Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Zionists Target Children In Porn Campaign

They Use Puppets To Create Interest In Children

A Christian Porn Site

Pastor Craig Gross Does Skits For Children

One Of Their Videos

Getting Access To Grammar Schools

Their approach is they are teaching children the evils of porn. They want the churches to let them speak to the children.

Aging Zionist Porn Star

Ron Jeremy and fuzzy sidekick "Pete the Porno Puppet" – a creation of a Christian church organization – are teaming up for a series of coming television commercials intended to keep children away from pornography.

"We don't want kids to see our videos," Jeremy tells the puppet in his public service announcements.

Porn Producers Care About Children

Porn producer James "Jimmy D" Digorgio to encourage kids to stay away from pornography.

Played On Children Channels

The Jimmy D-and-Pete commercials ran on cable television with great success, so Craig Gross, who produces the commercials and also founded and pastors the online church to reach out to Christians who struggle with pornography.

Craig Gross Is The Pastor

"Everyone in the adult industry will say they don't want kids to access porn, but at the end of the day, many aren't willing to put their money where their mouth is," Gross told WND.

Reverse Psychology

Another "Pete" commercial asks, "Listen kids, have you gone in your daddy's closet and found a bunch of magazines with naked mommies in them? Did this make your feel yucky inside?"

A Float Of A 25' Penis

These Zionist reformers brought Wally the Weiner, a 25-foot long penis to the Westwinds Community Church's "Porn Weekend."

Is Gross And His Church A Fraud?

Some of the regular churches are beginning to call Pastor Gross a fraud, and his message nonsense. The Pastor Says; "I can't measure our success, but the one thing I know is that whether you agree or disagree with our methods or motives, if it gets people talking about the issues, we're good."

Gross says the minute-long commercials, which can be seen at, are not geared toward children so much as they are meant to emphasize parents' responsibilities.

On College Campuses

The pastor debates with the porn star Ron Jeremy about the pros and cons of porn, the joy of self fulfillment, and the pleasure of porn. He related to 'Portnoy's complaint', Phil Rothstein's book about the Jewish teen discovering their sexuality, the Matriarchal desires, and masturbation.

When asked if he fantasized while rumpling through the clothes hamper, Ron would get a glint in his eye, and giggle.

Colleges Invite These Clowns

The two also debate the issue of pornography on college campuses around the United States in events sponsored by Wolfman Productions.

The young males get tips on sex from Jeremy, who has slept with over 4,000 girls.

Is It 1933 Again

The Weimar inflation, and the onslaught of Zionist porn is what really through German Christians behind Hitler.

Screwing With Children's Minds

First of all, what eight yr old is thinking about sex? Telling them to look in their father's closet for his stash of porn magazines.

In 1935 Adolph Hitler passed the Nuremberg Laws, which focused on curbing the Zionist's campaigns of sexual deviances, that were aimed at the families of Germany.

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