Secret Manipulations
In 1928, Wall Street constructed the s-called Young Plan, which required that Germany pay its war damages in cash rather than in commercial goods. The freemason Owen D. Young was acting for the banker J. P. Morgan. When the plan was carried out, the result was a dramatic increase in the unemployment rate, which led to a worsening of the situation in Germany the years 1929-33. In 1932, six million Germans were out of work. Industrial production had dropped by 40 per cent since 1929.
When interrogated in September 1945, the industrial magnate Fritz Thyssen said: "People were desperate. Hitler promised to put an end to the unemployment situation. The government was weak and the conditions for the people were worsening."
"Sidney Warburg" once more met Hitler shortly before his assumption of power. Hitler told him of the party's success. The number of members of the National Socialist Party had trebled in a couple of years. Hitler wanted another 100 million marks, but Wall Street offered a maximum of 7 million dollars (about 24 million Reichsmarks in 1933). Hitler accepted this, and the money was transferred via foreign banks. This information was later made available through other sources as well ("Financial World History", Zurich, 1936).
Hitler was further financed by Paul Warburg, board member of IG Farben (or GAF, as it became known after Pearl Harbor), the management of which consisted entirely of Rockefeller's men, and Max Warburg, director of IG Farben headquarters in Germany. Documents have been published bearing Hitler's name next to that of Max Warburg. One of these documents mentions Hjalmar Schacht as chairman of the national bank. Schacht was a freemason, as is confirmed by masonic sources. He belonged to the Prussian Grand Lodge (Dieter A. Binder, "Die diskrete Gesellschaft: Geschichte und Symbolik der Freimaurer" / "The Discrete Society: History and Symbolism of the Freemasons", Graz, 1988, pp. 77, 90).
In the opinion of Antony Sutton, Hitler had never been able to attain power without contributions from the largest chemical corporation in the world. The legal manager of IG Farben was August von Knieriem, the paternal uncle of Olof Palme, the future Swedish prime minister.
Between 1932 and 1939 General Motors invested close to 30 million dollars in IG Farben. General Motors also supported Hitler's political movement. In the early 1940s, IG Farben co-operated with 53 American companies. The industrialist William R. Davies was appointed official supplier to the German Navy.
The major economic enterprise later undertaken by IG Farben was the Auschwitz concentration camp. The investment amounted to 300 million dollars in today's money. At the Nuremberg trials, only three German executives (all non-freemasons) were convicted of slavery, conspiring against humanity and other crimes. The American directors were never mentioned. The German directors of AEG were likewise prosecuted, while the American ones were not.
At the Nuremberg trials everything possible was done to avoid disclosing the activities of those Americans that had financed Hitler. German capitalists who had joined in the activities of the American companies were also able to escape unchallenged. Only two German financiers were sentenced: Fritz Thyssen and Emil Kirdorf (posthumously, as he died in 1937). The Soviet Union tried to reveal more names. The United States opposed this, which led to the acquittal of the Director General of AEG, Buecher. He claimed that, apart from IG Farben, Siemens and AEG were the strongest German companies, and were led by convinced anti-Nazis. Antony Sutton was, however, able to publish a document proving that AEG transferred money to Hitler's account Nationale Treuhand (the National Holding Company), which was used to finance his election campaign (Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler", Sudbury, 1976, p. 56).
No action was taken against the illuminatus Paul Warburg, who financed Hitler, and was managing director of American IG Farben. It was not possible to charge him with crimes against humanity. The Americans were not charged, due to pressure from Rockefeller. American factories in Germany (Opel and Ford) manufactured 90 per cent of the three-ton lorries used by the Wehrmacht.
Of course Moscow kept quiet about the role played by Wall Street, since the communists were dependent on the same source of capital. It was never pointed out that the United States was the only country that made a profit from the Second World War. All other countries lost money, and ended up with enormous debts.
Information available today shows how easily Hitler acquired American technology (Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy", New York, 1984).
The bankers were counting on German defeat in a potential large scale war, and expected to be able to completely control Europe after the war had ended.
In the parliamentary election held in April 1932 the national socialists increased their seats from 107 to 162. On 31 July, another parliamentary election was held that gave the Nazis 13 745 000 votes, 37 % of the total, granting them 230 seats in the Reichstag. The Nazi Party was now the largest and most powerful in Germany, thanks to a massive propaganda campaign.
On 6 November the Nazis lost two million votes and 34 seats in the Reichstag. Two days later, Hitler requested a meeting with President Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler demanded to be made chancellor. Once again he was turned down. Kurt von Schleicher became chancellor of Germany on 2 December 1932.
In the small German free state Lippe, local elections were scheduled for 15 January. Hitler took this opportunity to make a big impression. The Nazis campaigned heavily and received a small increase in votes over the previous election total. But they used their own widely circulated newspapers to exaggerate the significance of the vote and to once again lay claim that the Nazis were the wave of the future. It worked well and even impressed President Hindenburg.
On Sunday, 22 January 1933, a secret meeting was held at the home of Joachim von Ribbentrop. It was attended by von Papen, Hindenburg's son Oskar, along with Hitler and Goring. Hitler grabbed Oskar and brought him into a private room and worked on him for an hour to convince him that the Nazis had to be taken into the government on his terms. Oskar emerged from the meeting convinced it was inevitable. Franz von Papen then pledged his loyalty to Hitler.
On 28 January, Schleicher went to Hindenburg and asked him once again to dissolve the Reichstag. Hindenburg said no. Schleicher resigned. On the 29th, a false rumour circulated that Schleicher was about to arrest Hindenburg and stage a military takeover of the government. When Hindenburg heard of this, it ended his hesitation. The freemason Paul von Hindenburg decided to appoint another freemason, Adolf Hitler as the next chancellor of Germany.
Around noon on 30 January 1933, a new chapter in German history began when a teary-eyed Adolf Hitler emerged from the presidential palace as chancellor of Germany. Surrounded by admirers, he got into his car and was driven down the street lined with cheering citizens. Hitler exclaimed: "We've done it! We've done it!"
The magician Franz Bardon (alias Frabato, 1909-1958) held a high post in the government (Franz Bardon, "Frabato", Wuppertal, 1979). According to Bardon, Hitler belonged to Der Freimaurerischer Orden der Goldene Centurie in Dresden, commonly known as Lodge 99. All the 99 lodges of this order had 99 members. Each lodge worship a horrible demon. The demon helps members gain money and power. The members of the 99 Lodges are also industrialists and bankers. That Hitler really was a high-ranking freemason, is confirmed by Norman MacKenzie in his book "Secret Societies" (New York, 1967). It has also been confirmed from Moscow, where all documents referring to the subject are kept.
In 1933, the freemason Rudolf von Sebottendorf published a book called "The Magicians". He no longer wished to remain behind the scenes in the National Socialist Party. The book was immediately banned and orders for its destruction were issued. Only a few copies were salvaged, one of which is still in Moscow. According to this book, Hitler achieved the rank of grand master of the Germanenorder in 1932.
On film and on photographs, Hitler has been shown displaying the essential sign: arms crossed on the chest. This is the sign of the grand master, the symbol of power (Yuri Vorobyov, "The Road to Apocalypse: A Step of the Serpent" (Moscow, 1999, p. 94). A model for this secret masonic sign is the image of Osiris, shown holding his arms crossed on his chest, his hands holding the serpent staff and the scourge. These attributes symbolized order and punishment.
On 30 January 1933, Wall Street got its candidate appointed leader of Germany. On 27 February 1933, there was a fire in the Reichstag building. After the war, the falsifying historians laid the blame for this on the Nazis. It has now been established that the fire was not started by the Nazis under Goring's leadership. It was actually started by the communist Marinus van der Lubbe alone. In 1962, the British historian Fritz Tobias published a detailed investigation showing that the evidence previously presented as proof of Nazi involvement was false. Examination of police records revealed that van der Lubbe was very well aware of the political implications of his actions. Edward Calic, the secretary of the investigating cornmission, had produced a number of forged documents, which were used as the basis for a false report. The Nazis took the opportunity to ban all communist organizations.
After the election in November 1932, the party coffers were empty, but suddenly money was coming in again. Following the new elections on 5 March 1933, Hitler and the German nationalists received a majority of 16 votes in the parliament, which enabled them to carry out their plans. From 23 March, Hitler became Germany's dictator. He no longer needed to consult the parliament. His power was unlimited. The national socialist revolution could begin.
During 1933 the Nazis banned all anti-Jewish songs, including the brown shirts' song "When Jewish blood runs off the knife".
In October 1933, Hitler dissolved the parliament. Hitler wished to clear the farmers' debts of 12 billion marks and lower the interest rate to two per cent. The interest rates amounted to fourteen per cent of the total income of the farmers, and added to that was approximately the same amount in taxes and social security. Hitler's aim was to completely abolish interest on the farmers' loans and exempt them from taxes altogether. But prominent freemasons, headed by Warburg, prohibited Hitler from abolishing taxes and interest. Hitler managed, however, to lower the interest rate to six per cent. He later wished to introduce a system that would limit the ability to oppress society by means of speculating in capital, but those that had helped him to power disapproved. Abraham Lincoln was after all murdered for trying to abolish interest rates.
Hitler created work for the six million unemployed. From February 1933 until spring 1937 the number of unemployed went down from six million to less than one million. Eventually, there was no unemployment. The Nazis introduced the "workbook" concept, which originally came from the Soviet Union. No German worker could be employed without his workbook. The same system was later used in Sweden and many other countries up until the 1960s.
The Gross National Product doubled from 1932 to 1937. Motorways were built through the landscape in ways least harmful to nature, even though this increased the cost. Every German worker should have an economic car, and Hitler himself assisted in designing a suitable one - the Volkswagen (people's car). The successful economy was directed by the director of the national bank, Hjalmar Schacht who according to the SS official Hans Werner Woltersdorf was a freemason.
IG Farben, along with other major corporations, needed improving, and their needs were met.
In 1933, the US government considered the time ripe to recognize the Soviet Union. Many American companies (Electric Boat Company, Ford Company, Seversky AirCraft Corporation, General Electric and others) helped build the Soviet false front, and many financiers, such as Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Morgan, Rockefeller, the Warburgs, Douglas Dillon (actually Lapowitz), Cyrus Eaton, and David Kendall, also invested enormous amounts in communism (Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", Morley, 1981).
On 2 August 1934, the German president Paul von Hindenburg died. Hitler never disclosed that Hindenburg's political legacy included a wish to reintroduce the monarchy. This was out of the question for Hitler and the freemasons that had installed him.
Any foreigner, no matter how anti-Nazi, could visit Germany and see and observe anything he wished to see, with the exception of the concentration camps and the military sites (as is the case in all countries). No anti-communist was permitted to visit the Soviet Union, and no foreigner was able to see much of Soviet everyday life. Anyone, except a few thousand blacklisted German citizens, was able to travel abroad. This was not the case with Soviet citizens. Only a chosen few were granted permission to travel abroad.
The high level of prosperity was made possible because in 1934, Germany abandoned the international gold standard, and began issuing money in accordance with its own needs, with a currency based on the value of the work produced.
During the years 1923-1929, the American economy had a high growth rate. This trend had to be checked, according to Gary Allen and Antony Sutton. On 24 October 1929, a day that became notorious as Black Tuesday, a collapse on the stock market was arranged on Wall Street. As a consequence, there were 13.2 million unemployed in the United States in 1932, and the production index fell from 120 to 57 (100 having been set for the year 1930).
This terrible economic crisis, which was arranged by the banks, had repercussions worldwide. The aim of the criminal power groups is control of the world economy. Today, this is achieved through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, whose intentions are criminal, regardless of the official, misleading propaganda.
The Black Tuesday in October 1929 was a contributing factor to the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who promised all kinds of reforms. Roosevelt had co-operated with Owen D. Young, whose so- called Young Plan brought Hitler to power in Germany.
The leading bankers had reduced the amount of money in circulation, and the trade volume, by raising the interest rate (the minimum-lending rate), but they paid very little attention to the financial needs of the industry. The economic squeeze caused a depression, which in 1934 reached the worst level in 100 years in the Western world.
Thanks to Hjalmar Schacht's economic policies, however, the German economy once again began to approach prosperity. Eventually this even led to a labour shortage. The infant mortality rate was lower than that of Britain. The social security system was developed most efficiently. Hitler ordered the use of natural energy resources such as wind and water. The fuel of the future was hydrogen. The Hitlerjugend pursued a cult of nature.
In Germany in the 1930s, large numbers of farmers were producing methane from manure, using the gas to fuel tractors and combine harvesters, since the cost of ordinary fuel had risen too high (Bjorn Gillberg and Arthur R. Tamplin, "Murder by Government Consent:
How Environmental Policy Shortens Our Lives" / "Mord med statligt tillstand. Hur miljopolitiken forkortar vara liv", Helsingborg, 1988, p. 120).
National socialism turned out to be superior to the democratic system. Hitler was able to solve the social and economic crises against which the democratic countries were struggling. People were happy with the system of a market economy with centralized leadership, although human rights were not very well respected by the authorities.
Hitler's policies concerning gold, credit and interest was a severe blow to the European economic system. The leaders of the London stock exchange, who all happened to be freemasons, regarded this state of affairs as a threat to their efforts to control national as well as international trade. They demanded that Germany return to the slavery under interest rates, and threatening to destroy the country through war unless the demand was met. Secret negotiations were held between London and Berlin for several years. In August 1933, Samuel Untermeyer, president of the Zionist World Organization, threatened to destroy Germany, should it continue its new economic policies. This was the man who had previously directed the plunder of the Kreuger financial empire, which had saved several countries by providing loans at low rates. Untermeyer considered the Jews to be the aristocrats of the world.
The masonic government of Poland began an extensive persecution of Germans living there. Between March and September 1939, the Polish authorities interned more than 50 000 Germans, many of whom died in the concentration camps. The Polish marshal Edward Rudz Smigly announced in the summer of 1939: "Poland wants a war against Germany."
Thousands of Germans were massacred by the Poles following agitation by the government. Of these, 12 857 could later be identified ("Die Polnischen Greueltaten an den Volksdeutschen in Polen", "Polish Atrocities against Ethnic Germans in Poland", Berlin, 1940). This was confirmed by the East German historian Theodor Bierschenk in 1954, on the basis of Polish documents. According to the social democratic writer Otto Heike of Lodz, there were at least 15 000 victims. Germany was the only country to protest, the documents to prove this still remain.
The freemasons understood that Germany would not accept this indefinitely, but would have to act. Hitler intended eventually to act in order to put a stop to the terror and the killings.
One may well ask why the German government waited so long. The answer is simple. Poland was planning a lightning attack by 700 000 troops on Berlin. Warsaw was only waiting for a go-ahead sign from London. The Polish military equipment was basically modern, but according to myth, Poland had only cavalry to muster. Germany was unable to wait any longer. Hitler used Stalin as an ally through the non-aggression pact of 23 August 1939. On 1 September 1939, Hitler attacked, in spite of the fact that Germany lacked a war economy at this time, as even the historian Paul Johnson admits ("Modern Times", New York, 1983).
In accordance with the secret treaty with the Nazis, the Soviet Union took the opportunity on 17 September to occupy the Byelorussian and Ukrainian parts of Poland. In the 21 months of Soviet rule prior to the German attack on 22 June 1941, up to 750 000 people belonging to these ethnic minorities were killed. 1 250 000 of the former Polish citizens (among them non-communist Jews), were deported to Siberia and Central Asia in February 1940. Young children, old and sick people died of the cold, which reached sometimes minus 30-40 degrees (Celsius). The railways to the east were lined with frozen corpses. A new wave of deportations killed its victims by thirst. Almost half died in the sealed railway cars during transport. Of the survivors, 120 000 were permitted to leave the Soviet Union in 1942 in connection with the establishment of the Polish army under General Wladyslaw Anders. In June 1941, up to 100 000 Poles were shot by the NKVD, the Soviet secret police (Jan T. Gross, "Revolution from Abroad: The Soviet Conquest of Poland's Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia", Princeton University Press, 1988). In comparison with this, the Nazis seem like minor hooligans.
Dr Burton Klein published a book, "Germany's Economic Preparation for War" (Cambridge, 1959), where he rejected the common accusation that Germany had a military economy entirely directed towards warfare: "France and England each spent as much or more on armaments, and together their spending on arms was much higher." The historian A. J. P. Taylor in 1961 also pointed out British responsibility for the development.
In his final report to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, General George C. Marshall noted that Hitler was in no way prepared for a long war, least of all a war to conquer the world. In fact, he was not even prepared for a war against England and France, let alone against the Soviet Union. This was confirmed by a leading expert on military economic preparedness, Colonel A. G. Texley, in an article in Quartermaster Review, June 1948.
The prominent American historian, Professor David Leslie Hoggan, shows in his work "The Forced War: The Origins and Instigators of the Second World War" ("Der erzwungene Krieg: Die Ursachen und Urheber des zweiten Weltkrieges", San Francisco 1961) that Hitler never wished a war in 1939, and that his claims on Poland were more modest than many of American and British publications have shown. Hitler had requested a motorway through the Polish Corridor and the return of the German city of Danzig. As of March 1939, Poland refused to negotiate. The British Ambassador Kennard (a freemason) put pressure on the Poles not to negotiate in August 1939.
First published in Germany in 1961, Hoggan's book was based on his dissertation. He described the British and Poles as the aggressors and Germany as the victim. Hoggan's book also asserted that the German Jewish policies were benign, or at least more lenient than those of Poland.
Professor Hoggan states: "Ultimate responsibility for the outbreak of the German-Polish war lay with Poland and England, and the responsibility for extending the war to all of Europe lies mainly with England."
Hoggan gained his Ph. D. in history from Harvard University in 1948, and held several important academic-teaching positions.
Rather than helping Germany, Britain declared war at 11 a. m. on 3 September. France was hesitant in the beginning but six hours later did the same. These were the nations that had promised Poland their "help", in case Germany dared defend the ethnic Germans in Poland. Poland carried on its terror against everything German even after the war. After 1 September 1939, neither England nor France were interested in Poland. For several days they refused to see the Polish military attache, who was asking for military assistance. The allies had no time for Poland.
It was not until 9 September that British military officers agreed to meet a Polish delegation in London. Even then, the head of the British General Staff, William Edmund Ironside, was unable to promise Poland any arms deliveries. There were simply no plans to help Poland. It was claimed that Britain had already bombed Germany, and that 44 aircraft had arrived in Romania for the Poles. This was a downright lie from an "ally" (Mikhail Meltiukhov, "Stalin's Lost Opportunity", Moscow, 2000, p. 102). All England had done was to bomb the German towns of Wilhelmshaven and Cuxhaven on 5 September.
The Jewish World Council declared war on Germany on 5 September 1939. The Nazis regarded this action as legal grounds for incarcerating all apparently hostile Jews. As early as June 1934 the Jew Emil Ludvig had stated: "Hitler does not want war, but he will be forced into it." (Les Annales)
When Hitler attacked Poland on 1 September, Germany had no more than 2980 tanks altogether. According to the historian David Irving, Hitler was an excellent strategist, far better than his generals ("Hitler's War", London, 1977). It was he who planned the blitzkrieg operation against France, which began on 10 May 1940.
After two weeks of fighting in Poland, the German tanks were running short of fuel, and the bombers were out of bombs. If the Soviet Union had not attacked on 17 September intending to destroy Poland, Germany would have been beaten (Viktor Suvorov, "Suicide", Moscow, 2000, p. 314).
The military historian Basil Henry Liddell Hart refers to the exchange of telegrams that took place between the British and German foreign ministries in 1939-1940. Lieutenant-Colonel J. Creagh Scott spoke of the same exchange on 11 August 1947 at Chelsea Town Hall in London (Tomorrow on 6 November 1947).
Creagh Scott related: "During the entire period of the telegram war, in 1939-1940, lengthy negotiations took place between the German and British foreign ministries, in which the British suggested to cancel the war if Germany would reinstate the gold standard and reintroduce interest rates."
J. Creagh Scott unveils the insidious Masonic forces ruling from behind the scenes ("Hidden Government", London, 1954). World- wide, people were unable to understand why no fighting took place on the Western front in 1939-1940. The public knew nothing of the negotiations.
The Jewish banker Montagu Norman, a spokesman for the English financiers, had no interest in the fate of Poland or other small nations, if Germany would only return to the gold standard. Germany's reply was negative. Montagu Norman was at this time head of the Bank of England, which was controlled by the Rothschilds.
Winston Churchill assured Norman that the gold standard would be reinstated in Germany. This was the reason behind the destruction of Germany and the killing of 55 million people in the Second World War.
Montagu Norman and Hjalmar Schacht secretly met in October 1935 in Badenweiler, Schwarzwald, to arrange loans for Hitler. Norman was in effect an errand boy for the Rothschilds (Eustace Mullins, "The World Order: Our Secret Rulers", Staunton, 1992).
The Second World War was started for the financial elite to be able to control the economy, to divide the world in communists and capitalists, and to facilitate the eventual introduction of a world government.
The Soviet Union agreed to the plans. Christian Rakovsky, the Soviet emissary to Paris and the liaison between the Soviet elite and high finance, when questioned by the GPU officer Gabriel Kuzmin in Moscow on 26 January 1938, stressed that he had access to information not because he was a freemason, but as a spokesman for the financiers.
In 1919, Lenin had put him in charge of the Soviet Ukraine govemment. He successfully kept the area for the bolsheviks during the Civil War. Stalin appointed him Soviet ambassador to Paris in 1925. Rakovsky belonged to the powerful Trotskyite faction that took their orders from the Rothschilds. Many members of this group were shot in Stalin's 1937 Communist Party purge.
According to Rakovsky, "Hitler, this uneducated and elementary man, has restored thanks to his natural intuition and even against the technical opinion of Schacht, an economic system of a very dangerous kind". The communists had merely talked of abolishing economic exploitation, while Hitler had actually done so. Rakovsky accused Hitler of having eliminated "international and private finance". In his opinion "something so completely counter-revolutionary that, as you already see, he has by means of magic, as it were, radically eliminated unemployment among more than seven million technicians and workers".
He emphasized: "If Hitler reached this despite all the bourgeois economists who surround him, then he was quite capable, in the absence of the danger of war, of applying his system also to peace time production... There is only one solution - war."
Rakovsky suggested an attack from the east towards the west, that is a planned Soviet act of war against Nazi Germany. This move would benefit the international financial elite and the masonic leadership. Hitler had after all let them down, and had to be abused and destroyed through a war on two fronts.
Rakovsky wondered: "What force can lead Europe towards complete suicide? Only one force is able to do this: money. Money is power and the sole power."
All information concerning Rakovsky is taken from Bruno Schubert's publication "Free-Economy Association" (Huntington, 1972). The protocols of Rakovsky's interrogation was smuggled out of the Soviet Union after the Second World War by the NKVD physician Josef Landovsky, and published under the title "Sinfonia en Rojo Mayor" ("Symphony in Red Major") in Spain in 1950. The whole transcript was published in English in 1968 under title "The Red Symphony: X- Ray of Revolution".
The 50-page transcript of his interrogation was not meant to become public. It confirms that the Rothschild's Illuminati planned to use communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super rich.
The fact that Britain did not care about Poland is demonstrated by the fate of General Wladyslaw Sikorski. He had fled to London and become head of the Polish government in exile. When the Germans discovered the Soviet massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest in April 1940, Sikorski intended to publicly condemn this mass murder. The British hoped he would keep quiet, but since he did not, there was only one option - getting rid of Sikorski. On 4 July 1943, during a flight to General Anders' Polish army in Alexandria, Egypt, the pilot parachuted over Gibraltar and the plane crashed. Sikorski was out of the way.
After conquering Poland, von Ribbentrop again went to Moscow on 27 September 1939, where he met with Stalin. A pact was signed concerning mutual borders and the friendship between Germany and the Soviet Union.
On 28 September, Germany and the Soviet Union issued a common statement explaining that the two countries had "solved" the question of Poland's disintegration, urging England and France to make peace with Hitler. Britain and France were warned that unless they agreed to peace treaty, they would be held responsible for the war.
Stalin, who was a cruel tyrant, nevertheless sometimes told the truth when it suited his purposes. In Pravda of 29 November 1939, he stated: "It was not Germany that attacked France and Britain, it was France and Britain that attacked Germany and they are responsible for the war."
In November 1939, Comintern organized a peace movement aimed at a quick end to the "unfair imperialist robber war". On 9 October Izvestiya had reported that waging war to crush Hitlerism was political and criminal madness. In Moscow, Walter Ulbricht condemned the anti-Hitler attitude of the Western powers.
In the summer of 1940, Britain was on the verge of bankruptcy, and incapable of waging war. But London was expecting help from Wall Street.
The American Contribution
In 1938, in an interview for The New York Times, the freemason Henry Ford said: "Somebody once said that sixty families have directed the destinies of the nation. It might well be said that if somebody would focus the spotlight on twenty-five persons who handle the nation's finances, the world's real war makers would be brought into bold relief."
Hitler also received financial support to build up the war industry from Henry and Edsel Ford. The main financiers, however, were Standard Oil (Rockefeller), General Motors, General Electric, ITT, J. P. Morgan's bank and Bernard Baruch. Standard Oil is today called Exxon, among other things. All these enterprises and bankers also helped Franklin Delano Roosevelt to power in 1933.
Precisely this same group of international bankers and industrialists also supported the bolshevik assumption of power in Russia. In his book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", Antony Sutton refers to some very interesting documents from various archives belonging to the American government. According to these documents, the same financial elite armed both sides in the Korean and Vietnam wars, to be able to kill as many people as possible.
The illuminatus J. P. Morgan was very pleased, when Hitler came to power. He had made his own preparations for a fascist dictatorship in the United States in 1933-34, but General Smedley Darlington Butler exposed this Wall Street plot. Congress, and in particular the members Dickstein and MacCormack (both freemasons), ensured that no information regarding this plot was leaked from the investigation (Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler", Sudbury, 1976, p. 175).
President Roosevelt was also eager to conceal the details of this criminal venture. Only in the 1950s was a minor part made available to historians.
The American Ambassador to Berlin, William Dodd, wrote in his diary that the embassy received visits in 1933 from Wall Street bankers and industrialists, who all admired Adolf Hitler and were looking for new opportunities to do business with the Nazi regime. For instance, Henry Mann, representative of the National City Bank, and Winthrop W. Aldrich of the Chase Bank, met Hitler on 1 September 1933 to discuss this matter (Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler", Sudbury 1976, p. 15 and p. 133.)
Dodd wrote on 19 October 1936 from Berlin to President Roosevelt: "Much as I believe in peace as our best policy, I cannot avoid the fears which Wilson emphasized more than once in conversations with me, August 15, 1915 and later: the breakdown of democracy in all Europe will be a disaster to the people. But what can you do?
At the present moment more than a hundred American corporations have subsidiaries here or cooperative understandings. The DuPonts have three allies in Germany that are aiding in the armament business. Their chief ally is the I. G. Farben Company, a part of the Government, which gives 200,000 marks a year to one propaganda organization operating on American opinion. Standard Oil Company (New York sub-company) sent $2,000,000 here in December 1933 and has made $ 500 000 a year helping Germans make Ersatz gas for war purposes.. .The International Harvester Company president told me their business here rose 33% a year (arms manufacture, I believe), but they could take nothing out. Even our airplane people have secret arrangement with Krupps. General Motor Company and Ford do enormous businesses here through their subsidiaries and take no profits out. I mention these facts because they complicate things and add to war dangers."
It is impossible to find all the facts relating to these affairs, because some documents were destroyed in 1945. But according to an investigation by the US War Department shortly after the Second World War, the Germans would have been unable to fight a war without IG Farben and other American efforts.
It is significant that the giant American corporation General Electric, which in the 1920s and 1930s provided electric power to the Soviet Union, played an essential role, in establishing the Nazi regime. The German press had at the time no idea that General Electric technically had total monopoly over the Soviet electric industry, which according to the GOELRO Plan, was built using American money and engineers and Russian slave labour.
Hitler was aided also by AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft, the German General Electric Company) and OSRAM, each of which had five American board members from Wall Street.
Henry Ford, who helped finance Hitler from the beginning, after 1933 built a modern automobile plant in the Soviet Union. The plant was situated near Gorky (today Nizhny Novgorod) and it began making trucks for the Red Army. The United States had only shortly before recognized the Soviet Union diplomatically.
In 1932, the finance elite had withdrawn all support from the American President Herbert Hoover. He disclosed this fact, but was silenced by the press. The financial elite would rather support a powerful freemason and lawyer, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In 1933, after his election victory in the November of 1932, Roosevelt began to carry out his socialist program under the designation the New Deal, which involved control of the economy. The New Deal was hailed as the New World Order, Novus Ordo Seclorum. The official claim was that the economic crisis needed stabilizing. The market economy was remodelled. The trade unions gained a large influence, which began dangerously to slow down the economy, since a number of gangs of organized crime took control.
The government agencies created to deal with the crisis basically copied those institutions established at the US entry the First World War in 1917. Roosevelt also deliberately revived the rhetoric of that time. The government declared war on the Great Depression. Nothing but the threat of war could make the freedom-loving Americans accept increasing taxes and a regulating government. In spite of this, the New Deal was basically a failure during the 1930s. The economic recovery was weak, and in 1939 the country entered another recession. It was only the massive rearmament in connection with the Second World War that set the wheels in motion again, as shown by the historian Michael Sherry in his book "In the Shadow of War: The United States since the 1930s" (Yale University Press, 1995).
The Supreme Court, however, rejected Roosevelt's demand that the federal government should control the economy. The Supreme Court instead limited state and federal involvement in the economy. Roosevelt wished to expand the membership, so that he could appoint justices open to his philosophy. Congress refused to expand the size of the Supreme Court. President Truman, on the other hand, began nationalizing the steel industry.
The cunning President Roosevelt belonged to the Wall Street circle, which made enormous profits from their support of the national socialist regime in Germany.
Roosevelt formally recognized the Soviet Union as early as 1933, in order to allow American business interests to take a greater part in building up the Soviet economy. He gave his permission to finance Stalin's five-year plans. The previous President Herbert Hoover called the New Deal programme fascist, that is a corporative form of socialism.
Rockefeller as well as Morgan, who had helped Hitler to power, kept aiding the Soviet Union. According to The Washington Post (2 February 1918), Morgan had given the bolsheviks 1 million dollars. In 1967, Morgan's stock market value was 92.6 billion dollars.
The man appointed to receive the contributions from the American bankers and directors was Rudolf Hess, who knew many of the secrets concerning the transactions of the American money. Hess, being Hitler's deputy, had flown to Scotland in May 1941 to try to arrange a solution to negotiations about the gold standard and thus an agreement on the conditions for peace.
Hess had blindly believed in the psychic General Karl Haushofer's dream that the trip would be a success. But the dream was not realized and Hess was arrested.
After his parachuting over Scotland on 10 May 1941, several astrologers, whom he had protected, were arrested. They were seen as accessories to Hess' misjudgement.
In 1946, Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment in Nuremberg. While in Spandau prison in Berlin, he wrote his memoirs. When he had filled three books, they were removed and burned. He started again, and the same process was repeated. The victors did not want the truth disclosed. Hess died in Spandau prison at the age of 93, on 17 August 1987, under mysterious circumstances. He was far too weak to have taken his own life.
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