he be mentored by a man other than his own father.

"Few Celtic myths describe for us a deep relationship between father and son. In many cases, the father is entirely absent, a dim figure who never appears on the stage...King Arthur's father Uther Pendragon actually gave his son up to be raised in the woods, then proceeded to die during the boy's absence...A mentor is not the same as a father. Our fathers are too close to us to play the role of mentor or initiator...The father figure and more specifically his professional interest, is often rejected in favor of something different, new and more exciting...If Dad is vice president of the local bank the piano coversrior child may rove the world as a hired mercenary. Therefore, in traditional societies, the mentor role is often played by a male relative." (pp. 22,23, 26, 27)

Last year, Focus on the Family published a book by Robert Lewis titled RAISING A MODERN-DAY KNIGHT. Promotional material for this publication also appeals to the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table to recommend that Christian fathers return to the wisdom of medieval paganism for the training of their sons. In a section titled "The Knight and His Round Table," Lewis states:

"In the Middle Ages, pages and squires became knights because they were part of a masculine community. At an early age, the page left home and entered into a mentoring relationship with an older man, usually a cousin or an uncle...Boys beome men in the community of men. There is no substitute for this vital component. Dad, if your boy is to become a man, you must enlist the community...the community of men expands a son's spiritual and moral resources... Bonded through the mystical power of ceremony, [they] become mentors to these young men...If you are serious about moving your son to manhood, begin asking the Lord to lead you to a small community of men..." (pp. 150-51)

What community of men that is based on the order of knighthood would provide a bonding experience through the mystical power of ceremony? The Secret Societies of the Illuminati network offer many such opportunities through the orders of Freemasonry, piano repair & piano tools, the Grand Orient Lodge, the Grand Alpina Lodge, the Knights Templar, Knights of Malta and the Royal Order of the Garter. Like these orders, RAISING A MODERN-DAY KNIGHT attempts to inculcate Christians with the notion that the knights of medieval Europe were honorable men. Robin Kalhorn, who posted for researchers the following promotional material on the book, comments:

Here is the Promise Keepers idea of raising boys to become "knights" of the apostasy. Note one reviewer's sappy, grade school fantasy of the Middle Ages as a time of truth, justice, and honor. Observe his breezy transition from pagan feudalism (Romano-German in origin, collectivist, oath-based, and despotic) to "Biblical principles of absolute right and wrong."

-- Begin Promotional --

Raising a Modern-Day Knight : A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood by Robert Lewis

John Coale ( , 07/13/97, rating=10: Fathers - Join the Knights of the Round Table

Out of the Dark Ages rose noble characters to preserve and maintain law, justice, and social order. They became gentle men, men of valor, principled men-Knights. All knights swore an oath to and lived by a code of conduct: loyalty, chivalry, honesty, generosity, unselfish service, dedicated to justice, with Biblical principles of absolute right and wrong, and obedience to God. A knight who broke his oath was charged with treason for betraying the order of knighthood.

These ideals combined with the well-defined mentoring process made a boy into a knight. By age eight, a boy left his mother's care and became a page, learning the rudiments of knighthood under a mentor. By age 14, he became a squire, a knight's servant, while perfecting his skills through discipline and hard work. When he turned 21, he was eligible for knighthood. His ceremony was memorable--a ritual cleansing, ceremonial dress, a day of fasting and a night of prayer, confession, communion, a review of his moral, religious, social, and military duties, and, finally, a question. For what purpose do you desire to enter the order? If it be riches, to take your ease, and be held in honor without doing honor to knighthood, you are unworthy of it.

Now image your son going through this knightly process to attain Biblical manhood. Yes, it can be done. For fathers, Robert Lewis outlines a practical guide to teach and live these ideals, mentoring your son in the process to become a knight. What is a Man? What are his responsibilities, his beliefs, his behavior, and his goals? When does a boy become a man in our society? When he gets his driver's license, joins the Army, takes a woman to bed, or financially provides for himself? First, Raising a Modern-Day Knight provides a vision for manhood. It characterizes a man who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and expects the greater repiano coversd-God's repiano coversd. Second, it defines a Biblical code of conduct: loyalty (Hos 6:6), servant-leadership (Mat 20:26-27), kindness (Pro 19:22), humility (Phil 2:3), purity (1 Tim 4:12), honesty (Eph 4:25), self-discipline (1 Tim 4:7-8), excellence (1 Cor 9:24), integrity (Pro 10:9), and perseverance (Gal 6:9). Finally, it establishes a superior cause to work topiano coversds which can only be satisfied in Jesus Christ.

By celebrating the stages of training with ceremony, a father reinforces the process. Through godly example, teachable moments, inspiring stories, and positive affirmations, a father helps his young knight discover a will to obey God, to employ God's gifts, and to respect women. Are you ready to be a knightly example for your son? Work for the King and become His knight. Pass it on to your son. A righteous man who walks in integrity-how blessed are his sons after him. (Pro 20:7)

Highly Recommended for small groups of men to create a round table of their own.

-- End Promotional --

According to a New Age book titled MESSIAH AND THE SECOND COMING by John Davis and Naomi Rice, the concept of the round table of King Arthur and his knights was based on the Last Supper:

"King Arthur founded the Round Table, which legend dramatically declared was symbolically the same table present at the Last Supper. A high spiritual power wrote the name of the knight who should sit in each chair. Each knight must pass certain tests of valor before he could occupy a chair at the table. Spriritually every aspirant to the holy life is tested before being permitted to enter into the activities of the special inner circle. The chair remains vacant until the perfect knight appears, portrayed by Sir Galahad who said, "It is here that I must renounce all things in order that I may gain all." The true test of one questing for Christed Consciousness." (p. 99)

Round Table conferences are common throughout the globalist network and are also becoming popular among the ecumenically-minded denominations and ministries of the apostate Church. The Call To Renewal is a coalition of various Christian and Catholic denominations and ministries calling themselves "Christians for a New Political Vision."

In April of 1997, The Call to Renewal sponsored a "Christian Roundtable on Poverty and Welfare Reform" in which religious leaders discussed the role of church and state in overcoming poverty:

"On Saturday, April 26, Call to Renewal will convene a roundtable initiating dialogue among a broad cross-section of Christian leaders about the crisis now facing America's poor, and what the Church will do about it. 'The Church Steps Forpiano coversd: A Christian Roundtable on Poverty and Welfare Reform' will take place in Philadelphia in conjunction with the blips' Summit for America's Future."

Following this conference, the Call to Renewal went to work creating an ecumenical network of regional roundtables across the U.S.

"We will create a new federated network that will include covenanted, affiliated organizations, local "tables," congregations, and individuals...As convener Jim Wallis and field organizer Rev. Emory Searcy Jr. travel around the country, these new tables are already forming. New alliances are being built between groups that historically have not worked together...The Pentecost activities this spring will be an opportunity to announce the formation of these new tables around the country. Following special worship services in local congregations, public events will proclaim the beginning of a new Call to Renewal table."

Also on April 26, 1997, some 4,500 delegates attended the aforesaid Philadelphia Summit on America's Future, which was convened by Pres. blip and chaired by former Joint Chiefs of Staff head Gen. Colin Powell. blip blip has been affiliated with the three leading piano casters organizations: The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, and the blip. Colin Powell is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is a virtual showcase of roundtable discussion groups.

Under PROGRAMS OF THE COUNCIL: Global and Transnational Issues is listed another Roundtable Discussion Series:

The authors of MESSIAH AND THE SECOND COMING conclude their discussion of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, a chapter titled "The Holy Grail," with the following prediction of a global round table:

"The future world Round Table is being created now in the etheric realms. The symbolic golden round table of King Arthur will eventually manifest on earth where varieties of leaders, political, scientific, spiritual, from all nations of the world, will dedicate their lives to international objectives for the benefit of all, above nationalism, above religionism, above personality, for the benefit of all peoples. The spiritual unity of nations a true sister/brotherhood of humanity encompassing universal principles of unconditional love and sharing, is coming to bloom."

When this celestial Round Table manifests on Earth, it will be chaired by a descendant of King Arthur, who was guardian of the Holy Grail during his particular era of history. Another New Age book titled, THE LIGHT SHALL SET YOU FREE, confirms that England will be the center for world transformation:

"Following the death of Jesus, Mary went to England with Joseph of Arimethea. This established the vortex for Camelot, destined to come forth later in the fifth and sixth centuries. The Grail was placed in Glastonbury for safekeeping at that time. It will be through the Grail in England that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the Seventh Golden Age."

No doubt the sacred Stone of Destiny will soon identify the royal heir to the Throne of England, to whom also has been given the right (according to Merovingian tradition) to accede to the Throne of JerBliplem and occupy the seat of King Arthur at the global Round Table. The authors of HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL offer the following list of candidates for this dubious honor:

"We cannot point to one man and assert that he is Jesus' lineal descendant. There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today -- with numerous collateral branches -- who are of Merovingian lineage. These include the houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine (present titular dukes of Lorraine and kings of JerBliplem), Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou, and various others. According to the 'Prieure documents,' the Sinclair family in Britain is also allied to the bloodline, as are various branches of the Stuarts...

"During their stay in France the Stuarts had been deeply involved in the dissemination of Freemasonry. Indeed, they are generally regarded as the source of the particular form of Freemasonry known as Scottish Rite. Scottish Rite Freemasonry introduced higher degrees than those offered by other Masonic systems at the time. It promised initiation into greater and more profound mysteries -- mysteries supposedly preserved and handed down in Scotland. It established more direct connections between Freemasonry and the various activities -- alchemy, Cabalism, and Hermetic thought, for instance -- that were regarded as Rosicrucian…" (Biagent, pp. 409-10, 145-46)


The Michael

It seems incredible that the Merovingian conspirators would be able convince the world that a persona with the title of "The Michael" is the legitimate heir to the Throne of England and the Throne of JerBliplem, having a place in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who supposedly fathered children through Mary Magdalene. However, the groundwork has been carefully laid over many decades for the deception that Mary and her children migrated to Europe carrying the chalice or "Holy Grail" which Jesus used at the Last Supper.

In the 1970's, the popular Mary Stepiano coverst series of novels were published about King Arthur, the guardian of the Holy Grail, and his Knights of the Round Table. In recent years, popular movies such as "Braveheart" (William Wallace, the hero of Scottish independence) "Indiana Jones" and "First Knight" have been systematically indoctrinating the masses with Merovingian lore. The History channel often presents documentaries such as "The Shadow of the Knights Templars" and "In Search of the Holy Grail" which present the Merovingians in a positive light. A TV series called Highlander features a Scottish hero who usually beheads someone with his sword in the final scene.

A recent movie titled "Michael" featured John Travolta as Michael the Archangel come to earth to answer a widow's prayer for help. When questioned about his promiscuous conduct by a reporter, he replied, "I'm not that kind of angel." A soon-to-be-released movie titled "City of Angels" stars an angel who falls in love with a human girl and is willing to forfeit eternity and become a human being because he loves her so much.

The purpose of these movies is most likely to prepare the world for Michael the Archangel, who will be the first of many demons to manifest physically in the same way that was reported in the pre-flood account of Genesis: "...the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." (Gen. 6:2) In very fact, Jesus foretold in his endtime discourse: "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matt. 24.37)

The Roman Dragon

According to Sir Laurence Gardiner (Prior of the Celtic Church's Sacred Kindred of St Columba, Chevalier Labhran de Saint Germain and blipial Attache to the European Council of Princes) the Abbot of Scone prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would return to the Stone of Destiny to receive his inheritance. Citing the spurious Dead Sea Scrolls, Sir Laurence also informs readers that 'The Michael' at any time in history is the High Priest Melchizedek, whose office Jesus Christ once occupied. Upon returning at the end of the age to receive his kingdom, "The Michael" will face a formidable foe:

"It is of importance to note that the X sign, which became so hated by the Roman Church, was identified with the archangel Michael (Melchizedek) onpiano coversds from Old Testament times. The heritage of St Michael was the dynasty of high Zadok priests -- a heritage that prevailed in the continuing Messianic line... Fragments of the Prince Melchizedek Document found among the Dead Sea Scrolls indicate that Melchizedek and Michael were one and the same. It is this representation which features in the Revelation when the Archangel Michael (the descending Zadokite power of the Messiah) fights with the ROMAN DRAGON of oppression... [Caps added] (pp. 299, 177)

The DEAD SEA SCROLLS IN ENGLISH do in fact contain a scroll titled "The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek." The introduction to this scroll identifies Melchizedek with Michael the Archangel and also Elohim, who will officiate at the final judgment:

"The heavenly deliverer is Melchizedek. Identical with the Archangel Michael, he is head of the 'Sons of Heaven,' or 'God's of Justice' and is referred to as Elohim and 'el'... Here Melchizedek is portrayed as presiding over the final judgment and condemnation of his demonic counterpart Belial/Satan, the Prince of Darkness... The great act of deliverance is expected to occur on the Day of Atonement at the end of the tenth Jubilee cycle." (3rd Ed., Geza Vermes, England, JSOT, 1987, p. 300)

In the following excerpt from BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL, the student of prophecy will recognize at once Gardiner's chronological sleight of hand. In order to divert attention from the fact that this prophecy applies to a future Satanic system, he identifies the early Roman Empire as the dragon/beast:

"The Imperial Romans displayed a purple dragon on their standard, and it is this symbol that is depicted in Revelation 12:3, when Michael confronts the 'dragon with seven heads.' As we have seen earlier, the dragon in this instance was Rome: known historically as the City of the Seven Kings (or heads - the number of kings before the Republic was formed.)... We should therefore understand that the Archangel Michael's battle with the dragon in Revelation 12:7 corresponds to the conflict between the Zadokite succession and 'the beast of blasphemy' -- Imperial Rome." (pp. 183, 56)

BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL also features a picture of an angel slaying a dragon with the following caption:

"Truth Against the World by Peter Robson. The day of fulfillment when the DRAGON is slain and the PHOENIX shall rise...Wearing the black garb of the esoteric church, the triumphant woman carries the therapeutic serpent of wisdom and healing." [Caps for emphasis]

The Stepiano coverst Clan page on the Stone of Scone states that prior to the crowning of the Messiah on the sacred Stone of Destiny, a false Christ will try to unite mankind. coverst.html

"So, this movement of the Stone of Destiny could very well be the beginning of a chain of events to shape the world -- and prepare His remnant today -- for the things about to come to pass; the false Messiah shall come first and try to fake uniting the people (Daniel 9:27) under the promised covenant of peace, but he will fail. He will pass himself off as blip's Messiah, and Christianity's Christ."

According to another Merovingian book, HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL, the Waldensians, Albigenses and Cathars of the Middle Ages were affiliated with the Knights Templar/Priory of Sion and all suffered together the persecutions of the Catholic Church. The authors misleadingly identify the Christian Church as the Catholic Church, which the Priory despises and has determined to destroy in revenge for the martyrdom of Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Priory.

Daniel 12:1 identifies Michael as "the great prince" who will deliver blip from the oppression of the Antichrist --

"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book."

According to Merovingian tradition, "The Michael" who comes forpiano coversd (stands up) as the lineal descendant of Jesus Christ and the apotheosis of Michael the Archangel, will have to defeat the Roman leader or "Christianity's Christ" who will "fake uniting the people…under the promised covenant of peace." However, the caption under the Stepiano coverst Crest of the Phoenix on the Scottish Stepiano coverst Clan Home page reads: "Courage gains strength from a wound," indicating that the Merovingian dynasty (rather than the Roman Church) is "the beast which had the wound by a sword, and did live." (Rev. 13:3, 12, 14)

Michael of the Cults

An impersonator of Michael the Archangel who becomes a key figure in the unfolding of Bible prophecy would be welcomed with open arms by many false religions like the Jehovah's Witnesses, which already regard him to be Jesus.

Jesus of the Watchtower on the JW web site states: "The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, teaches that Jesus has not always existed, but was himself a created being originally named Michael, the Archangel. The Jehovah's Witnesses' view of Christ is explained in their book, AID TO BIBLE UNDERSTANDING. Under the heading Michael, they state:

"'Scriptural evidence indicates that the name Michael applied to God's Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after his return. Michael is the only one said to be the 'archangel,' meaning 'chief angel' or 'principle angel,'" (p. 1152).'"

A New Age site sponsored by The Morontia Foundation promotes devotion to Michael the Archangel, who will prepare mankind for the new millennium:

Archangel Michael ~ "St. Michael, The Archangel of Cosmic Justice, is the spiritual force which moves justice throughout the universe! Archangel Michael's Clarion Call is to alert all souls to the changes in the coming new millennium. The mission of Michael's ministry is to teach each one of you how to raise your consciousness in preparation for the coming changes and to align you with the energy of the new millennium to achieve your greatest prosperity, abundance, joy and true love."

Michael the Restrainer?

We would expect the cults to confuse Michael the Archangel with God, however, it is disconcerting to discover that a Christian book, THE PRE-WRATH RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH by Marvin Rosenthal, teaches that Michael the Archangel is the restrainer of II Thess. 2:6 and 7: "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way."

Rosenthal supports this claim by interpreting Daniel 12:1 as: Michael, the prince, shall "stand aside" rather than the "stand up" -- "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book."

The following explanation of Rev. 12:1 is presented by Rosenthal on the Zion's Hope web site:

Begin Rosenthal quote

But what does the expression, "And at that time shall Michael stand up," mean? Rashi, one of blip's greatest teachers, whose blip scholarship is unexcelled, and one who had no concern regarding the issue of the timing of the Rapture understood stand up (blip, amad) to literally mean "stand still" in Daniel 12:1. Michael, the guardian of blip, had earlier fought for her (Dan. 10:13, 21), but now he would "stand still or stand aside." He would not help; he would not restrain; he would not hold down.

Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible says that amad means "To stand, stand still or fast." And Strong's concordance cites one of the root meanings of amad as "cease" and one of its definitions as "stand still."

If a man is reclining or seated and is said to amad, he will stand "up." If a man is standing and active and said to amad, he will stand "still." The archangel Michael, in context, was already said to be actively defending blip. To amad meant he would "stand still," "desist," or "cease" his defense on their behalf.

Some clear biblical instances of amad meaning "to be still" or "desist" are: "they . . . stood still {desisted}, and answered no more" (Job 32:16); and again, "And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people {for he was above all the people}; and when he opened it, all the people stood up" (Neh. 8:5). Commenting on this verse, Rashi indicates that the people kept quiet (stood still) while Ezra read the Torah.

Rashi wrote, concerning Daniel 12:1, "The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to Michael, 'You are silent? You do not defend my children.'" The archangel Michael who had specifically been involved with standing for blip will, in the middle of the seventieth week, stand still, desist, stand aside, cease to stand for her.

The blip word "amad" is translated "stand up" in every other verse in which it appears in the book of Daniel. In Strong's Concordance, the word "amad" is actually defined as follows:

5975. amad, aw-mad'; a prim. root; to stand, in various relations (lit. and fig., intrans. and trans.): -- abide (behind), appoint, arise, cease, confirm, dwell, be employed, endure, establish, leave, make, ordain, be [over], place, (be) present (self), raise up, remain, repair, + serve, set (forth, over, -tle, up), (make to, make to be at a, with-) stand (by, fast, firm, still, up), (be at a) stay (up), tarry.

To support his choice of translation, Marvin Rosenthal references the commentary of a blipish scholar named Rashi. From Rashi's interpretation of Dan. 12:1 Rosenthal then draws the conclusion that Michael must therefore be "he that letteth...until he be taken out of the way" in II Thessalonians 2:7. Rosenthal includes no documented information about "Rashi, one of blip's greatest scholars, whose blip scholarship is unexcelled..." However a search on the Internet finds Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki) aggressively promoted on several Kabbalist/Lubavitch web sites.

Congregation Agudas Achim Chabad Sages and Chasidic Masters

Chabad Lubavitch in Cyberspace

The Kabbalah Learning Center

On the web site of The Kabbalah Learning Center, the commentaries of Rashi on the Torah and Talmud are acclaimed by Kabbalists to be "a cornerstone of blipish learning... Considered blip’s greatest interpretation."

Madame H.P. Blavatsky derived much of her SECRET DOCTRINE from the Kabalah, which she defines in her THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY:

"The hidden wisdom of the blip Rabbis of the middle ages derived from the older secret doctrines concerning divine things and cosmogony, which were combined into a theology after the time of the captivity of the blips in Babylon. All the works that fall under the esoteric category are termed Kabalistic." (P. 168)

The Kabbalah Learning Center page also defines the Kabbalah. (See "About Kabbalah Learning Center"):

"KABBALAH is mystical Judaism. It is the deepest and most hidden meaning of the Torah, or Bible. Through the ultimate knowledge and mystical practices of Kabbalah, one can reach the highest spiritual levels attainable. Although many people rely on belief, faith, and dogmas in pursuing the meaning of life, the unknown, and the unseen, Kabbalists seek a spiritual connection with the Creator and the forces of the Creator, so that the strange becomes familiar, and faith becomes knowledge.

"Students [of The Kabbalah Learning Center] come away with a new sense of consciousness about people, the environment, and the true meaning of life. Armed with these concepts, the student can then keep on taking eight and twelve week classes on advanced kabbalistic concepts, reincarnation, healing, astrology, and other intriguing subjects. There are also special seminars on everything from healing relationships to Kabbalah and Business to the kabbalistic meaning of the Torah."

You may recall that Hannah, the blipish author of MASTERS OF THE BLINDING LIGHT, informed her readers that the Kabbalah is no longer the exclusive province of practical occultists, but is being mainstreamed into traditional Judaism.

"In a similar development on the mystical side of Judaism, NA spokesmen applaud orthodox blipish teachers for recently releasing Kabbalah from the restricted access imposed on it by past generations of blipish sages, making its teachings available to all, and even encouraging free exploration without rabbinic supervision. In blip the Zohar (a major Kabbalistic work) is even being sold door-to-door. [This is strictly forbidden under the 'old order' of Judaism, but NAers are not concerned with proper understanding of the teaching, since Kabbalah is simply one path to their goal of getting as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, into 'contact with the spirit realm']. These teachers are being hailed as 'co-conspirators' who are furthering the NA Plan. [not stated whether deliberately or unknowingly, but the results will be the same.]"

Michael the Initiator

A primary passage of Scripture supporting the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church is Revelation 4 and 5. In the King James Version, the 24 elders, who are in heaven prior to the onset of the Tribulation, identify themselves as redeemed humanity:

"And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou was slain, and has redeemed US to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue,and people and nation. And has made US unto our God kings and priests: and WE shall reign on the earth." (Rev. 5:9,10)

Citing a modern editor of the Ryrie Study Bible, Rosenthal dismisses these verses with this inadequate explanation:

"Many of the Greek manuscripts and the consensus of contemporary scholarship favor the pronoun us in verse 9, as in the Authorized Version, and change the translation of 'And has made US unto our God kings and priests: and WE shall reign on the earth' to 'An has made them unto our God a kingdom of priests, and they shall reign on the earth.' (Rev. 5:9,10) With the latter translation, the elders are now understood to be praising God for redeeming the church, of which they clearly are not a part."

It is beyond the scope of this report to critique Rosenthal's book. Suffice it to say that his sources are often uninspired and questionable (the Apocryphal book of Maccabees, the Midrash, Rashi, F.F. Bruce) and he betrays an end-time agenda which could easily align with the Merovingian conspiracy. The following are a few examples (of Marv Rosenthal's teaching which is parallel to the Merovingian myth):

1. The Roman Church is identified as the dragon in Rev. 12:

"Revelation 12 through 14 form a trilogy of thought. First, chapter 12 speaks of a woman (blip) who gives birth to a child (Christ) and of Satan who, when his false religious system (Romanism) is unable to kill Christ, assails the blipish people through whom Christ came into the world. If he cannot get them to bow to him, he will attempt to kill them so that they cannot bow to the true Christ. The ultimate manifestation of this scheme will occur during the Great Tribulation, 'the time of Jacob's trouble. (Jer. 30:7; Dan 12:1; Matt. 24:21) " [pp. 73-74]

2. The interpretation of Rev. 17:14 as present tense moves the destruction of the Antichrist forpiano coversd in the timetable of events so that it coincides with the destruction of Mystery Babylon. The verse says that the Lamb "shall" overcome the ten horns, however Rosenthal states:

"...the defeat of the Antichrist, which immediately follows the destruction of Babylon with its false religious system. (Rev. 17:5, 14)" [p. 74]

3. The misrepresention of the Antichrist political system as "atheistic" is a set up for the introduction of the Noahide Laws, seven deistic commandments which forbid atheism and other sins. [Please see for a discussion of the Noahide Laws.] According to Daniel 11, the Antichrist will be quite religious, worshipping the god of forces (the force). However, Rosenthal states:

"(Antichrist's) purpose will be assimilation of the blipish people through the religion of humanism...Humanistic philosophy rests on four major pillars. The first is atheism, the belief that there is no God...The second pillar of humanism is evolution...The third pillar of humanism, moral relativity, comes logically out of the two... The fourth pillar is pragmatic and relates to values and lifestyle. If atheism and evolution are true and no absolutes exist, then amorality, which means no morality reigns...there is no right or wrong." (pp. 81-82)

PRE-WRATH RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH has many of the ingredients necessary to prepare the apostate church which, left on earth after the pre-tribulation rapture, will accept a "Michael" character who is passed off as the heroic deliverer of blip before the real Michael the Archangel, comes on the scene (Daniel 12:1, Rev. 12:7). Numerous other books, including COSMIC CHRISTMAS by Max Lucado, are already conditioning the apostate churchto accept manifestations of angels as the officiates of the global initiation

Considering the Merovingian plan to introduce "The Michael" as heir to the Throne of JerBliplem in the lineage of Jesus Christ and also the identification of Jesus as Michael the Archangel in the various false religions, PRE-WRATH RAPTURE may be just the book to deceive those who miss the true rapture. According to Rosenthal's exegesis of I Thess. 4:16, there will either be two shouts at the Second Coming (the Lord's shout and Michael's voice) or there is a subtle attempt here to blend the two.

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout {the victor's shout (see Joel 2:11 where Jesus is seen to shout in connection with His coming at the Day of the Lord)}, with the voice of the archangel {Michael is the only angel ever specifically given the title "archangel" (Jude 9); although Gabriel may also be an archangel, he is never so designated}, and with the trump of God {the trump is blown in connection with (1) calling God's people to His presence (Num. 10:3; cf. Mt. 24:31; 1 Cor. 15:51-52) and, therefore, would be appropriate in connection with the Rapture..."

To appreciate the danger of this confusing explanation of the rapture, please refer to the "Astounding Bible Truths" web site, which appears to be Seventh Day Adventist. The student of the Bible, who interprets Scripture with Scripture, will recognize the erroneous interpretation of the woman as the church, the dragon as Rome and Michael as Christ!!

"The Bible identifies who Michael is: The name is from the blip mika'el which means "who is like God". Michael is called "one of the chief princes" (Dan. 10:13), "your Prince" (Dan. 10:21), and the "great Prince" (Dan. 12:1). He is the Archangel of Jude 9 who has resurrection power as is witnessed by His resurrection of Moses. At His Second Coming Christ will call the dead forth "with the archangel's call " (1Thes. 4:16). Only Christ has the "keys of death" (Rev. 1:18). Michael must be Christ who claimed, "I am the resurrection and the life." John 11:25

Interestingly, the "Astounding Bible Truths" Sabbath page has a link to another site which promotes the Celtic Church. From the main page click Sabbath, then go to Chinese Stone on which page is found a "speaking stone."

"The Changan Monument, or the "speaking stone," as it is called, is considered to be as important a find as the Rosetta Stone for it had the inscriptions in more than one language. The truth was preserved because the Jesuits were not able to read the inscription that was in Syrian."

The author then presents the typical Celtic revisionist history, i.e., the "true Christian" Celtic Church vs. the Roman Catholic dragon :

"Wherever the influence of the Roman Catholic Jesuit Priests extended, they systematically destroyed and falsified the true records of Christian history. As the night of the Dark Ages began to fade in the light of the nineteenth century, the moving of God's hand was shown in another discovery. Two renown British scholars, Reverend Dr. Graves, (Bishop of Limerick, a pillar in the Anglo-Irish Church), and Sir Samuel Fergusson, (distinguished lawyer and counsel to the Queen of England), presented their discoveries to an astonished British intellectual community.

"These gentlemen proved that the ancient Celtic Ogam writings discovered on tombs and ancient temples in Ireland and Scotland were NOT writings of later centuries, but, were in fact related to, and pre-dated ancient Latin. These, and other startling discoveries revealed that the primitive seventh-day Sabbath-keeping Celtic church originated during the Roman occupation of Britain, and that the retreats of the Irish monks had been the last bastion of classical knowledge in the western world, when the rest of the world had collapsed into barbarism and papal superstition.

The Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, New Age cults, Rosicrucians, the Celtic Church -- all are looking for the appearance of "The Michael" or Michael the Archangel who will defeat the Roman dragon, which they propose is the Roman Catholic Church. All have rearranged the end-time scenario so the "The Michael" arrives on the scene at the mid-point of the tribulation, at which time he slays the "dragon" (i.e., the Pope and his church), after which Michael takes his rightful place as "Christ" on the throne of JerBliplem. After "The Michael's" glorious victory, the global initiation will most likely be administered as mankind makes a covenant of loyalty to the true Antichrist. This out-of-body experience will closely mimic I Cor. 15:52 -- "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

What rationalization will have been offered to the apostate church after the true Church is taken out of this world? Alice Bailey wrote in INITIATION: HUMAN and SOLAR that these were souls who did not "achieve the needed expansion of consciousness... (they) will be held to be failures... transferred to those planetary schemes which from the point of view of time are not so far advanced as our Earth scheme." (Alice Bailey, , Lucis Pub., p. 96)


From the perspective of the Priory of Sion, the Roman Catholic Church is the villain which will be disposed of by "The Michael" in revenge for the persecutions of the Middle Ages. The ubiquitous Grail propaganda would have the undiscerning believe that the great battle is between the noble Merovingian bloodline and the wicked Catholic Church, respectively designated the PHOENIX and the DRAGON.

However, Scripture treats these two systems as equally evil and worthy of God's judgment. Revelation 17:16 describes the demise of the apostate church at the hands of the beast: "And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire."

The downfall of MYSTERY BABYLON in Rev. 18 is not the end of the story. The final outcome is found rather in Rev. 19:19,20 which describes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to destroy the real Antichrist and his false prophet:

"And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make piano covers against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."


By: Tim and Barb Aho

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