Wednesday, 25 July 2007


The Armenian Holocaust Of 1915

The Armenian Cleansing

Judeo/Turks Killed 1,500,000 Christians

The Zionists Kill The Intellectuals

The Christians Were Sent To Death Camps

Judeo/Turks Display Their Trophies

The 'Young Turks' Were The Leaders Of The Revolution

Emmanuele Carasso Was The Leader

Jews Are Outraged

A delegation of Turkish Jews, headed by Silvyo Ovadyadelegation, lobbied against a resolution under consideration in the U.S. Congress, that would recognize the 1915 massacres of Armenians as genocide.

They attended this week's AIPAC policy conference and met with Jewish leaders as well as members of Congress.

They Fear The Truth

Holocaust scholars want this massacre carried out by Ottoman-era Judeo Turks, labeled as a genocide, and taught in public schools. Ovadya said the resolution would harm relations between the United States and its closest Muslim ally, Turkey, which America needs to invade Iran

The Last Sultan

Abdülhamid II was the 35th sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He ruled from August 31, 1876 until he was deposed on April 27, 1909.

The Revolution

They called it the "Committee of the Union and Progress Party", but it was another Bolshevik swindle.

Atrocities Committed By Zionists

The so-called Young Turk movement that was blamed for the bulk of anti-Armenian atrocities was dominated by Jews. To the extent that there were massacres of Armenians, they were essentially a massacre of Christians by Jews.

At the head of the genocide was a Jew named Mehmed Talat

Mehmed Talat

The Genocide-Revolution Financed By Zionists

Talaat's Finance Minister was another Jew Djavid Bey who arranged the finances of revolution in Turkey with Jewish banks abroad.

The Founder Of The 'Young Turks'

A lawyer, and a Jewish Italian B'nai B'rith official, named Emmanuel Carasso was the founder.

Committee of Union and Progress

Another leader was Refik Bey, who in 1939 was Prime Minister of Turkey under the name Refik Saydam.

Vladimir Jabotinsky

Jabotinsky arrived in Turkey shortly after the Young Turks seized power, to take over all the newspapers.

The Armenian Revolution Was Just A Zionist Scam

This was no different than 1918 Russia, or 2003 Iraq, it's all about Zionist world control. These aren't elite revolutionaries, they are simple Con-Artists. In Armenia their key group, the Committee of Union and Progress, instigated a revolt, and deposed the Sultan. They killed the intelligentsia, and deported the Christians to die in desert death camps.

Today it's Iraq, tomorrow it's Iran, and eventually it will be America. The economic collapse will foster a revolution, and the Zionists will squash those involved, and send them to the camps.


By Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Enlarged Second Edition
Complete 575 page book is available
by clicking here for the free PDF file (3.8 MB)

Mark Dankof interviews Christopher Jon Bjerknes on RBN about Armenian Genocide
July 18, 2007
Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3

Rev. Bedros Hajian interviews Christopher Jon Bjerknes about the book
"The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians"
June 5, 2007
Audio File of the Interview (6.5MB)
Video of the Interview on Google

Rev. Bedros Hajian's second interview with Christopher Jon Bjerknes
June 18, 2007
Audio File of the Interview (6.5MB)
Video of the Interview on Google


1 Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide

    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Jews, Crypto-Jews and Freemasons—The Means
    1.3 The Armenian Holocaust and the Battle of Armageddon—The Opportunity
    1.4 From Herzl to Malcolm, Zionists Betray the Armenians
    1.5 Blotting Out the Armenian Amalekites—The Motive
2 The Genocidal "Young Turks" Were Zionist Crypto-Jews
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Jews Foment Wars of Extermination and Genocidal Revolutions
    2.3 Jewish Bankers Destroyed the Turkish Empire
    2.4 Talaat Pasha, Djavid Bey, Ataturk, Etc., Were Jews
3 Rothschild, King of the Jews
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 The Rothschild Plan to Take Palestine
    3.3 Cabalistic Jews Calling Themselves Christian Condition the British to Assist in Their Own Demise-Rothschild Makes an Open Bid to Become the Messiah
    3.4 The "British-Israel" Deceit
    3.5 For Centuries, England is Flooded with Warmongering Zionist Propaganda
    3.6 As a Good Cabalist Jew, David Hartley Conditions Christians to Welcome Martyrdom for the Sake of the Jews
    3.7 Jewish Revolutionaries and Napoleon the Messiah Emancipate the Jews
    3.8 Hitler Accomplishes for the Zionists What Napoleon Could Not
    3.9 Zionists Develop a Strategy Which Culminates in the Nazis and the Holocaust as Means to Attain the "Jewish State"
4 Mordecai Manuel Noah
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Noah in 1818
    4.3 Noah in 1837
    4.4 Noah in 1844