Monday, 26 February 2007

Israel brings Apartheid to New Jersey!

While the Zionist State of Israel uses violent means to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning to Palestine, "Amana – The Settlement Movement" will host a real estate fair in New Jersey to recruit more colonizers to illegally occupy Palestinian land in the West Bank. The event announcement declares: "Come learn how you, a group of friends or even a community can own a home and strengthen the Zionist dream." Israel brings Apartheid to New Jersey!


  1. Zionism echoes America's shameful belief and promotion of manifest destiny. I wish that the people of Israel would learn compassion so that all men might have a chance at least to live in peace. There is no future that is totally inescapable. Our attitudes and beliefs generate our destinies'. Let us all seek to emulate the tolerance present in our religious texts if not the love that is expressed. Palestinians are being trodden upon by Zionists as "the Jews" were trodden upon by Nazi's. Let us seek to rise above this way of thinking. Empathy is the key. Zionists do not have to LOVE Palestinians they only need tolerate and respect them as human beings. Peace.
