When the Congress pointed out, very truthfully, that Jews ran the Soviet Union, the B'nai B'rith Spin Doctors use the lowest form of lying -- they claim "anti-Semitism" -- and rightfully so, says Grusd
"During every war there is so much sloganizing about liberty, justice, democracy, and freedom that after the carnage there is bound to be a reaction. By 1920 this reaction was at its height, with a Red scare comparable to the one in the 1950's led by the late Senator Joseph McCarthy. The press was filled with stylized editorials and cartoons warning against "Bolsheviks." Such caricatures came more and more to be identified as Jews, and since the majority of Jews in America had been born in Russia, the resulting syllogism was widely used by anti-Semites." --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 165.
The ugly, Trotskyesque, evil Anti-American Anti-Free-Speech Prouncements of B'nai B'rith seen as early as 1920
"In such an atmosphere the Anti-Defamation League rapidly emerged as B'nai B'rith's most effective and glamorous program. Considering its limited staff and financial resources, it did remarkably good work. It nailed every spoken or published lie about the Jew. It scotched ugly rumors, published mountains of leaflets giving the truth about unfair charges, induced many business firms to end discriminatory practices, convinced movie producers to delete scenes that were not only false but potentially dangerous to Jews, and ex-posed the machinations of organized anti-Semites." --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 165.
The Anti-Christian B'nai B'rith call for more and more immigration to reduce Christians in America and change 400 years of national American History, a policy that is now in effect and will reduce majority Americans to a minority by 2040. All brought to you by Jews of the B'nai B'rith and their cousin Jews who ran the USSR.
"B'nai B'rith's Americanization Department also originated at the 1920 convention. Sig Livingston was head of the convention committee that made the recommendation, which was accompanied by a suggested actual program, the goal of which was the acculturation and application for citizenship of as many aliens as possible plus, of course, the cultivation of patriotic projects." --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 165.
Ironically, Jewish settlers in 1654 had to promise New York that they would NEVER be welfare people.
Years Later and the very highly Jewish controlled Democratic Party is "the Party of Welfare Recipients."
Several shiploads left Recife in 1654, headed for Holland, to escape the terror. But one of the vessels was captured on the high seas by a French privateer, and after the passen-gers had been robbed of everything they were put ashore at Dutch New Amsterdam. When these twenty-three men, women, and children landed on the lower tip of Manhattan Island-penniless, bewildered, forsaken-they were treated to a taste of contemporary Christian charity as practiced by the God-fearing, churchgoing, Bible-reading Dutch burghers headed by peglegged Governor Peter Stuyvesant. They were ordered to leave by the next ship. The thrifty Dutch colonists wanted no beggars around, living off the community. It was then that the little band of newcomers formulated a policy which was to influence Jewish life in America for the next three centuries they informed Governor Stuyvesant and the Dutch West Indies Company that Jews would never become a public charge. They were then grudgingly permitted to remain, thus becoming, in 1654, the first Jewish community in America. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 4.
Jew against Jew -- Ashkenazis vs. Sephardim -- Hatred between Jewish Immigrants to USA
That community grew slowly, as did the colonial population in general, even after the British replaced the Dutch in 1664, when New Amsterdam became New York. By 1776, although hundreds were fighting in George Washington's armies, there were fewer than three thousand Jews in the newly independent United States, and most of them were Sephardim. After the Revolution, however, there was a steady trickle of Jews from central and eastern Europe, the Ashkenazim, whose ancestors had not come from Spain, but the Sephardim remained the dominant element. They were religious traditionalists, aristocratic and proud of their ancient lineage, which dated back to the golden age of Spain. Even in colonial America they were among the aristoc-racy, with the already ancient date of 1654 as the time of their beginning, and they looked down upon their Ashkenazic brethren not only because they were newcomers, ignorant of the language and customs of the land, but because they worshiped differently in their synagogues, and because they were mostly poor and humble. Nevertheless they permitted a few of them, here and there, to join their congregations, although they never really accepted them, and the Ashkenazim usually broke away and formed their own congregations as immigration from central Europe continued.
As the nineteenth century got under way, the number of Ashkenazim slowly increased, while the number of Sephardim remained constant and later even decreased, since all their traditional religious observances did not save some of their children from intermarriage and as-similation. As time went on, something of the same process occurred among the so-called German Jews after they had been here for a generation or two and had acquired property and social ambitions. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 4.
Masonic Order Connections to B'nai B'rith Denied
There is a legend, which is occasionally mentioned to this day, that B'nai B'rith was founded because in 1843 Jews were barred from membership in the Masonic orders and the Odd Fellows. Obviously, that was not the case, since several of the Order's founders were themselves members of those organizations. We have fragments of memoirs written by Jones, Rosenbourg, and Renau, as well as by others who joined B'nai B'rith soon after it was founded, which leave no doubt about this. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 15.
Masonic Order Connections to B'nai B'rith Denied and Then Affirmed
"Incidentally, these memoirs were written years later, after the Order had achieved considerable success and prestige. They all agree on the point about the Masons and Odd Fellows, but disagree as to who should be considered the one who first actually proposed a new kind of Jewish organization. Each nominated himself.
Jones wrote that Renau and Rodacher had called upon him and asked if he would be interested in forming an Odd Fellows lodge composed exclusively of Jews, since some of their people had been refused admission to Odd Fellows lodges. Jones replied that the Odd Fellows made no religious distinctions, and that he was opposed to a Jewish lodge of that Order, but that if Rodacher would introduce him to "twelve respectable men," he would help found an entirely Jewish organization which would, "with the help of God, be the means of uniting the Is-raelites in America." (In those days, the words "Israel-te" and "Hebrew" were considered more genteel than the word "Jew.")
But Renau's memoir declared that Jones had come to him, saying the Masons and Odd Fellows were discriminating against Jews and that they should get together and form a Jewish lodge of one of those organizations."
Renau explained that the two orders did not discriminate, except against individuals, and that he suggested "a new Order with the principal alm of uniting and elevating the Sons of Abraham." The others "joyfully agreed." --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 15.
Rosenbourg wrote that Renau had brought Jones to him, to discuss "the deplorable conditions" of Jews in New York, and that the three of them decided "to start a society like the Masons and Odd Fellows . . . capable of captivating the imagination." He, too, remarked that "the fact that some Jews were rejected in some lodges" of the Masons and Odd Fellows "did not concern the rest." --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 18.
The Foreign-Born and Unassimilated Founders of B'nai B'rith
Who were the twelve men who founded B'nal B'rith, and what gave them the vision lacking in most of their contemporaries? Unfortunately, they left few records, and little is known of their backgrounds. Reuben Rodacher, Henry Kling, and Isaac Dittenhoefer all came to the United States on the same ship in 1836, although it is not known whether they first met aboard or had known one another in Germany. Rodacher, born in Hesse in 1805, a self-educated man active in synagogue affairs in New York during the 1840's and 1860's, was the oldest of the founders. He died in 1886. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 18.
All that is known of Kling and Dittenhoefer is that the first was in the paper business in New York during the 1840's, and the latter had a dry-goods store on the East Side during that decade. It is especially unfortu-nate that so little is known about Dittenhoefer, who died in 1860, because he became the first President of B'nal B'rith. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 18.
Jonas Hecht had the title of Reverend because he was the chazan (cantor) of New York's Temple Anshe Che-sed during the 1840's. Henry Jones was secretary of the
First Name Suggested for B'nai B'rith was the "Bund of Brothers"
At the second meeting, on October 21, Henry Jones and William Renau submitted the draft of a constitution and by4aws, together with a ritual for the initiation of new members, and they were all adopted. Interestingly, at this second meeting, two names were considered for the organization. The first was Bundes Bruder (League of Brothers), obviously suggested because all the founders were from Germany. But it did not ring true to their purpose; it had no Jewish connotation. Apparently they liked the initials, though, because before the meeting ended they adopted B'nai B'rith as the name of the organization. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 19.
B'nai B'rith means "Sons of the Covenant" or "the Cut" (Circumcision Covenant)
B'nai B'rith is Hebrew for Sons of the Covenant, and the covenant that God made with Abraham, the first Jew, and afterward renewed with Moses, is the central and deathless theme and constitution of Judaism. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 19.
This Covenant is repeated several times in the Bible, notably in Deuteronomy 5: 1-3: "And Moses called unto all Israel, and said unto them . . . The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day." And again, in Isaiah 59:21: "As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord; My Spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not de-part out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever." --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 19.
Menorah Chosen as the B'nai B'rith Symbol because it Stood for 'Light" (also, the symbol of Lucifer or Satan, because Lucens stands for "Light" and Ferens for "Fallen"-e.g., Satan, "The Fallen Light" or "He Who Fell from Heaven Via His Rebellion Against God" which are Masonic Concepts.
And at that second meeting [1843 B'nai B'rith beginning meetings], or soon after, the founders adopted the menorah-the seven-branched cande-labrum-as B'nai B'rith's symbol, not only because the original menorah stood in the ancient Temple in Jeru-salem, but because it is the symbol of light. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 19.
How B'nai B'rith Lodge Officers Titles & Degrees Mimick the Hocus Pocus of the Names of Masonic Lodge Officers, Illuminati, and the Other Grand Conspiracies for Internationalism and One World Orders…
In line with their desire to have a Hebrew name for the group, they also chose Hebrew titles for their officers. The president was called the Grand Nasi Abh; the vice president, Grand Aleph; the secretary, Grand Sopher, etc. The ritual was similarly florid. It consisted of six degrees which imparted the aims and purposes of the Order, each illustrated by examples from Jewish history, thus imparting knowledge sadly lacking in most of the new members. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 21
B'Nai B'rith's "Congregation of Grand Lodges" Created as the Controlling Organization (1843)
The Constitution [of B'nai B'rith] created a supreme ruling body, called the Constitution Grand Lodge (CGL), which alone had the authority to issue and revoke charters for local lodges, frame laws binding upon all, confer degrees, and act as a final court in all disputes. It was to consist of the twelve founders plus the past presidents of all local lodges. In other words, the pioneers set up a ruling body the majority of which was to consist of past presidents of lodges that did not yet exist! --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 20-21.
Masonic-Like Regalias and "Outward Signs" Created for B'nai B'rith in 1843 by Jones and Renau
Messrs. Jones and Renau had been industrious, because they also came up with a whole arsenal of re-galias and outward signs for each of the degrees and for each of the CGL and local lodge officers, as well as signs, grips, and passwords for the general membership. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 21.
The Constitution created a strictly fraternal agency, which B'nai B'rith remained throughout the nineteenth century. It set up a number of committees, and also a general committee to arrange for the installation of new lodges and to act on urgent questions between the quar-terly meetings of the CGL, with the August session des-ignated as the annual meeting, when Constitutional amendments would be considered. To receive a lodge charter, twenty-five "Israelites" had to send in a petition and pay the expense of a CCL committee visit to determine if the group was worthy. Each lodge had to collect dues from all its members, and an additional amount for a widows' and orphans' fund. Exclusive of that fund, each lodge had to remit 10 percent of its receipts to the CGL, and pay twenty dollars for its charter. The constitution designated New York City as the permanent seat of the CGL, and it was to remain there until 1910. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 21.
1843 B'nai B'rith Preamble
B'nai B'rith has taken upon itself the mission of uniting Israeiites in the work of promoting their high-est interests and those of humanity; of developing and elevating the mental and moral character of the people of our faith; of inculcating the purest principles of philanthropy, honor, and patriotism; of supporting science and art; alleviating the wants of the victims of persecution; providing for, protecting, and assisting the widow and orphan on the broadest principles of humanity. - 1843 Preamble to the B'nai B'rith Constitution --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 20.
B'Nai B'rith Membership Split on Slavery and Civil War Issues
One can only speculate on why the Order was apparently so inconspicuous nationally during the conflict. Perhaps it was because the Jewish community, of which it was so representative a part, was largely an immigrant one, and therefore lacked a sense of real security. When the war broke out, two-thirds of all the 150,000 Jews had been in America less than ten years, and even the majority of the rest had been born overseas. This did not prevent them from enlisting in the Armed Forces in large numbers-about 10,000, it is estimated, in the Union and Confederate forces. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 35.
Perhaps the fact that the leading rabbis, almost all of whom were members of B'nai B'rith, differed violently about the war made the Order hesitant to emphasize its own role in it. One member, Rabbi Morris J. Raphail of New York, caused a national sensation when he publicly asserted that the Hebrew Bible sanctions slavery. Another member, Rabbi David Einhorn of Baltimore, was so fiery an abolitionist that he was forced to leave his pulpit, and he settled in Philadelphia. Still another, Dr. Isaac M. Wise of Cincinnati, challenged Rabbi Raphall's thesis, but hated both war and the abolitionists so much that although he was opposed to secession, he remained neutral. His Cincinnati colleague, Rabbi Max Lilienthal, another Ben B'rith, denounced the abolitionists as warmongers and radicals, although as soon as war actually broke out he supported Lincoln and the Union cause. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 35.
Jews Accused of Being Civil War Cowards and Slackers, Profiteering Thieves, and as Southern Spies (1860-1865)
Maybe the anti-Semitism that erupts during every na-tional crisis was a factor. Jews were accused of being cowards and slackers. They were charged with profiteering. They were accused in the North of being spies for the South, and vice versa. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 35.
Jews Accused of Profiteering in Civil War by Ulysses S. Grant
It was on December 17, 1862, that Gen. Ulysses S. Grant issued his Order No. II: 'The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also departmental orders, are hereby expelled from the department within 24 hours from the receipt of this order. Post commanders will see that all of this class of people be furnished passes and required to leave, and any one returning after such noti-fication will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permit from headquarters.' --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 35.
The "department" referred to in the order was the Department of the Tennessee, comprising Tennessee, Missouri, and other Midwest and Southern states. In a word, all Jews-adults and children, innocent and guilty, Unionists and Confederates-were given twenty-four hours to pack and leave their homes, their businesses, their communities. The horrified American Jewish community poured a flood of letters and telegrams of protest into Washington. Cesar J. Kaskel of Paducah, Kentucky, led a protest delegation to see Lincoln. The B'nai B'rith lodge in St. Louis sent a resolution of protest to Washington. Dr. Wise, Dr. Lilienthal, and other leading rabbis came to the nation's capital and visited their Senators and Representatives, Army officers, and even the White House. And in the end President Lincoln, who was not familiar with the facts until these groups laid them before him, promptly ordered the hateful Grant command canceled. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 35
At this very time the chief of the War Department's Detective Bureau was Col. LaFayette Baker, notorious for his cruelty and ruthlessness. He had a young lawyer, Simon Wolf, arrested solely because he was a member of B'nai B'rith (a half century later he became president of the Order). Wolf was defending several Southern Jews arrested in Washington and charged with being Confederate spies, and it took the personal intervention of Secretary Stanton to effect his release. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 35.
In such an atmosphere most Jews were glad to shun the spotlight. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 36.
B'nai B'rith was not alone in this respect. The other Jewish organizations were similarly quiet during the war. The Board of Delegates of American Israelites, al-though it contained some bold and forceful members, held scarcely a meeting during the years of conflict, and limited its business to the discussion of Jewish issues. In the same way, B'nai B'rith went quietly about its work of philanthropy, education, and mutual aid. Indeed, during the Civil War the Order registered spec-tacular gains in membership. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 36.
Anti-Csarist and Anti-Western Marxist Jews Caused their Own Pograms and Expulsions from Russia
In a typical self-serving style, Author, Edward E. Grusd of B'nai B'rith Fails to Mention the Political Anti-Czarist and Anti-Western-European Marxist Jews Causing their Own Expulsions from Russia and Does Not Note that the Successful Assassination by Jews of Czar Alexander II in 1881 Started their Expulsion (Pogram)… --Comment by Norman V. Cousins, "Jews and Communism--How They Saw Themselves", USSR Background History Lecture Series, USA.
'"You should keep in mind that Jews tend to be highly selective in their publications and offer only what makes Jews look good and non-Jews look badly. This is seen again in Grusd's B'nai B'rith history. Although Marxist-Anarchist-Zionist Jews clearly assassinated Alexander II, Czar of Russia and were expelled for it, Grusd only says the Russians had an anti-Jewish pogram about that time. Of course, the real reason, was the murderous and cowardly assassination of the Czar of Christian Russia by Jewish groups committed to atheist leftism, along with years of anti-governmental political chaos in Russia perpetrated by Jewish which had been operating for years. Yet, Mr. Grusd's commentary says only, "Meanwhile the most important phenomenon in American Jewish history was under way: the beginning of the great immigration of Jews from eastern Europe, which during the next generation was to swell to millions and completely alter the character of American Jewry. President Bien gave notice of what was happening as early as 1880, a full year before the assassination of Czar Alex-ander II, which triggered the start of the flood tide. Even before then, the Jews in Russia were so persecuted that many were fleeing to western Europe and America." --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 88-89.
Comment by Jew Watch on Pograms: 'I believe that in Gusd's "B'nai Br'ith" the words "propaganda mill" and "dishonesty" are the appropriate words to describe Mr. Gusd's historical selectivity and blind-sightedness". --Mohammed von Goldstein, Librarian/Historian, with critical works published regularly in Jew Watch at jewwatch.com and quoted frequently across the Internet Worldwide.'
Immigration of Non-Christians in 1880's Helped by B'nai B'rith
The New York Sun … editorially declared the [B'nai B'rith] Order "has already been useful in transforming the immigrants of past periods . . . and the great increase of such immigration from Russia, Poland, and Rumania during recent years makes this work more necessary and more arduous." --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 102.
Jewish early monopolistic newspaper power translanted into a political appointment by President Hayes is seen in the life of Benjamin F. Peixotto, Editor of "Cleveland Plain-Dealer" and "The Menorah" of B'nai B'rith
A few months after the convention the Order suffered a severe loss in the death of Benjamin F. Peixotto. As his name indicates, he was of Sephardic origin and was not only one of the few non-German leaders of B'nai B'rith of his time, but the first native American to head the Order, having been born in New York (as had his father) in 1834. For several years he was associate editor of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer. After his return from Rumania, in 1876, President Rutherford B. Hayes appointed him United States Consul in Lyons, France. Corning home in 1885, he remained active in New York politics until his death. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 109.
Jewish Leftist Plot in Rumania Led to Trouble
In Rumania things went from bad to worse for the Jews, who had no citizenship rights, even though native-born. Almost none were wealthy, and how the lodges were able to maintain a network of schools would be a mystery if one were not aware of how desperately important education was to them. At one point a fanatical anti-Semite, who became Minister of Education, proposed that all Jewish children be barred from public schools. A B'nai B'rith delegation immediately obtained an audience with the President of the Ministry to protest the proposal, and it was postponed until the Cabinet fell. The new officials were more moderate, and the danger seemed over. But at the same time another anti-Semite tried to have the Government create a committee to "investigate" Rumanian Jewry to "protect" the nation against their "plots." The idea, of course, was to black-mail the Jews and extort large sums from them. Again the general committee of the District protested to the Government, this time to the Minister of Interior, who assured them the measure was aimed only at "foreign-ers. But the responsible press helped defeat the infamous plan. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 109.
New York Not Enough--Jewish Conspiracy to Extend Jewish Presence and Power to all States in the USA…
'Meanwhile, in America, the cooperation of B'nai B'rith and other groups with the Baron de Hirsch Fund resulted in the creation of an American Committee for Ameliorating the Condition of Russian Refugees. A plan was worked out to establish, throughout the country, job-placement bureaus and night schools for adults, and to provide tools for mechanics and others who could not find work without them. In addition, efforts were to be made to induce as many immigrants as possible to leave the overcrowded New York ghetto for communities in other states.
'"B'nai B'rith was active in all these measures and particularly the last, because it was the only Jewish organization that had units in practically every state in the Union. They engaged enthusiastically in this program. Few immigrants moved to the Deep South, but a great many settled in Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Baltimore, San Francisco, and elsewhere. Cincinnati's experience was typical.'" --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 109.
Rumanian Leftist Jews Brought to America in Gusd.
The Rumanian Aid Society was reorganized to bring it closer to B'nai B'rith in Europe and America, and Leo N. Levi was elected its chairman. During the first three years of the Removal Project work, nearly ten thousand immigrants were sent to more than five hundred communities. B'nai B'rith lodges were ordered to work together with other local agencies in helping them. "We are not seeking glory, but results," President Levi wrote the lodges. "If need be, let others have the place of honor, while we take the post of duty." As a result, immigrants found new lives not only in the big cities, but in scores of places like Cripple Creek, Colorado, Bloom-ington, Illinois, and Silver City, New Mexico. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 109.
Gusd's Calm Apology for Jewish Pimps in Jewish White Slave Trade To Make 'White Slavery' Seem All Right…
'It was this kind of latent strength that enabled the organization to strike a blow against one of the most horrible rackets of the time the white-slave traffic. Dur-ing the 1890's, taking advantage of the poverty and de-spair of the Jews in eastern Europe, an international syndicate began recruiting girls there for the brothels of North and South America. Depraved Jewish young men were hired to appear in the ghettos, well-dressed and ap-parently well off, to propose either marriage or job op-portunities in New York. Thus deceived, the girls were given boat tickets to New York or Latin American ports, where they were met by syndicate agents, and impressed into brothels. And to make matters even worse, if possible, it was charged that 'the Jews" were responsible. But an investigation by B'nai B'rith in Germany proved that the majority of the criminals were non-Jews.' --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 127..
Note by the historian, Mohammed von Goldstein at Jew Watch: The Investigation by B'nai B'rith into "White Slavery" by the Jews was, of course, pre-ordained from its bigotry against non-Jews to find non-Jews sharing guilt along with Jews within the Jewish White Slavery Trade conspiracy. This is a difficult task, since the girls were all Jewish. However, even today, in 1998, Jews in Israel are still operating the same white slavery scheme. See the Associated Press Article on Jewish White Slavery Operations where the New York Times story on Modern White Slavery in Israel by Michael Spector of January 11, 1998 and filed from Ramle, Israel appears in full. So much for Mr. Gusd's aura of Jewish truthfulness which again appears shoddy and ill-informed at best. As I have pointed out, anything to blame Jewish crimes on non-Jews seems all right to many Jewish historians. -Mohammed von Goldstein, Historian and Librarian at www.jewwatch.com.
Slick Apologists Picture of the Jewish White Slave Trade
NOTE: Grusd's B'nai B'rith Chapter 10, "New Century, New Issues," discusses Jews on White Slave Trade, saying the Jewish white slave trade went from 1902-1930 and still exists today, yet he says it most slickly and in a way that seems to make it palatable. - Mohammed von Goldstein, Historian and Librarian at www.jewwatch.com.
'In June, 1902, the German District committee on this subject held a conference in Hamburg, with representatives of other organizations, and an intensive program was undertaken. An expose' of the racket was sent to a long list of rabbis and community leaders in the coun-tries affected, many Jewish women from Germany went to eastern Europe to meet with heads of Jewish women's groups there, and the names and addresses of cooperat-ing Jewish leaders in cities throughout the Western world were distributed, so they could be contacted in case of need. This put a serious crimp in the white-slave business but did not end it, by any means, and it re-mained a problem on which B'nai B'rith worked even up to the 1930's. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 127.
Jews Killed at Kishinev, April 19, 1903 -- Used to Rabble Rouse Jews in New York City for Revolutionaries
But the cause celebre of Jewish life in the early years of the century was the Kishinev Massacre, on April 19, 1903 [where] forty-five [Jews] were killed and several hundred injured in a pogrom in the Russian territory of Bessarabia, one marvels at the worldwide passions it aroused. The Jewish East Side of New York burst into a continuing uproar of mass meetings and demonstrations; there were uncoordinated fund-raising campaigns, frenzied Yiddish press headlines, and denunciations of the entire Russian people and Government and the Orthodox Church.
--B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 135-136.
B'nai B'rith Founds ADL; Seeks to Force Shakespeare out of American Schools
[At] the 1908 meeting of the Order's Executive Committee, Rabbi Joseph Silverman of New York proposed that B'nai B'rith should establish an agency "for the defense of the Jewish name," to do something about the "stage Jew," and even about such things as the study of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice in the public schools. It was not until five years later that B'nai B'rith did just that by founding its Anti-Defamation League... --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, pp. 135-139.
ADL Founded in October 1913 by B'nai B'rith
The next great event was the founding of B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League. At the same Executive Committee meeting during which President Taft was given the B'nai B'rith Medal, it was decided to form a "National Caricature Committee" for the purpose of "eliminating the caricaturing and ridiculing of the Jew in literature, art, drama, and the press." By October, President Kraus was ready to announce the formal crea-tion of the Anti-Defamation League, with a committee of a hundred prominent Jewish leaders from coast to coast to launch its work. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 140.
ADL Beginnings--Anti-Semitism as Earliest and Wrong Argument by B'nai B'rith to End Freedom of Expression
Note: Ironically, the ADL visits movie houses and TV networks to ask them to stop using caricatures of Jews. However, the movie "Rosewood" which presented all whites in the movie as goons, alcoholics, and murderous persons does NOT receive an ADL visit, nor did "Independence Day" which portrayed an Earth visited by genocidal aliens and saved by a Jew and a Negro with the white anti-hero portrayed as a degenerate and stupid alcoholic who claimed to have been raped by aliens and who was so drunk he could not even spray the right farm field from a small airplane. --Comment by Mohammed von Goldstein. See Jewish Intellectual Assault.
ADL Formed by B'nai B'rith Lodges to Threaten Non-Jews Who Did Not Cooperate in Not Reporting the News about Jewish Plots from the Left Worldwide
From the beginning B'nai B'rith made it clear that the ADL, while it was organized to defend the Jewish people, had the long-range goal of working for the rights and dignity of all peoples, in the spirit of the Order's Constitution. Mr. Kraus put it this way in his original announcement of the founding of the League in October, 1913:
The immediate object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience, and if necessary by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike, and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens.
The tentative original name, "National Caricature Committee," indicates the nature of anti-Semitism in 1913. The Jew was widely caricatured in the press, in cartoons, in the movies, on the stage. He was depicted as a repulsive and sinister fellow, always engaged in lying, cheating, and plotting. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York.
Jewish Intellectual Assault and Intimidation of Non-Jewish Citizenry--Comment By Norman V. Cousins
"ADL method of intimidation began in 1909, when the ADL was founded and has been used as a terrorist tactic against non-Jews ever since. On many occasions, what the ADL referred to as anti-Semitism was nothing more than people having read and repeated truthful information concerning current and historical events. Even if the message was based on truth, the ADL went to work to destroy the Freedom of Speech of the Messenger. Let us look at the writings of Gusd on B'nai B'rith's ADL mission indicating this in words which are formed to make the process of destroying free expression of ideas to be an evil and not a good as, in almost all other discussions, it is so considered." ["Discussing The History of the ADL," footnotes on Jewry's obvious objectives against all Christendom, prepared by Norman V. Cousins, April 17, 1998. ] See Jewish Intellectual Assault.
Note How the ADL Immediately Began Intellectual Assault Against America's Non-Jewish Citizens
Using the Methods Proven by the New York Jewish Mafia
Visits--Threats--Economic Repraisal--Boycott--Defamation of Uncooperative Citizens
All very much like the way the Soviet Union was run
And also by Jews
"So the task the ADL set for itself was a twofold one: to fight overt expressions of anti-Semitism, and to educate the public, so far as possible, to the truth about the Jews. Actually, the word "fight" is too strong a term for its early efforts. The approach to an editor, a public speaker, a theater manager, a businessman, or anyone else who had held up the Jew to ridicule was quiet, private, polite. There were no Jewish demonstrations, picket lines, threats, or boycotts, or even public exposures. The ADL representatives always gave the offender the benefit of any doubt. But they let him know how harmful his thoughtless expressions had been to millions of innocent fellow Americans. They were confident he would not repeat them. And in the great majority of cases he admitted the ADL was right; he was sorry and said it would never happen again. In fact, some of his best friends were Jews. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 151. See Jewish Intellectual Assault.
"As you can see, the ADL's penchant for destroying lives under the aegis of protecting Jews from openness of discussion is a time-worn expression of the ADL perspective, a perspective which places Jewry at the top pinnacle of the pyramid and non-Jews at the very bottom. The idea seems to be, if the ideas expressed in any way make Jews look bad, whether truthful or non-truthful, the messenger must be destroyed. The threat of boycotts and picket lines and public exposures, all of which are designed to create 'domestic terror' aimed at the 'offender' is calculated to stifle freedom of expression in a free nation. ["Discussing The History of the ADL," footnotes on Jewry's obvious objectives against all Christendom, prepared by Norman V. Cousins, April 17, 1998. ] See Jewish Intellectual Assault.
Mohammed von Goldstein on ADL terrorism against Christendom:
In my opinion, the ADL seeks often to intimidate a "transgressor's" friends or economic acquaintances to get the ADL's way, most likely approaching a person's boss, customers, vendors, bank, etc., with the threat of boycott or some other method in what most persons would consider a terrorist act or, if done between nations, an act of warfare…. Most likely, these are indicative of the methods in Russia and Europe which ingratiated leftist/activist Jews to their neighbors and resulted in pograms against them. Pograms are, in many ways, an answer to the individualized pograms against dissenters of Jewish causes by the ADL. -Mohammed von Goldstein, Librarian/Historian, for comments at jewwatch.com, edited August 5, 1998.
ADL's Acts of War Against Freedom of Speech a la Edward Grusd with a commentary on this type of ADL terrorism against Christendom by Mohammed von Goldstein.…
When an offender [anti-Semite] became a backslider, the ADL con-tacted him again, and that usually closed the case. When he was defiant, other methods had to be used. Sometimes the man had business associates or friends who were willing to help him see the light. When a "Jew-ish comedian" refused to alter an insulting act, the ADL appealed to the theater manager. There was no boycott. But Jews soon hear about such things, and they are 'very' Sensitive, and that affects box-office sales. In some cases, of course, nothing availed, and the ADL had to admit failure. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 151.
Note by Mohammed von Goldstein, August 5, 1998-"Thus, the ADL, as Mr. Grusd says on page 151 of his apology for ADL many sins against Christians since 1843, has described how the ADL has systematically terrorized those Christians who have dared to see Jewish history differently from the ADL transgressors, to point out aspects of Jewish economic behavior which the ADL did not wish the rest of Christendom to notice, and to stifle many observations about Jews which many persons take note of day-by-day. The terrorist method of the ADL was 'economic deprivation' to destroy freedom of speech. The method is that of the Jewish Mafia coming into a man's business and demanding quietly and with threat of 'bad things to happen' if things are not done differently from now on. Such shameful ADL behavior is anathema to a free society, because it trammels upon the Bill of Rights and is, obviously, a hate crime against all of Christendom, for if one person in the Body of Christ is attacked and is not righteously avenged, then the entire body's existence is threatened. In my opinion, the ADL's threats work, because Christians do not stand up for themselves like the Jews do. This passive, non-reactional method needs to be changed once and for all. - Mohammed von Goldstein, August 5, 1998."
The Censorship Fanatic who confronted the bosses of anti-Jewish Christians in order to destroy them financially and to enforce Jewish will upon them, Sigmund Livingston, became ADL 1st President.
B'nai B'rith had been doing ADL work long before it founded the ADL. Most of the work was handled by an alert young lawyer from Bloomington, Illinois, who had settled in Chicago and risen to the presidency of District No 6. His name was Sigmund Livingston, and as chair-man of what was called the Publicity Committee of his District he compiled an impressive record of successes in coping with anti-Jewish expressions of all kinds. He was consequently named the first chairman of the ADL…. --B'NAI B'RITH: The Story of a Covenant, by Edward E. Grusd, Pro-Jewish Editor of National Jewish Monthly, Appleton-Century/Affiliate of Meredith Press, 1966, New York, p. 151.
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