Monday, 13 June 2005

1919 Holocaust

Now in our time, Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblum of the Jerusalem Post

Holocaust More Important Than God

‘When otherwise sane and intelligent people affirm nonsense, it behooves us to inquire into the reason. Falling into that category is the recent finding by the American Jewish Committee that American Jews believe anti-Semitism is a greater threat than intermarriage by a margin of 57 percent to 38 percent.

‘The professed fear of resurgent anti-Semitism goes hand-in-hand with the elevation of the Holocaust to the defining element in Jewish self-identity. All surveys of American Jewry place the Holocaust way ahead of any other factor in Jewish self-identity. Between 75 percent and 85 percent of American Jews rate the Holocaust as a very important factor in their sense of themselves as Jews, far higher than belief in God, Torah or Israel.

‘We focus on the Holocaust as the defining event in Jewish history...’