I would like to welcome you to twenty first century America. America is all government, all the time. Not government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’. No, America is now government over the people and the people had better shut the hell up or else. The else is secret detention!
America, you are being watched, you are being tracked, and you are being searched. Your telephones, your cell phones, your computers, your banking, your investments, your employment, your library transactions, where you shop, where you eat, and where you sleep. You are no longer secure in your own homes, your homes are open to invasion by the homeland police! There are at least 100 different policing agencies that can and will gain access to you and everything that you are. They do not have to inform you and they do not need a warrant. Welcome to twenty first century post 9/11/01 America. Isn’t it great? Are you feeling safer? How do you like being monitored?
Your cars and trucks are being kept under surveillance and they are being tracked. Your gifts to charities are monitored. America can’t have any humanitarian assistance going to those gad danged terrorist Islamists. Gad danged terrorist Islamists, look what you’ve done.
America, you can’t cash a check anymore unless you are on an approved government checklist. Businesses must inform the government of ANY suspicious activity and that is to include cashing checks. You can’t buy an airline ticket to travel unrestricted anywhere you want in America or the world. You must be searched, your person and your luggage. You must be screened, sniffed, frisked, made to remove your shoes, give answers to at least fifteen different security assessment threat profile and index questions, and if you are an American female, you must have your breasts searched. America can’t have those gad danged terrorist Islamist females hiding terrorist devices or worse using their breasts.
Americans can no longer go to a concert, the theater, drag racing, football, basketball, baseball, hockey (that is when the hockey players aren’t locked out of their sport by greed driven owners), an in general public event, not without your face and person being computer digitized and analyzed. Your mug will be compared and run through a government super computer to check the government’s lists of suspected persons. We can’t have those gad danged terrorist Islamists showing up at a NASCAR event.
If your name is on one of the government’s lists, they don’t have to tell you about it or inform you of it. National security, top secret, classified, eyes only, and don’t ask because the government is not going to tell you anyway. The government will however, snatch your sorry and bony ass up and away. The government doesn’t have to say word one to your family, friends, close acquaintances, business associates, vague remembrances, distant cousins, ministers, or just about anyone else that might possibly be concerned if you are missing or otherwise.
This is Gulag Bushwald. Fortress and prison America. Secure from those gad danged terrorist Islamists. You can snitch on your friends and become a special buddy of the Gulag Bushwald staff. You can snitch on your enemies and become an extra special buddy of the Gulag Bushwald staff. Gulag Bushwald is everywhere. Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Mexico, Britain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Turkey, and even right here in the good old U.S. of A.. The C.I.A. has a very secret and very special jet plane that will provide you accommodations and travel to a secret destination that only the government knows about. You will never know where the destination is or if you will ever get out.
This is Gulag Bushwald where torture is king. Torture that is approved and sanctioned by the government of the United States of America. This is Gulag Bushwald where electrodes can and will be applied to sensitive parts of your body and then the voltage will be generated to those electrodes. Have you ever heard the phrase “dancing like a chicken?” If you are ever a very special guest of the government, you will learn what the phrase is all about. This is Gulag Bushwald where attack dogs will become your worst nightmare. Do you have any issues with German Shepherds? Do you have any issues with Rottweilers? Do you have any issues with being stripped naked and then piled on top of a bunch of other naked people, just for laughs?
This is Gulag Bushwald where physical torture can and will take on so many different forms. Beaten with a rubber hose, beaten with a nightstick, kicked in and around the face and neck, and then covered with human filth. This is Gulag Bushwald where the government can and does control your sleep cycles. Not too much sleep as an hour is too much and ten minutes is even more so. This is Gulag Bushwald where the government is going to feed you but, you are never going to know what it is that the government is feeding you. The food might be rotten or the food might not be food at all.
This is Gulag Bushwald where dissent and political expression is never tolerated. This is Gulag Bushwald and “our glorious leader” wears the Holy Name. This is Gulag Bushwald and the Evangelical Christian Church not only supports “our glorious leader” but, they worship the very ground that “our glorious leader” walks upon. This is Gulag Bushwald and “our glorious leader” has been anointed by God Almighty Himself, to be ruler and king for life. God Almighty Himself has anointed “our glorious leader” to be the Holy Warrior and render God’s Holy Vengeance on those gad danged terrorist Islamists. Gad danged terrorist Islamists, see what you have done?
This is Gulag Bushwald and Fortress the Prison America was attacked by those gad danged terrorist Islamists. Even though “our glorious leader” knew all about the attack, “our glorious leader” allowed the 9/11/01 attack to happen because if it hadn’t, America couldn’t have Gulag Bushwald. It was all part of the vision “our glorious leader” had for America.
This is Gulag Bushwald in waiting. Waiting on the Apocalypse and the Second Coming. This is Gulag Bushwald and those gad danged terrorist Islamists, gays and lesbians, Democrats, immigrants, and anyone else that falls short of the official sanction of the government, will be incarcerated in Gulag Bushwald. Kept incommunicado for life or until the Second Coming, then you know who returns to hand over the keys to the kingdom and Gulag Bushwald to those that have been saved by the rapture. They are the very special anointed people that only the government knows about. “Our glorious leader” and his very special advisers and friends, corporate friends and Congressional buddies, lifetime pals and associates.
This then is twenty first century post 9/11/01 Gulag Bushwald and former United States of America. What a sad and tragic turn of events. The American people, the newly interned residents of Gulag Bushwald were so preoccupied with the business of selfish indulgence. The American people were so preoccupied with the mindless drivel on television. The American people weren’t so preoccupied with the genocide on those gad danged terrorist Islamists, the American people ignored it altogether.
They’re all terrorist Islamists, aren’t they? The government says that they are. You know, the Muslims. Aren’t they those gad danged terrorist Islamists?
There is only one way out of Gulag Bushwald, join the military and go fight those gad danged terrorist Islamists. Fight in the Gulag Bushwald’s never ending war. You, your children, your children’s children, and that is your only way of escape from Gulag Bushwald. The government needs your body but, not your mind. Just follow orders, pull those triggers, and kill those gad danged terrorist Islamists. “Our glorious leader” would have it no other way.
You may think that I am being overly facetious and sarcastic. Read PATRIOT Acts I and II. Read the legislation that created the newest remake of our nation’s intelligence agencies. Welcome to twenty first century America and the Gulag Bushwald.
by Don Nash, Unknown News
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