Thursday, 14 February 2008

Architects of Deception Part XIV

The Destruction of Russia

The freemasons are always prepared to play a cat and mouse game to undermine their enemies. The victim is allowed to play the game on the cat's terms, until he is bewitched by consensus trance and his mind becomes totally paralysed. This is exactly what happened to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.

At the end of the 1 890s, the freemason Philip Vashod founded the masonic lodge Krest i Zvezda (the Cross and Star) in the Winter Palace and later in Tsarskoye Selo, in order to surround the tsar and destroy him. He even tricked Nicholas II into joining the lodge. But the tsar was not informed of any important secrets. Philip Vashod became adviser for questions of state (Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow, 1999, p. 387). The freemason Leonti Kandaurov (the tsar's emissary in Paris) confirmed this (the Central Historical Archive in Moscow, section 730, I).

French freemasonry got the all-clear in the tsarist Russia, despite the fact that it actually represented atheism and republicanism. Nicholas II was aware of this. By associating with the freemasons, he destroyed Russia's chances of development.

Between 1900 and 1902, 10 000 people, mostly Russian Jews, were trained in the United States. Their mission was to return to Russia after their revolutionary training in order to spread terror and crush the tsarist regime. Most of the financial resources for these activities came from the Zionist billionaire Jacob Schiff and other Jewish bankers in the United States.

These bankers also financed the Russo-Japanese War in 1904 and the Revolution of 1905 in Russia (Nikolov Dichev, "The Evil Conspiracy", Urgench, 1992, p. 99).

In 1904, the Grand Orient agitated against the Russian government, calling it a disgrace to the civilized world. The Order of Grand Orient of France was constantly involved in Russia's internal affairs by supporting the "revolutionaries there as early as 1905-1906, when many agitators were active" (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 1996, p. 172).

The tsar was influenced by several freemasons acting as close friends. Prince Alexander Mikhailovich was one of them. Mikhailovich's mother was Jewish. Another was Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, who convinced the tsar to sign the Manifesto of 17 October 1905, which cleared the way for the freemasons. This document gave the parliament, which was completely under the control of the masons, more power. The tsar's understanding of Russian freemasonry was primarily gained from these high-ranking masonic gentlemen who were unable to tell the truth and in reality wanted to depose and kill him.

In 1905, in St. Petersburg, the secretary of the Masonic Supreme Council, David Bebutov, delivered 12 000 roubles to the leader of the social revolutionaries in exchange for murdering Tsar Nicholas II. The plans could not be realized. In 1906 the freemasons made another attempt to kill the tsar with the aid of the social revolutionaries. They even used a submarine in the attempt. There were also plans to build an aeroplane for this purpose (ibid, p. 179). The action was organized by the infamous terrorist and freemason Nikolai Tchaikovsky (social revolutionary), who had designed the aeroplane that was to attack the tsar from the air. When their henchman Jevno Azef was arrested, the plans were put on hold.

When General V. Teplov became a member of the lodge, a "brother" wanted to know what he thought of the plan to physically remove the tsar. Teplov answered with the frankness of a military man: "If I am ordered to do so, I will kill him." (Sergei Melgunov, "On the Way to the Palace Coup", Paris, 1931, p. 185)

During the autumn of 1905, the freemasons led all the attempts to take over power in Russia. Among the conspirators were two members of the National Council, Alexander Guchkov and Mikhail Stakhovich (who also acted as diplomat), as well as other well-known freemasons like Sergei Urusov, a landowner who had betrayed the tsar. He handled the contacts with the Grand Orient of France.

Urusov was simultaneously the chairman of the Masonic Supreme Council of Russia. These men immediately wanted to be part of a Russian government. Also the freemasons Vladimir Rozenberg and Georgi Lvov took part in this plan. They sought to impose the French republican model on Russia.

The blood-red masonic directors, including Alexander Parvus and Leon Trotsky, had started a devastating wave of terror in 1905. "Revolutionary" crimes committed in 1905-06 were great advances, according to the freemasons. The freemasons continued to murder their enemies in Russia. Between 1906 and 1908, the revolutionary movement controlled by the freemasons performed 26 268 assassination attempts - 6091 Russians were killed and over 6000 were wounded (Vladimir Krasny, "The Devil's Children", Moscow, 1999, p. 181).

In December 1905, Boris Nikolsky, professor of law and a member of the National Council, gave a speech before the Russian Assembly and the tsar. Nikolsky spoke of the activities of the Jewry and the freemasons in Russia, that is subversive activities. The tsar disliked this speech so much that he prohibited its publication. Nicholas II wanted to win over elements from the left, who still hated him in spite of this.

Freemasonry was called a criminal organization in the reports from the secret police. This was true, since the lodges constantly broke Russian law. The tsar had access to these reports.

The tsar dissolved the parliament twice - in July 1906 and in June 1907. At this stage the Duma had broken the law time and again. The masonic member of parliament and lawyer Yevgeni Kedrin received a notice from the Grand Orient of France on 7 September 1906, which proclaimed that the Russians were suffering on account of the tsar's tyranny and that the Grand Orient of France provided opponents of the regime with means to defeat this despotism, all according to documents found in the Soviet Unions Special Archive, which became public in connection with the weakening of the communist regime in 1989.

After several attempts at a revolution in 1905 and 1906, the Grand Orient opened new lodges in Russia: The Iron Ring in Nizhny Novgorod (Kilvein was grand master), Kiev (Steingel was grand master) and in other cities. Count Alexei Orlov Davydov financed these new lodges (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 1996, p. 172).

In 1906, the Grand Orient incited their members to serve the highest interests of international socialism. The Grand Orient promised all the support imaginable for anti-government activities in Russia. The decision about this support was to be kept secret, however (ibid, p. 178).

Laferre, one of the leaders of world freemasonry, said at an International Masonic Conference in 1908, that the freemasons were prepared to finance a conspiracy against Russia. He specified: "The Council of the Order will make any necessary sacrifices in order to achieve true progress for this nation, which has not yet been delivered from darkness and where the triumph of freemasonry is about to unfold." (Kolokol, 9 November 1908)

When Nicholas II went on a state visit to Sweden in 1909, he was the victim of an assassination attempt. The anarchist who had been hired attacked the wrong person, however, and ended up killing a Swedish colonel in dress uniform.

In the middle of 1911 deputy Minister of the Interior, Lieutenant General Pavel Kurlov, issued a special report to the Minister of the Interior Piotr Stolypin, the contents of which disturbed the Russian freemasons deeply. The report dealt with the freemasons' connection with terrorist activities against the Russian state and its representatives. It appears that Stolypin took this threat against the state from the freemasons most seriously and decided to impose measures against them. Stolypin was not just minister of the interior, but also chairman of the Council of Ministers, that is prime minister.

Earlier, in 1910, a police agent named Boris Alexeyev had been sent to Paris to gather information about the Grand Orient of France, where the actions against Russia originated from. But Stolypin was murdered at the opera in Kiev on 1 September 1911 in the presence of the tsar. The murderer, the masonic agent Dmitri (Mordekai) Bogrov, was arrested. The leading figure in the Russian Grand Orient, Alexander Kerensky (actually Aaron Kurbis) escaped abroad at this time. Soon after, a report arrived from Alexeyev in Paris.

The report mentioned that "the masonic leaders have reached the conclusion that the chairman of the Council of Ministers... is an individual who is damaging to the interests of freemasonry. Such a decision, made by the Supreme Council, has been known to exist for several months... It transpires that the secret leaders of freemasonry are displeased with Stolypin's policy and have utilised the intimate connections between the Grand Orient of France and the revolutionary committees in Russia to complete the plan, which they only had as a draft. It is also said that the purely technical aspect of the crime and certain details in the circumstances, which made it possible to bring about the assassination, were prepared by the freemasons" (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 1996, pp. 198-200).

Leon Trotsky met Bogrov on the morning of 1 September 1911 in a cafe in Kiev. The residents of Kiev wanted to kill all the Jews in Kiev after the murder of Stolypin but the government sent a regiment of Cossacks to prevent a bloodbath ("The War by Common Law", Minsk, 1999, p. 42).

The murderer Bogrov was hanged. He was a member of the Grand Orient. The terrorist and freemason Manuil Margulies (a henchman to Alexander Guchkov) was the leader of the plot.

Stolypin's plans against the freemasons were never realized. After his murder, the freemason Count Vladimir Kokovtsev (1853-1943) became prime minister. He had previously held the post of minister of finance. He was the only tsarist minister to receive a high pension from the provisional government in the spring of 1917, while others were imprisoned. Nor did the bolsheviks touch him. He must have rendered great service to international freemasonry (Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow, 1999, p. 399).

The Jewish extremist Nikolai Maklakov became the new minister of the interior in 1912. His brother, the lawyer Vasili Maklakov, was a notorious freemason. The freemasons immediately began to infiltrate the Russian government, which was doomed to perish. After the murder of Stolypin, the police no longer received the necessary information about the damage being done by the freemasons. Those responsible for the information had been replaced with masonic agents, who deliberately neglected to pass on the information they received to their superiors.

Through the deputy Interior Minister and freemason, Vladimir Dzhunkovsky, the international organization of freemasons also had control of the Russian police. From the beginning, the freemasons supported the undermining activities of Lenin. By 1912, the freemasons controlled the entire Russian diplomatic corps.

On 18 February 1912, the masonic banker Salomon Loeb gave a speech in Philadelphia, stating the necessity of creating a fund to enable to send arms and leaders to Russia. These leaders would teach the Jewish youth to exterminate oppressors like dogs. He stressed that "we will force Russia to her knees". With the help of the fund, all this would be achieved (Philadelphia Press, 19 February 1912). As the reader will recall, freemasons regard all non-freemasons as dogs.

From 28 August to 1 September 1911, international freemasonry held its Second Internationale Socialist Congress at the Odd Fellows palace on Bredgade in Copenhagen. The main organizers were the freemason Walter Rathenau and the Jewish masonic lodge B'nai B'rith. Among the participants were the well-known freemasons Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotsky, Hjalmar Branting (Sweden), Georges Clemenceau and other leading representatives of the destructive forces (Aage H. Andersen, "Verdensfrimureri" / "World Freemasonry", Copenhagen, 1940, p. 29). Rathenau was also a member of B'nai B'rith.

According to Nina Berberova, researcher of Russian freemasonry, Lev Trotsky was for six months a member of a Russian masonic lodge at the early age of eighteen. He left the lodge, when he became a member of foreign lodges, among them Art et Travail (Art and Work) in France (L. Hass, "Freemasonry in Central and Eastern Europe", Wroclaw, 1982).
In the spring of 1914, Trotsky travelled to Venice as a member of the Grand Lodge of France, to meet his masonic brother V. Gacinovic to discuss plans for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. The masonic brothers Trotsky, Radek and Zinoviev were all informed of the plans for murdering the pretender to the Austria-Hungary throne (Yuri Begunov, "The Secret Powers in Russian History", Moscow, 2000, p. 220).

In 1916, Trotsky studied revolutionary tactics in the French lodge Les droits de l'homme (Yuri Ivanov, "The Jews in Russian History", Moscow, 2000, p. 124). He was also made a member of the powerful Jewish Order B'nai B'rith, which in the United States provided him with financial means on his way back to Russia in the spring of 1917 (Charles W. Ferguson, "Fifty Million Brothers: A Panorama of American Lodges and Clubs", New York, 1937, p. 253).
This was confirmed by the Austrian political scientist Karl Steinhauser. Trotsky was also a member of the Shriner Lodge, where only freemasons who have reached the 32 nd degree can be members (Johan van Leers, "The Power Behind the President", Stockholm, 1941).

While staying in the America in 1917, Trotsky also became a member of the Memphis Israel Lodge (Vladimir Istarkhov, "The Battle of the Russian Gods", Moscow, 2000, p. 154).

He achieved the 33rd degree in Moscow in 1919, while receiving a delegation of brothers from abroad (Grigori Bostunich, "Freemasonry and the Russian Revolution", Moscow, 1995, pp. 55-56).

Lev Trotsky played a revolutionary in the American spy film "My Official Wife". Fidel Castro also took part in Hollywood movies ("Bathing Beauty" in 1944 and "Holidays in Mexico" in 1946).

In July 1914, the Grand Orient began to urge Russia to join the war against Germany. The masonic advisers were increasingly directing the decisions made by the tsar. He was manipulated into making disastrous mistakes.

The murder of Grigori Rasputin, a monk close to the tsar family and in possession of parapsychic powers, was planned at the Masonic General Convention in Brussels during the First World War. Rasputin had wished to prevent Russia from taking part in the war. The freemason Alexander Guchkov (Grand Orient) had previously organized a campaign of slander against Rasputin. The leading force behind the plans was the freemason and Jewish extremist Vasili Maklakov (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The History of the Russian People in the 20th Century", Moscow, 1997, Volume 1, p. 456). Count Felix Yusupov, also a freemason, murdered Rasputin on 29 December 1916. Yusupov was suffering from serious mental problems, which Rasputin had been attempting to cure. Yusupov's confederate was Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich.

The tsar did not have the murderers prosecuted. They were simply deported. The gravediggers of the Russian nation interpreted this as evidence that murder were now permitted, as the murderers no longer risked prosecution.
In 1915, the British Ambassador George Buchanan (a freemason) received almost daily visits from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Sazonov, leader of the octobrists Alexander Guchkov, the speaker of the Duma, Mikhail Rodzianko, and the leader of the right-wing Cadet Party and member of parliament Pavel Milyukov. They were all masonic criminals and conspirators, aiming to overthrow the reign of the tsar. Buchanan played a very dirty part in the Russian tragedy, supporting them morally as well as financially (ibid, Volume 2, p. 35).

In January 1917, a number of influential masonic conspirators, among them general Nikolai Ruzsky, met with the Ambassador Buchanan in Petrograd. They discussed a coup d'etat, deciding that it should take place on 22 February 1917 (Fazarov, "The Mission of Russian Emigration", Stavropol, 1972, Volume 1). The date was later changed to the following day, 23 February. On 24 March 1917, the Jewish periodical Jevreyskaya Nedelya (Jewish Week, No. 12-13) published an article on the "February Revolution" under the revealing title "This Happened on Purim Day!'", that is 23 February 1917.

The freemasons Alexander Guchkov and Alexander Kerensky were preparing the overthrow of the tsar. General Alexander Krymov (freemason) was made governor-general of Petrograd, a move that prevented all attempts at saving the tsar. Kerensky co-operated closely with Genrikh Sliozberg, the Russian B'nai B'rith leader (Lady Queen- borough, "Occult Theocracy", 1933, p. 466).

In late February 1917, a delegation of local Zionists visited Ambassador Buchanan to thank him for his contribution to destroying the monarchy in Russia (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry", Moscow, 2000, Volume 2, p. 35).

Tsar Nicholas II was aware of the masonic conspiracy and knew the members by name but he did nothing to stop it. On the contrary, in early January 1917 he issued an order that the police were not to arrest Guchkov and Kerensky (Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow, 1999, p. 406). He continued to finance the Committee for the War Industry, a nest of vipers intending to lead tsarist Russia to destruction. Financial support was also handed out to various left-wing organizations, the extended arm of freemasonry. Nicholas II is the prime example of how freemasonry induces paralysis of thought and isolation from reality in spiritually weak individuals.

The freemasons forced the tsar to abdicate on 2 March (15 February Old Stile) 1917, on the threat that if he did not, his family would be killed. This was revealed by Anna Vyborova, a close friend to the tsar family, in her memoirs. The tsar, who at the time was in Pskov, renounced the crown in favour of his younger brother Mikhail, who would become a constitutional monarch. The next day, the freemasons forced Mikhail II from the throne as well. He was the last Russian tsar.

A Russian, English-speaking documentary film, "The Russian Revolution" (Moscow, 1993), admits: "The politicians, powerful industrial magnates and members of the military forces who were unable to reach an agreement with the tsar, began to consider a conspiracy. Many of them, who were apparently political enemies, were in fact allies behind the scenes. They were all members of the masonic brotherhood Veliky Vostok (Grand Orient), which was founded in St. Petersburg in 1912. This organization was ruled by the Supreme Council, which had 300 members. In 1916, the popular lawyer Alexander Kerensky was made chairman of the Supreme Council. He and other members of the Grand Orient were planning a coup against the tsar."

This film was financed by the American Jews Alexander Aisenberg, John Doukas and Matthew King Kaufman. They believed the time had come to tell the truth.

Sergei Melgunov, a Russian historian in exile, shows how in February 1917, when the coup d'etat took place, the military branch of the freemasons was led by Alexander Guchkov, while the civilian branch was led by Alexander Kerensky (Melgunov, "On the Road to the Palace Coup", Paris, 1931).

After the overthrow of the tsar, a masonic commission was unable to locate a single document proving the alleged crimes of the tsar (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 1996, p. 271). In spite of this, the commission demanded his execution. The plan was never carried out, however. When the British royal family wished to invite the tsar family to come to England, masonic forces headed by Jacob Schiff made sure that the threat of a general strike would keep the tsar family out of Britain.

Large numbers of documents concerning the atrocities committed by freemasons were however removed from the archives and destroyed. Alexander Kerensky, who was a member of the provisional masonic government, ordered the destruction of all objectionable documents, including an edition of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".
Kerensky also received money from Germany, another reason why the Provisional Government was unwilling to prosecute the bolsheviks. Kerensky had Trotsky temporarily incarcerated, to prevent him from talking too much. There was a risk of his revealing the Provisional Government's true source of financial support used for the coup d'etat. It was Kerensky's intention to keep this information secret (Igor Froyanov, "October 1917", St. Petersburg, 1997, p. 81).

On 24 March 1917, The New York Times reported that the banker Jacob Schiff had paid tribute to Lev Trotsky: "He was the person we had been hoping and striving for through all these years." Schiff (B'nai B'rith) had arranged for Trotsky to arrive in the United States in January 1917, and to be able to live comfortably with a limousine at his disposal.
The Red Guards were subsequently made to wear a medallion around their necks, bearing the image of Trotsky (Grigori Bostunich, "Freemasonry and the French Revolution", Moscow 1995, p. 89).

International bankers from Great Britain, the United States, Russia, Germany and France met in Sweden in the summer of 1917. They agreed for Kuhn, Loeb & Co. to deposit 50 million dollars in a Swedish bank for the account of Lenin and Trotsky, according to Oleg Platonov.

Moreover, John P. Morgan's lawyer Elihu Root paid to the "revolutionaries" a further 20 million dollars via a war fund. This money came from Jacob Schiff, as confirmed by the American Congressional documents of 2 September 1919.

An alleged "Red Cross delegation" travelled to Russia in August 1917 with the intention of discussing with the bolshevik leaders the final details of a red assumption of power. Of the members of this delegation, seven were doctors, the others bankers from New York, among them John P. Morgan and Jacob Schiff. The delegation was headed by William B. Thomson, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who handed over to the bolsheviks at least one million dollars (The Washington Post, 2 February 1918). The bankers were hiding behind this delegation their real intent, which included handing over large sums of money to the bolsheviks (Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", Morley, 1981, p. 83).

The International Masonic Congress held at Hotel du Grand Orient de France in Paris on 28-30 June 1917, emphasized that Russia constituted an obstacle to the masonic world government. This gave the Grand Orient licence to destroy Russia with the help of communism.

After the bolshevik assumption of power it became vital to bar criticism against the red bandits. Colonel Edward Mandel House, influential presidential adviser and high-ranking freemason, sent a cable to President Wilson on 28 November 1917, urging him to downplay any criticism of the bolsheviks: "It is of vital importance that this kind of criticism is silenced." The telegram was classified as secret and remained so for the next six years.

Deliveries of arms to the enemies of the bolsheviks (the White Guards) were stopped, as engineered by the arms dealer Basil Zaharoff.

In April 1919, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office published a white book on Soviet Russia, which stated that the bolshevik seizure of power had been organized and financed by international bankers. It was pointed out that Chinese criminals were imported to co-operate with the chekists in terrorizing the Russian people. The white book was hastily withdrawn and replaced with a shortened version lacking this sensitive information (Dr Kitty Little, "Subversive Infiltrators into Westminster and Whitehall: Promotion of a Federal Europe", Jamai, 1995, p. 4).

Lenin was a freemason of the 31st degree (Grand Inspecteur Inquisiteur Commandeur) and a member of the French lodge Art et Travail (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 2000, Volume 2, p. 417).

On his visit to the Grand Orient headquarters on rue Cadet in Paris in 1905, Lenin wrote his name in the visitors' book (Viktor Kuznetsov, "The Secret of the October Coup", St. Petersburg, 2001, p. 42). Lenin was a member of the most malicious lodge of the Grand Orient, the Nine Sisters, in 1914 (Soviet Analyst, June, 2002, p. 12). Lenin also belonged to the Union de Belville Lodge.

The French freemason Rozie of the Jean Georges lodge in Paris hailed his masonic brothers Lenin and Trotsky (La Libre Parole, 6 February 1918).

Many of the bolsheviks, apart from Lenin and Trotsky, were freemasons: Boris Solovyov, Vikenti Veresayev, Grigori Zinoviev (Grand Orient), Maxim Litvinov, Nikolai Bukharin (actually Moshe Pinkhus-Dolgolevsky), Christian Rakovsky, Yakov Sverdlov, Anatoli Lunacharsky (actually Balich-Mandelstam), Mechislav Kozlovsky (Polish freemason), Karl Radek (Grand Orient), Mikhail Borodin, Leonid Krasin, Vladimir Dzhunkovsky, and many more. In the KGB archives, the historian Viktor Bratyev found a document according to which Lunacharsky belonged to the Grand Orient of France (Anton Pervushin, "The Occult Secret of the NKVD and the SS", St. Petersburg, Moscow 1999, p. 133).

At the Fourth Comintern Congress, Lev Trotsky announced that the comrades Zinoviev, Radek and Bukharin were freemasons (Viktor Brachev, "The Freemasons in Russia", St. Petersburg, 2002, p. 439).

Even before the seizure of power in October 1917 Zinoviev, Trotsky and Kamenev paid a visit to the lodge The Students of St. Petersburg (Yuri Begunov, "The Secret Powers in Russian History", Moscow, 2000, p. 308).

"What we need is hatred!" was a favourite saying of Anatoli Lunacharsky, the people's commissar for educational affairs.

Lenin, Zinoviev, Radek and Sverdlov were also members of B'nai B'rith. This was confirmed by those specializing in the activities of B'nai B'rith, among them Schwartz-Bostunich (Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow, 1999, pp. 582- 583).

Until the late 1990s, a particularly dark secret concerning Lenin was kept well hidden, as is shown by the correspondence between Lenin and his party comrade and freemason brother Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky). Lenin wrote to Zinoviev on 1 July 1917: "Grigori! Circumstances force me to leave Petrograd immediately... The comrades suggested a place... It is so dull, being alone... Join me and let us spend some wonderful days together, far from everything..."

Zinoviev wrote to Lenin: "Dear Vova! You have not answered me. Probably you have forgotten your Gershel [Grigori]. I have prepared a fine nest for us... It is a wonderful place to live where we will be fine, and nothing will disturb our love. Come here as soon as you can, I am waiting for you, my little flower. Your Gershel."

In another letter Zinoviev wanted to make sure that Lenin did not sleep with other men in their apartment. He ended by sending his Vova a Marxist kiss. He suggested that they hide nothing from Lenin's wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, reminding him of the first time she found them out (Vladislav Shumsky, "Hitlerism is Horrible, but Zionism is Worse", Moscow, 1999, p. 479).

Thus, the two masonic brothers practised David's love for Jonathan. Perhaps this will enable us to understand why the freemasons are such willing advocates of homosexual liberation.

In Russia, Lenin's grandfather, the Kalmuk Nikolai Ulyanov, had four children by his own daughter Alexandra Ulyanova (officially known as Anna Smirnova). Lenin's father Ilya was the fourth of these children, born when Nikolai Ulyanov was sixty-seven years old (Vladimir Istarkhov, "The Battle of the Russian Gods", Moscow, 2000, p. 37). Ilya Ulyanov married the Jewess Maria Blank, whose father Moisha Blank had been charged with a number of crimes, among them fraud and blackmail. Inbreeding probably played a very large part in making Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin such a perverted man. He had an enormous, congenital aggressiveness and extensive brain damage, suffered a number of nervous breakdowns, and was bisexual.

The OGPU officers, Gleb Boky and Alexander Barchenko among others, also belonged to the freemasons. Many of them were members of the lodge Brotherhood of Common Labourers.

The freemason Leonid Krasin acted as an intermediary in procuring money for the Grand Orient in Paris. He managed to find suitable receivers, who bought up the gold and antiques the bolsheviks had expropriated from the tsar. He was in contact with the freemason Dmitri Rubinstein, who acted as grand receiver. Krasin also received help from General Yuri Lomonosov to export the tsar's gold from Russia via the Estonian capital Tallinn to the foreign bankers who had financed the bolshevik rise to power. The freemason Yuri Lomonosov had previously acted as deputy minister of transport in the tsarist government. His wife Raisa Rozen was Jewish. He could count on total confidence in masonic circles.

The Soviet freemasons wished to transform Comintern into a masonic organization in order to pose a more effective threat to the rest of the world. The Grand Orient brother Zabreshnev worked for the Comintern's international branch.

According to the Russian historian Vasili Ivanov, Russia was transformed, as early as the beginning of the 1930s, into a typically masonic nation, which clearly showed freemasonry and socialism to be branches on the same dark tree.

Vasili Ivanov described the situation as follows: "In order for the masonic ideals to triumph, it was necessary to kill the soul of the Russian people, remove the people from its God, obliterate its national character, trample its mighty history in the dirt, dull the intellect of its young generation and raise a new kind of people without a God or a native country: two-legged wild creatures who, after being trained, would obediently place themselves in the masonic cage." (A. Balabukhi, editor, "The Occult Powers of the Soviet Union", St. Petersburg, 1998, p. 358)

Blood-red Support of the Communists

Minutes taken at a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Germany in 1917 record the following statement: "The anarchist and revolutionary Lenin actually and consistently represents the political ideal of international freemasonry." (The Special Archive in Moscow, 1421-1-9064 and 815; Viktor Ostretsov, "Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History", Moscow, 1999, p. 585).

In 1919, after Lenin's accession to power, he established secret contacts with the Grand Orient of France in Paris. While he was living in Paris he had occasionally visited the lodge (Viktor Ostretsov, 'Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History', Moscow, 1999, p. 584).

The otherwise ungrateful Lenin showed his gratitude exclusively towards his masonic masters of Paris, who helped him to power. In 1919 he sent enormous amounts of money to the Grand Orient for the renovation of their Paris building, for its propaganda and other activities, while millions of Russians were starving and people were dying in the streets of Petrograd and Moscow (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The History of the Russian People in the 20th Century", Volume 1, Moscow, 1997, p. 577).

In October 1920, Libre Parole published information about the Grand Orient council meeting of 20 December 1919, held at rue Cadet. Officially, the leadership of the lodge wished to keep a straight face and show an anti-bolshevist attitude. The magazine reported the lodge brother Millet admitting that the Grand Orient enthusiastically welcomed the bolshevik seizure of power, stating that thanks to the bolsheviks the Grand Orient was able to rebuild the temple, the lodge building in rue Cadet. Brother Giuarte stressed, without specifying, that the bolshevik movement, through critical periods, had done enormous service to the Grand Orient.

The Portuguese Grand Master, Sebastiao Magalhaes de Limas, was equally friendly towards the bolshevik republic in Russia.

Brother Lankin of Paris admitted there were bolsheviks among the members of the Grand Orient of France, and that the lodge aided the bolsheviks in their worldwide activities.

Representatives of international freemasonry often came to visit Soviet Russia to discuss current issues with Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin, Petrovsky, Lunacharsky and other masonic brothers (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 173 1- 1996", Moscow, 1996 p. 283).

The international freemasonry eagerly followed the bolshevik destruction of a flourishing country and its national culture. The Grand Orient helped spread lies about the situation in Russia before the bolsheviks came to power, claiming that the country was in a miserable state and that things were now constantly getting better in all respects. They did not mention that in tsarist Russia, every company, which had more than 100 employees offered free medical care.

In 1919, the Grand Orient Council leader, Lang, stated that bolshevism means evolution, consequently it is a very positive phenomenon.

On 5 July 1843, the freemason leader Ragon of the lodge Le Socialiste in Brussels presented an outline of the revolutionary action programme, which was the origin of the later Communist Manifesto. Le Socialiste appropriated the proposal, and the highest Belgian masonic authority, Le Supreme Conseil de Belgique unanimously agreed to accept Ragon's anarchist programme "as corresponding to the masonic view of the social issue, and that the world which is united in the Grand Orient at all costs must apply itself to its realization" (Bulletin du Grand Orient, June 1843).

On 17 November 1845, Karl Marx became a member of Le Socialiste in Brussels. February 1848 saw the publication, on the insistence of the masonic leadership, of his Communist Manifesto.

Marx and Engels were both freemasons of the 31st degree (Vladimir Istrarkhov, "The Battle of the Russian Gods", Moscow, 2000, p. 154).

The Swiss Professor and freemason Zimmermann said at a Masonic Convention in Winterhur: "Marxism is the noblest phenomenon of the twentieth century."

Other prominent freemasons have considered Marxism "the philosophy of freemasonry, social science for the masses".

In 1919, Wiener Freimaurer Zeitung reported that "moved at heart, the freemasons greeted the red flags of the revolutionary proletariat". The Jewish freemason Raimund Mautner called Marxism "freemasonry incarnate" (Der Zirkel, No. 4, Vol. 37, p. 61).

It is therefore easy to understand why the Austrian socialist leader, freemason and political assassin Friedrich Adler hade frequent and secret communications with the masonic leader Rothschild. In 1916, Adler had been sentenced for the murder of Austrian Prime Minister Karl von Sturgkh, but he was released after a brief period in prison.

The White Guards were doomed to failure after the bolshevik assumption of power, since the alternative governments of Kolchak, Yudenich, Denikin, and Wrangel, respectively, in all areas were controlled by masonic forces.

The French freemasons often had the Soviet-Russian situation on their meeting agendas. Together with the bolsheviks they planned common measures against the right-wing, anti-Soviet tendencies in the West (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 1996, p. 297).

Most of the freemasons the world over were in support of the Soviet regime of violence. Without that support, it would have collapsed. Although there were disagreements between freemasons and the uninformed Bolsheviks, their collaboration continued. The Grand Orient of France condemned the anti-Soviet attitudes of certain lodges. In 1933, the international office for co-operation within freemasonry accepted a resolution taking exception to the anti-Soviet propaganda pursued by the French lodge Etoile du Nord (the North Star) in Paris.

Certain freemasons, acting as social revolutionaries on the left wing of the party, proclaimed the view that there was no need to fight against the bolsheviks, as support of the White General Kolchak constituted a crime against Russia.

The freemason and former Foreign Minister Pavel Milyukov stressed in 1924, that the communists were developing towards democracy, and that Russian exiles were not allowed to interfere in this process by advocating anti-communism (Svobodnaya Rossiya, 1924).

When the bolsheviks, did sentence certain rebellious Russian freemasons to death, this was secretly changed to probationary prison sentences (Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 1996, p. 284).

Many Western, and above all French, leading communists kept their masonic membership a secret. The French freemasons (in particular the members of the Grand Orient of France) gave the Soviet communists their whole-hearted support. The freemason Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, on the other hand, wished to establish an anti- communist masonic organization. This did not happen, needless to say. The socialists made up the majority in the Western lodges.

The bolshevik freemasons needed human sacrifices. According to Lenin, they sacrificed people to Molok, as revealed by the defected bolshevik leader Georges Solomon (Georges Solomon, "Among Red Rulers", Stockholm, 1930, p. 56). The name of the demon Molok is derived from the Hebrew expression la-molek ('to the king'), which is used in connection with the sacrifice.

How then did the masonic communists perform their ritual sacrifices to Molok? A room at the Cheka headquarters in Kiev in 1920 contains a basin, which formerly held goldfish. It was filled with the blood of sacrificed human beings. Along the walls hooks were placed, where several human corpses were hung. On the shoulders of the officers, shoulder straps had been carved, and the chests of the Christians were carved with crosses. Some had been flayed, leaving bloody carcases on the hooks. On a table was a jar containing a chopped off head in alcohol. The head had belonged to a strikingly handsome man in his thirties (Aleksei Shiropayev, "The Prison of the People", Moscow, 2001, p. 75).

When, in the spring of 1920, the experienced conspirator Alexander Guchkov realized that the bolsheviks had no intention of sharing their power with those freemasons originally from Russia, he began to scheme against Russia from Berlin (Oleg Platonov, 'Russia's Crown of Thorns: The History of the Russian People in the 20th Century', Volume 1, Moscow, 1997, p. 580). This, however, led nowhere, since the freemasons centrally continued to support the bandit regime in Moscow. International freemasonry certainly wished to help the bolsheviks build the false front of communism.

In 1932, the Grand Orient called an extraordinary convention in Paris, where the chairman Gaston Bergier said: "It has been reported to us in person by our earlier brother in the Grand Orient, Radek, that the Soviet government intends to keep in close contact with freemasonry world-wide, and that it asks us to influence the American brothers to do everything they can to persuade the Roosevelt government to recognize the Soviet power. It is our moral duty to support our Russian brothers and together with them to fight our common enemy." (Oleg Platonov, "The Secret History of Freemasonry", Volume 2, Moscow, 2000, p. 113).

No more than a month later, in early 1933, the United States did recognize the Soviet power. The next step was for the Soviet government to legalize the activity of masonic lodges on its territory. They were allowed to act freely. Karl Radek (Chaim Sobelsohn), who was already a member of the Grand Orient of France before the bolsheviks seized power, was appointed grand master of the Soviet Grand Lodge The North Star.

The leaders of various revolutionary movements have always been freemasons: Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Aurelio Saffi, Agostino Bertani, Simon Bolivar (the liberator of South America), Francisco de Miranda (a general, who founded the lodge Lautaro and became generalissimo in Venezuela in 1812), Francisco I. Madero, Venustiano Carranza (a general who led "the revolution" in Mexico in 1913-1914), Alvaro Obregon, Plutarco Elias Calles, Jose Marti, Salvador Allende, Fidel Castro...

General Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) became a freemason in Europe. He belonged to the Craft lodge in Cadiz, Spain, and was a master of the lodge the Nine Sisters (Grand Orient) in Paris in 1807. Benjamin Franklin was also a member of the same lodge and was for a while its grand master. In Paris, Bolivar became a member of the Knights Templar. He instigated "revolutions" in Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru, and eventually founded Bolivia. In 1824, he founded the lodge Libertas No. 2 in Peru. Bolivar acquired the hair of George Washington, which he sent to Lafayette, who meant to draw power from it (Manly P. Hall, "America's Assignment with Destiny", California, 1998, p. 102).

Francisco Madero was the son of a rich landowner in Mexico. He studied economics in France, where he became a freemason. On 5 October 1910, he started a revolt against the regime. In 1911, he managed to overthrow the dictator Porfirio Diaz, with aid from the United States. He subsequently became president of Mexico. Madero was deposed and murdered by General Victoriano Huerta in February 1913.

Jewish masonic millionaires led the Mexican revolution in 1910- 1917. When it was over, Plutarco Elias Calles, a freemason of the 33 rd degree, secured for himself an indirect position of power. In 1924, he became president of Mexico, making sure that Mexico recognized the Soviet power in Moscow the very same year. The Calles fortune amounted to 80 million pesos, despite the fact that he was born into a poor Jewish family.

His comrade Aron Saez (whose fortune amounted to 40 million pesos) was another freemason and Jewish extremist taking part in the 'revolution' that did not result in anything positive. 20 000 Catholics were murdered (Louis Marshalko, "The World Conquerors", London, 1958, p. 54). During Calles' four years as president, all the property belonging to the Church was confiscated and the priests were barred from teaching religion to the children. Beginning in 1928, Calles became the grey eminence behind three short-term presidents: Portes Gil, Pascual Rubio and Abelardo Rodriguez.

Another freemason was Jose Marti (1853-1895), the founder of Cuba's Revolutionary Party in 1892, who led the rebellion against Spain in 1895.

Even the Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong belonged to the Grand Orient (John Daniel, "Scarlet and the Beast", Volume III, Tyler, pp. 33-35). He made sure that certain high-ranking masonic brothers abroad were kept constantly supplied with narcotics from China.

The Northern Lodge of China, No. 570, was founded in Shanghai in 1849. Later, the Chinese branch of freemasonry was to become very powerful. A new grand lodge was opened in the Shanghai Masonic Temple on 18 March 1949 with large numbers of invitations issued to representatives from other lodges. After the proclamation of the Peoples Republic of China, most of the lodges carried on their activities as if nothing had happened. Most of them, however, had

moved to Hong Kong for reasons of safety. In 1962, the Chinese Ministry of the Interior expressed a wish that the lodges register in the same way as other organizations. The freemasons were unwilling to publicise lists of their members, and thus preferred to move to either Hong Kong or Taiwan. According to masonic sources, the members were not persecuted in communist China. This was probably due to the fact that freemasons were active in the very highest ranks of the government (as advisers among other things).

Fidel Castro Ruz was born in 1926, the son of a rich landowner in the vicinity of Santiago de Cuba. The parents of his mother Lina Ruz, who was Jewish, emigrated from Turkey. Fidel Castro's father Angel Castro became a millionaire working for Rockefeller's United Fruit Company. While a student at the University of Havana Castro was also a notorious hooligan (Paul Johnson, "Modern Times", New York, 1983). Fidel joined UIR, an anti-fascist and anti-catholic organization. He also associated himself with communists. His friends were all communists. At that time Castro became a KGB agent.

While at the university, together with Ortiz he killed Manolo Castro-Campos on 22 February 1948. He was also involved in the killing of a police officer Fernandez and in the murder case of Lionel Gomez.
Castro was involved in the Confetti Key invasion of the Dominican Republic on 20 September 1947, a rebellion staged by a terrorist student group. He was armed with a sub-machine gun (Hugh Thomas, "Cuba: Or Pursuit of Freedom", 1998, pp. 814-916).

The journalist Gerardo Reyes wrote in his article "Scotland Yard Investigated Castro for Assassination" (El Nuevo Herald, 10 April 2001), that Fidel Castro was considered one of the suspects in the murder of the Liberal Colombian leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitin by Scotland Yard detectives, who investigated the case in July 1948, according to American investigator Paul Wolf.

Castro made an appointment with presidential candidate Gaitan.
On 9 April 1947, at 11 a. m., Castro and his associate Del Pino met in the Cafeteria Colombia in Bogota with Gaitan's assassin, the 22-year old student leader and freemason Juan Roa Sierra, hours before he shot the politician in a central Bogota street. The assassination brought on riots where 5000 people died. CIA agents William A. Wieland and Robottom kept an eye on the events.

The Cuban Ambassador to Washington, Octavio Belt, was present in Bogota, and in charge of providing a plane for Castro and the other communist terrorists to return to Cuba.

Castro got his law degree in 1949 in Havana and thereafter worked as a lawyer. At this time he also became a freemason. He lacked principles, and labelled himself a 'revolutionary'. He found inspiration in the Spanish dictator Primo de Rivera. As long as the Cuban economy was thriving, he was unable to introduce communism.

Castro together with Batista planned all the details of Batista's takeover from 1948 to 1950, sometimes in Batista's villa Cookyness. Batista was called a symbiant, because the only purpose for having him in power was to help Castro and the communist takeover. Castro received communist training in the Soviet Embassy in Havana from 1948 to 1949. Batista's coup on 10 March 1952 was like a bad TV movie repeated.

On 26 July 1953, Castro led an armed riot against the dictator Fulgencio Batista in Santiago de Cuba, which officially rendered him a 15-year prison sentence. He was, however, granted amnesty in 1955, after which he moved to Mexico.

Exiled in Mexico, Castro got even more help from the communists. Veterans of the red brigades of Spain trained Castro in Mexico. The Mexican press accused them of being communist terrorists. The socialist President Lazaro Cardenas and London's bankers protected them. Cardenas also provided them with some fancy weapons and several farms and security houses where to train and live.

Benjamin Vega published Castro's interviews in Alerta, a newspaper owned by Vasconcelos and Batista.

On 2 December 1956, he returned from Tuxpan together with 82 terrorists that landed near Belic-Niquero, Oriente, in Cuba intending to fight Batista with the support of the CIA.

The Cuban authorities monitored the landing. They did nothing, because Fidel Castro was in symbiosis with Batista.

Castro's permanent headquarters was at Hacienda Sevilla, the largest farm in Cuba, in the Sierra Maestra Mountains, east of Turquino Peak. Rockefeller's Standard Oil earlier owned Hacienda Sevilla.

The Americans were also able to supply Castro from Guantanamo Bay. US Marine ships were caught transporting supplies to Castro in Caimanera-Guantanamo in 1957.

To justify Batista's not using his air force for the only large military operation of the war, Plan "H", Castro had his brother Rasl kidnap fifty American citizens in the area. The American consul in Santiago on 18 July 1958, without authorization negotiated with the rebels the release of the hostages. He made Batista promise not to use his air force anymore, to which Batista gladly agreed.

William A. Wieland, who led the State Department's Caribbean office in Washington, told Earl Smith, who was ambassador to Havana in 1957: "Cuba has been assigned to you to oversee the fall of Batista. The decision has been made: Batista must go." (Earl Smith, "The Fourth Floor", New York, 1962)

Smith was not a freemason, and he wished to warn the American public against Castro. He was stopped, and the State Department began working behind his back.

On 17 December 1958, Batista in a meeting with high-ranking army officers who were not part of the conspiracy, made public that Ambassador Earl Smith had told Batista he had to go. News spread to all garrison commanders and ended the army's will to fight. The rebels had not taken a single garrison or important town by that time.

In Havana, the CIA was very pro-Castro ("The Communist Threat to the USA through the Caribbean: Hearings of the Internal Security Sub-Committee, US Senate", Washington, D. C, 1959-62). Castro's main advocate was Herbert Matthews of The New York Times, who portrayed him as the T. E. Lawrence of the Caribbean.

In July 1959, Major Pedro Diaz Lanz, of the Cuban Air Force, toured the United States, and revealed that Castro was a communist. This fact was kept out of the media. The State Department was purposely covering up Castro's communist connections, the fact that his supporters were trained by the Soviet Union, and that he was carrying out a communist revolution.

Suddenly, all arms sales to Cuba were stopped by the White House. A shipment of rifles was intercepted in New York harbour (Paul Johnson, "Modern Times", New York, 1983). The United States was arming only one of the sides - Castro's "revolutionaries".

The Cuban economy was deteriorating, and support for Castro was growing. Before the arms embargo he had counted no more than 300 terrorist followers.

Batista went into exile on the island of Madeira (Portugal) and died in Spain in the early 1970s.
After the communist accession to power on 8 January 1959, the freemason Fidel Castro closed all 339 masonic lodges in Cuba with roughly 35 000 members except for the Grand Orient, where he had himself been initiated in his youth. He later had all lodges reopened. In 1998, Cuba had 314 lodges with a total of 24 000 members.

After seizing power Castro had 100 000 opponents imprisoned. Not until 1961 did he introduce communism. On 2 December 1961, Castro proclaimed: "I have been a communist since my teens."

After the fall of communism in the Soviet Union, Castro voiced his opinion that it is better to perish like Atlantis than to abolish socialism.

Robert Hill, US ambassador to Mexico, said under oath in a Senate hearing: "Individuals in the State Department, and individuals in The New York Times, put Castro in power." These individuals included Robert McNamara, Theodore C. Sorenson, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr, Roy Rubottom, McGeorge Bundy, J. William Fulbright, Herbert Mattews, and Roger Hilsman.

The afore-mentioned William A. Wieland claimed that the authorities and the military intelligence knew in advance of Castro's plans to enforce communism. Even so, the American press portrayed him as a patriotic and benevolent leader. Several observers were of the opinion that the Bay of Pigs operation on 17 April 1961 intended to get rid of Castro, was a deliberate failure.

Earl E. Smith, the former US ambassador to Cuba, stated: "Castro could not have seized power in Cuba without the aid of the United States. American government agencies and the United States press played a major role in bringing Castro to power... The State Department consistently intervened... to bring about the downfall of Batiste, thereby making it possible for Fidel Castro to take over the government of Cuba." (Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, 26 September 1979, p. A 24).

The historian Jean Boyer stressed that Castro's money and arms did not come from Moscow but from the United States. It was President Eisenhower who helped Castro to power.

Castro exploited foreign aid to become rich. He has at least 32 houses in Cuba, three of which are in Havana. He and his assets are guarded by 9700 guards. He has at least 14 children by different women (Georgie Ann Geyer, "Guerilla Prince: The Untold Story of Fidel Castro", Boston, 1991). Castro's personal fortune is estimated at nearly a billion dollars. He is four times richer than Queen Elizabeth II.

The United States also stopped all aid to the right-wing President of Nicaragua, Anastasio Somoza, secretly directing their assistance to the Marxist Sandinistas instead. With the help of the United States, the Sandinistas managed to seize power.

The US claimed that Anastasio Somoza had established a dictatorship of terror in Nicaragua, and demanded that innocent political prisoners be released. The White House started to act frantically to overthrow the president. When the Sandinistas came to power, it was discovered that the Nicaraguan prisons held no more than 59 communist terrorists, regarded as political prisoners by the Americans. After the Sandinista assumption of power on 17 July 1979 the world (that is the freemasons) no longer cared about the tens of thousands of new political prisoners or the fact that 150 000 Nicaraguans fled the country to escape the communist terror.

Somoza later claimed in his memoirs that Nicaragua had been the victim of an international conspiracy.

Robert Pastor, a White House national security adviser, had asked Daniel Oduber, president of Costa Rica: "When are we going to get that son-of-a-bitch up to the north out of the precidency?" (Anastasio Somoza and Jack Cox, "Nicaragua Betryed", Boston, 1980, pp. 79-80)

The IMF (International Monetary Fund) was blocking all credit to the Somoza government. The United States made sure that other countries taking part in a mutual power station project withdrew from it. The market for Nicaraguan coffee was closed. Somoza's Nicaragua was closed to the world. The meat export to the United States was stopped.

The United States also closed down the oil market for Nicaragua. The Sandinistas knew by then that victory was within reach (ibid, p. 259). The United States stopped sending military supplies to Managua. Enormous amounts of dollars were sucked out of Nicaragua, preventing the government from buying arms elsewhere. Eventually, all arms markets were closed to Nicaragua by the United States. The Nicaraguan army lacked ammunition and was unable to fight the communists.

The United States immediately gave 75 million dollars in aid to the new Marxist regime, as well as food and medicine worth three million dollars. The US Congress withdrew 8 million dollars from its aid fund, sending it to the communist government of Nicaragua. The money was originally intended for other countries (Jack Cox, Anastasio Somoza, "Nicaragua Betrayed", Boston, 1980, p. 288).

Before the President Jimmy Carter ordered the aid to Nicaragua, the Sandinista leaders claimed: "We are Marxists!" Apparently, Carter approved.

It was known in the United States that the Nicaraguan communist leaders Tomas Borge and Moises Hassan were close friends of the dictator Fidel Castro. Borge, who was minister of the interior, was a notorious killer, who had arranged the execution of the opposition leader Bravo. Humberto Ortega was a communist, who had studied in Moscow.
After this coup ex-President Somoza was no longer welcome in the United States.

The Masonic Contribution to Soviet Russia

Far too many freemasons were happy to work for the bolsheviks. Mikhail Skobelev was a freemason and a member of the Provisional Government in 1917. In 1922, he became a bolshevik and began to work for the Soviet government.

One of the leaders of the right-wing Cadet Party, Nikolai Nekrasov (1879-1940) had been minister of transport in the Provisional Government. Before that, he was secretary general to the Grand Orient Supreme Council in Russia. After Nekrasov's resignation, Alexander Kerensky, a freemason of the 32 nd degree, was appointed secretary general in the summer of 1916. Later the same year he handed this position over to Alexander Galpern. Kerensky received his 33 rd degree in the United States. He was also a member of B'nai B'rith.

In 1918, Nikolai Nekrasov changed his name to Golrofsky, and started working for the bolsheviks. He became one of the leaders of the Co-operative Union. He also taught at the University of Moscow. In 1921, he was arrested by the Cheka, but was unexpectedly released. The chief of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky, had given the order: "The investigation must be stopped immediately." He began to work for the Central Trade Union Organization of Soviet Russia the same year (Platonov, "The Secret History of Freemasonry", Moscow, 1996, p. 364).

The freemason Sergei Urusov had been minister of the interior in the tsar government and later also in the Provisional Government. After the bolshevik takeover, he held a prominent post in the National Bank ("The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia, Volume 56, Moscow, 1936, p. 301). He was the emissary of the French freemasons.

Alexander Manuilov was the principal of the University of Moscow. / He became one of the managers of the bolshevik National Bank. The well-known economist Vladimir Groman was a menshevik, who became a freemason, preferring to work for the bolsheviks. Maximilian von Mekk rose to be an important official with the Peoples' Commissariat for Transport. The historian Mikhail Lemke turned into a dedicated bolshevik and began to fake history.

The tsarist deputy Minister of Finance Nikolai Kutler and the deputy Minister of the Interior, General Vladimir Dzhunkovsky were two more high-ranking freemasons that served communism by working for the Cheka. Even the speaker of the Duma, the freemason Fiodor Golovin, managed to reach a high position in Soviet Russia.

The tsarist Minister of War, the freemason Alexei Polivanov, joined the bolsheviks and served in the Red Army. Grigori Petrovsky, another freemason, was made the people's commissar for interior affairs. He was still working for the government in the 1950s.

Gleb Boky, the supreme chekist in Petrograd, kept his masonic brothers protected. In 1919, Boky was a member of the Common Brotherhood. By the mid-1920s freemasons were found everywhere in the Soviet administration (Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 1996, p. 292). The high-ranking freemason Dmitri Navashin was the adviser on planned economy to the Soviet government. The Bolsheviks were very kindly disposed to these Masonic brothers. Before 1925, no harm seems to have come to them.

In 1925, General Boris Astromov, secretary general to the Autonomous Russian Freemasonry, contacted the political police, the GPU. In a letter, he stressed the common goals of the freemasons and the bolsheviks. He wanted to assist in establishing communism (ibid, p. 293). Astromov pointed out that the communist symbol, the red five- pointed star, was a masonic token, as were the hammer and the sickle.

The communists also advocated brotherhood, as do the freemasons. Freemasons are world citizens without loyalty to any particular country, as are the communists. Both groups advocate 'equality'. The communist confiscation of private property was a masonic idea. Freemasonry as well as communism is rooted in the working class "movement", and the pioneer organization was copied from the masonic scout movement in the West.

Astromov, the leader of the Autonomous Freemasonry, realized that if freemasonry was legalized in Soviet Russia, the movement would be prevented from acting with efficiency. Acting in secret was preferable. The Soviet Autonomous Freemasonry was a union of a large number of lodges. Astromov had taken over the leadership after the Grand Master Vladimir Telyakovsky, who died in 1924.

January 1925 saw the re-establishment of the Northern Star Lodge in France for Russian freemasons, a number of members transferring there from the Grand Orient of France. The lodge had actually been founded before 1917. Many notorious terrorists were active there, including Nikolai Avksenchev, who was master in 1925-27 and 1931, and Pavel Pereverzev (1929-30), a previous member of several terror organizations (Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996", Moscow, 1996, p. 307). Avksenchev later joined the Provisional Government as foreign minister. Pavel Pereverzev was finance minister in the same cabinet.

The Northern Star became the leading lodge for the Russian exiles in France. The Grand Orient of France allowed its members to meet at its headquarters in Paris.

On 10 February 1927, the Russian Consistory became the administrative centre of freemasonry. As from 1930, the centre received financial assistance from Paris.

Many members of the Grand Orient, including Teplov, Lobolensky and Count Alexander Orlov-Davydov, did, however, not join, as in their opinion the activities of the re-born lodge were far too public.

The Free Russia lodge, founded on 9 November 1931, had very frequent contacts with international Zionism.
Vladimir Jabotinsky, a radical Russophobe, belonged to this lodge (ibid, p. 308).

The refugee organizations were also under masonic control. Only these spiritually lost individuals were allowed to determine who was a political refugee from Russia.

One organization that very eagerly began to act under the masonic authority was the Union of Russian Jews. It had a budget several times larger than all the other refugee unions together (ibid, p. 311).

The freemasons were not prepared to let go of Russia even after the fall of communism. The freemason journalist Lev Lyubimov exposed their plans in 1934: "After the fall of the bolsheviks, freemasonry will take charge of the education of the Russian people." (Vozrozjdenije, 3 October 1934). He later left freemasonry and returned to the Soviet Union in 1948.

After the Second World War a group of exiled Russian freemasons visited the Soviet Embassy in Paris to express their support for the Soviet Union. The delegation was led by Vasili Maklakov (33rd degree), who had organized the murder of Grigori Rasputin. The freemasons paid tribute to Stalin and toasted him. They were trying to draw the Russian emigrants ideologically closer to the Soviet Union.

Stalin's Struggle against Freemasonry

The Soviet freemasons suffered severe setbacks in the Stalin era. Although they had encouraged Stalin to strike at the Church, that dangerous enemy and rival of freemasonry, and the nationalist forces, they found themselves the victims of persecution in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The Soviet dictator Josef Stalin had had enough of freemasonry and began an intense battle against the secret societies in the mid-1930s, even though Soviet freemasonry had been legalized a few years earlier.

Starting in 1926, Stalin systematically executed freemasons, since he no longer trusted the conspirators. They had served their purpose and were no longer needed, in his opinion. The freemasons were paid back in kind.

Leningradskaya Pravda reported on 5 January 1928 that "not very long ago, four masonic lodges were active in Leningrad". Stalin had them all closed down. In 1931 the Knights Templar in the Soviet Union was liquidated (Anton Pervushin, "The Occult Secrets of the NKVD and the SS", St Petersburg, Moscow, 1999, p. 153).

A "revolution" had been planned for 25 May 1937 in Venice by two Italian Stalinists and freemasons, Carlo and Nelli Rosselli, who planned to lead 2600 terrorists in an attack, provoking a civil war. Stalin suddenly wished to cancel the operation and vetoed any activities by the Rosselli brothers against Italy. The communist brothers ignored the veto. The NKVD, with the help of a right-wing organization, then engineered the murder of the brothers (Franco Bandini, "II cono d'ombra: Chi armo la mano degli assassini dei fratelli Rosselli" / "The Cast of the Shadow: Who Armed the Assassins of the Rosselli Brothers?", Rome, 1990). Carlo Rosselli was a member of the Italia Nuova in Paris.

At this point, international freemasonry came to an important decision: the Soviet Union must be manoeuvred into a bloody war against Germany (Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 173 1-1996", Moscow, 1996, p. 298). The free- masons ensured there would be no economic sanctions against Ger- many. They wanted Hitler to be able to threaten the Soviet Union.

In 1948, the freemason Igor Krovoshein, 32nd degree, a member of the exile government, returned to the Soviet Union. The chekists were able to reveal his mission, and he was arrested and sent to a labour camp. In 1957, the French brothers helped him back to France. The masonic author Bronislaw Sosinsky also returned to Russia in 1960.


  • Architects of Deception Part XV


    1. moleck huh? the same owl shaped molech at the bohemian grove? It would seem so, it also seems as though we are dealing with some very evil personas which should be dealt with quickly...
