Friday, 6 July 2007

It's Now The People Vs The Government

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." --Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C.

The title of this column is a caption from a recent CNN poll news item which contained some extraordinary comments from poltroons like Jon Kyl of Arizona, a counterfeit U.S. Senator who sold out the people of Arizona and these united states of America with his solid support of lawlessness and the recently defeated amnesty bill. Kyl is quoted in the aforementioned: "It is a sad commentary in America today that many Americans have lost faith in their government," Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Arizona, said. He added, "Americans don't believe that their government is representing them, is acting on their behalf. The polls show it."

And, whose fault is that Kyl? This news item says it's come down to the people vs the government: "It was a bipartisan bill, supported by President Bush and by most Democrats in Congress. Why didn't it pass? Because the people didn't like it." That's right, the American people by a margin of some 68-72% were demanding its defeat. If ever there was a reason for one state to take up a challenge of the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment, it is Arizona. Unless and until the states finally decide they want back their rightful and equal power, the federal machine will continue stomping on them in pursuit of dissolving America and absorbing US into one region of world government with Mexico and Canada. Back in April 2004, Zell Miller [D-GA], a former counterfeit U.S. Senator recommended rescinding the Seventeenth Amendment. You can't rescind a law that does not exist and the Seventeenth Amendment absolutely, clearly and without question was never ratified by the states of the Union.

The warnings have been placed right in front of our faces regarding how the shadow government intends to deal with we the people taking back our government:

"1987: Then U.S. Attorney General William French Smith blew the whistle on a fairly low ranking Marine officer by the name of Oliver North. According to Smith, Lt. Col. Oliver North directly helped draft a plan in 1984 to impose martial law in the United States in the event of an emergency. This secret plan would suspend the U.S. Constitution and turn over control of the government to the little known agency at that time: FEMA. This plan would appoint military commanders to run state and local governments. Implementation of this plan would have been triggered by violent and wise spread internal dissent, disagreement with government policy or national opposition to any U.S. military invasion abroad. Essentially, it amounted to a complete and total suspension of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

"Investigators who uncovered this plan believe that between 1983 - 1986, North's office was the 'central command center' for this informal secret structure which involved more than the illegal sale of arms to Iran and illegal funding of the underground war in Nicaragua under President Ronald Reagan. "Lifers" in the military were shocked, saying at the time that no Lt. Colonel is ever given the kind of power North was apparently given within this secret structure. So great was his authority, he could have the orbits of sophisticated satellites altered to follow Soviet ships around the world or launch high-flying spy aircraft on secret missions. Some even compared this whole operation as eerily similar to the one portrayed in the movie, Clear and Present Danger, starring Harrison Ford (1994).

"North wasn't alone in this secret structure. Others included Reagan's closest advisers: U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, CIA Director William Casey and National Security Adviser William Clark. Congressional investigators at the time were shocked by how far along this secret structure and planning had progressed. Arthur Liman, who was the chief counsel of the Senate's Iran-Contra committee stated in a memo that Oliver North was at the center of what he called a "secret government within a government." Prior to those hearings, Liman wrote that a policy decision made at the highest levels during the Iran Contra scandal "...reveals the whole secret government within a government, operated from the Executive Office Building by a lieutenant colonel with its own army, air force, diplomatic agents, intelligence operatives and appropriations capacity."

And: "The next real war we fight is likely to be on American soil.
Our civilian-military face-off"

"One startling quote in this article is from Admiral Stanley Arthur, Commander of U.S. naval forces during the Gulf War, where he says, "Today the armed forces are no longer representative of the people they serve. More and more, enlisted as well as officers are beginning to feel they are special, better than the society they serve."

"When you turn to page two of this story, the headlines read, "Bill of Rights no obstacle for the Corps." Another disturbing quote jumps out at you, "Because of the rising potential for civil disobedience within the inner cities it is 'inevitable' the U.S. military will be employed more often within American borders." Timothy Reeves, The U.S. Marine Corps and Domestic Peacekeeping, a paper written at the Marine Command and Staff Colleges. Why the concern that there is a potential for civil disobedience by Americans? Where did this come from? I can make an educated guess based on my 14 years of research. In case no one has noticed, the bulk of our population is being forced into these big inner cities whose infrastructures are unable to sustain such masses.

"Further into this shocking story: "...Major Reeves notes, when faced with violating doctrine or violating the law, some Marines chose the latter course and detained suspects and conducted warrantless searches. Indeed, with characteristic Marine Corps bluntness, the major states that, "in interviews with Marine officers involved in domestic peacekeeping missions with officers responsible for articulating the Marine Corps' policy on domestic peacekeeping, it became apparent to the author that Marines took whatever action was necessary. At times, these actions required Marines to violate U.S. law.

"Similarly, Marine Capt. Guy Miner reported in the Gazette that Marine intelligence units were initially worried by the need to collect intelligence on U.S. citizens, which would violate a 1981 Executive Order, but that "this inhibition was quickly overcome...." And to chill you even further, "To enable the Marines to execute these new domestic missions in the same way that they do abroad, Major Reeves calls for major alternations in U.S. laws. "Experience from the Los Angeles riots," he warns, "demonstrated the need to grant U.S. Marine forces the legal right to detain vehicles and suspects, conduct arrests, searches and seizures in order to accomplish the peacekeeping mission." Now, do national IDs and driver's licenses take on a new meaning?" Click here to view the actual newspaper. Anyone paying attention to the paramilitarization of local police in this country and the destruction of Habeas Corpus can see this 1997 revelation wasn't just some exercise in word smiting.

From one of my columns, January 17, 2004 one can see the plan to ram world communism down our throats:

"Take a good look at this map published in the Denver Post, August 30, 1992, a mere four months before Bush, Sr. signed the unconstitutional NAFTA treaty into law December 17, 1992. This map is not some academic exercise. This IS what's on the horizon for US if the people of this nation don't mobilize. What you're seeing with this latest, grotesque proposal by Bush, Jr., has everything to do with building a new world order (global governance), redistributing the wealth of our nation into the hands of illegals and riffraff from all over the world." I published that information about this map in one of my old newsletters back in 1995 trying to warn Americans.

The people v the people

Not only do the American people see the complete and total failure of the Democrat controlled Congress and the real agenda of Bush and his minions, they are also coming to understand the big picture: world wide communist domination. Unfortunately, due to the corrosive, toxic messages out there brain washing Americans and the deliberate dumbing down of children in the government's indoctrination centers they call schools, we the people are also being pitting against one another in a massive ideological battle. Let me give you two examples, the first is a column by a Carolyn Baker, where she states:

"Franklin Roosevelt's stellar accomplishment in the engineering of New Deal policies was the emphasis on "purchasing power" for average Americans...The author goes on to point out the "feminization" of American society during the Great Depression, noting that "The self-centered, aggressive, competitive 'male' ethic of the 1920s was discredited. Men who lost their jobs became dependent in ways that women had been thought to be." Yet it was not only in loss of jobs that men became more "feminized."

"Whenever any individuals, male or female, join to create community in a spirit of cooperation, they are "feminizing", for the feminine principle is above all, relational-a concept inherent in the traditions of many indigenous peoples. It is this kind of joining that characterized the Great Depression era and to which we must aspire as we build economic, emotional, and spiritual lifeboats for the daunting journey ahead."

What drivel. This woman is promoting the communitarian doctrine - communism. Has she never read history? FDR's New Deal - a "stellar accomplishment" was focused around "purchasing power" for Americans? How about the opinion of people who were actually there at the time? "The New Deal will bring the Communist Party within striking distance of overthrow of the American form of government..." Arthur Henning, Chicago Tribune. "This may be the last presidential election America will have. The New Deal is to America what the early phase of Nazism was to Germany..." Mark Sullivan, Buffalo Evening News. The "feminine principle" is above all? God save us from these females. What she really needs to do is read Nancy Levant's superb columns on the rot of feminism. Better yet, Baker needs to read Nancy's book, The Cultural Devastation of American Women.

Example: A recent column by a woman named Caroline Arnold calling for Americans to: "...declare our independence from "the works of death, desolation, and tyranny," and from "the circumstances of cruelty and perfidy" that led to them."

And how does Ms. Arnold believe this should be done? By restoring democracy and getting rid of handguns. That's right, disarm the American people. That will surely bring us independence and freedom from tyranny! Apparently Ms. Arnold has never read a single word by Patrick Henry, has zero understanding of how gun control is nothing more than people control and she clearly ignores the fact that you cannot have freedom and liberty without an armed population. It's for certain that Ms. Arnold has ZERO understanding of the Second Amendment. She also doesn't even know our legal form of government; we are not a democracy. Each state of the Union is guaranteed a republican form of government, not a democracy. It is these types of dangerous ideas that are pitting Americans against each other: those of us who understand and stand for the Constitution and those who pump out nonsense and toxic waste. One can only hope that Americans who are genuinely concerned about the downfall of this republic don't fall for the propaganda above and seek the truth through historical documentation.

We the people had a huge victory last week in defeating the formidable forces arrayed against us for passage of the grotesque amnesty bill, but the evil doers will be back, make no mistake about it. We must continue to target Congress in between their vacations, demand enforcement of existing immigration laws and go after employers who hire illegals. Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano finally found her guts and signed the strongest legislation against employers hiring illegal aliens in the nation. About time, lady.

We must also demand passage of House Concurrent Resolution 40 to stop the North American Union. Demand Congress get rid of the so-called Patriot Act, the dangerous John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, and National Security Presidential Directive No. 51. We must demand this police state being erected is torn down. As Dr. Edwin Vieira so articulately writes in his scholarly columns, we MUST get one state to reconstitute the militias under the authority of the state legislatures.

It goes without saying that Congress - unless Ron Paul gets elected - will never touch getting rid of the FED, the IRS and the withholding scam. However, the states themselves can and must adopt a sound money bill; see link below. We must continue to go for the jugular, expose the players and be relentless until we drive these America haters out of our political arena and control of our state and federal governments. We must continue demanding the state legislatures get rid of ALL electronic ballot machines and return to paper ballots, hand counted in the precincts in front of the general public or we will NEVER get rid of these traitors who have we the people by the throat - and that includes - -
the mayors in this country selling US out.


Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Devvy belongs to no organization.

She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Her web site ( contains a tremendous amount of information, solutions and a vast Reading Room.


Before you send Devvy e-mail, please take the time to check the FAQ section on her web site. It is filled with answers to frequently asked questions and links to reliable research sources.

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