Club 45 or "The Red Lodge of Vienna"
The origin to the lodge Club 45, also known as "The Red Lodge of Vienna", can be traced to three influential men: Leopold Gratz, Hannes Androsch and Udo Proksch.
Towards the end of the 1960s the young parliamentarian and secretary of the SPO (Austrian Socialist Party), Leopold Gratz, gathered a group of friends from the Socialist Student Association, who had all started their careers in 1945 (thus the name "Club 45"). They pledged lifelong friendship and mutual unconditional support in their personal careers. Their aim was political influence, real power, success, and money. Does it seem familiar?
About the same time, in 1969, Chancellor Bruno Kreisky sent his protege Hannes Androsch (later to become foreign minister) to Harvard University for a year. There he took part in the seminars of Henry Kissinger. Androsch was particularly aroused by Kissinger's lectures about "the organization and exercise of power".
Having returned to Austria, Androsch knew what to do. He told some friends that they ought to start a special masonic organization within the SPO. That way a small group could relatively quickly reach the top, at first within the party and then in the whole country.
The third man of the original troika, the adventurer, arms dealer and Soviet agent Udo Proksch, decided to combine the plans of the two young socialist lions into one single organization and concept. Of course, he had his own plans in addition to that. Proksch imagined a group patterned on the Italian masonic lodge P2, whose organizer and later master of the chair Licio Gelli was his role model.
Ever since the P2 scandal erupted in 1981 and the secret lodge became known to the public, Club 45 has been compared to P2, and "The Red Lodge of Vienna" was called the Austrian P2. There were, however, important differences. P2 had three thousand members from all political parties except the communists. Club 45 only had about three hundred members, all socialists, and "very honourable and well-respected persons" (Kreisky).
Club 45 is indissolubly tied to Cafe Demel in Vienna. In April 1972 Udo Proksch acquired by proxy the old cafe. All the old customers fled, when the food got worse and prices went up. To many old customers the limit was reached when the new owners celebrated the anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia, with the burning Winter Palace and portraits of Lenin made of marzipan (!).
Instead of the old clientele now gathered the top of the Austrian Social Democratic Part: Leopold Gratz, Helmut Zilk, Hannes Androsch, Erwin Lanc, Franz Vranitzky, Fred Sinowatz, and Karl "Charly" Blecha. Chancellor Bruno Kreisky cut the ribbon at the grand reopening following the renewal undertaken by the new owners.
For many years club life thrived surreptitiously in "the Red Lodge". At their lodge meetings in the upper stories of Cafe Demel, protected from all democratic control, the red cafe masons conspired and constantly expanded their positions. As in Italy under P2, a state within the state soon existed. There was a period when Austria virtually was ruled by Club 45 from Cafe Demel. There was as well a time when nobody could be a member of the Austrian government without being a Freemason.
Among prominent socialists that between the years 1974 and 1989 reached the government through membership in "the Red Lodge", the following can be mentioned: Franz Vranitzky (chancellor), Fred Sinowatz (chancellor), Hannes Androsch (vice chancellor), Leopold Gratz, Karl Blecha, Heinz Fischer, Helmut Zilk, Karl Sekanina, Gunther Haiden, Herbert Salcher, Franz Kreuzer, Willibald Paar, Gerhard Weissenberg, Karl Lausecker, Ernst Eugen Veselsky, Karl Lutgendorf, and Erwin Lane.
The most powerful people in Austria's financial circles were, of course, also members of the cafe masonry: Walter Flottl (the bank BAWAG), Karl Vak (Zentralsparkasse der Gemeinde Wien), Hannes Androsch (Creditanstalt), Helmut Kienzl (Nationalbank), Theodor Mellich (Girozentrale), Otto Binder and Erich Gottlicher (Wiener Stadtische Versicherung); executives from the nationalized corporations like Walter Fremuth (Verbundgesellschaft), Kurt Meszaros (OMV), Heribert Apfalter (VOEST), and Johann Buchner (Chemie Linz).
There were leaders of the media like the Kronen-Zeitung editor Friedrich Dragon and ORF (Austrian National Television) chairman Teddy Podgorski, as well as the chief of the Vienna police Karl Reidinger.
The shrewd owner of Cafe Demel Udo Proksch knew how to use this bizarre freemasonry for his own purposes, and he was not alone. It can be shown that all major corruption affairs in Austria from the mid-1970s through the 1980s were planned and co-ordinated in one of the rooms upstairs in the cafe (Hans Pretterebner, "Der Fall Lucona: Ost-Spionage, Korruption und Mord im Dunstkreis der Regie- rungsspitze", Vienna, 1989, p. 84).
Thus it was only natural that Club 45 also was the ideal centre for illegal arms trade. Proksch emphatically denied having anything to do with that. As early as on 1 June 1976 there existed a document (No. 84-Verschl-HbeschA/76) from Heeres-Beschaffungsamt (Austrian defence arms supplier), listing more than 50 people involved in such activity, Proksch being number 25 on the list.
After the murder of the Italian politician Aldo Moro in 1978, the police in several countries tried to trace the murder weapon, a Chech submachine gun, type Skorpion. The search led not directly to Czechoslovakia, but first to Austria.
On 19 April 1978, a few months before the murder of Aldo Moro, 150 such machine guns had been sent to a depot in Niederosterreich, owned by Proksch. From there the arms had been shipped on to Italy.
The Vienna newspaper Kurier asked Proksch on 25 November 1979: "Mr. Proksch, are you a spy for the East and also an arms dealer? And how do you explain that the headquarters of the German police considers you the supplier of Czech handguns to Italian terrorists? it is well-known that Aldo Moro was killed with such a gun."
Proksch dismissed the question, saying: "What happened to Aldo Moro doesn't interest me. I don't know a single Italian Red Brigade member."
With important friends like the brothers of "the Red Lodge", Proksch went free, of course. He said: " Club 45 is my protection against the intrigues directed towards me." (Hans Pretterebner, "op. cit, pp. 75-89)
The bottomless swamp that constitutes political freemasonry even in a relatively small country like Austria has meant that an upstart and non-freemason like Jorg Haider has become very popular. People are tired of fraud and corruption. The freemasons in Austria and all of the European Union fear that anti-masonic politicians will attain power. These would not only threaten the masonic power structure but also expose the rotten intrigues and bring the criminals to court.
Masonic Influence in Sweden
During the 18th and 19th centuries most leading officials in Sweden were members of the Order (Frimuraren, The Freemason, No. 3, 2000, p. 12). masonic influence was much greater than today. High-ranking freemasons were Oscar Themptander, prime minister (1884-88), General and War Minister Johan Bjornstierna; General and member of the government Anders Skjoldebrand, and Arvid Lindman (actually Salomon Achates), who was prime minister twice (1906-11 and 1928-30). Lindman was also a member of the 33rd degree Supreme Council in the Grand Lodge of England, according to the Catalogue of the Swedish Grand Lodge of 1934. This shows that Swedish freemasonry was directed from an international centre.
This also explains why the conservative leader and Foreign Minister Arvid Lindman would support Lenin who was passing trough Stockholm on 13 April 1917. He supported a masonic brother.
The newspaper Aftonbladet made the following analysis by journalist Goran Skytte in January 1985: "The members of the Swedish Order of Freemasons have a great influence in Swedish society. Freemasons have members in every important institution: the civil service, the military, business, politics, the Church, and the media... These freemasons have connections and loyalties to each other that make them practically a state within the state, a hidden power that the public is unaware of."
The Grand Marshal Tom Christian Bergroth stated in August 1994 that the Swedish Order of Freemasons does not have connections to the Grand Orient and the Illuminati. That was not true.
The rivalling daily Expressen on 12 January 1995 had the headline: "Well-known Swedes are Drinking Blood in Secret Society". The paper published the names of several secret members. The freemasons threatened to take revenge. The conservative freemason Sten Svensson admitted: "I am using the freemasonry as a politician." He wanted more politicians to belong to freemasonry.
A month later, the editor of the paper Olle Wastberg was fired and soon after the chairman of the board Johan Bonnier. One of the journalists, Curt Radstrom, who was a high-ranking secret freemason, was given a large sum of money for having been exposed.
The defected freemason and socialist politician Roland Brannstrom (Skelleftea) revealed that it is not uncommon that social democratic politicians also are freemasons (Expressen, 12 January 1995, p. 16).
According to the freemason Trevor W. McKeown, a group called the Illuminati of Stockholm was founded in 1721, also known as the Swedenborg Rite. Emanuel Swedenborg was initiated as a freemason in 1706, which was later confirmed by King Gustavus III, who himself was a freemason. This group consists of those members of the Grand Lodge of Sweden that had reached the formerly secret eleventh honour degree. In the year 2000 there were 67 such freemasons in Sweden and 56 in Norway.
Membership in Scandinavia is dwindling. In 1971 Sweden had nearly 26 000 freemasons. By the year 2000 there were 14 000 left, of which only 8000 were active members. The loss of membership was 45 per cent in 30 years.
In 1993, there were 2500 business leaders, more than 200 policemen, almost 500 lawyers and 900 military officers that belonged to freemasonry.
On 7 March 1998, Swedish Grand Master Gustaf Piehl denied that freemasonry was involved in occultism of any kind. What of the magic ceremonies with coffins and skulls and even the deity Baphomet, then? In the mid-1980s, pictures of skulls and bones in the basement of the Stockholm Masonic Palace were actually published in the newspapers.
The Swedish Order of Freemasons has been classified as a harmless sect in an official government report (1998). Maybe that is not so strange considering that the chairman of the survey was the high- ranking Freemason Sten Svensson.
Some freemasons are also members of the Knights Templar as was the former editor of The Freemason, Roland Swerin. The new Grand Master as of September 2001 is Physics Professor Anders Fahlman. Since 2001 the general laws of the Order are available to the public.
Odd Fellows is, however, the largest Order in Sweden, founded on 29 October 1884 and closely connected to the freemasonry. There are 39 600 members in 168 lodges, mostly men but the 80 Rebecca lodges enrol 12 100 women. The Order is led by the grand sire. Membership is also here steadily declining.
Odd Fellows originated in the guilds and crafts of Medieval England. The earliest printed record of an Odd Fellows Lodge appears in a reference to a lodge meeting at The Globe Tavern in London in 1748. This lodge was number nine, so apparently there were at least nine associated Odd Fellows lodges at that time. In 1803, the Odd Fellows were revived by an organization called London Union Odd Fellows, which later became known as the Grand Lodge of England and assumed authority over all Odd Fellow lodges.
Through English emigrants the Order was transferred to America, from where it returned in a partly different form to Europe. Among the first records of the order in America is that of five brothers of the English Order who met in New York City in 1806, and formed Shakespeare Lodge No. 1. The founders were three boat builders, a comedian and a vocalist - a group befitting the name Odd Fellows.
The Order of Odd Fellows was formally founded by the freemason Thomas Wildey and four other members of the English Order in Baltimore, Maryland, on 26 April 1819 (Washington Lodge No. 1). In 1821, the Grand Lodge of Maryland and of the United States of America was founded. Thomas Wildey also served as the first grand sire (grand master) of the first grand lodge (earlier the leader was called noble grand).
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows in North America (the United States and Canada) became independent from the Order in England in 1834.
There are only seven degrees. According to its propaganda, it teaches friendship, love, and truth. Several lodges together form a camp. The first degree in a camp is about faith, the second about hope, and the third is about mercy. It sounds just like the communists.
The symbols include a skull, an eye, and a hand holding a heart.
Some Odd Fellows lodges in the United States have unfortunately taken over certain particularly perverse ceremonies from American freemasonry. James Madison, a member of the Knickerbockers Lodge in New York, told of his initiation into Odd Fellows in his book "Exposition of the Awful and Terrifying Ceremonies of the Odd Fellows" (New York, 1847).
When he entered the lodge chamber, a sack was pulled over his head. He was then hoisted up to the ceiling with a metal hook in his trouser leg, rotated around until he got dizzy, and thrown onto the floor. Thereafter he was brought to a room that looked very distorted. When he had sworn the oath, six dancing "skeletons" appeared. One of them cried out: "I fell on a dagger, when I swore against a brother!" Another "skeleton" threatened: "As a dog dies, so dies the traitor."
The Carbonari
The Illuminati and freemasons worked behind the scenes very skilfully. In Italy the Illuminati started to infiltrate the Carbonari to use the organization for their own purposes.
The Carbonari (charcoal burners) was a secret society that originated 1806 in Naples and consisted of freemasons, mafiosi and military officers. The members had rituals that were similar to the masonic ones, but had their origin in the carpenters' guilds. The leader was called master and was assisted by the two cousins, Oak and Elm. Their table was the chopping block and their seats were bundles of twigs. They were wearing leather aprons and surrounded themselves with magic attributes such as axes, branches, and oak leaf garlands. They recognized each other by rubbing their right eyebrow three times with the right hand. The password was to rub their right ear lobe with the right hand. The members recognized each other also by secret handshakes, different for each class.
Their meeting place was called 'hut' (baracca). The supreme lodge Alta Vendita (the Marketplace) was founded in 1828 and its grand master was Joseph Picilli.
The armed Carbonari movement was established in southern Italy in 1807 and formed a veritable state within the state. The Carbonari, whose tactical guiding star was conspiracy, participated in all insurrections in the Kingdom of Naples until 1835. Their slogan was: "It is right to kill the kings of Italy!" The Austrian troops succeeded in suppressing all their attempts to seize power. After 1840 the psychopathic ideas of the Carbonari spread to the whole Apennine Peninsula.
The most important leaders were prominent freemasons and Illuminati such as Count Camilio di Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Giuseppe Mazzini. Mazzini was always dressed in black as if in mourning for his country. He became known as the 'Evil Genius of Italy' and tried to carry on the activities of the Illuminati through the Alta Vendita, the main lodge of the Carbonari. Cavour reformed the Italian economy and introduced the lira as currency. From November 1859, after the formation of the Provisional Government, the new currency became the lira. Cavour was appointed prime minister of Sardinia in 1852. He also founded and edited the newspaper II Risorgimento (The Awakening) in 1847. This eventually became the name given to the unification movement.
The headquarters of the Carbonari was located in Rome. In the 1820s the movement had 700 000 armed members. They claimed that they could enlighten the world with the holy fire (illuminism!). The symbol of their message of truth was charcoal, the source of light. An upside-down tree symbolized the murdered king. They advocated removal of the wolves (tyrants) in the forest (society).
The members of the same hut called themselves boni cugini (good cousins). Non-Carbonari were called pagani (heathens). The Carbonari were divided into two classes: apprentices and masters. No apprentice could rise to the degree of master until the end of six months.
The Carbonari colours were blue (hope), red (love) and black (faith). At their gatherings they displayed five glowing triangles symbolizing the Illuminati five-point program.
The novice, to be recommended by three members, was dragged in a sack from the antechamber to the threshold of the hut. The master kicked three times towards the door and uttered ceremoniously: "Good cousins, we need help!"
A ritual answer allowed the novice to enter. According to the symbolic rite the candidate was dragged through "the forest", "the fire", and "water", before swearing the oath. Not until then was he let out of the sack.
When the carbonaro received the highest degree, he was informed what the symbols really stood for. Before that they had lied to him and allured him with pious Christian stories.
A traitor lost his head, his body was burned at the stake, the ashes were spread in all directions, the executioner washed himself in water.
The movement spread to Spain, Switzerland, the Balkans and Germany, where the Carbonari used the name the Union of the Dead.
At the head was the Alta Vendita, to which deputies were chosen from the other vendite. A small hatchet was the distinguishing symbol of a master, the apprentices were indicated by a little faggot worn in the buttonhole.
The similarity between the secret society of the Carbonari and freemasonry is evident. Freemasons could enter the Carbonari as masters at once. Its red, blue and black flag was the standard of revolution in Italy until substituted by the red, white and green in 1831.
The Carbonari appeared in France about 1820. Two years later there were 60 000 members, who had been recruited among naive military officers, students and common workers. Marquis de Lafayette became grand master of the militant conspiracy movement and organized a plot against Louis XVIII.
The Carbonari made sure that Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon I, was elected president of the Second Republic of France. During the Second Empire, when the authorities began to work against this masonic movement, the Carbonari committed several terrorist attacks. Their goal was to overthrow the Bourbon dynasty for good.
In 1860, Mazzini had formed an organization called the Oblonica, a name derived from the Latin word 'obelus', which means "a spit or dagger". Within this group, he established an inner circle, a modern band of criminals, called the Mafia, which was an acronym for Mazzini, autorizza, furti, incendi, awelenamenti (Mazzini, authorizes, thefts, arson, poisoning).
Excerpt from the permanent instruction of the Alta Vendita: "Crush the enemy whoever he may be; crush the powerful by means of lies and calumnies; but especially crush him in the egg. It is to the youth we must go. It is that which we must seduce; it is that which we must bring under the banner of the secret societies. In order to advance by steps, calculated but sure, in that perilous way, two things are of the first necessity. You ought to have the air of being simple as doves, but you must be prudent as the serpent. Your fathers, your children, your wives themselves, ought always to be ignorant of the secret, which you carry in your bosoms. If it pleases you, in order the better to deceive the inquisitorial eye, to go often to confession, you are, as by right authorized, to preserve the most absolute silence regarding these things. You know that the least revelation, that the slightest indication escaped from you in the tribunal of penance, or elsewhere, can bring on great calamities and that the sentence of death is already pronounced upon the revealers, whether voluntary or involuntary."
Piccolo Tigre, Jewish agent of the Alta Vendita, stated in his letter, dated 18 January 1822: "To find oneself a member of a lodge, to feel oneself called upon to guard from wife and children, a secret, which is never confided to you, is for certain natures a pleasure and an ambition. The lodges, today, can well create gourmands, they will never bring forth citizens.
There is too much dining amongst the right worshipful and right reverend brethren of all the Ancients. But they form a place of depot, a kind of stud [breeding ground], and a centre through which it is necessary to pass before coming to us. The lodges form but a relative evil, an evil tempered by a false philanthropy, and by songs yet more false as in France. All that is too pastoral and too gastronomic; but it is an object, which it is necessary to encourage without ceasing. In teaching a man to raise his glass to his lips you become possessed of his intelligence and of his liberty, you dispose of him, turn him round about, and study him. You divine his inclinations, his affections, and his tendencies; then, when he is ripe for us, we direct him to the secret society of which freemasonry can be no more than the antechamber.
The Alta Vendita desires that under one pretence or another, as many princes and wealthy persons as possible should be introduced into the Masonic lodges. Princes of a sovereign house, and those who have not the legitimate hope of being kings by the grace of God, all wish to be
kings by the grace of a Revolution. The Duke of Orleans is a Freemason, the Prince of Carignan was one also. There are not wanting in Italy and elsewhere, those amongst them, who aspire to the modest enough honours of the symbolic apron and trowel. Others of them are disinherited and proscribed. Flatter all of their number who are ambitious of popularity; monopolise them for freemasonry. The Alta Vendita will afterwards see what it can do to utilise them in the cause of progress. A prince, who has not a kingdom to expect, is a good fortune for us. There are many of them in that plight. Make freemasons of them.
The lodge will conduct them to carbonarism. A day will come, perhaps, when the Alta Vendita will deign to affiliate them. While awaiting they will serve as birdlime for the imbeciles, the intriguing, the bourgeoisie, and the needy. These poor princes will serve our ends, while thinking to labour only for their own. They form a magnificent signboard, and there are always fools enough to be found who are ready to compromise themselves in the service of a conspiracy, of which some prince or other seems to be the ringleader."
In 1870 the Carbonari movement of the Illuminati was replaced by the more effective socialistic crusade. Some of the Carbonari members joined Young Italy, which had been founded and led by Mazzini. This secret society was part of the 'revolutionary' societies network Young Europe (Giovine Europa), which operated from Switzerland by instructions from Mazzini in the years 1934-1936.
Resistance against Freemasonry
Sometimes the power elite has tried to prevent the freemasons from taking total control of the political situation. This can be illustrated by the following example.
Fredrik Wilhelm III of Prussia (1797-1840), on 20 October 1798, issued an edict that banned secret societies and orders that could be harmful to the public. But in 1814, he joined the freemasons in Paris because of his brother Alexander I, tsar of Russia, who was part of the freemasonry since 1803. He did not understand how dangerous the masonic lodges could be.
Fredrik Wilhelm III did not even intervene against the freemasonry in 1830, when his belief was shaken because of the revolt in Belgium, which was provoked and executed by the freemasons. The members of the Dutch Royal House did not want to let them-selves be controlled by the masonic brothers. Alexander I, however, followed the Austrian example and banned freemasonry in Russia in August 1822. In 1825, he was murdered by the freemasons as a "traitor". The mortal remains were gone, as the rituals required. An empty coffin was buried. "Of the traitor's body not a single trace shall remind us of his treason."
In Milan and Venice freemasonry was banned in 1814. In Prussia several lodges were closed in 1820, due to political intrigue. In Bavaria freemasonry was again banned in 1845. Since the previous ban was lifted, the freemasons started more intensively than ever their undermining activities.
Another example is from the United States. Captain William Morgan, who had reached a high degree within the freemasonry and had a central position in the order, discovered some of the terrible masonic secrets in his Lodge No. 433 in Batavia, New York. He travelled around the United States to warn the other masonic lodges. In 1826, he explained that it was his duty to warn the public of the secret plans of the freemasons. Morgan wanted to expose the shady activities of the masonic elite in a book. He signed a contract with the publisher Colonel David C. Miller. The book, "Freemasonry Exposed", was published in August 1826.
This brought the members of the concerned lodges to the verge of a nervous breakdown. At that time there were 50 000 Freemasons in the United States.
Warnings against Morgan were quickly spread. In the newspapers were published advertisements, like this one in Canandaigua, New York, on 9 August 1826: "If a man calling himself William Morgan had come to the society, should everyone be on their guard, particularly THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE FREEMASONS... Morgan is considered a swindler and a dangerous man."
The freemasons in Batavia and the Illuminati in America and in Europe were worried. They decided to punish him for breaking his oath and betraying his brothers. Richard Howard, an English Illuminatus, was sent to America to murder Morgan (Michael di Gargano, "Irish and English Freemasons and their Foreign Brothers", London, 1878, p. 73).
The freemasons trapped Morgan into a plot to murder him. Some Freemasons went to Morgan's house and kidnapped him on 11 September 1826, claiming that he owed them money and that they were entitled to hold him in custody until he paid off the debt of two dollars and 68 cents. The Freemason who came up with the idea of the debt was Nicholas Chesebro. The Freemasons also claimed that Morgan had stolen a shirt. On 13 September 1826, the Freemason Lotan Lawson went to the jail in Canandaigua, about 50 miles east of Batavia, and said that he was a friend of Morgan and had come to pay off his debt and obtain his release. Out in the street, Lawson invited Morgan to enter his carriage but Morgan refused. Two other Freemasons, Chesebro and Edward Sawyer, then appeared and they and Lawson forced the struggling Morgan into the carriage. People standing in the street heard Morgan cry: "Help! Murder!" as the carriage drove off.
One night between 17 and 21 September they took him out on the Niagara River in a boat, fastened metal weights onto his feet, and threw him into to the river, where he drowned.
The idea was to put fear into other freemasons and force them into submission. One of the conspirators, John Whitney, confessed the murder to his physician on his deathbed in 1860.
Morgan's publisher, David Miller, on 13 September was also caught in the masonic claws but managed with the aid of the authorities to escape. On 4 October, Miller printed 5000 leaflets that in heavy lettering described the kidnapping of Morgan and requested public help. It was well known, however, that the Freemasons threatened people for revealing their secrets. Some Masonic sources claimed that Morgan had received 500 dollars and a horse to flee to Canada never to return.
New York governor De Witt Clinton appointed several commissions to enquire into Morgan's fate. On 1 January 1827, the Freemasons Lotan Lawson, John Sheldon, Nicholas Chesebro and Edward Sawyer were charged with kidnapping and murder. Later additional ten Freemasons were sentenced to prison for accessory to the crime.
The Freemasons once again struck back by falsifying Morgan's book and published it with distorted contents in December 1826, typical for those that do not want the truth to come out. The printer that printed Morgan's book was subjected to arson in August 1826.
The American historian Emanuel M. Josephson revealed in his book "Roosevelt's Communist Manifesto" (New York, 1955, p. 24) that the Columbian Lodge of the Illuminati was founded in New York City in 1785. Its first leader was Governor De Witt Clinton.
There was a lot of negative publicity about the Morgan case. All over the Midwest and north-eastern United States the Freemasons were isolated. The public demanded that teachers and other prominent people should leave the Order or lose their jobs. Freemasons were banned from jury service. They were insulted in the streets. The Morgan case aroused public resentment against secret societies in general and the freemasons in particular. Politicians in favour of freemasonry cut their ties to the Order. As many as 141 anti-masonic publications soon appeared.
After the trial and publication of Morgan's book, 45 000 Freemasons left their lodges. Nearly 2000 lodges were closed. Many of the remaining lodges cancelled their activities. In the state of New York alone, there were 30 000 Freemasons. When Morgan's book was published, the number of members decreased to 300 (William J. Whalen, "Christianity and American Freemasonry", 1987, p. 9).
One of those that left freemasonry at this time was a young lawyer, Millard Fillmore, in 1850 to become the 13th president of the United States. He also began warning against the freemasons.
John Quincy Adams (1825-1829), president of the United States, was a determined opponent of the secret society and fraternity of freemasonry. He thought, "Masonry ought forever to be abolished". Adams stated: "It is wrong essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good... The existence of such an order is a foul blot upon the morals of a community." (Wiliam G. Sibley, "The Story of Freemasonry", 1913)
Adams wrote three letters to the historian Colonel William Leet Stone, a high-ranking freemason, a Knight Templar and editor of The New York Commercial Advertizer, in which he exposed how Thomas Jefferson was using Masonic lodges for subversive Illuministic purposes. The letters are in the Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia.
The Illuminati punished him by ruining his chances for re-election. Adams was totally destroyed in the press that was already controlled by the Illuminati. He was going to expose them in a book, but the manuscript was stolen.
Because of the Morgan case David C. Bernard, David Miller and 41 former freemasons founded the Anti-Masonic Society in Le Roy, New York, in the spring of 1828, later to be called the Anti-masonic Party. They wanted to ban freemasonry and organized protests in the East Coast cities. Millard Fillmore became a member of the party in 1828.
William Wirt was nominated for president of the United States for the Anti-Masonic Party in Baltimore in September 1831. In the election of 1832 he received eight per cent of the vote (1 262 755). His greatest turnout was in Vermont. His limited success was due to the Morgan case, but people were also aware of the threat of international freemasonry. The effects from the scandal slowly subdued during the 1840s. An ominous shadow has, however, been hanging over the masonic sects ever since. Everyone is not a brainwashed idiot, as the masonic leadership assumes.
Between 26 and 30 September 1896 an anti-Masonic Congress was held in Trento in Italy, where also 36 Catholic bishops participated. Some 18 000 people marched through the streets of Trento protesting the freemasonry.
Another great demonstration against the freemasons was organized by Colonel Emile Sonderegger in Geneva, Switzerland, on 9 November 1932. On 28 November 1937, there was a referendum to ban all secret societies. Those in favour of the ban (235 000 votes) lost heavily. Two-thirds (514 000) voted against. All political parties supported the Freemasons.
Sonderegger's anti-masonic movement rapidly collapsed after the referendum.
During the Second World War Serbian nationalists issued a set of four stamps with protective symbols at an anti-Masonic exhibition in Belgrade in 1941. The freemasons detest these symbols that reduce the energy flow from the negatively charged masonic symbols.
The stamps from the anti-Masonic exhibition in Belgrade in 1941. The surcharge went to the campaign against international freemasonry.
When the freemason Bela Kun (actually Aaron Moritz Kohn) on 20 March 1919 proclaimed the Soviet Republic of Hungary with the dictatorship of the proletariat as a political system, he signed a decree to dissolve the Masonic lodges. He did exactly as the Jacobins in France, where most lodges were closed so as not to be used by the counter-revolution. They knew what a powerful force the freemasonry could be for political purposes. Bela Kun allowed the activities of the Grand Orient, however, since his communist comrades belonged to that order. He was also a member of B'nai B'rith.
Freemasonry was declared illegal in Hungary in 1920, when Admiral Miklos Horthy came to power. On 18 March 1946, a new masonic controlled government annulled the ban and reinstated its legal status. Stalin once again banned freemasonry in Hungary on 13 June 1950, because the lodges were "meeting places of the enemies of the people's democratic republic, of capitalistic elements, and of the adherents of Western imperialism" ("Anti-Masonry", article in "Coil's Masonic Encyclopaedia", pp. 58-59).
Many dictators were opposed to freemasonry, even though they knew that it was a far too powerful and dangerous enemy to deal with.
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini as a young socialist was against the Italian entry in the First World War. All of a sudden he changed his mind and participated in the war as a foot soldier. The Jewish syndicalist Margherita Sarfatti turned him into a fascist. On 23 March 1919, Mussolini and his Jewish syndicalist friends Aldo Finzi, J. Pontremoli, A. Jarach, Elio Jona, and Cesare Sarfatti founded in Milan their strongly nationalistic fascist party Fasci italiani di combattimento. Mussolini utilised syndicalism and Fabian socialism to the full.
Fascism is nothing but another form of the Fabian socialism for which the freemasons laid the foundation.
Mussolini appointed the Jewish freemason Carlo Foa to edit the fascist newspaper Gierarchia (Hierarchy/ Elio Jona was the financer of the fascist Il Popolo d'ltalia (The Italian People).
Mussolini was recognized by the freemasons and received help. The most powerful man in Venice, Count Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata, on 31 October 1922 brought this socialist and fascist to power (under the sign of Scorpio). Volpi was minister of finance in Mussolini's first government (1925-1928).
The freemason Volpi was the right hand of the banker Giuseppe Toeplitz, a Polish Jew who was head of Banca Commerciale Italiana. Giuseppe Volpi had been in the centre of the financiers that helped provoke the Balkan Wars 1912-1913. The same Volpi di Misurata was the architect behind the state of Libya in 1934 ( The New Federalist, 11 September 1987).
Among the freemasons that helped Benito Mussolini to power were New York bankers J. P. Morgan, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co (Gurudas, "Treason", San Rafael, CA, 1996, p. 83). The Chicago Tribune, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal praised Mussolini early on for having created stability and prosperity in Italy. The American press even called him a new Roman emperor and compared him to Napoleon. On 20 July 1936, Time Magazine published a very favourable article about Mussolini, calling him the saviour of Italy.
The American Illuminatus John J. McCloy became financial adviser to the fascist government of Benito Mussolini. McCloy was chairman of the Illuminati-controlled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) the years 1953-70. He was also a leading figure within the Bilderberg group.
After the fascist assumption of power in 1922, Jews were overly represented within the central administration, the military, and higher education. Many Jews joined the Fascist Party, where they could reach high positions, some very close to Mussolini (Meir Michaelis, "Mussolini and the Jews: German-Italian Relations and the Jewish Question in Italy 1922-1945", Institute of Jewish Affairs, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1979).
The most important Jewish freemasons belonging to Mussolini's government were Aldo Finzi (Mussolini's right hand and deputy minister of interior), and Guido Jung (minister of finance 1932-35). The fascist chief ideologue was the Jewish Illuminatus Gino Arias, who used the economic model of the syndicalists. He was a member of the Fascist Council that in effect ruled the country. Members were also the Jewish masonic bankers Giuseppe Toeplitz and Otto Herman Kahan. Mussolini's advisers in economic affairs were all Jews: H. Ancona, A. Luria and T. Meyer. Hitler's ideologue Alfred Rosenberg called Mussolini a Jewish lackey. The Jewish contribution to the fascist movement is verified by William Rubinstein, professor of history at the University of Wales at Aberystwyth in his study "A People Apart: The Jews in Europe, 1789-1939" (Oxford, 1999).
The freemason Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill said that if he had been Italian, he would have donned a black shirt and joined Mussolini. Churchill was initiated on 24 may 1901 in Studholme Lodge No. 1591 in London and became a master in Rosemary's Lodge No. 2851 the following year.
Mussolini was made an honorary freemason, but he betrayed the confidence of the masonic bankers and proclaimed as early as 1924 that every member of his Fascist Party being a freemason must leave either one of these organizations. General Luigi Capello, one of the most well-known fascists and deputy grand master of the Grande Oriente, the leading grand lodge in Italy, left the Fascist Party so as not to hetray the ideals of freemasonry.
In 1925, Mussolini gave an interview in which he said that in Italy Freemasonry was a political organization that was subservient to the Grand Orient of France.
In the summer of 1925, Mussolini ordered the dissolution of freemasonry in Italy. In an open letter to II Duce, Domizio Torrigiani, grand master of the Grande Oriente d'ltalia, demanded that democratic principles be respected. Mussolini ordered him exiled to the island of Lipari in 1927, where he later died.
On 4 November 1925, the masonic socialist Tito Zaniboni attempted to murder Mussolini. General Capello was arrested for complicity and was sentenced to 30 years in prison (Sven G. Lunden, "The Annihilation of Freemasonry", The American Mercury, No. 206, February 1941).
Following the anti-masonic agitation, the black shirts were involved in many illegal actions against the freemasons between 26 September 1925 and 4 October 1925. They entered the homes of many well-known freemasons in Milan, Florence and other cities and killed 137 of them. The Grand Master Raol Palermo escaped but was caught and murdered.
On 9 January 1926, Mussolini confiscated the assets of the lodges. He only persecuted those freemasons that disliked his government.
The freemasons never forgave Mussolini's limiting their means to act, after having helped him organize his march on Rome on 27 October 1922 that forced King Victor Emmanuel III (also a freemason) to appoint him prime minister on 31 October. The freemasons lied to the king that the garrison of Rome only had 6000 men (actually there were 28 000) to put up against the fascist black shirts 100 000 (actually 40 000).
In all secrecy Eugenio Chiesa was elected new grand master in 1930. After the Second World War, Guido Laj became the legitimate grand master.
Wiener Freimaurer-Zeitung stated in its No. 5-6 of August 1925 that Mussolini would not get rid of the freemasons with his terrorist act - the anti-masonic law. It would not end freemasonry in Italy.
The word 'fascism' comes from the Latin word 'fasces' meaning 'bundles of sticks'. In ancient Rome the bundle of sticks was a symbol for those officials with the right to punish their subjects.
This was a radical symbol during the Illuminati coup d'etat, also known as the Great French Revolution of 1789 (Paul Johnson, "Modern Times", New York, 1983). In the Illuminati headquarters in Ingolstadt there was a painting on the ceiling, where an old man carried a bundle of sticks in his hand. This symbolized power to the Illuminati as it later did to the fascists.
The press under Mussolini remained free. No secret police was established. The economy was controlled by corporative economic councils. To Mussolini the socialist Kurt Eisner was a great example. His people were dressed in black leather jackets as were Lenin's commissars. Mussolini's rhetoric recalled the violent language of Lenin, saying: "There is no life without bloodshed!"
Under Mussolini the Cosa Nostra was persecuted and forced to go underground. Many mafiosi fled to the United States, where they could operate freely. During the Second World War the Mafia supplied the American troops with information on the military situation in Sicily. After the American landing in 1943, the Mafia had free hands. Mafiosi were made mayors of Sicilian towns and cities. And the Americans could only look on as Mafia leaders publicly executed their enemies.
The American authorities released 200 gangsters during the war, who originally came from Italy, to send them back to their former homeland to renew their Mafia activities. This was described by former German Minister of Research and Technology, Andreas von Biilow, in his book "Im Namen des Staates" / "In the Name of the State" (Munich, 1998, p. 173). The commander of the American units in Sicily used the Mafia in the struggle against the nationalistic government in Rome.
When General Miguel Primo de Rivera came to power in Spain in 1925, he ordered freemasonry banned in his country. In September 1928 he closed down the Grande Oriente and other subversive lodges. After the 1931 revolution they were, however, all reopened.
The most effective opponent of freemasonry was the Spanish head of state General Francisco Franco (a Christian Jew). He knew there was a real Masonic conspiracy. The Masonic leaders of the Supreme Council, of the 33° in Washington, D. C. in the autumn of 1936 urged their communist and socialist henchmen the world over to support the reds in the Spanish Civil War and fight against Franco. They influenced the policy of several governments.
The various Masonic supreme councils around the world convened as early as 1931 in the heavily Masonic-infested city of Havana, Cuba, to hold an international congress to discuss common issues concerning the political changes the world was facing.
In 1938, Franco issued a decree ordering all symbols connected with freemasonry to be obliterated from the gravestones of freemasons buried in Spain. Freemasonry was a criminal offence, punishable by prison for any man ever to have been connected with the Order, or anyone who did not denounce freemasonry and reveal to the police the names of all freemasons with whom they had been associated (Hamilton, "Freemasonry: A Prisoner of War," official organ of the Supreme Council 33°, The New Age, November 1948, pp. 655-656).
On 2 March 1940, Franco issued a decree "for the suppression of communism and freemasonry" making masonic membership a crime punishable by six year in prison for those below the 18th degree. The assets of the lodges were confiscated. Many freemasons were tried before tribunals and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. A special Spanish military court was created to suppress freemasonry. About 2000 men were imprisoned for up to 30 years, depending on their rank and activity within the freemasonry (Hamilton, "Freemasonry: A Prisoner of War", The New Age, November 1948, p. 655). Franco's minister of justice claimed that only 950 Masons had been imprisoned and 500 were released by 1945, although they were barred from employment or practice of their professions in Spain ("Masons but Not Free," Newsweek, 25 June 1945, pp. 114-115).
Article 1 of the decree stated that one could not be a communist, belong to a masonic order or other secret societies. All freemasons who also were communists should automatically be sentenced to twelve years and one day in prison. This only applied to "aggravating circumstances".
Article 6 explained that this meant freemasons of the 18th to 33rd degrees or those having been a member of the central committee of the Spanish Grande Oriente.
All freemasons or communists had to leave their organizations within two months after the proclamation, and all such within the civil service or leading positions within the private sector were to be discharged.
Many freemasons fled abroad and had their property confiscated. Not until the late 1 970s, several years after the death of Franco in 1975, the ban on freemasonry was abolished.
Franco felt it was important to inform the people of the danger of freemasonry. He wrote more than fifty articles about freemasonry in the magazine Arriba between the years 1946 and 1951. In 1952 the articles were collected into a book, called "Masoneria", under the pseudonym J. Boor. It was re-published in 1982 when it was stated that the real author was Franco.
The freemasons are still slandering him.
Also the Portuguese nationalist Prime Minister Antonio de Oliveira Salazar banned freemasonry in 1931, which could not operate openly again until after his demise in 1970. The Grand Master Jose de Matos was arrested and put in mental hospital against his will.
Fujivara, who represented Japan at the Weltdienst Congress in Berlin in 1938, said: "Judeo-Masonry is forcing the Chinese to turn China into a spearhead for an attack on Japan, and thereby forcing Japan to defend herself against this threat. Japan is at war not with China but with freemasonry, represented by General Chiang Kaishek, the successor of his master, the freemason Sun Yatsen." (Henry Rollin, L'Apocalypse de notre temps ", Paris, 1991, p. 514)
Freemasonry was banned in Turkey by President Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1935, even though he himself was a freemason. Also the French Vichy-government persecuted freemasonry beginning in 1940. masonic activity was neither permitted in Romania, Bulgaria, nor Yugoslavia during the war.
The reason was simple. During the preceding two hundred years the freemasons without a public mandate meddled in politics, committed terrorism, planned and executed murder, provoked revolutions and wars. Surely there was reason to ban this undemocratic and destructive movement that was using democratic means to harm the society that surrounds them.
In Austria freemasonry was banned in 1938, and most freemasons were sent to concentration camps. The same thing occurred in Czechoslovakia a year later. The Finnish freemasons closed their lodges voluntarily during the war to impress their Nazi allies.
Pope Pius XII in 1958 condemned all those, "that attached their name to freemasonry".
In today's world there is more than ever a need for an anti-Masonic movement to shut out the freemasons from the democratic institutions and the centres of power, including the parliaments. For example only 11 out of 155 Norwegian parliamentarians were free- masons in 1983, or 7 per cent. There were also 250 high-ranking police officers, 250 bank executives, 400 officers and 110 clergymen.
Burma (now Myanmar) and Cambodia do not allow any Masonic activity on their territory. It is remarkable that General U Ne Win in 1962 came to power in a coup d'etat in Burma and in 1974 introduced the Masonic favourite political system - socialism - and at the same time closed all the lodges. Burma has since become the world's lea- ding producer of opium and heroin.
The largest lodge of Indonesia was the Dutch Grand East. President Sukarno banned all Masonic activity in 1961. In North Korea the freemasonry is officially banned, as it is in Egypt, Iran, and Iraq.
The freemasons horrible oaths and threats of hideous punishments for "traitors" have no place in a democratic society. This oath obligation could even provoke split personality disorder.
The British Prime Minister Tony Blair in the autumn of 1999 said he felt it improper that high officials within the judicial institutions (police, prosecutors, and judges) and the government administration be freemasons. His statement raised strong protests from the Masonic camp. It was immediately hushed up.
In Norway the chairman of the justice committee Jorgen Kosmo in the early 1990s, dissuaded police and other judiciary employees from being freemasons.
A member of the Norwegian cabinet, Stein Ludvigsen, refused to leave his lodge, despite the opposition's protests. Conflict of interest was to be avoided at all costs (Norwegian daily Dagsavisen, 22 Octo- ber 2001).
The Finnish parliament in 2001 issued a law forbidding judge to belong to the same secret society as the accused. Such a law is nee- ded in many other countries.
In the autumn of 1997, the British Commons Home Affairs Select Committee demanded a list from the United Grand Lodge of England, of freemasons employed in the criminal justice system (The London Times, 20 February, 1998). Within the police in West Midlands, ma- sonic corruption was widespread. Four out of five police officers were freemasons, and to a non-mason it was very hard to make a career. In the membership list the names of 30 judges were found. Within the Scotland Yard a special lodge is operative - Manor St. James, to which 200 police in central London belong.
The home secretary had to comply with the committee's recom- mendation and sign a bill requiring all applicants to high posts within the criminal justice system whether they be freemasons or not. The police union was opposed to this registration, but if one does not comply with this rule, it being charged with contempt.
This Masonic corruption within the British police is described in detail by Martin Short in "Inside the Brotherhood" (London, 1997).
Stephen Knight concluded that a British policeman could not become chief of police, unless he was a freemason (Stephen Knight, "The Brotherhood", London, 1994, pp. 49-80).
Police chiefs 27 July 2004 warned all officers that they would be sacked if they belonged to the British National Party. BNP press officer Phil Edwards said: "This is the sort of thing they used to do in the Soviet Union, removing people's democratic right to join a legal political party." (The Guardian, 28 July 2004, p. 4)
But is it common practice that the experience and skill of a police- man does not count unless he belongs to freemasonry? Something similar was the case in the Soviet Union, where all careers were closed to non-members of the Communist Party. In the Soviet Union the organized society only counted 3 million communists. In Great Britain about half a million Freemasons fulfil a similar function, and in the United States there are at least 2.5 million such conspirators.
The British police serve freemasonry and not the public. Scotland Yard already in 1877 was so corrupted that three leading chiefs of police were sentenced to hard labour. The organization was restructured. In 1977 it was time again. Then it was revealed that detectives and high officials took bribes. 13 detectives, all Freemasons, were sentenced to prison. They had received money from porno shops in London in return for not telling of their bizarre and illegal activity.
In today's world the Freemasons are trying to disarm all opposition aimed at the essence of freemasonry. At the Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina, there exists since the 1920s the central commission for combating the opponents of freemasonry. Freemasons closely monitor and collect all anti-Masonic statements, articles, and books the world over. All this is then analysed and proper measures are taken. The international freemasonry is issuing special instructions on how to handle their opponents. Among other Masonic documents in the Special Archive in Moscow, the Russian critic of freemasonry Viktor Ostretsov found a report on a renegade that is a Freemason who has left the order. Such Freemasons are called chameleons without character. "Analytical" portraits are also painted of anti-Freemasons.
Propaganda today plays an even greater role for freemasonry than before. For that reason there is a bureau of propaganda at the Vienna Grand Lodge. The parallels with the communists are striking (Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow, 1999, p. 579).
In my view everyone have to glance at it.